In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Thursday, October 31, 2024










Hello, readers! Welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white, but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues). You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also, please feel free to add any other information you have regarding the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

Today, we embark on another thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics.


We begin our journey with new insights into Tartaria—this time, in California.

Where the 200 Fallen Angels May Gather

In the series “Occult,” Katt Williams decodes the Book of Enoch and the fallen angels.


More history has been deleted to protect the ruling elite.

It was 1946, and this lost educational film on despotism was required curriculum at every high school in America. The associated test, 11 pages long, quizzed students on the concepts. By 1967, this film was removed from all libraries.


Alcohol carries several physical health risks that can have long-lasting effects. Heavy or prolonged drinking puts a strain on the liver, often leading to conditions like hepatitis, fatty liver, or even cirrhosis, which can be fatal. Beyond the liver, alcohol increases blood pressure and raises the likelihood of heart disease, stroke, and some cancers, including those of the mouth, throat, and breast. The immune system is also compromised, making heavy drinkers more prone to infections and slower recovery from illnesses.

Mentally, alcohol can worsen mood disorders like anxiety and depression due to its depressant effect on the brain. While people often drink to relax, alcohol actually disrupts brain chemistry and impairs emotional regulation, which can amplify mental health challenges over time. Additionally, the risk of developing alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder is high with consistent drinking. Addiction to alcohol disrupts daily life, leading to cycles of guilt, withdrawal, and a feeling of dependence that can be difficult to escape.

Socially, alcohol impairs judgment, reaction times, and motor skills, increasing the risk of accidents, particularly when driving. Alcohol consumption can also lead to heightened aggression and impulsivity, which can strain relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Over time, alcohol dependency can lead to job loss, financial instability, and a decline in one’s quality of life, creating a ripple effect that impacts not only the individual but also those around them.


Ingredients: Borax, Baking Soda, Soap Nuts, Soda Ash. Mix and match and have fun with it.

Baking Soda: Commonly known for its ability to neutralize odors and act as a gentle abrasive, baking soda is also said to help detoxify the body by removing radiation particles. It is often used in wellness circles for its alkaline properties and mild detox effects.

Borax: Also known as sodium borate, borax is often used as a natural cleaner. Nano’s do not like borax! Borax has a repelling or neutralizing effect on certain nano-sized particles, possibly microorganisms or toxins. Additionally, borax aids in removing fluoride from the body.

Soap Nuts: These are natural fruits from the Sapindus tree, traditionally used as a natural cleanser and soap alternative. Soap nuts contain saponin, a natural surfactant that creates a gentle, soapy lather when mixed with water, making them useful in homemade cleaners or for washing.

Soda Ash: Soda ash, or sodium carbonate, is commonly used in household cleaning and laundry for its alkaline properties, which help in breaking down grime and softening water.

German Ring

In the 16th century, German craftsmen designed a fascinating type of ring that could unfold into a miniature armillary sphere, a model used in astronomy to represent the celestial sphere. These rings appeared to be regular jewelry at first glance but were ingeniously engineered to expand into a series of interlocking hoops, forming a spherical structure resembling the layers of the heavens.

Such rings served as practical tools for astronomers, allowing them to perform calculations or model celestial bodies’ positions. The design became popular again in the 19th century, with astronomers appreciating these rings for both their functional and aesthetic value. Today, they are admired as intricate examples of historical scientific instruments and jewelry.

For the Make-It-Yourself Enthusiasts


How to make a super Wi-Fi signal receiver with copper plates? This is very interesting, especially because it’s portable! We hope this helps someone out there.


The 13 bloodlines and their origins.

Understand that these bloodlines go back beyond Utnapishtim (Noah), back to the earliest recorded form of civilization in Mesopotamia/Babylon.

The Enlil/Enki factions.

The fight between the liberation of humanity and the enslavement of humanity boils down to the dominion of royal bloodlines.

More News Released from the US Space Force


The U.S. Space Force’s X-37B will soon begin new secretive tests, signaling future space defense capabilities. The U.S. Space Force’s mysterious X-37B space plane is about to test a series of novel maneuvers high above the Earth.

A variant of NASA’s X-37A space plane, designed by Boeing, the X-37B has remained a subject of secrecy. The upcoming tests aim to ensure the platform’s viability in the face of an increasing likelihood of space being a battleground in future conflicts.

See the attached link for more details:

The U.S. Space Force’s X-37B Will Soon Begin New Secretive Tests, Signaling Future Space Defense Capabilities


The US Military Industrial Complex chemtrail patent proves the existence of chemtrails.


An example of reality manipulation.

