In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, June 27, 2022

Angela Hitler gathers lieutenants in Germany to mourn loss of Fourth Reich

June 27, 2022

In an echo of History, Angela Hitler gathered her lieutenants at her father’s castle in Bavaria to vow to fight the last Ukrainian in the face of inevitable defeat by overwhelming Russian forces. This so-called G7 meeting is part of an emergency gathering of Khazarian mafia leaders who now face both military defeat and war crimes tribunals.

A look at the situation in Europe, the US and around the world makes it very clear we are dealing with the end of an era. Even the Jerusalem Post, the flagship newspaper for the former Khazarian mafia stronghold of Israel, admits this now:

We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages.

It seems, finally, that this cycle of plague, war and famine will be the last of Western hegemony and the birth of a new world order, a new world order which will probably bring back the balance of power to Asia and Africa, which were the centers of global wealth and power long before the industrial revolution.

Let us start with the situation in Ukraine. In a sign of total military defeat, Ukrainian “recruiters” are now snatching people from their houses, the streets, restaurants and entertainment facilities and sending them untrained and poorly armed to the front lines. “A large number of seasoned Nazis were put out of action and those reservists who are now sent into battle aren’t fit for the task,” military expert Colonel Viktor Baranets told RT.

Grabbing people off the streets and putting them into ditches to get killed by artillery is a clear sign of the imminent and total collapse of the Ukrainian military.

Both Japanese and British military intelligence say the whole so-called war is a marketing operation so the arms industry has an excuse to buy new weapons and keep itself afloat. 

Japanese military intelligence says what is happening is that NATO is dumping it’s old and about to expire weapons stocks. The old weapons are all going to Syria and Afghanistan, not Ukraine, they add

“NATO is de facto The North Atlantic Arms Trade Organization even if under various other guises,” an MI6 source agrees noting “The Russo Ukrainian Conflagration is, in fact, the NATO Russo Conflagration intended to make a market.”

It is more than just arms sales though. What is really happening is the collapse of the EU and the United States of America Corporation, which are brand names of the Nazi Fourth Reich, the sources say.

Behind the scenes, the former Nazi Fuehrer George Bush Sr. ordered the murder of Dr. Michael Van De Meer, the former head of MI6, several years ago. In retaliation, the entire Bush clan was executed, MI6 sources say.

The Nazis then counter-retaliated with the Frankfurt-based election fraud which installed as President “a Joe Biden who was too incapacitated to know what was happening.” The source adds that “to my knowledge, nobody in the world listens to a word the man says.” This whole Nazi Biden counter move has led the US “a car wreck beyond repair and essentially a failed state.”

What we are likely to witness over the coming weeks or at most months is the complete surrender of Europe, multiple sources agree.

However, according to both the NSA and MI6, last Sunday night the world came very close to full out thermo-nuclear war when ... ... ...

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Did the US use time travel to win World War II?

According to the legendary Montauk Project whistleblower, Al Bielek, the US first discovered time travel technology in 1936 and was given assistance from the future to win World War II. Bielek’s startling information provides an answer to a common question concerning extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs, “how did Nazi Germany lose the war if they were receiving technological assistance from Draco Reptilians”, as claimed by secret space program insiders such as William Tompkins in his Selected by Extraterrestrials book series?

On April 20, 2000, Bielek recorded video testimony of his involvement in the famous Philadelphia Experiment and US classified research into time travel. During his recording, he described how time travel technology was discovered by accident in 1936. A submerged Atlantean crystal was discovered by the US Navy drilling ship, Kearsarge (AB-1) in the Bermuda Triangle area of the Atlantic Ocean.

After disappearing for two months due to the Atlantean crystal’s activation, the Kearsarge returned with its crew intact to share the incredible news that they had traveled into the future. Future humans had given them detailed instructions for how to develop time travel technology, which would be vital for success in the coming World War.

After two years of experimentation and calibration, the time travel technology was ready for use according to Bielek’s sources. The time travel technology was subsequently used to gain advanced weapons from the future that were used in World War II. In the following extract from Bielek’s April 20, 2000, video recording, he explained what he had learned about the use of time travel technology during World War II:

The stories I ran into and the information I had which partly came out of Los Alamos Laboratory’s Black Vault, as did so much other things, was they found out how to calibrate it. They were able to use the Kearsarge and later a number of other ships similarly outfitted with the appropriate equipment for time travel into the future, and this allegedly according to my information became essential to the winning of World War Two against Nazi Germany.

We had to pull some hardware out of the future modify, a few things, and even if you look at the end of the war wherein we dropped a plutonium bomb, as well as a standard uranium gun barrel type bomb on Japan, so when Hiroshima was on the uranium gun barrel bomb and the one in Nagasaki by public statement wasn’t a plutonium bomb. One has to ask some very serious questions since in the record of the development of the atomic bomb these tests to Trinity Flats was stated in the manuals and they declassified that information to be a plutonium bomb, and that it took all of the production of plutonium out of Hanford engineering works for over a year to produce enough plutonium of bomb grade they could use to test a bomb.

They were so concerned about whether it would work or not because they implied previous failures, which was true. They put a steel, very heavy steel shell around the bomb in case it fails [so] that they wouldn’t lose the plutonium, they could salvage it. Of course, it did happen that that particular device exploded quite well, left a nice glassy plating on the desert floor and was seen for many many miles. That took all of the plutonium that we had produced up to that time. How did we within one month get enough plutonium to build a bomb and drop it on Nagasaki? That has never been answered, and I think the answer lies in the fact that we had time travel capability and took some of the plutonium production out of the future where in the 80s and 90s and 70s even, we were able to produce it in rather large amounts relatively speaking.

