In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Harry Potter - The Ultimate Indian Story

The best thing about Harry Potter is that the books would totally work if you take the magic out of them.

Philosopher’s Stone: Harry moves to a mysterious secluded boarding school, there he hears about a dangerous item being hidden on the school grounds. Turns out one of the teachers is the terrorist that killed Harry’s parents.

Chamber of Secrets: A series of mysterious incidents happen in the school, where students get hospitalized due to near-fatal snake bites. It’s all connected to a mysterious chamber in the castle, and a series of similar murders that happened 50 years ago.

Prisoner of Azkaban: An accomplice to Harry’s parent’s murder escapes from prison, and Harry must learn the truth about the connection between the escaped prisoner, his father, and the new teacher at school, as well as the identity of the real accomplice.

Goblet of Fire: An international tournament between several schools becomes a dangerous game as the terrorist plans his return by infiltrating the school with one of his followers pretending to be somebody else.

Order of Phoenix: The government cracks down on the school, denying everybody who dare say anything about the terrorist’s return. Harry and his friends must create an underground group to train to fight the terrorists.

Half-Blood Prince: Harry learns more about his teacher’s troubled history, as well as principle Dumbledore’s history with the terrorist back when he was a student. Harry and Dumbledore travel to find one piece of the terrorist’s secret plan, only in the end for Dumbledore to die at the hands of Harry’s teacher.

Deathly Hallows: The terrorists have taken over the school. Harry and his friends travel across the country to find the rest of the pieces of the terrorist’s plan in order to stop him. They found out the terrorist is obsessed with an old legend known as the Deathly Hallows or The Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZION.


The story ends with an all out battle between the terrorists and the school staff for the fate of the country.

Message From the Future — "Life vs. Entropy"

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Trump’s Plan for US Space Force challenges Deep State Secrecy

On June 18, President Donald Trump gave a speech where he called for the development of a United States Space Force that takes over current space functions of the U.S. Air Force. The proposed Space Force would become the sixth branch of the U.S. military, and would have equal authority to the USAF.

At the National Space Council meeting held at the White House, Trump said:

We must have American dominance in space… I’m hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces…. We are going to have the Air Force, and we are going to have the space force. Separate, but equal. It is going to be something so important.

Trump then commanded General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to “carry that assignment out.”

Trump’s stance is at odds with previous statements by the U.S. Air Force Secretary, Air Force Chief of Staff, and James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, who all came out in opposition to a Congressional initiative in 2017 to establish a Space Corps. Mattis wrote in a letter:

I oppose the creation of a new military service and additional organizational layers at a time when we are focused on reducing overhead and integrating joint warfighting efforts.

Trump’s initiative thereby stands out since he has gone against the recommendations of his most senior military advisors.

As pointed out by one military analyst, Trump does not have the authority to create a new military service, only the U.S. Congress can do so. Trump does have, however, the authority to start planning for the creation of such a service as he demonstrated by ordering General Dunford to start the process.

There are multiple questions that arise from Trump’s initiative. Why is he going forward on a plan that is opposed by his senior military advisors? How does the proposed Space Force mesh with whistleblower/insider claims that the Air Force already has a secret space program? Finally, what of additional claims that the U.S. Navy has a much more advanced Deep Space program with kilometers long space carriers that uses Space Marines as a fighting force?

In finding answers to such questions, it is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.

Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.

In earlier articles, I’ve described a “limited disclosure” plan to reveal the existence of two or more space stations along with antigravity flying triangles (TR-3B) and other exotic spacecraft built by these corporations. Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy, also appears to be a limited disclosure initiative as previously explained.

The US Navy’s secret space program is allegedly the most highly classified and advanced secret space program, and compartmentalization has been so successful that few Air Force officials believe that the Navy possesses such a program. One thing that has become clear though, is that the truth about the Navy’s program will only be revealed after the USAF first discloses its Secret Space Program.

Based on my analyses of photographs of craft taken near MacDill Air Force Base, and the experiences of the photographer who interacted with the craft’s occupants, it has become evident that US Air Force Special Operations Command provides the personnel for the USAF Secret Space Program.

Air Force Special Operations Command is one of the ten Major Commands that make up the USAF. Another Command central to space operations is Air Force Space Command. While Air Force Space Command handles logistics and technologies for space operations, AF Special Operations Command handles personnel.

Therefore, the real purpose in Trump proposing the Space Force is that he wants to accelerate the disclosure process by which the technologies and know-how that are used in the Air Force’s Secret Space Program, are taken away from the multiple bureaucracies and corporations that secretly run it – the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State.

Trump wants the office of the chief executive, the White House, to play a direct role in setting the policy agenda for future space operations, which for decades have been set without any real oversight by the White House.

In the planning and creation of a U.S. Space Force, Trump has initiated a process by which he and the White House will play a more influential role in future space policy, which hitherto have been controlled by the USAF Secret Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State.

The last President to confront the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State in such a brazen way over advanced aerospace technologies (UFOs) was John F. Kennedy with his twin memoranda on November 12, 1963, initiating joint space and lunar operations with the Soviet Union. The tragic outcome for President Kennedy is well known, I predict that Trump is likely to have more success with his Space Force initiative.

