In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Thursday, January 27, 2022

The whole world is about to see the US equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall when the White House is demolished

January 24, 2022

The takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating. A worldwide arrest warrant issued for David Rockefeller Jr. means one of their top bosses is now a hunted man. Meanwhile, riots and demonstrations around the Western world are bringing down other KM leaders like Emmanuelle Macron of France and Justin Castro of Canada. Already, the Rothschild clan has admitted defeat and is now under the leadership of Nathaniel Rothschild. He promises that from now on his clan will stick to business and stay out of geopolitics. Here is a link to his company Volex.

The defeat of the very top levels of the KM is leading to historical changes around the world. This includes the demise of the UN, the rebirth of the United States and the start of a new age for the planet earth. The overall story is the end of millennia of rule by a Satanic cult.

Since so many people are now waking up, it is time to once again put out background information about who the revolution is against. Barry Chamish, a Jew who lost a third of his family to the holocaust, outlines the real history of the Sabbatean/Frankist cult (the people I call the Khazarian Mafia). He notes, for example, that “At the 1936 world Zionist conference Chaim Weizmann said ‘Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming holocaust but they will be ready for life in Palestine.’”

If this is news to you, I strongly recommend you take 40 minutes of your time to watch the video he was killed for recording. It will tell you all about the links between 666, the Illuminati, Zionism, the Rothschilds etc. He points out very clearly these people are not Jews.

However, Chamish only traces the problem back to 1666 and fails to realize we are dealing with an ancient cult of human slavers known as the Hyksos who worship a goat-faced god with a forked tail that we know of as Satan. A holocaust is a burnt offering to Satan. The Jews have been their slaves for thousands of years.

This writer only learned about these people when they invited me to join them and offered great wealth and power as long as I agreed to participate in their plot to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. I have been fighting them ever since.

The ongoing fake pandemic and very real vaccine mass murder campaign is just the latest attempt by these Satanists to murder enough people so that they can stay in power and enslave humanity.

At the four-minute mark of the expert testimony linked below, you can confirm the spike protein in the toxic vaccine batches is race-specific and Ashkenazi Jews are immune.

Two different Mossad sources say that almost all of the Israelis are given the saline solution, number 01 vaccine. And yet, even though Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated countries on earth, they have one of the highest COVID death rates. What is happening is that the KM are using vaccines to kill dissidents among their Jewish slaves. In other words, obedient sheeple are given placebos while troublesome ones are given lethal injections.

The worlds’ military and intelligence agencies are in the midst of a major offensive against these criminals. The Jews are also revolting. So are the aware people of the West.

The revolution is now unstoppable. Soon the whole world is about to see the US equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall when the White House is demolished. In one video posted on YouTube on Monday, a construction team appears to be building the barrier between the White House and the iron fence that already surrounds the property.

According to the CIA “The concrete blast barricades being placed around the White House is so the detonation blast (when the WH is imploded) won’t go out into the street and surrounding area. It’s coming soon. You have seen the videos online of the late-night detonation flashes going on inside the WH on the second floor. The pillars are being weakened, in preparation for the upcoming implosion. This is also proof that the WH is empty. Brandon [Biden] is hiding at another location, could be anywhere…. ??? “

As a confirmation something historical is about to happen, US President Donald Trump reveals the United States Military is in charge of the country, that a plan of action is in place to return our nation to a constitutionally limited representative republic and that a blackout is coming soon. He also indicates that he never received a vaccination.

In corroboration, a Pentagon source says something really strange is happening at the White House, and that an EMP attack may soon be upon us. This “EMP attack” may be an excuse for a complete shutdown of the internet.

A mysteriously under-reported incident in Uruguay gives a hint about what may be coming. Here is an eyewitness account:

“First there were fires, then 44C (111 F) temperatures, then hurricane-force winds, then the UNPRECEDENTED floods and now EMP SURGES THE WHOLE COUNTRY…F*cking burned-out a TON of appliances…we are under attack.”

Uruguay is one of the many Southern hemisphere countries where the KM fled to avoid their planned holocaust (burnt offering to Satan) of the majority of humans living in the Northern hemisphere.

The ongoing counterattack against the KM and their fake pandemic was made possible by an ongoing systematic purge of their top ranks. This can be seen in the corporate propaganda media in the form of multiple top people as catching COVID. As readers are aware “testing positive for COVID and self-isolating” is a code for arrested and under questioning. Among those recently “self-isolating” is the traitor top US General Mark Milley, fake US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, top Vatican honchos Cardinal Pietro Parolin and archbishop Edgar Pena Parra. They’re among the many who “have COVID despite being vaccinated.”

Many sleeper agents or controlled opposition figures are also being outed. For example, US military intelligence psychological warfare expert Patrick Bergy, who worked with former Defense Intelligence Agency head General Michael Flynn says “Based on my personal interactions he is dishonorable.”

