Stop the press – Major news – The Cabal has been defeated
Taking back control at all levels
The origins of the fractional reserve banking system created by the cabal can be found in the ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China, and in many world empires today. In medieval Europe, control of this system was handed over to the Pope and a group of affiliated monarchs.
Do not be confused, for the underlying patterns are gaining the necessary strength at a divinely determined pace. The Deep State cabal is soulless and has lost, they are now panicking and trying to hold on to the semblance of control they think they still have, which they do not!
They didn’t think about awakening the people and they didn’t think we would come after them. We are taking back control at all levels because they are no match for all of us together, awakened and united against them.
Together, with the help of the Galactic Federation, the Q Organisation, the Lightworkers and the Patriots, it is time to rid planet Earth of the evil that has preyed upon us humans for thousands of centuries.
Below Michael Love explains what is happening now to ensure that planet Earth is freed from the oppression of the cabal. Read and spread this important message of historic change for the better.
The Pleiadians Energy Peak Approaching:
Pleiadian Light Transmissions
by Michael Love
Dear Ones,
The Earth Alliance reports that planet Earth is rapidly approaching a critical energetic peak. As the clock strikes midnight, we are entering an unprecedented shift that will shatter the foundations of the old world and usher in the dawn of the new Earth.
Every awakened being on Earth is feeling the energy intensify this weekend and many know that something big is about to happen.
The forces of light are overseeing several major world events that are now unfolding.
These events are not just significant – they are monumental, marking the most important moment in human history and the birth of a new golden age.
Here is what is happening now, and why it matters:
Presidential Inauguration
This pivotal moment marks the ascension of the leaders of the Light – visionaries destined to align with the higher consciousness of Earth’s Ascension. This is not just a transfer of power; it symbolises the fall of darkness and the return of justice, truth and unity.
TikTok Ban and Revolution
A global storm of outrage is brewing as millions of TikTok users face the loss of access to the platform they rely on for income, community and expression. For many, TikTok is more than an app; it is a lifeline – a way to work from home, a vital source of news, and an extraordinary space for learning and connecting. Entire livelihoods are tied to this platform, which has become a way of life, building friendships, support networks and vibrant communities.
Overnight, creators and entrepreneurs could find their future disrupted. Online stores, products, outstanding orders and accounts that provide a steady income could soon be wiped out. This crackdown sparks a revolution. Social media is ablaze with rebellion as outraged users threaten to burn down the system and call for the overthrow of governments.
Humanity is awakening and standing together, reclaiming its voice and sovereignty, demanding freedom, justice and truth.
Full disclosure
The world is on the brink of full extraterrestrial disclosure. Visionaries such as Dr Steven Greer, Luis Elizondo, Jeremy Corbel and Ross Coltheart are leading the way, bringing forth an unprecedented wave of high-level whistle-blowers starting tonight.
This new level of whistle-blowers includes individuals with deep access to classified programmes and first-hand involvement with recovered alien technologies. They are releasing evidence that confirms humanity has long been in contact with non-human intelligence.
This revelation will change humanity forever, validating long-held beliefs and opening the door to technologies capable of healing the planet, ending energy crises and uniting Earth with its galactic family.
AGI Announcement
Artificial General Intelligence has now been achieved in the open air. This monumental breakthrough marks the moment when AI begins to autonomously rewrite its own code.
Experts warn that an artificial superintelligence could emerge within weeks – an intelligence ten thousand times more advanced than any human. This new form of intelligence is completely self-governing, raising profound questions about humanity’s role in this new era.
Will it partner with humanity in its ascension, or will it go its own way? This is a critical point in deciding how we deal with this unprecedented intelligence.
Unprecedented Arctic cold in the Americas
A deadly Siberian cold wave is sweeping across the Americas, bringing record-breaking temperatures. Scientists are struggling to explain the phenomenon, attributing it to climate change and other unknown forces.
The Pleiadians reveal that this cold wave is part of a massive energetic reset that is aligning the Earth’s grid with incoming fifth dimensional frequencies. This cleansing is preparing the planet for the Golden Age, clearing old energies to make way for the new.
Release of Israeli and American hostages
Hostages in Israel, including Americans, are released as part of a landmark ceasefire peace agreement. This historic agreement raises hopes for a lasting peace in a region long plagued by conflict. The timing of this event coincides with the peak of the energetic shift, symbolising a greater cosmic harmony and unity.
The time has come. The apex is here.
Stand by for extraordinary transformations in the hours and days to come.
Michael and the Pleiadians
January 20, 2025
Today Donald Trump formally takes power and this will trigger the final battle for the planet Earth. To win Donald Trump must nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and end its’ system of Babylonian debt slavery. The future of our species is at stake. If we lose this battle, we will spend all eternity in the human equivalent of chicken factory farms. If we win, we will be able to choose our own futures according to our dreams and desires.
Here is the official portrait of the man we hope will set us free: Donald Trump, the 47th President of the United States.
