In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pope Francis fired as 13 bloodlines, Gnostic Illuminati negotiate end of Western civil war

March 11, 2019

Pope Francis has been relieved of power as a part of a deal being negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the 13 ruling bloodlines, say two sources, one a European royal, the other a Pentagon boss. The two Western power centers, one based on meritocracy, the other on historical rule, have agreed to a jubilee and a massive campaign to “save the planet,” the sources say.

The Gnostic Illuminati, strongest in the military-industrial complex, and the bloodlines, who control finance and the media, agreed to compromise because they have to present a united Western front in order to make a deal with a resurgent Asia, they said.

Francis, who may stay on as a figurehead, was relieved of power because of the fiasco over convicted pedophile Cardinal Pell who ran the Vatican Bank, the sources say. The Vatican and the Vatican Bank with its 6,000 bribery accounts of so-called “world leaders” are now run by “a troika of cardinals,” the Pentagon source says.

In public, this fundamental change can be seen in the fact that ten cardinals have been defrocked recently. The most recent was French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who was convicted last week of covering up pedophilia.

Here is what the representative of the 13 bloodlines had to say about the situation: “Cardinal Pell was an admission and acceptance of the Satanic Practices at our orders.” He added that the other cardinals were removed as part of a process of “weaning them off” of Satanic practices. “Pope Francis was fired because he was too high-profile in the National Cyber Security Center. His past life in Argentina came back to haunt him. Nobody—nobody in the outside world—is allowed to occupy office if they cannot be controlled by their compromise,” the source said.

Furthermore, today (March 11, 2019) is the eighth anniversary of the mass-murder attack against Fukushima, Japan, and the deal is being reached in part because the bloodlines were threatened with retaliation for this attack unless they reached a deal, Asian secret society sources say.

In addition, Asian secret society sources say the West needs to finish cleaning itself up before a final agreement on saving the planet can be reached.

On this front, a sustained attack against Zionism, the main source of Western evil, is a good sign. “The truthful words of Representative Ilhan Omar about Zionist influence over the U.S. Congress (not based on votes—there are only nine million Jewish voters—but rather on bribery and blackmail and lies) have thrown the Democratic Party into a crisis that could lead to its demise. CIA and Pentagon sources say Jared Kushner and John Bolton will be dismissed from the White House soon, and President Trump will disclose 9/11 truth in such a way as to terminate Zionist influence over the U.S. economy, government, and society,” was how former CIA operations officer Robert David Steele described the situation.

A Pentagon source agreed, saying “Zionism is dead. Their lobby was neutered as the House passed a resolution 407 to 23 that did not rebuke Ilhan Omar but watered down anti-Semitism, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired her Jewish chief of staff Danny Weiss.”

Now Syria has formally warned Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights, or face war.

Syria did this because it has the backing of Turkey, Russia, and Iran to force Israel to respect international law, while the U.S. military has made it clear that it will not fight for Israel, according to Pentagon and other sources.

The royal family and Pentagon sources both confirmed that Israel’s nuclear arsenal—its “Samson option”—has been neutralized, which is why that rogue state can now be forced to cease its messianic anti-social behavior. If they think God wanted them to murder over 100 million people so they could rebuild an ancient temple, they clearly do not understand God.

Meanwhile inside the U.S., targeted assassinations of key individuals have been taking place at an accelerated pace in order to restore democracy and the rule of law, CIA sources say. “The hammer is about to drop, as Attorney General Bill Barr met John Huber prior to FISA declassification and mass arrests,” a Pentagon source noted. The source was referring to the fact that Huber is being forced to finally take action against Hillary Clinton, Obama, etc. for Uranium One, etc.

The pharmacidical industry is also “under assault as Eli Lilly was forced to introduce generic insulin at half price while FDA director and Big Pharma shill Scott Gottlieb was fired for pushing states to cancel vaccine exemptions,” the Pentagon sources note. This move to make vaccines mandatory was a desperate last-ditch attempt by the Khararian mafia to use toxic vaccines to murder a large percentage of the population in an attempt to save themselves from justice, CIA sources note.

A huge, secret war is also being waged by the Khazarian mafia to grab control of Africa’s resources in a desperate attempt to avoid the bankruptcy of their Washington, D.C.-based United States Corporation, say Mossad and CIA sources. Africa is nearly twice as big as Russia and larger than Canada, and bigger than China plus the U.S. combined. The last thing the Khazarian mafia wants is for Africans to take back control of their own resources.

The most visible recent move in this secret war was the downing on Sunday of an Ethiopian Boeing 737 aircraft. Mossad sources say the aircraft was remotely hijacked and its passengers, including 19 UN officials, were killed as part of an attempt to disrupt a UN conference aimed at ending poverty and environmental destruction in Africa.

