In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, May 30, 2016

Is Earth's Magnetic Field Ready to Flip?

The magnetic field and electric currents in and around Earth generate complex forces that have immeasurable impact on every day life.

The field can be thought of as a huge bubble, protecting us from cosmic radiation and charged particles that bombard Earth in solar winds.

It's shaped by winds of particles blowing from the sun called the solar wind, the reason it's flattened on the "sun-side" and swept out into a long tail on the opposite side of the Earth.

Although invisible to the eye, Earth's magnetic field plays a huge role in both keeping us safe from the ever-present solar and cosmic winds while making possible the opportunity to witness incredible displays of the northern lights. 

Like a giant bar magnet, if you could sprinkle iron filings around the entire Earth, the particles would align to reveal the nested arcs of our magnetic domain. The same field makes your compass needle align north to south.

Illustration of the invisible magnetic field lines generated by the Earth. Unlike a classic bar magnet, the matter governing Earth's magnetic field moves around.

The flow of liquid iron in Earth's core creates electric currents, which in turn creates the magnetic field.

We can picture our magnetic domain as a huge bubble, protecting us from cosmic radiation and electrically charged atomic particles that bombard Earth in solar winds. Satellites and instruments on the ground keep a constant watch over this bubble of magnetic energy surrounding our planet.

For good reason: it's always changing.

Earth's magnetic field is thought to be generated by an ocean of super-heated, swirling liquid iron that makes up its the outer core 1,860 miles (3000 kilometers) under our feet.

Acting like the spinning conductor similar to a bicycle dynamo that powers a headlight, it generates electrical currents and a constantly changing electromagnetic field.

Other sources of magnetism come from minerals in Earth's mantle and crust, while the ionosphere, magnetosphere and oceans also play a role.

The three Swarm satellites precisely identify and measure precisely these different magnetic signals.

The European Space Agency's Swarm satellite trio, launched at the end of 2013, has been busy measuring and untangling the different magnetic signals from Earth's core, mantle, crust, oceans, ionosphere (upper atmosphere where the aurora occurs) and magnetosphere, the name given to the region of space dominated by Earth's magnetic field.

At this week's Living Planet Symposium in Prague, Czech Republic, new results from the constellation of Swarm satellites show where our protective field is weakening and strengthening, and how fast these changes are taking place.....

Further results are expected to yield a better understanding as why the field is weakening in some places, and globally.

We know that over millions of years, magnetic poles can actually flip with north becoming south and south north. It's possible that the current speed up in the weakening of the global field might mean it's ready to flip.

Although there's no evidence previous flips affected life in a negative way, one thing's for sure.

If you wake up one morning and find your compass needle points south instead of north, it's happened.


The Power of Will

The last post "Human Will - The Forgotten Freedom Faculty ( May 21, 2016)" talked about that least-remembered talent we human beings possess:

the power of will.

I equated it with "choice" and "determination," but will deserves some closer examination.

After all, how can we draw on its power if it's only a shadowy concept, something we've mentally assigned to the realm of boring philosophers and 19th Century preachers?

Yet will is the force that moves everything in the universe.

It is the magnetic energy behind thought, that draws to itself whatever it dreams of. Will stirs the pot of creation, and adds new colors to the mix. It is the creative power behind thought, behind everything.

By learning to use it, we can deflect any aggression, defeat any predator, and create whatever in life we wish to experience.

We need to really get this, intuitively, or it's only an empty theory. It needs to become a deep understanding that we live from. Only then can will empower us.

So let's think deeply for a few moments, reason things out, and consider our own experience.

-What evidence is there that will exists and that it is the power that moves the universe?

-Well, what does the universe consist of? Stuff. Matter. Things.

-Where did it all come from? Unless it existed eternally, matter had a beginning: there was a time before it appeared on the scene.

-Is it reasonable to think matter has always been there? That would mean matter is God, the end-all and be-all.

-Does that make sense? That rocks, fish, air, planets, stars have existed forever, without any beginning? It's more reasonable to think that they came from something, something more basic than themselves.

-Scientists speak of a Big Bang, from which all matter appeared. What did the Big Bang come from? What was it that was exploding?

-If nothing existed yet, then what exploded in the Big Bang was something immaterial, something that pre-dated matter. What could that possibly be except energy or thought?

In fact, it had to be both:

energetic thought, because thought is naturally energetic and energy is naturally intelligent.

Think about it... Think how energy moves in an intelligent direction.

In its solid form as matter (people, animals, objects), energy moves in response to desires and intentions:

a dog gets thirsty, it moves toward the water; you miss your mom, you call her on the phone.

Energy moves with purpose directing it, not randomly and meaninglessly.

That's why we know energy is by nature intelligent. We see this even on the finest levels of creation, where subatomic particles display attraction and move in response to the attention of the observer.

So energy is intelligent. Is the reverse true: is intelligence energetic?

If so, then energy and intelligence are one and the same thing. Energy and thought are one and the same thing. I'm using "intelligence" to mean "thought," because thought is the active expression of intelligence.

Stay with me here.

This is what I mean by thinking long thoughts. This is the kind of deep thinking we need to do to understand what we are and what we're made of and how the universe works. Once we deeply grasp that, we grow in power.

Perceiving our deeper nature, we start to operate from there. And that means finding our way out of the fix we and the rest of mankind are in.

So let's get back to the drawing board…

Is thought energetic? Obviously it is. Thoughts are what drive us to do things (to expend energy).

A powerful thought (one with great energy) attracts other minds to it (examples: reading a book, buying a popular item, joining a cause). Even the random mental chatter that flows through our minds when we're idle has a level of energy (enough to keep us awake at night if too much of it is going on).

We've seen for ourselves that energy is intelligent and that intelligence (thought) is energetic. So thought and energy are essentially one and the same. We also saw that energy/thought, being immaterial, must have preceded the creation of the universe.

In fact, it is what the universe had to be born of, because there was nothing else.

Since energetic thought is the parent of the universe, it is also what the universe is made of. Matter (the universe) is simply congealed thought, congealed intelligent energy. And matter (creation) moves in response to our energetic thought.