Many things we may not see or understand until we look at them from a different perspective.

UFO Videos

1. Light orbs seen over Buffalo, New York, October 2024.

2. A sphere-shaped UAP seen over New Mexico, USA, October 2024.

3. An apparent UFO seen over Panama, October 9, 2024.

4. Dancing light orbs seen in the sky over Spain, October 2024.

5. Three light orbs seen over the Philippines, October 2024.

6. A large UFO seen over France, October 2024.

End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>


How To Escape Your Slavery

Except for Star Souls, the Cabal system always steals your soul

People themselves are the system

Every child is originally born as a king and complete sovereign, but taught by its parents that it’s completely stupid, dependent, incapable of making its own decisions, so everything must be decided for it by others.

If the child shows displeasure and starts to argue or cry, it’s punished. This is a basic preparation for further demoralisation of the little person, because in order to accept a complete programme from the Matrix, it must first deny itself internally.

To understand that it is unworthy, inferior, stupid and useless. They say we should be grateful that we have a system that tells us who we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to believe and what we’re supposed to do with our lives.

Everyone is told that you don’t need to invent anything new because other people who understand it much better than you have already invented everything for you, so it would be a waste of time.

So a lot of people find it unnecessary to think for themselves, and even more of them are incapable of doing so. They always have to go and ask someone else what to do.

Taking responsibility for one’s own life and health really scares a lot of people. Much to the delight of the pharmaceutical industry, the church and other systems that drain people of energy, time, health and money.

It’s not just about how individuals who are not dangerous to the system are educated, but they themselves form the system. The individual is thrown into the hands of slavery and transformed into a person who’s perfectly suited to their system.

Do you ask why? Because they do not want you to be able to escape slavery.

The whole system is pyramidal. At the bottom are the ordinary people and at the top are the people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, the maternal and the secondary. Both pyramids have to be circumvented, otherwise you get lost in them.

The system tries in every way to prevent you from circumventing them and puts obstacles in your way – temptations and manipulative demands. It offers you credit to make you a slave to money. It steals your time so that you don’t have the opportunity to fulfil your true mission and find the reason why you were born here.

An abundance of time for people is pure poison for the system.

It offers you a tempting job or project that you can’t refuse, or perhaps enjoyable hobbies to obsess over and waste your time with.

The maternal pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels who take their orders from the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them on to other levels, the secondary levels. The secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.

Another trap in the system is called the “pendulum”. Now it is about mechanical harm to people. These are car accidents, murders and others that prevent you from continuing on your path.

You are offered poisonous food and if you eat it you go into the secondary pyramid. The secondary pyramid is supposed to catch all the people who never got caught in the clutches of money and credit and never allowed their time to be stolen.

Their bodies would begin to fade after eating unhealthy food, their minds would deteriorate and they would go to the doctor.

The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its stages in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Each person is responsible for his own body and must never leave it in the hands of others.

The system is always trying to steal your soul. Some people even sell it willingly for money and fame.

But don’t worry, this message is actually very constructive. It was created at the request of an indigo girl whom I have personally met. She has tremendous psychic abilities, she can levitate, astral travel, but most importantly – she is clairvoyant.

This girl saw the future of this planet and asked me to bring this message to all humanity.

The following questions will tell you if you are a Star Soul

You have probably heard of Star Souls and wondered if you are one. This group has further sub-categories into which it can be divided. They are the Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal ‘children’ – although most of them are now adults.

Star Souls are people who have been sent here from many corners of the Universe for various reasons. All of these people have unique abilities and their mission is to bring peace and a shift in consciousness to the people of this planet. Some are nature oriented and others are much more concerned with humanity.

If you want to know if you are a Star Soul, just ask yourself.

Here are five basic questions to ask yourself. If you find that it’s a good fit for you, then do your research and delve deeper into the world of Star Souls.

You might be surprised at what you discover about yourself.

Are you an Indigo child?

  1. Do you fight authority?
  2. Do you feel you deserve to be on this planet?
  3. Are you uncomfortable with conformity?
  4. Are you highly empathetic?
  5. Do you sleep a lot during the day?

Indigo souls have been incarnating here for at least a hundred years. They have healing abilities, they can sense auras and harmonise them. They tend to be much more intelligent and sensitive than most people. They stand out in the group because they seem very unique. They are very emotional and passionate, sometimes these feelings can overwhelm them.

Are you a Crystal Child?

  1. Are you too gentle with other people?
  2. Are you very artistic?
  3. Do you often see or hear spirits or your spirit guides?
  4. Are you fearless?
  5. Do you hate conflict?