The Russians over 40 years from one of their secret cities that built up a stockpile of 40 tons of bomb grade plutonium they don’t know what to do with and they’re still producing it. So it’s not that difficult to produce once you have the proper facilities other than that one specific instance. I’m told there were other instances of time travel being used to produce hardware in the future that is our era let us say the 80s to be used during the period of World War Two. The bottom line was we militarily defeated Hitler and the Axis powers in Japan and the world settled back to uneasy peace.[1:24:52]

Bielek’s incredible testimony is supported by historical events. The US Kearsange (AB-1) was a drilling ship that was active up to 1940 so it’s feasible that it was involved in the discovery of ancient Atlantean technology buried in the Bermuda Triangle area of the Atlantic Ocean. Also, the entire secrecy over the development of the Manhattan Project raises many questions over how two distinct types of atomic bombs could be developed and deployed only days apart to bring the Pacific war to a quick end.

Additionally, the Philadelphia Experiment, which multiple researchers have confirmed as genuine, appears to be an off-shoot of time travel research involving Navy ships that can be traced back to the Kearsarge incident. Finally, Bielek’s involvement with the Montauk Project (1971-1983) which also conducted time travel experiments does support his claim of having had access to highly classified material at various facilities, including the alleged Black Vault at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Bielek’s testimony supports claims that World War II was not only a Temporal War between different extraterrestrial factions, as I’ve discussed previously, but also involved future humanity. In fact, Bielek claims that he was sent to the future and witnessed first-hand future humans operating in 2137 and 2749 AD., and why they wanted Bielek to help them change future timelines.

In my upcoming webinar, Time Travel, Temporal War and our Future, I will investigate Bielek’s incredible time travel claims and contrast these with information from other insiders, researchers and experiencers concerning the Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Project Pegasus, Wingmakers, and Romania’s Department Zero conducting research into the Bucegi Mountains discoveries.

Bielek’s testimony, along with the testimony and documents provided by others concerning time travel technology, supports claims that future humanity has played a critical role in influencing past events in our history such as World War II. Most importantly, time travelers from our future, along with highly evolved extraterrestrial civilizations, are here today to assist us in revealing long suppressed knowledge, and transforming our world.

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

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Russian Colonel Responsible for Carrying Putin’s Nuclear Briefcase Found Shot

With Russia turning up the nuclear weapons rhetoric on the backdrop of their invasion of Ukraine, it has now been revealed that the carrier of Putin’s nuclear briefcase has been shot dead in his home in Krasnogorsk, Moscow.

Retired Colonel and Former Head of the Department of the Central Customs Administration Vadim Zimin, a top Russian official, has been rushed to the hospital, where he receives intensive care. He is currently in critical condition because of the gunshot. Vadim Zimin was primarily responsible for carrying Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear briefcase (also known as the “Cheget” in Russia).

Zimin, 53, had been serving with the Federal Security Service for years until he left for the Russian customs service. He first carried the briefcase containing Putin’s nuclear launch codes during former Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s administration. He would keep this role till Vladimir Putin came into power in 2000.

As of writing, SOFREP cannot obtain additional details of his death because of heavy Russian censorship. However, it is known that he was shot on June 20. The retired Russian colonel was discovered lying on his kitchen floor with a bullet in his head. Blood covered the kitchen floor, where his brother found him near death. The Russian nuclear briefcase containing Boris Yeltsin’s launch codes. 

This briefcase is known as the Cheget in Russia (Stanislav Kozlovskiy, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).

Plausible Theories

There were reports that the colonel faced several legal issues with the Russian government. First, he was accused of taking bribes after joining as the head of the Russian customs service from a business person and getting a 10% commission out of each transaction. As a result, he was fired from his post and was put on house arrest for an unspecified time.

Although Zimin denied the accusations, Kremlin media said he tried to commit suicide as a result. Russian media outlet Moskovsky Komsomolets reported that Zimin and his brother drank before the shooting. This is supported by the fact that an IZH 79-9TM pistol was lying nearby his body after the shooting.

The Kremlin is known to be unforgiving. With all the legal issues he faced, he could have made enemies(andi rivals) throughout his years with the FSB and the customs service. His suspected assassination also comes in perfect timing for the attacker since his wife was away in Ukraine, where she is currently working as a military medic.

She must have her hands tied as several reports throughout the months have indicated that the Russian forces are losing so many men to the war. Current losses stand at 34,430 soldiers as per Ukrainian estimates.

While this theory is plausible, there is no direct evidence to support this theory, so the suicide theory is the most believable one for now.

An eerily similar instance to Zimin’s alleged suicide attempt was that of ex-KB General Lev Sotskov’s death. On June 15, the Russian Major-General was found dead in his apartment after apparently shooting himself in the head.

The 90-year-old general was found by his wife in their bathroom with a suicide note. Police ruled the incident a suicide after a Tokarev TT-30 was discovered in their home. The Russian general reportedly received it as a gift from the Mongolian Secret Service. However, his death seems plausible that it was a suicide as he often said he was “tired of living” as to his relatives.

It is possible that his own superiors gave him the choice of committing suicide rather than facing a trial and imprisonment. This is Russia after all.

Recently, SOFREP Editor In chief Sean Spoonts paired up with Newsweek’s Jon Jackson to write about the procedures, and protocols Russia would follow in using its nuclear weapons, including information on its own nuclear football, called the “Cheget.” You can read that here

by SOFREP on 24 June 2022

Sex, Love, and Abortion

We live in dark times. Many pro-abortionists have become demonic vessels of occult hostile forces. They talk about “a woman’s right to choose” but can’t even define what a woman is these days because of Woke "political correctness."

Planned Parenthood and the whole abortion industry is also a billion-dollar industry for organ and fetus harvesting. On an occult level, they are child sacrifice rituals to the “gods” going back to ancient Babylon times.

There is a lot of emotional loosh being triggered on all sides regarding the abortion topic and the recent Supreme Court ruling in the US. However, it is a far deeper issue than just "my body my choice" and goes way beyond left vs. right on a political level and beyond any Constitutional rights or any dogmatic religious views.

It's a feeding ground for occult hostile forces right now. Watch your triggers, and emotional reactions, and stay grounded. It’s a good opportunity to do shadow work if one has the self-awareness to do it and understands how to do it.

The real issue in this dark age of materialism [and obsession with the physical body] is the distortion and misuse/abuse of sexual energy which is also one of the underlying mechanisms of the Matrix Control System to keep humanity enslaved [out of their own free will choice.]