However, the remote hijacking of this aircraft is looking to have been a really stupid move by the Khazarians and is likely to lead to the bankruptcy of the Boeing Corporation. That is because it is the second time in four months that a Boeing aircraft has been crashed via remote control by the Khazarian mafia. China, Ethiopian Air (Africa’s largest airline), and the Cayman Islands have grounded all Boeing 737s, and other airlines and countries are sure to follow until the remote-control hijackers are removed from control of Boeing.

It is certainly no coincidence that after all military officers left the Trump regime, a Boeing executive, Patrick Shanahan, was made Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense. Shanahan has no real power over the U.S. military, because they no longer obey the bankrupt Washington, D.C.-based corporate government, Pentagon sources say. Here is what an X-files source had to say about the situation: “Many of the lizard families have shares in Boeing, and Boeing is tied up with Lockheed Martian [sic] as well.”

In any case, the secret battle for Africa is continuing on other fronts, especially over control of mineral resources. Hints of this war can be seen in various recent news headlines. The most bizarre was the story about diamond billionaire Ehud Lanaido dying “during penis enlargement surgery.”

In fact, “he was taken to a special private clinic on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris late at night, long after the clinic was closed,” a Mossad source said. “He was a direct competitor of Benny Steinmetz, who up until a few months ago was on the run from several governments, including Belgium and Africa, for billions of dollars allegedly owed in back taxes from illegal purchases and sales of rough and polished diamonds smuggled out of Angola and Sierra Leone for many years,” the source continued.

“These two diamond dealers, among the biggest in the world of diamond trading, were targeted by those at the very top. One was removed, and one was put back on his pedestal as King of the business. Notice how close the timing is on the rise and fall of the two titans,” the source noted.

Here is the second headline he was referring to: “Mining Billionaire Ends Bitter Guinea Dispute After Months of Secret Negotiations.”

If you read the article, you can see that Steinmetz was helped by a who’s who in the Zionist Khazarian mafia, including George Soros (i.e., his cut-out), Tony Blair, and Nicholas Sarkozy.

Also related to this was the news that Indian diamond mogul Nirov Modi is to be extradited. Modi allegedly absconded with over 2 billion dollars from Indian banks. “I am told that he will be picked up and become the ‘poster child’ for the legal system to show the world that you cannot escape the long arm of justice,” the Mossad source said. “Don’t forget, he is not one of the inside ‘boys’—the wrong bloodline, and thus expendable in this Game of Thrones with the Khazarian Zionists,” he added.

Further developments related to the ongoing African resource grab can be seen in a letter to the editor sent by the Khoi-San peoples, who warned of the use of a fake king in an attempt to steal their land and resources.

The Khazarian mafia are also attempting a similar resource grab in South America. There, the latest move was the use of cyber and energy weapons to sabotage Venezuela’s energy grid.

The rest of the world has agreed to continue funding the U.S. military and transform them into a benevolent planetary protection force. They can start earning their money by rounding up all these criminals and either putting them in jail or killing them.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Deep State Desperation Surges Sky High Anew

As many know by now, the Deep State’s financial power and influence are leveraged in part on the petrodollar that is itself anchored on the oil production of Saudi Arabia, among other smaller oil producers in the region, and in the war industry itself. Both sectors are now being compromised.

India will not be buying its submarines from anywhere else other than Russia. The recent success of knocking down US branded F-16 jets using an older MiG-21 was proof enough that you’ll get what you’ll be paying for with something Russian. Just ask SpaceX CEO Elon Mush whose recent use of Russian rocket engine enabled his Crew Dragon to successfully dock another Russian spacecraft Mir space station [now called ISS].

The Deep State’s foreign influence across the Atlantic and in Latin America continue to deteriorate, too. Germany won’t be participating in any measures to poke at the bear just to raise the bar of shadow conflict or Cold War 2.0 between the US and Russia to push sandwiched countries to buy more arms for themselves from grossly overpriced Made in USA war materiel.

As ridiculous as it may sound, but the US clients may need to pay 50% more for the “privilege” of hosting these war machines in their territory.

Frustrated by its allies’ lagging military spending, the Trump administration is reportedly drawing up demands that countries where US troops are stationed pay the full cost – and then some – for the ‘privilege’.

The White House is drawing up demands that Germany, Japan, South Korea and eventually every other country ‘hosting’ US troops on its soil pay “cost plus 50” – 150 percent – for their upkeep, including the soldiers’ salaries, Bloomberg reports, citing “a dozen” sources in the Trump administration.

The Pentagon was asked to gather data on the cost of keeping US troops abroad and countries’ contributions toward these expenses, several officials – again, anonymously – told AP on Friday. Countries whose policies “align closely” with the US would get an unspecified discount, according to these sources.
Is this still part of Trump’s idea to make America First, or is it his way of sabotaging the Deep State’s top industry of mass destruction?

