In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Friday, October 26, 2018

Saudi-Israeli “axis of evil” being taken down by international alliance

October 22, 2018

The battle raging at the highest levels of world power is reaching a climax of sorts, with an ongoing operation to take down the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia and end their control of the petrodollar system, multiple sources agree. The so-called murder of Nazi Muslim Brotherhood agent and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey was staged to provide cover for this ongoing operation, the sources add.

“This is all about the financial survival of certain countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the bankrupt U.S. Corporation),” a CIA source explained.

The overall story as told by CIA, Mossad, Japanese intelligence, and Pentagon sources is as follows: Saudi Crown Prince and de facto head of state Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) was shot and killed in April and replaced with a body double. The people controlling the body double then had their funds frozen in retaliation, with the Khashoggi incident as cover. Now, the satanic Khazarian governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia are fighting for their lives.

So the real reason all the big corporations and government ministers cancelled their planned visits to this week’s “Saudi Arabian Davos” investment forum is because the flow of money they were hoping would be poured in their direction has been cut off.

“The global boycott of Saudi Arabia escalates, as Goldman Sachs is forced to stop sending Dina Powell and Germany’s Deutsche Bank, and Japanese banks MUFG and Mizuho join the party,” was how Pentagon sources described the situation.

“This appears to be a plan to end the petrodollar, the Israeli-Saudi axis of evil, and the fountainhead of terrorism, as many things converge to collapse the old financial system so the new Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset can be launched,” the sources add.

Confirmation of this can be found in reports that U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cancelled his planned visit to the Saudi investment forum and will now instead visit Saudi Arabia to attend a “terrorist financing” meeting.

CIA sources also say “Khazarian war criminal Netanyahu is about to take the fall for something big that he is involved with. The U.S. is pulling the plug. Too much pressure is being put on Trump and others very close to him.” We assume this will be Netanyahu’s involvement with the 9/11 and Fukushima mass murder terror attacks.

We will get back to the Saudi Arabian troubles later in this report, but first we need to explain why the situation in Japan, North Korea, and China is the ultimate reason for the chaos in the Middle East. Members of the cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Manchu royals both contacted the White Dragon Society (WDS) last week to explain what was really going on. In essence, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the central bank for central banks, was given strong warnings to cut off the Zionist/Satanic Rothschild family “or else,” the sources say.

As a result, the control of the existing global financial system has changed hands. The Manchu royals say the Rothschilds never controlled more than 8% of the world’s gold. Now the Asian secret societies and the U.S. military-industrial complex have agreed to…

…cut off the Zionists’ control of the financial system. The West will, in exchange, be given approximately $40 trillion in gold-backed bonds to finance major projects to clean up the planet and create new ecosystems in desert, arctic, and oceanic dead zones, among other things, the sources say. The U.S. military will be turned into a planetary protection force, a big improvement from its current status as enforcer for large Zionist-controlled corporations, they say.

An early first step in this process will be an announcement later this week by Japan’s Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping that the two nations will set up a major joint fund, according to an Abe cabinet source. This fund will be dedicated to cleaning up the environment and dealing with aging societies and low birth rates, the source says. The U.S. military government has agreed not to interfere with this activity, he adds.

However, a lot of fighting still remains to be done before the West also can start this sort of work in earnest, so let us return to the current chaotic situation in the West.

Here, “Germany suspending arms sales may give Trump cover to do the same, and may even lead to a UN arms embargo of Saudi Arabia and then Israel,” Pentagon sources say. The U.S. military-industrial complex will be more than compensated for any losses resulting from such an embargo, WDS sources say.

Of course, the Khazarians are not taking this lying down, as can be seen in a huge push against the entire Khashoggi psy-op. For example, as Russia Today noted, “Riyadh doesn’t know how Khashoggi was killed or where his body is, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told Fox News, just one day after his country claimed the journalist was killed in a “fistfight” inside the consulate in Istanbul.”

Also, the Khazarian-controlled media is putting out the story that their man MBS is still fully in control of the situation there. However, a member of Abe’s cabinet called MBS’s long-time lawyer and constant companion to confirm that he was shot twice in the head in April and died instantly.

CIA sources concurred, saying:

“Yes, Bin Salman was taken out. A Khazarian Zionist-controlled double was put in his place. The real Bin Salman was causing too much upheaval for the powers that be.

“The real MBS purchasing the Leonardo da Vinci painting Salvator Mundi for $450 million did not go over well with the Zionist cabal, as the purchase was made right after the Riyadh Ritz Carlton Hotel shakedown of the corrupt Saudi billionaires who worked directly with/for the Khazarian Zionists.

“By purchasing the painting, MBS was sending a very direct signal—the real meaning of which only the Zionists would understand.”