It is based on the normalization and promotion of “casual sex” and just following “sexual desires” [without questioning where they come from] and lower desires [lust] in the tinder hookup culture, OnlyFans girls, porn, the sexualization of children, etc., and a complete lack of holistic sexual education [and I don't mean the demonic Woke-type groomer education].

Our entire western culture has become extremely sexualized.

Sex sells!

It's the lowest common dominator and the vast majority of humans are easily manipulated by tagging into their unconscious [and conscious] base-line sexual urges.

It’s also based on the denial of the spiritual world and at some point, it’s not just a “woman’s body” anymore when she is pregnant with a child. It’s two living beings and It’s not just dead flesh until birth after 9 months.

Before any libs or pro-choice folks jump on me, know that I’m against any form of government control when it comes to pro-abortion or pro-life. Just like I don’t want anyone telling me to get the vaxx. You do whatever you want to do, but as for anything in life, there are consequences based on the immutable universal law of cause and effect.

The pro-choice vs. pro-life issue goes way deeper than any state or federal ruling. It’s about questioning our entire attitude towards and beliefs about, love, sex, and relationships and bringing back the sacredness when it comes to sex.

On a most basic level, it is about responsibility. True freedom of choice requires a level of self-responsibility most people are not able to embrace or even capable of.

Here are some challenging (or even triggering) suggestions:

-Only have sex with someone you could imagine spending your life with and the other person with you.

-Get to know someone very well before even having sex. And I mean a few months, not just days or a couple of weeks.

-Only have sex if you are in a committed relationship based on love.

-Only have sex for pleasure when the woman is not ovulating which is only a few days a month. No pill, no condom needed. And yes men, pull out in time and/or learn non-ejaculatory orgasms.

-Definitely don’t have sex under the influence of drugs and alcohol otherwise you’ll potentially bring in other entities and "something else" takes over your body.

-Most of all, control your sexual urges. I don’t mean suppressing them [bad idea] but sexual energy is creative energy. It can be expressed in many other ways way beyond the physical act of sex.

-Stop watching porn

-Work on your traumas and childhood wounds. Most hyper-sexual women and men have been sexually abused as children.

-Be mindful of what media you consume and how your lower nature and sexual desires get triggered and how easy it is to manipulate you by occult forces you are not aware of.

-For example, as a man, how easily are you distracted by a “hot chick” who sexualizes herself on social media to feed off of the attention…and the next thing you know, you end up on PornHub, releasing your sexual urge and giving your vital energy away to forces you are not aware of.

Or as a woman, do you tend to use your sexual energy, body, and physical appearance to gain more attention or even a "provider"?

Both questions can be substituted for the other gender. [Note: There are still only two genders: male and female]

My intention is not to shame or judge anyone. These are just some questions for self-reflection in light of deeper Spiritual and Psychological Work.

All this misuse of sexual energy and media programming in an over-sexualized culture contributes to “unwanted” pregnancies and abortions. Young men and women are being programmed with sexual desires and body images that are pathological and don't resemble reality. It also starts right at home with the parents.

The sexual pathologies of the Woke are also contributing to that misery and normalizing of sexual pathologies. It's by design for they have been taken over by Wetiko.

The “free love” hippy movement with the advent of the pill and contraception pushed sexuality to the other extreme where anything goes anytime with anyone.

There is a direct link between contraception and the rise of abortions over the past 50 years. As William Newton wrote:

"The most fundamental reason why contraception fosters abortion is that contraception changes the meaning of sex, and not just in this or that act of sexual intercourse, but in the consciousness of whole cultures…in a word, it trivializes sex. Trivial sex, in turn, leads inevitably to unwanted pregnancies, which inexorably leads to abortion."

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with contraception. Again, it's your and anyone's free will choice. But it has an effect on the "sexual consciousness" of the culture in detrimental ways when looking at it from occult, spiritual, and psychological perspectives and rendering sex down to just recreational pleasure.

The New Age and neo-Tantra movement along with polyamory have also distorted the true meaning and practice of Tantra which is way beyond sex, achieving “orgasmic bliss” and is just most often "spiritualizing" sex addiction....and on and on it goes.

These are just my 2 cents and food for thought on a very big topic. There is way more to it all...and we have a long way to go.

The pro-life vs pro-choice issue is just a superficial surface symptom of a much bigger issue going all the way back of having lost our connection to the Divine and what it means to be a soul-embodied human being.

Regarding love, relationships, and sex, here are some articles for your consideration:



Much love,
Bernhard Guenther

Friday, June 24, 2022

Planetary Situation Update

June 23, 2022

There are massive, tectonic changes happening behind the scenes, and not much about that can be reported for tactical reasons. Therefore the posts on this blog are a little bit less frequent.

In the last few weeks, there have been huge victories against the Chimera fleet. There are two subfactions of the Chimera, the first one called the Orion subfaction and the second one the Andromeda subfaction. The Orion subfaction is mostly located in underground bases and is being wiped out. The Andromeda subfaction has infiltrated the surface population in the last few years as they realized their final defeat is near, and they will be a little more difficult to clear, as they are using humanity as a living shield.

The Light Forces have managed to infiltrate the Chimera chain of command undetected, and are now corroding the Chimera structure from within. Most of the negative scenarios for the planet have collapsed, but there is still one quite improbable, but very dangerous scenario that has yet to be resolved.

The Light Forces have completed the construction of both Dyson spheres, the one around the Sun and the one around the Earth. The Galactic Confederation fleet is thus ready for the arrival of the Solar flash, they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well.

Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift:

On the surface of the planet, there are strong geopolitical shifts happening as well.

