In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, November 28, 2022

Anglo German and Russian forces preparing to move on Switzerland

November 28, 2022

A decision has been reached by the military and intelligence agencies of the West to militarily occupy Switzerland in order to arrest the top leadership of the Khazarian mafia, multiple sources agree. The Swiss armed forces are asked to stand by and not resist since this operation is not targeted at the Swiss people or nation. The target of the attack will be the BIS, the Various UN agencies with extra-territorial powers (i.e. their headquarters are not Swiss territory), the Rothschild complex in Zug and the huge underground base complex along the Swiss Austrian border, they say.

In confirmation, a major military move is imminent former US army Colonel Douglas MacGregor says the Ukrainian state will be finished off by a Russian force of 700,000 over the next few weeks after the ground freezes. 

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Switzerland will be targeted around the same time, multiple sources agree.

A parallel military move will take place to occupy New York and Silicon valley as well as the Microsoft/Amazon complex in Seattle, the sources add. Again, this operation is targeting Satan-worshipping gangsters and not the citizens of these regions, they say.

One of the key targets of this operation will be the “Samjase Pleiadian Anunnaki nicknamed ‘Uncle Sam.’” 

Swiss patriots have identified this individual as one of the top Khazarian mafia leaders.

This writer has repeatedly been invited to Switzerland to visit the “aliens” top-level Western secret societies like the Black Sun and the P3 freemasons claim to take orders from. At the same time, MI6 and Asian secret societies have warned this writer not to go because “it was a trap.”

Regardless of what is true or not true about the “aliens,” it is a forensically provable fact that the people located at the BIS. Zug etc. have been trying to kill off the majority of the human race. It is also true they claim independence from any government on earth. For example, even Swiss police authorities are forbidden from entering the BIS. That is why a military operation to capture and neutralize these mass murderers has been authorized.

To understand the scale of the crimes committed by these monsters, we have decided to post a list of known poisons found in vaccines that has been forwarded to us by the World Doctors’ Alliance:

Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients.

These are being INJECTED into you and your kids;

-Formaldehyde/Formalin – Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

-Betapropiolactone – Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanent injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.

-Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide – May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.

-Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts – Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long-term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.

-Thimerosal (mercury) – Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism.

-Polysorbate 80 & 20 – Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.

-Glutaraldehyde – Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat-sensitive medical equipment.

-Fetal Bovine Serum – Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.

-Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells – aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.

-African Green Monkey Kidney Cells – Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.

-Acetone – Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.

-E.Coli – Yes, you read that right.

-DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1

-Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)

Fact check, as I did, the vaccine ingredients here:


This is just the tip of the iceberg. Here is another example:  

High amounts of chemicals linked with heart disorders, diabetes, endocrine disruption, cancer, brain impairment, asthma, disabilities, cancer, birth defects and infertility have been found in popular sanitary napkins sold in India, according to a study done by a Delhi-based environmental NGO. The highest concentrations of these chemicals were found in so-called organic products.

Although this study was in India, you can be sure such poisons will be found in sanitary napkins all over the world. Similar poisons can be found in shampoo, toothpaste and processed foods etc. This is deliberate poisoning because, if it was just a profit over safety calculation then, nobody would bother to put these expensive chemicals in daily products.

Remember so-called Western leaders,(who are mostly mind-controlled avatars like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau), as well as people like Elon Musk and the fake Donald Trump (the one who appeared after January 31st 2020) have all been pushing these vaccines.

These “leaders” are thus guilty of mass murder because it is now proven that those who took the so-called Covid vaccines are dying at a much higher rate than those who did not.

These same fake “leaders” are also trying to use the vaccines and poisons to turn those who don’t die into human farm animals. As the Avatar of George Soros says, the vaccines were also used as “an instrument of control.”

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Biden signed the G20 declaration to force Americans to use vaccine passports for international travel.

