In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, May 20, 2024

Deleted WEF Memo Reveals Trump Is on ‘Hit List’ of Leaders To Be Assassinated

A deleted and leaked World Economic Forum memo reveals Donald J. Trump is on the “hit list” of leaders to be assassinated if he continues proving impossible to control.

The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, with the former president riding high in the polls while Biden flounders.

Desperate to avoid a repeat of Trump’s first four year term, the global elite are now initiating Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from the November election by any means necessary.

When the liberal elite cannot win the arguments, they resort to censorship. When they cannot control world leaders through corruption and compromise, they resort to assassination.

Slovakia’s anti-WEF Prime Minister Robert Fico survived an assassination attempt this week and is now in a “life-threatening condition” after he was airlifted to hospital.

Mainstream media has declared that the assassination attempt on Fico was “entirely justified” due to his beliefs in what they describe as “dangerous conspiracy theories.”

The WEF and the UN declared war on so-called “conspiracy theorists” and now the mainstream media is suggesting they must be killed to stop them spreading their dangerous ideas.

In the real world, Fico is one of the few world leaders who can see through the WEF’s agenda and bravely decided to oppose it.

Known as one of the staunchest anti-globalist leaders in Europe, Fico has consistently called for an end to the war in Ukraine, and he also angered the WEF by ordering an investigation into the COVID-19 response and devastating mRNA vaccine roll out.

Perhaps the final straw for the globalist elite came in recent weeks when Fico provided powerful opposition to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, playing a leading role in stopping the globalist organization from forcing through the legislation.

Japan has already had a taste of this.

Shinzo Abe, who served two terms as prime minister of Japan and remained hugely influential in global politics, was assassinated by a far-left henchman in July 2022.

Abe was a critic of the New World Order and was re-elected for a rare second term in 2012 with a mandate to defend his country from the Chinese Communist Party and their friends in the highest echelons of the WEF and United Nations.

While Abe was silenced by the global elite, his legacy lives on.

The people of Japan are fiercely opposed to the agenda of the New World Order, recently protesting in their millions against the authoritarian WHO Pandemic Treaty which is threatening to undermine the sovereignty of nations and allow Bill Gates and Tedros to build a global totalitarian surveillance society.

We have a lot to learn from Japan and how to reject the New World Order because as Tucker Carlson explained last year, Trump is providing the global elite with a problem that they can only solve through assassination.

Tucker was ahead of the curve because fast forward less than a year and the World Economic Forum are plotting to carry out the hit.

Trump has long been threatened by members of the compromised political elite, with Chuck Schumer famously warning him the intelligence community weren’t going to let him get away with shooting from the hip and destroying the New World Order.

Schumer wasn’t wrong. As Tucker pointed out earlier, the intelligence community tried to frame Trump on multiple occasions. Remember Russia-gate? Congress impeached him on two ridiculous charges. Then came the lawfare episode which is still playing out.

All of these dirty tricks failed and still President Trump is standing, defying the odds and the agenda of the global elite.

Now, according to a WEF insider, they are planning to take him out in the same way they have removed other troublesome world leaders.

Justifying the decision by stating the “world will be better off without Donald Trump,” the memo cites Trump’s rising popularity in spite of his legal issues and his upcoming debates with Joe Biden.

Addressed to inner sanctum members who were not identified by name, the leaked and deleted WEF memo targeting Trump has been passed to the Secret Service and was offered to mainstream news outlets, however they refused to run the story.

Could this decision to cover up the crime have anything to do with the fact the mainstream media are all on Bill Gates’ payroll and operate as the PR department of the global elite?

Undoubtedly the media has already been told how to cover the story and twist the facts and mislead the masses, to suit the implementation of the elites’ dystopian agenda.

But it’s not too late for us to make a stand and destroy their plans. Despite their best laid plans, the future is not written and it does not belong to the elites.

More and more people are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths intent on destruction and domination.

It’s our duty to continue shining a light on the darkness and waking up as many people as possible. This is how we defeat them.