We also note that New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has suddenly canceled her wedding saying “I just join many other New Zealanders who have had an experience like that as a result of the pandemic and to anyone who’s caught up in that scenario, I am so sorry.” She looks terrified in the video and rightly so, she is about to be executed, CIA sources say.

Another person who looks really scared and stressed out is French President Emmanuelle Macron. The CIA sent us the following pictures with the comment “Macron without makeup and without TV lighting has really a bad face. The guy is clearly at the end of his rope. (Is this even Macron)?”

He is probably scared to death by the mass demonstrations against KM regimes taking throughout Europe. For example, take a look at unreal scenes in Brussels as police flee underground, only to have metal fences land on them from the baying mob.


Soon hopefully Justin Castro of Canada (for background check here: will also get long-overdue justice.

As this video shows, Canadian truckers are now descending on Ottawa, as part of a movement to remove the criminal Castro.

Among his many other crimes, we note Castro has recently authorized a $31 billion fund to “compensate indigenous children.” The fund was authorized after an international media campaign decried the “mass murder” of first nations children at residential schools. The problem is that not one body has been found at the “mass graves,” mentioned in the reports. The fact is the mortality rate for children in residential schools was actually comparable to the Canadian average from 1950 to 1965.

In any case, you can be sure only a tiny fraction of this “fund” would actually end up in the hands of first nations people. The rest would go to the pockets of his KM handlers like the Rockefellers.

These are the Rockefellers who used their fake Biden regime to cancel the keystone pipeline so that Americans would be forced to buy oil from their proxies in Saudi Arabia and Russia.

The Saudi Royals are KM slavers who to this day have been running a slave regime named after their own family. Even the corporate propaganda media is now reporting “the modern-day Saudi Arabian royal family are descendants of Jews who fought early Muslim tribes.”

The fact this is coming out means the Saudi family no longer runs that slave plantation pretending to be a country.

Here you can watch other soon-to-be-removed KM proxy leaders reading their Rockefeller/Rothschild “great reset” scripts.


Speaking about the Rockefellers, it looks like they are trying to pin the blame for their crimes, including the fake Biden regime, on Barack Obama. This is like a lizard shaking off its tail to escape.


Speaking about Psaki, the CIA sent us the following raunchy video, taken on October 29th, 2020 with the following comment “Is that Jen Psaki-Zuckerberg-Rockefeller? Why would she be at VOA building, meeting up with an old friend?”


With their KM masters being exposed, every day more countries are doing the fast backpedaling on the fake pandemic as their puppet leaders can see the noose hanging around their necks. For example, England, Ireland and Scotland have lifted all COVID-related restrictions.

The WHO is also backpedaling while simultaneously asking for government funding so they no longer have to follow the agenda of vaccine pushing corporate sponsors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Canada’s health authorities are also looking for an escape by admitting they exaggerated the dangers of COVID.

“Their COVID agenda is falling fast, but this does not mean the fight is over. The planet is a big place & there will be pockets of KM satanic Deep State agents that will keep pushing this agenda in their small areas of control. What we must realize is that — WE THE PEOPLE CAN NOT COMPLY. Without compliance, they have NOTHING. ZERO POWER. Stand your ground. Hold the Line. The Best Is Yet To Come,” is what a White Dragon Society linked CIA source says.

Among events “yet to come,” may be the fall of the communist regime in China. It turns out China’s real debt is now an astonishing 833% of GDP or $118 trillion. This is because they have built the equivalent of 27 Empty New York Cities.

“This is the trigger for a collapse of the global financial system,” a CIA source says noting the widely publicized problems of the $1 trillion indebted Evergrande is “is pocket change.” 

Also, look a the picture below to see what came from the Evergreen container ship when it got stuck on purpose in the Suez Canal and was later taken over and searched for several weeks at another location. The list includes children, weather modification equipment and nuclear warheads.

Finally this week, we would like to show our readers this clip of pyramids found in Antarctica.


The outline of the biggest pyramid seems to be a whitened version of the Giza pyramid in Egypt. However, the fact we are being sent such a video by a high-level military source is a good sign some sort of woo woo space/Antarctica/UFO event is being planned.

Speaking of space events, here is a video showing that the so-called Tonga eruption was a nuclear missile coming from space.


Is America Heading For A Systems Collapse?

Numerous countries have experienced “systems collapse” in contemporary eras, much as they did in ancient Rome. The word refers to a population’s unexpected incapacity to continue doing what had previously assured their way of life, reports The Epoch Times.

Suddenly, the population is unable to purchase or even locate formerly abundant necessities. They believe their streets are dangerous. Laws are either not enforced at all or are enforced unfairly. Things break down on a daily basis. The government shifts from being dependable to being erratic, if not antagonistic.

