In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

7 Reasons Why 'The China Crisis' Has Finally Arrived

As predicted in my book, “The China Crisis,” China’s economic structure is proving to be unsustainable.

In my last post, I argued why the China Evergrande bankruptcy is not the end of the economic crisis in China but just the beginning.

Knowing that such predictions have been made in the past by China observers, including yours truly, why should anyone think that it’s happening today?

A bit of historical context helps provide an answer to this question.

In 2012, I was asked by Wiley and Sons to write a book on China’s economic structure from my contrarian point of view. You may or may not recall that, at the time, China was the economic marvel of the world. Unlike most observers, I could see several critical problems with China’s political economy model and wrote about them in “The China Crisis.”

I identified seven key areas—given the basis upon which China or, more accurately, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operated—that made China’s economic model unsustainable. I wasn’t the first to see this. Gordon Chang wrote about it in 2001 in his book, “The Coming Collapse of China.” Mr. Chang predicted a collapse by 2011, which, of course, did not occur. This is an update of sorts.

Instead, China’s economic clout and technological prowess continue to grow and develop. That explains why, at that time and for the next seven years, all kinds of terms were coined to describe China’s burgeoning economic status. There was the “Beijing Miracle,” “The China Model,” “Chinese State Capitalism,” and other glowing pronouncements that gave near-unanimous affirmation of China’s progress and prognosis for a bright future.

Instead, China’s economic clout and technological prowess continue to grow and develop. That explains why, at that time and for the next seven years, all kinds of terms were coined to describe China’s burgeoning economic status. There was the “Beijing Miracle,” “The China Model,” “Chinese State Capitalism,” and other glowing pronouncements that gave near-unanimous affirmation of China’s progress and prognosis for a bright future.

In fact, many experts, economists, and observers were predicting that China’s state capitalism would be the model for emerging nations around the world because of how fast it had transformed China’s economy. It was also predicted that China would soon eclipse the United States in GDP and replace it as the global hegemon.

Regarding this last prediction, it’s important to acknowledge that it appears as if it's actually coming to fruition. In that regard, however, keep in mind that it's mostly due to U.S. policy failures rather than what China is doing.

But even our leaders' traitorous actions that have aided our adversaries in Beijing can’t compete with or prevent the venal nature and deleterious policies that the CCP has inflicted upon the Chinese people for many decades. The United States and other Western nations’ financial and technological investments have certainly delayed the inevitable but won’t stop it.

At its root, of course, is the corrosive nature of corruption. For the CCP, corruption in the form of political graft, wholesale theft from the private sector, and abuse of the financial system are the means to maintain control and gain wealth. Obtaining absolute power is the end goal, not a healthy economy.

Below is a brief look at how seven factors erode the social and economic sustainability in China.

1. Excessive Overuse of Factors of Production

When greasing the palms of Party officials is the main requirement for a project or policy, waste and fraud are not only unavoidable but lead to inefficiency in leveraging factors of production. In 2013, China used 10 times more factors of production than the United States to produce the same product. Has that improved? It’s hard to say, as accurate statistics that reflect poorly on the CCP and Xi Jinping, in particular, are difficult to find.

2. Inefficient Allocation of Economic Goods, Activity

This is related to No. 1 and is manifested in many ways, such as the theft of profitable companies by the Party and turning them into inefficient, debt-ridden "zombie" state-owned enterprises that destroy value and efficiency. It also transfers wealth from the middle class to the Party elite.

3. Stifling Innovation in Middle Class

Lack of freedom of information and the punishment of violators stifles innovation and creativity. Individuals are not allowed to solve problems by themselves. Successful private firms can count on being confiscated by the state at some point. Successful entrepreneurs who speak out about the abuses of the CCP are disappeared and reeducated. This engenders total fear of and reliance upon the state, both of which are what the CCP wants. Crushing individual creativity and innovation stifles a nation’s greatest resource—its people.

Developed economies are based on a broad middle class—precisely what has not been attained in China.

4. Lack of Enforcement of Regulations, Standards

From critical areas such as food production to pharmaceuticals, corners are cut, and quality is compromised. Over the years, this not only negatively impacts the health and safety of the people, but it undercuts the authority and legitimacy of the Party.

5. A False Economy: Debt-based 'Growth' Is a Cancer on Economy

In a capitalist economy, most development is based on market need, which is determined by local prices and market conditions, which then attract capital. Distorted “development” driven by political expediency isn’t development but a waste of time, money, and resources.

The Evergrande collapse is a prime example of the CCP’s distortion of the economy. China’s overreliance on overdevelopment could be compared to healthy growth in muscle tissue from working out versus that of a cancerous tumor from exposure to toxicity. The former builds up strength and vitality; the latter destroys it. Thus, at some point, even state-owned debt from a state-owned central bank becomes unsustainable.

