In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Friday, December 28, 2018

Western civilization heading for a reboot over the holidays

December 24, 2018

Many signs and confirmations from highly placed sources indicate that a reboot of Western civilization is being planned for 2019. The shutdown of the U.S. government over the holidays, for example, has nothing to do with building a wall, and everything to do with a financial reboot and upcoming military tribunals.

However, what is coming is about much more than just rounding up the criminals who hijacked and bankrupted the U.S. government—it is about fixing the problems besetting monotheism.

Since today is December 24th, Christmas Eve, it’s a good time to remind people of the historical truth behind this holiday. The fact is that nobody knows when Jesus Christ was born, so the early Christian church hijacked the old solar New Year holiday and replaced the sun with Jesus. Here’s the thing: the sun sets at its most northern point on December 21st, the winter solstice. For three days afterwards, it appears to set at the same place, and then on December 25th it starts setting further south, marking the birth of the solar New Year. Thus, the Christian church needs to confess and tell people the truth about Christmas without in any way denying the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ and Christianity.

The Jews, for their part, need to stop celebrating the xenophobic Hanukkah and realize that it is perfectly kosher to celebrate the solar New Year (unless they somehow think the Creator did not make the sun). Anyway, Merry Christmas to the Christians and Muslims, and Merry Sunmas to everybody else.

These issues, together with discussions of updating the calendars to bring them back into line with the movements of the heavens on which they are based, are going to be part of a broad public discourse in the New Year. That is because, at the highest levels of world power, a decision has been made to go ahead and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and turn that city into an international free zone. This is why 2019 is likely to be a year for the history books.

In preparation for these upcoming historical changes, U.S. troops are being withdrawn from various conflict zones in order to pave the way for world peace, CIA sources say. Pentagon sources agree, adding that “U.S. President Donald Trump is pulling out of Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and the Ukraine to terminate the Deep State and the Zionists, since the global currency reset requires peace and cessation of hostilities.”

European royal family sources concur that preparations are under way for a reboot of the global financial system. The current U.S. dollar, Euro, and Japanese yen-based system is bankrupt and dysfunctional, these and other sources agree. This is especially true of the United States, which has been bankrupt for quite some time now, the sources say. That’s why this current U.S. government shutdown is going to lead to some sort of Chapter 11 reorganization of the U.S. government. The European royals, for example, acknowledge that the historical bonds, farm claims, and other claims against the U.S. government must be paid, yet cannot be paid without bankrupting the system.

However, discussions with the European royals and the P2 Freemasons who control the Vatican make it clear that fundamental decisions have not been made about what the reboot will resemble.

It is clear, though, that the current system is being shut down. This can be seen not just in the U.S. government shutdown, but also in the fact that no corporate junk bonds were issued in December and that U.S. stock markets fell by the most since the Lehman shock of 2008.

One thing they have agreed upon, though, is that a future planning agency will be established with a multi-trillion-dollar budget. The legal and financial frameworks for this organization are being negotiated behind the scenes, according to royal family and P2 Freemason sources.

Another thing that has been agreed upon at the highest level, including with Asian secret societies, is that criminality will be rooted out of the system, especially in the U.S.

On that front, Pentagon sources say the number of sealed indictments in the U.S. has reached the 70,000 mark. Two huge prison barges are being sent to Guantanamo Bay from New York and California to accommodate all the criminals who are being rounded up.

A further sign of what is coming can be seen in the fact that Trump sent notice to House Speaker Paul Ryan that “the national emergency Executive Order 13818 from December 20th, 2017 has been extended for one year, blocking property and seizing assets of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption,” the sources note.

The criminals in charge in Israel and Saudi Arabia are also going to face justice, promise Russian FSB sources. Towards that end, the Russian government has provided detailed and extensive evidence that the so-called White Helmets were a criminal organization that was stealing organs, faking Sarin gas attacks, and looting historical treasures. That means that actor George Clooney will be one of the many “celebrities” who is headed for Guantanamo Bay.

Mass-murdering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mohammed bin “skin them alive” Salman are other criminals who will be receiving justice, say CIA, Pentagon, and FSB sources. Also slated for justice are the criminal members of the Biden, Pence, Clinton, Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Du Pont, Iwasaki, and other families who thought they were too rich to ever go to prison, the sources say.

Also, the Pentagon sources say the sentencing of former Defense Intelligence Agency Director General Mike Flynn has been delayed until March 13th, 2019, “during which time FISA declassification, military tribunals, and other truth bombs will be dropped.”

To make sure the removal of high-level criminals proceeds without a hitch, the Pentagon sources say “Trump may appoint another Supreme Court Justice to solidify a real conservative majority as liberal hag [U.S. President Donald] Trump-hater Ruth Bader Ginsburg succumbs to cancer. This is even more crucial than [Justice Brett] Kavanaugh, because Chief Justice John Roberts has been blackmailed to swing with liberals, and he too may be forced out.”

Message to Justice Ginsburg: your goals, such as equal rights for women and minorities, are now part of the social fabric, so please bow out with grace.

The other thing to note is that in December, Marine Generals John Kelly and James Mattis announced their resignations as White House Chief of Staff and Defense Secretary, respectively. We also saw the announcement that Army Chief General Mark Milley was named as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to succeed Marine General Joseph Dunford.

The replacement of all three Marines at the top of the U.S. power hierarchy is simply because they have accomplished their goal of being the tip of the spear, Pentagon sources say. Now that a beachhead has been established in Washington, the U.S. Navy and Army will take care of the bigger organizational and rebuilding issues that will come up now, the sources say.

Also, one Pentagon source said that Mattis and Kelly want to leave the administration before the U.S. government is formally bankrupted. They will instead concentrate on supervising the military tribunals. Once the Washington establishment is cleaned up and the criminals receive justice, both are considering running for public office in 2020, the source says.

It is also good to hear that Robert David Steele has been promoted for consideration as the new Defense Secretary by Gordon Duff, Editor in Chief of Veterans Today—a man who knows better than most that virtually all veterans abhor war and despise those who seek to wage war for profit.

It is interesting that even though Duff is viscerally opposed to Trump, and Steele is a Trump supporter, Duff still wants Steele to have the job of the Trump administration’s Defense Secretary.

There are serious discussions on implementing Steele’s “open-source everything” ideas in an experimental zone (maybe Manchuria) as one route to providing secret military high tech to the general population in a responsible manner.

Steele, when asked about his nomination, promised that if selected, he would not only allow the release of military secret technology, but also would do his best to implement the long-awaited and much-discussed disclosure of “the secret space program.”

We still do not know the exact timing when all these changes will take place. We have been promised military tribunals in January, but the global currency reset is still an unknown.

However, there are two hints that May could be the time. First, the new Japanese emperor will assume the throne then. As the oldest continuing royal family on earth, the Japanese royals are said by other royals to be the ones who will place the official seal that inaugurates the new financial system. The other, more minor hint is that after the Prime Minister of Belgium resigned last week, the King of Belgium asked him to stay on until May.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

The Builder Of NASA’s Apollo Communications Systems Blows The Whistle On Extraterrestrials

December 20, 2018

In Brief The Facts:

Maurice Chatelain designed and built NASAs Apollo communication systems. He wrote a book detailing his experience with the Apollo programs, and said that all of the missions experienced UFO activity and other strange anomalies.

Reflect On:

It seems that there is an overwhelming amount of witness testimony from insiders, how has this gone ignored for so long, and how come all of these people never get any attention or air-time like the ones who don't speak about it?

His name is Maurice Chatelain, if you look him up on Google, you may not find much. IMDB states that he is usually identified as a “former NASA Chief of Communications,” especially by UFOlogists, other sources claim he was merely “a low-level engineer who worked for a NASA sub-contractor.”

Obviously, whoever wrote this has poor research skills, one needs to look no further than his book, Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space, to find a description of his life and what he’s experienced. From here, a researcher would go about looking for confirmations outside of his own claims. Chatelain’s details about his career and his designs that he mentions in his book can be found online, we’ll get to that in a bit.

Chatelain was a telecommunication, telemetry and communication electronics specialist, and during his time, perhaps the best in the world at what he did. After he moved to America from Europe decades ago, he spent the next twenty years of his life working for a number of aerospace organizations and industries and was also supported by the United States Navy, the United States Air Force, and NASA. He was even reimbursed by the United States government for the cost of moving his family to the United States.

In his book, he details his various patents and designs for the companies that he worked for, and the organizations his designs attracted. You can view a list of his patents here. As you can see, these are just a few of his many contributions to the field.

In his book, he goes on to explain in great detail how through his work and his connections he was immediately offered the task of designing and building the Apollo communication and data-processing system. He also explains how nobody specified his duties or functions, because no one at that time knew what these systems would be like. There were very few experts in the field.

Chatelain was in charge of all of what he mentions below:

“When the Apollo project started, there was no communication equipment powerful enough or sensitive enough to make voice transmission possible from earth to moon, not to mention trans- mission of television pictures over that distance. Such things had to be invented, perfected, and built. Relay stations had to be in- stalled all around the globe in the Tropics with parabolic dish antennas, some over 200 feet in diameter, in such a way that one or two of them would always be in contact with any Apollo spacecraft orbiting around the moon. All these stations had to be in contact with each other and all of them had to report to the Apollo Space Flight Center in Houston, Texas. All the new equipment, built by some twenty different suppliers from all parts of the United States, had to be co-ordinated and made compatible.”

It’s interesting to think about these things. When contemplating the Apollo missions, it’s not often we think about the tremendous amount of work that went into it by so many men and women. Many of them, like Chatelain, go practically unknown as the focus is always on the astronauts, who themselves have also been quite outspoken and have corroborated Chatelain’s disclosures.

The famous Leonard Nimoy featured Chatelain in one of his documentaries regarding ancient aliens, decades ago. He also verified his background, which has been done by many, by introducing him as a “NASA space scientist who helped man reach the moon.” The film features other prominent minds and academics at the time. Chatelain is also referenced by many prominent UFO researchers.

He was also featured on what appears to be a French talk show, found on youtube.

So what did Chatelain have to say in his book regarding the Apollo missions?

“During these missions several strange things happened. Some still cannot be talked about and some I will mention without revealing my sources of information and with the utmost reserve, because I personally was not there when these incidents allegedly took place. It could be, for example, that both the American and the Russian space programs did bring back discoveries that were not anticipated.”

He goes on to state that most of the astronauts saw strange things during their mission that could not be discussed with anybody outside of NASA. Obviously, since the time of Chatelain, there are so many astronauts that have spoken up about what they saw and what they know. It seems that a large percentage of the Apollo astronauts have all made such comments. Apollo 14 Dr. Edgar Mitchell expressed that he had knowledge of extraterrestrial visitation, and that there have been “crashed craft and bodies recovered.” Gordon Cooper, part of the very first manned mission to space, said the same thing.

Dr. Brian O’Leary is another, who admitted to there being “abundant evidence” existing for the fact that we are being contacted. Story Musgrave, another, Apollo 12 astronaut Al Worden shared his thoughts on the matter not long ago. He stated his belief that our ancestors came from outer space, it’s funny because that’s the title of Chatelain’s book. The list doesn’t end there, but I’ll stop.

Related CE Article: What Happened To Phobos II? Russian Cosmonaut & U.S. Army Remote Viewers Say Something “Alien” Did

It’s not just astronauts, it’s scientists from within these organizations as well, like Dr. John Brandenburg, the Deputy Manager for the Clementine mission to the moon, and Norman Bergrun, a veteran Ames Research Scientists and a key member of the Voyager missions. I recently wrote an article about Bergrun and what he has exposed, you can read more about that here, it shows a picture of a giant UFO hovering just outside Saturn’s outer ring.

Chatelain goes on to write,

It is very difficult to obtain any specific information from NASA, which still exercises a very strict control over any disclosure of these events. It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin—flying saucers, or UFOs (unidentified THE APOLLO SPACECRAFT VJ flying objects), if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.

He provides specific examples that he’s aware of,

“The following year, on November 12, 1966, James Lovell and Edwin Aldrin in Gemini 12 also saw two UFOs at slightly over half a mile from the capsule. These were observed for quite some time and photographed repeatedly. The same happened to Frank Borman and James Lovell in Apollo 8 on Christmas Eve 1968, and to Thomas Stafford and John Young aboard Apollo 10 on May 22, 1969. The UFOs showed up both during the orbit around the moon and on the homeward flight of Apollo 10.”

Below is a picture from Ex Command Sergeant Major, Bob Dean, who was good friends with Bergrun (mentioned above). He supposedly obtained some pictures that NASA had locked away. It comes from this lecture.


Having been an avid researcher in the field for quite some time, and I am sure many others will tell you this, it’s not uncommon at all to come across similarities and stories that intersect among multiple ‘credible’ sources. For example, in his book, Chatelain also mentions nuclear weapons testing on the Moon.

“There was even some talk that the Apollo 13 mission carried a nuclear device aboard that could be set off to make measurements of the infrastructure of the moon and whose detonations would show on the charts of several recording seismographs l8 placed in different locations. The unexplained explosion of an oxygen tank in the service module of Apollo 13 on its flight to the moon, according to rumors, was caused deliberately by a UFO that was following the capsule to prevent the detonation of the atomic charge that could possibly have destroyed or endangered some moon base established by extraterrestrials. Well, there was a lot of talk and there still is.”

This is interesting, because decades after Chatelain wrote his book, Colonel Lorin Ross Dedrickson, assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission, and a man who had a long service with the Energy Commission between 1950-1958 which included, contract administration duties at Nevada test sites, Pacific Nuclear Test Area west of Hawaii, nuclear weapon manufacturing and quality assurance in Albuquerque, and inspection of nuclear and non-nuclear facilities throughout the country.

He stated the same thing, that we tried to send a nuclear weapon to the Moon, and he also references Apollo 13,

“A spacecraft went to the rescue of Apollo 13, and they accompanied Apollo 13 on their voyage around the Moon back to Earth. And on two occasions they thought they might have to transfer the crew to their spacecraft, but they saw them safely back to Earth.”

He also stated,

“I also learned about incidents involving nuclear weapons, and among these incidents were a couple of nuclear weapons sent into space were destroyed by the extraterrestrials. . . . At the very end of the 70s and the early 80s, we attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and explode it for scientific measurements and other things, which was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials. They destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon.”

Is there any documentation to support these claims? Yes, a declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 shows just how seriously they considered the plan, called Project A119. In general, they wanted to investigate the capability of weapons in space, as well as gain further insight into the space environment and the detonation of nuclear devices within it. It seems that they did, and obviously the public would not know that the US is taking a nuclear weapon to space, it would be classified.

UFOs and nuclear weapons go hand in hand, that’s another topic in itself which you can read more about here.

Chatelain also describes extraterrestrial encounters of the moon, and code words used to describe extraterrestrial spacecraft, like Santa Claus. He is not the only insider to do so either.

You can read more about that here: They’re Parked on The Side of the Crater – They’re Watching US!” – When Neil Armstrong Landed On The Moon

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to really recognize just how much witness testimony we’ve had come out over the decades from credible sources. Furthermore, it’s 2018, we now have physical evidence, electrooptical data and radar trackings to go along with it. We know we are not alone, and it’s stories like these that have been wrongfully kept from humanity. Transparency, exploration and discovery, and truth, is not something which should be denied to the human race, it’s our birthright.

It’s hard to tell what’s going on sometimes, but at the end of the day, it’s quite clear that something is. This is a topic where one must remain skeptical, especially of mainstream media and the way they do and will cover it.

The truth is out there!

By Arjun Walia

A Positive Message For You!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Secret head of world finance, Cardinal Pell, fired and big changes coming

December 17, 2018

Last week Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of sexually abusing children by an Australian court and was subsequently fired by Pope Francis because he was “elderly.”

This is huge news in the secret world of finance, because Pell was the person in charge of financial matters at the Vatican and thus was a secret controller of most world government leaders, P2 Freemason and CIA sources say. This is because when most world rulers take power, they get a visit from an official of the Vatican Bank who hands them a bank book with an astronomical number written in it (a billion dollars or more for big countries; less for smaller countries). They are then told, “Welcome to the world of the rich,” and are gently reminded that if they refuse to accept the money they will be “removed.”

This is the choice of silver or lead that has allowed the Vatican P2 Freemason Lodge, run by descendants of the Caesars, to secretly rule most world governments. The 200 leaders who last week affirmed the fraudulent “carbon causes global warming” agreement are all slaves of this system, P2 Freemason and CIA sources agree.

Thus, the removal of the head of this secret control system will have huge repercussions for world finance and politics, depending on who is selected to replace him, and also depending on whether or not this secret system will be allowed to continue.

On that front, another huge news item (still not fully confirmed because it only comes from one royal family source) is that a new head of the Committee of 300, the secret government of the 13 ruling bloodline families, will take power next year. This means Queen Elizabeth will be handing the committee reins to a younger person (hint: not Charles and not William).

With this caveat in mind (i.e., only one source), here some excerpts from a statement by the soon-to-be-appointed new committee head: “The 13 ruling bloodlines and I have had enough of this world and the minions charged with its curation. All Sovereign Heads of State and all respective governments fired. Ordo ab Chao.”

The source also said, “Sir Alexander Younger at MI6 is already briefed, along with the Queen in London and the Emperor in Tokyo,” about this development.

The statement further read that, “The Habsburg dynasty and spin-offs—most criminally psychopathic—have a lot to answer for in the many hundred years of genocide in population reduction come hell or high water. Omnicide is a crime against both humanity itself and all other living ecosystems.”

The Habsburgs, by the way, claim to be descendants of the Caesars and are thus part of the family dynasty that controls the P2 Freemasons, the Vatican, and many so-called world leaders, P2 sources say.

The statement further reads that, “The thirteen ruling bloodlines need to switch to bigger army diplomacy to clear out the rot—a bully is a bully, big or small—so we can all live in peace and quiet and take back the past, present, and more importantly the future that belongs to us all.”

The source also said it was the Committee of 300 that was backing the new Quantum Financial System, which Pentagon sources independently have long been telling us is set to replace the current system.

Here is the source’s description of the new system:

“The quantum system—recursive complexity-based central banking—to replace stochastic equilibrium or manual rate setting—covert stealth state capture—is a complex subject, but essentially it requires quantum computing to analyze the state and outcome of each domestic economy in isolation and in symphony, and to then moderate the supply and demand of currency, which will be all electronic.”

The source also says that this system would be able to help finance and plan a massive campaign to stop environmental destruction and end poverty. However, until we actually see such a system be publicly announced and until we see a huge campaign to save the earth, we need to keep up the pressure on the global elite.

It is interesting to note, in this context, that the Black-Sun-worshiping P2 Freemasons are seeking to remain in power by cashing a “500 dodecallion” U.S. dollar bond. A photo of it can be seen here:

They want to cash it in order to finance an escape from this planet that they have been destroying. Instead, they will be facing long-postponed justice, according to Pentagon sources.

The Pentagon sources say that, “In preparation for the military tribunals in January of 2019, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly is leaving to focus on the pain phase, while still having the ear of [U.S. President Donald] Trump as a senior adviser.”

Those who still think this is all talk and no action are not paying attention to events already happening in the real world. The funeral of George Bush Sr., for example, provided somebody with a chance to serve senior members of the Bush/Clinton faction with legal notices, as can be seen in the videos at the links below:

CIA sources are saying that these legal notices were related to 9/11 and other crimes by this cabal faction. Also, in case you missed it, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York has agreed to convene a grand jury to look into the criminal destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001.

We also saw testimony at the Oversight and Government Reform Committee of the U.S. Congress last week that made it abundantly clear the Clinton Foundation was a giant criminal enterprise that exchanged government favors for bribes. While the aware part of the public has known this for a long time, when it becomes formal testimony on the record of Congress, you can be sure that legal action is not far behind.

Pentagon sources are also now saying the “arrest of Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer is a warning sign that executives of Western corporations like Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank who commit fraud or crimes may also face Interpol red notices and prison.”

Then there is an ongoing roundup of Israeli arms, drugs, and sex traffickers in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere.,7340,L-5423075,00.html

Khazarian mafia leaders who are still clinging to power remain under intense attack. Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s besieged government resorted last weekend to shutting down the Paris subway network and engineering a massive rainfall to handicap anti-government protests. However, protest leaders vowed they would be back in January after a Christmas break. Pentagon sources add that “Macron’s days are numbered, as French generals accused him of treason for signing the UN compact on migration.”

Also, we are now seeing reports that Fethullah Gülen, the probable head of the Sabbatean mafia, is to be extradited to Turkey. Putting Gülen on trial would reveal all sorts of dirty secrets, including likely testimony about the Zionist plot to start World War III.

The criminal regime in Saudi Arabia also is under heavy attack. The U.S. Senate passed a resolution condemning Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman as guilty in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Then, funding for Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen was cut off. Finally, the U.S. and Iran, through proxies, forced Saudi Arabia to accept a ceasefire in Yemen and thus hand over de facto control of that country to Iranian proxies.

Also, Russia has forced the rogue regime in Israel to stop its attacks on Syria by threatening retaliation.

This means the rogue state of Saudi Israelia is finally being forced to stop its perpetual warmongering.

Also, speaking about warmongering, the Chinese have started negotiations with Pakistan and Afghanistan to end the perpetual war in that region, as the U.S. has lost all credibility there.

Another serious issue for the Khazarian mob is that their habit of remote-controlling and crashing airliners is blowing up in their faces. A CIA source in Indonesia said the recent Lion Air crash there “is going to morph into something big…. The owner of Lion Air, Mr. Rusdi Kirana, knows what really happened. He is very careful with his words. Boeing Company for sure knows that Flight JT610 was remotely hijacked. The release of the truth will bring the airline industry to its knees. The Zionist cabal cannot allow the truth to come out. The good news is that the truth will be released and the Zionist cabal and their agents will be snatched up.”

Finally, last week Ireland experienced what may have been the first shot fired in an armed rebellion against the banks. A mob attacked armed bank guards who had evicted a family from a house they had been living in for three generations. Eight vehicles were torched and the bank guards, who were attacked with baseball bats, were told never to come back.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Coming Out of the Consciousness Closet - What to Do when You're the Only One Awake!

When everyone you know and love is asleep and you're the only one awake, the world can sure seem lonely and even unfriendly at times.

While the concept of awakening can have many definitions, in a nutshell, 'awakening' can be summarized as the rising of consciousness, and this means that regardless of path or process, the more conscious we become, the more we awaken.

Although the process of awakening can be a wonderful thing, it can also be quite challenging.

In fact, if you're one of the first in your family or community to awaken, "coming out" as a conscious being can be one of the most difficult things you ever do! Not surprisingly, many conscious people choose to hide, in what I call the "Consciousness Closet."

In fact, there are three very good reasons that conscious people hide in the Consciousness Closet!

Reason #1 - Avoid Judgment!

More than likely, if we're the only one who is conscious in our family or community and everyone we know thinks we're crazy, rather than subjecting ourselves to judgment and rejection, it might seem easier to suppress our conscious thoughts and ideas, and simply hide in the Consciousness Closet.

Reason #2 - Loss of Connection!

Maybe we're not afraid of being judged and alienated by our sleepy friends or family, but rather, we no longer have any interest in discussing the same old mundane or materialistic topics with unconscious people.

Reason #3 - Relating to Sleepy Folks is Depleting!

While our sleepy friends and family are still trying to relate to us from an unconscious wave length (because that is all they know), if we mirror their energy, we can easily slip back into unconsciousness, and since this can be very depleting, we might choose to hide in the Consciousness Closet where we can avoid these relationships and protect our energy.

Whether we hide in the Consciousness Closet in order to avoid negative reactions from unconscious people or because we don't want to feel bored or depleted, sooner or later, we have to ask ourselves, how conscious can we really be while suppressing our True Selves?

Furthermore, if the majority of conscious people choose to hide in the Consciousness Closet, how can global consciousness evolve?

Consciousness Cannot Evolve in the Closet!

While many conscious people feel that they're here to make a difference in the world, this cannot happen while suppressing consciousness and hiding in the closet!

Additionally, we might want to consider that as one of the first to awaken, it's quite possible that we have an unspoken responsibility to help our families and communities wake-up.

Therefore, rather than suppressing our expanded consciousness around those less conscious, maybe it's time to openly share our views, experiences and knowledge, and when appropriate, maybe even provide some guidance.

Although many people are not yet willing to wake-up, you might actually be surprised by who is!

Before we continue, however, let's be clear that regardless of whether a person is awake or asleep, it has absolutely no bearing on his or her worth, and this means that no one is any better or worse than anyone else.

Since everyone is inevitably waking up, one's level of consciousness simply indicates their current "location" on the journey of awakening.

Come Out of the Closet and Be Conscious!

So, if you're ready to come out of the Consciousness Closet and help others awaken, it's important to participate in conscious communication and connection.

Therefore, you must know two important things:

-How to consciously communicate and connect with less conscious people.

-How to maintain a high level of consciousness without being pulled down.

#1 - Consciously Connect and Communicate

As the more conscious person in a relationship, if you want to connect, it's your job to cultivate the connection.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that engaging in a conversation with an unconscious person can feel like nails scratching on a chalk board.

However, it only feels this way because we are perceiving the person through our own judgment, and, therefore, if we want to communicate with someone less conscious, it's necessary to drop all judgments.

Moreover, keeping in mind that every time we push, preach or project our views about life or spirituality, we're actually asking others to question the beliefs that have shaped their entire lives.

No matter how well-meaning you might be, if you challenge or contradict a person's beliefs, they'll likely feel threatened and close down, and if they feel judged, they'll probably become defensive and judge in return.

Consequently, they'll miss or dismiss your new ideas or even treat you like you have the plague.

Therefore, if you want to help someone awaken, it's up to you to create a non-judgmental space where it's safe for them to explore new ideas.

Furthermore, since it's impossible to connect with anyone you're looking down upon, it's important to meet people exactly where they are, and this means "speaking their language" and not expecting them to speak yours.

Maybe you're thinking,

"Why do I have to be the one making all the effort?"

Well, you are the only one who can! You see, while people with lower consciousness cannot move into higher consciousness until they experience a significant shift, those with higher consciousness have a greater capacity to relate to everyone.

Some Good Communication Rules to Follow!

Since it's usually best to approach new ideas when a person is more open and receptive, don't launch into a potentially controversial subject when someone is having a bad day.

Instead, patiently wait for the right opportunity - and when you do share, follow these simple rules:

-Don't get into a debate.

-Don't judge anyone's beliefs.

-Don't act like you know better.

-Don't be attached to the outcome.

-Don't share with people who are clearly not interested.

-Don't try to convince someone that their lives will improve if they mirror yours.

In a nutshell, if you push, preach or project your views or beliefs, you'll only seem self-righteous and you'll likely be met with protest.

And, remember, if you don't want people to judge you, don't judge them!

Consider that when the time is right, you might want to share a book or article on a particular topic or you might even introduce a new concept through a third party approach.

For instance, you might say something like,

"My friend 'so and so' told me about an amazing experience she had at a meditation group," or, "I just read this book about some interesting new ideas."

And, then, if your words are received with an inquisitive response, do your best to share more information in a relaxed and inviting manner - without expecting a specific response or outcome.

Introducing someone to more conscious concepts is often a process that takes time, but, if you're patient and non-judgmental, and you wait for the right opportunities, the "long game" has been known to pay off in surprising ways.

#2 - Maintain Your Consciousness

As consciousness rises and we awaken, our vibration naturally rises accordingly.

However, until we're anchored in a higher state of consciousness, vibration can easily fluctuate. Therefore, when you relate to less conscious people, be careful not to compromise your vibration by lowering your consciousness to meet theirs.

So, rather than allowing your high vibration to be influenced by someone's lower vibration, you must be responsible for your own energy, and this means that it's important to avoid 3 major pitfalls:

-Don't Get Enrolled:

Unconscious people often want to enroll us in their reality, and once we believe their stories of victimhood or scarcity, our high vibe entrains with their low vibe - and we end up feeling very, very bad.

-Say "No" to Sympathy:

We might also lower our vibration and take on someone's energy if we feel sorry for them or judge their experience.

-Don't Assume Responsibility:

Additionally, if we believe that it's our job to change someone's negative circumstances or if we believe that we are responsible for making them feel better, we automatically take on their energy and align with their vibration.

Overall, in order to maintain a high vibration while interacting with less conscious people, avoid getting enrolled in anyone's story, replace judgment and sympathy with compassion, and never take responsibility for another person's experience.

In a nutshell, the more you cultivate and maintain a high vibration, the less likely your vibration will be "pulled down" and the more likely others can "tune up" to your vibration, thereby helping them awaken.

Even though it can be quite challenging to communicate with less conscious people, keep in mind that the more conscious person in any relationship is responsible for the tone of the relationship.

Therefore, blaming an unconscious person for making you feel bad is not only useless, it's also disempowering for both of you, and, consequently, there's no way to improve the dynamics of the relationship.

You just never know who's waking-up!

So, you know all those people you thought would never wake-up?

Well, they're waking up too and they may be hiding in the closet just like you! For instance, a dear friend once told me that I was the only one he could really talk to because all his other friends were still asleep.

Well, one day, I met one of his friends privately, and after spending the better part of a day walking on Venice Beach and talking openly, he confided that I was the only person he could really talk to because everyone he knew was still asleep.

"How interesting!" I thought.

Now, here were two good friends, both feeling alone and alienated, and yet, they were too afraid to speak openly with one another.

But, of course, this isn't an isolated situation. Since then, I have witnessed the same dynamic many times over. Needless to say, the moral of the story is that you just never know who might be awakening.

So, maybe you too know people who are secretly awakening, and maybe like you, they're also hiding in the Consciousness Closet, and if so, this could mean that some of the people you're hiding from might also be hiding from you.

The EYE Rollers

Over the years, I've discovered that when people outwardly protest new ideas or quietly show signs of non-verbal judgment, such as rolling their eyes, they're actually listening to what's being said.

In fact, when people negatively react to new ideas, those ideas are often recorded in their subconscious minds for later playback, and this means that when the time is right, they'll remember what you said.

Since we can never know what seeps into someone's consciousness, I say let the "eye rollers" roll their eyes and let the "naysayers" say their nays!

But, remember, most of all, even if someone rejects your ideas, it doesn't mean that they are rejecting you - so don't take anything personally!

Believe it or not, it's none of your business what anyone thinks about you anyway!

So, if you want to "be the change you want to see in the world," the first step is coming out of closet and sharing your consciousness...!

by Nanice Ellis
December 04, 2018
from Wakeup-World Website

Consciousness and Awakening

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Secret war centers on SWIFT after George Bush Sr. is executed

December 10, 2018

Since the death of Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George Bush Sr., the battle for control of the world’s financial system, and thus of the process of deciding humanity’s future, is now centering on control of the SWIFT international interbank electronic transfer system.

A final battle is taking place between the 13 bloodlines which have traditionally controlled the planet, and the meritocratic Gnostic Illuminati who control the U.S. military-industrial complex, multiple sources agree. The battle is heading for a climax of sorts now that George Bush Senior has been “executed,” as confirmed by both Pentagon and CIA sources.

Here is what a CIA source had to say:

“I have been told by two sources that G.H.W. Scherff (Bush) was actually indicted on September 10, 2018 for crimes against humanity, child trafficking, sedition, and treason. He allegedly plea-bargained a deal with the military tribunal hearing his case, to be executed/suicided to keep his legacy intact for his family and the sheeple. Trump signed the death order. So was it a clone that was executed, since we also have intel that he died in June (another clone). I think Bush/Scherff actually died in January 1992, choking on sushi and then finished off by Barbara Bush with a poisoned cloth (as seen in the video posted last week). Military tribunals are set to begin on January 2, 2019.”

Pentagon sources, for their part, said U.S. President Donald “Trump was careful not give Bush 41 a state funeral, as this executed criminal was denied a horse and caisson like Reagan got.”

“To the victor belong the spoils, for Trump picked former Bush Attorney General Bill Parr as his next AG and he chose ‘the day that will live in infamy,’ December 7th [the Pearl Harbor anniversary] to do it,” the Pentagon source added.

The CIA source also wondered if Barr [Bush(?)] made “a deal to avoid military tribunals and then be ‘McCained’? (the term being used lately for execution/suicide). Maybe he flipped like Senator Lindsey Graham?”

The death of Bush, the former U.S. Ambassador to China whose brother handed over U.S. military secrets to that country (as did Hillary and Bill Clinton), means that the U.S. and China are also heading to a showdown as bloodline families seek Chinese protection, according to secret society sources.

Pentagon sources say the arrest of Chinese conglomerate Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou “is aimed to take down the Clintons and their treasonous ties to China back in the 1990s.” Chinese Freemasons previously admitted to this writer that they had invested heavily in getting Hillary Clinton elected as U.S. president because they had been promised a “United States of China,” including ASEAN, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan.

U.S. military intelligence also has confirmed to us previously that George Bush Sr. provided China with the technology needed to accurately guide their nuclear missiles. The purpose of the Clinton/Bush transfer of military technology to China was to make China more equal militarily with the G7 so that their planned “Gog versus Magog” end-times war would be sufficiently destructive to result in their planned artificial end times.

Instead, the religious fanatics behind this plan are going to face military tribunals “starting in January 2019,” Pentagon and CIA sources confirm.

To prepare for these tribunals, Pentagon sources say “Army Chief General Mark Milley was named as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to provide continuity and protect Trump into his second term.”

“This announcement was made unusually early to send a message to the Deep State, as the previous JCS Chairman was Army, and Army was chosen again over Air Force and Navy,” the source continued. Air Force and Navy brass have been heavily implicated in the planned World War III, which is why they are missing their turn to run the entire JCS, Defense Intelligence Agency sources note.

To understand what sort of world changes the U.S. military government is hoping for, let us take a look at what U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a speech delivered at the German Marshall Fund on December 4, 2018.

In this speech, Pompeo said we need to “ask if the current international order serves the good of its people as well as it could. And if not, we must ask how we can right it.” Later in his speech he made it clear that current international institutions like the World Bank, the IMF, the EU, the UN, the African Union, and the Organization of American States were all failing and needed root and branch reform.

Here are some excerpts from his speech:

“The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were chartered to help rebuild war-torn territories and promote private investment and growth. Today, these institutions often counsel countries who have mismanaged their economic affairs to impose austerity measures that inhibit growth and crowd out private sector actors…. Today at the United Nations, peacekeeping missions drag on for decades, no closer to peace…. The UN was founded as an organization that welcomed peace-loving nations. I ask: Today, does it continue to serve its mission faithfully? … Is the EU ensuring that the interests of countries and their citizens are placed before those of bureaucrats here in Brussels?”

However, Pompeo’s proposed solutions—to imitate what Trump was doing in the U.S. and to reassert the power of nation-states and of U.S. leadership—fell far short of the mark when it came to offering solutions to problems faced by the Western world and the planet as a whole.

He did not, for example, mention that the current financial system, controlled by a few interbred families, has devastated the middle class in the G7 and created huge gaps between the rich and the rest even in places like China. The situation is now such that 0.1% of the population controls more wealth than the bottom 90% of the population, and yet Pompeo did not propose a reset or jubilee to correct the situation.

Nor did Pompeo mention the fact that humanity has wiped out 60% of animal life since the 1970’s or offer any sort of solution.

In fact, Trump tweeted on December 8th that,

“The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third-world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment.”

For sure, the Paris Agreement was based on fraudulent science that “carbon causes global warming.” We won’t go into detail here, but look at this link for an egregious example:

However, at least they were trying. The White Dragon Society proposes an alternative which is to set up a meritocratically staffed future planning agency to preside over a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to stop environmental destruction and end poverty. This could also provide jobs to the “useless eaters” slated for mass murder by the Nazi faction that Trump has taken over. We would like to see the U.S. military government propose something similar and get China, India, and the rest of the world on board, too.

In any case, the global warming faction looks like it is losing the battle for the West, especially in France, headquarters of the global-warming Rothschild faction. Here, Pentagon sources say, “Former French Chief of Defense Staff who was fired by French President Emmanuel Macron, Army General Pierre de Villiers, is the people’s choice for Élysée Palace.” They add that Marine “Le Pen is mightier than the sword, and if she fails to be president, would be a good Prime Minister or Foreign Minister.”

The U.S. military government’s fight against the bloodlines, though, is far from over. Getting back to Pompeo’s speech and the top of this article, we note he said:

“America intends to lead—now and always. For example, here in Belgium in 1973, banks from 15 countries formed SWIFT to develop common standards for cross-border payments, and it’s now an integral part of our global financial infrastructure. SWIFT recently disconnected sanctioned Iranian banks from its platform because of the unacceptable risk they pose to a system—to the system as a whole.”

What he was alluding to here is a European (bloodline) and Chinese effort to get around U.S. SWIFT sanctions by setting up an alternative international payments system. That is still happening, with countries like India, Russia, and China dumping SWIFT in order to end U.S. control of the international financial infrastructure.

The U.S. has been fighting back by forcing regime change in European countries that try to get out of SWIFT, hence (in part) the troubles in France.

The other big battleground is Japan. Here on December 6th, Softbank Corp. experienced a four-hour shutdown of its mobile and line-based telecommunications network. Softbank has been working with Huawei (the name 華為 by the way, means “for China”) to sell its phones and use its payments system. There is also the suspicion that Softbank is using the IPO of its telecoms unit, set for December 19th, as a disguised way of selling the unit to China, more specifically Huawei, CIA sources say.

Please bear in mind that Softbank bought Fortress Asset management, which owns Musashi K.K., the company whose machines count more than 80% of Japan’s votes. Richard Koshimizu of the Independent Party of Japan has provided detailed evidence showing the company, founded by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobosuke Kishi, is used to steal Japanese elections.

It is also worth noting that the Abe government last week passed a law allowing Japan’s water resources to be privatized and presumably sold at a discount to Veolia, a company controlled by the French branch of the Rothschild family.

Also bear in mind that Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son has been offered at least $45 billion by Israeli (Rothschild) stooge Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Anyone want to bet on Son?

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

'Shiva Was An Extraterrestrial and Could Still Be Coming and Going'

The Facts:

-Sadguru takes time to explain the origins of the Hindu god Shiva, and how he was most likely an extraterrestrial being that may still be visiting our planet.
Reflect On:

-Ancient lore about visitors from other planets and dimensions has existed for a long time, and continues today. The evidence for it is strong, but our disbelief and the implications of this truth have us label it as mere 'interpretation' of history.

Ancient history is loaded with stories of beings from other worlds, flying objects and accounts of highly advanced technology. This goes far beyond mere ‘imagination’ and folklore simply because there is too much evidence, in multiple forms, that we are being visited and have been visited before. Take this example from Erick Von Daniken regarding the Eskimos:

The mythology of the Eskimos says that the first tribes were brought to the North by “gods” with brazen wings. The oldest American Indian Sagas mention a Thunderbird who introduced fire and fruit to them. The Mayan legend, with the Popol Vuh, tells us that the “gods” were able to recognize everything: the universe, the four cardinal points of the compass, and even the round shape of the earth. What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the earth is round? – Erich Von Daniken (Chariots of the Gods)

Another example I recently wrote about regarding possible extraterrestrial figures in ancient lore is the story of Quetzalcoatl. This figure was considered to be mythical tale. Spanish chronicler Juan de Torquemada states that Quetzalcoatl was ‘a fair and ruddy-complexioned man with a long beard.’ Another describes him as follows: “A mysterious person…a white man with strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes, and a flowing beard. He was dressed in a long, white robe reaching to his feet. He condemned sacrifices, except of fruits and flowers, and was known as the god of peace…When addressed on the subject of war he is reported to have stopped up his ears with his fingers.” (source) You can read more about that story here.

Again, there are stories like this throughout history, from various time periods across several cultures. It reminds me of the building of pyramids on Earth. I always ask myself, why would multiple civilizations around the world construct such a design when then had no contact or knowledge of each other? Why so obsessed with the pyramids, and why don’t we hear about all of them, like the Bosnian Pyramid Complex? The only cogent answer to all these questions is the simplest, as expounded upon by the ‘extraterrestrial interpretation.’

Why ‘Interpretation’?

The only reason the ancient extraterrestrial narrative is labelled as an ‘interpretation’ is because the findings are so significant and so paradigm-shifting, that it’s hard to accept as truth. Cognitive dissonance sets in. It’s similar to how the Church labelled scientists as heretics, only not as harsh.

New information that threatens the current paradigm of thought, no matter how compelling, has always faced ridicule and suppression by our supposed “intellectual authorities.” One thing is for certain, nobody should offer an opinion on this matter until they’ve looked into the phenomenon themselves and have familiarized themselves with the information. If not because of outright ignorance, these stories are not given credence because there is an intentional effort to hide them by those in the know, those in power. And so the most important truths and facts about our world are rarely presented to us above board. Most of the time they can only be discovered if we actually have the urge to dig around to find it, and digest it with an open mind. Otherwise we give our minds over to mainstream perception manipulation that still goes largely unnoticed today.