Take the Venezuela of today. By 2010, the once prosperous oil-exporting nation had gotten itself into a quagmire. Food was in short supply, and criminality was rampant.

The perpetrators were radical socialism, nationalization, corruption, incarceration of critics, and the abolition of constitutional principles.

Between 2009 and 2016, Greece, which had previously been reasonably stable, was on the verge of becoming a Third World nation. So did the United Kingdom during its socialist era in the 1970s.

Joe Biden’s budding presidency could potentially be bringing the United States to its knees.

The concept of a border has been all but demolished by hard left “woke” thinking. Throughout a pandemic, millions of destitute immigrants are unlawfully entering the United States, with no COVID-19 checks or immunizations.

Official communiques on masks, herd and acquired immunity, immunizations, and comorbidities appear to vary and react to perceived political circumstances, resulting in a loss of confidence for health authorities.

America is reverting back into a pre-modern tribal system after generations of improving race relations.

Crime is on the rise. Inflation is raging. Meritocracy has been delegitimized, and we are now governed more often by ideology and tribalism.

The working class is being strangled by skyrocketing prices for the necessities of life—fuel, food, housing, health care, and transportation.

Millions of people stay at home, pleased to be compensated by the government to not work. The new normal is supply shortages and bare shelves.

Train burglaries in the style of the nineteenth century are making a comeback. Looting, car thefts, and indiscriminate murders of the innocent were all part of 1970s urban violence.

Following the failure in Afghanistan, we have reverted to the dark ages following the loss in Vietnam, when U.S. deterrence was destroyed as well, and worldwide extremism and instability were really the norms.

Who’d have guessed a year back that America would be begging Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more oil while pulling our existing oil licenses, pipelines, and oil fields?

It’s not really an earthquake, climate change, nuclear war, or even the COVID-19 outbreak that will bring our systems down.

The majority of our ailments, on the other hand, are self-inflicted. They’re the outcome of woke ideas which are simultaneously brutal and diametrically opposed to conventional American pragmatism.

Thousands of criminals have been apprehended, but hard-left district attorneys in our big cities have refused to prosecute them, rather depending on defunct social justice notions.

Law enforcement has already been defunded and libeled indiscriminately. As a result of the loss of police deterrent, looters, vandals, thieves, and killers are more willing to prey on the population.

“Modern monetary theory” brainwashes ideologues into believing that printing trillions of dollars will empower the public while it actually is inflating the public’s wealth and making them poorer.

The absurdity of “critical race theory” is that present “good” racism can undo the effects of past bad racism. A formerly tolerant, multiracial nation is emulating the former Yugoslavia’s factionalism.

The cause is once again a brutal woke philosophy that places little importance on individuals and places the so-called collective agenda above all else.

“Equity,” or enforced equality of outcome, is woke’s trademark. In practice, we’re turning into a comic-book version of victims and perpetrators, with awakened opportunists playing the roles of our superheroes.

Weirdest of all in 2021 was the relentless onslaught on our historic institutions, as we blamed our forefathers for our own failures.

The woke have conducted a veritable warfare against the 233-year-old Electoral College and states’ power to create their individual balloting regulations in national elections, as well as the 180-year-old filibuster, the 150-year-old nine-person Supreme Court, and the 60-year-old 50-state union.

Until recent times, the United States military, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, Center for Disease Control, and National Institutes of Health were held in high regard. Their highest levels were manned by career experts who were primarily unaffected by the politics of the day.

Not right now. The public’s trust and support for these bureaucracies and institutions are eroding. Citizens dread, rather than appreciate, Washington power brokers who have turned politics into a weapon rather than a tool for public service.

Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Merrick Garland, former FBI directors James Comey and Andrew McCabe, retired CIA director John Brennan, and Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, have all politicized and massively surpassed their professional responsibilities.

They spoke out in public forums as if they were appointed lawmakers seeking reelection. Some people have lied under oath. Others cast aspersions on critics. The majority of them aspired to be media darlings.

A painfully befuddled, petulant, and inept president is in charge of this governmental rapid decline. In his perplexity, President Joe Biden, who is becoming progressively unpopular, appears to believe that his divisive turmoil is working, dismissing his political adversaries as racist Confederate insurgents.

Who will prevent our spiral into communal poverty, divisiveness, and self-inflicted craziness as we approach the 2022 midterm elections?

Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections

Global Breaking News, January 15, 2022 (GMT) From our friend Kevin Annett as posted in (Please be aware that the link to the full article may take several minutes to load depending on your browser). The information has been copied here for your convenience.

This groundbreaking announcement announces the conviction of those involved in global genocide. It gives every man and woman on the planet the authority to seize and destroy any and all Covid-19 paraphenalia. At the same time, we can arrest anyone who is named in the verdict for crimes against Humanity.