6. Rampant Pollution Making China Unlivable, Causing Social Unrest

China is one of the worst polluters in the world. For example, it is rapidly losing its arable land to toxicity from mining, manufacturing, and desertification. This is happening because decades of state ownership have led to indifference about what happens to the natural resources, also known as the “tragedy of the commons.” Losing arable land by either toxicity or desertification is not easily reversible and leads to greater dependence on external food sources to feed itself.

Water pollution is another environmental disaster brought about by the CCP. When I wrote “The China Crisis,” about 40 percent of China’s waterways either could not sustain life or were unsafe for human consumption. Today, that number is up to 70 percent. Moreover, 80-90 percent of its groundwater is undrinkable.

China’s air pollution is known for being the worst in the world, responsible for millions of premature deaths. State officials claim that air pollution is decreasing in China. Yet, at the same time, China is adding more coal mines for energy production, leading to more pollution, not less. The CCP’s inability to address its pollution crisis reveals its economic model's failures, adding to civil unrest rather than social support.

7. Dystopian Depression Among Young Generation

When young people lose faith in their nation, they lose faith in their future. One outcome of that pessimism is the decision not to have children. China is not alone in this phenomenon, but like South Korea and Japan, it’s a big problem. Without the energy, drive, creativity, and belief of the young, the fall in population and its effects on consumption, taxes, and other economic factors make China’s economic future bleak.

Unfortunately, its unbalanced social and economic structure will lead to more excessive actions, internally and externally, as economic and social conditions worsen.

James R. Gorrie is the author of “The China Crisis” (Wiley, 2013) and writes on his blog, He is based in Southern California.

The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss

August 28, 2023

The Khazarian mafia-controlled West is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi Jinping in China and not just the West. That is why Jews are fleeing Israel and 11,000 Chinese millionaires are fleeing China.

The other sign we are headed for some sort of earth-changing event – including world war- is a breakdown in military communications between the West and its’ “adversaries.” China is “refusing any phone calls from Washington regarding defense-related topics,” according to US officials. The same is true with Russia so the situation is “getting potentially dangerous,” the officials warn.

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Russia has upped the ante by getting its ally Nicaragua to kick out the Jesuits and confiscate their assets.

Following this, the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, allowed Russian military bases and the deployment of cruise missiles in the “US backyard” country.

In order to get Russia’s attention, it appears MI6 killed Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. Former UK intelligence officer Christopher Steele (of anti-Trump “Russian dossier” fame) claims his plane was blown up by a bomb inside a “wine crate.” The specific mention of a “wine crate,” makes it seem almost as if Steele was bragging about killing him. Since Steele’s “dossier,” was designed to help Hillary Clinton Rockefeller in her campaign against US President Donald Trump, you can guess the ultimate hand behind this murder.

Our own MI6 sources hinted their agency was responsible and told the Russians as much in an attempt to restart negotiations over the Ukraine etc. This effort to use the assassination as a way to open a back channel failed, both Russian FSB and MI6 sources say. Instead the Russians are opening criminal investigations into the murder of Prigozhin.

The proposal by the US military to open negotiations with Russia in Malta this month (August) was also rebuffed by the Russians, MI6 sources say.

Another rejection of the West came last week when China vetoed participation by French President Emmanuel Macron in the BRICS summit in South Africa, according to CIA sources.

Russian and Asian Secret Society sources explain the current Western KM leadership has broken so many treaties and promises that negotiating with them is futile.

However, Western white hats have warned the Russians the KM is very strong in their Russia as well and are pushing for all-out nuclear war. In particular, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev is a KM agent pushing for WWIII and must be neutralized.

Photographs of him standing in front of Putin while displaying a satanic hand sign have been removed from the internet but, not from our memories.

In order to stop the plans for nuclear Armageddon, the white hats are working with their Russian counterparts to overthrow the KM and their Federal Reserve Board.

There are many signs this is happening. The most obvious sign is the extreme isolation the current Western leadership finds itself in. Right now they are outnumbered ten to one on the 195-nation global stage.

Evidence of this came when only 13 countries joined a G7 declaration on long-term security guarantees for Ukraine, according to Ukrainian President Andrey Yermak. These are: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden. Only one of those countries, Romania, has borders with the Ukraine,

What is interesting is that Poland was not included. The flag of Ukraine has disappeared from the logo of the Polish Press Agency, from the Parliament and the central Bank. They had all been displaying it until recently, according to Polish intelligence. The Poles say they plan to partition Ukraine with Russia and its other neighbors.

Meanwhile, the European Union’s sanctions policy against Russia has turned into a laughing stock on the global stage, says Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, warning that Europe is “destroying” itself in the name of supporting Ukraine.

By contrast, the BRICS summit held in South Africa last week added Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE as full members. They will hold their first meeting on January 1, 2024.

We already live in a post-American, post-Western world. A truly multipolar one, where the group of BRICS countries is larger than the group of G7 countries,” admits Western establishment “moderate” Geoffrey Sachs.

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With the addition of major oil exporting countries the BRICS 11 (as they are now tentatively called) control about 80% of the world’s oil market. This gives them the ability to replace the petrodollar with their own currency.