This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction, the reason thoughts are magnetic.

There's very little difference between a thought of something and that thought congealed in the form of a thing. Our thoughts are creative and destructive, depending on the direction of their energy. Thinking bad things will happen, attracts energy to the thought that encourages the bad thing to occur. Intending and expecting good things to happen has the opposite effect.

So where does will come in?

Will is all of it.

-Will is the force behind the thought (it's the energy)

-Will is the intention directing the energy (it's the intelligence)

-Will is the energetic thought, the directed energy, that is the source of the universe

-It is the oven from which the Big Bang exploded

-It is the force that moves everything in the universe

-In fact, it is the only thing that ever makes anything happen

Without will, without energetic thought, everything would be static. There would be no life...

Whenever something happens, someone's will has caused that event. Someone had an intention, a desire, strong enough (energetic enough) to move the soup of creation around in some way, or to add something new to the soup.

People who live mostly on random thoughts, on their own repetitive mind chatter, have very little influence on the direction of creation, let alone the direction of their own life. Because they think from a level of low energy, not from focused intention.

The people we call 'the movers and shakers of the world' live mostly on focused thoughts.

They control what they allow in their minds, and think thoughts purposefully. Their minds are filled with plans, with intentions. The energy behind their focused thought is powerful, because focus gathers energy.

Such people are the architects of the world, of "reality."

The reality that the rest of us mostly just react to and experience, because we, floating in the soup of our own random thoughts, allow others to determine our direction.

The movers and shakers are swimmers. The rest of us are floaters. And the swimmers of the world, having the game down as they do, right now are having fun pushing the floaters around the pond.

Their scheme is to shove all the floaters into one little corner of the pool and keep us there, while they splash and play and enjoy all the rest of the place by themselves.

It's called the Great Conspiracy. And they're pulling it off because we cry and moan about how mean they are, how clever they are, and how powerful they are, when in fact, the only difference between us and them is that they know how to think!

They know how to think with purpose, with will. They think with intention. They think with bad intention, but this is partly our own fault. We earn and deserve their scorn for being floaters, always reacting to life, never grabbing life with our hands and shaping it to our purpose.

Our passiveness, our lack of will, has let the willful assume control of the playing field. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity and would like to see most of us exterminated (although they'll keep a few around to do their bidding).

We have been weak and stupid, but not because the bullies are by nature stronger or smarter than we. Everyone came from the same Big Bang, the same intelligent energy. Some of us just learned the power of will while others forget that faculty existed. Those who did learn the secret conspired to keep the rest of us in forgetfulness.

But the power is there within our own thoughts to take back control of our destiny. To take back our lives, personally and collectively.

It is only a matter of changing our minds, of thinking with new purpose, of determining not to self-destruct over the machinations of the bullies who are having a great laugh at our expense, as we float every which way they think to push us. It's a matter of learning to swim.

It doesn't matter how advanced they are in implementing their plans. When the floaters wake up and start swimming, they will create a force in the water that pushes back those trying to herd them. The bullies know that, and it is why they want to get rid of us, to destroy most of the world's population before we get wise to the game.

A cornered animal is likely to get wild, to discover its will, to assert its power. The bullies want to eliminate most of mankind before we reach that point.

The trick is for us to wake up soon enough.

Not wake up in the sense the Truthers have already awakened:

to knowledge of the conspiracy.

We must wake up much more profoundly, to our power of will. We must decide NEVER to allow what they are orchestrating, that it will NOT happen, that we draw the line right here.

We mustn't say,

"I'll let them shoot me before I'll go to a FEMA camp,"

...because then we create being shot.

Then we enter the next world as a victim, still vulnerable to bullying, still pursued, still the plaything of the strong and malicious.

-When will it stop?

-When will we have enough and DECIDE it ends here?

-How much must we get pushed around before we catch on that when it ends depends entirely on us?

It's our lack of will that allows their will to determine everything. It's our lack of assertion.

By remaining passive, mentally and physically, we allow them to do to us whatever they will. We are victims by choice. By default. Our will, operating in passive mode, has allowed it.

All we have to do to reverse the situation is to summon that will, to summon our passion, to understand the difference between us and them is only in the level of determination.

"Victory belongs to the most committed," goes the saying.

They are more committed. They scheme, plan, and act.

We bitch, moan, and hide under the bed. Not all of us, but so many of us aware of the conspiracy. So many of us feel hopeless. And it is that very hopeless attitude that will be our downfall, unless we take the bull by the horns and correct that.

It's time to grab hold of our attitude and will ourselves to grow powerful.

-First by addressing everything in our personal lives that we let hold us back, every lame excuse for why we haven't succeeded, for why we suffer, for why we cannot have what we desire.

-Then by addressing the Great Conspiracy itself.

All there is in the world is one essential element:

-thoughtful energy

-energetic thought

That's all there is.

Everything material is a distillation of that, a result of that. Each of us is essentially a thought thinking itself, a thought made of energy. Energy that is eternal and infinite.

By thinking with focus, with passion, with determination, we access our unlimited energy to create or experience anything we want. There are no victims when all are infinitely powerful at their core.

There is only forgetfulness of our nature, failure to access will, and a choice to let the bullies make all the decisions...

From Chapter 13

Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields and the Healing Power of Coherence

Science has recently shed light on the fact that what we used to perceive as ‘human’ aura is actually real. All of our bodies emit an electromagnetic field, and this fact plays a very important role far beyond what is commonly known when it comes to understanding our biology, and the interconnectedness we share with all life.

For example, did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body’s major organs? These fields and the information encoded into them can change based on how we are feeling, what we thinking, and different emotions we take on. The heart even sends signals to the brain through a system of neutrons that have both short-term and long-term memory, and these signals can affect our emotional experiences. The emotional information that’s modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. As Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, and director of research at The HeartMath institute tell us, “we are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.”