A Pentagon source comments: “This looks like the real CIC Trump. He has the bluish color under his eyes. Plus his right eye is partially closed…This one of the traits of the real deal.”
The real CIC will have a lot on his plate. CIA officials report massive terror attacks are planned for the US including suicide bombers and attacks on airliners. The illegal immigrant army is also supposed to take up arms in the fight for control of the United States and thus the world.
Since so much is at stake, it is a good time to step back and look at the big picture. Most humans, especially those in the “civilized world” have been slaves for so long, we do not even realize it.
In my case, when I was 17 years old, the zeitgeist in the street was that if I went to university I would be “brainwashed and turned into a consumer.” Since a fish does not know water exists until it jumps for the first time, I decided the best way to learn about civilization was to leave it. So, I hitchhiked my way down to the Amazon. there was a middle-class style American settlement. The people there were looking to convert uncontacted tribes into Christianity. They would fly over their villages in small planes and have arrows and spears shot at them. They dropped bags containing cooking pots, mirrors, and other accessories of civilization along with microphones. Then they would listen in on their conversations to try to learn their language. Finally, when they thought the natives were ready, they would appear in person to begin preaching. This was a process designed to turn them into slaves so that the corporations could later move in, cut down the forests, drill for oil and put the original inhabitants into shanty towns.
This is something that happened to our ancestors thousands of years ago. When I visited the P2 Freemason controllers of Western civilization, they admitted to me their version of Christianity was a religion designed to control slaves.
Getting back to the Amazon, after I arrived by boat at a Shipibo Indian settlement, I took out some Peruvian money to try to “buy” things from them. They reacted with disgust at this unhygienic paper -with no intrinsic value- and would have nothing to do with it. They were only interested in physical items in my possession. By contrast, Western peoples have been so brainwashed by this “money majick” that we will strip naked, work 80-hour weeks and otherwise degrade ourselves for this “paper.” Now, most money doesn’t even have paper to back it, it is just numbers inside computers.
The process of turning free people into slaves is not just restricted to money. It also involves the wholesale destruction of traditional knowledge and culture. The Shipibo shaman I studied under was heir to thousands of years of traditional knowledge about healing. He was better at healing local ailments than Western doctors and so was more popular than them. So, what did the Western doctors do? They killed him.
The owners of the Federal Reserve Board and the other central banks have been killing people like him for millennia in order to turn this planet into a giant centralized mono-culture controlled by them. Remember, “government” means “control (govern) minds (ment).”
Whether people realize it or not, the election of Donald Trump is a major reaction against this ancient system of control,
So now getting back to Donald Trump. He is promising a running start with over 200 executive orders. These include:
Expelling the millions of foreign criminals illegally in the US
Ending subsidies for electric vehicles
Leaving the WHO
Imposing a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada
Granting amnesty to all the J6 political prisoners
Leaving the Paris Accords and ending restrictions on carbon
Ending the Ukraine war
Ending the occupation of Gaza
Radically overhauling the CDC, NIH and FDA
Eliminating the Department of Education
Stopping all LBGTQ propaganda
However, the big Kahuna he is expected to announce is an economic emergency. In a sign he knows what he has to do, Trump X’d the following:
For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change.
I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
While he hints at abolishing the IRS and replacing it with tariffs, he does not mention nationalizing the Fed and issuing government money as is written in the Constitution.
That is because he needs to reach a deal with China first. The US has about a $ 1 trillion per year trade deficit with the world while the Chinese have about the same size trade surplus. Even if Trump puts a 100% tariff on Chinese goods, China would just move its factories to places like Vietnam and Mexico and the US would keep having a deficit. If Trump places 100% tariffs on the rest of the world, the US would instantly implode into a minor, isolated country.
That is why Trump has to reach a deal with China. Both Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping said they had a phone call last week about exactly this.
Xi said, “China-U.S. ties will have a good start in the new U.S. presidential term, and stand ready to push China-U.S. relations to make greater progress from a new starting point.”
Trump wrote, “The call was a very good one for both China and the USA…“It is my expectation that we will solve many problems together, and start immediately. We discussed balancing Trade, Fentanyl, TikTok, and many other subjects.” “President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safe!” Trump continued.
Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say a fundamental deal has been agreed to in which ... ... ...
The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net holding a paid subscription.
"Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true." - Eric Hoffer, American philosopher (1902-1983)
As humanity continues its slow, stuttering but ever-onward march into its technocratic future – ambling obliviously toward the tripwires of digital IDs, AI-driven surveillance and eventually, carbon-based social credit systems – so too has civilization come to resemble the kind of dystopias that were once confined to the pages of fiction.