Paper work for new international system being drawn up as Satanic rule implodes

Lawyers and bankers are drawing up documents for a new international system that will be phased in starting this autumn and going into 2025. This work is necessary because, if the details are not worked out properly, huge problems will emerge as things snowball into massive world changes. This fine-tuning requires time. 

What needs to be made clear though is that this is not going to be a transfer of power from one secret group to another, The new system will be handed over to the people so that “the meek shall inherit the earth.”

In the meantime, the Satanic “rules-based world order” will continue to implode. This means were are going to experience a lot of turbulence as the last of the Satanists struggle desperately to keep control of the planet and avoid war crimes tribunals.

The latest sign of this was the murder of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions. Multiple Israeli accounts & other well-known accounts now report it was an assassination done by Israeli Mossad.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei says that “if we find evidence that Israel is involved in the helicopter crash of the President of Iran, we will respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies.”

With Raisi dead, Iranian sources say the next Supreme Leader is most likely Ali Khamenei’s son, Mojtaba Khamenei. This means a return to dynastic rule in Persia. Whose dynastic rule is yet to be decided though.

What is clear is this is yet another desperate attempt by the Satanic Zionists to start World War III in order to murder most of humanity. Remember, Khameini was installed by the Rothschilds to play his role in their planned Gog (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) versus Magog (G7) Armageddon war.

As a part of this planned show, Brigadier General Esmail Qa’ani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) sent a warning to the UK, Germany, and France after the trio deployed their warplanes to defend the Israeli regime against a retaliatory operation staged by Iran last month. In other words, since Israel has been stopped from starting an all-out war with Iran, they will try to use European countries instead.

Planetary liberation alliance sources in the Pentagon say what will happen instead is Israel will cease to be a State and Israeli puppets will be removed. “We are in the end game now for Netanyahu and his close associates,” the source says adding “Persia may return to the Pahlavi dynasty.  Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is being groomed. He is working with the WH Alliance.” Here you can watch his father King Pahlavi try to enlighten the American people about their Zionist controllers.

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“The Persian people are definitely shifting away from the current rulers,” the source says.

A shift away from current leaders is needed in most Western countries as well. This means is the white hat military still has a lot of house cleaning to do before the new financial system and new international architecture start.

This cannot be done under current Western leadership. In an example of this, fake Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre can be seen lying below about Israel. How about his statement that the Jews have lived there for 3,000 years? It is a lie. This is the land of Judea. Remember, Poilievre has been bribed with money stolen from Canadians via fraudulent PRC tests. It is a safe bet he is also being blackmailed. The same of course is true of vaccine mass murderer Justin Castrudeau.

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What people in the West need to realize is that the holocaust was a mass sacrifice to Satan in order to initiate Satanic rule over the world. The Temple the Satanists planned to build was to be a place of human and animal sacrifice. As a part of their plan, the Satanists forced brainwashed Europeans into Israel and convinced them to expropriate and murder the Judeans, whom they misleadingly call Palestinians.   

This press release from the US military central command shows this is no longer going to be tolerated. It says that -with the backing of US troops- an international relief effort has begun to support the Judeans.

In Israel and the US meanwhile, the Jews have begun to wake up. Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish staffer in the Department of Interior, resigned saying Biden “has the blood of innocent people on his hands….What I have learned from my Jewish tradition is that every life is precious. That we are obligated to stand up for those facing violence and oppression and to question authority in the face of injustice,” she said.

Awakened Jews like her are staging massive daily demonstrations to call for the removal of would-be dictator Benyamin Satanyahu. The provocation against Iran will not stop his removal from this earth.

His removal will be part of a lot of removal work to be done in the West before it is completely cured of its Satanic infestation.

One example is the revealing of a portrait of King Charles that set the internet on fire with its’ Satanic images. 

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Charles was installed 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days after the murder of Queen Elizabeth. This satirical video of him unveiling the portrait is basically true. Even though we have been told repeatedly the original Charles is dead; as long as avatars or CGs are presented to the world’s media, the fight is not over.

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BBC also reports King Charles has handed over a prestigious army role to his son Prince William in “a symbolic handing over of the baton.” This is a German attempt to take control of the UK military and it will fail, MI6 warns.