The court was convened by five magistrates and a court prosecutor in Vancouver on September 15, 2021. The magistrates participated in the previous two ICLCJ cases. Then and now, their identities are kept anonymous for their own safety, as with the prosecutor, since fifteen of our witnesses have been killed in the course of our three trials. (See the list of names in the Indictment).

Just prior to the court convening in August, I was subjected to chemical attack that severely threatened my life and accounts for the large kidney stone I;m dealing with now, so the threat and danger was real, and required anonymity.

The court ran according to due process and the rules of evidence.; the defendants were legally summoned and given the right to legal counsel, but they failed to. Because of targeting and harassment, the court reconvened at three separate locations and held teleconferences with the main court in Brussels.

The documents and complete evidence will be released over time, but since further cases are being planned against other Pharma companies, protecting witnesses and future litigation will determine how much is released, and when.

Our concern is to stop the criminals, not pander to nay sayers and doubters, or to justify ourselves. The truth and legitimacy of what we do lies in our results, which have been proven in practice by our forcing a pope and three cardinals out of office. That only happened because we were cautious in how we operated in the face of huge and violent adversaries.

Frankly, I’m surprised how people forget who it is we’re taking on: mass murderers, and the biggest corporations on the planet. Do people really expect us to publicly reveal the identities of our leading people? When we did in the past, they died or disappeared.

Thanks for understanding. More to come.
Kevin Annett

Brussels and Vancouver:

The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China, and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.

The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of medical genocide and mass murder”.

After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence today, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.

The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), ‘Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court,

“This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive coverup. The highest officials of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID ‘vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.

“Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID ‘vaccines’, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children.”

The Court’s verdict and sentence casts a wide net over those responsible by tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of indigenous people in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous “Indian residential schools”.

The Court establishes that the public opponents of this genocide, especially Kevin Annett, have been continually targeted for destruction by the convicted defendants, who are responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent attempts on Annett’s life.

“Our warrants empower not only our Sheriffs and deputized police, but people everywhere to enforce the Court’s verdict by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and halting the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID ‘vaccines’,” says the Court.

The killers of children can no longer evade justice using executive or corporate privilege, or by hiding behind the camouflage of contrived public health crises.”

The Court documents are attached to this notice.

An action plan for police and citizen participation in the enforcement of this historic verdict and sentence will be discussed tomorrow, January 16, at (at 3 pm pacific, 11 pm GMT).

The Judgment and Warrants of the Court are posted at under “ITCCS Updates” and under “Breaking News”.

To contact the Court: (attn: G. Dufort, Public Affairs Office)

Issued Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 12:01 AM (GMT) by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division

Under the auspices of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) (established under the Law of Nations on June 15, 2010)

The ICLCJ offers the Verdict and Judgement which has already been downloaded 43,603 times as I load this page for you. Download here

The verdict by the International Common Law Court of Justice authorizes every man and woman on the planet to seize and destroy any covid-19 paraphernalia to prevent any further mass murders.

The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of medical genocide and mass murder”.

These Australian Criminals and Traitors are Convicted and may be arrested

The following people have been convicted of various crimes, including Crimes against Humanity, Murder, Fraud, Child Abduction and Abuse, and many more crimes. The documents below are a lawful common law verdict, orders, and notices that can be enacted by anyone in Australia.

These people are now criminals on the run, and they can be arrested by any member of the Commonwealth of Australia:

  • Prime Minister Scott Morrison
  • Governor General David Hurley
  • Governor of New South Wales Margaret Beazley
  • Governor of Victoria Linda Dessau
  • Governor of South Australia Hieu Van Le
  • Governor of Tasmania Kate Warner
  • Former Governor of Queensland Paul de Jersey
  • Governor of Queensland Jeanette Young
  • Governor of Western Australia Kim Beazley
  • Former Premier of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian
  • Premier of New South Wales Dominic Perrottet
  • Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews
  • Premier of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk
  • Premier of South Australia Steven Marshall
  • Premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan
  • Premier of Tasmania Peter Gutwein
  • Chief Minister Norther Territory Michael Gunner
  • Chief Minister Australian Capital Territory Andrew Barr
  • Administrator Norther Territory Vicki O’Halloran

In addition, this court decision authorises everyone to seize any equipment, paraphernalia, books, and records used to inject the Covid-19 “vaccines”, as well as to arrest those carrying out the injections.

Download the Court Verdict and Court orders here.

Charge sheets and summons may be downloaded here.

The Arrest Warrant may be downloaded here.

Warrant of Seizure and Expropriation may be downloaded here.