Meanwhile, both U.S. military intelligence and Canadian intelligence sources warned that the Khazarians (“lizards”) were going to bring out some hidden technology to try to manipulate public opinion using holograms and “voices.” Here is what the Canadian source said:

”Yes, the lizards do not want to lose “the Fed,” and yes, they have the tech to make Jesus or whoever they want to talk to you in your head. Not only that—Jesus or whoever will appear in front of you to give you a personal message as well. The only problem with this tech is that the older ‘real pot,’ naturally grown, prevented this tech from working. This is the reason it was outlawed many years ago, and who knows what Monsanto and Bayer are doing to the pot crops now. Remember that the Earth is in ‘lockdown,’ so they (the lizards) can’t get off the planet and no one can get in to ‘pick them up.’ No country wants to loan money to the USA Corp. China holds so much land as collateral across America, it’s unreal. If the people only knew. Let the chess game continue.”

We can confirm from a pot farmer nephew in Canada that yes indeed, even though Canada has legalized pot, they are trying very hard to make sure that only strains that make you dumber are available.

In any case, a retired U.S. military officer said there was widespread agreement among the ranks that it was time to simply hunt down and kill all the Khazarian gangsters, saying, “The Cabal has been using National Security Findings (NSFs) for many years against all their enemies, so perhaps like treatment should now be directed against them by the USN. It is time for the USN to put its foot down and start sanctioning Cabal kingpins who love to pedophile little kids, then torture them and sacrifice them to Baal for more satanic power.”

Apart from Israel, Saudi Arabia, and parts of the U.S., the other major Khazarian stronghold that is about to be taken down is the Ukraine. The move to take the control of the 12,000 Ukrainian Orthodox Churches away from the Russian Orthodox Church is the last straw that will provoke Russia into reasserting control there, multiple sources agree.

Here is what a CIA source had to regarding last week’s shootout by an “MKUltra-controlled” 18-year-old student at Kerch Polytech College, Crimea:

“1) He had an accomplice. Putin and the FSB know who it is. 2) This was orchestrated by [Ukrainian President] Porky (Poroshenko) with the green light given from [former U.S. Vice President Joe] Biden.

Putin has already made up his mind; Ukraine will come back to mother Russia and the neo-Nazis will be neutralized. Maybe not in that order.”

We tried to contact Russian sources through multiple routes about the reported coup attempt against Vladimir Putin and the situation in the Ukraine etc., but met with a complete wall of silence. This sort of communications cutoff most likely means that some kind of military action is imminent.

In a development possibly related to this, Japanese intelligence sources say that many Japanese, Chinese, and other nations’ satellites have gone silent and appear to have been hijacked by “the British and the Americans.” Secret space program related?

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Monday, October 15, 2018

Mysterious Deep-Space Flashes: 19 More 'Fast Radio Bursts' Found

(An artist's illustration of an ASKAP radio dish detecting a fast radio burst (FRB). Scientists don't know what causes FRBs, but it must involve incredible energy — equivalent to the amount released by the sun in 80 years. Credit: OzGrav, Swinburne University of Technology)

A huge haul of newfound fast radio bursts (FRBs) may help astronomers finally start to get a handle on these mysterious and powerful blasts from deep space.

A new study reports the detection of 19 previously undiscovered FRBs, including the closest one to Earth and the brightest one ever seen. The results boost the total tally significantly; just three dozen or so FRBs had been known previously, with the first detection coming in 2007.

FRBs are brief (millisecond-long) but intense emissions of radio light, which can pack as much energy as our own sun produces over the course of nearly a century. Their source is the topic of much discussion and debate. For example, some researchers have suggested that FRBs could be generated by advanced alien civilizations, though most astronomers favor natural explanations, such as fast-spinning neutron stars. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens]

The new study is led by Ryan Shannon, of the Swinburne University of Technologyin Australia. Since the beginning of 2017, he and his team have been searching the skies for FRBs using the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), a network of 36 radio dishes in Western Australia.

The systematic hunt has already turned up 20 FRBs, the researchers report in the new paper, which was published online today (Oct. 10) in the journal Nature. (One of the bursts they spotted was reported previously in a different paper, so the count of newfound FRBs technically stands at 19.)

The team's success rate can be traced to two factors, said study co-author Keith Bannister of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia's national science agency, which designed and engineered ASKAP.

"The telescope has a whopping field of view of 30 square degrees, 100 times larger than the full moon," Bannister said in a statement.

"And, by using the telescope's dish antennas in a radical way, with each pointing at a different part of the sky, we observed 240 square degrees all at once — about 1,000 times the area of the full moon," he added."ASKAP is astoundingly good for this work."

The team's analyses show "that fast radio bursts are coming from the other side of the universe rather than from our own galactic neighborhood," Shannon added in the same statement.

The researchers did turn up the nearest known FRB to Earth — an event known as FRB 171020, which originated about 425 million light-years away from our planet. That's about twice as close as the previous record holder, Shannon told

And the ASKAP survey has discovered the most powerful FRB known — again, by a factor of two, said Shannon, who's also affiliated with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav).

None of the newly detected FRBs was seen to flash more than once over the study period, even though the team observed FRB-harboring fields repeatedly and spent more than 12,000 hours following up FRB finds, Shannon said.