Research findings have shown that as we practice heart coherence and radiate love and compassion, our heart generates a coherent electromagnetic wave into the local field environment that facilitates social coherence, whether in the home, workplace, classroom or sitting around a table. As more individuals radiate heart coherence, it builds an energetic field that makes it easier for others to connect with their heart. So, theoretically it is possible that enough people building individual and social coherence could actually contribute to an unfolding global coherence. (1)

The quote above comes from Dr. Deborah Rozman, the President of Quantum Intech. We are living in exciting times when it comes to science, and although not emphasized and studied in the mainstream as much as we’d like, science is acknowledging that we are all part of a giant web of connections that, not only encompasses life on this planet, but our entire solar system and what lies beyond it.

So, what exactly is heart coherence? Well, it implies order, structure, and as Dr. Rozman puts it, “an alignment within and amongst systems – whether quantum particle, organisms, human beings, social groups, planets or galaxies. This harmonious order signifies a coherent system whose optimal functioning is directly related to the ease and flow in its processes.” Basically, feelings of love, gratitude, appreciation and other ‘positive’ emotions not only have an effect on our nervous system, but they have an affect on those around us, far beyond what we might have previously thought.

It’s similar to the studies that have been conducted regarding mass meditation and prayer. As far as their effects on physical systems, numerous publications have yielded statistically significant results. For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies of this type of phenomena, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click here.

Another point that illustrates the importance of coherence is the fact that several organizations around the world have conducted synchronized meditations, prayers, intention experiments, and more. A number of studies have shown that collective meditations, prayer or focused intention directed toward a certain positive outcome can have measurable effects.

For example, one study was done during the Israel-Lebanon war in the 1980s. Two Harvard University professors organized groups of experienced meditators in Jerusalem, Yugoslavia, and the United states with the specific purpose of focusing attention on the area of conflict at various intervals over a 27-month period. During the course of the study, the levels of violence in Lebanon decreased between 40 and 80 percent each time a meditating group was in place. The average number of people killed during the war each day dropped from 12 to three, and war-related injuries fell by 70 percent. (1)

Another great example is a study that was conducted in 1993 in Washington, D.C., which showed a 25 percent drop in crime rates when 2,500 meditators meditated during a specific periods of time with that intention.

Every individual’s energy affects the collective field environment. The means each person’s emotions and intentions generate an energy that affects the field. A first step in diffusing societal stress in the global field is for each of us to take personal responsibility for our own energies. We can do this by increasing our personal coherence and raising our vibratory rate, which helps us become more conscious of the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that we are feeding the field each day. We have a choice in every moment to take to heart the significance of intentionally managing our energies. This is the free will or local freedom that can create global cohesion. – Dr. Rozman (1)

The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI)

The GCI in an international cooperative effort to help activate the heart of humanity and facilitate a shift in global consciousness. It’s primary focuses are to invite people to participate by actively adding more heart-coherent love, care, and compassion into the planetary field. The second is scientific research on how we are all energetically connected with each other and the planet, and how we can utilize this interconnectivity, which is very real, to raise our personal vibration to assist in creating a better world.

The hypotheses of the researchers and scientists behind this process are as follows:

*The Earth’s magnetic fields are a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.

*Every person affects this global information field. Large numbers of people creating heart-coherent states of love, appreciation, care, and compassion can generate a more coherent field environment that benefits others and helps off-set the current planetary discord and incoherence.

*There is a feedback loop between human beings and Earth’s energetic/magnetic systems.

*Earth has several sources of magnetic fields that affect us all. Two of them are the geomagnetic field that emanates from the core of the Earth, and the fields that exist between Earth and the ionosphere. 

*These fields surround the entire planet and act as protective shields blocking out the harmful effects of solar radiation, cosmic rays, sand, and other forms of space weather. Without these fields, ice as we know it could not exist on Earth. They are part of the dynamic ecosystem of our planet.

Think about the current state of our planet. We are definitely not in coherence, with all of the violence, war, hate, and greed that still plague our planet, we have a lot of work to do. We do not yet know how these thoughts, emotions, and feelings are affecting the entire planet, and what type of information these experiences are encoding into once electromagnetic fields, and how it is interacting with that of the Earth’s. Things are changing, however. There is definitely a shift within people who are desiring a better experience here on planet Earth.

These energetic fields are known to scientists, but there are still many unknowns. Solar activity and the rhythms taking place on Earth’s magnetic fields have an impact on health and behaviour. This is firmly established in scientific literature. (source)(source)

Scientific literature also firmly establishes that several physiological rhythms and global collective behaviours are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behaviour. (source)(source)(source)

When the Earth’s magnetic field environment is distributed it can cause sleep problems, mental confusion, usual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no apparent reason. At other times, when the Earth’s fields are stable and certain measures of solar activity are increased, people report increased positive feelings and more creativity and inspiration. This is likely due to a coupling between the human brain, cardiovascular and nervous system with resonating geomagnetic frequencies. (1)

The Earth and ionosphere generate frequencies that range from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz, some of which are in the exact same frequency range as the one happening in our brain, cardiovascular system, and autonomic nervous system. This fact is one way to explain how fluctuations in the Earth’s and Sun’s magnetic fields can influence us. Changes in these fields have also been shown to affect our brain waves, heart rhythms, memory, athletics performance, and overall health.

Changes in the Earth’s fields from extreme solar activity have been linked to some of humanity’s greatest creations of art, as well as some of its most tragic events. (source)

We know how these fields affect us, but what about how we affect these fields? That’s the real question here. GCI scientists believe that because brain wave and heart rhythm frequencies overlap the Earth’s field resonance, we are not just receivers of biologically relevant information, but also feed information into the global field, thus creating a feedback loop with the Earth’s magnetic fields.

Research is indicating that human emotions and consciousness encode information into the geomagnetic field and this encoded information is distributed globally. The Earth’s magnetic fields act as carrier waves for this information which influences all living systems and the collective consciousness.

This research, which is still in its infancy, has great ramifications. It will further push along the fact that our attitudes, emotions, and intentions actually matter, a lot, and that these factors within the realm of non-material science can affect all life on Earth. Coherent, cooperative intention could impact global events and improve the quality of life on Earth. Practicing love, gratitude, appreciation, and bettering ourselves as individuals is one out of many action steps towards changing our planet for the better.

So What Can You Do?