Canadian crime minister Justin Castrudeau is going so far as to try to force psychiatric medication for those that refuse mRNA injections or any kind of vaccination.

Since 88% of Canadians are refusing further vaccinations, you can guess what is going to happen soon to Castrudeau and his fellow traitors.

Remember, these criminals are also murdering children on an industrial scale. For the latest proof of this, watch the attached video of a former CIA operative testifying Obamacare was created specifically for child trafficking.

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As the information above makes clear, any military officer who resists the move against KM strongholds will have self-identified as a traitor to the human race and must be summarily executed. 

Okay, now let us look at some of the latest battles in the war to liberate the planet earth. Following the G20 meeting, the KM used a Directed Energy Weapon to attack ... ... ...

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Russia’s Wagner Group Sends Bloodied Sledgehammer To EU

A lawyer in a suit is seen in a Telegram video bringing a violin case into the empty room and setting it down on a table. Russia’s Wagner Group essentially sends a bloodied sledgehammer to the EU.

Mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner Group delivered a “bloodied” sledgehammer to the European Parliament in a violin case after members began the process of designating them as terrorists.

Because its members have used sledgehammers to kill while on missions abroad, the Kremlin-affiliated outfit has adopted them as an unofficial insignia.

In a video that Wagner Group uploaded on one of its Telegram channels, a suit-clad attorney brings a violin case into an empty room and sets it down on a table.

He reveals a finely polished sledgehammer when he raises the lid of the violin case. The Wagner’s emblem has been carved on the head, and blood-red paint has been splattered into the handle.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the financier and founder of Wagner Group who is also referred to as Putin’s chef, said in a separate statement that he was sending the sledgehammer to the European Parliament as “information” before MEPs made a decision about whether to designate Wagner Group as a terrorist organization. Additionally, he expressed his sorrow over the possibility.

Евгений Пригожин передал в Европарламент «окровавленную» кувалду с гравировкой логотипа ЧВК «Вагнер»

«Подарок» в скрипичном футляре привез юрист Пригожина Игорь Елисеев из Петербурга и передал ее блогерам, которые якобы должны отправить инструмент в Европу.

— SOTA (@Sota_Vision) November 24, 2022

Due to its invasion of Ukraine, the European Parliament this week classified Russia as a terrorist state.

Since he owns a catering business and has been pictured serving Kremlin guests alongside the Russian president, most notably George W. Bush when the latter visited Moscow in his capacity as US president twenty years ago, Mr. Prigozhin has earned the moniker “Putin’s chef”.

The sledgehammer has not yet been delivered to the European Parliament, according to individuals who spoke to The Telegraph, and they believed it might be a publicity ploy.

“If anyone needed further proof of Russia being a state sponsoring terrorism: Prigozhin just sent it in a violin case,” said Daniel Freund, a German Green MEP.

Wagner Group has a reputation for doing unsightly things, including releasing footage of its fighters holding musical instruments while standing in bombed-out cities in east Ukraine’s Donbas.

The Wagner mercenaries describe themselves as musicians and their force as an orchestra.

One of the group’s Russian special forces founders, who went by the callsign “Wagner” gave it its name in 2014.

The sledgehammer sparked discussion on Russian-language Telegram channels.

“Instead of a horse’s head, a sledgehammer. ‘Godfather’ games with a St Petersburg pronunciation,” Moscow socialite and TV star Ksenia Sobchak informed her 1.4 million subscribers. Sobchak left Russia last year after being charged with embezzlement.

In a video that Wagner released this month, one of its fighters can be seen slamming the head of a prisoner who had signed up to fight in Ukraine but had instead tried to defect to the Ukrainian side. In other videos, Wagner mercenaries may be seen using sledgehammers to execute hostages taken in the Middle East.

It appears that Mr. Prigozhin embraces this reputation. At first, he praised the sledgehammer murder of the prisoner, calling it “an excellent piece of editorial work.”

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, the Wagner Group has gained notoriety.