Indeed, to date, just one "repeater" has been confirmed — a source called FRB 121102, which has fired off bursts multiple times since its 2012 discovery, including a barrage of at least 93 over the course of a single day in August 2017.

The odd example of FRB 121102 and the new results raise an important question, Shannon said: "Are there two classes of FRB sources? The differences between the repeater and the others are becoming too hard to ignore."

There's another important implication of the new study as well, he added. The ASKAP FRBs are brighter than previous detections, and they feature lower "dispersion." Dispersion refers to the spreading or smearing of the different wavelengths that make up a burst — basically, how much these various wavelengths have been slowed by intervening material on their way from the FRB source to Earth.

"The fact that there is a relationship between brightness and dispersion tells us that the material that is producing the dispersion is outside of galaxies, in the faint tenuous gas in the intergalactic medium," Shannon told via email. "This means that we can use FRBs to study this material, which is nearly impossible to observe using other techniques (optical, X-ray observations, for example)."

In the future, Shannon and his colleagues aim to nail down the location of the FRBs further. They should be able to tie each burst to its home galaxy, the researchers said.

As its name indicates, ASKAP is a pathfinder for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), a huge network of radio dishes across Australia and South Africa that's scheduled to start taking shape over the next few years. The SKA may end up finding many more FRBs, study team members said.

By Mike Wall, Senior Writer on 10 October 2018.

(Mike Wall's book about the search for alien life, "Out There,"will be published on Nov. 13 by Grand Central Publishing. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. Follow us @Spacedotcom or Facebook. Originally published on

The capture of Health Freedom

"So you start off in charge, you're an independent operator, you don't work inside the system, but then you figure out the system thinks it includes you, some moron must have slipped in that clause while you weren't looking, so you go talk to him, and it's a pretty congenial meeting, although he does come across like a company man, and then later on you get an engraved invitation to come to a party. The food is very good and the people seem reasonable in a sort of washed-out way, but the upshot is, you can come in out of the cold if you want to. They'll take you in. You can sit in an office and make twice as much as you were making on your own. That's what they tell you. The only thing is, you have to sign a piece of paper that says you were never born and you're actually a desk ornament. They assure you it's just a formality and they've signed the same paper, and look, it hasn't hurt them..." -- The Magician Awakes

When I was running for a Congressional seat in 1994, I was also in the middle of a fight to preserve access to alternative health care, against FDA attack-and during that process, I was enlightened through meeting various members of the Pod People species, who had their own ideas about what health freedom meant.

These were high-IQ idiots who had some sort of access to politicians and academics. They were expert compromisers and sell-out artists, who saw their mission in life as something on the order of "integrating" everything they could get their hands on.

In coming years, they would become hangers-on at Center for Alternative Medicine (CAM) (later renamed to Center for Complementary and Integrative Health), the new office of alternative health established at the National Institutes of Health. Think "seedy tout at the racetrack."

CAM was, for many people, the realization of a wet dream. Finally, the federal government, gripped in a new cloud of Love, was going to admit that alternative medicine existed and could be "integrated" into "real medicine."

Yes, yes. A new day was dawning. A day of recognition. A big gold star would be pinned to chests of chiropractors and naturopaths and acupuncturists. O joy.

"You like me! You really like me!"

In these meetings with the Pods, I observed their loafers, their pressed jeans, their safari jackets, their carefully arranged thinning hair, their casual smiles. Holy shit, these were recent incarnations of the frat boys I had gone to college with:

"Everything's good. All we have to do is craft language the politicians and bureaucrats can understand and accept, and they will reach their hands across the divide, because, in the final analysis, all that separates people is a diversity of background and experience. We can integrate that."

The sub-text was:

In the coming years, alt. medicine will be recognized. Professorships and bureaucratic jobs and positions at hospitals will spring up out of tax money, and we can dig into that stash and find cushy work, if we play our cards right. But don't rock the boat. Don't attack the feds. Don't go after the FDA. Don't be "negative." Love may not conquer all, but it can worm its way into government budgets.

And that was right and true. These days, the professions of chiropractic and naturopathy and acupuncture have, at the highest levels, sold their souls to allopathic medicine and federal regulators. Therefore, for them, the fight for health freedom is over. They think they've actually won.

In the 1960s, this whole process was called co-opting. Government or big business would find ways to absorb ("integrate") its opposition.

Whereas, once upon a time, the naturopaths were tough seasoned fighters who were holding government at bay and plowing ahead with the work of healing, now they have their own bureaucrats cashing checks and enlightening the young dewy-eyed generation of practitioners on how the game is played:

"Hey, it's all legal now, baby. Don't sweat it. (cough, cough) I mean, we are in conference with major players at NIH, and a task force has been created to elucidate the work of two prior study groups, and in this regard we have secured ex-officio membership on a sub-committee to examine the psychological effect, on medical doctors, of reading published studies on minimal supplementation with extremely low-dose Vitamin C during the first five hours of head colds which were preceded by a tingling sensation at the back of the throat and a genital twitching in fact, and you'll really like this, at the new complementary-medicine wing of a hospital in Northern Alaska, some of our fourth-year students here at the naturopathic college will be able to apply for positions as interns applying a citrus concentrate to toilets in the men's rooms on the third floor, to assess the results, vis-a-vis germ eradication, against the old toxic cleaning solutions..."