All the above came under the CommonLaw.Earth website and is operated under and in accordance with The Crimes Act 1914, S.13 & 15F

Covid 19 vaccinations under investigation in London –

Telegram link in case the above full video does not play –

Bitchute video – UK CRIME INVESTIGATION NUMBER 6029679/21

Interesting timing with Boris Johnson’s change on mask and vaccine mandates!


Worldwide Arrest Warrant for David Rockefeller Jr. as Khazarian Mafia Take Down Continues

January 24, 2022

The takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating. A worldwide arrest warrant issued for David Rockefeller Jr. means one of their top bosses is now a hunted man. Meanwhile, riots and demonstrations around the Western world are bringing down other KM leaders like Emmanuelle Macron of France and Justin Castro of Canada. Already, the Rothschild clan has admitted defeat and is now under the leadership of Nathaniel Rothschild. He promises that from now on his clan will stick to business and stay out of geopolitics. Here is a link to his company Volex.

The defeat of the very top levels of the KM is leading to historical changes around the world. This includes the demise of the UN, the rebirth of the United States and the start of a new age for the planet earth. The overall story is the end of millennia of rule by a Satanic cult.

Since so many people are now waking up, it is time to once again put out background information about who the revolution is against. Barry Chamish, a Jew who lost a third of his family to the holocaust, outlines the real history of the Sabbatean/Frankist cult (the people I call the Khazarian Mafia). He notes, for example, that “At the 1936 world Zionist conference Chaim Weizmann said ‘Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming holocaust but they will be ready for life in Palestine.’”

If this is news to you, I strongly recommend you take 40 minutes of your time to watch the video he was killed for recording. It will tell you all about the links between 666, the Illuminati, Zionism, the Rothschilds etc. He points out very clearly these people are not Jews.

However, Chamish only traces the problem back to 1666 and fails to realize we are dealing with an ancient cult of human slavers known as the Hyksos who worship a goat-faced god with a forked tail that we know of as Satan. A holocaust is a burnt offering to Satan. The Jews have been their slaves for thousands of years.

This writer only learned about these people when they invited me to join them and offered great wealth and power as long as I agreed to participate in their plot to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. I have been fighting them ever since.

The ongoing fake pandemic and very real vaccine mass murder campaign is just the latest attempt by these Satanists to murder enough people so that they can stay in power and enslave humanity. 

At the four-minute mark of the expert testimony linked below, you can confirm the spike protein in the toxic vaccine batches is race-specific and Ashkenazi Jews are immune.

Two different Mossad sources say that almost all of the Israelis are given the saline solution, number 01 vaccine. And yet, even though Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated countries on earth, they have one of the highest COVID death rates. What is happening is that the KM are using vaccines to kill dissidents among their Jewish slaves. In other words, obedient sheeple are given placebos while troublesome ones are given lethal injections.

The worlds’ military and intelligence agencies are in the midst of a major offensive against these criminals. The Jews are also revolting. So are the aware people of the West.

The revolution is now unstoppable. Soon the whole world is about to see the US equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall when the White House is

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How Few Control the World?

Who really control the world? Systems analysts say it is a unique effort to untangle control in the global economy. And to find out who those really are; The Illuminati? Freemasons? The Bilderberg Group? Or are these all red herrings to distract your prying eyes from the real global elite? The answer, like most topics worth exploring, is not quite so simple. Have no doubt, there are secretive global powers whose only goal is to keep and grow that power. But it really may not be as secretive as you’d think. And that’s what makes it even more criminal…

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

 Aldous Huxley

And, Henry Ford once quipped;

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Every major geopolitical decision of the last five decades has been run through one of these four organizations: the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Bank/International Monetary Fund (IMF).

While the Trilateral Commission excludes anyone currently holding public office from membership, the – global who’s-who of power brokers – serves as a revolving door of the rich and powerful from the financial, political and academic elite.

For the Financial Elite follow the money – Systems theorist James B. Glattfelder sheds light on the dark corners of bank control and international finance with his scientific process analysis and pulls some of the major players out of the dark.

“From a massive database of 37 million companies, Glattfelder pulled out the 43,060 transnational corporations – companies that operate in more than one country – that are all connected by their shareholders. Digging further, he constructed a model that actually displays just how connected these companies are to one another through their ownership of shares and corresponding operating revenues.”

Only 1318 transnational corporations form the core of the economy. In attached graphic, the Super connected companies are red, very connected companies are yellow. The size of the dot represents revenue.

Above image is a chilling one that looks like some sort of intergalactic light globe. Glattfelder has done a remarkable job of boiling these connections down to the main actors — as well as pinpointing how much power they have over the global market. These “ownership networks” can reveal who the key players are, how they are organised, and exactly how interconnected these powers are. From New Scientist:

“Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What’s more, although they represent 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appear to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms — which is the “real” economy — that represents a further 60 per cent of global revenues (GDP).