So, next time you are upset, angry, or frustrated, try observing yourself and how you react. It’s great practice to try and lose your buttons so they cannot be pushed, and work on your personal development. You have to do whatever you can to feel good, which could include exercise, eating healthy, minimizing electronics time, spending time with friends, animals, and more. You could practice being less judgemental, and work on your intentions by figuring out if they are coming from a ‘good’ place. You could be more grateful, you could help others, and you can treat others how they want to be treated.

There are a number of tools you could use, like meditation, for example, to assist you with these action steps. Bottom line, if you are at peace with yourself, and have control over your emotions, you are helping the planet and others around you. If you are constantly angry, harming others or have negative intentions, you could be doing the exact opposite.

To further your research on this topic, an excellent place to start is the at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives.

Related article:

MAY 15, 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Demons walk among us: The Five Stages of Awakening, explained by the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) We are all witnessing a mass awakening sweeping across the planet. Over just the last several weeks, millions of people have newly awakened to all the following astonishing truths they never would have believed just a year ago:

• The EPA knowingly allows children all across America to drink lead-poisoned water, covering up all the evidence instead of alerting the public.

• The drug companies are in the business of "harvesting" profits from human disease, not saving lives or helping humanity.

• The political establishment has zero interest in representing the people. They only represent the interests of their corporate masters.

• Vaccines are unsafe and the CDC has covered it up for over a decade. Most vaccines don't even work!

• The entire mainstream media exists solely to protect the establishment, not to inform or empower the citizens. All news coverage by the media is planted by the establishment or distorted (or censored) to protect the establishment. Virtually no one trusts the media anymore, as reported by the media itself.

• Another global debt collapse is now imminent, and the central banks of the world are leading us to a ruinous economic catastrophe. (The subprime mortgage scheme from 2008 was just a taste of what's yet to come...)

• The Saudi government had a key role in the 9/11 attacks, which were allowed to happen by U.S. leaders agreeing to "stand down" military defenses so the attack could succeed. Now the Saudis are literally threatening to collapse the U.S. debt pyramid if they are outed as having a hand in the 9/11 attacks. (The international extortion game has begun...) The entire conspiracy, we are now learning, was deliberately covered up by the highest levels of U.S. government.

The Five Stage of Awakening

What's fascinating about all these accelerating revelations is not only that they are steadily waking people up, but that many people are still not ready for the full dose of reality they ultimately need to grasp if they are to survive the next few years.

This brings me to my point of this article, which I call the Five Stages of Awakening. It's sort of like the 5 stages of denial but in reverse.

Importantly, you can't force anyone to leap from stage one to stage five in this process. They have to step through them one by one, in their own time. Some people are able to move more rapidly through these stages and wake up very quickly; others suffer from psychological denial and can never achieve the higher stages of awakening because it conflicts too much with their worldview.

The most intelligent people, of course, are the ones who can step rapidly through all the stages, arriving at the "big picture" truth that's behind everything we are witnessing today.

With that in mind, here are the Five Stages of Awakening 

Stage One: Everything is awesome, and the media tells no lies

This is the default stage for a typical citizen who believes the propaganda being pumped out by the state-run media. They don't even have to be an American, either: Chinese citizens who are living in Stage One believe the Chinese media. Canadian citizens living in Stage One believe the Canadian media, and so on.

Stage One people believe that the government always means well, the media always tells the truth, vaccines have zero risks and Big Pharma is genuinely trying to discover cures that end all diseases and put themselves out of business.

The best word to describe Stage One people is "Naive." They are, of course, utterly clueless about what's actually headed our way in terms of economic and political chaos. These are the people who are caught completely unprepared in every disaster (and they beg for government to come save them).

Stage Two: Hey, they're lying to us!

Stage Two citizens realize the establishment has been lying to them all along. One day they "wake up" and realize that all the propaganda they're being told by the media and government contradicts what they see with their own eyes.

For example, when the government ridiculously announces that unemployment is only 4.9 percent, but people look around and see that half their friends can't find jobs, they know they're being lied to by the government.

When parents obediently subject their children to vaccines and then suddenly a child becomes autistic (after the post-vaccine fever and seizures, of course), they then "wake up" and realize they were lied to all along about vaccine safety.

When voters who have been told all along that their vote is a "sacred function of democracy" suddenly find out that their votes don't count and all the elections are rigged in advance, they graduate to Stage Two.

Stage Two can best be summed up as "Skepticism of the establishment." Right now, perhaps half the voters in America are in Stage Two.

Stage Three: Whoa! They're actually trying to profit from our suffering and destruction...

Stage Three is achieved when a Stage Two person digs a little deeper and starts to realize that the vaccine industry deliberately manufactures faulty vaccines that don't work in order to spread more disease (to sell more vaccines, of course).

When a person realize that the cancer industry's most common treatments actually cause cancer -- and yes, chemotherapy causes cancer -- they often move into Stage Three realizations about how the establishment is literally trying to profit from their own suffering and disease.

The actions of the pharmaceutical giants and food giants makes no sense to a Stage One or Stage Two person. They think all pesticides are harmless and GMOs are good for you. But a Stage Three person comes to realize that Big Food and Big Medicine work in conspiracy to first unleash diseases upon the population (through nutrient-deficient processed food) and then earn a fortune selling prescription medications that claim to "treat" all those diseases (but actually cause yet more disease).

Stage Three is also realized when someone wakes up to the fact that the medical industrial complex initiates wars and global conflict to profit from all the destruction and rebuilding. There's no faster way to create "economic activity" than bombing some third world nation into oblivion, followed by a World Bank racket arrangement that pays globalist corporations to rebuild the same infrastructure that was just destroyed.

When people wake up to Stage Three, they accurately begin to see themselves as human cattle existing in Matrix pods, with the tentacles of the corporate-government-fascist establishment sucking the life out of them (via taxes, mandatory health insurance, and so on). Right now, perhaps ten percent of the U.S. population is in Stage Three.