[Note: Audio Version of above article is available here]

Further Reading


Western Civilization Continues to Implode As Old Paradigms Cease to Function

25 June 2018

The old regime in the U.S. and Europe is collapsing in a way that is now becoming obvious even to the most brainwashed and illiterate Westerners.

This collapse ultimately stems from the social instability cause by extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a very small clique of closely interbred oligarchs now known as the Khazarian mafia. Fortunately, a revolution has begun that will soon liberate the West, and the rest of humanity, from these self-appointed, war-loving social engineers.

For now, though, there are multiple signs of a very dangerous and chaotic summer as the old system collapses. In the U.S., the undeclared civil war that has been raging since the election of Donald Trump may lead to nuclear terror inside the U.S. by Khazarian mafiosi, say CIA and other sources.

If this happens, retaliation will wipe out the Khazarian strongholds in Israel, Switzerland, Italy, and elsewhere, Pentagon sources say. One of many signs of how open the warfare within the U.S. government has become came last weekend when Trump tweeted about the “Russian Witch Hunt,” noting that, “With all of the bias, lying, and hate by the investigators, people want the investigators investigated.

Much more will come out.” This was followed within an hour by a tweet from former CIA head John Brennan saying, ““Your fear of exposure is palpable. Your desperation even more so!” and calling for a coup d’état against Trump, something that in normal times would lead to his arrest for treason.

John Brennan, in Ominous Tweet to Pres. Trump, Calls for Insurrection by Cabinet, GOP Leadership

Then we have one of Canada’s leading news magazines openly and only half-jokingly calling for an invasion of the U.S. because “America has become a failed state.”

We also have the head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, saying in a speech in London that, “It is not written in stone that the trans-Atlantic bond will survive forever.”

We could go on and on pointing out signs of a major undeclared civil war in the West, but the media is so saturated with this that doing so would become redundantly repetitive again and again.

The reason for this extreme high tension is impeding military action on several fronts by both the U.S. and Russian armed forces that could depose several governments and change world maps, say Pentagon, CIA, FSB, and other sources.

Big military action is most likely in the Ukraine, Israel, and Mexico as part of a secret deal between Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the sources say.

The Russians are expected to make military moves against both Israel and the Ukraine, and this is likely to lead to regime change in both of these Khazarian rogue states, they say. The Russian TV show (with English subtitles) shown at the link below covers a war crimes trial held against the illegally installed regime in the Ukraine.

CIA sources say this is likely to be a prelude to a U.S.-sanctioned, Russian-engineered regime change in the Ukraine and annexation of the Russian-speaking eastern provinces of the Ukraine.

One of the main architects of the illegal regime change in the Ukraine, Victoria “Fudge the EU” Nuland, told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, “Other countries and malign actors are now adapting and improving on Russia’s methodology, notably including China…”

This is a sign that Khazarian war criminal Nuland sees Russia, China, and the Trump regime as being allies.

The other big Russian move has already started with Russian bombing (with American permission) last week of Israeli proxies near the Golan Heights. U.S. State Department lackeys promised that the U.S. would defend Israel, but they do not control the U.S. military, who are sick and tired of Israeli antics. So now the Israelis are freaking out and saying, “Where are our American slave soldiers?”

Russian air strikes back Syrian southern offensive. US to Southern Front rebels: You’re on your own

This is what a Pentagon source had to say about the situation: “The U.S. withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council enables anti-Israel measures to pass unopposed, to further isolate and sanction the Zionist state.” The sooner the Israeli people throw off their Khazarian satan-worshipper’s yoke, the better for them.

The U.S. military, meanwhile, appears to be preparing for some sort of military move against Mexico, although an outright invasion is unlikely. Instead, the U.S. military is taking over control of the border with Mexico, as Trump tweets, “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.”

“As Mexico becomes a failed narco state and Colombia’s crackdown on FARC generates more refugees, military lawyers are sent to help the Department of Justice prosecute illegal aliens at the border,” is what Pentagon sources had to say about the situation.

The Khazarian mob is also freaking out about the refugee crisis, because there are growing signs that unaccompanied refugee girls have gone missing and were probably trafficked.

On this front, more and more high-level exposure of Khazarian sex crimes continues. Major Hillary Clinton donor Clare Bronfman is “to be indicted for NXIVM sex cult child trafficking,” Pentagon and other sources say.

Clinton Donor Clare Bronfman ‘Expects To Be Indicted’ In Sex Cult Child-Trafficking Case

Also, whistleblowers are coming forth claiming New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is covering up sex crimes against children.

These arrests are taking place on the basis of evidence gathered through the arrests of thousands of lower-ranking child abusers, the Pentagon sources say.

Meanwhile, in Europe the Khazarian-appointed leaders of France and Germany are on the brink of being overthrown as part of a social immune reaction to the influx of millions of young male refugees from Muslim countries. Khazarian bloodline ruler Angela Merkel of Germany and Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France faced open revolt from twelve other EU countries when they proposed strengthening centralized (Khazarian) control of the EU last week.

Macron then doubled up by calling for “financial sanctions” (i.e., a Rothschild financial boycott) against EU countries (like Italy, Hungary, and Poland) that refuse to take in refugees.