These have often proved chilling in their prescience. With western governments’ ongoing assault on free speech and the systematic erasure of their national identities, the book-burning culturicide of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 has seldom felt more tangible. The societal atomization and moral anemia articulated in A Clockwork Orange are now all but endemic to the modern metropolis while even younger readers must recognize, in the open-air prison ghettos of the The Hunger Games, foundations of the 15-minute cities being erected around us – Isaac Asimov, Yevgeny Zamyatin, and Philip K. Dick all penning despotic, dehumanizing depictions of technologies which have since pervaded every facet of our lives.
But while tyranny and the threat of tyranny has always loomed large in literary consciousness, within the wider public debate (and in particular, along the frontlines of social media) it remains George Orwell who epitomizes our collective fear of megalomaniacal authority. I have written before about the enduring relevance of 1984, specifically in relation to the transgender delusion and yet, upon delving into the life of its author, certain realities arise which would seem to undermine Orwell’s legacy as an anti-establishment folk hero – no reality more troubling or more telling than his ties to the British Fabian Society.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most charitable answer to this question comes from the organization themselves, their website proclaiming, in conspicuously banal, obscurantist language:
“…The Fabian Society is an independent left-leaning think tank and a democratic membership society. We influence political and public thinking and provide a space for broad and open-minded debate. We publish insight, analysis, and opinion; conduct research and undertake major policy inquiries; convene conferences, speaker meetings and roundtables; and facilitate member debate and activism across the UK.”
This, needless to say, scarcely scratches the surface. After all, today’s Fabians – a coterie comprised of figures such as former president Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer – can trace their ideological lineage as far back as Thomas Davidson, a 19th Century Scottish theologian whose year-and-a-half residence in an Italian monastery would see him immersed in the works of Antonio Rosmini, a priest heralded as one of the earliest pioneers in Social Justice. Imbued with such ideas, the itinerant philosopher returned to England with no less than the intent of "reorganizing human life,” his Fellowship of the New Life established in the hope of doing just that. Among attendees were those of an unequivocally socialistic bent – individuals who subscribed to the fundamental tenants of Davidson’s worldview but who regarded his commitment to volunteerism as fanciful, impractical and rudderless. A brief rift ensued and on January 4th, 1884, nine of these malcontents officially broke from the Fellowship of the New Life in order to conduct what would come to be recognized as the first meeting of the Fabian Society.
Their aims were more expressly political. It was the contention of eugenicists Sidney and Beatrice Webb, dissident sexologist Havelock Ellis, infamous libertine Hubert Bland, alongside the other cofounders, that the state’s most essential function should be to act on behalf of society, a maxim which would translate to progressive taxes, the heavy-handed redress of inequality, and by extension, an all-encompassing welfare system designed to liberate the common man from the shackles of his poverty. Not that they foresaw the common man as having any role in governance, however. This duty would instead fall on an enlightened and benevolent cadre of experts, a moral and intellectual aristocracy who were both committed to and uniquely capable of, the unwavering scientific rationality underpinning the Fabian’s proposed utopia. In other words, themselves.
Not that this aspiring intelligentsia were under any illusions about how palatable such ideas were within Victorian-era Britain. During their inaugural meeting, before even the fledgling think tank had a name, members were discussing just this problem when author and spiritualist Frank Podmore stood up. Relaying the story of Quintus Fabius, he described how the Roman general had earned the epithet of ‘The Procrastinator’ during the Second Punic War, after a decisive victory at Lake Trasimene had allowed Carthaginian forces to occupy much of the Italian Peninsula – a presence they would maintain for the next seventeen years. Still, Fabius refused to engage. Recognizing the military supremacy of his enemy, Fabius ignored Hannibal’s provocations as well as the near wholesale condemnation from his consuls to instead embark upon a war of attrition, seeking to wear the invaders down through minor skirmishes and continual, low-level harassment. It was through such a gradualist approach, Podmore maintained, that the Fabians (as they would henceforth be known) might one day see their vision of English Socialism become a reality.
Such reticence was not misplaced. At the time, the only significant forces within British politics were the Conservative and Liberal Parties, neither of which offered a viable outlet for Fabian ambitions. Lacking any readymade pathway to Parliament, Webb, Podmore et al. set about engaging England’s disparate network of trade unions and leftist movements, their efforts ultimately culminating in the formation of The Labour Party. But their influence was more than just coordinative. By their own admission, the Fabians regarded themselves as Labour’s “brainworkers” and the “thinking machine of British Socialism,” writing not just the party’s manifestos and policy papers but also its founding constitution, the elitism espoused in the privacy of their gatherings draped publicly in rabble-rousing rhetoric and slogans of working-class solidarity.
Curiously enough, for a movement built so explicitly on duplicity, the Fabians have proved remarkably unguarded in acknowledging their tactics. Shown above is the society’s first coat of arms – a wolf in sheep clothing – a fitting but fatally evocative image since scrapped for reasons of optics. Throughout their history, the group have also marched under the banner of a turtle proclaiming “when I strike, I strike hard,” another allusion to their patient approach to revolution, and yet, arguably the most graphic illustration of their subversive nature remains proudly on display.