Stage Four: They're actually trying to kill us

Stage Four is achieved when you finally realize that humanity has entered an era where the governments of the world are actively trying to depopulate the planet. There are too many people in their eyes, and they want to rid the world of around 90% of the population in order to "save the planet." Click here to read a great overview on all this at

In Stage Four, you begin to understand why glyphosate herbicide is sprayed on wheat crops (that aren't even GMO) to promote cancer and infertility. You come to realize why vaccines in Africa are covertly laced with sterilization chemicals and why high-level virologists openly talk about wanting to genetically engineer viruses that would wipe out humanity.

Suddenly you begin to connect the dots across all the depopulation talk by people like Bill Gates and California Gov. Jerry Brown. Add in the rise of automation robots and the mass wave of youth unemployment that's about to become reality over the next two decades, and it doesn't take long to figure out that the globalists' vision of our future world doesn't include very many humans.

Suddenly, all the experimentation with Ebola, Bird Flu and biological weapons makes sense. Geoengineering, water fluoridation, the mass metals poisoning of city parks with "biosludge" (composted human sewage and toxic industrial waste, sold as "organic fertilizer")... it's all part of a literal agenda to poison the population and thereby drastically reduce the number of humans living on the planet.

The same governments of the world that once worked to support population growth and create large, high-population society are now actively working to depopulate the planet. Part of this will entail replacing physical workers with robots, then finding ways to eliminate all the "useless eaters" with mandatory vaccines, cancer-causing chemicals or covert sterilization agendas.

Stage Five: This is all a spiritual war being fought between life vs. destruction

The final stage of awakening is reached when you peel back the worldly facade and unveil the deeper spiritual evil that has infested our world. Ultimately, the desire to destroy life through war, GMOs, pharmaceuticals, herbicides and vaccines is rooted in a spiritual war being waged between good and evil.

On the side of evil, you find all the globalist corporations, the agricultural food giants, the GMO pushers, the vaccine fanatics, the cancer industry, the lying mainstream media and people like Bill Gates who see human beings as a plague to be wiped out. On the side of good, you find scientific whistleblowers, natural medicine practitioners, organic food growers, independent media and other protectors of life and nature.

A spiritual war is under way right now, where people who are seething with evil -- like Hillary Clinton -- are trying to obtain great power so they can use it to assault humanity and destroy all that is good. Clinton is 100% pro-GMO, pro vaccine mandates, pro Big Pharma, and so on.

As part of this spiritual war, the entire political establishment and media establishment viciously attacks all those who are good while celebrating those who are evil. It is now "bad" to be a good person who seeks to protect children from deadly vaccines and toxic GMOs, for example. But according to the media, you're a "good" person if you support the depopulation agenda of the globalists, with all its vaccine mandates, chemotherapy "treatments", toxic GMO foods and sick-care system that harvests human disease for corporate profits.

Evil feeds off human suffering

Across society today, you are witnessing the final surge of evil and its attempt to forever defeat good so that evil can feed off the suffering, pain and destruction of activities like the harvesting of organs from partially-born babies. Note carefully that those who exposed this practice were charged with crimes, while those who actually carry out the practice of chopping up living human babies were celebrated by the media. When babies are butchered by men with machetes in some African nation, it's called "genocide," but when babies are butchered at Planned Parenthood centers across America, it's called "science."

The aim of the evil that has infested our world is not merely the destruction of life, but the invocation of great suffering, especially of children. This is why vaccine mandates are being unleashed in California and elsewhere: Children must be ritualistically sacrificed, damaged, maimed and murdered to appease the dark forces of evil that now run the CDC and the vaccine industry. California Sen. Richard Pan, who fronted the mandate, is a great example of a human vessel now occupied by demonic forces.

We are not dealing with pure humans anymore, you see. Many of the people who sit at the top of the drug companies, CDC, FDA, USDA and EPA resemble dark, demonic souls occupying human bodies. It's difficult for many people to understand this at first, because they tend to judge people by the way they look on the outside. But on the inside, every shred of humanity has been evacuated from many of these people, replaced by dark apparitions that now influence their minds and bodies.

"Can a country with deep Christian roots like Mexico find itself at the mercy of demons? Some in the Church fear so," reports "And as a result, they called for a nation-wide exorcism of Mexico, carried out quietly last month in the cathedral of San Luis Potosi."

Similarly, the National Catholic Register asks, "Can — or should — an exorcism be done for the United States, as was done in Mexico this past May? Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, performed the rite, together with priests from across Mexico, at the Cathedral of San Luis Potosi in a closed-door ceremony. The purpose: to drive away the evil responsible for skyrocketing violence, abortion and drugs in that predominantly-Catholic nation."

It may sound fantastic and unbelievable, but nearly every government regulator in the United States is now headed by someone who is being influenced (or even possessed) by dark forces of evil. This is exactly why they repeatedly make decisions that knowingly harm people and maim children in particular. It's not an accident... it's all part of their plan to maximize human suffering and destruction. Why do you think the EPA, for example, allowed the children of Flint, Michigan to drink poisonous water for almost a year without telling anyone? The answer is that they wanted to poison the children. It wasn't an accident...

These government elitists do not answer to the American voters, you see. They answer to their dark lords who demand the ritualistic sacrifice of children through any means necessary. To truly understand this, you need to become familiar with the occult practices of globalists. A good starting point is this film on Bohemian Grove. From the description:

Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the Great Owl of Bohemia.

To keep learning, also visit David Icke's website, which delves into the deep, dark corners of the forces of evil that are making a final push for world domination. Or check out his book, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy.

Actual tattoos being acquired today by people who worship demonic forces:

How to counter darkness and evil

So what's the answer to all this evil that now threatens to consume our world?

Practice love and compassion while protecting life.

As you seek to empower others, uplift others and protect others, you contribute to the good in the world. By definition, you beat back evil and make it more difficult for evil forces to carry out their plans.

When we say "NO!" to toxic vaccines that harm our children, we defeat evil. When we say "NO!" to psychiatric drugs that harm our minds, we defeat evil. When we buy organic or grow our own food, we deny financial power to the biotech industry, starving them of the economic power they need to carry out more evil.

Defeating evil is truly as simple as practicing good consistently, repeatedly and with a sense of genuine love for humanity in your heart. Each and every day, you make a hundred small choices that seem inconsequential at the time, but they actually add up in a big way. By making those choices in the interests of the protection of life, you multiply the good in the world.