Meanwhile, Kate Middleton, who friends of Princess Diana say was sacrificed to Satan, will not be appearing at Charles’ Wimbledon parade. She has not been seen in public since Christmas.

MI6 sources say they are fighting hard to remove the German-linked Satanists from power in England and Ireland and that it will happen sooner, rather than later.

There is also a crisis in Australia where the government has just passed a Satanic mark of the beast digital ID law. Labor Minister Stephen Jones says it’s completely “optional,” but then inadvertently reveals that businesses could “mandate” it.

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In what was likely a related move, “Google Cloud ‘accidentally deleted’ the private cloud account of the Australian pension fund worth $125 billion…Although service restoration commenced on Thursday, it may take some time for investment balances to reflect accurate figures. (translation: the money is gone).”

Looks like the Rockefellers are looting Australian pensions in addition to Japanese pensions to try to stay in business.

This is linked to vaccine passports and COVID-19 shots. The government knows the vaccines are killing people, and they are “deliberately suppressing doctors” from reporting vaccine deaths, warns Senator Malcolm Roberts.

MI6 informs us a top Satanist in Australia and a high-priority white hat target is ... ... ...

The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of holding a paid subscription.

Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed

For decades, Ray Kurzweil has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. And in 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body.

In 2010 he interviewed Robert Freitas on the Future of Nanotechnology, who said that nano-robots could cure aging and death.

He said that this technology is expected to be deployed by 2020, and that laws will be in place to protect the public from its misuse.

The laws were never put in place. But the technology was patented and deployed to billions of people without their knowledge in 2020. We know this because several independent labs have confirmed the presence of this nanotechnology in the COVID vaccines. And Bill Gates recently admitted to this as well.

Self-Assembly and Self-Replication seem to be the same technology when it comes to nano-robots. And this was considered to be the greatest danger involved with the use of this technology.

In his 1986 book, Engines of Creation, Kim Eric Drexler wrote about what he termed the “Gray Goo Scenario.” A hypothetical catastrophic event caused by out-of-control self-replicating nanotechnology which consumes the biomass of the host. And this is exactly what independent researchers are finding. It explains the large so-called blood clots being found in the dead. And its spreading. Evidence shows that the vaxxed are shedding this to the unvaxxed.

But the event is worldwide, and there is no agency setup to put this fire out. Our governments are not even discussing the problem. And the perpetrators are planning a second round of nano-bot deployment with another fake pandemic. If we the people can not unite and stand together now, then what exactly are we?


Greg Reese

The Reese Report

Q – White Hats Intel 5.18.2Q24

In the following video, Benjamin Fulford discusses the ongoing power struggle between the so-called “White Hats” and “Black Hats” within global political and financial systems. 

He claims that the “White Hats,” a group of military and intelligence insiders, are working to dismantle a corrupt network of elites who have long manipulated global events for their benefit. 

Fulford outlines recent developments and actions taken by the “White Hats,” including arrests and financial interventions, to restore justice and transparency. He emphasizes the importance of public awareness and support for these efforts to ensure their success.

Benjamin Fulford Q - White Hats Intel 5.18.2Q24

High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA

The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds: A Leap of Love and Science

Enveloped in cutting-edge quantum technology, Med Beds extend a beacon of hope for those seeking holistic wellness. Get ready because Trump’s NESARA initiative is unveiling the astounding reality of Med Beds – a technological marvel that promises to cure all diseases within minutes.

Quantum mechanics, often referred to as the science of the extremely small, has baffled and fascinated us for over a century. This realm, hidden from our day-to-day perceptions, governs the behavior of particles at an atomic and subatomic level. It’s a place where particles can exist in multiple states at once, where time might not follow the linear path we’re accustomed to. In essence, it’s where the expected norms of reality take a backseat.

Now, imagine intertwining this intricate science with healing. The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds isn’t just a scientific breakthrough; it’s a passionate embrace of possibilities.

Embracing Quantum Healing: Med Beds’ Magical Tale. Med Beds, as their name suggests, are medical beds but with a quantum twist. They utilize technologies derived from quantum mechanics to foster healing processes that our ancestors could only dream of. They are, in many ways, the perfect marriage between advanced technology and the age-old longing for health and well-being.