Instead, though, Pentagon and CIA sources say what will happen will be regime change in France and Germany, and a major campaign to remove the mostly male Muslim illegal immigrants from Europe.

Of course, as readers of this newsletter have pointed out, the refugees are arriving in large part because of the mass murder and mayhem being caused in their home countries by the Khazarian mafia.

So for sure, any real solution to this crisis will require the removal of the rogue regime in Israel and an end to their insane Armageddon project. Hopefully, the Russians will take care of that soon.

Already in the Middle East, true peace-loving Muslims have begun to take action against the pseudo-Muslim extremists who were created and financed by the Khazarians.

Saudi Wahhabism Serves Western Imperialism

Of course, the Khazarians, who are literally fighting for their lives as their mass murder and war crimes are revealed, will try to create as much mayhem and death as possible before they are removed from power, according to CIA, Pentagon, and other sources.

For this reason, an ongoing secret effort to remove the Khazarian control of the world’s financial system is of the utmost importance. It has now been made clear that the Khazarians gained this control by illegally using stolen Asian royal gold. The rightful owners are now claiming back their gold, and the BIS as well as other central banks have been put on notice.

To this end, there are secret negotiations taking place between the Pentagon, Asian secret societies, Asian royal families, the Chinese government, the Russian government, etc. There is much we cannot reveal, but we can say that there is general agreement on the need to create a Western future planning agency to complement the Chinese-led OBOR initiative.

Pentagon sources, for their part, say, “Trump created a space force to unleash the secret space program and its suppressed technology to benefit humankind with things like anti-gravity, free energy, holographic med beds, life extension, teleportation, cloaking, replicators, etc.”

We hope this space stuff is true, but even if it is not, if Khazarian financial control is ended, many trillions of dollars will be released for projects to turn the deserts green, replenish the oceans with fish, explore the universe, etc.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Government of India may scrap University Grants Commission, proposes new regulator

Has the time come to bury the University Grants Commission?

28 June 2018

Setting the ball rolling for major reforms in higher education, the Centre has placed in the public domain a draft Bill for a Higher Education Commission of India – aimed at replacing the University Grants Commission – for eliciting suggestions from educationists.

The draft Higher Education Commission of India (Repeal of University Grants Commission Act) Act, 2018, takes away funding powers from the proposed regulator and gives it powers to ensure academic quality and even close down bogus institutions.

Stakeholders in the higher education sector can mail their suggestions at by 5 pm on July 7, 2018.

There is no plan to merge all higher education regulators, as was proposed through a planned agency called HEERA, which was supposed to be put in place as a super regulator.

The present proposal, said secretary (higher education) R. Subrahmanyam, is to replace the UGC. Once this is done after the HECI Bill is passed by Parliament, the technical education regulator AICTE and the teachers' education regulator NCTE will also be reformed on similar lines.

The new regime separates the academic and funding aspects of higher education. While HECI will be in charge of ensuring academic quality in universities and colleges, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) – or another mechanism that will be put in place later – will be responsible for funding universities and colleges.

Closing down

Another key feature of the draft legislation is that “the Regulator will have powers to enforce compliance to the academic quality standards and will have the power to order closure of sub-standard and bogus institutions”, said an MHRD release.

Moreover, non-compliance could result in fines or even a jail sentence.

Till now, the UGC had no such powers. All it could do was to release a list of bogus institutions and not recognise their degrees.

“HECI is tasked with the mandate of improving academic standards with specific focus on learning outcomes, evaluation of academic performance by institutions, mentoring of institutions, training of teachers, promote use of educational technology, etc.,” said the release.

“It will develop norms for setting standards for opening and closure of institutions, provide for greater flexibility and autonomy to institutions, lay standards for appointments to critical leadership positions at the institutional level irrespective of university started under any law (including state list),” it said.

A senior official of the MHRD said that UGC staff would be retrained to adapt to the HECI regime.


The white elephant 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

6 Signs You May Be A Superman

“The most spiritual men, as the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction: in the labyrinth, in hardness against themselves and others, in experiments. Their joy is self-conquest: asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct. Difficult tasks are a privilege to them; to play with burdens that crush others, a recreation. Knowledge –a form of asceticism. They are the most venerable kind of man: that does not preclude their being the most cheerful and the kindliest.” Nietzsche

The Ãœbermensch, or Overman, is the primordial prodigy, the interdependent-self, the chameleon of the human condition, the epistemological elite longing to emerge. The Overman is the “genius” that Jesus spoke of in the Gospel of Thomas: “If you bring forth the genius within you, it will free you. If you do not bring forth the genius within you, it will destroy you.” In a world where the majority of people have not brought forth the genius within themselves, it is no wonder things are being destroyed. It is therefore the duty, indeed the quest, of overmen the world over to bring forth the genius within themselves, to stand as beacons of hope, to go forth as walking examples of genius incarnate, so that others may learn how to do the same. Here are six signs you may be on the sacred path of the Ubermensch.