Although most people are not psychologically ready to accept the full truth of what's happening in our world, many people are now moving into deeper stages of awakening. You can help them by sharing information, asking questions and doing your homework to learn what's really happening in the world around you. The deeper you dig, the more you'll be astonished at the wickedness and deception being carried out by the dark forces in our world. It is your responsibility to oppose them -- and ultimately defeat them -- so that we might all share a future world that prioritizes life, love and compassion.

That's what my work entails every day here at Natural News. I seek to empower, uplift and inform others with the kind of knowledge that can set you free from the prisons that have been constructed for you by the globalist establishment. Check out my podcasts at

May 08, 2016
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Monday, May 23, 2016

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016 

Nature is unimaginably resilient, but when the breaking point is reached, collapse comes at blinding speed. The human race has already pushed the planet past the point of no return in countless ways, we are truly in uncharted territory. Is there any effort whatsoever on the part of those in power to slow the destruction of the biosphere? None. The race for resources and total control is worse than ever before, lines in the sand are being drawn all over the globe. Canada, India, and other regions around the world continue to incinerate. Oceans, reefs, kelp, and fish, continue to die. Coastal cities are pumping out from rising sea levels with sewage now filling the waters off Miami.

Miami is now pumping out rising sea levels on a constant basis, the city is already on borrowed time.

Brazil has just joined the list of democratically elected governments that have been ousted by western powers and interests in pursuit of more power and resources. There are yet more front-line signs of the coming crash of industrialized civilization, Caterpillar (the world's largest equipment manufacturer) has just past the 41st consecutive month of declining sales. This is the real economy, the stock market is an illusion that will soon be shattered. Venezuela is still free-falling into total chaos while Americans remain largely asleep at the wheel. Even with the global climate disintegrating, how many are actually taking action? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

What would happen if every single one of us put all our available effort and energy into the fight for the greater good? The most dire and potentially uniting issue on the planet is the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering assault, 

History is wrong: The Atomic Theory, Flight, and Gravity were discovered thousands of years ago in Ancient India

In this article, we take a look at three ancient indian Sages which knew about advanced discoverers thousands of years before the modern era. It turns that after all, what we taught as advanced and modern is, in fact, thousands of years old. Strangely, these three discoveries are left out from our history books.

Yes, it’s not a surprise that mainstream science loves to brag about just how cool it is, taking credit for countless technological inventions that today, facilitate our lives in a great way. However, due to the numerous missing parts in our history, and mostly because or education system is so messed up, we are unaware that most of these incredible discoveries we consider as modern, are in fact thousands of years old, dating back to extremely advanced ancient civilizations.

For example, did you know that the Law of Gravity was proposed hundreds of years before Newton? Still, our history books tell us that it was Newton who ‘identified’ Gravity. The truth, however, is very different. Bhaskaracharya II was an Ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer, and his works represent a significant contribution to mathematical and astronomical knowledge in the 12th century.

Even today, Bhaskaracharya’s ‘Lilaviti’ and ‘Bijaganita’ works are considered unique and unmatched in science. In his works, the ancient Indian genius wore about everything ranging from planetary positioning to eclipses and cosmography. However, his most important work is his revolutionary theory of gravity, which predates the theory of Gravity proposed by Isaac Newton by 500 years.

In his work, Bhaskaracharya writes: “Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth. Therefore, the earth, planets, constellations, the moon, and the sun are held in orbit due to this attraction.”

Why isn’t this being taught in school?

Ancient Indian descriptions of Flying machines: Rockets and airplanes

Mainstream scholars suggest that the Wright Brother invented the modern concept of the airplane. However, there are numerous indication which points otherwise, suggesting that aviation was developed by the Ramayana and Mahabharata times. Maharishi Bhardwaj described incredible flying machines which could ‘vanish’ and travel to other planets. The Vaimanika Prakarana written by the sage Maharshi Bhardwaj deals with aeronautics, has eight chapters, a hundred topics, and 500 sutras.

In it, Bhardwaj describes vimana, or aerial aircraft, as being of three classes: those that travel from place to place; those that travel from one country to another; those that travel between planets.

Strangely this part of history is also left out of modern history books, but why?

The Atomic Theory developed 2,600 years ago in Ancient India.

Yeah, history books suggest John Dalton, an English Chemist, and physicist is credited with developing the atom theory. The truth, however, is very different.

It turns out that some 2,500 before Dalton,m an ancient Indian sage and philosopher called Kashyap, developed the atomic theory. People called him ‘Kanad,’ as ‘Kan’ which in ancient Sanskrit means ‘the smallest particle’ after he was seen collecting grains from the street while on a pilgrimage to Prayag. He was fascinated by the small particles and started collecting them. It was Kanad who also put forward the idea that anu(atoms) could be combined in several different ways which would produce chemical changes in the presence of other factors like heat. To provide a more simplified explanation, Kanad gave blackening of earthen pot and ripening of fruit as an example.

This discovery is also missing in our history books. Do you need more evidence that our history books are wrong? Why are we taught incorrectly in school?

Sunday, May 22, 2016

This Farmer Won the Padmashri for His Zero Budget Natural Farming Model

May 22, 2016

After witnessing the harmful effects of chemical farming, Subash Palekar, a B.Sc in Agriculture, developed the Zero Budget Natural Farming model.

‘Krishi ka Rishi’ is the title farming communities across the country have bestowed on Subhash Palekar. This agriculturist is the creator of the ‘Zero Budget Natural Farming’ model, a method that has been creating waves in the farming community in India.

Palekar was born on 2nd February, 1949 in Belora, a small village in the district of Amravati, Maharastra. The son of a farmer, his interest in farming led him to pursue a B.Sc in Agriculture from Nagpur.

Subash Palekar

Palekar made his way back to his hometown in 1972 where, armed with the newly acquired knowledge his degree had given him, he began to advice his father on modern techniques of farming and urged him to use pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This led to an increase in crop yield that lasted more than a decade.

