The Atlantic Council recently released a policy paper on its website titled: “The Longer Telegram: Toward a new American China Strategy”. The paper raised a firestorm of controversy due to it asserting that US policy should aim to remove China’s paramount leader Xi Jinping from political power. The idea that Xi’s removal would leader to a more democratic China under Communist Party rule is nonsense. His removal would ultimately enable the return to power of the Jiang Zemin faction of China’s Communist Party, which has worked closely with the US and European branches of the Deep State in suppressing the public release of thousands of advanced technologies.
The Atlantic Council’s “Longer Telegram” needs to be understood to be part of a Deep State attempt to remove prominent members of an “Earth Alliance” that threaten to bring about a global revolution by removing corrupt officials from political office and releasing advanced technologies. The Deep State, feeling emboldened by its apparent success in removing President Donald Trump from political power, is now targeting another prominent member of the Earth Alliance.
In this Exopolitics Today podcast, Dr. Michael Salla analyzes why the Deep State feels threatened by what Xi and other world leaders are doing, and how the release of advanced technologies would enable humanity to join a Galactic Federation that is secretly working with the Earth Alliance. Podcast is available on Rumble, YouTube and Spotify.
Atlantic Council Paper is available here.
Written by Dr Michael Salla on .
[Note: Info about February 27 Webinar, “Earth Alliance, Full Disclosure and the Coming Global Revolution” is available here or to register click the banner]
Very recently, the White Hats gained a decisive advantage due to the widespread public exposure of Deep State plans to socially engineer a Great Reset through systemic election interference, a staged pandemic, social media censorship, and worldwide suppression of civil liberties. The failure of the Deep State’s plans will have major consequences for the repressive political systems of client countries such as China, Iran, and North Korea that were infiltrated decades ago by the Deep State and manipulated.
Key political leaders in the Earth Alliance include Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi who have been covertly collaborating to bring about the demise of the Deep State both in their respective countries and across the globe.
They are being helped by a positive group of extraterrestrials called the “Galactic Federation” (aka Confederation of Planets), which has been working for decades to raise human consciousness. The Galactic Federation has also been stalwartly working with key players such as the Trump family for generations to promote and ensure the optimal timeline and to bring about a Great Awakening and a Global Revolution that will result in humanity’s emergence as a full member of the Galactic community.
Length: 4 hours (Presentation with Q&A at the end)
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