First, Russia is busy preparing for the implementation of the new gold and commodities backed global financial system:

That will include a international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies, exactly as I have predicted on my blog more than 10 years ago:

And a stablecoin cryptocurrency backed by gold:

Behind the scenes, the Russians are also quietly preparing to release free energy technology, and they will do that as soon as the power of the dark forces is diminished sufficiently that it is safe to do so:

Situation in China is a totally different story. A few years ago, Dragon sources have communicated cryptically: “Xi has lost the mandate of heaven”. This has now become mainstream knowledge:

Xi is under heavy Jesuit influence and is trying to hold on to power, becoming more and more dictatorial:

Not everybody in China is happy about this, and the Shanghai clique is trying to remove him from power. This is the real reason behind the Shanghai lockdowns, as Xi is using lockdowns to block the activities of the Shanghai clique:

Although, on average, Chinese people can tolerate more abuse than Westerners, they also have enough, and beneath the surface of the Chinese society, a revolution is brewing:

Chinese financial system is on the verge of collapse, and the authorities are misusing Covid apps to block the citizens from accessing their banks and their money to prevent bank runs:

Xi has also signed a decree to legalize “special military operations”, obviously targeting Taiwan:

As promised, Dragon sources have immediately reacted with disclosure in Chinese mainstream media on the same day:

Evidence is coming out that the Chinese have deliberately released the coronavirus from the Wuhan lab:

Even Tedros Adhanom has admitted that the virus may have come form the Wuhan lab:

The same lab also experimented on monkeypox:

There is some interesting intel coming out about the vaccines:

And about microchips in medicine pills:

The World Economic Forum is still trying to enforce their version of the Reset:

Now it is their do or die moment, and they are trying to terrify everyone:

By engineering a systemic collapse of the Western civilization:

The system is far more resilient and adaptive than they expect, and their attempt will fail.

They will fail:

And we will win:

We are not there yet, and a meditation for peace is needed in a potentially emerging conflict between Russia and Lithuania / NATO:

Flower of Life meditation is also needed, to stabilize the planetary Light grid, bring more Light to the planet and help purifying it from the remaining anomaly:

Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)


Thursday, June 23, 2022

It is a system’s collapse

Western financial hallucination crashes into reality


June 20, 2022

No matter how hard you try to avoid reality, it eventually catches up to you. This is the lesson the privately-owned Western central banks are now learning as their fiat money hallucination crashes into the real world. The across-the-board collapse in financial markets seen recently is no ordinary market move. 

It is a system’s collapse.

The Dow Jones industrial average has been down 11 out of the past 12 weeks; something that has never happened before. The closest was in the great crash of 1929 when it fell 10 out of 11 weeks. Normally, when stocks fall, bonds rise as people rush to “safety.” However, US Treasuries are having their biggest collapse since Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in the early 1970’s. Crypto-currency markets for their part are down two-thirds from their peak and have evaporated $2 trillion in imaginary money.

The consensus among top financial industry veterans is that stocks are going to fall 90% before this ends.

Today, June 20th, all financial markets in the US are closed, supposedly for a Juneteenth holiday. However, since the summer solstice on June 21st is a key day for Satanic sacrifices, CIA sources say “they” are going to use this as an excuse to shut banks and steal people’s savings.

The sources note the fall in crypto has been much faster than the rest of the market because “Bitcoin and its close associates are being destroyed so that the Fed and its KM Central Bank allies can create their own digital currency… we always knew that the KM cabal had a back door into Bitcoin and are ultimately controlling it. As it was created by the Pentagon,” the source’s comment. 

The “they” of course is the small inbred satan worshipping family group that owns the Western central banks and 90% of transnational corporations. They disguise this control through foundations and funds. However, you can confirm that Vanguard, Black Rock plus State Street and Banking control 40% of US stocks. If you look at who owns them, you will find the usual Rockefeller/Rothschild etc. suspects. They in turn are now slaves to an Artificial intelligence system that controls 70% of all stock trades. This group is now in the process of trying to buy all houses and real estate as well.

Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, they are now learning the ancient Shinto tale of the black dragon. According to the tale, if you invoke the black dragon you will be able to see weaknesses in others and exploit them for your own benefit. Eventually, you will accumulate great wealth and power. However, it has a fatal flaw, because once you have this power, you will have no friends and be doomed as a result.

This tiny group of people used their money to buy politicians, doctors, freemasons, judges, generals etc, and thought they were beyond any form of justice or punishment.

Now though, what has happened is that they have accumulated so much wealth and power that the vast majority of people will not be affected when their financial hallucination ends. In other words, the collapse of the markets will mainly affect the 0.01% who own them.

As their financial control grid implodes their own people are in revolt while an international alliance closes in on them. This video of Khazarian mafia would be puppet leader Juan Guaido being attacked in Venezuala shows what awaits all KM fake politicians.

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The first to fall will be Europe. The Russians and others have cut off their gas because nobody wants to accept their nothing backed fiat money as payment for real goods.

Last week Italy and Slovakia reported receiving less than half of the usual volumes of gas from Russia. France has had no gas since June 15th. Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands have already had their Russian gas deliveries suspended. Germany is also facing a cut off soon, Russian FSB sources say.

The Europeans cannot find gas elsewhere. Algeria, for example, has also cut off half the gas supply it sends to Europe via pipeline.

The fake Biden regime promised Europeans they would replace Russian gas but, their main gas export terminal has been blown up and will not resume full operations before years’ end.

The squeeze is also being put on oil. The oil the Europeans have been stealing from Libya ever since the murder of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 has been cut off.

Also, Ukraine’s largest oil refinery has been destroyed, cutting off another major source of European oil.

No wonder German MP Seffen Kofre says “the EU sanctions and embargo hurt Germany and not Russia.”

In these circumstances, German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz, French President Emmanuelle Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Romanian President Klaus Ichannis went to Ukraine last week to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky. The reason they went is that “they are trying to figure out how to obtain their last amount of stolen money. They all know it is Game Over for them,” a CIA source says.

The fake Biden regime is also doomed. That may be why a Biden avatar “fell off” a stationary bicycle last week. It may be used as an excuse to explain he is quitting due to a “head injury,” the source says.

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The real reason of course is that his regime is being cut off from global energy markets. They are now burning through the US strategic petroleum reserve at such a pace it will all be used up by the end of this year.