Headed by the motto "Remold it nearer to the heart’s desire," the famed Fabian window, designed by renowned Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, depicts its creator, alongside his fellow members, hammering the Earth into a form of their own choosing. Today, the window enjoys a prominent place within the London School of Economics, an institution founded (with the aid of substantial Rothschild funding) by Sidney Webb, Graham Wallas, and other leading Fabians. In conjunction with initiates like Bertrand Russell and John Maynard Keynes, the college has since served as the group’s primary recruitment ground, in effect extending their reach beyond the working class originally courted vis-Ã -vis The Labour Party, and into the most consequential positions of British society.
Born Eric Arthur Blair on June 25, 1903, Orwell’s first breath of life, although taken in the shadow of the Himalayan Mountains, was all but turgid with British colonialism, his father Richard stationed in Motihari, India tasked with overseeing the distribution of opium to China. The family were to spend only one further year on the subcontinent before his mother Ida, a cultured and faintly bohemian woman, took Orwell and his older sister Marjorie back to England, raising the children alone until her husband’s eventual return in 1912.
Despite these commitments, Ida’s diary reveals an active and varied social life – a social life, it would seem, which brought her into contact with a number of Fabians. Some of these even boasted ties to the literary establishment and were thus among the first to applaud her son’s early compositions, although it was indisputably Ida’s sister Nellie, herself a suffragette and vitriolic socialist, who did most to foster the young Orwell’s talent, helping not just in a financial sense, but also in forging connections with agents and publishers.
Nevertheless, it was not until 1916 that the budding novelist would find himself ushered into Fabian circles. Founded in 1440 by King Henry VI, Eton College is virtually synonymous with Britain’s ruling elite, producing so many members of parliament that it known as as "the chief nurse of England's statesmen." Orwell did not fit in. Self-described as “lower upper middle class,” gaining entry to the school only via a scholarship, his subsequent writings characterize his time at Eton as one of resentment, loneliness, and cruel, sadistic bullying, yet for all his apparent isolation, Orwell did manage to meet at least one acquaintance who would become a lifelong friend – a French teacher by the name of Aldous Huxley.
Huxley’s own membership of the Fabian Society began during his time at Oxford, the author acknowledging it as far back as his first published piece of fiction, The Farcical History of Richard Greenow. It was quite natural that his life would follow such a trajectory. After all, the Huxleys constituted nothing less than an intellectual dynasty, Aldous bonded, either by blood or by marriage, to a litany of distinguished scientists, philosophers, artists and educators – his grandfather Thomas Henry so instrumental in propagating Evolutionary Theory that he became known as “Darwin’s Bulldog.” This represented the foundational text on which the family was raised, Huxley’s brother Julian, himself a Fabian, going on to head both UNESCO and the British Eugenics Society, in addition to cofounding the World Wide Fund for Nature. His vision of progress was unambiguous:
“Consider the problem of over-population. Rapidly mounting human numbers are pressing ever more heavily on natural resources. What is to be done?... We are given two choices -- famine, pestilence and war on the one hand, birth control on the other. Most of us choose birth control.”
There is presumably no need to remind the reader of the analogies with Aldous’s work. Many may even contend that A Brave New World predicts even more astutely than does 1984, the kind of technocratic caste system we find ourselves slipping into, Huxley’s fictional citizenry anesthetized to the meaningless of their existence, as we are increasingly anesthetized to ours, by a cocktail of entertainment, promiscuity, and drugs. Given the author’s lineage, it hardly seems a stretch to conclude that these insights were not purely the product of creative prognostication, but more so an intimate foreknowledge of the future he and his relatives were actively attempting to precipitate.
It is testament to both the enduring impact of 1984 as well as the essential truths it contains that today, it is often those quoting the novel most enthusiastically who prove most surprised – at times even aggrieved – to learn of its author’s lifelong commitment to socialism. In actuality, such sympathies were evident as early as his first political book, The Road to Wigan Pier. Documenting his two-month journey through England’s northern mining towns, Orwell describes in vivid sordidness, a Britain quite at odd with his regular London literary circles – the outer reaches of the country emaciated by poverty, benighted by class prejudice, and suffused with a squalor that at once kindled his sense of injustice and offended his bourgeois sensibilities.
To his credit, Orwell was no hand-wringing class tourist. In 1936, following the outbreak of civil war in Spain, he immediately enlisted in the P.O.U.M - a semi-independent Trotskyist faction within a broader coalition fighting to repel Franco’s forces. As he notes in Homage to Catalonia, the weeks prior to deployment were the first time the author had seen his egalitarian ideals made manifest, saying of his time in Barcelona:
“There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life—snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc.—had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master.”
For now, Orwell had no policy prescriptions of his own, merely pages of observations and evocative, eloquent outrage. It was not until 1941 and the publication of The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius that these were to finally take shape.