And that about sums up what will happen to the chiropractors and the naturopaths and the acupuncturists up the road. Chiros will adjust the spines of hard cases in homeless shelters who refuse Thorazine and then publish their findings on government-issued toilet paper.

Gradually, the great golden promise of integration will come true, only not in the way this new brand of alt. practitioner expects.

I have news for the New Age Pod alt. bureaucrats. Once you're in with the government, you're all the way in. You take the scraps they leave on the table. You learn how to love the scraps. You primp and pump up your pretended achievements and cash your checks. That's your role. When you're called on to sell out further, you do it with a smile. You kiss the ring. And you come to realize your profession of natural healing has become a cartoon of itself. You live in that cartoon and you make your little speeches and mount your plaques on the office wall. When you want more money, you stand in line at the federal trough and wait. Bullshit is thy name.

What the Pods never learned is that, when you negotiate with your your opponents, you are you and they are they. Since that is the case, especially when you are coming from a position of relative weakness, your "victories" are wholly a function of who your opponents are and what they really want and what they are willing to do to get it, in the long, long run. Can I make it any simpler?

In this context, integration means you will eventually find yourself in quicksand holding a long stick, and the person on the other end of the stick will be your enemy. Then, he can re-negotiate everything. Immediately.

Yes, Virginia, there are enemies. They exist. They aren't just an illusion fostered by "old discredited modes of thought." You don't make them vanish through some puerile trick. For starters, you don't put any stock in their promises. Instead, to begin with, you make public their bad deeds. Come on. Wake up. This strategy goes back to the cave men. The first time it was used, a guy stopped his girl friend from marrying some oaf when he said, "Hey, Oaf Dude rolled four boulders we use for bonfires into his own cave. I've got him in the act on video. Look."

This was my strategy when I was running for Congress. I went on the offensive against the FDA. The material at my disposal then, as now, was voluminous. It's in the public record.

The Pods castigated me for my approach. They saw this as a hindrance to, yes, integration. They told me we were in a new age, and now the preferred method was extensive negotiation. Conflict resolution.

One night in 1994, a few months before the passage of the so-called Health Freedom Bill in Congress, which I was assured would protect us against the FDA forever, I sat in a last-ditch meeting with a dozen other people. We wanted to draft an amendment to the Bill that would nail down the protections we really needed.

A towering hack from UCLA, whose specialty was apparently Brainstorming and Conflict Resolution, a fat domehead who was as interested in health freedom as a scuttle fish is interested in the orbit of the moon, chaired this meeting. He had been invited in as an expert.

So he asked us all to introduce ourselves, one by one, and after that little excruciating exercise, he said he would write, on the blackboard behind him, each of our ideas about why this amendment was important. Well, of course, we already knew why it was important. Otherwise, we wouldn't have come to the room in the first place.

I saw he was going to take a couple of hours, moving us through his hoops, to get to the heart of the matter, so I said, in my usual gracious style, "This is stupid."

He looked at me. He tried to smile.

I said, "Let me summarize. We're here to draft an amendment to the Hatch Bill that will give us more guarantees. We can write this sucker in twenty minutes. I will write it. Does anyone in the room want to go off and write his version? Then we can compare."

One hand was raised.

"Good," I said. "Do it. I'll go into this next room here and type out mine. Let's take a break and come back in twenty minutes."

So that's what happened, and we did hash out an amendment, and of course nobody in Washington wanted to give it three seconds of time, because all the elements of the Hatch Bill had already been agreed upon, behind closed doors.

After our meeting, a man in the room who knew the UCLA hack came up to me and said, "You were pretty harsh there."

"Really?" I said. "If we'd followed his little Chinese torture technique, it would have taken us six hours to come to the same place we are now. Who did he think he was dealing with, second graders?"

The man frowned.

"That's not the point," he said. "Brainstorming has its own style, and we needed to follow that."

"Why?" I said. "We already knew what we needed. We're not building a rocket ship here."

"Okay," he said, "but this meeting was supposed to be about integrating our ideas, so that, in Washington, the same spirit of integration might prevail and get us what we wanted."

"By osmosis?" I said. "That's quite a leap of logic. Do you have a church?"


"A church."

I looked him over. He was lean and bronzed. I imagined he did push-ups under a tanning lamp in his home gym. He was crinkled around the eyes, probably from forced smiling, a practice I don't normally advocate. His combover seemed to be threaded with minor extensions. I couldn't be sure. He was wearing one of those bush jackets with the many pockets. His nails were done with transparent polish.

He wasn't smiling now.