No regime can survive such a shock and the social order is already collapsing. As Michael Snyder notes:

Shoplifting has essentially become a national pastime, open-air drug markets operate freely right under the noses of indifferent authorities, and addicts pull down their pants and take a dump whenever and wherever they feel like doing so. Thanks to record levels of illegal immigration, gang membership is absolutely exploding, and human trafficking has reached truly frightening levels

The Russians had their new and improved Putin avatar read the riot act to the Western elites last week. In a fiery speech, Putin said such things as:

International institutions are collapsing and security guarantees are being devalued…It has turned out to be simply impossible to reach any new agreements with [the West]…. The European Union has completely lost its political sovereignty…detachment from reality will lead to a rotation of elites in the near future.

That is why the real power in Russia, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says “contacts with Europe are absent from Russia’s priorities.”

China is working with Russia to “push the international order and global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction.” Chinese President Xi Jinping said.

This is why Putin says “the era of a unipolar world order is at an end.”

Facing a paradigm collapse, many still brainwashed members of the (soon-to-be-former) Western ruling class are suffering severe cognitive dissonance. This is why “Western reporters have simply gone nuts,” Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Let there be no doubt, war has been declared on the Western elite by Russia and, to a lesser extent, China. “if you are at war against Russia, the negotiations usually look like an unconditional surrender,” American military analyst, Scott Ritter says.

The international boycott of the West is being accompanied by international special forces raids on US bio-labs all over the world, CIA sources say.

US biolabs in Bangladesh, the Congo, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, the Ukraine, Kenya and elsewhere are being raided to root out US bio-warfare activity, the sources say.

If you look at who is funding these activities, you find the criminals who are actively trying to kill 90% of humanity in a desperate bid to stay in power and enslave the surviving 10% of humanity. The funding sources include the US National Institute of Health, the World Bank (why the hell does the World Bank have a BSL-3 biolab in Ethiopia?), US Navy Medical Research, the Gates Foundation, the CDC, the Clinton Foundation etc.

Also, the main country funding the US NIH Nigerian labs is… CANADA. For anyone wondering how that WEF puppet Trudeau was involved, the proof is here. He funded it.

This document says it all.!po=25.0000

Of course, these criminals are literally fighting for their lives and will not go quietly into the night.

In China, the communist party uses its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle protests by turning people’s health QR codes red. They are then arrested and locked up.

In the West, Khazarian mafia bosses are still desperately pumping out disease fear porn in an attempt to install similar control mechanisms in their own countries.

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They have been rehearsing and game planning this for years. For example, in November 2021 Bill Gates warned of a bio-terrorist threat at ten airports in ten countries. Then on May 19, 2020, we see news reports of monkeypox in ten countries.

In a sign of how insane the current regime has become this “monkeypox” outbreak prompted the CDC to advise people to “Masturbate together at a distance of at least 6 feet without touching each other.”

These are some of the so-called leaders of the West who are behind this insanity.

In Canada, Trudeau prompted former top bureaucrat Paul Tellier to warn Trudeau’s control freakdom of an office is “in the process of destroying the public service … and the word ‘destroying’ is not too strong.”

In Australia, Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard placed a 90-year Suppression Order on naming pedophile judges and one former Prime Minister.

These nut cases are still trying to provoke WWIII as well. The latest was a move by Baltic EU/NATO member Lithuania to ban all rail transit goods going to Russia’s far-western enclave of Kaliningrad. It was a similar ban by Poland that caused Germany to start WWII.

We are also seeing ongoing attempts by these goons to attack journalists. For example, three attempts have been made on the life of Gordon Duff from Veteran’s Today in the past weeks.

“There may well have been an attempt to kill me a few days ago. Someone ran a stop sign and pulled in front of my motorcycle. I went through their passenger window at pretty good speed….I have a TBI and tons of stitches and many other injuries. [my wife] Carol has a broken leg, two broken wrists, broken nose….etc…I was not supposed to survive.”

It appears Duff went off the reservation by reporting too much truth about the Ukraine etc.

This writer also received death threats last week from people formerly employed by the Rockefellers in Japan. Note the word formerly. We can confirm renditions have begun in Japan and that many deep state operatives in this country are being taken to the US military base in Guam.

Speaking about US military bases, we will once again conclude with some operation blue-beam-related testimony about the Dulce Base in New Mexico by former Naval Intelligence officer William Cooper:

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How is this for the Blue Beam Project? 

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Also, here are some more related visuals sent to us.

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As usual, we hope this is part of a long-awaited disclosure about secret US programs. It may well be the imminent collapse of the US government that will accelerate these disclosures. We shall see.

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Story at-a-glance

-Mass formation is a form of mass hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met, and almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems

-Four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are widespread loneliness and lack of social bonding, which leads to experiencing life as meaningless, which leads to widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent, which leads to widespread free-floating frustration and aggression, which results in feeling out of control

-Under mass formation, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom

-Key strategies to disrupt the mass formation process are to speak out against it and to practice nonviolent resistance. Dissenting voices keep totalitarian systems from deteriorating into abject inhumanity where people are willing to commit heinous atrocities

-Ultimately, “totalitarianism” refers to the ambition of the system. It wants to eliminate the ability of individual choice, and in so doing, it destroys the core of what it is to be human. The quicker a system destroys the individual, the sooner the system collapses

The Psychology of Totalitarianism - Interview with Mattias Desmet

Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

He also warned that mass formation gives rise to totalitarianism, which is the topic of his new book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” Desmet’s work was further popularized by Dr. Robert Malone, whose appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast was viewed by about 50 million people.

But as the search term “mass formation” exploded in popularity, Google responded by manipulating the search engine results in an attempt to discredit Desmet and show people in their search results information that would cause them to discount the importance of this work. Why? Because Google is at the core of the global cabal and movement toward totalitarianism.