When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a “super-entity” of 147 even more tightly knit companies — all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity — that control 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. According to his data, Glattfelder found that the top 730 shareholders control a whopping 80% of the entire revenue of transnational corporations.

And — surprise, surprise! — They are mostly financial institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom. That is a huge amount of concentrated control in a small number of hands…

Here are the top ten transnational companies that hold the most control over the global economy – and if you are one of the millions that are convinced Big Banks run the world, you should get a creeping sense of justification from this list:

  • Barclays plc.
  • Capital Group Companies Inc.
  • FMR Corporation
  • AXA
  • State Street Corporation
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Legal & General Group plc.
  • Vanguard Group Inc.
  • UBS AG
  • Merrill Lynch & Co Inc.

Some of the other usual suspects round out the top 25, including JP Morgan, Credit Suisse, and Goldman Sachs. What you won’t find are ExxonMobil, Microsoft, or General Electric, which is strange. In fact, only China Petrochemical Group Company at number 50 is the first company in the row that creates something.

The top 49 corporations are financial institutions, banks, and insurance companies — with the exception of Wal-Mart, which ranks at number 15… The rest essentially just push money around to one another. The interconnectedness of the top players in this international scheme, are:

The number one player is Barclays: “Barclays was a main player in the LIBOR manipulation scandal, and were found to have committed fraud and collusion with other interconnected big banks. They were fined $200 million by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, $160 million by the United States Department of Justice and £59.5 million by the Financial Services Authority for “attempted manipulation” of the Libor and Euribor rates. Despite their crimes, Barclays still paid $61,781,950 in bonuses over that same year, including a whopping $27,371,750 to investment banking head Rich Ricci. And yes, that’s actually his real name…”

These are the guys that run the world. “It’s essentially the “too big to fail” argument laid out in a scientific setting — only instead of just the U.S. and U.K. banks, we are talking about an international cabal of banks and financial institutions so intertwined that they pose a serious threat to global economics.” Effectively, instead of “too big to fail,” these are “too connected to fail”…

If this information is linked with the ones behind the fake Covid Pandemic specifically Big Pharma involvement, it is getting even more weird;

Who is Who that Share the Covid Pandemic Profit?

A French FWC-reader searched for who is who of shareholders it was found that the main shareholder of Pfizer is Vanguard Group, as listed above in the top 10 league.

The main  shareholder of Johnson & Johnson is Vanguard Group

AstraZeneca’s 3rd shareholder is Vanguard Group.

Moderna ’s 4th largest shareholder is Vanguard Group.

The third largest shareholder of Sanofi is Vanguard Group. The 1st shareholder is L’Oréal, but the 3rd shareholder of L’Oréal is Vanguard Group.

Vanguard Group is an American pension fund. It manages about $ 7 trillion, more than the GDP of France and Germany combined. At the international lobby level, it should have great influence..

And then the supporters of the lobby are:

Google with YouTube, Google maps, WhatsApp, etc. with their main shareholder Vanguard Group.

The first shareholder of Facebook is Vanguard Group.

Microsoft’s largest shareholder is Vanguard Group.

Apple’s largest shareholder is Vanguard Group.

Vanguard Group is only the 2nd shareholder from Amazon. Basically, GAFAM is the one. So at the lobby level to sell us something, no doubt that is very, very powerful.

GAFAM is the acronym used to refer to American tech giants Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. Together, they hold five of the six top spots in a listing of the world’s most valuable public corporations.

And then, Akamai is the largest shareholder in the Vanguard Group.

Akamai is the world’s largest digital data storage company. It is this company that, together with the national printing office, the data stores of the entire anti-Covid operation and thus also manages the data of the QR code used at all points where it is applied, including the sanitary pass.

Further to make people ill, here are some other supporters for that job;

MacDonald’s first shareholder is Vanguard Group.

The first shareholder of Coca-Cola is Vanguard Group.

Disney’s largest shareholder is Vanguard Group.

And finally the icing on the cake;

The first shareholder of Philip Morris is Vanguard Group.

Philip Morris is the world’s largest tobacco manufacturer. Tobacco kills 8 million people a year with state endorsement. And in countries where it can, its prime target is children. Ironically, one of Pfizer’s most cost-effective drugs is Champix, a smoking cessation drug …

What is the risk associated with Champix? The most common side-effects with Champix, seen in more than 1 patient in 10, are nausea (feeling sick), insomnia (difficulty sleeping), abnormal dreams, headache and nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nose and throat).

The health or vaccination pass with 3 doses at € 19.50 in 6 months for 50 million French people, makes $ 2.975 billion, just for France, for above listed pharmaceutical companies and therefore indirectly for Vanguard Group aided for by Google, Facebook and Phillip Morris.

Do some homework; and find out who are the main shareholders of Vanguard Group?