Wagner has served as a semi-official auxiliary unit for the Russian army despite suffering significant losses.

Despite the fact that it is technically against the law to fight for a mercenary organization in Russia, the Kremlin, which had previously denied Wagner’s existence, has now permitted it to publicly recruit throughout the country.

Wagner, led by Mr. Prigozhin, has also actively recruited from jails. According to one estimate, up to 23,000 prisoners are currently fighting for Wagner in Ukraine.


EXPLOSIVE: Here’s what was uncovered in Hunter Biden’s iCloud Hack 

MAJOR PEER REVIEWED STUDY: Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk By 44 Times In Young Adults

MUST READ: High Level International Bankers Simulate The Collapse Of Global Financial System 

BIG STORY: Wuhan Lab Isolated Monkeypox Strain In 2020 

EXPLOSIVE: Ukraine Biolabs Used Fever Carrying Mosquitoes To Spark Dengue Pandemic In Cuba


Protests Erupt Across China: "Down With Communist Party! Down With Xi Jinping! We Want Freedom!"

Protests over China’s COVID controls spread across country

Suppose the idea of REVOLUTION instead of SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE now spreads from China to Western countries?

When people who protest against the government in China can be tortured and killed, and yet they keep protesting, that tells you something big is happening now.

AP, 11/27:

Crowd angered by lockdowns calls for China’s Xi to step down

Protesters angered by strict anti-virus measures called for China’s powerful leader to resign, an unprecedented rebuke as authorities in at least eight cities struggled to suppress demonstrations Sunday that represent a rare direct challenge to the ruling Communist Party.

Police using pepper spray drove away demonstrators in Shanghai who called for Xi Jinping to step down and an end to one-party rule, but hours later people rallied again in the same spot. Police again broke up the demonstration, and a reporter saw protesters under arrest being driven away in a bus.

The protests—which began Friday and have spread to cities including the capital, Beijing, and dozens of university campuses—are the most widespread show of opposition to the ruling party in decades.

The predators at the WEF, Gates Foundation, the WHO, who keep bloviating praise for the Chinese regime and its COVID lockdowns and surveillance and social credit score policies—

Those Globalist predators suddenly have something else to think about: the possibility of revolution in China against the government and against those policies.

We need to show overwhelming solidarity with the Chinese protestors.

Of course, the Chinese regime has the firepower to put down these protests. But, against a background of brutal long lockdowns, and with many of their citizens beyond all patience and on the edge of rebellion, is firepower a good idea?

This sets up a rock and hard place for the Chinese government.

Media reports indicate that in some local areas, officials are starting to lift COVID restrictions—hoping to avoid wider protests.

Certainly, Xi Jinping is starting to feel the heat. If high officials in the regime perceive he can’t handle the situation, they’re going to consider looking around for another leader. That could spell destabilization.

Regardless, it’s clear the vaunted and highly praised Chinese model of “dealing with COVID” is failing.

The past two years of elite Western bullshit about China’s unqualified success is being exposed as sheer propaganda and fraud.

Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, two of China’s strongest supporters, are suddenly looking like morons.

The Western press Lefties are nervously waiting for their marching orders. How should they handle this story? How should they slant it?

“Does the CIA want us to attack Xi Jinping? Or support him?”

“How the hell should I know? I’m waiting for something from the State Department.”

“What is Biden saying?”

“Are you kidding? He’s saying, ‘Where is my bathrobe? How do I get from the shower to my bed’?”

The string pullers who manage Biden are earnestly hoping the protests in China are viewed in the US as “something happening far away over THERE, and have nothing to do with us HERE.”

Which is a lie. The entire effort of the Western Left to praise China is part and parcel of holding up the Chinese regime as a shining model of The Great Reset and all it implies—as that model is brought on board in the West.

Realizing the model is collapsing before our eyes in China spells disaster for the Globalists, if enough people connect the obvious dots.