1.) You Have Perfected the Art of Self-Overcoming:

“The man who discovers a new scientific truth has previously had to smash to atoms almost everything he had learned, and arrives at the new truth with hands bloodstained from the slaughter of a thousand platitudes.”
Jose Ortega y Gasset

You have freed yourself from the smoke and mirrors of “security” and the illusion of “comfort.” Indeed, you have freed yourself to create new freedom. You have once again transformed yourself into a self-propelled beast, a sacred cycle, the walking personification of the life-death-rebirth process of the human condition. Self-overcoming (self-interrogation) is a tool of conviviality that you use to dig up the courage within the primordial self so that it may defend itself, and life itself, against the degradation of the inert self. The inert self is the part of us that wishes everything would stay the same. You understand that it is precisely this part of us which must be overcome, because permanence is the ultimate illusion. Fixed conviction is a grave error that leaves us petrified and stuck. Like Daniel Kolak wrote in Experience of Philosophy, “There is a frozen sea within us. Philosophy is an axe.” You have learned how to use this axe with self-actualized precision, and you have therefore become quite adept at bringing meaning to the meaninglessness.

2.) You Have the Ability to Transform Suffering Into Strength:

“To live is to suffer and to survive is to find meaning in this suffering.”Nietzsche

You are willing to suffer in order to discover your greatness, knowing that pain is the ultimate teacher next to nature herself. You are purposefully vulnerable, realizing that it’s the only way to learn about the weakness within invulnerability. You recycle your vulnerability by propelling yourself and others to create waves of change in a world starving for change. You direct your passion and your compassion by spreading your art and your heart only across what matters most. Like Simone De Beauvoir, your “contemplation is an excruciation only because it is also a joy.” You seek tasks that would cause others to curl up into a ball of fear, because you have learned how to transform fear into courage. You realize that the secret to transforming suffering into strength is to embrace, and thereby subsume, the vicissitudes of change. You do not fear change because you’ve learned how to change fear into a courage of the most high.

3.) You Accept Your Own Dionysian Nature and Use it Appropriately:

“The struggle of maturity is to recover the seriousness of a child at play.” –Nietzsche

As a liberated artist you represent the Dionysian endeavor toward wild, carefree creativity. You have chosen to embody a wide spectrum of the human experience, lusting for the gruesome ecstasy of the sensual world yet capturing and expressing it all through your art. The Dionysian innovator is a perfect example of divergent thinking, which you embrace with all your heart. The Apollonian artist, on the other hand, relies on convergent thinking; which is fine, as balance is necessary. But since we live in a rigid, stuck-in-the-muck, overly convergent thinking society, you see how important Dionysian energy really is. You are not a collection of mirrors reflecting what everyone else expects of you. You are self-shattered, Chaos theory in motion, laughing mightily with God’s tongue in your cheek. You declare to the lopsided Apollonian culture, “You can have your Apollonian rigidness; I’ll take Dionysian courage and astonish you all.”

4.) You Are Neither Restricted by Tradition Nor Bounded by Convention:

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

You shirk tradition and convention in order to remain open to what the vicissitudes of change have to teach you. You refuse to live out a harried life of nine-to-five slavery, wasting your days on heartless corporations that don’t give a damn about anything except making money. Instead, you wish to live a life of adventure full of doing what you love to do, despite the powers that be and in spite of the tyranny that wishes to contain you? You use rebellion and the art of Social Gadflying as a tool for obliterating unsustainable hierarchies, and as a leveler of close-minded elitist pretension. You’re not driven by petty revenge or egoistic one-upmanship. You emphasize and actualize what you disrupt, seeking not to discredit and embarrass the status quo of your mischief, but to shock it into becoming more self-authentic. Yours is a celebration of the soul instead of the conditioned reflex and self-aggrandizement of the ego. You love what you profane, weaving your knowledge and experience together with the status quo, you honor your engagement with it even as you tweak it out of its extremism. You show them the door to their freedom and declare: “enter if you dare!”

5.) You Are Willing to Risk All For the Enhancement of Humanity:

“You go above and beyond them: but the higher you climb, the smaller you appear to the eye of envy. And he who flies is hated most of all.” –Nietzsche

“He who flies is hated most of all”? You fly anyway, soaring over the culturally constructed illusion of it all. You are willing to be “the odd man out,” refusing to give into the unconscious peer-pressure of the herd-instinct. Your conscious awareness propels you past the unconscious comfort zone, which is infective and causes others to want to do the same. You are wholly natural and holistically ascetic. The unconscious of anyone living in an artificial manner senses you as doubly dangerous. Everything about you irritates them, your way of writing, your sense of humor. They sense nature in you, and they are afraid. They are afraid that you will call them out; that you will break their soft illusory shell of “security” and “safety,” and reveal the pulsing blister of the vulnerable Self suffering underneath. You are an icon of iconoclasm, a force of nature that leads by example whether or not anybody else decides to “follow.” You are willing to die bringing water to the wasteland.