Understanding the Psychology of the Times Is Crucial

Those who refuse to learn from history are bound to repeat it, they say, and this appears particularly pertinent in the present day because, as explained by Desmet, if we don’t understand how mass formation occurs and what it leads to, we cannot prevent it. How did Desmet reach the conclusion that we were in the process of mass formation? He explains:

“In the beginning of the Corona crisis, back in February 2020, I started to study the statistics on the mortality rates of the virus, the infection fatality rates, the case fatality rate and so on, and immediately, I got the impression — and with me, several world-famous statisticians, such as John Ioannidis of Stanford, for instance — that the statistics and mathematical models used dramatically overrated the danger of the virus.

Immediately, I wrote an opinion paper trying to bring some of the mistakes to people’s attention. But, I noticed immediately that people just didn’t want to know. It was as if they didn’t see even the most blatant mistakes at the level of the statistics that were used. People just were not capable of seeing it.”

This early experience made him decide to focus on the psychological mechanisms at play in society, and he became convinced that what we were seeing were in fact the effects of a large-scale process of mass formation, because the most salient characteristic of this psychological trend is that it makes people radically blind to everything that goes against the narrative they believe in.

They basically become incapable of distancing themselves from their beliefs, and therefore cannot take in or evaluate new data. Desmet continues:

“Another very specific characteristic is that this process of mass formation makes people willing to radically sacrifice everything that is important to them — even their health, their wealth, the health of their children, the future of their children.

When someone is in the grip of a process of mass formation, he becomes radically willing to sacrifice all his individual interest. A third characteristic, to name only a few, is that once people are in the grip of a process of mass formation, they typically show a tendency of cruelty towards people who do not buy into the narrative, or do not go along with the narrative. They typically do so as if it is an ethical duty.

In the end, they are typically inclined, first, to stigmatize, and then, to eliminate, to destroy, the people who do not go along with the masses.

And that’s why it is so extremely important to understand the psychological mechanisms at work, because if you understand the mechanisms at work, you can avoid the mass formation to become so deep that people reach this critical point in which they really are fanatically convinced that they should destroy everyone that does not go along with them.

So, it’s extremely important to understand the mechanism. If you understand it, you can make sure that the crowd, the mass, will first destroy itself, or will exhaust itself, before it starts to destroy the people that do not go along with the mass.

So, it’s of crucial importance, and that’s what my book describes. It describes how a mass, a crowd, emerges in a society, under which conditions it emerges, what the mechanisms of the process of mass formation are, and what you can do about it. That’s extremely important. I will mention this from the beginning.

Usually, it is impossible to wake up the masses. Once a process of mass formation emerges in a society, it’s extremely difficult to wake the masses up. But, [waking them up is] important, [because] you can avoid the masses and their leaders becoming so fanatically convinced of their narrative that they start to destroy the people who do not go along with them.”

Indeed, to those of us who did not fall under the spell of the irrational COVID narrative, the cruelty with which political leadership, media and people at large tried to force compliance was shockingly abhorrent. Many were physically attacked, and some even killed, simply for not wearing a face mask, which we knew was a useless prevention strategy.

Historical Context for Mass Hypnosis

It is easier to understand what mass formation is if you consider it as mass hypnosis, because they’re not merely similar, they’re identical, Desmet says. Mass formation is a kind of hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met. And, disturbingly, these conditions, and the hypnotic trance that emerges, almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems.

While totalitarianism and a classical dictatorship share certain features, there are distinct differences at the psychological level. According to Desmet, a classical dictatorship, at the psychological level, is very primitive. It’s a society that is frightened of a small group, a dictatorial regime, because of its aggressive potential.

Totalitarianism, on the other hand, arises from a very different psychological mechanism. Interestingly, the totalitarian state didn’t actually exist before the 20th century. It’s a relatively new phenomenon, and it’s based on mass formation or mass hypnosis.

The conditions for this mass hypnotic state (listed below) were first met just before the emergence of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, so that’s our historical context. These conditions were again met just before the COVID crisis. What we’re seeing now is a different kind of totalitarianism, largely due to technological advancements that have created extremely effective tools to subconsciously influence the public.

We now have very sophisticated tools with which to hypnotize far larger masses of people than they could in earlier times. But while our current-day totalitarianism is global rather than regional, and the information war more sophisticated than anything the Soviets or Nazi’s could muster, the basic psychological dynamics are still identical.

Understanding Hypnosis

So, what are those psychological dynamics? “Mass formation” is a clinical term that in layman’s jargon could simply be translated as a kind of mass hypnosis, which can occur once certain conditions are fulfilled.

When you are being hypnotized, the first thing the hypnotist will do is to detach or withdraw your attention from the reality or environment around you. Then, through his hypnotic suggestion — usually a very simple narrative or sentence stated out loud — the hypnotist will focus your full attention on a single point, for instance, a moving pendulum or just his voice.

From the perspective of the hypnotized person, it will seem as though reality has vanished. An extreme example of this is the use of hypnosis to make people insensitive to pain during surgery. In that situation, the patient’s mental focus is so narrow and intense, that they don’t notice that their body is being cut into.

In the same way, it doesn’t matter how many people are injured by the COVID measures, because the focus is on COVID and everything else has vanished, in psychological terms.

People can be killed for not wearing a mask and the hypnotized won’t raise an eyebrow. Children can die from starvation and friends can commit suicide from financial desperation — none of it will have a psychological impact on the hypnotized because to them, the plight of others doesn’t register. A perfect example of this psychological blinding to reality is how COVID jab deaths and injuries are simply unrecognized and not even considered to be causal.

People will get the shot, suffer massive injuries, and say, “Thank goodness I got the shot or it would have been so much worse.” They cannot conceive the possibility that they were injured by the shot. I’ve even seen people express gratitude for the shot when someone they supposedly loved died within hours or days of getting it! It’s just mindboggling. The psychological dynamics of hypnosis does explain this irrational and otherwise incomprehensible behavior, but it’s still quite surreal.

“Even while I know the mechanisms at work, I’m still baffled every time it happens,” Desmet says. “I almost can’t believe what I see. I know someone whose husband died a few days after the vaccine, during his sleep, from a heart attack.