"I sense a church here," I repeated. "With a doctrine derived from As So Above, So Below. If we're nice here tonight, 'Washington' will mystically pick up the vibe and be nice. Anyway, you don't remember me, but I was with you at a meeting last month, and you were pushing for a committee to study the amendment, which would have put us so far behind schedule the Bill would have passed before we got our pencils correctly sharpened."

The man blushed.

"Don't worry," I said. "You're winning. You're going to get a gig in whatever structure comes out of this war we're waging. You'll always be the good guy in the room. The folks in Washington like that."

And by God, he did get a gig. Within the swelling bureaucracy of alt. medicine. A series of gigs. I was told he's a brainstorming expert, and when he holds meetings of his minions, he bores them so greatly a few of them want to push him out a window.

But he's simultaneously for health freedom and for "sensible government regulations," and he's for cooperating with the FDA and he's for integrating medical drugs and nutrients-judiciously, of course-and he's for increased government inspections of organic farms and he's for genetically modified food, with some (again, "sensible") restrictions, and he's for 15 rather than 49 doses of vaccines for babies, and he's for bringing naturopaths and chiropractors and acupuncturists into the fold, and drafting new "standards of practice and external monitoring" for them.

I believe he calls himself, on occasion, an ex-hippie who still applies the lessons of his youth to the exigencies and realities of our time. I'm thrilled. (Integral integration with integrity.)

With Pods like this working for us, our job is complete. We can take heart and look forward to a new century of love, during which our great-great grandchildren will be birthed in organic oak vats where, synthetic genes imparted, they'll bathe in a solution that delivers 60 or 70 vaccines at the moment of emergence into the world.

A chiropractor with an advanced degree will clean out the vat and dump the contents into a drain, mop the floor, and take out the garbage.

Outside the baby factory, a fully licensed government naturopath will be raking the leaves on the lawn.

A PhD acupuncturist who's done post-doc work at the Mayo Clinic will be smoothing out the sand and picking up candy wrappers in the kiddies' playpen.

They'll stop working and look up as the hospital dietitian, who researches processed-food injectables, rolls by in her Mercedes.

Jon Rappoport

(The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX)

Saturday, October 13, 2018

The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination

October 8, 2018

The Khazarian mafia have been torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children on a horrific scale, and the world is about to find out as military tribunals begin. Some very disturbing images and testimony sent by the New York Police Department and the CIA show just how evil the Khazarian mafia really is. These people are beyond truth and reconciliation and do not deserve even a quick death.

Let us start with FBI statistics on missing children in the U.S., so that skeptics can prevent the sheer evil of these deeds from shutting their minds. In 2015, 442,032 juveniles went missing; of these, 42,032 were not found.

By comparison, in the same year in Japan 17,971 children (the equivalent of 44,927 in the U.S. when adjusted for population difference) went missing, and close to 99% of these children were found.

The photographs below, sent by the CIA, are linked to CNN star and FRB Vanderbilt heir Anderson Cooper and may give a hint as to what happened to at least some of these children.




Even more gruesome is the video still-shot linked below that was sent to the CIA via courier by the NYPD. It shows a young girl whose face was allegedly peeled off by Hillary Clinton in a satanic ritual. Be warned, it is graphic and I stopped watching shortly after the 2 minute mark.

Now I begin the understand the look of sheer horror on the face of George Soros when I asked him a question at a press conference about the families that own the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). He had probably seen some of this sort of stuff firsthand.

The prosecution of these criminals is set to finally start now that the U.S. military government backing President Donald Trump has secured a majority on the Supreme Court with the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Pentagon sources say. “Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already met with the real special prosecutor, U.S. Attorney John Huber in Utah, so that the 57,000 indictments may be unsealed,” the sources explain.

“The seating of Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court should unleash declassification of FISA and other documents as well as military tribunals,” the sources say. Furthermore they add, “The Senate unanimously approved a resolution calling for declassification of 9/11 documents, so the stage is set to take down the Zionists and the deep state.”

Another aspect to starting the prosecution of these criminals is the ongoing U.S./Russian military action against the rogue state of Israel, the sources say. In particular, “Russian electronic warfare is aimed…

…not just to impose a no-fly zone over Israel, but to stop ICBMs and other missiles from being launched, rendering the Samson option obsolete and making de-nuking the only feasible option,” the Pentagon sources explain. In other words, Israel can no longer use nuclear blackmail to protect the satanists in the U.S. Also, Vatican P2 sources confirm that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a satanist mass-murderer who needs to be either arrested or killed as soon as possible.

The U.S. and Russia are also considering imposing a sea and land blockade on Israel to force that state to stop its criminal activities, they continue.

The sources sent this photo with the explanation that “even the White House has declared Red October.”

The Pentagon sources also said, “It appears that the cabal may have lost a submarine or underwater base and retaliated by sending ricin to Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Naval Chief John Richardson.”

What the Pentagon sources were referring to was the destruction of a “Clinton escape residence with entourage, including an underground bunker built to store the gold,” according to CIA sources in Indonesia.