But how do they work? By harmonizing our body’s natural energies with the quantum realm’s peculiarities, Med Beds can tap into healing processes that traditional medicine might overlook. It’s a gentle, loving touch of science, ensuring that our body finds its way back to its natural state of health.

Within a year’s time most hospital procedures are obsolete President Donald Trump said on June 14, to the nation,

“within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like Age regression, up to 30 years.

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.

Jane Doe, a recent beneficiary of the Med Beds technology, shared her experience with us.

“When I first heard about Med Beds, I was skeptical,” she began, her voice quivering with emotion. “But after just one session, I felt a profound shift. It was as if layers of pain and anguish were peeled away, leaving behind a rejuvenated version of myself. It wasn’t just physical healing; it was emotional, spiritual, and deeply personal.”

Stories like Jane’s are becoming more common as Med Beds grow in popularity. They aren’t just tools or machines; they’re embodiments of humanity’s collective desire for wellness, transformation, and love.

The potential of Med Beds extends beyond individual healing. It represents a shift in our collective understanding of health. As the lines between science, love, and spirituality blur, we’re ushering in an era where compassion is as crucial as the technology itself.

What’s truly captivating about Med Beds is their universal appeal. They aren’t limited to any particular demographic or region. Their promise of healing, grounded in the profound truths of quantum mechanics, speaks to the human heart’s universal language: love.

The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds paint a promising picture of the future of medicine. It’s a future where love is the cornerstone, and science is the tool. A future where healing isn’t just about curing ailments but about connecting with our deepest selves.

It’s crucial to remember that Med Beds are but one milestone in our ongoing journey of discovery. As we delve deeper into the quantum realm, who knows what other love-infused miracles await us?

In a world where the divide between the heart and the mind often seems vast, Med Beds offer a bridge. A bridge constructed with the sturdy materials of science and the ethereal essence of love. So, here’s to a future where every healing touch resonates with the boundless energy of love, amplified by the wonders of quantum mechanics.

Remember, always consult with health professionals and do thorough research before engaging in any new medical technology or treatment.

The Unveiling of the Med Bed: The Latest Breakthrough in High-Dimensional Medical Technology

As the curtains are pulled back on the shadow battles fought on our planet, revealing groundbreaking technology that once resided in the pages of science fiction novels, we take a deep dive into one such invention that promises to revolutionize healthcare forever. It’s called the Med Bed, and its implications are profound.

The Med Bed isn’t just another medical discovery. No, it’s the culmination of centuries-old space technologies, technologies that, until now, were concealed in secrecy, locked away from the public eye, and shrouded in global conspiracies.

What You Need to Know About the Med Bed

The State of Affairs – March 2, 2024: As of this date, with time stamped in Japan, an incredible transition has taken place. High-end medical technology Med Beds, which were once stuff of legend, are now becoming a reality. Countries around the globe, particularly those under the GESARA agreement, are seeing an influx of these miraculous devices, with some nations having more than they can handle.

For those who have been living under a rock, it’s imperative to understand the GESARA or the “Global Economic Security and Recovery Act.” This act signifies a new era, an era where technology and progress are no longer stalled by the DEEP STATE’s invisible hands.

Whispers from the darkest corners suggest that the monumental battle with the DEEP STATE has finally reached its conclusion. This ushered in the era of healing, particularly using advanced space technologies to mend our warriors and save countless lives, many of which were innocent children. This lunar base, which was a hub of cosmic recovery, has now transformed into a Med Bed production facility. Yes, you heard it right. The stars are no longer the limit.

Med Bed in Japan – A Glimpse into the Future

Take Japan, for instance. The land of the rising sun has always been at the forefront of technological marvels, and the Med Bed is no exception. Reports suggest that Japan has received a bountiful supply of Med Beds. My guesstimate places this number at several units per prefecture. However, these haven’t reached their final destinations. The majority are strategically placed in US military base facilities and related Japanese Self-Defense Forces locations. The implications? Astounding.