6.) You Seek Power Over Power:

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”Abraham Lincoln

You have learned how to break the chain of obedience that plagues mankind. You have cut the strings dangling down from the highest echelons of power. You are capable of clipping yokes and cutting away the straps that bind the heavy burden of parochial values. You have turned the tables on the “powers that be” by getting power over power. You realize that those at “the top” deserve neither your pity nor your rancor. They deserve nothing more than your unadulterated laughter and high humor: a thumbing of your nose that all at once keeps them in check and prevents their “absolute power” from corrupting absolutely. But you have also learned, as Naseem Nicholas Taleb suggested, that “you don’t become completely free by just avoiding being a slave; you also need to avoid becoming a master.” And so you have learned to recycle your own mastery. You have dared to rejoin your rationality with your primordial unconscious. You live multi-dimensionally, refusing to live the one-dimensional life of the typical man. Indeed, you stand in defense against the typical man, the “last man,” the “despicable man,” the “man who would destroy everything despite himself.” You stand in defense of those who would horde power by empowering the powerless and teaching them how to expiate that power. You disclose the world with the purpose of freedom and further disclosure, and by the same action try to free others from enclosure into disclosure. Deep within you find the exigency which is common to all men and women: the will to freedom, the will to power, and the will to conquer both so as to make compassionate action manifest. Like David DeGraw said, “The more you empower people, the more empowered you become. It creates a positive feedback loop, an evolutionary feedback loop that cannot be stopped.”

About the Author

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.

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Monday, June 25, 2018

The Rise of India and New Global Alliances had the pleasure of an interview with Benjamin Fulford on June 7, 2018.

In this interview, conducted by Richard and Meg, Benjamin lets us know about the rise of India, the shifting of world alliances, the decline of the influence of the petrodollar, and he reminds us of the upcoming Bilderberg and G7 meetings as well as the Trump-Kim summit.

Benjamin continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity.

We hope you enjoy this third interview in our series of interviews with Benjamin Fulford.

This interview is about 60 minutes long.

Update: A portion of the transcript has been added, below.

The Rise of India

(Benjamin) Decades ago, my advice to young people, including myself, was ‘China is the future. Learn Chinese, learn about Asia, because that is where it’s all going to be happening.’ But now China is a rapidly aging country. They have reached middle-income status. Their demographic pyramid is heading for a population shrinkage and lack of young people. India is the opposite. It’s like a pyramid with a fat base, and most of their population is under 30 and their economy is growing fast. They are the next big thing and everyone is going to India.

(Benjamin) But the Americans are so arrogant. They are saying to the Indians, “You have to join with us and the Japanese and the Australians to contain China,’ and they send generals to talk to them. Well, what do the Chinese do? They have XiJinping invite Prime Minister Modi for two days of one-on-one talks. So they’re sending their very top person, not their junior person. You don’t see Trump flying to India to ask Modi for help. You don’t see them inviting Modi to the White House. Instead, they send more junior people, which is a sign of arrogance.

(Benjamin) If you listen to the Modi speech at Shangri-La, he’s saying ‘We’re not into these power games, where you have one group against another, where we have everybody against the Chinese. We want to be friendly with everybody.’ India’s actions are – they are a member of the Shang-Hai Cooperation Organization. This is a military-economic alliance which includes China and Russia. And they are saying, ‘We’re with Asia. Asia is the future.” So the whole attempt to bring India in as anti-China didn’t work. And the Indians, like the Chinese, are saying, ‘This whole idea of us versus them, creating alliances, is just a Hegelian-Western thing – like two opposing forces – they’re saying ‘No, let’s all be friendly, let’s get together and make a nice planet together. So, it’s not working—creating new alliances for the planet– the ‘Us vs Them’ mentality is not the right kind of thinking for the planet.

(Meg) You included the link to Prime Minister Modi speech and I read the link and I read the speech and I thought it was quite a statement of cooperation between India and Asia and he was sort of being a nice guy and ‘our future is working together.’ But Modi did remove the larger rupee notes (rupee notes worth about $14 and $8, in American dollars) from the India economy in 2016 and it affected a lot of basic transactions within India and it appeared that it wasn’t very good for the people. Do you feel it will straighten itself out?

(Benjamin) Well, India’s economy is growing the fastest in the world now. It has a huge economy and they’re growing about 8% per year. But the problem with India until now has been extreme government corruption.

(Benjamin) There is a joke that kind of summarizes it. An Indian minister went to France and he visited his French counterpart there. The Frenchman had a beautiful apartment overlooking the River Seine and all of it covered with silver. The Indian asked, ‘How can you afford such a nice place on a minister’s salary?’ And the Frenchman points out the window and says, ‘See that bridge ? I get 10%.’ And the Indian man said, ‘I see, I see.’ So a few years later the French minister goes to India and sees the Indian minister’s house and the Indian minister is now living in a palace with gold and silver. And the Frenchman says, ‘How do you afford a palace on a minister’s salary?’ And the Indian points out the window to a river and there is no bridge. And the Indian says, ‘100 percent.’

(Benjamin) And this is what was happening. So they had this high-tech Indian software thing going, but the roads – they had no roads because every time the government put money in for roads, the money would disappear into people’s bank accounts. But they are finally cleaning it up and India finally has competent government in there and they are growing faster. They are doing all the right things and putting in vast amounts of solar power. They are still small when compared to China but the potential is humongous. The whole center of gravity is shifting.

