In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Khazarian mafia doomed as a result of Putin/Trump secret agreement

July 23, 2018

These days, reading The New York Times and other Khazarian mafia corporate propaganda is like reading Pravda just before the fall of the Soviet Union. Nobody believes their lies. Yet even they are being forced to report that the Soviet Socialist European Union is in deep trouble. That’s because U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed their common enemy is the Khazarian mafia. They are acting on this in many ways, as we shall see below.

We will return to that, but first, let’s look at two recent opinion polls that show the Khazarian mafia has lost control in the U.S. The first is an Axios poll that shows 92% of Republicans and 72% of Americans overall believe that “traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading.”

The other is a Gallup poll that asked Americans what they worried about. “Global warming” did not register at all, and Russia was at less than 1%, despite a massive, prolonged Khazarian mafia media campaign to promote both these issues as the most important concerns on earth.

This is like it was with Pravda (“Truth”) just before the fall of the Khazarian-mafia-controlled Soviet Union.

The Khazarian propaganda media was also hit with a devastating “truth bomb” thrown by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the press conference that followed his July 16th summit meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump. Putin told the hundreds of journalists and propagandists assembled that “Business associates of [Neocon power broker Bill] Browder have earned over 1.5 billion dollars in Russia. They never paid any taxes, neither in Russia nor in the United States, and yet the money escaped the country and was transferred to the United States,” and that “They sent a huge amount of money, $400 million, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.”

This truth alone blew up the entire Russiagate campaign against Trump that the Khazarians have been hoping will save them. However, they will not be saved, because the Khazarians have now fully lost control of the military and intelligence apparatus in the U.S. Pentagon sources say the Browder information provided to them by Putin will help “destroy Hillary and her cabal.”

Also, the latest high-level defector from Khazarian control is former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, say Pentagon sources. “Clapper never forgot his military oath and the horrors of military tribunals as a retired Air Force Three-Star General, and threw Obama under the bus,” the sources say.

Clapper’s testimony “may send…

…Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan and other traitors to the gallows, and indeed Clapper may have acted in concert with National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers and the Joint Chiefs of Staff all along,” the Pentagon sources say.

The fact that the U.S. State Department removed a statement blaming Russia for the downing of Malaysian Air Flight 17 over the Ukraine one day after Trump met Putin may be a sign this is the issue that will bring down former U.S. President Barack (Manchurian Candidate) Obama.

There are other signs as well that this incident could be important. One is the arrest of former Malaysian President Najib Razak over a $4.5 billion corruption scandal.

This is a big one, because in this scandal the trail has led to Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich, Switzerland. This bank in turn is a subsidiary of the French branch of the Rothschild-family-controlled, Paris-listed Rothschild & Co.

This investigation, together with testimony from Clapper, is likely to implicate the French branch of the Rothschilds in the hijacking of Malaysian Air Flight 370/17. This plane, in reality a second-hand aircraft bought from Malaysia, was “hijacked” in Malaysia and sent via Tel Aviv to Florida, where it was loaded with nuclear weapons and used by Obama to threaten 58 leaders gathered in Holland for a “nuclear security summit.”

It was then repainted from Flight 370 to Flight 17, filled with corpses, and sent to the Ukraine, where it was shot down in a vain attempt to start a nuclear war with Russia. The point here is that testimony by Razak and Clapper, together with the paper trail from the Malaysian scandal, has led straight to the French branch of the Rothschilds.

The French Rothschilds have huge influence in Asia. For example, Zhou Enlai, the first Premier of Communist China, as well as former top leader Deng Xiaoping and many others were all educated in France by French Communists. These French Communists were Khazarian mafia agents who were most likely financed by the French Rothschilds, according to a French Communist professor who participated in the Chinese Communist revolution and its aftermath.

The daughter of Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso is also married into the French branch of the Rothschilds. They use Aso, among others, to buy support for their secret rule in Asia from Chinese and Japanese gangsters, according to a close associate of Aso. This helps confirm what the NSA has long been telling us about Rothschild influence in China and Japan.

The French Rothschilds also sent a representative to meet with the White Dragon Society (WDS) after the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan, to threaten further such attacks, WDS sources say. They backed off after receiving counterthreats such as one to hit La Palma Island in the Atlantic with earthquake weapons and send a 100-meter tsunami to the U.S. East Coast, the sources say. You can confirm there was a huge, inexplicable earthquake swarm at La Palma immediately after the Fukushima attack.

In any case, the British branch of the Rothschild family has already surrendered. Following the November death of Jacob Rothschild, Nathan, the new family head, has indicated a willingness to cooperate with the WDS.