The Essence of the Med Bed

Restoration: The Med Bed isn’t just a tool; it’s a revolution. It harnesses the power of space-age technology to address and nullify virtually every disease and injury known to humanity. How, you ask? By reverting genetic information (DNA) to its purest form.

If you’ve ever believed our human capabilities are limited, think again. Much of our inherent genetic strength lies dormant, suppressed by factors we’re just beginning to comprehend. The Med Bed awakens this dormant power. It’s not about merely treating symptoms or diseases. It’s about unleashing our genetic potential, a potential that’s been stifled for generations.

However, for one to tap into the restorative magic of the Med Bed, their soul wave must resonate with the 5th-dimensional wave. This isn’t just a treatment; it’s an evolution.

Shedding Light on Two Vital Elements

Before diving deeper, it’s crucial to lay down some fundamental truths.

  • Timeless Technology: What we consider “cutting-edge” today has roots that stretch back centuries. The technology that’s about to redefine our world has been in existence, hidden in plain sight, masked by layers of deception and secrecy.
  • Space Alliances: The extraterrestrial entities, our allies from beyond our skies, are sharing with us what they’ve used for eons. They view our forthcoming “novelties” as “retrotechnology.” And though “retro” might evoke a sense of the past, remember that these are tools that have stood the test of interstellar time.

Beyond the Med Bed

With the launch of GESARA, an arsenal of interstellar healing technologies is set to be unveiled. The Med Bed, while revolutionary, is just the tip of the iceberg. Plan Q, a grand strategy that took off in 2019, has been central in these revelations. Initial applications of the Med Bed were off-planet, healing those rescued and soldiers fighting the dark cosmic entities.

The Med Bed is a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of transformation. As this technology continues to flood GESARA signatory nations, we’re not just looking at a healthier future but a redefined humanity.

The Future of Healthcare Post-GESARA: Med Beds and the Revolution in Healing

From the pristine suburbs to the bustling heart of metropolises worldwide, the dawn of a new age in medical care is upon us. With the launch of GESARA, an evolution, unparalleled in human history, awaits. Prepare for a tale of transformation, of rebirth, and the potential rise of an advanced era.

1. The GESARA Age

After the monumental launch of GESARA, whispers of a vision started circulating – a vision of a world where healing is not just a luxury for the few but a right for all. From the most profound urban jungles to the serene surroundings of the countryside, the winds of change are blowing.

In this utopian future, we don’t just envisage mundane hospitals. Instead, imagine medical centers, not limited to the conventional brick and mortar of yesteryears but equipped with groundbreaking medical and healing technologies. These aren’t mere hospitals; they are sanctuaries, havens of healing, powered by the revolutionary “medical beds” or what insiders have affectionately termed, Med Beds.

2. The Promise of Universal Healthcare

These sanctuaries, designed to cater to every individual, are not just about profit. They are a testament to the belief that everyone, regardless of their financial standing, has the right to the best medical care. The post-GESARA world imagines a place where these cutting-edge treatments and cures are available for free. Yes, you read that right – no hidden charges, no exorbitant bills, just pure, altruistic healing.

3. Beyond the Immediate Horizon: Every Household’s Own Med Bed

It’s a bold statement, but bear with me. Fast forward several decades into the future, and we might see every household equipped with these new-age medical technologies. Sounds like science fiction? Maybe, but it’s a future anchored in a belief – the evolution of human spirituality and consciousness. As we evolve spiritually, our priorities shift, our understanding deepens, and what once seemed fantastical becomes the new normal.

4. The Initial Hiccups: Regional Adaptations and Challenges

However, no grand change is devoid of its challenges. After the launch of GESARA, every nation, every region, must introspect. Urban environments, natural landscapes, cultural nuances – each will play a crucial role in determining the Med Bed introduction strategies.

Taking a closer look, the landscape is varied. Information from nations like Canada, Germany, and the UK offers insights into diverse Med Bed integration strategies. Meanwhile, Japan serves as a quintessential example, holding vital clues to the stages of unveiling new medical and healing technologies.