(Benjamin) If you look at the big picture, I think 65% of the world’s population is in that region and they control more than half the world GDP and more than half of the world’s savings. These are big fundamental forces that transcend the politician de jour. That trend is not going to stop.

(Richard) And the infrastructure is opening up and the corruption subsiding, that is going to open up things in a massive way, and a lot of the country is living in poverty and that will die away if they can clean that up they can impact the people which will impact their economy.

(Benjamin) When I last looked it was something like 40% of the world’s hungry people lived in India, so they have a lot to do, but they are definitely finally on the right track.


The Universe is a Living Consciousness

The Universe is a Living Consciousness
Rig Veda III.26

The Rishis knew that the universe and everything in it is a Living Consciousness. Their sciences accessed the latent energies within the universe and therefore included invoking various modes and aspects of That all-pervading consciousness. Their ‘technologies’ were born in, structured upon, aligned and in harmony with that immutable imperishable God-Consciousness, the One present throughout the universe in All. This interconnection with the Woven Universe is what our current modern civilization no longer understands, and why we are in peril of destroying everything. We are out of harmony with the Cosmic Laws. The Vedic god Agni is the Cosmic Fire, the pervasive principle of Ignition on multiple levels.

Cosmic Rays fly wandering around…
Cosmic rays move close to the speed of light and are influenced by the magnetic field that everywhere exists within interstellar space throughout all galaxies. Being charged particles, they travel freely along the magnetic field; but they can only spiral around it in a direction perpendicular to the field. The sources of that magnetism are therefore variable each having their own direction. Thus there are all sorts of directions, strengths, and patterns of change within a combined galactic field.

Because of the superbly divine chaos in collective magnetic fields, cosmic ray particles fly wandering in a random manner around and through galaxies, rather than in a straight line. When they collide with interstellar atoms, cosmic rays emit light and create glowing gammas rays. Cosmic rays that penetrate Earth’s magnetic shield have energies in excess of 10,000 million times the energy of the molecules in our atmosphere. They contain the overall chemical mix of the solar system, the local universe around us, which is related to the composition of the human body, and the normal mix of elements out of which stars are made. [paraphrased from K. & I. Schrijver]

Rig Veda III.26.1
The rider of a ship moving quickly through sound like the blade of a plough that cuts into the earth heaping up, collecting a multitude, quantity mass worthy of efforts of transformation to the light. Intensely squeezing twisting through sound a low continuous ringing rattling from the Mind of Agni the Cosmic Fire, the self-known, universal omniscience, the follower of Truth reality.

We invoke Agni, our guardian, the Cosmic Fire, that bright pure arising out of the omnipresent universal, the word, wisdom that permeates the firmament by a wise man the singer, master emitter of sound reaching space, quickly flowing to the listener assistant pupil breathed by the Mother of the cosmic breath.

In every era, age after age, the perspicacious clear seeing inner vision, whose Knowledge is kindled upon birth with calling, crying out to that Universal Godhead, may it hold fast to us, giving treasure in immortal form, that lively vibrant ordered design of pervading velocity, the Cosmic Fire.

May the swift powerful flames of the Cosmic Fire [powers of ignition] move, flying rapidly along with the silent particles of sound, flashing in shining waters [of interstellar space] — together [these two] as the knowledge of harmonized sound, the omniscient vast emission outpouring gathered and separated the silent particles of sound, variegated in diversity, enlivened with changes, the quivering quaking, shivering shaking mountains of plasma clouds inviolable, invincible.

[The Rishis are describing the complexity of particle plasma physics in the heliosphere.]

We move, seeking the Maruts, those silent particles of sound, topped-covered with and dependent upon Agni, the Cosmic Fire; they are brilliant brightness, vehement fearful formidable, cultivating plowing all, the products of Rudra like sons; the Maruts are moving downward showering turbulent cosmic dust, carried born along as if they are powerful roaring, resounding Lions.

[The Maruts are traditionally said to be the ‘storm gods’, the flashing or shining ones, the sons of Rudra they are the children of heaven or of the ocean. They are armed with golden weapons, i.e. lightning, thunderbolts (all nature’s electromagnetic light phenomena). They reside in the north (the North pole?), roar like lions, riding in golden cars drawn by ruddy horses. The Maruts are the gods of the Middle Sphere (where interstellar space interacts with the heliosphere?).]

The Maruts, those silent particles of sound, in multitudes by multitudes, every troop in swarming flocks [are] dissected by the luminous wrath, the bright anger of Agni, the Cosmic Fire that cuts the solar winds of variegated velocities into constant deep, low sound [ELFs], the moving transformation. We ask the assembly of our progenitors, the men of knowledge who command wisdom, for their lasting power, favorable, undiminished and increasing.

I am Agni the Cosmic Fire, the shining glistening quantifier measurer of the firmament, the whole expanse of the heavens and the threefold layers of earth’s magnetosphere; fire rays roar in my immortal imperishable eye, perpetual heat sun-fire forever unobstructed, existing in my mouth. I am the name, the form and mode — the offering.

[The Rishi identifies with the principle of the Cosmic Fire, Agni — and Agni speaks through the Rishi. This is the direct experience of Becoming the metaphysical principles that create the universe. Rituals developed as the mimicking of technological procedures and evolved over the centuries after the progenitors had left planet earth.]