The big markets for US warplanes and missile defense system are now moving away from anything US-made. These countries include India and some Europeans. So, by forcing these countries to spend much higher than their previous sizable military budgets, the US is just courting for more disaster within this sector.

India signs an agreement to lease another nuclear-powered attack submarine from Russia, while Turkey says it will begin deploying a Russian-made S-400 missile defense system in October.

Officials from both sides signed a $3.3 billion lease agreement for Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine in the Indian capital New Delhi on Thursday, defense officials said.

Under the deal, Moscow would deliver the submarine to the Indian Navy by 2025, according to defense sources, without providing further information.

India also signed another defense agreement worth $5 billion to purchase five Russian S-400 Triumf mobile units during a bilateral annual summit in October.

The US had warned India over buying Russian arms which it said would be in violation of the sanctions against buying weapons from Moscow

That happened shortly after Washington imposed sanctions on China for its Russian arms purchases and also further threatened Turkey that it would do the same if it finalized its own S-400 deal.

Moscow and Ankara, however, concluded an agreement on the delivery of the S-400 missile systems in December 2017.

Turkish Minister of Defense Hulusi Akar said on Friday that the acquisition of the missile systems was “not a preference for Turkey, but a necessary measure.”

“Deployment of the S-400 will begin in October, the air force is studying in which regions it is better to install them,” Akar added.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu also said earlier that no country has the right to try to prevent Turkey from purchasing the S-400.
 Even the Europeans have reduced their allocations for more US military equipment acquisitions, as early as 2011.

In 2011, the top 100 arms dealers sold 5% less compared to 2010. Susan Jackson, a SIPRI defense expert, said in an email to 24/7 Wall St. that austerity measures in Western Europe and the U.S. have delayed or slowed the procurement of different weapons systems. Austerity concerns have exacerbated matters. Federal budget cuts that took effect in March mean military spending could contract by more than $500 billion over the coming decade unless policymakers negotiate a pullback on the mandated cuts.

In addition, the U.S.’ involvement in conflicts abroad continue to wind down. The last American convoy in Iraq left the country in December 2011. Troop withdrawals from Afghanistan also began in 2011. Finally, SIPRI pointed out sanctions on arms transfers to Libya have contributed to declining arms sales.

Many defense contractors are looking overseas to make up for slowing sales in the U.S. and Europe. Arms producers are especially keen on Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Asia, Jackson said. For instance, BAE is securing contracts with Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the chief financial officer of Northrop Grumman has recently indicated his company may sell its Global Hawk airplane to South Korea or Japan.

Can you see why all of the above potential clients are constantly being pushed to the edge of conflict right now?

Among those recent provocations to start a border war was the “terrorist attack” on Indian police personnel that resulted in a tit-for-tat shooting down of warplanes between Pakistan and India.

All countries are now well aware about who really controls all terror organizations around the world, and they are beginning to stand up for their own respective interest by boycotting all the Deep State controlled corporations in any way they can.

Pakistan itself has vowed for the complete eradication of terror cells inside the country.

“This government will not allow Pakistan’s land to be used for any kind of outside terrorism,” said Khan while addressing a public rally in southern Pakistan on Friday. “We will not allow any terror group to function in our country now.”

Even in Latin America, the Deep State is experiencing a fall out as Colombia refuses to be part of the recent clandestine armed intervention in Venezuela using its border with the latter. So, the Deep State operatives within the Trump administration has initiated what is now called an “electric energy warfare” against Venezuela by using US Special Forces that are already in the region.

The blackout affected 23 of the country’s 24 states on Thursday evening after an “attack” on the Guri Dam, a large hydroelectric facility in east Venezuela, according to the minister of electrical power, Luis Motta Domínguez.

The power failure stopped subway service in the capital Caracas and caused many problems around the country.

“The electric energy war declared and directed by the US imperialists against our people will be destroyed,” Motta wrote in a Twitter post on Thursday. “Nothing and nobody will win over” the people of Venezuela, he added.

Nowhere else is the desperation more obvious when 50 tons of Syrian gold were smuggled by the US Army from ISIS positions in Syria. Said assets were paid by ISIS leadership in exchange for safe havens in Canada, US and UK.

Members of the House of Saud are also killing each other, so the fate of the petrodollar is beyond redemption.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has escaped an assassination attempt by his brother Bandar bin Salman, an Israeli newspaper reports.

Bin Salman’s brother had promised an officer in charge of protecting the crown prince 10 million Saudi rials if he assassinated the powerful heir to rule the kingdom, Makor Rishon reported earlier this week.

The plot, however, was uncovered beforehand by bin Salman who ordered the arrest of his brother and the security officer, it added.

The report cannot be independently verified.

According to the Israeli newspaper, a new security team described as a rapid response unit had been formed to protect the crown prince inside the kingdom and abroad following the plot.