However, the BRICS meeting also revealed an interesting imbalance between China and the other BRICS nations. Chinese leader Xi Jinping is secretly pushing for Chinese domination while the rest of the BRICS want a multi-polar world, CIA sources say.

China has also been publicly and repeatedly pushing for all countries to obey the privately owned UN and follow its 2030 agenda.

However, the other BRICS countries want reform of the World Trade Organization, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF and the UN etc. In particular, they want greater representation in the Security Council where China is the only non-European permanent representative, according to Russian and other sources.

The fact the BRICS failed to announce a highly anticipated gold-backed currency reflected this secret split with China. This is especially true of India and Russia who have been pushing hard for de-dollarization. The reason China vetoed this is because it has a secret relationship with the Federal Reserve Board over the US dollar.

The Chinese Communist Party has been offered ... ... ...

The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of holding a paid subscription.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Who Lives on the Moon?

What if we told you that the moon was once inhabited and that even today, foreign life forms are cavorting on the surface of this celestial body? 

NASA and official science have been denying such observations for decades – but there are enough indications and witnesses who speak of space stations, strange lights, and mysterious occurrences on the moon.


Saturday, August 26, 2023

“Eyes of the Devil” – The REAL Documentary that Exposes the Horror of Child Sex Trafficking


The REAL horrors of child sex trafficking are so terrible and evil, that there is no reason to dramatize it, as Sound of Freedom does.

Tim Ballard and the O.U.R. organization admits that much of the film is dramatized, including the scene where Tim infiltrated the cartels in the jungle of Columbia by posing to be a doctor bringing in vaccines.

Tim went into a Colombian jungle by himself to rescue a little girl. FALSE

In the film, Tim poses as a doctor and goes into a jungle somewhere in Colombia to find the little boy’s sister, shortly after Operation Triple Take. This did not happen.

However, in real life, Tim did lead a group of O.U.R. operators, posing as doctors, into a jungle on the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic a few years after Operation Triple Take in search for Gardy.

No one was rescued, but the operation did advance the search for Gardy, and operators were able to provide medical care to many children in need. (Source.)

As I asked in my original review of the movie after watching it, what kind of “medical care” did these “operators” who were admittedly fake doctors provide to the children in Haiti? Did they inject them with vaccines?

I continue to be attacked and ridiculed for publishing the truth about this fictional movie, with one person suggesting that I must actually support child sex trafficking if I am publishing negative reviews of Sound of Freedom.

This movie is very clearly a psyop and distraction from the REAL child sex trafficking that is occurring with young children who are also often murdered for their organs and body parts.

This is happening in Ukraine, for example, and we have exposed this evil. See:

Whistleblower: Ukraine is Harvesting the Organs of Children in Laboratories


 Profiting from War and Death: The Organ Harvesting Business in Ukraine

But the documentary published in 2021 by Polish film producer Patryk Vega titled “Eyes of the Devil,” is by far the most graphic description of child sex trafficking I have ever watched.

It has been viewed by over 7 million people in Polish, and several more million people in the English version.

It is NOT dramatized. It is a true documentary.

We published it also back in 2021:

Patryk Vega is a Polish director, screenwriter, writer and film producer. He is reportedly a box-office record holder in Poland with a total audience of 14 million people.

The Eyes of the Devil documentary starts with Patryk explaining that someone from the criminal underworld tipped him off about a pregnant woman in Poland who was trying to sell her baby.

A child trafficking agent was in the process of brokering a deal for her that would allegedly bring in a large sum of money if she carried her baby to term and then allowed a child trafficker to sign the birth certificate as the father, so that the baby could never be traced or reported as “missing.”

This would typically happen outside of Poland, usually in Germany where pedophile child brothels exist for pedophiles. Although it is revealed later in the film that there is one such pedophile brothel in Poland also, mostly populated with young children smuggled in from Ukraine to erase their identity.

But COVID shut everything down, and she was not able to leave Poland, allowing Patryk to get involved.

He states at the beginning of the documentary, that his goal is to save the baby, and in the process create a documentary about the child trafficking business. The documentary films his conversations with the mother selling her baby, the agent handler, and the child trafficker, a Polish man who apparently worked out of Germany.

The voices and faces are altered. But these conversations reveal for the first time in public, at least for me, just how these businesses operate, and how utterly evil they are, referring to these children as “merchandise.”

Patryk is very clearly a man of faith (he begins the film by quoting Matthew 18:6), and throughout the film he explains his personal encounters with the devil. (Full article.)

This is the film to watch if you want to truly know about child sex trafficking, but most of you probably cannot handle a film like this.

WARNING VERY GRAPHIC! Very explicit filthy sexual language, violent acts/murder, bad language (F-word used throughout.) Pray for protection for your own emotional and mental health prior to watching. 

This is on our Bitchute channel.

With the U.S. being the #1 destination for child sex trafficking, there is no doubt that this is also happening in the U.S.