The Chinese regime is a stone cold tyranny, period. Nothing about it should be welcomed on our shores. Its Great Reset, a gigantic punitive wall to wall Surveillance State, is a living nightmare.

THAT’S what the Chinese people are now protesting, at the risk of losing their lives.

THEY’RE the people we should be supporting, not their leaders.


-- Jon Rappoport


The US government funded Peter Daszak’s ECO Health Alliance to the tune of $61,491,183 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. It also directly or indirectly funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $7.4 million dollars to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans. Meanwhile the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded Ralph Baric to the tune of $46,958,414 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans.

This totals more than $114 million in the period from 2000 to 2020 to make new coronaviruses which are infectious to humans.

There is no question that SARS CoV 2 (causing Covid-19) is man made. Here’s the evidence…


CONFIRMED – COVID is Man-Made & Fauci, Bill Gates, Daszak & Moderna are responsible

Friday, November 25, 2022

Transition of Planet Earth has Begun

The Light has won

The transformation now is actually a timetable of events and procedures of events, which is called timeline. Humanity is now on a timeline where something significant is about to happen; that is, noteworthy events are now taking place in this Universe Age; which qualifies as historical turning point.

Planet Earth is making its transition from 3D to 5D, many of the contemporary souls incarnated on Earth are now also making their Ascension. It is the most important moment in the entire planetary or even in the history of the Universe, but above all, this is the greatest moment on Earth with the awakening of Humanity.

The oft-publicised already ancient Armageddon prophecies will not happen! We are going to experience incredible times. However, there is still a major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself; but at this moment in time, this is the most decisive moment for humanity on planet Earth.

Two new well-defined Timelines will determine the future: one will lead part of humanity to the New 5D Earth; the other will lead the rest into exile to another 3D planet.

Only a third of humanity is capable of performing and completing the ascension necessary for this transition; the other part is not. Eventually, a New Cycle and a New Earth will emerge. Where no authority or superior exists to influence our free will and choices. Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with individual preferences of others.

The Light has won. Where everyone creates their own reality. The fate of humanity has now been definitively decided. The wheat has been separated from the chaff. Only 5-dimensional beings will go to the New 5-D Earth. This process is expected to be completed, cleared and settled around 2025.

The light will become more intense, making it impossible for sleepers to sleep through. It is certain, that many, even if awakened by the high Light intensity, will choose another dark planet to continue their soul’s deep sleep there. Therefore, this article is only for those who are truly awake and have chosen the path of the New 5D Earth.

Humanity is awakening

Be prepared and be on your guard, because things are moving fast now. The banks are closing, make sure you stock up on basic necessities. The transition could take up to three weeks. The corrupt cabal cronies and their backers will be removed. They are part of the Deep State because of the money and work they did for them. This made them feel important, but will now pay a high price.

Before the endless wars of the Deep State Cabal, the objectives were never told, such as the destruction of ancient and modern cities, maximisation of casualties and massive damages to earn money for interest on borrowed money for reconstruction.

For thousands of years, our history has largely been made a deception, especially since 1706, the Khazarian Zionist Mafia has manipulated and changed almost every fact and aspect to keep the population completely in the dark, better controlled and oppressed, but that has ended now. The truth is coming out and every day more people understand what is happening now, and are slowly waking up.

Unsecured paper money and banks will eventually disappear. Real gold-backed money will not; money and banks are tools of the cabal to oppress the population through their debt-based economy that ensures humans can never thrive.

Unrest and insecurity are spreading and more and more people are losing their grip on their world and orientation. Especially people who have no inner connection to themselves and their eternal soul are now caught in the maelstrom of disinformation, confusion and deception. They are unable to see what is going on, and they are unable to see through what is being played. So these people will remain the playthings of the corrupt rulers.

Many will disappear from planet earth or leave. The unity of all people together can only be achieved with souls who are ripe for it. So it happens now, that oppressed people have to leave this earth with the oppressors.