Crystal Children are placed here to reveal to the rest of the world the powers that we all have within us. This group tends to work together rather than separately and is able to help others reach a higher state of consciousness. They are very forgiving and loving beings.

Are you a Rainbow Child?

  1. Are you a personality with a lot of energy to give?
  2. Do you tend to be even more energetic/active than most people?
  3. Are you an expressive, strong personality?
  4. Do you have the ability to heal others?
  5. Do you often feel out of place in society?

You have come to help people evolve. They try to bring joy and harmony to those they love and are always in a good mood. You’re not the kind of person who sees things too darkly, even in the worst situation you’ll find something to like.

If you answered yes to all of the above questions for a group, then it is possible that you belong to that group.

Indigo children

An Indigo child is an enhanced copy of humanity, a term coined in 1970 by a parapsychologist with the gift of ‘synaesthesia’, a mixture of senses and clairvoyance, to analyse these very different children.

Indigo’s auric field is dominated by a royal blue colour. This brought about a change in human evolution and their indigo aura.

Gifted children with a clear mission to challenge and change reality were first recognised in the 1970s. As well as being psychic, they are highly motivated and creative, with a perception that sees through the established norms of society.

They are ancient souls on a mission to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create more peace and harmony for all.

Readers will ask, who are they?

Some examples are: Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, your author his wife, their youngest son and penultimate grandson.

Indigo children are destined to make changes, to challenge society and expose the flaws in the existing system. Once this mission is complete, they must drastically change their purpose in life. They are destined to be present on planet Earth at this time.

Other characteristics are: strong-willed, an old soul, independent, easily bored, prone to restless sleep, seeking deep and lasting friendships and a good relationship with plants and/or animals.

One of the most blessed qualities of Indigo children is their integrity. They carry it within them and can sense when others are being dishonest. They may not always see this as a gift, for the world can be corrupt and uncaring. However, they carry a deep conscience because they are often ‘right’, even though they may not be able to confirm this with certainty.

Most Indigo children are no longer children. They have been on Earth for a long time, many have grown up, and it is possible that you reading these lines are one of them.

You never know. What might have brought you to this page, perhaps an obsessive question that keeps you awake? Or maybe you know this about yourself, you see your indigo aura and you’re just curious which generation you probably belong to.

Crystal Children, Rainbow Children and Star Children

These are all different manifestations or variations of the concept of Indigo. Crystal Children are believed to be the offspring of Indigos, while a Star Seed is the umbrella term for a soul from another part of the Universe who has incarnated here on Earth.

These children are aware of being much more multidimensional than what is considered the ‘norm’ today. Many have a deep understanding of their multidimensional reality and speak of helping humanity to awaken to a higher state of consciousness. They may also be aware of contact with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences.

“They are a race of beings on the planet, growing in numbers, though visually and physically indistinguishable from ordinary citizens. They are the “Bringers of Light” and are here to guide the awakening of Earth consciousness”.

All of these new children are being born without a programme and will bring about a global awakening. – says an expert on the subject.

Although it may not seem so at first glance, each of these groups is very important to the evolution of humanity, and if you belong to one of them, you have been placed here with an important mission. You will help (or are already helping) to change the world for the better.


Also read:

5 Indigo Generations: Which One Is Yours
Indigo Children: Saviours of Planet Earth?
Incredible Powers Every Star and Indigo Child Can Have
Star Girl claims she can heal water and asks humanity to wake up from their slumber

Our liberation can only be achieved if the masses wake up and rise up to protest against, among other things, false information and unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

  1. A mass awakening
  2. The collapse of the monetary system, or
  3. Removal by alien intervention

Remember this and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!

For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and E-book format.



Share this with everyone you know!

The New Age has finally arrived! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing.

Many will ask: when is the big change coming? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses.

Spread the word!

To be continued when time tells us more …

Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.

Putin Releases 4,000 Page Report Exposing How Elites Have Rigged 2024 US Election

The US presidential election has been rigged to ensure the people do not choose the president, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 4,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist elites.

According to Putin, the global elite believe the consequences of the US election are far too important to allow the American people to decide the outcome, and the 4,000 page report lists Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and George and Alex Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against the USA.

Putin has patiently gathered evidence, but according to Russian sources, he now believes the moment has arrived to expose the globalist deception and enlighten the public about the elite’s true agenda.

According to Democrats and the mainstream media, voter fraud does not exist. For decades, crimes have been perpetrated before the eyes of the public, and anybody who dares to object has been labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”

In 2024, the truth is finally starting to emerge. Brave men and women all over the world are rejecting mainstream media brainwashing and refusing to submit to the diktats of the globalist elite.