But who is going to expose these people?

Most of the leaders of this country, in business, politics, and entertainment, have past financial ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s network.

So if you can handle watching Eyes of the Devil, then go watch the video of Jennifer Guskin, a child sex trafficking victim who was trafficked to the rich and powerful in the Washington D.C. area while in foster care, which is even worse than Eyes of the Devil.

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: The Jennifer Guskin Story

Last month we featured the documentaryCages” where whistleblowers revealed that the cartels are working with our U.S. Government to traffick people on our U.S.-Mexican border where women are routinely raped.

Who is exposing that?

A new documentary titled “Cages – Epic Human Trafficking Truth” has just been published featuring whistleblowers from Arizona revealing the horrors of human sex trafficking that are happening every day at the U.S. Mexican border, where the U.S. Government is working together with Mexican drug cartels to allow this horrible sex trafficking enterprise to flourish inside the United States.

This business of human sex trafficking, and specifically pedophile child sex trafficking, is today one of the most lucrative businesses, if not THE MOST lucrative business, in the U.S. economy.

The money that is brought in through human sex trafficking buys lawyers, judges, law enforcement agencies like the FBI, and elections.

And this documentary, which I have annotated down to just under 17 minutes, deals just with the sex trafficking by America’s wealthy with women and children coming across the border, and does not even address the larger exposure of child sex trafficking being exposed today from Jeffrey Epstein’s network which has been documented by Whitney Webb’s work, and the current U.S. Virgin Islands case involving Epstein and the U.S. financial system. (Full article.)

This is on our Bitchute channel.

And lastly, the most comprehensive documentary that reveals the true source of child trafficking in the U.S. was released last month on Netflix, and as I have written, this is the film everyone should be reporting on right now.

New Documentary on Medically Kidnapped Girl Whose Mother Committed Suicide is the Most Powerful Film Ever Produced Exposing Medical Kidnapping

The REAL horrors of child trafficking are so terrible, that they do not need to be fictionalized.


Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking



COVID Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Returning? I’m Not Buying the Psyop Distraction, and Neither Should You

August 23, 2023

For the past few days a very controlled narrative has been spun and spread throughout the alternative media, and especially among the Right Wing media, both the corporate Right Wing media, such as Fox News, as well as most of the Right Wing alternative media.

That narrative states that COVID lockdowns and mask mandates are returning.

To be sure, the Liberal Left corporate media is doing their part to fuel this narrative, by publishing “news” stories about the return of the dreaded COVID “virus” cases.

It appears that Alex Jones was selected to begin this current news cycle to hype up fear and outrage, by claiming that a TSA whistleblower, who was unnamed, was stating that “FULL Covid Restrictions” were coming in September.

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Preparing to Bring Back FULL Covid Restrictions, Rollout to Begin Mid-September

Whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have raised the alarm to Infowars that the Biden administration is setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions like masking TSA employees in mid-September.

The first source, a high-level TSA official confirmed and known to Infowars, reached out to Infowars and cited a Tuesday meeting in which TSA managers were told new memorandums & policies were being completed that would reimplement masking, starting with TSA & airport employees as early as mid-September.

The TSA official also said next week they will receive new guidelines on how the policy will escalate: by mid-October, mask-wearing will be required by pilots, flight staff, passengers, and airport patrons.

After hearing from the TSA manager, Infowars reached out to our trusted Border Patrol source who is also a manager. This source confirmed the same directives were being given to Border Patrol.

They were told it was not a matter of “if” but “when” official Covid numbers will go back up and they expect by mid-October a return to forced-masking policies that the Biden administration previously only reluctantly ended after massive pressure.

Both whistleblowers were told this rollout will be in tandem with the new Covid “variant” hysteria that the MSM has been reporting on this week. (Full article.)

I chose not to report this “news” because it was 100% dependent upon the credibility of Alex Jones, a controversial person, to say the least, in both the alternative and corporate media.

Even if Alex Jones was 100% sincere in what he was reporting, how do we know that this alleged “TSA whistleblower” was not fed this information for the very specific intention of creating a new news cycle around COVID that promoted hype and fear?

It wouldn’t be the first time that agencies like the CIA used the platform of Alex Jones to do something like this, and it probably won’t be the last time.

The other thing that made me skeptical of this “news” by Alex Jones, was that it completely blamed Biden, who is simply a puppet that follows a script (as well as he can in his demented condition) that is written by the corporate Globalists who control these narratives, and control BOTH the Left and Right politicians.

Let’s PLEASE not forget how the first psyop went down with COVID!

It was Donald Trump, the Right-wing Republican President who got all this started, and as the Scamdemic psyop unrolled, ALL politicians, both on the Right and on the Left, supported ALL the emergency health orders, including masks, lockdowns, and COVID vaccines in the beginning.

The entire country, and in fact the entire world, was UNITED around the COVID scam, with very few of us calling these people out and seeing what was happening from the very beginning.