5. The Japanese Perspective: A Staggered Revelation

In the Land of the Rising Sun, we anticipate that Med Bed technologies will be revealed in stages post the GESARA launch. The rumblings suggest that the utilization of Med Beds will kick off after the introduction of free energy.

However, there’s a twist. Sources indicate that the Med Bed operations might remain secretive, at least initially. It might take several months, maybe even a year, for them to be made public. The odds? Currently 50/50.

The most compelling reason lies in the necessity to prioritize those who require urgent Med Bed treatments. Instead of the standard treatment request methods, treatments will be primarily promoted through the “selection” by quantum computers. With such a groundbreaking method, it’s understandable that in the early stages, any public revelation could create chaos, confusion, and potentially even harm.

6. Prioritizing Lives: The Delicate Balance

Corporate medical facilities, with their ties to various influential figures, have a significant role to play in this narrative. With the introduction of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) post the GESARA elections, these establishments will remain operational to ensure the livelihood of many, especially those who may find themselves in precarious situations after GESARA’s implementation.

So, as the world stands on the cusp of this radical transformation, it’s essential to remember that while the future promises a lot, it also demands patience, understanding, and faith. The winds of change are upon us, and with it, the promise of a brighter, healthier tomorrow for all.

A Brave New World and the Future of Medical Technology in Japan

The world is on the brink of a revolution, an epochal shift that promises to reshape society, governance, and healthcare as we know it. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, popularly known as GESARA, is not just a change—it’s a new beginning. And as the days inch closer to the much-anticipated GESARA election, whispers are growing louder about what this could mean for Japan’s medical infrastructure and the global transition to a penta-dimensional world. Are you ready? Buckle up, because things are about to get dramatic.

The Medical Revolution: Japan at the Forefront

Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is no stranger to innovation. And yet, the latest buzz is about its approach to Med beds. Initially, Japan plans to deploy these Med beds primarily in existing hospital facilities. However, as we step into the future, there is a vision—Japan aims to create facilities like the “New Center for Medical Technology and Healing.” This isn’t just another hospital. This is where technology meets compassion, where the future of medical care is reimagined.

Consider this: Numerous hospital facilities currently occupy prime locations across Japan. While some naysayers point out the lack of natural environments—like trees and greenery—at these locations, I firmly believe in Japan’s ability to innovate. By scaling down installations and strategically replanning, these sites can transform into the new epicenters for medical technology and healing.

The first phase after the GESARA launch sees the Med beds stationed in existing hospitals and universities. But this is just the beginning. With the GESARA launch, we aren’t just aiming for a finish line. Instead, we’re setting off on a remarkable journey to build a new world—a five-dimensional realm where progress, empathy, and growth thrive.

Let’s not sugarcoat it: Change, especially of this magnitude, brings chaos. The transition to the five-dimensional world is not going to be a walk in the park. There will be confusion, resistance, and what I call “annoying behavior” from those who find it hard to adjust to this new reality. But in this tumultuous phase, one thing must remain crystal clear: The integrity of the Med bed technology.

A word of caution, dear reader: as the world embraces this new era of medical technology, there will be opportunists. Fraudulent “new medical technology and healing solutions” will crop up. There will be those who seek to exploit this momentous shift for monetary gain. But always remember, genuine medical and healing technologies, as promised under GESARA, will always be provided for free. Beware of impostors and always ensure you’re accessing genuine services. A fraudulent phase is inevitable, but with awareness, we can combat this challenge.

This is not just another article. This is a clarion call, a passionate plea for vigilance, adaptability, and unity. The world is evolving, and Japan stands at the threshold of monumental progress in medical technology. The GESARA launch, the evolution of healthcare, and the birth of the penta-dimensional world—all these are not just events; they’re a testament to human resilience, innovation, and the spirit of progress.

As you navigate this new era, remember to stay informed, stay skeptical, and most importantly, stay united. The journey ahead is long, but together, we can conquer any challenge and truly usher in a brave new world.