What is hailed as a blessing brings death, what is clothed with a promise of salvation brings disease. Many succumb or will succumb to the gene therapy of the Corona vaccination.

Warnings regarding its danger were ignored by immature souls, neither seen nor recognised. So, it happens that people end or shorten their lifespan by their free choice. These are people who are not ready for the coming changes.

Greatest moment on earth

Many other things will be settled in the same way at the soul level. For everyone chooses when they end life on earth or when mastery is achieved. Very few are ready for this.

So, don’t worry if many people leave this earth. It happens in harmony and in the knowledge of one’s own soul plan. Each soul chooses and decides before human life, the kind of experiences to be had and the abilities to be acquired. So each soul knows when and how to end its life.

While these changes are taking place on Earth, many Beings from the Extraterrestrial Realms are watching us awakeners with admiration and recognition.

You awakeners are the ones we have been waiting for, and you are also the ones leaving the old behind to create the new life with people who want peace and trust and appreciate each other.

This effort requires mature and tested souls. A young soul with little experience on planet Earth will find it difficult to find its way, even under optimal 3D conditions. Such a soul will be overwhelmed by what is now manifesting on planet earth.

So it happens that some wake up and others slip into a deep sleep:

They are They;

  • Who could not see or understand the evil behind the Corona theatre.
  • Who refused any clarification and believed the lies presented.
  • And, who have no discernment between the good from the bad.

For these people, the circle of this life closes, they are those who do not engage in change, and now end their last life cycle on earth.

Evil disappears as soon as you recognise it and put it in its place. Satan no longer has power over those who see through the wiles and tricks and/or did not succumb to the lure of temptation.

Today’s new timeline has been prepared for mature souls; the time has come for those who want to crown their lives and serve planet Earth as fully conscious human beings.

We are now at the turning point. As Earth as Planet makes its Transition, many of the souls incarnated here are simultaneously making their Ascension. It is the most important moment in all planetary history, but above all, it is the greatest moment of planet Earth and in the awakening of Humanity.

Below, our Exterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi provides additional information he received on this subject, and now being published on FWC sites.

Parallel or Simultaneous Timelines

Dear people!

When we talk about timelines, we mean a particular situation that deviates from what was considered normal so far, or the continuation of what always was. So when we say that a change has taken place in a timeline, we are talking about what is going to change, namely that nothing will be the same again.

Normally, a timeline affects the collectivity. It is of little consequence when it affects only one person or a very small part of the collective. Such Timelines can also interfere with the Planet as a whole, that is, change enough to cause a Planetary Transition.

We have talked about this before. We said that a New Timeline in 2010, changed the fate of Earth. The old Line that determined Armageddon was extinguished, and in its place emerged a Timeline that makes the Planetary Transition smoother and more harmonious.

All Planets and their Humanity undergo deep transformations in a period of infinite time. Like, for example, that we are experiencing now on Planet Earth. This is part of the plan of reconciliation for all worlds.

But today we are going to talk about something very interesting happening now in these final months of 2022. We are experiencing a situation that has never happened before: where we are living in two simultaneous timelines.

Let us first understand that Timelines can be Antagonistic (contradictory), parallel or simultaneous. The difference between these three is easy to understand. Antagonistic is when you live a totally different reality from other people. Parallel is when you live two different realities, but sometimes clearly one, sometimes the other. You realise exactly what the difference between the two is. Simultaneous Timelines are a jumble of things like a fruit salad.

Today we are going to elucidate on simultaneous timelines, because that is what comes most into focus in late 2022. Chances are that after understanding this, you will be able to gain some relief from the tension that the current times bring.

Understanding what is going on will give you some peace in the turmoil we are going through. When you were told in previous messages that everyone chooses a timeline according to their frequency, and that it will very soon send you in opposite directions, it was actually about the present moment, concerning the days that are about to come.