This destruction is appearing in the news as the recent tsunami that hit Indonesia, which even experts quoted by The Washington Post note “…was not a straightforward event,” said Adam Switzer, principal investigator at the Singapore-based Earth Observatory. “This earthquake was beyond the bounds of the warning systems” available.

Here [is] the real explanation, according to the CIA:

“Clinton was in control of the gold coming out from the Grasberg mine/Freeport. The Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative, with an office in Papua, was the vehicle for laundering the cash obtained from the sale of the undeclared gold. (A lot of it was off-ledger gold).

“Clinton has done business with a certain faction of the Indonesian military for years—those who control access there.

“The Chinese had confirmed all of this and knew that the only way was to flood it out. The tsunami was triggered by the Chinese.

“The tsunami was not possible—scientifically, that is. It was all carefully done, and then blamed on faulty technology and a “weird” fault slip angle. But that fault slip angle was “weird” (if you ask geologists) because it wasn’t natural.

“Communication systems can be manipulated. That’s why it failed to show the third tsunami. That tsunami warning system has worked ever since they got it developed after the 2004 Christmas disaster.

“There are non-visible lasers that have no color in the visible spectrum. This goes beyond the DEW (Directed-Energy Weapons). Beyond DEW is NON-visible laser. The Chinese military are smart—this cannot be detected. They took DEW technology and made it better.

“This was a direct hit from a Chinese non-visible laser satellite weapon. It took out the Clinton escape residence, the entourage living there, and the underground bunker. Unfortunately, there was serious collateral damage.”

The CIA sources say that close to $500 million in cash (not $270 million as was reported last week) was seized by Special Forces in the raid on that Clinton hideout before it was destroyed. A Google Earth screen shot of the destroyed complex is below.

The money was divided “between a certain group of top-level white-hat Indonesian government officials—one of them being Vice President Jusuf Kalla—and Trump’s inner circle, military included,” the sources say. So now we know why the generals got rich mailed to them.

We have also been allowed to give our readers more information on one of our CIA sources. He was in charge of the agency’s clandestine services in Jakarta working out of the U.S. Embassy from 1965-1985.

“When he was there, he told me there were only 20 American citizens permanently living in Jakarta. All of them worked at the Embassy under diplomatic cover. He told me, and this is a quote, ‘Our team escorted Bung Karno (President Sukarno) out of power and we installed Soeharto into power.’

“And yes, his team as well as Langley headquarters and other alphabet agencies were involved in assisting Soeharto in the killing of up to 1 million Indonesian Chinese that were labeled PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia). This was a well-planned takedown of all Soeharto’s so-called opposition. It was planned with the Australian government as well; they were heavily involved in this attempted genocide. This was also about the time that Soeharto handed control of Freeport to the Agency. There is so much more to this, but enough for now.

“I asked the cowboy why he did this; his answer, ‘It was my job. I worked for the U.S. government. You did not ask questions back then. If you did, you disappeared.’ He did tell me that he personally was involved in sending two cargo ships of rice to Kalimantan, as they had no food and the Dayaks and Malays were dying from starvation during this crisis, as all rice shipments from Jakarta were stopped. (He did this with private personnel.) And to add more, yes, he was close to the Bush Senior cartel back in the day. He was part of the old guard. Not many left now.”

On a final note, our source who is connected to the secret bases in Antarctica (he is a relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame) got back to us to insist that something really weird was happening there, saying the quote below from last week was true:

“Antarctica is opening up a WORMHOLE. Yes, there is an ‘opening’ to other dimensions down there. Due to the extremely high magnetic shifts going on in and near Antarctica, it’s literally ‘tearing a new fabric’ in the dimensional field. THIS is the reason why ALL those government leaders went down there. THIS is why they shut off Antarctica to the public and so forth. The public only gets 5% of the ‘story.’ And now you have the other side.”

This source noted that even reputable publications like Scientific American were reporting, “There’s something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica, and it could break physics as we know it.”

We will try again to visit Antarctica this Southern summer and report directly to our readers what is really going on there. If there really is an anomaly like a wormhole opening up there, the entire population of the planet should be told and shown proof, not just a few leaders.

Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and a senior member of the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge, says preparations are being made for humanity to start building a fleet of ark ships and expanding out into the universe.

As usual, my reaction to this sort of stuff is to believe it when I see it. For now, the White Dragon Society is working towards getting multi-trillion-dollar funding for an earth-based massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The people of the world are rising in rebellion against their satanic debt-slavery tyranny

October 1, 2018

The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. President Donald Trump failed, say Pentagon and CIA sources. The assassination attempt came in the form of a missile that was shot at Air Force One by an Israeli submarine, Pentagon sources say. “Life imitates art, as the hunt for red October may mean Israeli and cabal submarines are sunk. The October surprise may be bloody,” the sources add.

It is now apparent that the Khazarian mafia pulled out all the stops to delay the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh in order to buy time for their assassination attempt. Instead, their move is backfiring big time, as the Senate prepares to take legal action against the people making false accusations against Kavanaugh—something you can confirm from the Senate Judiciary Committee’s own home page.