By 1985, however, Palekar began to notice a drop in yield; one that only got worse with each harvest. Curious about the sudden change, he began to look into the reasons for the decline. Three years of intensive research led him to the conclusion that chemical farming was the culprit. Palekar learnt that the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides led to a decrease in the fertility of the soil, wrecked havoc on the ecosystem of the area and also led to long-term health problems for those who consumed the fruits, gains and vegetables harvested under such conditions.

Shocked by the harmful effects of chemical farming, Palekar began the hunt for less-destructive alternatives. Thus began the journey of Zero Budget Natural Farming in India.

From 1986 to 1988, Palekar’s quest for natural farming techniques led him to the study of forest vegetation. It was here that he discovered the natural system at work in forests which allowed them to develop and nurture themselves, while maintaining healthy ecosystems. After careful research of the system, Palekar began to mimic the techniques he had witnessed, in his own farm. For a period of six years, from 1989 to 1995, he experimented and verified different techniques, before consolidating them into the ‘Zero Budget Natural Farming’ technique.

Zero Budget Natural Farming, as the name implies, is a method of farming where the cost of growing and harvesting plants is zero. This means that farmers need not purchase fertilizers and pesticides in order to ensure the healthy growth of crops.

Below are some of key learnings from the Zero Budget Natural Farming method:

It is believed that plants only receive 1.5% to 2% of their nutrient requirements from soil; the remaining is absorbed through water and air. Given that 98% of the nutrients do not come from soil, using fertilizers is not prudent.

We often come across huge trees in forests, their branches heavy with the weight of countless fruit despite the lack of fertilizers and pesticides. These trees are proof that plants can and do grow healthily without any chemical help.

The reason we do not witness the same in our farms is because the micro-organisms that convert raw nutrients into easy-to-digest form have been destroyed by the use of poisonous chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. Cultivation of soil by tractor has already proved to be detrimental to these micro-organisms.

Since these micro-organisms help convert nutrients into a digestible form that plants can absorb and use, it is critical to revive them in our farms. This can be done by using cow dung from local cows.

Cow dung from local cows has proven to be a miraculous cure to revive the fertility and nutrient value of soil. One gram of cow dung is believed to have anywhere between 300 to 500 crore beneficial micro-organisms. These micro-organisms decompose the dried biomass on the soil and convert it into ready-to-use nutrients for plants.

Over six years of research, Palekar found that:

1. Only dung from local, Indian cows is effective on the soil. Dung from Jersey and Holstein cows is not as effective. If one is falling short of dung from local cows, one may use dung from bullocks or buffaloes.

2. Dung and urine of the black coloured Kapila cow is believed to be the most effective.

3. To get the most of the cow dung and urine, ensure that the dung is as fresh as possible and that the urine is as old as possible.

4. An acre of land requires 10 kilograms of local cow dung per month. Since the average cow gives 11 kilograms of dung a day, dung from one cow can help fertilize 30 acres of land.

5. Urine, jaggery and dicot flour can be used as additives.

6. The lesser milk the cow gives, the more beneficial its dung is towards reviving the soil.

More than 40 lakh farmers across the country have benefitted greatly from Palekar’s teachings and his method of natural farming. Palekar spends 25 days a month sharing his knowledge of farming through seminar, lectures, workshops and field visits. Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala have also requested him to spend ten days a month in their states, in order to help their farmers develop healthy farming habits.

In 2016, in recognition of his work and the impact he was creating, the Government of India conferred Palekar with the prestigious Padamashri Award. Palekar also made history for being the first active farmer to receive the award.

Palekar’s Zero Budget Natural Farming has undoubtedly made an indelible mark on farming in India.

By Nitin Chore

Occult Satanic Rituals of Illuminati

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Human Will - The Forgotten Freedom Faculty

Modern spiritual teachings, both christian and New Age, tell us 'love' is the answer to all the problems humanity is facing.

But Love without Will is Powerless...

That's why love is touted as the singular solution, because such teachings lead mankind away from the path to freedom. That fulfills the purpose of religion, which is to keep mankind enslaved through the powers of erroneous thought.

When is the last time you heard anyone talk about the importance of that forgotten human faculty, the will? When did you read anything about it? The last time I heard it discussed, I was a child, back in the 1950s.

Adults then spoke of "willpower." But even though will was talked about, mostly it was a topic of humor.

People were fond of saying how they didn't have any willpower, giggling about it as they dove into their cigarette pack or their second helping of dessert. The assumption was that will was the gift of the superhuman, that ordinary flawed humanity could not be expected to find it in themselves.

The human will has been ignored as a serious subject for a very long time.

We talk about our other faculties constantly:

our brains, our sexuality, our athletic prowess, our emotional sensitivity, our empathy, even our intuition and psychic abilities.

But the human will - the ability we have to decide and to choose, and to do so in a way that carries power - that part of our humanness is buried. Not because it's weak or incapable of doing, but because our social programming has conspired to make us forget it exists.

There's an old story called Acres of Diamonds about a man who traveled the world as a pauper looking for riches, only to discover as an old man that the land his home had always been on contained acres of undiscovered diamond mines. The diamonds represent the will, the faculty we possess that's capable of choosing and molding our future.

Right now when we're threatened with tyrants at every turn, with the very loss of all that makes life worth living, we need to connect with this forgotten part of our humanity and call on it for answers and solutions.

I believe this is the lesson we were born for.

-Have we not been born into a world of bullies and the bullied?

-Of hunters and the hunted?

People aware of the global conspiracy have woken up to this. But there's more to the story, if we want to be free.

We have to dig deeper...

-Why is the world an interplay of tyrants and victims?

-Why is that the biggest game in town?

-Why does genuine love get short billing, in spite of our good intentions to be loving and "evolved"?

The reason is that will controls the playing field, and the ones exerting the will are the tyrants. The rest of us, unaware of the power of will, fall prey to the schemes of those who know how to use it.

Adopting a loving attitude when we haven't yet broken out of being victims will not save us personally nor will it save the world. Our fear will constantly drive us to abdicate our lovingness.

Even if we manage to stay loving in the face of injustice and enslavement, love does little to help if it isn't upheld by will.