If it is the frequency of each consciousness that determines who will ascend their souls now, it is clear that it will also be that frequency which will guide each to one Timeline or the other. But this is not an event that can be observed in a day. Such a fact may take several years, but it will not last long. We are on the cusp of that moment.

The year 2022 will indeed be a demarcation as was said at the end of 2021. Even if this is not very clear yet, we will see further down the road how it all worked out.

Individual choices will determine the final line.

Pay attention to your feelings. You are not the same creature as before. There is something intriguing in your feelings. Forget the old beliefs for a while, and allow yourself the new. At least accept the possibility that nothing will be the same again. Don’t resist what your intuition says. Believe in the many possibilities. Nothing that was until now will stay that way from now on.

Do short meditations and feel your body, your inner voice and your heart. Learn to listen to the voice of your soul. It is guiding you now as never before. And you must separate yourself from old beliefs to allow new ones.

New realities are emerging faster and faster, and you may find yourself in mental confusion or existential conflict. This confusion is caused precisely because you are experiencing two timelines simultaneously.

It is easy to identify this. Notice how there are moments when it feels like you are no longer yourself. Then, things seem to return to normal. There are situations that seem to have happened in old times, and then you understand that it is in fact real; that it is happening now. There are also moments that seem like you are dreaming, but which you see and recognise that it is not a dream. In short, the sense of what is real and what is not is constantly confused.

These are two simultaneous timelines, which at times can also be two parallel timelines. The difference is that the simultaneous timeline is shorter and more confusing. The parallel timeline, on the other hand, is longer felt and the difference between the two becomes clearer.

What we have to say today is that simultaneous Timelines of today will soon lock into parallel Timelines. And later they will in fact be two opposite (antagonistic) Timelines that will determine the course of each incarnated soul here on Planet Earth. It depends on the adjustment each can still make in terms of vibrational frequency.

Every human being incarnated now has one last choice. It will be decisive because this is also the last incarnation in duality on this Planet. The opportunity offered by the Divine Plan is so great that it allows each incarnated soul to feel the many vibrations, so that each can choose his path without doubt.

This “imbroglio” (turmoil) of feeling is what gives each the direction to choose according to the current stage in the evolution of each incarnated soul. Remember that everything is frequency, and the universal laws do not read words.

No one can cheat their own conscience. We still have some time left, but the funnel is getting narrower. The Timelines are available to everyone, and everyone can make their choice now.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


The transformation of the world has begun

Something big is about to happen

Until David Rockefeller Jr. is removed, the economic implosion of the United States will continue

November 21, 2022

Arrest David Rockefeller Jr. to end the Biden horror show

(Second Part Of The Above Article)

Rockefeller is now in the New York area of the United States and special forces need to hunt him down and take him to Guantanamo ASAP if the United States is to be liberated and Democracy restored.

Until he is removed, the economic implosion of the United States will continue. Since most of the world continues to refuse Rockefeller fiat dollars as payment, the US is running out of oil and many other vital commodities. To confirm this is true, note that Japan and China dumped a record $118 billion worth of US Treasuries in September.

Now, as this headline suggests, US logistics is grinding to a halt:

“Maritime, rail and trucking demand still falling into historically slow months,”

It will stop completely in the not-so-distant future when the strategic petroleum reserve is completely drained.

Also, in another sign Asia is cutting the US off, Gene Seroka, head of the Port of Los Angeles, says the Port of LA had the quietest October since 2009.

Since the US Corporation was able to use its credit card until October 14th, November should be even more interesting. We tried to check the port webcam to see what is going on now but it has been “disabled.”

These desperate criminals are now trying to plunder Africa to stay in business. According to the World Economic Forum, the continent will have to pay $2.8 trillion to meet its Paris Agreement commitments to cut emissions.

However, as Giorgia Meloni, member of the World Alliance for Freedom and Italian Prime Minister, notes, it is Paris that must pay for Africa, and not the other way around.