All across the United States, and particularly in the swing states, citizens are having their vote taken away by the global elite who are determined to install the candidate of their choice.

As Nancy Pelosi said, Democrats are cold-blooded and they find ways to win the races that count.

Illegal ballot harvesting schemes are being used to rig elections across the country, with a forensic focus on key races that will determine the outcome of the November 5 election.

And as the people of the world continue to wake up to the crimes of the elite, the time has come for justice to be served.

According to Putin, the US election has been rigged and the global elite left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.

Democrats have been hiding in plain sight for years, running what Joe Biden described as the most extensive voter fraud organization in history.

Remember when Hillary Clinton introduced her good friend George Soros and explained his interest in US elections? That’s right, not US politics. US elections.

But thanks to people like yourself who have refused to be cowed in the face of blatant gaslighting and psychological manipulation, times are changing and we are destroying the propaganda machine.

People are waking up and demanding accountability. For the first time in modern history, we’re on the verge of real change, with investigations underway and justice finally within reach.

The Lancaster county board of elections just announced they have uncovered a major voter fraud scheme in crucial swing state Pennsylvania.

According to the Board, up to 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications were dropped off in two batches shortly before the deadline.

Authorities believe a large scale criminal organization is behind this fraud, and the District Attorney has vowed to investigate and hold them responsible.

Barack Obama wasn’t joking when he told a campaign event in 2008 that Democrats control the voting machines.

Some things don’t change. Earlier this year, white hat hackers found vulnerabilities in voting machines used in US elections, but the authorities said there is not enough time before the election to do anything about it. Huh?!

Of course, mainstream media in the West is doing everything it can to suppress these reports and the news that voter fraud even exists.

The mainstream media has morphed into a domestic enemy of the United States working to destroy the Republic from within, and Barack Obama is directly responsible..

Obviously they forgot to tell the executives at Google who are on record boasting they have rigged 41 elections for the authoritarian global elite in the last 16 years.

For the record, Google executives met with Obama behind closed doors at the White House as astonishing 427 time during his presidency.

But of course, they could not have been discussing anything to do with using Google’s icy grip on information flows to influence elections – because as Democrats say, voter fraud doesn’t exist.

And obviously the Democrats responsible for maintaining the roll of 320,000 “ghost voters” actively registered to vote in November’s election in must-win Michigan, Detroit could not possibly be engaging in voter fraud.

Ghost voters are shadows who linger on voter rolls after their real inhabitants have either died or moved interstate. Without voter ID, anybody can show up and vote as a ghost voter – once, twice, or 320,000 times.

Democrats are resorting to a trick used by corrupt Zimbabwean election officials in 2008.

Remember, this is the party whose lawyers openly admit that if the DNC wants to ignore the votes in primary elections and pick their nominees in cigar smoke-filled back rooms, it is their legal right to do so.

The global elite are determined to select the next president while ignoring the votes of the people. They have already selected the Democratic nominee without bothering to run a primary election.

As far as they are concerned, the presidential election is next.

The system has been set up to allow maximum opportunity for fraud and now states including Arizona are saying that it could take 10 to 13 days to tabulate their votes, allowing plenty of time for more post-election rigging.

This is unacceptable and opens the door to fraud.

Taiwan just held their election. They require photo ID and use paper ballots. They hand-count the votes of each station one by one, in public view. There are no mail ballots. It’s all done in 6 hours.


These are critical times and here at TPV we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before its too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the Rumble channel and joining the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team. I hope to see you there.

South Africa Files 750 Pages of ‘Overwhelming’ Evidence in ICJ Genocide Case Against Israel

“The glaring genocide in Gaza is there for all who are not blinded by prejudice to see.”

South Africa filed 750 pages of “overwhelming” proof that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands on Monday, the deadline for submitting final evidence in the ongoing trial.

South African Ambassador to the Netherlands Vusi Madonsela delivered the legal document—known as a memorial—to the ICJ headquarters in the Dutch city. Under the court’s rules, the contents of the memorial cannot be made public at this time.

According to a statement from the office of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, the memorial is a “comprehensive presentation of the overwhelming evidence of genocide in Gaza.”

The office said the document “contains evidence which shows how the government of Israel has violated the Genocide Convention by promoting the destruction of Palestinians living in Gaza, physically killing them with an assortment of destructive weapons, depriving them access to humanitarian assistance, causing conditions of life which are aimed at their physical destruction, and ignoring and defying several provisional measures of the International Court of Justice, and using starvation as a weapon of war and to further Israel’s aims to depopulate Gaza through mass death and forced displacement of Palestinians.”