Pentagon sources explain that “the FBI probe into Kavanaugh will not only clear his name, but will morph into an attack on his paid accusers, the Democrats, and the deep state.” Furthermore, “Kavanaugh has 53 votes and may be confirmed on October 3, when Trump will send text alerts to all cellphones,” the sources add.

It is interesting in this context that the Swiss, French, and British branches of the Rothschild family have opened lines of communication with the White Dragon Society to inquire if it is not too late to surrender and accept South African-style truth and reconciliation hearings. Clearly, the very real prospect of military tribunals and firing squads has made them realize it really is going to be game over unless they do something.

We also got the following communication from “the head of the CIA’s clandestine services in xxx [redacted to protect source] working out of the U.S. Embassy from xxx-xxx.

“It regards the Rothschilds. My buddy is personal friends with Nathaniel de Rothschild, who lives a very quiet and discreet life in NYC. (They went to Harvard Business School together back in the day).

“It concerns Antarctica, where Antarctica is opening up a WORMHOLE. Yes, there is an ‘opening’ to other dimensions down there. Due to the extremely high magnetic shifts going on in and near Antarctica, it’s literally ‘tearing a new fabric’ in the dimensional field.

THIS is the reason why ALL those government leaders went down there. THIS is why they shut off Antarctica to the public and so forth. The public only gets 5% of the ‘story.’ And now you have the other side.”

This message has set off my extreme BS alarm, because this is the same source who previously sent me Antarctica stories about cities under the ice, that turned out to have been ripped off wholesale from a 1980’s movie plot. Furthermore, they send as evidence a link to an article in the widely discredited and derided Khazarian Popular Mechanics propaganda rag.

The reason I share this with my readers is because the sender is quoting a CIA war criminal responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, who is thus definitely one of the people fearing military tribunals. He is also connected to the Bush Nazi faction.

The other reason I share it with my readers is that when I went to visit the black-sun-worshiping P2 Freemasons in Italy, they showed me the technology they had to project miles-wide images into the sky. In other words, there is a very strong possibility that now that the Trump assassination bid failed, they might use holograms for the fake alien invasion scenario that Henry Kissinger once mentioned:

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an “extraterrestrial” invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence…. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

Of course, there really is an existential threat for the Khazarian mafia, and that is from the people of the world rising in rebellion against their satanic debt-slavery tyranny.

In this context, it is also worth noting that a replica of the Babylonian Arch of Ba’al, otherwise known as the Gate of Satan, was erected in Washington, D.C. just as the slander fest against Judge Kavanaugh was in full swing. This was accompanied by a simultaneous push by Daesh-related militants to retake the original site of the arch in Palmyra, Syria.

You just can’t make this sort of stuff up, folks. Of course, for the satan-worshiping Khazarian mafia it must really seem like the world is ending, since they are losing power simultaneously around the planet.

In Brazil, for example, a reader pointed out that right-wing presidential candidate Jair Messias Bolsonaro was hospitalized at a Zionist Hospital called Albert Einstein in the City of São Paulo after being stabbed on September 6, 2018. It thus looks likely the stabbing (whether real or fake) was staged to try to generate a sympathy vote for him. Since this ploy appears to have failed, Bolsonaro is now saying “he will not accept the election result if he loses.”

Bolsonaro represents the Nazi/Zionist faction that has been looting Brazil’s resources and impoverishing its people, and so obviously they would be very scared of losing power.

Another top Khazarian, Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel of Germany, suffered a huge blow to her already failing grip on power last week when the longtime ally and leader of her Party’s parliamentary group, Volker Kauder, was “sent packing after a surprise vote in the German Bundestag.”

It is interesting too that the “right wing populist” party that is threatening her grip on power has many active Jewish supporters, thus completely destroying the “they are anti-Semitic” meme.

Merkel’s slave-boy President Emmanuel Macron of France has also seen his support level fall below 20% and is facing the very real possibility of a military coup to annul his fraudulent election, senior French military sources say.

Meanwhile, Italy’s government declared open warfare against the Khazarian-dominated EU by increasing its budget deficit to finance basic income and other moves to help the masses. They also put the journalist Marcello Roa, who has written that Hillary Clinton has attended satanic dinners, in charge of Italy’s national broadcaster RAI.

The Khazarian-mafia rogue state of Israel, too, is being forced to give up its plan to rule the greater Middle East and the world from Jerusalem and instead accept a two-state solution. Last week Russia deployed special military defenses to prevent any more planes from attacking Syria from either Europe or Israel.

While this was happening, the U.S. military “removed Patriot missiles from Jordan, Bahrain, and Kuwait in a blunt warning that it may do the same to Israel,” Pentagon sources say.

The Khazarian mafia is also trying to keep in power by using its “carbon causes global warming” story as an excuse to form a world government. Their main instrument for this is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which claims to have 195 member countries and is about to issue another alarming report.