[The Soma-plasma] divided and dissolved by the means of purifying [through] the intelligent wisdom, thinking from the heart-mind [which] comprehended grasped spontaneously, naturally [and] according to the laws [of the universe] thereafter generated the uppermost treasure [the potential magneto-plasma-dynamics in fields of sky plasma, the solar wind, ionosphere, radiation belts, etc.], strengthened, magnified, moving to the brightness, to roaring rays of electromagnetic fire [Agni & the Maruts], the surrounding light of the heaven and earth was made visible, seen beyond.

Streaming hundreds, arising inexhaustibly, rattling, containing silent particles of sound trembling, vibrating, stationed by the two parents [of sound in Soma-plasma, the magnetic connection between] heaven and earth, to be uttered to the progenitor, the thinking collator — to that activated Truth, the real-sound exhilarating.

[Sanskrit word definitions here:]


RIG VEDA SAMHITA: Mandalas 1 – 10, 12 volumes, (Text in Devanagari, Translation and Notes), by R.L. Kashyap; Saksi, Published in collaboration with ASR, Melkote; Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore, India, 2009.

RIG VEDA Mantra Samhita, Complete text with auxiliaries, [Sanskrit only], Editor R.L. Kashyap; Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore, 2003.

RGVEDA for the Layman, A Critical Survey of One Hundred Hymns of the Rigveda, with Samhita-patha, Pada-patha and word meaning and English translation, by Shyam Ghosh; Munishiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002, Nandi, Indira.

RIG VEDA, Complete in 12 Volumes, Mantras in Sanskrit with English Translation and Transliteration; Translated by Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar; DAV Publication Division, Delhi India, 2011.

Modern English Translation of The Rig Veda Samhita, 4 Volumes, by Prasanna Chandra Gautum; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 2014.

Rig Veda, Four Volumes, With Original Sanskrit Text, Transliteration & Lucid English Translation in the Tradition of Yaska & Dayananda; English Translation by Dr. Tulsi Ram, M.A., PhD. (London); Arsh Sahitya Prachar Trust, Delhi India, 2013.

Vedic Physics, Scientific Origin of Hinduism, by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ph.D., foreword by Professor Subhash Kak; Golden Egg Publishing, Toronto, 1999.

THE ROOTS, VERB-FORMS and PRIMARY DERIVATIVES of the SANSKRIT LANGUAGE, (A Supplement to His Sanskrit Grammar, 1879), by William Dwight Whitney; Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 1963 – 2006.

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Terms Defined in English, John Grimes; Indica Books, 2009.

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, M. Monier-Williams; Two volumes, Recomposed and improved edition; Indica Books and Parimal Publications, New Delhi, 2008.

Living With The Stars, How the Human Body is Connected to the Life Cycles of the Earth, the Planets, and the Stars; by Karel Schrijver and Iris Schrijver; Oxford University Press, UK, 2015.

July 13, 2017 by Susan Ferguson

Friday, June 22, 2018

Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent

June 18, 2018

Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and East Asia this year. The EU is likely to experience regime change due to popular anger as warm weather brings in yet another massive wave of mostly male Muslim immigrants. In the Far East, the summit meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un has led to serious plotting to revive a Manchurian empire straddling from Mongolia to Northern China to Korea to Japan, according to multiple independent sources, including CIA and Japanese military intelligence.

Let’s start with the situation in Europe, where governments in Austria, Italy, Sweden, and elsewhere are waking up to the fact that the so-called refugee crisis is actually a Muslim invasion. This is no exaggeration, since over 60% of the roughly five million refugees who have arrived in Europe since 2013 are men. Put another way, an army of three million military-age Muslim men has invaded Europe by stealth means. These statistics come from Eurostat via Wikipedia.

This is not just a random occurrence, either. The “refugees” are being handed false papers; for example, Afghan and Pakistani men are being given travel expenses and allowances, as well as fake Syrian passports by the P2 Freemason self-appointed social engineers who are behind this crisis. As we have mentioned before, we were told when we visited the P2 in Italy a few years ago that their plan was to force Islam and Christianity to fight each other in order to merge the two into a single one-world religion controlled by them.

This is the background to a series of news events that popped up last week as the warm weather began in earnest. First of all, we have the new Italian government getting into a war of words with France after deciding to stop admitting boats filled with refugees.

Then we have the government of Austria kicking out imams and mobilizing its border police as a wave of 80,000 migrants approaches its border.

Also, as we mentioned last week, Sweden has mobilized its Home Guard for the first time in 40 years to deal with the lawless government no-go zones created inside Sweden by these mostly Muslim men.

The crisis is likely to overthrow the two regimes—those of France and Germany—that are still going along with plans to increase the inflow of refugees. Members of pro-“refugee” German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government are now saying she will be replaced “within a week” because of her refugee stance.

The situation is expected to come to a head at the NATO Summit meeting scheduled for July 11 and 12, 2018.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will be meeting U.S. President Donald Trump around that time, according to Russian government sources. This is definitely connected to the meeting in Finland on June 10th between top U.S. General Joseph Dunford, and Russia’s Chief of the military’s General Staff, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, where they discussed “European security issues,” “Syria [Israel],” and other matters.