I cry, you cry, we embrace - and hug all the way to the FEMA camp.

As a frequent visitor at the Alex Jones website, I value all the information available there. I sometimes read the comments at the end of the articles and am troubled by the hopelessness so many posters feel about our future.

I found the same attitude in many emails and comments I received when I was very active writing this blog.

The truth movement has awoken to the realities preying upon mankind, but has yet to take the step to become a genuine liberty movement.

Truth movement, liberty movement:

-one focuses on knowledge

-the other on empowerment

Only when we make that shift can we take back the control of our lives and our world that the tyrants are sucking from us.

People are hopeless because they don't believe they have any power over the threatening situation.

They think the tyrants hold all the cards. Indeed, the tyrants are brilliant, and have posted guards at every exit. They've planned their chess moves well in advance, while we, the novice players, are just waking up to how to play the game.

But human intelligence, buttressed by will, does have the ability to throw a wrench in their strategy, just as a savvy chess opponent can defeat any strategy if he's determined and clever enough. N

o set of moves, however brilliantly orchestrated, is guaranteed to win every game. It only succeeds if the opponent is less clever than the other player. With enough will and deep thought, any brilliant chess play can be defeated.

In the same way, determination and cleverness can defeat the strategists planning the New World Order.

Think of "determination" as will in action.

Will decides,

-what we allow (the passive aspect of willing)

-what we initiate (the active aspect)

Then determination implements the decision.

For all practical purposes, "will," "choice," and "determination" refer to the same thing. From this point on, I'll use the terms interchangeably.

I am increasingly certain that reclaiming our will is the door to our freedom - the only door to our freedom. Ignorance of the power of will is what keeps us afraid and enslaved.

I've written elsewhere in this blog about the power of thought to create real things in the outer world. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Some call it Creating Reality.

Thought is powerful and creative because it rides on will. A thought without a strong intention, without passion behind it, is nothing but a pipe dream. A thought infused with will is a force to be reckoned with.

Determined thought or intention moves the machinery of the universe, not only on the gross level but at the subtlest level of life. Quantum physics talks about the intention of scientists in experiments determining the path taken by quantum particles.

This isn't just a theory, or feel-good pretending:

it's scientific fact.

In your own life, think about the times you've accomplished something, or someone you know accomplished something.

Compare that to the times you didn't accomplish.

-Was not will the differentiating factor?

-When you succeeded, was it not because you refused to have it any other way?

Some time ago I was an activist on a neighborhood project attempting to save our town from encroachment by a powerful government agency with destructive designs.

There were several people at the helm, organizing the fight. I'll never forget one day when one of them told me, with the utmost determination and confidence, that the agency would without a doubt be defeated. This was at a time in the campaign when everything looked like the agency would win.

Lynn is a spiritual woman with a high degree of personal will and empowerment. She had made up her mind that the plan would be defeated, and that was the end of it. It was simply a done deal. Not just a done deal in her mind, but a done deal in the real world. She had decided it so, with all the passion and confidence she possessed.

This beautiful person understood the power of her own determination. She fully got that if she made up her mind that the agency could not have her home, then it could not take it. She knew she had the right and power to decide whether to concede it to them.

I knew in that moment, from the way she said it, that she had created the defeat of the agency. All the motions we all went through from that point onward were merely the denouement, the winding up of the story. The outcome had already been decided.

This master of reality had made up her mind that the bullying stopped at her front door, and it did.

We're so much more powerful than we realize. Mothers with will in gear have lifted automobiles off their trapped children. Prisoners with will have broken out of impossible-to-escape prison camps (see the movie Rescue Dawn for one such remarkable true story).

We all know someone who with the confident innocence of determined desire succeeded in something the world considered impossible.

We think of them as exceptional, but the only difference between them and the rest of us is that they access a faculty that most of humanity doesn't remember it possesses.

I'm working on building my will.

When I find something in my life I don't like - a situation, a negative habit - I now say to myself,

"I don't accept this."

I say it with confidence and a sense of being finished. I may not know at the time how I'm going to get out of the thing that has bound me, but the ropes begin to loosen the moment I make the decision that I'm done. Circumstances develop from that point onward that bring about the end of the thing I want rid of.

It's quite dramatic sometimes, even miraculous. Other times, it's gradual and subtle.

Always it works...

I build my will in little things and in so doing develop my confidence in taking on matters of substance. I fully believe if the time comes when I face someone demanding I get vaccinated or microchipped, I will spontaneously access the power to make them leave me in peace.

I remember the moment in the first Star Wars where Obiwon waves his hand in front of an Empire cop, and the dazed guy lets him pass.

And the moment in the book/movie, The Education of Little Tree, where officials come to drag the boy to a reservation school, but the granddad sees them coming from the hilltop; he and the boy are safe in the woods every time the would-be enslavers come to their door (another great true story).

Those who are afraid (and do not master their fear) that they will be sent to FEMA camps or killed, are creating being sent to FEMA camps or killed. Those who believe global tyranny is a done deal are creating experiencing global tyranny.

By passively accepting the horrendous as inevitable, the passive aspect of our own will kicks in to allow it, stamping the plans of the tyrants with our own personal seal of permission.

We live on the Earth at this time because we chose to be here. We allowed it, we willed it.

Perhaps we did that so we might experience the drama of bullies and bullied being played out in the extreme, as it is being played out today. Perhaps we wanted the stakes to be this high in order to jog our will awake, so we might become at last fully human, fully empowered, reality creators, masters of living.

We are only victims if that's how we perceive it. We can take the bull by the horns, take charge of any situation. No one ever does anything to us that we don't on some level allow. Allowing can be as simple as believing there's no way out. It can be as simple as fear, or any other form of helpless acceptance.

What happens in our future is up to no one but us. The rest of the world can do what it likes, experience what it wants to, for its own ultimate freedom and wisdom. But no one can force anyone to be a slave who does not accept it.

Whatever your fellows choose to do, you are safe and free if you determine to be...

But can your choice for personal freedom help save the world from the New World Order?

I think it's the only thing that can save it...

by Bronte Baxter
from Chapter 12
February 2009
from BronteBaxter Website