“The evidence will show that undergirding Israel’s genocidal acts is the special intent to commit genocide, a failure by Israel to prevent incitement to genocide, to prevent genocide itself, and its failure to punish those inciting and committing acts of genocide,” Ramaphosa’s office added.

South Africa’s filing comes amid Israel’s ongoing 387-day assault on Gaza, which according to Palestinian and international agencies has killed at least 43,020 people—most of them women and children. At least 101,110 others have been wounded and over 10,000 Gazans are missing and believed dead and buried beneath the rubble of hundreds of thousands of bombed homes and other structures. Millions more Palestinians have been forcibly displaced, starved, or sickened by Israel’s invasion and “complete siege” of Gaza.

The filing also comes one week after senior members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right Cabinet and national lawmakers spoke at a conference advocating the ethnic cleansing and recolonization of Gaza.

Ramaphosa’s office lamented that “Israel has been granted unprecedented impunity to breach international law and norms for as long as the United Nations Charter has been in existence.”

“Israel’s continued shredding of international law has imperiled the institutions of global governance that were established to hold all states accountable,” the presidency’s statement asserted. “The glaring genocide in Gaza is there for all who are not blinded by prejudice to see.”

Ramaphosa’s statement continues:

The Palestinian struggle against imperialism, Israeli apartheid, and settler colonialism is the daily reality of the Palestinian people. Since 1948, they have faced various forms of colonization, often backed by historical colonial powers and, more recently, by states intent on shaping a world order in their interests. The global fight against settler colonialism persists in some parts of the world, including in occupied Palestine, both in Gaza and the West Bank. The international community cannot stand idly by while innocent civilians—including women, children, hospital workers, humanitarian aid workers, and journalists—are killed for simply being. That is a world we cannot accept.

“We reiterate our appeal for an immediate cease-fire in Palestine, in Lebanon, and entire region, and the start of a political process to ensure a just and lasting peace,” Ramaphosa’s office added.

South Africa also thanked the more than 30 countries and regional blocs, including the African Union and Arab League, that are supporting its case.

It could take years for the ICJ to deliver judgment in the case. In July, the tribunal issued a nonbinding advisory opinion that Israel’s occupation of Palestine—including the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem, Gaza, and Syrian Golan Heights—is an illegal form of apartheid that must end “as rapidly as possible.”

South Africa’s filing came on the same day that Francesca Albanese, the U.N. special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, published a report on Israeli “genocide as colonial erasure” in Palestine.

Israel vehemently denies it is committing genocide in Gaza, a position shared by the Biden administration, the country’s main benefactor.

Palestine advocates welcomed Monday’s filing, with Council on American-Islamic Relations national executive director Nihad Awad thanking South African leaders “for helping expose the far-right Israeli government’s genocide and genocidal intent in Gaza to the world community.”

“This detailed submission also further exposes the Biden administration’s criminal complicity with Israel’s genocide in Gaza,” Awad added. “President [Joe] Biden should end his complicity with genocide by stopping arms deliveries to Israel and forcing an immediate cease-fire.”

The Biden administration and Congress have provided Israel with tens of billions of dollars worth of armed aid and diplomatic cover to continue its war.

Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, noted that “Israel has violated three prior orders from the court” and “has also violated the decision on Rafah of May.”

“Just after that decision, Biden put out his ridiculous statement that Israel had agreed to a cease-fire, which it obviously didn’t,” he continued. “The Biden administration’s phony ‘cease-fire negotiations’ maneuvers have simply bought Israel more time to commit more crimes, including its recent annihilation of northern Gaza.”

“Given Israel’s lack of respect for decisions of the court, it becomes imperative that these decisions have teeth,” Boyle added. “The U.S. veto at the U.N. Security Council has prevented that body from doing its job. So, the U.N. General Assembly should utilize its Uniting for Peace procedure to take control of the situation and recommend an arms embargo and economic sanctions against Israel as well as other measures. That’s what was done to apartheid South Africa because of its illegal occupation of Namibia.”

Source: (29 October 2024)

Monday, October 28, 2024






The Revolution Is Happening and It Is Being Televised

October 28, 2024

We are all witnessing a revolution unfolding in real time on our various screens and in real life. This is no ordinary revolution; it is the fall of ancient Babylon. The human race is being freed after coming within a hair’s breadth of becoming permanently enslaved in a giant animal farm run by a Satan-worshipping Babylonian cult. Their Talmud shows clearly how they see other human beings. It says they can murder, rape, cheat and enslave people who are not members of their tribe because the Goyim are sub-human animals.