Someone “in the know” and who is directly involved with the negotiations between Kim Jong-un, [Chinese President] Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Donald Trump said, “Watch Vladimir Putin carefully during the World Cup, especially his chess move right after….

…the Games finish on July 15. An Event is scheduled to take place which will change the geography around Crimea. As already agreed, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and Donald Trump will not allow their governments to get involved.”

If Putin and the people behind them are serious, it is a good guess they will formally annex the Russian-speaking parts of Eastern Ukraine.

This move may also be accompanied by regime change in the rest of the Ukraine, as the illegal Khazarian Nazi criminal regime there is removed, Russian FSB sources say.

The Russians may also force the other Khazarian rogue regime, the one in Israel, to either remove their satan-worshipping dictator Benjamin Netanyahu or else face a full-scale Russian/Iranian/Turkish invasion. It is in this context that we remind you NATO has already said it will not defend Israel. The Jews and other people living in Israel will be liberated and protected as a result of any such move.

Now let us turn our attention to the situation in East Asia. Here we are seeing active planning to revive Manchuria, or a Mongol state running from Mongolia through Northeast China to Korea and Japan, according to Qing (Manchu) dynasty heirs, members of the cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, CIA sources, and others.

This is not as far-fetched as it might seem at first glance. This is how an Asian-based CIA source put the moderate version of this plan: “It is all about energy. A natural gas pipeline will be built through the Koreas originating on the Russian side and going through Vladivostok. North Korea will become the Switzerland of the East. Discussions are taking place now to see if Japan will be a recipient of the natural gas as well.” The result, he said, is that “Pyongyang will become the new Singapore.”

A member of the Abe cabinet confirmed that negotiations were taking place between Japan and North Korea and that the revival of Manchuria was part of these discussions.

Remember now, when Xi Jinping met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on April 6th, 2017 he made it clear to Trump that China had limited power over North Korea. What he really meant was that the ethnic-Mongol-dominated Northern Chinese military district was /de facto/ largely autonomous. That is why even though Xi, at Trump’s request, later announced sanctions against North Korea, these were not enforced at the ground level.

The Manchu royals, for their part, insist that the G7 financed the Marshall Plan with gold stolen from them. If the Americans and the Russians agree with them, then suddenly control over much of the money that helped develop the G7, and later China, will fall into new hands—that is, a Mongol/Russian/U.S. military alliance.

This could be the real reason why the other G6 countries were throwing cold water on the North Korean/U.S. summit and their newfound friendship. That’s why it will be interesting to see what Putin and Trump tell the Khazarian-controlled rest of NATO in July.

Also, there was one news item out last week to support this writer’s assertion that North Korea’s nuclear weapons are really Japanese nuclear weapons. There was an announcement by the Japanese government after the Kim/Trump summit that it would reduce its plutonium stockpile due to U.S. pressure.

Making plutonium is the most difficult obstacle to making nuclear weapons and if you have it, you basically have nuclear weapons. For example, if you drop 10 kilograms of plutonium from the top of a ladder onto 10 other kilos of plutonium, you get a nuclear explosion. Japan has enough plutonium to make 6,000 nuclear weapons and also has rockets (missiles) that can hit anywhere in the world. As President Boris Yeltsin once observed, Japan was in the habit of telling world leaders it was a nuclear power even as it maintained a non-nuclear public stance.

So, as this news item indicates, asking North Korea to get rid of nuclear weapons is turning out to mean asking Japan to get rid of nuclear weapons.

Another sign this U.S./Russian/Mongol (Japan+Korea etc.) alliance is emerging is that for the first time since 1916, a member of the Japanese royal family is visiting Russia. These things do not happen by accident.

Another piece of the puzzle is this news item about the King of Thailand announcing he will take control of Thai royal assets:

Here’s how a CIA source in Asia explained the move: “The king is pulling away from the Junta. He knows that they are controlled by the Khazarian Zionist cabal. The figure of $30 billion is extremely conservative. It is 10 times this amount and more when you add in the Royal Thai Gold holdings.” In other words, it is a good guess that the legendary Thai royal gold is going to be added to the Qing (Manchu) gold in a move to take control of the global financial system away from the Khazarian mob.

It is this context that we must look at Trump’s declaration of a trade war against the EU and China. Pentagon sources say the move is aimed to force the rebooting of the post-war financial system and take it out of control of the Khazarian mob.

Furthermore, the removal of the Khazarian mob from U.S. levers of power continues. The biggest news, ignored by the Khazarian-controlled corporate propaganda media, was an announcement by the Justice Department on June 11th (6/11) that more than 2,300 pedophiles had been arrested.

Also, AT&T has been allowed to take over Time Warner, which according to Pentagon sources, means that CNN is going to be forced to stop its blatant propaganda and to actually start reporting real news again.

On a final note this week, although we generally avoid market commentary, we would like to draw your attention to the following news item:

Just remember “the trend is your friend” (=follow the sheep in front of you) only works until the whole herd heads off a cliff.
Do not say you were not warned.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford