February 22, 2021
NSA sources are telling us the next thing the criminal regime is planning is food shortages. The NSA notes:
1) Small farms shutting down world-wide.
2) Over 1,000 ships off our coast with food as the FDA keeps them out at sea; allowing the food to rot,
3) China is outbidding everyone for food worldwide as their crops fail,
4) This NASA-created freeze is not allowing food shipments across the nations; USA, Europe, etc.
Furthermore, the NSA notes railroads are sitting idle so trucks must
pick up the slack meaning shipping costs went from $1,000 per container
to $10,000 per container from Seattle to Chicago. They note the same
trouble in Japan as ports need constant upgrades due to shaking. To top
things off, they say “Biden is shipping USA Grain Reserves to China
The cabal has also been tearing down power substations in the U.S.
for years “so a 3-hour power outage becomes a 3-week power outage,” the
sources note. They say what happened in Texas was “just a foretaste.”
In addition to economic sabotage, the Cabal is now promoting multiple space missions to gather money.
Now let us look at a recent snapshot of some of the moronic policies
the Cabal is trying to impose on the world. For one thing, they are
still harping endlessly about Iran and its so-called “nuclear bomb.”
Here for example is a Mossad linked Debka comment saying “the blank
wall reached by President Joe Biden’s policy for re-engaging Iran in
nuclear diplomacy is that his advisers could not get together on a
strategy for stalling its progress towards a bomb.” This is the same BS
they have been repeated endlessly for over 30 years.
Of course, if you take a look at Iranian leaders wearing their sheep
masks, you can tell Iran is also just a cabal colony playing their role
in trying to get us all to kill each other in WWIII.
In Israel meanwhile, the sheeple there are now being given the mark
of the beast vaccination certificates that allow them to go shopping,
And then we have German Chancellor Angela Hitler saying, “the
pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been
Of course, any nations opposed to this are “rogue nations,” opposed
to a “rules-based world order,” which is why NATO Secretary-General Jens
Stoltenberg said, “China and Russia are trying to re-write the rules of
the road to benefit their own interests.”
The above is just a small sample of the many reasons why a massive
offensive to remove these criminals is continuing and accelerating.
According to MI6:
“Things will only begin to change when the Khazarian Mafia is spoken about openly – they rely upon abject secrecy and retaliation by way of mafia tactics including nuclear terrorism and blackmail such as the recent U.S. Presidential debacle. I believe efforts are ongoing to sweep the planet of their [nuclear blackmail] devices but regime change is a more military thing and invasion and occupation would be the only solution. Essentially Israel will have to be put into international administration much like the Berlin of the day.”
In other words, MI6 confirms the fake Biden administration was put in place in response to Israeli nuclear blackmail.
The Pentagon is on board with the plan to occupy Israel and so are
the Russians. “Russia is the last island of freedom,” State Duma
speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said recently adding, “Do you see what’s
happening in the United States of America? The country is dying,
everything has been canceled out.”
The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China
is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about
to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its
membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.
The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global
idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction
through a series of vaccines.
This is because proof has been sent to the world’s military and
intelligence agencies that the entire “Covid-19” plandemic is a fraud
designed to trick the global population into being injected with
experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that will alter their DNA in order
to permanently enslave them.
For example, the peer-reviewed scientific report sent to us by British and French intelligence says:
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, ‘For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.’”
(Science, Public Health Policy and the Law Volume 2:4 October 12,2020)
The report goes on to say the CDC then illegally contradicted its own
findings, which essentially admit Covid-19 is at most a seasonal cold
or flu, to illegally shutdown society and impose an agenda to vaccinate
people with gene-altering CRISPR technology.
Here, for example, is a link to a scientific report admitting CRISPR is used in “Covid-19” vaccines.
The Cabal’s state actors are now under increasing attack for their
criminal activities. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told puppet
President Biden off last Wednesday after China Joe instructed him to
shut down the state because of the fake Pandemic. Speaking to vaccine
czar Dr. Anthony Faustus DeSantis asked, “How much do you stand to earn
from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci?” He then added, “And, Joe, if you
continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National
Guard to protect the movement of Floridians.” When Biden replied,
“Address me as Mr. President or President Biden,” DeSantis replied “I
will not, and you can go fuck yourself,” before hanging up.
DeStantis now needs to watch his back for assassins and mobilize the
Florida National Guard to march on New York and other Khazarian Mafia
He will surely get the support of Texas and the National Guard of
most other states, as well as the rank and file (up to Colonel) of the
Pentagon if he does so.