It was only many months later, mostly after the majority of the COVID shots were injected into the arms of millions of Americans, including babies and children, that some of the Right began to voice some opposition to the COVID shots, and most of that opposition was around MANDATES, but not the actual killer shots themselves.

By way of reminder, here is a video I produced that clearly shows that ALL the Republican leaders were on board with the COVID shots as they were being rolled out, and most of them were investing in the new, experimental COVID pharmaceutical products that never would have made it to market without the scare of a “pandemic” and emergency-use orders to put them into the public without proper testing, as unsuspecting victims served as guinea pigs for these new drugs and vaccines.

This is on our Bitchute Channel.

To be able to repeat the 2020-2021 military operation that locked people down, required face masks, and injected as many Americans with a bioweapon shot as possible, is no longer a possible operation, as the country is now divided on these issues, and there is no way the Conservative Right will support a return to these measures, even though they did the first time around.

And then I got further confirmation that this was all a carefully written script to create more hype and fear, when a U.S. Senator actually put out a tweet agreeing with Alex Jones’ “news” about mandates returning, and stated “Over my lifeless body“.

When is the last time you saw a national politician actually make a public statement agreeing with Alex Jones??

Senator Rand Paul, who if you watched the video I just posted above, invested in Big Pharma experimental products during COVID, has also jumped on this new “Say No to COVID Mandates!” bandwagon on Fox News.

Again, this is clearly a narrative meant to hype fear and outrage, while blaming “Leftists” to further divide this country.

Notice that as they “debunk” what the Left is reporting on new COVID cases, that they still treat COVID-19 as a REAL virus.

Then this morning came my last bit of information that indicated that this is all a psyop.

On most mornings, I turn on a local “Christian” music station because I like to begin my day with uplifting, spiritual music.

I usually turn it off when they feature some “pastor” or other Christian “expert” as I don’t want to listen to their propaganda either.

But at a certain point each hour, they play a syndicated “news brief” on national news headlines, from the “Christian perspective,” even though it is just a repeat of corporate news from the Right-wing perspective, such as Fox News.

It gives me an idea of what narratives the corporate media is trying to emphasize that day, as they highlight two or three headline stories in about 60 seconds or so.

As I was listening this morning, I heard with shock the announcer state: “A recent survey found that most Americans question the COVID vaccines.”

I almost spilled my hot coffee over myself!!

This is the same “Christian” news broadcast that has promoted COVID virus cases, lockdowns, and pro-COVID vaccine news, ad nauseam for over three years now!

How convenient that the Christian Right has now finally just “woke up” to the COVID “vaccine” dangers, just as the election campaigns kick into high gear with the first televised “debate” happening tonight.


Not likely.

Here is the “news” about the public’s perception now about the COVID injections.

A third of adults believe COVID-19 vaccines caused thousands of sudden deaths: poll

Belief in misinformation about key health issues persists among a good chunk of adults, with false claims about COVID-19, vaccines and reproductive health garnering a substantial amount of support, a poll released Tuesday by KFF has found.

The new polling data found that a third of adults believed the COVID-19 vaccines “caused thousands of sudden deaths in otherwise healthy people,” with 10 percent believing that claim to be “definitely true” and 23 percent saying it was “probably true.” Another 34 percent said it was “probably false,” and 31 percent said that claim was “definitely false.” (Full article.)

There is NO WAY that COVID mandates, especially vaccine mandates, will ever be successful if a third of all adults in the U.S. today believe that these experimental shots caused widespread death and injuries.

This seriously changes the parameters of public acceptance for COVID measures from 2020 to today.

Will the government and private companies try to implement some COVID mandates?

Oh, I am sure they will, and a couple of places are already trying it.

But this is what is called a “trial balloon” to see how the public will react to things like a return to the COVID mandates, and if this recent survey is an accurate barometer of public opinion, there is almost ZERO chance that these mandates are coming back in force.

What is this Psyop Diverting Attention Away From?

So once we determine that there is a strong probability that all this fear-mongering over a return to COVID mandates is a carefully written script to create a psyop, the next question we have to address is what are they trying to divert the public’s attention away from?

At this point, my best guess is that they trying to divert attention away from what has happened, and is continuing to happen, in Maui, Hawaii.

Maui seems to be the test case in the Globalists’ intention of further reducing the world’s population by destroying communities, and then “build back better” into their 15-minute smart cities.

I do think lockdowns are probably coming back, but I think they will be “climate lockdowns,” as more and more people lose their homes and land due to fire and other disasters with no place to go.

They will agree to almost anything just to survive.

Shock: Scientists Prove Clear Differences between Covid and Flu

There is at last solid evidence that covid is "completely different to the flu".

Below, to prove the point I have reproduced the official list of common symptoms associated with the new, scary variant of covid. And to help you spot the differences I’ve also listed the common symptoms associated with the flu. Please compare these lists very carefully so that you, like the world’s scientists, will be able to identify the two completely different diseases.