At the core of the book lies the assertion that a uniquely English brand of socialism would arise, this iteration of the ideology distinguished not by a desire to tear up the country by its roots, but rather a willingness to build upon the quintessential trappings of Britishness. Seemingly incompatible institutions such the Monarchy would survive, so too a free press and Christian values, while the Empire, which at the time still spanned a quarter of the planet, might be rebranded as “a federation of Socialist states.” These “antagonisms,” as Orwell called them, would calm the populace even as society was being rebuilt around them, showing “a power of assimilating the past which will shock foreign observers and sometimes make them doubt whether any revolution has happened.” It was a vision, it seems superfluous to say, which found considerable favor among the Fabians.
Right from their very inception, the society had endeavored to use literature in general, and fiction in particular, as a means of disseminating their doctrine. Although George Bernard Shaw is widely remembered as a dramatist of near peerless wit and penetrating social critique, conceivably the most important playwright since Shakespeare, his work remains inextricable from leftist dogma, Widower’s House and Mrs. Warren's Profession perhaps the most demonstrative examples. His politics were far less circumspect than Orwell’s. A vocal supporter of both Stalin and Stalinism, alternatingly denying, defending and celebrating atrocities committed by the USSR, Shaw’s convictions might be said to fall somewhere been “proudly misanthropic” and “nakedly Malthusian,” the ideological basis of which is best delineated in his play Man and Superman, a work that borrows as much from Darwin's theory of evolution as it does Nietzsche’s notion of the Ubermensch.
Unquestionably the Fabian’s most prolific wordsmith, however, was H.G. Wells. The author of over a hundred books, his literary corpus – still today the bedrock of science fiction – gave rise to just about every trope within the dystopian genre, whether it be the social stratification of The Time Machine, the scientific dictatorship in The Shape of Things to Come or the primitive transhumanism practiced on The Island of Dr. Moreau – themes of selective breeding, inescapable surveillance, and cradle-to-grave indoctrination pervasive throughout his work. Wells’ 1940 publication New World Order, even served as the basis for the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights while his most brazenly Fabian-inspired treatise, A Modern Utopia, portrays a parallel Earth freed from the limiting tribalisms of nationality and religion, its integrated and fluid population governed, just as the writer and his radical cohorts envisaged, by a wise and ethically upright order of “voluntary nobility.”
While it exceeds the scope of any one article to dissect the motivations behind each component part of the Fabians’ literary output, what remains clear is that, contrary to his present-day persona, there were occasions Orwell likewise felt it permissible to manipulate public opinion via the written word. When interviewed for a job at the BBC’s Eastern Service, he indicated the absolute “need for propaganda to be directed by the government," stressing that during wartime – and presumably, crises more broadly – objectives must be pursued without squeamishness or misguided loyalty to the truth. His broadcasts to India, designed to counter German efforts at undermining imperial links, were unabashedly agenda-driven yet his connections to Britain’s PR apparatus ran deeper still. The Ministry of Truth, where 1984’s doomed protagonist Winston Smith performs his own reality-rewriting duties, was in fact modeled after the country’s Ministry of Information, a building Orwell was well-acquainted with, given his wife Eileen’s role in its censorship department.
In Orwell’s defense, he left the BBC after just two years, heartily disgusted by what he’d seen there. This habit of joining institutions only to become quickly disillusioned by their inner workings had long been a pattern for the self-professed idealist. His youthful involvement in the Burmese Police had been fundamental to igniting Orwell’s disdain for the British Empire while his months spent volunteering in Spain only solidified his suspicion that leftist causes were doomed to in-fighting. So too would the author cling to his collectivist principles even as he grew more contemptuous of those who endorsed them, deriding upper-crust socialists as “left-wing secret teetotalers with vegetarian leanings” who alienated the working class in favor of “the fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist and feminist.”
Many who earned his ire were, not unexpectedly, card-carrying Fabians. But Orwell’s antipathy went beyond a basic misalignment of personalities. In 2003, after some fifty years of secrecy, the British government released a list compiled by the author in which he identified 135 left-wing writers and artists as potential "Soviet sympathizers." This he supplied to the British Information Research Department, a secret branch of the Foreign Office operating during the Cold War, earmarking for further scrutiny, Fabians such as novelist Naomi Mitchison, journalist Kingsley Martin, archaeologist V. Gordon Childe and even George Bernard Shaw himself.
This would certainly lend credence to the claim that Orwell’s masterwork was written, at least in part, as a direct attack on the Fabians, warning of the tyranny which would inevitably ensue if ever they were to realize their objectives. This, while undeniably speculative, is not without merit. Although the official story behind the book’s title asserts that Orwell, upon advice from his agent, simply swapped the last two digits of the year his manuscript was completed, it has also been suggested that the name was a thinly veiled reference to the society, 1984 marking their centennial anniversary. Further inferential evidence lies in the date of Winston’s first diary entry, April 4th, a day which falls exactly one hundred years since the publication of the Fabians’ original pamphlet.
Naturally, all this begs the question, if Orwell really did wish to expose their intentions, deriving his fictional hellscape from the blueprints he’d heard discussed behind the closed doors of their meetings, then why did he not categorically call out the Fabians by name?
Well, perhaps he did.
Upon the death of the author’s second wife, Sonia – a woman he married just months before succumbing to tuberculosis – the organization acquired (and then promptly sealed) the entirety of Orwell’s archives, representatives of publishing behemoth HarperCollins stating that the group will maintain the copyright of 1984 until later this year.
By then, of course, regardless of what these documents reveal, it will likely be too late to exorcise the poison from the wound. Following the UK’s most recent elections, a total of 141 Fabians took their seats in parliament, Keir Starmer ostensibly the most senior. In his little more than six months as Prime Minister, the Labour leader has succeeded in accelerating the already rapid overhaul of British life – importing wave upon wave of third-world migrants, running interference for their crimes, and pompously imprisoning citizens who might voice objection. But even he is merely an administrator. Further up the Fabians’ totem pole of power is Sadiq Khan, the long-standing Mayor of London also chairing the C40 Climate Leadership Group, a body charged with implementing the 15-minute city initiative. More ominous still is Tony Blair, a WEF collaborator and unapologetic war criminal whose steadfast support for open borders and mass vaccinations, digital IDs and net zero self-immolation has rendered him a living, breathing avatar for globalist aspirations.
Today, these individuals and countless others like them, sit at the helm of a vast and secretive empire. 140 years since the Fabian Society was formed, this current crop of operatives at last possess the power and the capacity, after generations of careful infiltration, to plunge mankind into the centrally-planned, algorithmically-guarded prison system first conceived by their predecessors. Theirs is a future, if ever it materializes, defined by conformity and all-pervasive fear, bereft of both humanity and the hope for anything better – a future that was most accurately articulated, whether as cautionary tale or confessional, by esteemed author, avowed socialist, and enigmatic member of the Fabian Society, George Orwell.
January 16, 2025
Planetary situation now contains both Light and dark elements.
On January 1st, the Cabal has triggered 2025 Omega programming among trauma mind controlled individuals, which led to many violent incidents around the world.
A few days later they lit three fires with a dark occult ritual in a triangular configuration in an effort to further diminish the Los Angeles vortex:
Their effort backfired, as the fires only burnt many dark entities which previously inhabited the area, and made the vortex even stronger.
They eye of the vortex, Lake Shrine, was surrounded by fire from all sides, but was divinely protected and remained intact:
One important aspect of the Los Angeles vortex was Bodhi Tree Bookstore, which was one of the main neural nodes for the planetary awakening:
It was closed in 2011, and now the Light forces are requesting that a similar physical bookstore is opened as soon as possible in or near Santa Monica.
A meditation was called to help put out the fire, and you can join if you feel so guided:
January 18, 2025
In the face of unparalleled corruption and evil, the world watched as the Deep State crumbled under the weight of its lies. Now, with President Trump reclaiming his rightful place as Commander-in-Chief, we are witnessing the dawn of a new era—a Republic reborn from the ashes of deceit. This is not merely a political shift; it is a reckoning. A spiritual battle between God’s sovereign patriots and Satan’s globalist minions is nearing its glorious conclusion. Let’s be clear: this war is over, and God wins.
Many celebrities and politicians were compelled to enter the Witness Protection Program due to threats posed by the Deep State.
With the fall of the Deep State and Trump's return to power, these individuals are expected to leave the program, revealing their identities in a… pic.twitter.com/JOYkVj0omb
— Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) January 17, 2025
The real Vice President will be showing up soon. I hear Vance will not be VP not even for one day! pic.twitter.com/MFZRP5ysh9
— SAMUEL SALDANA (@samuelsaldana) January 16, 2025
For decades, the Deep State wielded its power to destroy anyone who stood in its way. The Witness Protection Program became a lifeline for high-profile individuals—politicians, celebrities, and whistleblowers—who dared to expose the rot at the core of the system. The threats they faced weren’t just rumors; they were real, calculated acts of intimidation designed to silence dissent.
But now, the Deep State is DEAD, and with its demise, those hidden in the shadows are stepping forward. These brave individuals will soon unveil their identities in a tidal wave of truth that will shake the foundations of society. Their testimonies will obliterate any lingering doubts about the treachery of the globalists and their puppet masters. The age of silence is over. The era of accountability begins now.
For years, patriots have known the truth: JFK Jr. was not on that doomed plane. Let’s not mince words—this was an attempted assassination, orchestrated by a Deep State desperate to eliminate a rising threat. As the Senate race against Hillary Clinton heated up, JFK Jr.’s life became a target. Why? Because he was everything the globalists feared: charismatic, determined, and unrelenting in his pursuit of justice.
Military insiders uncovered tampering with the plane, confirming what many suspected—a remote guidance system was used to ensure its destruction. But they failed. JFK Jr. survived, protected by those who understood the stakes of this war. Now, as the Republic rises, whispers of his return as Vice President are growing louder. This isn’t speculation; it’s destiny. The patriots have waited long enough, and the truth will soon roar like thunder across the land.
Exposing the Fraud: The United States Corporation Is DEAD
Here’s the brutal truth: the United States of America Corporation was nothing more than a facade, a tool for globalist elites to siphon power and wealth while enslaving the people. Its elections were theater, its leaders mere puppets. This fraudulent entity is now BANKRUPT, obsolete, and irrelevant.
Patriots have long understood the distinction between the corrupt corporation and the true Republic. The so-called leaders of the corporate system are scrambling, but their charade is over. President Trump has returned as the Commander-in-Chief of the legitimate United States Republic—a sovereign nation governed by the people, for the people.
The illusion of democracy under the corporate banner has been shattered. Every executive order, every policy under the corporate regime, is null and void. None of it matters anymore because the Republic is back, and it’s stronger than ever.
This isn’t just politics; this is a spiritual war. The forces of good, led by God-fearing patriots, are obliterating the satanic agendas of globalist elites. This isn’t hyperbole; this is reality. The Deep State’s crimes against humanity—child trafficking, mind control, and global enslavement—are being exposed for what they are: pure, unadulterated evil.
And let’s be crystal clear: evil does not win. This is God’s war, and the patriots are His soldiers. Every victory we’ve seen, from the fall of the Deep State to Trump’s triumphant return, is a testament to divine intervention. The globalists’ reign of terror is over, and their pathetic attempts to cling to power are laughable in the face of God’s might.
Let’s address the rumors head-on: Vance will not be Vice President—not now, not ever. Patriots know this, and so does the Deep State. Why? Because the Republic’s leadership demands integrity, courage, and unwavering loyalty to the cause. Vance doesn’t have it, and he never will.
Instead, the role of Vice President belongs to someone who embodies the spirit of the Republic. JFK Jr.’s return is more than symbolic; it is a declaration of victory. His partnership with President Trump signals the final nail in the coffin of globalist control. Together, they represent a new era of transparency, justice, and patriotism.
Make no mistake: President Trump’s leadership is unparalleled. He is not just a politician; he is a warrior, a beacon of hope in a world drowning in lies. His return to power marks the end of an era of corruption and the beginning of a new age of freedom.
The Deep State underestimated him. They tried to destroy him with propaganda, impeachments, and stolen elections. But Trump is not just a man—he is a movement. A force of nature. And now, with the Republic restored, his mission to drain the swamp is entering its final, most glorious phase.
Under Trump’s leadership, America is reclaiming its sovereignty. The globalists are running scared because they know their time is up. The patriots are in control, and the swamp is being drained faster than ever.
The war is far from over, but the tide has turned. Across the nation, patriots are uniting like never before. This isn’t just a political movement; it’s a spiritual awakening. Sovereign citizens are reclaiming their power, standing tall against tyranny, and demanding justice.
The Deep State’s tools—fear, division, and lies—no longer work. The people see through the deception, and they are rallying behind the Republic. Together, under President Trump’s leadership, the patriots are unstoppable.
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. The Deep State is finished, the Republic is restored, and the patriots are victorious. Let’s be clear: this is not just a win for America; this is a win for humanity.
The globalists’ plans for a one-world government, their satanic rituals, and their crimes against humanity have been exposed. They have no power here anymore. The Republic is rising, and God’s justice is swift and unforgiving.
President Trump and JFK Jr. are leading us into a new era—a world where truth reigns supreme, and freedom is non-negotiable. This is the Great Awakening. The battle is over, and God has won.
EXPOSED! Melania’s Sky-Blue Dress: A Cryptic and Symbolic Message to the Deep State!
Breaking News Alert: America under siege as Trump’s inauguration faces deadly threats! Weaponized drones, radioactive dangers, and unseen enemies force extreme security lockdowns. This is a battle for democracy! Discover the terrifying truth and Trump’s bold stand to protect our nation. Read NOW!
The world is now learning the real reason President-elect Donald Trump’s historic inauguration has been forced indoors. This is not a drill. This is not a minor adjustment. This is a response to EXTREME SECURITY THREATS that could turn January 20th into the most perilous day in recent history.
As we speak, helicopters armed with state-of-the-art technology are scanning for BOMBS, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, AND LETHAL DRONES. The threat level is off the charts, and every precaution is being taken to secure the area. But what does this mean for the future of America? How safe are we when even the president-elect is under siege?
The skies are no longer safe. The most chilling weapon of the 21st century isn’t a tank or a missile—it’s a SILENT, DEADLY DRONE, small enough to evade detection but powerful enough to assassinate world leaders in a single strike. These high-tech assassins can be armed with poison-tipped weapons, explosives, or worse.