By the way, the link to the article above was sent to me on Telegram
but it only appeared on my iPhone and not my PC. According to CIA, MI6
and FSB sources, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Google are now
controlled by criminals who are censoring the truth.
Many Pentagon sources say Trump is only acting and giving lip service
to the Zionists and will soon turn against them. However, people need
to keep in mind that he has always been an Israel firster by doing
things like recognizing Israel’s illegal annexation of the Gaza strip
and moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. He also carried out blatant
Nepotism by giving his Chabad (kill 90% of humanity, enslave the rest)
son-in-law Jared Kushner inordinate power to negotiate Middle East peace
deals for Israel.
In any case, the United States Corporation is finished. As these
charts show, it is now like Wiley Coyote hanging in mid-air after
running off the cliff.
The situation on the ground is now so dire that, in just one example, a new survey by the NYC Hospitality Alliance reveals that 92 percent of New York restaurants couldn’t afford to pay December rent.
Also even to corporate propaganda media is starting to revolt against their fake narratives. For example, in an appearance on MSNBC,
White House COVID adviser Andy Slavitt said the fact that Covid
infection patterns were identical in no lockdown Florida and
hyper-lockdown California was “a little bit beyond our explanation.”
The Cabal is now desperately dialing down the fake pandemic as
reality becomes impossible for them to deny any longer. That is why
they are reporting a huge drop in “Covid” cases and propaganda news
articles are now saying the entire “pandemic” could be over by April.
Of course, we must never underestimate these criminals because they
have literally thousands of years of experience in herding humans as if
they were livestock. The attack on Texas -which involved deliberately
shutting down their power grid in the middle of a cold snap- is one
example. This came after Texas Congressman Ron Wright “died of
Covid-19,” and as an election for his replacement looms, the corporate
propaganda media is full of articles criticizing the Texas establishment
for “mishandling,” its energy grid.
Several targets have been outlined for the spring offensive against
the cabal. In addition to Israel, any world leader pushing for Covid-19
vaccines has to be removed ASAP. These include Boris Johnson of the
UK, Justin Castro of Canada, Angela Hitler of Germany, Joe CG Biden of
the U.S. etc.
Removing Justin Castro in Canada is a high priority because it will
allow Canadian troops to join their compatriots in states like Texas and
Florida to fight against the Khazarian mafia strongholds like
California and New York.
Also, Google and Facebook were created with taxpayer money and then
given to private individuals. They are now taking over power from
elected governments and must be nationalized. “Freedom of speech is not
something that anonymous moderators working for private companies
should decide,” Deputy Polish Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta said
recently. “Instead, that is for the national body; duly elected
officials,” he added.
Also as a part of this offensive, companies like Pornhub are
preparing to file mark of the beast lawsuits against Visa &
Mastercard. The millions of Pornhub subscribers around the world became
unable to pay for their subscriptions using credit cards because some
illegal videos of 15-year-olds were posted. This is a crime that should
be dealt with by the police, not by card companies, Pornhub has already
taken remedial measures but to no avail. Now, pornography has become a
new incentive for people to migrate to non-cabal controlled
The card companies chose child porn – a subject that causes revulsion
among many – to establish the principle where they become the judge and
jury that decides what we can spend our money on. Next it will be
purchases of drugs and then guns. Soon it will be history books that
teach real but banned history. It is a slippery slope. This is part of
a coup against democracy by the inbred families that control the
Western financial system. Make no mistake this is the mark of the
People need to understand just how big the stakes are in this
battle. These criminals are preventing human progress and stunting our
evolution. My grandmother was born in the era of horse-drawn carriages
and lived to see computers, jet planes and space missions. People born
in the 1970s got to see things like Twitter and Netflix but not much
more. Manned space travel, for example, has ground to a halt.
The ruling idiocracy, in a bid to maintain power, has suppressed
inventions ranging from anti-gravity, to virtually free energy, to
immortality. They are blocking a future with unlimited potential good
for humanity.
The cabal attempt to use CRISPR technology to lower people’s
abilities and turn them into permanent slaves is a good example. By
contrast Russia is proposing a new international agreement to discuss
CRISPR technology. They are proposing CRISPR should only be used to
enhance, not detract. In theory CRISPR could be used to make us all
superhuman and immortal if we choose. If we fail to act, instead CRISPR
will be used to make us sub-human.
It is a war for the future of humanity and WE WILL WIN.