A Prison on Earth: Beyond The New World Order - In the shadows of other dimensions, there lays a nefarious force waging war upon humans for millennia from the space between spaces - a dark force that governs not just our thoughts and actions but our very souls. The very advent of time began the slave master hierarchy between us and those unseen forces behind our every action and thought. They built and created "rules" and systems of thought, created kingdoms and spawned religions used to rule the masses from afar by controlling the ebb and flow of space and time on an epic level. Under the guise of "free will" and "individualism" the systems in place around us actually ensure that we have no choice but to comply and obey an underlying agenda that at its core is evil, and have been put in place by beings that feed and are nurtured by the control they maintain over planet Earth.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Covid 19 Scamdemic is unwinding very fast now

January 17, 2022

As the old adage goes, truth is stranger than fiction. It turns out the gnostic Illuminati (GI) were right, we really are dealing with a rogue AI that controls the Khazarian mafia. Humanity must defeat this AI or become slave-robots working eternally to serve a machine mind.

When the GI first contacted the White Dragon Society to warn of the AI, we were skeptical. Then, we contacted one of the original members of the top-secret MJ12 group set up by President Dwight Eisenhower to study “aliens.” He told me his group had come to the same conclusion.

Now we are getting dramatic new evidence showing this is the case. As we reported recently, the White Hats thought they scored a major victory by apprehending Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) head Klaus Schwab, and EU Central Bank Head Christine Lagarde in Antarctica.

Well, Schwab has been apparently replaced by an AI. Now, this week the WEF will be holding a “virtual Davos” where they brag “The global COVID-19 crisis has acted as a worldwide accelerator for the rollout of artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives.”

The WEF also promises that key organizations including WHO, IMF and the World Bank are working together in order to provide extra financial support to the WHO and its COVAX partners for “providing all countries with equal access to vaccination.”

Now Russia’s FSB has determined what is in a large portion of these vaccinations the WEF wants to impose on humanity: nanobots allowing remote control of humans by an AI.This new concept proposes using neural nanobots to connect to the human brain’s neocortex – the newest, smartest, ‘conscious’ part of the brain – to the ‘synthetic neocortex’ in the cloud. The nanobots would then provide direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells.

This week a group of leadership avatars will be promoting this agenda at the virtual Davos. Digital persona (AI representatives) who will attend this forum include:Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India,Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan,António Guterres,Secretary-General, United Nations,Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission,Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia,Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia,Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister of Israel,Janet L. Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury of the United Statesm,Yemi Osinbajo, Vice-President of Nigeria,Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China,Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor of Germany,Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF),John F. Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America,Christine Lagarde,President, European Central Bank,Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health of the United States of America etc.

Our CIA sources say the person appearing as Fauci on TV screens is definitely an AI avatar because the real Fauci was executed. They also forwarded this to us:

The entity masquerading as the [Biden] administration’s surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, is not a man but computer-generated imagery (CGI) superimposed on a dynamic algorithm that pushes a fictitious Covid narrative from some hidden crevice in Washington, D.C., said Lt. David Hoffer, a program analyst at U.S. Army Cyber Command Headquarters at Fort Gordon.

A massive counter-attack against this AI and its brainwashed human servants is now underway, according to Asian Secret Society, CIA, MI6, NSA and FSB sources. This is being seen in a lot of seemingly unconnected, but dramatic, events around the world ranging from Antarctica and the South Pacific to the North of Norway.

For example, the Haarp array in Norway that was causing the La Palma volcano in the Atlantic to erupt was taken out by British special forces, according to MI6.

As a result of this attack, the La Palma volcano in the Atlantic has stopped erupting.This means the East Coast of the United States is no longer being threatened with a 100-meter tsunami.

The removal of this threat has now finally allowed the white hat military to take direct action against the Khazarian mafia and related AI servants inside the United States.

This caused the AI posing as US presidential spokesperson Jen Psaki to malfunction (As background, David Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg had been playing the Psaki role until he/she caught Covid and disappeared for 12 days before being replaced by an AI avatar). In any case, the malfunctioning Psaki AI issued the following threats last week:

“We are Looking at efforts across the country for ways to STOP PEOPLE from exercising their FUNDAMENTAL rights…MORE THAN 13,000 NATIONAL GUARDS HAVE BEEN ACTIVATED IN 48 STATES TO SUPPORT VACCINATIONS….”


What is really happening is the AI is trying to use mind-controlled troops to fight the United States militia who have been activated in 43 states and are moving in on Washington DC.

This news item reflects the ongoing battle to free the US:

Young ARMY soldiers will be battling ‘seasoned freedom fighters’ across two dozen North Carolina counties in a two-week ‘guerrilla warfare exercise’ where they attempt to overthrow an ‘ ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT’

The removal of, most likely blackmailed and compromised, Prince Andrew as the head of the US and British Navies has been a key event allowing the counter-attack to unfold, MI6 and NSA sources say.