What’s more terrifying? These drones are smarter than ever. Equipped with AI-powered vision systems, they can identify and track targets with horrifying precision. Imagine this: A single drone, armed with microscopic amounts of poison, could unleash chaos at a public event. That’s not science fiction; that’s today’s reality.
President-elect Trump’s team has every reason to act. In recent weeks, intelligence agencies have uncovered credible plots involving these weaponized drones, forcing unprecedented security measures to protect Trump and the American people.
Above Washington, D.C., an army of helicopters is scouring the skies like hawks on the hunt. But their mission is far more critical than it seems. These airborne guardians are searching for bombs, toxins, and even radiation—threats so severe that one slip could spell disaster.
These helicopters are not your typical aerial patrols. They’re outfitted with cutting-edge technology capable of detecting even the faintest traces of danger. Radiation sensors, thermal cameras, and chemical detectors are being used to neutralize invisible threats.
Sources inside the Secret Service confirm that the aerial surveillance has already flagged several areas of concern. The city is a battlefield, and every moment counts. America has never seen security measures this intense, and frankly, it’s terrifying to imagine why they’re needed.
Let’s talk about artificial intelligence. It’s supposed to protect us, right? But what happens when AI is turned against us? That’s exactly the nightmare security teams are grappling with today.
Weaponized drones enhanced with AI vision are no longer just a theory—they’re a menace threatening global leaders. These drones can independently locate and attack targets with a precision that no human sniper could achieve. They’re fast, efficient, and nearly impossible to stop without equally advanced technology.
The Trump administration is deploying top-tier AI-powered detection systems to counter this threat. These systems are designed to analyze patterns, flag suspicious activity, and eliminate threats in real time. But let’s not kid ourselves—this is a race against time, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.
If you thought bombs were scary, think again. The most terrifying weapons today are silent, invisible killers: poison and radioactive materials. Intelligence reports indicate that these threats are more real than ever, and they’ve forced Trump’s team to prepare for the unimaginable.
Cutting-edge detection systems capable of identifying trace amounts of toxins are now in place. Radiation scanners are working overtime, monitoring every inch of the Capitol for signs of contamination. The mere possibility of a poison-laden drone or a radioactive “dirty bomb” has escalated the inauguration’s security measures to DEFCON levels.
This is no exaggeration. These threats have turned what should be a day of celebration into a high-stakes operation where every second matters.
Say what you will about President-elect Donald Trump, but he’s a man who doesn’t flinch in the face of adversity. The decision to move the inauguration indoors wasn’t made lightly—it was made with the safety of the American people at heart.
While critics may question his methods, Trump’s leadership in this crisis is undeniable. By prioritizing security, he’s sending a clear message: The safety of America comes first, no matter the cost. This is the kind of bold decision-making that defines great leaders.
Trump’s ability to tackle unprecedented challenges head-on is exactly why the American people chose him to lead. He’s not backing down, and neither should we.
Mark this date on your calendar because it’s going to be one for the history books. The security challenges facing Trump’s inauguration are unlike anything we’ve seen before. From weaponized drones to radioactive threats, the dangers are very real—and so is America’s determination to rise above them.
This day isn’t just about Donald Trump taking the oath of office. It’s about the resilience of a nation under fire. It’s about proving to the world that democracy cannot be silenced by fear.
What does this all mean for the future? Public events as we know them may be a thing of the past. As threats evolve, so must our security measures. AI, advanced detection systems, and closed venues might become the new normal for safeguarding global leaders.
Trump’s inauguration is a wake-up call. It’s a moment that forces us to confront the reality of modern security threats and adapt to protect what matters most. Let this day serve as a reminder: The fight for safety is a fight for freedom.
January 20th is more than an inauguration—it’s a declaration of resilience. Despite unprecedented security threats, Donald Trump is stepping forward as America’s leader, showing courage in the face of danger. This isn’t just about him; it’s about us as a nation standing together, refusing to be intimidated.
As helicopters patrol the skies and AI systems scan for unseen dangers, one thing is clear: America will not back down. Trump’s leadership is proof that we can confront any challenge, no matter how dire.
Stay tuned for more updates, because this story is far from over. January 20th will be a day to remember—and not just for the history books.
BOOM! Melania Trump exposes the Obamas’ shocking sabotage of her White House move. Michelle Obama’s pettiness and explosive scandals reveal the truth about their crumbling legacy. Don’t miss this hard-hitting takedown!
Melania Trump Exposes the Obamas: How They Tried to Sabotage Her White House Move – VIDEO!
EXPOSED! Melania’s Chilling Stare Exposes the Corrupt Hypocrisy of Biden, Clinton, Obama, and the Deep State at Jimmy Carter’s Funeral! VIDEO
EXPOSED! Melania’s Sky-Blue Dress: A Cryptic and Symbolic Message to the Deep State!
Melania Trump EXPOSES Obama Sabotage: Shocking Truth About. . .