And I thought, ‘Now she will open her eyes and wake up.’ Not at all. She just continued in the same fanatic way — even more fanatic — talking about how happy we should be because we have this vaccine. Unbelievable, yes.”

The Psychological Roots of Mass Formation

As mentioned, mass formation, or mass hypnosis, can occur when certain psychological conditions are present in a large-enough portion of society. The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are:

-Widespread loneliness and lack of social bonding, which leads to:

-Experiencing life as meaningless, purposeless and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense, which leads to:

-Widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent (anxiety/discontent that has no apparent or distinct cause), which leads to:

-Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression (frustration and aggression have no discernible cause), which results in feeling out of control.

How Mass Formation Emerges in a Society

Once a large-enough portion of society feels anxious and out of control, that society becomes highly vulnerable to mass hypnosis. Desmet explains:

“Social isolation, lack of meaning, free floating anxiety, frustration and aggression are highly aversive because if people feel anxious, without knowing what they feel anxious for, they typically feel out of control. They feel they cannot protect themselves from their anxiety.

And, if under these conditions a narrative is distributed through the mass media, indicating an object of anxiety, and at the same time, providing a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, then all this free-floating anxiety might connect to the object of anxiety.

And, there might be a huge willingness to participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, no matter how absurd the strategy is. So, even if it is clear from the beginning — for everyone who wants to see it — that the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety might claim many more victims than the object of anxiety itself … even then, there might be this huge willingness to participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety.

That is the first step of every major mechanism of mass formation. Whether it concerned the Crusades, or the witch hunts, or the French Revolution, or the beginning of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, we see the same mechanism, time and time again.

There is a lot of free-floating anxiety. Someone provides a narrative that indicates an object of anxiety and a strategy to deal with it. And then all the anxiety connects to the [proposed] object of anxiety.

People participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety that yields a first important psychological advantage, and from then on people have the impression that they can control their anxiety. It’s connected to an object and they have a strategy to deal with it.”

The Problematic Social Bonding of Mass Formation

Once people who used to feel lonely, anxious and out of control start to participate in the strategy presented to them as the solution to their anxiety, a brand-new social bond emerges. This, then, reinforces the mass hypnosis, as they now no longer feel isolated and lonely.

This reinforcement is a kind of mental intoxication, and is the real reason why people buy into the narrative, no matter how absurd. “They’ll continue to buy into the narrative, because it creates this new social bond,” Desmet says.

While social bonding is a good thing, in this instance it becomes extremely destructive, because the free-floating frustration and aggression are still there, and need an outlet. These emotions need to be directed at someone. What’s worse, under the spell of mass formation, people lose their inhibitions and sense of proportion.

So, as we’ve seen during the COVID pandemic, people will attack and lash out in the most irrational ways against anyone who doesn’t buy into the narrative. The underlying aggression will always be directed at the part of the population that isn’t hypnotized.

Speaking in generalized terms, typically, once mass formation is taking place, about 30% of the population will be hypnotized — and this typically includes the leaders who pronounce the hypnotizing narrative to the public — 10% remain unhypnotized and do not buy into the narrative, and the majority, 60%, feel there’s something wrong with the narrative, but go along with it simply because they don’t want to stick out or cause trouble.

Another problem with the social bonding that emerges is that the bond is not between individuals, but rather a bond between the individual and the collective. This gives rise to a feeling of fanatic solidarity with the collective, but there’s no solidarity toward any given individual. So, individuals are remorselessly sacrificed for the “greater good” of the faceless collective.

“This explains, for instance, why during the Corona crisis, everybody was talking about solidarity, but people accepted that if someone got into an accident on the street, you were no longer allowed to help that person unless you had a surgical mask and gloves at your disposal.

That also explains why, while everybody was talking about solidarity, people accepted that if their father or mother was dying, they were not allowed to visit them,” Desmet says.

In the end, you end up with a radical, paranoid atmosphere in which people do not trust each other anymore, and in which people are willing to report their loved ones to the government.

“So, that’s the problem with mass formation,” Desmet says. “It’s solidarity of the individual with the collective, and never with other individuals. That explains what happened during the revolution in Iran, for instance. I talked with a woman who lived in Iran during the revolution, which was actually the beginning of a totalitarian regime in Iran.

She witnessed, with her own eyes, how a mother reported her son to the government, and how she hung the rope around his neck just before he died, and how she claimed to be a heroine for doing so. That’s the dramatic effects of mass formation.” 

With No External Enemy, What Happens?

We’re now facing a situation that is more complicated than at any previous time, because the totalitarianism that is now arising has no external enemies, with the exception of citizens that aren’t hypnotized and don’t buy into the false narratives. Nazi Germany, for example, was destroyed by external enemies that rose against it.

On the other hand, there’s advantage to this, because totalitarian states always need an enemy. That’s something that was very well described by George Orwell in his book “1984.” In order for the process of mass formation to continue to exist, there must be an external enemy onto which the state can focus the aggression of the hypnotized masses. 

Nonviolent Resistance and Outspokenness Are Crucial

This brings us to a key point, and that is the need for nonviolent resistance and speaking out against the narrative. Violent resistance automatically make you a target for aggression, so “resistance from within a totalitarian system always has to stick to the principles of nonviolent resistance,” Desmet says. But you must also continue to speak out in a clear, rational and nonabusive way. Desmet explains:

“The first and foremost principle the resistance has to stick to during a process of mass formation and emerging totalitarianism, is that people who do not go along with the masses have to continue to speak out. That’s the most crucial thing.

As totalitarianism is based on mass formation, and mass formation is a kind of hypnosis, the mass formation is always provoked by the voice of the leader, which keeps the population in a process of hypnosis. And when dissonant voices continue to speak out, they will not be able to wake the masses up, but they will constantly disturb the process of mass formation.

They will constantly interfere with the hypnosis. If there are people who continue to speak out, the mass formation will usually not become so deep that there is a willingness in the population to destroy the people who do not go along with the masses. That’s crucial.

Historically speaking, if you look at what happened in the Soviet Union and in Nazi Germany, it’s clear that it was exactly at the moment when the opposition stopped to speak out in public that the totalitarian system started to become cruel.