All I am going to say about these people at this point is that if I paid out enough money, I could get 200 whores to say they love me, but that still would not make it true.

Donald Trump spoke for many in his UN speech last week when he said, “We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy.”

However, this does not mean we do not need to urgently change how we run this planet. We are in the midst of the largest extinction crisis since the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite 65 million years ago. This is not being caused by “global warming,” but rather by such things as the destruction of natural habitats, pollution, and overfishing.

The current Khazarian mafia-controlled Babylonian financial system is also sucking resources not only from the poor but also from the natural environment, as it feeds the black hole of all the world’s wealth being concentrated into the hands of a few hundred people.

Below is an example from a recent U.S. Special Forces mission in Borneo to recover hoards of cash wasted by the Clinton family. The story at the link below was personally confirmed to be true by a CIA source in Indonesia.

In any case, as mentioned at the top of this report, the Swiss, British, and French branches of the Rothschild family have been in contact with the WDS recently. The Swiss representative said they know they have been defeated. If that is the case, the WDS expects to meet directly with members of this clan to negotiate, in a fully transparent manner, a transition for this planet away from Babylonian debt slavery via privately owned central banks. We will keep our readers informed of any new developments on this front.

On a final note, we would like to add our support to the move by World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee to liberate the Internet from corporate control.

This is badly needed. Last week, this writer asked a lady friend what she liked to drink so that I could have it ready for her next visit. She told me she liked Corona beer. I told her it was not available in the stores near my house. Then, the next time I started to surf the Internet, I was confronted for the first time with advertisements for Corona beer and links to online retailers selling it.

The prime suspect is my Google-infected smart TV. What else are they spying on? My sex life?


* Someone in Brazil sent me this email regarding the political situation there, which lines up with the recent letter from Brazil Ben posted.

Hello dear Ben, how are you?

In regards to Brasil I have to say you are totally off the hook, got it
wrong again!

You see, Bolsonaro is the Brazilian Trump, the outsider going against the
corrupt system and that is why they tried to kill him! Remember, if the
cabal can’t control a candidate, they try to eliminate him, simple as that!

All the other candidates were former ministers of Lula (in jail), and they
want to free him and all the other corrupt establishment, Bolsonaro is the
only one threatening to open the archives of the corrupt establishment, and
people are embracing him because of this!

Defending Dilma and Lula, would be the same as defending Obama and Hillary,
the most corrupt government we ever had! There are a lot of good people in
the left that unfortunately are totally brainwashed! Those jesuits and the
dark ones are really masters of deception!

Thanks for your atention!

The Final Battle

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Where should the power be?

There are various kinds of power. Perhaps you'll recognize the type I'm referring to in this article.

WHERE SHOULD THE POWER BE? This is a question that has been asked and answered for a hundred thousand years. Wars, death, destruction, deception, grand theft, heroism, manifestos have all provided evidence of the struggle.

We now have people behind the curtain and peeking out of the curtain claiming the answer, for our sake, is global governance. Call it anything you want to. New World Order. Globalism. Planetary management system.

They assert their motives are altruistic. That's right. They're not doing this to make a power grab, they're helping us. They're solving the problems of the world. They're maintaining order. They're bringing us into a new era of peace.

They're all liars.

There isn't an altruistic bone in their bodies.

And as far as we are concerned, we have a whole lot of self-deception going as well. Why? Because we keep falling into collectivist language and thought. We think we can't talk about power unless we address the great WE, the group, humanity, The People.

We're afraid of mentioning power in the context of the individual.

It has to be family, community, group, species.

It's we against them.

Well, it isn't.

That's just another delusion.

It is now, and always has been, the individual.

WE is about mystical religion. WE is about submerging the individual in some delusional fictitious Whole.

In that box, it's just the WE of the globalists versus the WE of the vague mystics. And the outcome, in the long run, will be the same.

The New Age people, no matter what disguise they are wearing, are afraid to make a proposition about individual power and back it up.

They cower behind pseudo-science and limp philosophy to create another WE.

Behind all the drugs and rebellion and music and so-called freedom of the 1960s, the real and lasting failure was the omission of the INDIVIDUAL. He was never spoken for. And the clear reason for it was fear, that's all. Fear of power for one person, and then another person, and so on.

Then and now, people say to themselves, "What power? How can I have power? What would that look like? What would that feel like? What would that be? I don't understand. I can only see power in a group."

It's as if a blind person believed he could only regain his sight as part of a collective. On his own, it would never work, but as a member of a group, a cipher, the rebirth might occur.

Notions of various Utopias are always about the group. History flows into a paradise where the species lives, and the individual is finally and miraculously submerged in the collective.

Yes, well, that's the definition of non-consciousness. It's a sketch of fascism.

The mystical WE says to the globalist We, "You want coercion and slavery. We want peace and love."

The truth is they are both heading to the same place.

The illusion of power rests in the group. The reality of power rests in the individual.

by Jon Rappoport on October 1, 2018