The alleged assassination attempt came after the British daily The Guardian reported rising tensions between bin Salman and his father, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, over important policy issues.

This is why another sector right inside the US is experiencing an ongoing carnage, i.e. the retail industry, which could not stand against the mighty Chinese garment production that is easily accessible online.

Dubbed as the “Retail Apocalypse,” a staggering 465 store closures are being reported across big names like Gap, JCPenny, Victoria’s Secret and Foot Locker, just a few days ago.

Following government shutdown delays, data for Dec and Jan spending and income collapsed on Friday. This was one of the most significant drops in consumer spending since the financial crash.

As if the situation wasn’t already dire enough, US consumers dialed back their spending in the last several months has put a sizeable dent into sales growth and foot traffic at US malls.

Last month, we noted that the “Retail Apocalypse” Isn’t Over: It Is Only Just Getting Started”.

We were right.

Fox 5 NY is reporting that major chains such as Gap, JCPenney, Victoria’s Secret and Foot Locker have all announced massive closures, totaling more than 465 stores in the last 48 hours.

A sad list of US retail companies that have gone busted in the last 9 years includes 32 companies, with 12,770 stores affected and 175,714 employees who lost their jobs, is available on this link.

The bankruptcy of the United States is nowhere more visible than in the ongoing Federal government shutdown that is just being put under artificial resuscitation.

Even the Vatican is experiencing a tectonic shake up with the massive exposé of one of its Satanic practices involving child rape and human sacrifice by predator high ranking priests.

For choosing to play hardball, the Alliance has no other recourse but to squeeze even tighter the noose around all sources of funds for the Deep State, and American citizens will be its immediate collateral victims. This should force the Americans to revolt soon and effect a fundamental regime change right inside their own corporate government, or they can keep their peace while the cowboys will supposedly do their patriotic duty to save the “republic.”

Whatever the case might be, these are the reasons why the more productive and more knowledgeable of what’s to come in the foreseeable future are leaving the US mainland in search for better economic opportunities abroad, and for a more comfortable, cost effective retirement. This phenomenon is not just happening in the age of Trump but much earlier.

Ever dream of leaving it all behind and heading out of America? You’re not the only one. A new study shows that more US citizens than ever before are living outside of the country.

According to statistics from the US State Department, around 6.4 million Americans are either working or studying overseas, which Gallup says is the largest number ever for such statistic.

The polling organization came across the number after conducting surveys in 135 outside nations and the information behind the numbers reveal that this isn’t exactly a longtime coming either — numbers have skyrocketed only in recent years. In the 24 months before polling began, the number of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 living abroad managed to surge from barely 1 percent to over 5.1 percent. For those under the age span wishing to move overseas, the percentage has jumped in the same amount of time from 15 percent to 40.

While the United States of America was at one point (and largely still is) a magnet for foreigners in search of work, the statistics makes it clear that an opposite trend is quickly picking up steam.

“There’s a feeling among more entrepreneurial Americans that if you really want to get anything done, you have to get out of country and away from the depressing atmosphere,” Bob Adams of America Wave tells Reuters. “There’s a sense of lost direction, so more people are looking for locations that offer more hope about the future.”

The scenario that we prefer is America that is truly free and prosperous, and not controlled by fascist Nazionists, who have arrested Bradly “Chelsea” Manning again just to pin down Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

These fascists still think that after the great fall, they could put Humpty Dumpty together again.

March 9, 2019 GeoPolitics101

Did Hillary Clinton sell Secret Space Program technologies to China?

The anonymous group Q (aka QAnon), which has strong ties to the Trump administration and U.S. military intelligence, claims that former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, orchestrated a pay-to-play scheme where classified information was uploaded to her private servers, which were deliberately left susceptible to hacking from foreign entities. Among these entities was China which used the classified material from Special Access Programs and Sensitive Compartmented Information found on the Clinton servers to learn about advanced technologies deployed by the U.S. military in space.

There is documentary evidence that Clinton was granted access to classified information on space technologies, and this was a topic covered in her emails discussing a range of issues including a possible UFO disclosure initiative. According to the information provided by Q, Clinton’s ultimate goal was to sell classified information that would allow China to bridge the technological gap with a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force, rather than genuinely disclosing the truth behind the UFO phenomenon.

Q has posted multiple times on Clinton selling America’s technological secrets to China during the period between January 21, 2009 and February 1, 2013 when she was US Secretary of State, and had access to advanced technology secrets including spy satellites and other space assets.

The most recent post was today, March 13 (post #3045). It is worth breaking down the post to distill what Q is communicating about Clinton’s access to Special Access Programs (SAPs) and Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI]. Q communicates information by raising leading questions, which the reader is expected to research and answer using previous information reveald by Q:


Q is here explaining that Clinton made special arrangements within the Department of State in order to gain access to SAP/SCI material outside of normal security protocols. Her bypassing of established security protocols for digital information made it possible for foreign entities to hack into her private servers to gain access to the classified material according to Q:

Did a Foreign State gain access to the server?
Did a Foreign State gain access to the SAP/SCI material on the server?

The link is to an article by The Hill debunking an August 28 tweet by President Donald Trump that China had hacked into Clinton’s private server.

Hillary Clinton’s Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 29, 2018

The point Q is making by linking to the article by The Hill, which Q regards as a prominent part of the fake news establishment, is to identify China as the “Foreign State” that had gained “access to the SAP/SCI material on the server”, just as Trump had tweeted.

In an earlier September 4, 2018 post (#2077), Q makes it crystal clear that China had hacked into the Clinton servers, and this was part of a pay-to-play scheme:

Ex 1 – ‘Being Afraid’
Does HRC care about you?
If she cared about protecting you…
Would she sell out America’s secrets and Uranium to China/Russia [Ex 1]?

In yet another post, on February 22, 2018, Q says that Clinton [HRC] was operating with the CIA [Clowns] in selling technological secrets to China:

Clowns revealed in China/other.
Sold intel?
HRC open source server?
[Missing emails]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].

Basically, Q is revealing that Clinton’s scheme of selling advanced technology secrets through susceptible private servers was sanctioned by the Deep State, which was betraying the US national interest.

It was determined by the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, Charles McCullough, that included among the emails sent and stored on Clinton’s private servers was classified information concerning Special Access Programs (SAPs). In a letter dated January 14, 2016, Charles McCullough wrote:

To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.

Fox News, which was the first comment on McCullough’s letter, described its significance:

Intelligence from a “special access program,” or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as “top secret” – as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton’s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a “need-to-know” because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection — or a human asset — at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated “classified” have been found on Clinton’s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time.

It’s worth emphasizing that the SAP information was found in only random sample of the Clinton emails, suggesting a great many more lay among the 1,340 classified emails that were sent and stored on the Clinton private server.

Declassified Freedom of Information Act documents confirm that Clinton has had an interest in UFOs dating back to 1995, and that during the 2016 election campaign, she and her campaign chief, John Podesta, had raised the UFO issue on several occasions. For example, on December 30, 2015, she said:

He [John Podesta] has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.

Clinton followed this up with a statement on Jimmy Kimmel Live in March 2016, where she discussed UFOs, or what she referred to now as “Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP). She pledged to release any UFO/UAP files that were not classified for national security reasons:

I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.

Documents leaked by Wikileaks confirm that the Clinton and Podesta were doing more than simply making comments in support of declassifying UFO/UAP information. Podesta was involved in meetings discussing the testimony of Major General William McCasland and other insiders about their knowledge of the UFO topic, and strategizing over how the Clinton campaign could support a disclosure initiative to release this information to the US public.

Given her historical interest in UFOs and publicly disclosing this information, it is all but certain that some of Clinton’s emails discussing the UFO topic were stored on her private server, and this encroached on SAP/SCI material concerning advanced space technologies.

According to Q, the SAP/SCI information sold by Clinton was covertly raising slush funds for the Deep State (Eye of Ra) as revealed in a December 22, 2017 post [#228]:

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein [Obama].
US loses space dominance.
IRAN Nuke deal.
NK Nuke/Missile Tech.
NASA Tech to ?
HRC SAPs (private server).
$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).
Left eye [marker].

Significantly, Q was referring to North Korea as a recipient of NASA’s technology secrets and mentioned Elon Musk’s Space X as playing a role. Presumably, the Deep State was helping North Korea develop its ballistic missile capabilities with the latest rocket technologies developed by NASA and, incredibly, Space X.

To learn more about the kind of SAP information Clinton was including in her emails, we can turn to a Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI] Nondisclosure Agreement she signed on January 12, 2009, which outlined her legal responsibilities. Importantly, her Nondisclosure Agreement reveals four SCI control systems (which cover material from multiple SAP’s) she would have access to.

Among the four SCI control systems accessed by Clinton was Talent Keyhole (TK) which is described as a “top-level control system” involving a number of surveillance platforms in very high altitudes and space:

TK covers space-based IMINT (Imagery intelligence), SIGINT (Signals intelligence), and MASINT (Measurement and signature intelligence) collection platforms; related processing and analysis techniques; and research, design, and operation of these platforms… The original TALENT compartment was created in the mid-1950s for the U-2. In 1960, it was broadened to cover all national aerial reconnaissance (to later include SR-71 sourced imagery) and the KEYHOLE compartment was created for satellite intelligence. [Source: Wikipedia]

Put simply, Talent Keyhole is surveillance data gained from America’s most highly classified space platforms, which allegedly only involves data from spy satellites the U.S. Air Force and its partners in the military intelligence community (National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency) has sent into space.

In reality, however, the USAF and its partners have secretly developed and deployed far more advanced technologies in space as acknowledged by Q in a post dated September 19, 2018 (2224) where they answered several questions raised on the 8chan forum:


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?

False, moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

Q was here acknowledging that secret space programs are real and the information is classified at a very high level “outside of public domain”. This refers to Special Access Programs that are associated with the Talent Keyhole control system that Clinton was granted “need to know” access to.

According to my research into secret space programs, the USAF has deployed manned space stations, along with orbital weapons platforms incorporating destructive technologies such as “Rods of Gods” and “Directed Energy Weapons”.

These are all part of a USAF run secret space program, which operates advanced antigravity craft from sensitive facilities such as Nevada’s Area 51, the Utah Test and Training Range, Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and Florida’s McDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command.

In late 2017, different shaped antigravity platforms such as flying triangles, rectangles and cylindrical craft were photographed near McDill AFB in a disclosure initiative being conducted by USAF Special Operations, which encouraged a local resident to take the photos for public dissemination.

The conclusion that can be drawn from Q’s posts is that included among the SAP/SCI material that Clinton was storing on her servers, was Talent Keyhole level information about the surveillance capabilities of the USAF run secret space program. This highly sensitive information appears to have been sold off in an illicit intelligence market to major U.S. rivals such as China and North Korea with the support of the Deep State and the CIA.

It is possible that Clinton’s interest in UFO disclosure, was used as a cover to discuss Talent Keyhole material in emails that would be saved on her private servers, and eventually accessed by Chinese and other foreign hackers.

From the documents and evidence that has been made public so far, it is clear that Clinton had SAP/SCI material on her private servers, and this included Talent Keyhole level material which she had been granted “need to know” access. This makes Q’s claims that Clinton was selling off America’s advanced technology secrets to China and North Korea very plausible.

Consequently, the possibility that Clinton was part of a Deep State/CIA plan to funnel technological secrets, including information about a USAF run secret space program, to China, North Korea and other foreign entities, demands a serious investigation.

Indeed, some of the more than 80,000 sealed cases that have been identified in PACER judicial records, may involve charges of treason against Deep State officials involved in selling off America’s advanced technology secrets.

It can be hoped that as more information is released in anticipated criminal/military trials that Q contends are imminent, that these provide the opportunity for official disclosure of a USAF secret space program, and the release of advanced technologies that would greatly benefit the general public.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. on March 13, 2019.

Further Reading

How to Find True Freedom

None of the agonies of suppression, nor the brutal discipline of conforming to a pattern, has led to truth. To come upon truth, the mind must be completely free, without a spot of distortion.

But first, let us ask ourselves if we really want to be free? When we talk of freedom are we talking about complete freedom or about freedom from some inconvenient or unpleasant or some undesirable thing? We would like to be free from painful and ugly memories and unhappy experiences but keep our pleasurable, satisfying ideologies, formulas and relationships. But to keep one without the other is impossible, for, as we have seen, pleasure is inseparable from pain.

So it is for each one of us to decide whether or not we want to be completely free. If we say we do, then we must understand the nature and structure of freedom.

Is it freedom when you are free from something – free from pain, free from some kind of anxiety? Or is freedom itself something entirely different?

Are You Really Free?

You can be free from jealousy, say, but isn’t that freedom a reaction and therefore not freedom at all? You can be free from dogma very easily, by analysing it, by kicking it out, but the motive for that freedom from dogma has its own reaction, because the desire to be free from a dogma may be that it is no longer fashionable or convenient. Or you can be free from nationalism because you believe in internationalism, or because you feel it is no longer economically necessary to cling to this silly nationalistic dogma, with its flag and all that rubbish. You can easily put that away. Or you may react against some spiritual or political leader who has promised you freedom as a result of discipline or revolt. But has such rationalism, such logical conclusion, anything to do with freedom?

If you say you are free from something, it is a reaction which will then become another reaction, which will bring about another conformity, another form of domination. In this way, you can have a chain of reactions and accept each reaction as freedom. But it is not freedom; it is merely a continuity of a modified past which the mind clings to.

The youth of today, like all youth, are in revolt against society and that is a good thing in itself, but revolt is not freedom because when you revolt, it is a reaction and that reaction sets up its own pattern. And you get caught in that pattern. You think it is something new, it is not; it is the old in a different mould. Any social or political revolt will inevitably revert to the good old bourgeois mentality.

Freedom is a State of Mind

Freedom comes only when you see and act, never through revolt. The seeing is the acting and such action is as instantaneous as when you see danger. Then there is no cerebration, no discussion or hesitation; the danger itself compels the act, and therefore, to see is to act and to be free.

Freedom is a state of mind – not freedom from something but a sense of freedom, a freedom to doubt and question everything and therefore so intense, active and vigorous that it throws away every form of dependence, slavery, conformity and acceptance. Such freedom implies being completely alone. But can the mind brought up in a culture so dependent on environment and its own tendencies ever find that freedom which is complete solitude, and in which there is no leadership, no tradition and no authority?

This solitude is an inward state of mind which is not dependent on any stimulus or any knowledge and is not the result of any experience or conclusion. Most of us, inwardly, are never alone. There is a difference between isolation; cutting oneself off, and aloneness, solitude. We all know what it is to be isolated – building a wall around oneself in order never to be hurt, never to be vulnerable, or cultivating detachment which is another form of agony, or living in some dreamy ivory tower of ideology. Aloneness is something quite different.

Living with Yourself as You Are

You are never alone because you are full of all the memories, all the conditioning, all the mutterings of yesterday; your mind is never clear of all the rubbish it has accumulated. To be alone you must die to the past. When you are alone, totally alone, not belonging to any family, any nation, any culture, any particular continent, there is that sense of being an outsider. The man who is completely alone in this way is innocent and it is this innocency that frees the mind from sorrow.

We carry about with us the burden of what thousands of people have said and the memories of all our misfortunes. To abandon all that totally is to be alone, and the mind that is alone is not only innocent but young – not in time or age, but young, innocent, alive at whatever age – and only such a mind can see that which is truth and that which is not measurable by words.

In this solitude, you will begin to understand the necessity of living with yourself as you are, not as you think you should be or as you have been. See if you can look at yourself without any tremor, any false modesty, any fear, any justification or condemnation – just live with yourself as you actually are.

The Caring of Observation

It is only when you live with something intimately that you begin to understand it. But the moment you get used to it – get used to your own anxiety or envy or whatever it is – you are no longer living with it. If you live by a river, after a few days you do not hear the sound of the water any more, or if you have a picture in the room which you see every day you lose it after a week. It is the same with the mountains, the valleys, the trees – the same with your family, your husband, your wife. But to live with something like jealousy, envy or anxiety you must never get used to it, never accept it. You must care for it as you would care for a newly planted tree, protect it against the sun, against the storm. You must care for it, not condemn it or justify it. Therefore you begin to love it. When you care for it, you are beginning to love it. It is not that you love being envious or anxious, as so many people do, but rather that you care for watching.

So can you – can you and I – live with what we actually are, knowing ourselves to be dull, envious, fearful, believing we have tremendous affection when we have not, getting easily hurt, easily flattered and bored? Can we live with all that, neither accepting it nor denying it, but just observing it without becoming morbid, depressed or elated?

If You Say, ‘I am Free’, Then You are Not Free

Now let us ask ourselves a further question. Is this freedom, this solitude, this coming into contact with the whole structure of what we are in ourselves – is it to become upon through time? That is, is freedom to be achieved through a gradual process? Obviously not, because as soon as you introduce time you are enslaving yourself more and more. You cannot become free gradually. It is not a matter of time.

The next question is, can you become conscious of that freedom? If you say, ‘I am free’, then you are not free. It is like a man saying, ‘I am happy‘. The moment he says, ‘I am happy’ he is living in a memory of something that has gone. Freedom can only come about naturally, not through wishing, wanting, longing. Nor will you find it by creating an image of what you think it is. To come upon it, the mind has to learn to look at life, which is a vast movement, without the bondage of time, for freedom lies beyond the field of consciousness.

J. Krishnamurti
Waking Times

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Alliance vs Deep State: The Final Showdown!

Is this the final showdown?

What is happening with the sealed indictments?

All questions answered and revealed on today's episode on Edge of Wonder in our part 3 series with David Wilcock. [Probably the best one yet]

Watch the rest of the episodes in this exclusive interview with David Wilcock:

David Wilcock Part 1 (Mass Arrests):

David Wilcock Part 2 (Dark Technology):

David Wilcock Part 3 (Ultimate Showdown): You're watching it!

David Wilcock Part 4 (Alliance Strikes Back):

David Wilcock Part 5 (The Great Awakening):

An Open Secret - Full movie:

The Masonic Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood (Masonic Brotherhood really) is part of the western Illuminati. Do not be taken for a ride!