What needs to be made very clear though is that these people are not Jewish. Most Jews grew up never even knowing the Talmud existed. Now, thanks to the internet, they do. What Jews are still only now just figuring out though, is they have been Babylonian slaves for millennia. If you read the real Babylonian history, for example, you will find that circumcision was ritual castration used to identify slave races. The ritually castrated real Jews -who follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you- were used as a Trojan horse to infiltrate societies. Once the helpful Jews ingratiated themselves, then the Babylonians would slowly take over society by taking over their elites. Over the millennia this has led to an immune reaction by the infiltrated societies. That is why the Babylonians have been booted out over a hundred times from various societiesover the years. Because of their Babylonian enslavement, the Jews also repeatedly faced collective punishment. As a result, a sort of Stockholm Syndrome emerged over the years where they clung to their enslavers for protection.

Many Christian groups have been infiltrated in a similar manner. That is why you see Christian Zionists supporting genocide in Gaza.

What is happening now is a mass rejection of Babylonian rule by the United States of America, the most powerful country the Babylonians ever conquered.

A great example of this came last week when 30,000 people came to a Kamala Harris rally in Houston that was billed as a Beyoncé concert. Everyone, including the media, believed the singer would perform after the announcement was made earlier in the week, but all she did was walk out and make a barely audible speech for a few minutes.

Beyoncé showed her support for Vice President Kamala Harris at a campaign rally focused on abortion rights in Houston on Friday.

— ABC News (@ABC) October 26, 2024

Of courseBeyoncé is one of the celebrities whose name keeps popping up in the P. Diddy trial. That is why many speculate she is supporting Kamala because she knows that if the Demonrats do not stay in power she will face justice for crimes against children.

In any case, when they did the bait and switch to Kamala, the crowd began heckling the Babylonian puppet candidate to the extent the rally descended into chaos. The Secret Service was barely able to prevent her from being lynched on the spot. The videos below show paid Kamala supporters being overwhelmed by the crowd as they desperately chant her name in unison.

People were heckling Kamala like crazy all night…the secret service was stressed out

— Alex Stein #99 (@alexstein99) October 26, 2024

This was not an isolated event. Wherever she goes she is heckled. What we are witnessing is the failure of Babylonian techniques of using blackmailed and bribed celebrities and influencers to manipulate society.

At this point, a majority of Americans are aware of the real and criminal nature of their government as seen in the illustration below.

This is why a revolution is underway.

There are also many visible signs the military and intelligence agency white hats are siding with the people by taking down the Babylonian Khazarian Mafia.

The death of Fethullah Gulen last week was one such sign.

Gulen was, according to Mossad sources, the heir to Sabbatai Zevi. Zevi founded the Sabbatean Frankist heresy. According to this heresy, it is up to the Jews to carry out the end-times prophecies of the bible. To do this, his cult infiltrated governments around the world. Members of this cult pretended to be Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc., but they really worshipped Satan.

Their goal was to divide humanity into two great groups -Gog and Magog- and get them to kill each other. Their aim was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to the Chabad heirs to this cult, after the mass murder, each Babylonian would have 2800 slaves.

In a sign of how influential this group was, one of their members, the Nazi Rudolf Hess (who was born in the Ottoman Empire) dictated Mein Kampf to Adolf Hitler, according to the former head of MI6 and other sources.

Hitler’s job was to chase the Jews out of Europe and into Israel in order to carry out their planned Gog/Magog war by pitting the Christians against the Muslims.

Now that the KM is facing mass arrests and war crimes tribunals, they are still desperately trying to start World War III.

The “Israeli” attack against Iran last week was a sign of this. They hoped to set off a chain reaction by provoking Iran into retaliating by destroying Israel with nuclear weapons.

However, the Israelis and MI6 conducted frantic back-channel negotiations with the Iranians following this attack The Rothschild family promised the Iranians up to $2 trillion in compensation if they refrained from retaliating against Israel for the attack. MI6 told the Iranians the attack was a false flag. The attack was carried out by paid KM mercenaries working in Iraq and not from Israel, they said.

As evidence Israel is under new management, they had a masked avatar of Satanyahu stand silently as demonstrators interrupted his speech at the event in Jerusalem to honor the victims of the self-inflicted October 7, 2023 attack.

The Iranians got the message. The KM are not going to be allowed to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card.

Instead, the KM leadership is being systematically rounded up. For example, last week a Dutch court ordered Bill Gates, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and many others to face charges of deliberately misleading people about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”

Since conservative estimates say the vaccines killed more than 15 million people, these are bigger crimes than the holocaust.