NESARA GESARA and Med Beds: Behind The Scenes Of The Quantum Healing Technologies Of Med Beds ~ Trust the Plan! (video)

Trump NESARA 2024: Med Beds Are Real – The Holographic Regeneration Revolution Begins (video)

Med Beds, Gesara, and The Green Button: The Healthcare Revolution by the White Hats, Empowered by President Trump’s Vision

Bombshell! 90. 10. Med Bed and 90. 10. Virtual Cube – The Future Starts Now! (New Video)








pRAy for iRAn






pRAy for iRAn … 





Sunday, May 19, 2024

Spiritual Battle for Our Humanity - Transhumanism, DNA, AI and our Forgotten Past

In this podcast episode, Gregg Braden, a five-time New York Times best-selling author and former geologist, discusses the battle for humanity and humanness that is currently playing out in the world.

He emphasizes that there is a movement to replace human bodies with synthetic technology, such as computer chips in the brain and artificial intelligence, which threatens our ability to access our inner power and divinity...

The Battle for Our Humanity

Braden explains that there is an ancient battle between light and dark, good and evil, playing out in the world today.

This battle sets the context for all events unfolding in society. Nations go to war and create distractions to keep people from realizing the power within them.

The battle is not just for our thoughts and beliefs but for our very humanness, which is the key to accessing our divinity. 

The Power of Human Divinity

Braden defines divinity as the power within us to transcend perceived limitations.

He highlights that divinity allows us to become more than the challenges life presents and empowers us to transcend fear.

Artists and musicians often express their divinity through their creative work, which they feel comes from a source beyond themselves.

Our divinity is what sets us apart from other forms of life and allows us to innovate, create, and express ourselves fully.

The Transhumanist Movement

Braden discusses the transhumanist movement, which aims to merge technology with human biology.

While there are promises of advancements in areas like prosthetics and neural implants, there are also dangers in losing access to our innate abilities.

He warns against giving away our humanness to technology without fully understanding what it means to be human.

Braden warns about the consequences of replacing natural biology with synthetic enhancements like computer chips in the brain. He discusses how technology can lead to the atrophy of essential skills like creativity, intuition, and problem-solving.

He mentions the potential dangers of AI, gene editing, and other technological advancements that may compromise our humanness.

Braden touches on the concept of

the Singularity, where humans merge with technology to the point of losing their humanness.

He discusses how policies and technologies are pushing us towards a future where AI controls various aspects of our lives.

He raises concerns about the loss of individuality and the potential consequences of embracing transhumanism.

The Wonder of the Human Body

Braden reflects on his experience working with advanced technologies in the past and how they mimic what our bodies already do.

He explains that the human body is a sophisticated technology that surpasses external devices in its capabilities.

Our cells function as transistors, resistors, and capacitors, storing and transmitting information in ways that external technology cannot match.

He believes that as we awaken to our inner technology and potential, we may let go of the external clutter of gadgets and machines.

The Spiritual Link to DNA

Braden shares a story from a Native American man about how people have forgotten their true connection to nature and the cosmos.

He suggests that as we remember who we are and awaken to our inner potential, we may let go of external technologies that mimic our abilities.

Our DNA is spiritually linked to us, holding immense potential that we have yet to fully understand. By tapping into this potential, we can surpass the limitations of external technology and embrace our true humanness.

Braden explains that DNA serves as an antenna that tunes into a field of information where memories and skills are stored.

Neurons in our brain also act as antennas, connecting us to specific places in this field.

He shares the example of Albert Einstein's brain having more folds, allowing for more surface area and neurons to tune into specific information in the field.

The Decision Facing Society

Braden poses a crucial question to society about whether we are willing to sacrifice human qualities like emotion, empathy, and compassion for the efficiency and speed of technology.

He challenges the transhumanist perspective that values longevity and cognitive enhancement over essential human traits.

As society reaches a convergence point, it must decide whether to prioritize external advancements or embrace the power of human divinity within...

Ethical Considerations in the Development of Technology

Braden criticizes the lack of moral and ethical considerations in the development of technology.

He points out that many tech experts focus solely on pushing the boundaries of technology without considering the social and moral implications.

He urges society to question the impact of technology on human biology and divinity.

Braden advocates for the preservation of human humanness and uniqueness in the face of advancing technology.

He emphasizes the importance of informing young people about the preciousness of their lives and the significance of their natural abilities.