The Masonic origins of the Islamists movements, and their true goal to undermine Islam and fight for Western Zionist Powers such as Britain and the United States of America. The Muslim Brotherhood has acted as a clever technique to recruit agent-provocateurs for the Illuminati. The lowest ranks may sincerely believe they are defending Islam, and confronting “Western imperialism”. However, these various terrorist groups, through representing different factions, are part of a single network serving the same Illuminati cause.
When we explore the political and financial connections of the terrorists, we find that these are not merely wayward fanatics, operating in isolation, but that their channels penetrate to the upper reaches of power, in the British and American governments, and outward into the nether regions of the occult and criminal underworlds.
They are being organized in a Ukrainian-style high-tech electronic fashion with large internet-linked networks of youth tied to Mohammed ElBaradei and the banned and murky secret Muslim Brotherhood, whose links to British and American intelligence and freemasonry are widely reported.
Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent…states in his report on Iran’s Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by “the great names of British Middle East intelligence”…and that their mission was to “keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted…”
The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance. Without the British, “radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous.”
The real Muslim Brothers are…the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.
By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.
Why is the western Illuminati fomenting revolution in the Middle East to overthrow their own puppets and install the Muslim Brotherhood? It cannot be for peace. If they want peace, they will continue with their existing puppets. The real agenda is the Satanic World War 3 plan! They intend to trigger their Greater Middle East war in which the Muslim Middle East and Zionist ’666′ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit will be destroyed! They want to destroy the 2 major religions oppose to ’666′ ie.: Islam and Christianity! Many Christian sheeple will fall when they see Zionist ’666′ Israel destroyed !
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. …. more!
by DEBKAfile Exclusive Report,
Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has given King Abdullah II notice that he has until October to bow to their demand to transform the Hashemite Kingdom into a constitutional monarchy or face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication. debkafile’s Middle East sources report that Israeli and Saudi intelligence watchers are becoming increasingly concerned about the approaching climax of the conflict in Amman between Islamists and the throne .
For Israel, an upheaval in Jordan bodes the tightening of the Islamist noose around its borders – Egypt and Libya to the south and Syria to the north, with unpredictable consequences with regard to Jordan’s Palestinian population. Saudi Arabia, already threatened by Iranian aggression, fears the oil kingdom may be next in line if its northern neighbor is crushed under the marching feet of the “Arab Spring.” The oil kingdom’s royal rulers are reported to have belatedly woken up to the peril and are in a panic. They realize that their preoccupation with helping Syrian rebels overthrow Bashar Assad misdirected their attention from the enemies lurking at their own door. Thousands of articles in the Arab press in the past year have predicted that after the Muslim Brotherhood seizes power in Damascus, Amman would be next in its sights followed by Riyadh. The latest DEBKA-Net-Weekly of Sept. 21 analyzed the plight closing in on the Jordanian monarch and outlined three of his options:
1. He could bow to the main Muslim Brotherhood’s demand by submitting to the kingdom’s transition to a constitutional monarchy and the transfer of executive power to an MB-led government by means of the electoral reforms for which the Brothers have been pushing for years. In Jordan as in Egypt, the Brothers hope for a two-third majority in a free election.
2. He could stand up to the Brotherhood’s demands and order his security, intelligence and military forces to crack down on the opposition. This course carries the risk of plunging Jordan into the carnage of civil war among the diverse segments of the population. The biggest dangers come from the Bedouin tribes, whose traditional allegiance to the Hashemite throne has weakened in recent years, and the Palestinians who form 60 percent of the population.
3. He could seek to negotiate a compromise through various brokers. Our sources report that several attempts at mediation have been ventured of late, but got nowhere because the Muslim Brotherhood sent its most radical leaders to the table and they left very little margin for compromise. According to sources at the royal court, Abdullah will very soon meet with MB leaders for a personal appeal for calm after years of heated debate. Most observers believe that he has left it too late and by now the Muslim Brotherhood has got the bit between its teeth. Indeed, according to an internal memorandum leaked to the Al-Hayat newspaper, the MB has already set a date for mass demonstrations against the King to start on Oct. 10 and ordered its members to go to work at once to mobilize at least 50,000 demonstrators for daily protests against the king and the royal family until he bows to their will.
The memorandum states: “Every member must be dedicated to communicate with his relatives, close friends, acquaintances, fellow employees and various Islamic groups and patriots…” It calls for the formation of “hotbeds to… focus on the participation of groups affiliated with universities, schools and women’s organizations.” Protesters are also advised on tactics for overcoming a security crackdown. Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has therefore moved forward from opposition propaganda, debating and political pressure to activism against the throne. Both Jordanian camps are anxiously watching to see which way the wind blows in the White House.
President Barack Obama has a balancing act to resolve: On the one hand, the Jordanian king has long been a staunch American ally and friend, its mainstay in many regional crises. On the other, Obama regards the Muslim Brotherhood as the linchpin of his external policy of outreach to the Muslim world.

Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence

Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent…states in his report on Iran’s Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by « the great names of British Middle East intelligence »…and that their mission was to « keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted… »

The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.

Without the British, « radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous. »

The real Muslim Brothers are…the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.

The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize and destroy Western civilization.

They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank.

The globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

The Muslim Brotherhood Exposed By A Former Member