The fact that it is a Dutch court making these rulings is important because Holland is part of the West and home to the International Court of Justice. It means they have serious backing and Bill Gates etc, will have nowhere to escape.

The KM are freaking out big time because they know a Donald Trump presidency will mean their doom. 

In the video below the latest actor pretending to be President Joe Biden, to paraphrase, says “If we don’t lock up Trump he is going to kill us.”

Echoing this, a Kamala Harris actor with an obvious silicon mask tells the Vanderbilt kid Anderson Cooper that Trump is a “fascist.”

At another venue, she said, Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the death of six million Jews.”

Here you can watch MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski go absolutely unhinged in one of the most insane rants you’ll ever see. She hits damn near every buzzword/talking point:




-Veterans hoax

-Use Military on political opponents

-“He is killing us” (women)


-You “idiots” are not allowed to question the MSM and their Hitler allegations

“These are the deranged ramblings of a terrified propagandist, who knows her side is about to lose, and her complicity in treason will eventually come forth. This is insane rhetoric, based exclusively on lies. She is the daughter of KM Zionist Zbigniew Brzezinski. Do we need to say anything more?”, a Pentagon source comments.

“They are talking about themselves. They will be hunted down for sure and face military tribunals,” the source promises.  

Of course, the KM are hoping in vain they will be able to use the military to hunt down their opponents instead. As Robert F Kennedy Jr. points out, it was the Obiden regime that -for the first time in US history- authorized the American military to shoot and kill American citizens on US soil.

The problem is the US military under Commander in Chief Donald Trump are instead going to turn their guns on the KM network inside the US, Pentagon sources say.

Of course, Donald Trump is by no means perfect. The comments on Zero Hedge below a link to a three-hour talk he had with Joe Rogan show that many people are aware of this.

The majority of the comments noted neither the vaccine mass murder nor the genocide in Gaza came up during that talk. One commentator said it was a “word Caesar salad,” meaning it was a better-dressed version of Kamala’s incoherent blabbing.

Nonetheless, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò explains in an open letter why people must vote for Trump:

Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions, has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens…In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State…Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dens of indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards. In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients. Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences. They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters. And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs. Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet. Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo-humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.

However, Archbishop Vigano may be a bit naïve in thinking that Trump alone will be able to deal with the oligarchs at the top rank of the KM.

BlackRock’s Larry Fink even says the US election “doesn’t really matter” for markets. “I’m tired of hearing this is the biggest election in your lifetime,” Fink told a conference, “The reality is over time, it doesn’t matter,” he added.

He said that BlackRock works with both administrations and is “having conversations” with both Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Fink and his buddies appear to think they are invincible because they control weather warfare technology. As evidence of this, after being hit with heavy floods, snow and other weather warfare, Saudi Arabia canceled its’ plans to join BRICS. Now they are hosting BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and other top financial leaders this week in Riyadh.

They are all coming to the countries’ Future Investment Initiative – often dubbed Davos in the desert. There they are going to divvy up deals worth more than $28 billion over the coming week but don’t call it extortion.

Of course, hitting Saudi Arabia up for a few billion dollars is not going to help these people because they need trillions of dollars, not billions.

In a sign of just how desperate they are, they are pretending to use interest generated from stolen Russian assets to get “$50 billion for Ukraine.” Of course, Ukraine is just a money laundering front for the KM. People are now aware that Ukranian dictator Vladimir Zelensky is just a KM money launderer, which explains why nobody wants his book.

With the Ukraine money running out, now it turns out the World Bank has “misplaced” $41 billion set aside for “climate change.”

In a sign the KM is planning to use weather warfare to extort big-time money from the rest of the world, their “World Bank” is saying they will need $5 trillion a year for “climate change.”

Of course the Chinese, -who de facto control the US dollar and the international financial system- are not about to hand over any more money to these KM grifters, Asian secret society sources say. They have their own climate weapons and other secret weapons so they cannot be intimidated into supporting the KM and their puppet governments.

That is why the owners of Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street contacted the Planetary Liberation Alliance last week to sue for peace. A representative of the Western G7 group also independently contacted the white hat alliance with an offer of peace.

Both groups were told the Pentagon white hats, the British Commonwealth, the Russians and the Asian secret societies all supported the creation of a meritocratically staffed future planning agency to take over the functional parts of the old IMF/BIS/World Bank, etc. Bretton Woods institutions.

This agency would work for the people and the planet in complete transparency. Although an agreement in principle has been reached, the remaining pockets of KM control have to be cleaned up first, according to sources involved in the negotiations.