Symptoms associated with the new variant of Covid

 Sore throat

 Runny nose

 Blocked nose


 Dry cough


 Wet cough

Hoarse voice

 Muscle aches

 Altered smell

Symptoms with Flu

 Sore throat

Runny nose

 Blocked nose


 Dry cough


Wet cough

Hoarse voice

Muscle aches

 Altered smell

So there we are. That’s sorted.

Let’s not hear anymore nonsense about covid being something completely different and much more dangerous than the flu.

This information is brought to you as a public service announcement. Please print out these two lists and stick them on noticeboards everywhere – especially at your doctor’s surgery and local hospital. Medical and nursing staff will be grateful to you for your help.

Note: For vital information about vaccines and vaccination programmes please read Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the proof by Vernon Coleman.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

Did India Go to the Moon?


Mug Shot Memes, Moon Landings and Quantum Entanglement: Did India Go to the Moon?

25 August 2023

A mug shot used as a campaign photo? 

India landing on the moon? 

Strange photos of quantumly entangled particles? 

It wouldn't be Friday Night Live without some laughs.

President Trump’s photo has become the latest viral meme, but this time from both the left and the right. 

Stargazers praise India’s space faring efforts while some also expressed their doubts about its future. 

Did they really land?

In tech news, scientists made a 3D model from two correlated photons, which has some interesting implications for quantum technology and data acquisition. 

In otherworldly news, a black ring of smoke in the sky that was filmed in the ‘60s appeared to turn into a UFO and then back into a cloud. What was it? 

Join Ben and Rob from Edge of Wonder tonight for a weekly Mandela Effect, a Metaphysical Minute, and of course, Rise.TV exclusive segments: a live Q&A and the Top 10 Weirder News of the Week.

Ever heard of microchips in cheese, buffering UFOs, or theft that goes beyond a regular porch pirate? 

Tune in to hear it all.

UFOs and Nuclear Weapons

UFOs and Nuclear Weapons

Our guest is captain Robert Salas. He graduated from US Air Force Academy. He also held positions at Martin Marietta and Rockwell and spent 21 years at the Air Force, where he has an air traffic controller and missile launch officer, as well as an engineer on the Titan 3 missiles. Salas testifies about UFO incident in March 1967 when 10 nuclear missiles became non-operational at two different launch facilities.




Why did America Try to Nuke the Moon?

In the late 1950s, the US air force was planning an audacious attempt to drop a nuclear bomb on the moon. Though the plan was declared “technically feasible”, it was shelved by the American authorities. Why did the US plan such an absurd project? Would it have been possible at all? 


UFOs DISABLED U.S. Nuclear Missiles At HEIGHT Of Cold War, According To Former USAF Officials


Stanley Kubrick Fake Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was A Hoax By The U.S.A. Government

NASA faked the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing footage with the help of Hollywood veteran director Stanley Kubrick, book author and filmmaker Jay Weidner has shockingly claimed. When NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on April 20, 1969, more than 500 million watched around the globe with bated breath. But the monumental moment in the history of mankind is often overshadowed by conspiracy theories claiming the Moon landing was faked. As the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing approaches, the number of conspiracist questioning NASA’s official version of events is on the rise. Mr Weidner, who directed the documentary Kubrick's Odyssey, has astonishingly claimed footage of the Apollo 11 landing was directed by Mr Kubrick. However, even more surprisingly, the filmmaker said NASA did go to the Moon – but the footage broadcast around the world was a hoax.

He said: “Not to say we didn’t go to the Moon, we went to the Moon, we just didn’t go to the Moon and they didn’t show it to us for various reasons, and they’re all very good reasons.”

The Moon Landings Were Faked It's now been nearly four decades since Neil Armstrong took his "giant leap for mankind" — if, that is, he ever set foot off this planet. Doubters say the U.S. government, desperate to beat the Russians in the space race, faked the lunar landings, with Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin acting out their mission on a secret film set, located (depending on the theory) either high in the Hollywood Hills or deep within Area 51. With the photos and videos of the Apollo missions only available through NASA, there's no independent verification that the lunar landings were anything but a hoax.

The smoking gun? Film of Aldrin planting a waving American flag on the moon, which critics say proves that he was not in space. The flag's movement, they say, clearly shows the presence of wind, which is impossible in a vacuum. NASA says Aldrin was twisting the flagpole to get the moon soil, which caused the flag to move. (And never mind that astronauts have brought back hundreds of independently verified moon rocks.) Theorists have even suggested that filmmaker Stanley Kubrick may have helped NASA fake the first lunar landing, given that his 1968 film 2001: A Space Odessey proves that the technology existed back then to artificially create a spacelike set. And as for Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee — three astronauts who died in a fire while testing equipment for the first moon mission? They were executed by the U.S. government, which feared they were about to disclose the truth.

Far-fetched as the hoax theory may seem, a 1999 Gallup poll showed that it's comparatively durable: 6% of Americans said they thought the lunar landings were fake, and 5% said they were undecided.