He warns against giving away our humanness to technology and urges individuals to celebrate their uniqueness.

DNA as a Language

Braden delves into the idea that DNA can be viewed as a language, with the elements in DNA corresponding to numbers that represent letters in ancient alphabets.

By making substitutions based on atomic mass, Braden reveals that the first layer of DNA in every cell spells out the words "God Eternal within the body" in ancient languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Sumerian, and Sanskrit.

This discovery suggests that there is a message encoded in human DNA that tells us about our origin and our connection to a higher power.

Evolution and Human Genome

Braden challenges the traditional theory of evolution, suggesting that humans did not evolve from other species like Neanderthals.

He explains that the human genome has remained relatively unchanged for the past 200,000 years, indicating a sudden appearance of anatomically modern humans with advanced neural networks and brain capabilities.

Braden delves into genetic mutations in human DNA that cannot be explained by natural processes.

He highlights the fusion of human chromosome number two, which is responsible for our larger brain size and advanced cognitive abilities.

This fusion of chromosomes suggests a sudden and unexplained leap in human evolution.

Braden believes that a form of gene editing occurred where humans were infused with genetic material from a higher, more evolved species known as "gods."

This intervention resulted in humans being a hybrid of human and divine beings, giving them unique abilities and characteristics.

He references ancient texts and creation stories from various cultures that support the idea of humans being created through an intentional act by higher beings.

Simulation Theory and Virtual Reality

Braden discusses the concept of living in a simulated reality or virtual reality, where the laws of physics and quantum mechanics suggest that our world operates like a computer simulation.

He explains how the double-slit experiment and recent Nobel Prize-winning discoveries in physics point towards a reality that is holographic, entangled, and fractal in nature.

This simulation theory implies that there are underlying patterns and cycles that govern our existence, similar to how a computer simulation operates.

Cyclical Time and Reset Cycles

Braden touches upon the idea of cyclical time and reset cycles in human history.

He mentions the 5,125-year cycles that align with the procession of the equinox and suggests that humanity may be experiencing a cyclical pattern of growth and transformation.

He discusses the Mayan calendar and delves into the idea that 2012 marked the end of a cosmic relationship, rather than a reset, and discusses the alignment of the solar system with the Milky Way.

He explains that this transition is not instantaneous but occurs over a 36-year window, with 2012 being a pivotal point.

Looking ahead, he suggests that 2030 is a significant year, marked by a potential energetic reset that may bring about profound changes in the world.

Implications for Humanity

Braden emphasizes the importance of understanding our true nature as beings created through an intentional intervention...

He believes that recognizing the message encoded in human DNA, which affirms our divinity and connection to a higher power, can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose.

By embracing our humanness and the knowledge of our origin, Braden suggests that humanity can navigate challenges and conflicts with a greater sense of unity and purpose.

Antarctica and Ancient Remnants

The discussion shifts to Antarctica, a continent shrouded in mystery and potential archaeological remnants of advanced civilizations.

Braden mentions the discovery of ancient structures beneath the ice, suggesting that Antarctica may hold clues to humanity's distant past.

He highlights the secrecy surrounding Antarctica and the presence of military bases from various nations, hinting at the preservation of ancient knowledge and technology in the frozen landscape.

Humanity's Divine Essence

Braden emphasizes the importance of recognizing humanity's true essence and divinity amidst the chaos and challenges of the world.

He speaks of a fundamental battle between good and evil, where the preservation of human kindness, forgiveness, and benevolence is crucial.

He suggests that humans are inherently good but may betray their true nature when faced with personal, familial, or societal threats.

He invites listeners to honor the gift of their bodies and embrace their divine potential as beings capable of transcending suffering and evolving towards a higher consciousness.

The Journey of Remembering

As the conversation draws to a close, Braden reflects on the idea that humans may be angels on Earth who have forgotten their true nature.

He posits that the journey of remembering involves reconnecting with one's divinity and transcending personal and collective challenges.

He underscores the power of honoring the body as a vessel for spiritual growth and transformation, inviting individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and reclaim their angelic essence.


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