In 1930, in the Soviet Union, the opposition stopped to speak out, and within six to eight months, Stalin started his large purges, which claimed tens of millions of victims. And then, in 1935, exactly the same happened in Nazi Germany.

The opposition was silenced, or stopped to speak out. They preferred to go underground. They were thinking that they were dealing with a classical dictatorship, but they were not. They were dealing with something completely different. They were dealing with a totalitarian state.

And by deciding to go underground, it was a fatal decision for themselves. So, also in Nazi Germany, within a period of one year after the opposition stopped to speak out in public, the cruelty started and the system started to destroy first its opponents. That’s always the same.

In the first stage, totalitarian systems or the masses start to attack those who do not go along with them. But, after a while, they just start to attack and to destroy everyone, group after group.

And, in the Soviet Union, where the process of mass formation went very far, much further than in Nazi Germany, Stalin started to eliminate the aristocracy, the small farmers, the large farmers, the goldsmiths, the Jews, all people who according to him would never become good communists.

But after a while, he just started to eliminate group after group without any logic. Just everyone. So, that’s why Hannah Arendt said that a totalitarian state is always a monster that devours its own children. And that destructive process starts when people stop to speak out.

That’s probably the reason why, in the beginning of the 20th century, there were several countries where there was mass formation, but where there was never a full-fledged totalitarian state.

Probably, there were enough people who didn’t shut up, who continued to speak out. That’s something that is so crucial to understand. When mass formation emerges, people typically feel that it doesn’t make sense to speak out because people don’t wake up. People don’t seem sensitive to their rational counter arguments.

But, we should never forget that speaking out has an immediate effect. Maybe not that it wakes the masses up, but that it disturbs the process of mass formation and the hypnosis. And in that way, prevents the masses from becoming highly destructive towards the people who do not go along with them.

Something else also happens. The masses start to exhaust themselves. They start to destroy themselves before they start to destroy the people who do not go along with them. So, that’s the strategy to be used for internal resistance towards totalitarian regimes.”

Push Back Against Transhumanism and Technocracy

As mentioned earlier, the leaders who declare the narratives are also always hypnotized. They are fanatics in that sense. However, while today’s world leaders are fanatics about transhumanism and technocracy, they may not necessarily believe what they’re saying about COVID.

Many know that they’re telling lies, but they justify those lies as necessary in order to bring the ideologies of transhumanism and technocracy to fruition. The ridiculous COVID agenda is a means to an end. This is another reason why we must continue to push back and speak out, because once the counter arguments disappear, these leaders will become even more fanatic in their ideological quest.

“In the end, the ultimate challenge is not so much to show people that the coronavirus was not as dangerous as we expected, or that the COVID narrative is wrong, but rather that this ideology is problematic — this transhumanist and this technocratic ideology is a disaster for humanity; this mechanistic thinking, this belief that the universe and man is a kind of material mechanistic system, which should be steered and manipulated in a mechanistic technocratic transhumanist way.

That’s the ultimate challenge: to show people that in the end, a transhumanist view on man and the world will entail radical dehumanization of our society. So, I think that’s the real challenge we are facing. Showing people, ‘Look, forget for a moment about the Corona narrative.

What we are heading for if we continue in the same way, is a radically, technologically controlled transhumanist society, which will leave no space whatsoever for life for a human being.”

It’ll Get Worse Before It Gets Better

Like me, Desmet is convinced that we’re rapidly headed toward global totalitarianism and that things will get far worse before they get better. Why? Because we’re only in the initial stages of the process of totalitarianism. On the horizon, digital identity still looms large, and with that comes an unfathomably powerful control grid capable of breaking just about anyone.

The glimmer of hope is this: Everyone who has studied mass formation and totalitarianism has concluded that both are intrinsically self-destructive. They cannot survive. And, the more means it has at its disposal to control the population, the sooner it might destroy itself, because totalitarianism destroys the core of the human being.

Ultimately, “totalitarianism” refers to the ambition of the system. It wants to eliminate the ability of individual choice, and in so doing, it destroys the core of what it is to be human, “because psychological energy in a human being emerges at every moment a human being can make a choice that is really its own choice,” Desmet says. The quicker a system destroys the individual, the sooner the system collapses.

Again, the only weapon against the brutal destruction of humanity is to push back, to speak out, to nonviolently resist. It may not stop totalitarianism in its tracks, but it can keep the most heinous atrocities at bay. It will also provide a small space where the resistant can try to survive together and thrive in the midst of the totalitarian landscape.

“Then, if we want to succeed, we will have to think about parallel structures which can allow us to be a little bit self sufficient. We can try to make sure that we don’t need the system too much anymore. But, even these parallel structures would be destroyed in a moment if the people do not continue to speak out. So, that’s the crucial.

I try to bring this to the attention of everyone. We can build parallel structures as much as we want, but if the system becomes too destructive and decides to use it’s full aggressive potential, then the parallel structures will be destroyed. But, the system will never reach this level of depth of the hypnosis if there are dissonant voices that continue to speak out. So, I’m very dedicated myself to continue to speak out.”

While it’s impossible to make accurate predictions, Desmet’s gut feeling is that it’ll probably be at least seven or eight years before the totalitarian system currently emerging with burn itself out and self-destruct. Could be more, could be less. Society is a complex dynamic system, and even simple complex dynamic systems cannot be predicted even one second in advance. This is known as the deterministic unpredictability of complex dynamic ecosystems.

More Information

Regardless of how long it takes, the key will be to survive it all and do what we can to minimize the carnage. A key challenge on an individual level will be to maintain elementary principles of humanity. In the interview, Desmet discusses Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, “The Gulag Archipelago,” which highlights the importance of holding on to your humanity in the midst of an inhumane situation.

“That, maybe, is the one and only thing that can guarantee us of a good outcome of the entire process — which is a necessary process, I think. This crisis is not meaningless. It’s not meaningless. It’s a process in which society can give birth to something new, something much better than exists up until now,” he says.