The biggest clean-up, of course, is of the international pedophile and child murder network. As former Club of Rome and UN high-level executive Calin Georgescu points out, this network causes over 8 million children to vanish every year.

Here is the latest evidence this is true:

A contract specialist from the General Services Administration (GSA) spoke with investigative reporter James O’Keefe about the federal government awarding a massive contract to an industrial-sized staffing agency to transport unaccompanied migrant kids across the country.

“My line in the sand moment was when I found out that GSA had awarded a contract to a company to transport unaccompanied minors,” GSA Senior Contract Specialist Clarissa Rippee told O’Keefe in a sitdown interview shared on X.

Rippee explained GSA, on behalf of the federal government, awarded MVM, a private security contractor with ties to the CIA, NSA, FBI, and Homeland Security, with a massive $347 million contract for the transportation services of unaccompanied minors across the United States.

Here is anecdotal evidence from one of my sources:

“I have friends in Los Angeles who are firefighters (one is an ex-chief of LA County) and they said that the places where they go pick up children who committed suicide are not within the very poor and less privileged areas of Los Angeles (of which are many) but in the Beverly Hills/Bel Air and all the surrounding affluent areas which are basically all the hills & valleys around the Getty Museum (heavily inhabited by Lubavitch-Chabad & hardcore Zionists Jews that have immigrated from all over the world). They said it is an extremely disturbing but sadly a common thing to go pick up very young children who hang themselves in their mansions bedrooms rooms or on outside garden trees…or they just purposefully overdose…AND they as firefighters are not allowed to neither write nor talk about it publicly…”

The massive explosion recently seen centered around the Getty Museum was a white hat operation to take out the child trafficking network in LA, white hat military sources say.

This was accompanied by the P. Diddy trial to make average Americans aware of the existence of these tunnels and the abuse that took place there.

Now here is the latest sign the pedophile networks are being taken down:

Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries and two others were arrested Tuesday as part of a criminal investigation into the alleged sex trafficking of more than a dozen victims, according to the FBI and federal prosecutors.

CIA sources warn that the KM are dangerous cornered rats and there is a high probability they will stage some final, horrific atrocities in the US and elsewhere before they are taken down. However, THEY WILL BE TAKEN DOWN.

There is also some kind of takedown going on in Mexico.

 Emilio Axcarraga Jean, the President of the Grupo Televisa media conglomerate just announced his resignation.,a%20funcionarios%20de%20la%20FIFA

This family controlled a catalogue of exclusive sexual services for high-level politicians at an international level, Mexican government sources say.

Televisa was able to expand internationally thanks to these sexual services, they say. “I personally met one of the drivers of that service. Every politician who came to Mexico was given a folder and, as if it were a menu, they offered him the service of his favorite artist. In fact, Fidel Castro exclusively asked for the guy with the guitar (Juan Gabriel) and in Russia, Veronica Castro was the key… obviously she gave satisfaction to the high command of the party.”

By the way, there seems to be some sort of ongoing attempt to take down the regime set up by Castro in Cuba. Nationwide power outages and massive anti-government riots are taking place there now.

Hopefully, soon Canadians will take similar action against Castro’s son Justin Castrudeau.

In any case, getting back to Mexico, our sources say the funder of Televisa, Azcarraga, together with Jose Maria de los Reyes and Fidel Velazquez was part of the Triumvirate that controlled Mexico for a long time. They were known as the Black Circle which controlled Mexican Freemasonry.

Now things are in a state of flux. According to the source, Mexico’s new President Claudia Sheinbaum recently performed traditional ceremonies with “Lunar witches” or worshipers of Coyolxauqui the Azetc goddess of vanity and abortions. This ceremony predicts a lot of death. Already there were 1,034 murders in the first 13 days of her six-year term.

There is also Freemasonry in Brazil. Mossad sources say many KM Zionists have fled to Southern Brazil thinking it is safe. They sent us this video of the new Freemason Headquarters in Curitiba, Brazil. Curitiba is close to the Atlantic Ocean and to Paraguay, the Hitler and Bush crime family hideout. There are deep underground tunnels connecting the two for sure. 

Of course, soon nowhere on this planet will be safe for these criminals.

Finally this week we note the ruling coalition has lost its majority in Japan. Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party says this is because the election was not rigged. However, in a sign the country has a long way to go, neither the ruling party nor the opposition parties mentioned real issues like the recent murder of 500,000 Japanese via vaccines. Japanese right-wingers say the Japanese are waiting for the power struggle in the US to end before making their move against the vaccine murderers. Moreover, they say such a move may involve replacing the current imperial family.


Benjamin Fulford Update - Oct 25, 2024