It’s still a difficult pattern to break, especially for a subject that we know has an “official campaign of secrecy and ridicule” (Hiellenkoetter, CIA) attached to it. Many people have been employed by the CIA and other agencies to do nothing other than debunk, ridicule, and spread misinformation about these matters. However, the information is growing so rapidly these misinformation efforts are losing their previous effectiveness. Check out this article for the latest mainstream evidence supporting the ‘extraterrestrial interpretation.’ And as we come to better understand the truth about extraterrestrial presence today, it becomes much easier to look back into the past, to the many great and fantastic accounts written, and see them as real-life descriptions of extraterrestrial encounters.

Sadhguru on Shiva

Below is a video of Sadhguru, one of many scholars in the field who, when you listen to him, reveals himself as a true student of esoteric ancient philosophy, physics, and metaphysics. He tells a short story about Shiva, who was considered to be a God by the people in ancient India. Sadhguru explains how the story of Shiva and it’s origins, and even the Mountain where he supposedly resided, is full of evidence suggesting high intelligence most likely from another place. He provides multiple points cited in Shiva’s story that have him arrive at that conclusion.

He explains how Shiva was surrounded by friends who were odd looking, different, and not human. Most of the time they were described as demons by the people, simply because they looked different. Shiva could also not impregnate a human woman in the traditional way, because his alien sperm did not work. His children were born in a different way. He explains how multiple non-human women were brought in to help with the process.

All these things suggest that he came from elsewhere, did what he wanted to do, and went back and periodically he went and came at different times, this could have happened over many thousands of years, still coming and going, still coming and going …

Sadhguru cites multiple references in the literature explaining how Shiva is not human, and even describes a vast intelligence that must have been behind the creation of Mount Kailash, a mountain attributed to to Shiva as being his home as mentioned above. Sadhguru explains how Kailash isn’t a place on Earth, either.

He also describes some paranormal experiences he’s had with these beings. “Literally, these beings went after my ring finger…with so much force.”

They know our ways, or they taught us these ways, or they made us this way. We don’t know how much of a role they’ve played in our making, but definitely…It didn’t come from here, there was a deeper understanding elsewhere and it was just brought it us. He came at a certain time, as a youth, and he left as a youth. He was not born here, nor did he die here.

Many spiritual leaders have been outspoken about this topic, here’s another example from the Dalai Lama.

More From Ancient India

Ancient Indian lore is fascinating from the extraterrestrial perspective. In the Mahabharata, Vimanas are described. Vimana is a Sanskrit word that has multiple meanings, usually referred to as the palace of a god or an emperor, a sort of vehicle. Today the word means aircraft.

One Veda epic that dates back to the the fourth/fifth century, B.C describes a Vimana as a “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.” ( Von Daniken, Erich, Chariots of The Gods)

In the Mahabharata, measurements are even given for one of the Vimanas. It’s described as having twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels, approximately 20 to 25 feet in circumference, and about seven feet in diameter. (Mahabharata VIII.31.80)

Here’s a study published in the International Journal of Science and Engineering going into some detail about them.

Vimanas were kept in Vimana Griha, or hanger, were said to be propelled by a yellowish-white-liquid, and were used for various purposes. Airships were present all over the world. The plain of Nazca in Peru is very famous for appearing from the high altitude to be a rather elaborate, if confusing airfield. Some researchers have theorized that this was some sort of Atlantean outpost. We do not know what our ancestors understood by them. In the Amarangasutradhara five flying machines were originally built. Later there were some additions. Four main types of flying Vimanas are described: Rukma, Sundara, Tripura and Sakuna. The Rukma were conical in shape and dyed gold, whereas the Sundata were like rockets and had a silver sheen.

“They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets.” The Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, “powered by winged lighting…it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.” (Von Daniken) Perhaps this is how Shiva travelled?

Another interesting story that comes from the Mahabharata reveals the history of the “unmarried Kunti,” who not only received a visit from the sun god but also had a son by him, a son who is supposed to have been as radiant as the sun itself. This matches stories in numerous ancient texts in numerous cultures and religions, stories of ‘gods’ interbreeding with humans, like the story of Moses, or like Gilgamesh, or Arjuna in the Mahabharata, or the Nephilim in the Bible (a few of many examples). It also eerily correlates to abductions of modern day, forced abduction as well as friendly extraterrestrial encounters that many people report today.

There are commonalities everywhere even from different accounts. There could probably be thousands of books written on this subject alone, it’s vast, and hard to understand. But there is one thing in common, a theme that’s continued till throughout this day, and that’s people coming from elsewhere.

The Takeaway

The idea that we are not alone in the universe has been subjected to vast amounts of secrecy. Within the past few years, the tip of the iceberg has emerged in the public domain in the form of witness testimony, video footage, pictures, and radar tracking reports. This subject is no longer taboo, and nobody can really deny the fact that that there is legitimate, abundant evidence that we are being visited, and have been visited for a long time. It’s an important subject that, as I’ve said before, leaves no aspect of humanity untouched and has tremendous implications in all fields.

When it comes to ancient history, archaeology and anthropology, there is no shortage of evidence and information. The problem is, it’s largely been ignored or brushed under the rug due to social stigmatization. Take the field of anthropology, for example. UFOs should be a staple in academia, especially in that field. Below is a great statement from an anthropologists from a paper that outlines the point I just made above.

The case of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) highlights the precarious context for our discipline, and for academia. By centering this examination on how anthropologists have dealt (or failed to deal) with UFOs, it becomes clear exactly how anthropologists are subject to the very processes of demarcation, stigmatizing, and epistemic alignments that are often arrayed against the subjects of our research. -Ryan Jonathan Cook

The takeaway here is to not be afraid to speak your truth or voice your opinion on a topic that’s ridiculed by the mainstream. Stick to your own education, your evidence and your intellect to determine what’s what, instead of simply following the crowd. We must question what we’ve been told and made to believe, and why we have such a hostile attitude towards other concepts of reality that are clearly valid.

Other sources used:

UFOs for the 21st Century Mind, By Richard Dolan

December 10, 2018 By Arjun Walia