“The reason Africans are poor is that the French rob people of their resources and force them to work for almost nothing. When African leaders want to end slavery and exploitation, the French send their mercenaries to murder her.”

It is time for all of Africa to be liberated from the KM cabal and their puppets.

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In any case, there are signs that the US has finally begun its second revolution. For example, we note that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has resigned. We also note that Republican politicians have launched investigations into the embezzlement of funds destined for Ukraine, the FBI’s Gestapo-like behavior and, of course, the theft of the recent midterm elections.

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Sen. Josh Hawley leaves FBI Director Chris Wray in PANICKED silence after EXPOSING woke FBI for 2 straight minutes analysts-warn-sam-bankman-fried-collapse-ftx-bankruptcy-alameda-research-fraud-financial-services-committee

We also note that President Donald Trump has announced that he is running for election. Many people in the truth movement thought this was a sign that Trump is a controlled opposition. Because they assumed it meant he was telling people to wait until 2024. However, Trump did not say 2024. According to our CIA sources, Trump will stand in an election scheduled for March 2023 after the current corrupt political class is deposed. Also, Trump used a gold-rimmed US flag in his appearance, suggesting he has military support. The flagpole also had an eagle on top, which only a President may use.

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We also note the lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court indicting 388 members of Congress, Senate and the so-called Biden administration on treason, which carries the death penalty.

Because of the uniqueness of this case, the court has authority to impeach the defendants under 18 US Code § 2381, which states: “Whoever, in allegiance to the United States.., makes war against her or joins her enemies by. providing assistance and assistance to them within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of high treason and shall be punishable by death or imprisonment for a term not less than five years and a fine under that title not less than $10,000 and is unfit to hold office in clothe the United States.

So on Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbot tweeted, “I have invoked the invasion clauses of the US and Texas constitutions to authorize Texas to take unprecedented action to defend our state against invasion. I exercise that constitutional authority, as well as other powers and… Executive orders to keep our state and country safe.” (See attached photo)

Hopefully he will send Texan troops to New York to help capture the Rockefellers etc.

We also note that American volunteers have arrived in Ukraine to fight with the Russians against the Satanists.

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The rest of the world is also taking action, with Brazil leading the way. Since the massive fraud in the October 30 run-off election in Brazil, millions of Brazilians have taken to the streets to protest against the electoral fraud of the communist convicted criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

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Brazil is just the latest country to move away from this control web of fake elections, fake leaders, fake news, fake economic data, manipulated markets, etc.

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Here’s what a secret Space Force source had to say about the situation:

“On a collective level, it is a very old and dark energy that is being removed from the Earth. The source of that energy is now DEAD. The attacks and difficulties humanity faces today stem from minions and zombies who are with infected with this energy and still programmed to carry out their agenda.”

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Now let’s take a look at some of the more esoteric happenings. First, watch this short video clip showing how Hollywood stars are cloned.

Our SSP source says: “They simply copied this video from satirical site The Onion – it was made 14 years ago… The point is that it’s true and the KM puppet masters have been doing this since Hitler’s rule. I’m sure you ‘ve seen the movie The Boys from Brazil It came out in 1978. I’m told that in the movie they showed the cloning process with 95% accuracy They revealed the truth for all to see (Mixed of course with a little BS). “

Speaking of Brazil, “Over the past two weeks, Brazilian media and local netizens have repeatedly reported that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been sighted by civilian pilots and local civilians over the skies of the southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina , prompting attempts by warplanes to intercept them led by the Brazilian Air Force.


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A good UAP (UFO) video filmed recently in Mexico can be found at the link below.

It’s one of the thousands sightings worldwide in the last few months. Here are a few more.

1. Alien drone observes the launch of a rocket to the ISS

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3. CN Tower Camera Toronto, captures offworld Plasma Drive Drone

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Hopefully, this kind of technology will soon make airplanes obsolete as a means of travel for all of us.