According to Mr Weidner, clues about the “controversial” version of events are peppered throughout Mr Kubrick’s films.

He said the Hollywood legend hid “secrets” in his movies, which Mr Kubrick then expected people to pick up on over the next 50 years or so. The conspiracy theorist argued there is no concrete proof astronauts ever went to the Moon.

Instead, he argued Mr Kubrick employed a technique known as front screen projection to shoot the Apollo 11 landing in a Hollywood studio.

Front screen projecting involves creating a detailed backdrop for a filmed scene by projecting an image onto a two-way mirror, which then reflects it onto a highly reflective surface. The technique was pioneered by the cinematographer in his 1966 masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Mr Weidner said: “Everybody thinks we went to the Moon, and I think we went to the Moon too, but I don’t think we went the way that they showed us.

“I think that they hired Stanley Kubrick to make the films – all of the Apollo films starting with Apollo 11.

“Then what he did is used the making of 2001: A Space Odyssey as a research and development project to develop the cinema technology needed to do the lunar filming.

“He used the technique called front screen projection and I show how this works in this film and then I show the fingerprints of its usage.

“Certain fingerprints, which are evident every time front screen projection is used, and old antiquated cinematic process now in the age of computers but then a form of cinema trickery, and I show both in the Apollo footage and the Apollo photos the same exact fingerprints.

“In fact, I would say if there’s one thing that Kubrick’s Odyssey is going to do is going to have a historical effect that whether you believe Stanley Kubrick directed the Moon landings or not, after reviewing Kubrick’s Odyssey, I guarantee your view of the Apollo imagery will forever be changed.”

The Apollo 11 Moon landing took place on July 20, 1969, just four days after astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

NASA famously avoids the topic of Moon landing hoax allegations but has in the past firmly denied any claims of foul play.

NASA said: “To some extent debating this subject is an insult to the thousands who worked for years to accomplish the most amazing feats of exploration in history.



One year to the day after the publication of the revelatory book "Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List", which divulges the deathbed confession of the former Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis New Mexico, who confessed thereon to his participation in the falsification of the first "moon landing", his identity is finally revealed. This predetermined waiting period was previously negotiated with his sole surviving son, who himself passed away this year.

Cyrus Eugene Akers detailed the information in the book, including not only the location of the filming of the first fake moon landing at his military base, the dates it was filmed, and the CIA codename for the operation, he also gave the names of fifteen government scientists and officials who were allowed exclusive observation of this historic government fraud, some of whom are still alive today. The list was given to Akers by President Lyndon Johnson, who was there at the first day of filming.

Threatened with execution if he ever revealed this information, Security Chief Akers kept all of this to himself until his deathbed, the guilt from which prompted his tearful confession to his son, who was also threatened with assassination after sharing this information with the author of Moon Man, Bart Sibrel.

This sad and outrageous, and really unnecessary deception, was done for pride and embezzlement. It demonstrates the complete arrogance of leaders over their people, who in fact are financing their own deception. Unlike government frauds about war, assassination, or terrorism, the moon landing deception cruelly gave the over-trusting public the pleasing candy that they cried out for. Trying to take it away from them, after they believed with tears and cheers, by exposing their heroes as the criminals they really are, faces fierce resistance. Even a professor at a major university has so famously said, "Even if I heard a moon astronaut confess that he never really went, I would still believe that he walked on the moon."

Fortunately a new generation is here, ones who were not emotionally branded by the deception, who are objective to the unfolding reality of the moon landings falsification. Simply put, what the corrupt government is claiming, is that in 1969 they went from never being in space, to walking on the moon, with only 8 years of research and development, and that with one-millionth the computing of a cell phone, and on the first attempt, when even the South Pole on Earth was not reached on the first attempt.

Today, with 50 years of more advanced rocket and computer technology, the current Artemis moon rocket took 18 years to develop, had three launch failures, is not safe enough yet to carry astronauts, and will only orbit the moon, because a moon lander for it has not yet been developed that works. The farthest that the government can send astronauts today, 50 years later, is to the space station, which is only one-thousandth the distance to the moon.

For the first time in the entire history of the world, technology was greater in the past than in the future. As this is actually impossible, it means only one thing, that the 1969 moon landing was a forgery. It is not the first time scientific boasts were falsified or governments have lied, as covid vaccine maker Prizer has been fined billions of dollars, on multiple occasions, for making fraudulent claims about their scientific products.

Former high-ranking government employee Robert McNamara, who was Defense Secretary during the Vietnam War, admitted before he died that the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident", which was the reason why the war began, was completely fabricated by the CIA. If the corrupt government is willing to falsify something that led to the death of a million people, including 58,220 of their own citizens, then I think they are capable of faking an image on a television.

Sibrel has been interviewed and appeared on The Tonight Show, The Daily Show, Geraldo, The Abrams Report, Coast to Coast, NBC, CNN, FOX, HBO, Time Magazine, the New York Times, the L.A. Times, the Washington Post, and USA Today.

All Truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, Then it is violently opposed, Finally it is accepted as self-evident. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

In an age of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act. Whoever controls the past, controls the future. (George Orwell)

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the Truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. (Carl Sagan)

It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled. (Mark Twain)





Thursday, August 24, 2023

Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon


The Covid-19 virus was created as a bioweapon against humanity, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 2,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist elites. 

According to Putin, Big Pharma and US Deep State actors are guilty of “manufacturing” the Covid-19 pandemic to take over the world, and the 2,000 page report lists Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against humanity.

Putin has been prepared to bide his time while collecting the evidence, but according to Russian sources, the president understands the time has come to blow the lid off the globalist charade and educate the masses about the agenda of the elite.

Finally the truth is starting to emerge. Brave men and women all over the world are refusing to submit to the diktats of the globalist elite.

And as the people of the world continue to wake up to the crimes of the elite, the time has come for justice to be served.

“Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists,” the Russian Embassy in the United States said on Thursday.

According to Putin, the global elite left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.

Russia has now laid out the evidence in black and white and submitted to the UN over 2,000 pages worth of reports proving that the globalist elite and US Deep State, in cahoots with Big Pharma, are responsible for manufacturing the pandemic.

Russia’s highest ranking biological military official just went on TV and accused the US and Big Pharma of releasing biological weapons to rule the world.

Of course, mainstream media in the West is doing everything it can to suppress the report and the news that it even exists.

Remember when the mainstream media were telling us that Fauci’s biolabs in Ukraine were just a vast far-right conspiracy theory? They lost control of that narrative thanks to people like yourself, who refused to believe their lies, and demanded to see the evidence.

Biden’s Pentagon was finally forced to admit they have operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine under Fauci’s control since the early 2000s. Talk about a major humiliation for the mainstream media and their fact-checkers.

So what was the Pentagon’s excuse for operating these secret biolabs? Well, apparently they are involved in a US project to rid the world of “weapons of mass destruction“.

Remember the last time the Deep State trotted out the “weapons of mass destruction” lie?

That shameless lie led directly to the Iraq War and the humanitarian and economic disaster that followed it – just the way the neocons wanted it to play out.

Now, according to Russian officials, the bio-research activities launched by the US Defense Department in Ukraine require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international bodies.

“Of particular concern is the activity deployed by the Pentagon in Ukraine. The United States has involved dozens of state institutions and private companies of the country in its projects,” the embassy stated.

“Civilians and military personnel of the republic became donors of biomaterial and simply experimental subjects. There is no doubt that such actions require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international structures,” the statement continued.

The international community continues to raise serious questions about the uncontrolled dual-use research under the auspices of the US Defense Department and Russia has repeatedly pointed to “gross violations” by the United States of its obligations under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

According to Russia, “there is no question about any good goals of the projects of the US Defense Department. Evidence of US work with potential agents of biological weapons is available and they are far from isolated as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens of economically significant infections.”

This is very interesting because it corroborates what the renowned truth-teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Tucker Carlson on his Twitter show last week.

Tucker asked Biden’s primary challenger about the shadowy biolabs in Ukraine and RFK Jr’s jaw-dropping answer should be required viewing for everyone who is still living in the dark about the agenda of the elites.

Did you catch that? Under treaties signed by US Congress, Fauci’s crimes in developing bioweapons are punishable by hanging. And as the report released by Russia details, Fauci isn’t the only Deep State goon caught up in this crime. There is forensic evidence proving Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and George Soros are guilty of the conspiracy against humanity as well.

No wonder the Democrats are employing every trick in the book – and inventing new ones – to avoid losing the 2024 election to Trump.

Depopulation and eugenics are taboo subjects that provoke horror and disgust in ordinary people with normal values and morals.

A glance at history shows that humanity has routinely rejected depopulation programs like the Third Reich’s Nazi eugenics campaign.

We understand on a basic human level that no government or unelected globalist organization should have the god-like power of creation and destruction over the human race.

But what if I told you the eugenics movement did not actually die, but simply went underground, where it has remained hugely influential in elite circles, including Fauci, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum?

The WEF claims to be committed to improving the state of the world.

But there should be an asterisk after that statement. They are committed to improving the state of the world for the lucky few who remain after the great depopulation eradicates 94% of the people the elite consider “useless eaters” from the face of the earth.

As the co-founder of the American Eugenics Society Frederick Osborn put it in 1968, “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.”

More than 60 years after Osborn uttered this statement, the eugenicists have finally achieved their goals. The Covid pandemic and experimental vaccine is simply eugenics under another name.

And for years, US taxpayers were paying Dr. Anthony Fauci, the world’s most influential “death scientist” since Josef Megele, more money than any other government employee. This tells you all you need to know about the real priorities of Obama and Biden regimes.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the elite. As RFK Jr hinted, one day these criminals will be held to account – and the punishment will fit the crime. But we need your help to continue redpilling the masses. 

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