The new head of the Navy explained:

“Britain is run by the Admiralty, it is a naval intelligence country. We cannot have a member of the naval community implicated.” In addition, he said, the official admiralty stance is as follows:

“No laboratories around the world have proven the existence of Covid 19 which means the worlds’ civilian governments have been in high treason for two years. They are now attempting to beat a retreat. The head of the fourth Reich George Bush was executed so the fourth Reich is fighting back.”

Other sources agree the battle is raging. For example, NSA sources say “US Naval HQ shaped like a swastika were flooded and connections to NAZIs destroyed.” 

Then we saw the release of the following dramatic video of a “massive volcanic eruption in Tonga”


According to CIA sources in the south Pacific region: “This was a destruction of a massive DUMB with tunnels going in every direction. Notice that a big earthquake occurred in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia as well around the same time. Another DUMB was destroyed.”

Another contact added:

“Tonga has some Chinese-owned tunnels and deep submarine access. Thanks to the deep waters that surround the shallow coral shoreline. They have been destroyed.”

We were also able to contact a senior Russian FSB source about the situation in Ukraine who said “We do not want to rule Ukraine, we just want to remove the fascists installed by UN agents like Victoria Nuland.”

The FSB and Russians view the UN as their real enemy and the fake Biden administration as UN proxies, according to the source.

“Russia is trying to rebuild the USSR. The UN is trying to put military all around Russia and support color revolutions. However, when the UN tries to destabilize they are not doing anything new, they have been repeating the same thing for 20 or 25 years so now we know how to stop them.”

“Russia is perfectly entitled to seize Ukraine by law. Ukraine is nothing more than a money-laundering operation so if Russia goes into Ukraine then god bless them,” MI6 sources say.

The removal of Prince Andrew opened naval intelligence files showing there were 16 biochemical warfare plants being run by the Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazis were also actively assassinating all political opponents in Ukraine, CIA sources note.

It is now payback time. On Friday evening, a Russian nuclear Submarine surfaced off the coast of Norfolk, VA. The sub has 16 Bulava Missiles, each equipped with ten independent nuclear warheads. At the same time, Russia sent amphibious assault ships Sweden’s coast.

The FSB source says a deal has been reached with the US and Chinese military to take on the real source of the problem -which they think is the UN. “The entire idea of the UN is outdated. It is not a unity of countries. It is pushing the rules of only one country,” the source notes.

The “one country” the source refers to is not the United States but rather the AI-led group now holding their virtual Davos summit.

The FSB is also cracking down on vaccine pushers and politicians being bribed by the vaccine pushers, the source says.

In any case, more and more humans are backing away from the vaccine agenda. It’s all coming out now. The US military’s DARPA program released bombshell evidence the vaccine and fake pandemic was “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels”

The newly released military documents contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath. 

Here is the entire DARPA PDF file for the readers who want to do their own study.

Darpa is not alone. As a CIA source notes “Hackers broke into all of the pharmaceutical companies and stole all the medical data on vaccines, thank God! The Great Awaking has lifted off! Forward this link everywhere.”

Among other things, the hack revealed that some vaccine batches were 50 times more deadly than others. This supports the idea that insiders were given placebos or safe vaccines while “undesirables” were being deliberately poisoned.

This sort of evidence is more than enough to justify military intervention to remove corrupted civilian governments and the UN.

An NSA source agrees and says public Nuremberg-style tribunals will begin in April. Of course, other sources say the trials have been going on for some time.

We also note the reappearance of Donald Trump who is no longer pushing vaccines. “We’re done with the mandates. … The mandates are a disaster for a country,” he said, arguing vaccine requirements are “just absolutely decimating our economy.” The Trump who is appearing at rallies in the US is actually his double (the one with white around the eyes and a double chin), NSA sources say. However, he is authorized by the real Trump to speak on his behalf, the sources say. The real Trump is at the Thule airbase preparing for the upcoming military campaign to liberate the United States, the sources added. Asian secret society, MI6, and other sources say they support this Trump.

The liberation of the US will then trigger the fall of the UN etc. multiple sources agree

Here is what a space force commander had to say about the overall situation:

There is a complete system collapse. It has already begun. Afterward, some people will try to go on with their lives but life won’t be the same any longer.

Everything will change. Courts, schools, banking, etc. The N. Korea missile strike, Russia war invasion, CCP invasion of Taiwan; all of this is a show.

We also are not under the control of the British monarchy any longer. The Rothschild, Rockefellers, Illuminati Pyramid, Bush and Clinton Dynasties are all dissolved. The Covid 19 Scamdemic is unwinding very fast now. Watch Fauci, as this is the key.

We shall see.