Pentagon sources, for their part, report that “After the Queen surrendered to Trump, the ex-wife of Nathaniel Rothschild was suicided in London…

…and UK underground bases and portals were destroyed.” For those who still do not think this stuff is real, take a look at the seismographs of last week’s UK earthquakes in the link below. These sorts of seismograph results are only possible with explosives. Furthermore, the UK is not prone to natural earthquakes.

Now that the British Rothschilds have surrendered, the French, German, and Swiss branches need to be finished off for humanity to be freed. The fact that French Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s bodyguard was charged by police after beating up protestors is a sign that Macron’s thugs are being targeted as a step towards removing Macron and liberating France.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is also clinging to power on behalf of the German branch of the family, but the fact that she is not taking a summer vacation this year for the first time in 10 years shows that she is also under siege.

The Swiss branch, for its part, has been politely asked by Asian royal families to hand back the stolen gold they have been using to finance the BIS and the G7. If no satisfactory answer is forthcoming, Special Forces and possibly nuclear weapons will be deployed, WDS members promise.

The fact that Trump told CBS News that the Rothschild-owned EU was a “foe” and also hinted that he would not risk World War III to protect European countries shows that these countries have no real military to back them anymore. So it is just a question of how and when Russia and the U.S. will remove their Rothschild controllers.

Meanwhile back in the U.S., plenty of battles still lie ahead. George Bush Sr.’s heart doctor was shot last week, prompting Pentagon sources to say this incident may cause the “guns of August” to fire.

The “guns of August” may be needed to prepare for a follow-up Trump and Putin summit meeting that Pentagon sources say may take place in September. Presumably, the information given by Putin to Trump will help the Pentagon find who else needs to be rounded up in the U.S.

Pentagon sources offered the following hint about what to expect: “After calling his supporters the super-elite, Trump was empowered to take down not just Silicon Valley and Hollywood, but also the Federal Reserve Board and Big Pharma.”

Also, Pentagon sources say the election in Zimbabwe due to take place on July 30th will be important in order to get African gold needed to back a new African currency as a part of the coming global currency reset.

In a sign that the old rulers know the handwriting is on the wall, Henry Kissinger, who just presided over a Bilderberg meeting in Italy, said Trump “may be one of those figures in history who appears from time to time to mark the end of an era and to force it to give up its old pretenses.”

That sounds like a surrender statement.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Rothschild Bank Ensnared in Money Laundering Scandal that Led to Arrest of Malaysian President

The Rothschild Bank is the subject of an international investigation after it was accused of laundering billions of dollars. by Jay Syrmo...

The Rothschild Bank is the subject of an international investigation after it was accused of laundering billions of dollars.

Swiss authorities have accused the Rothschild Bank AG and Rothschild Trust AG of not only establishing business dealings with customers suspected of money laundering, but also “considerably expand[ing]” those dealings while violating the bank’s own reporting by reporting their suspicions “only after a substantial delay.”

After an investigation into suspected money laundering operations involving Rothschild Bank and Malaysian state investment fund 1MDB, Switzerland’s Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has concluded the bank was in “serious breach” of “due diligence, reporting, and documentation requirements.”

FINMA said Rothschild Bank AG “failed to adequately document” many high-risk transactions.

A press release by FINMA explained:

Rothschild Bank AG and one of its subsidiaries have been found to be in serious breach of money laundering rules in the context of 1MDB. Specifically, they were in breach of due diligence, reporting, and documentation requirements.

FINMA will appoint an audit agent to review enhancements already put in place by the institutions. This concludes the last of seven enforcement proceedings launched by FINMA in relation to 1MDB.

Last year, Luxembourg regulators fined the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild $10.1 million for its handling of funds linked to scandal-hit Malaysian investment fund 1MDB, according to Reuters.

The Luxembourg investigation stemmed from an international probe of money that may have flowed from Malaysian government investment fund 1MBD, which is at the center of various worldwide corruption probes, and reportedly connected to the Swiss investigation.

The 1MBD fund was established by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in 2009 as a government investment fund.

There have been widespread accusations of corruption surrounding Razak after $1 billion in deposits into his personal bank accounts were revealed.

The deposits totaled hundreds of millions of dollars more than had previously been exposed by probes into state fund 1MDB, according to the Wall Street Journal.

According to a report in the WSJ:

The Luxembourg unit of Edmond de Rothschild Group, a private bank that manages money on behalf of wealthy clients, said it is “cooperating” with an official investigation of money that may have flowed from a Malaysian government investment fund at the center of various world-wide corruption probes…

The Luxembourg investigation widens probes of 1MDB already under way by authorities in Switzerland, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi.

Swiss authorities said in January that 1MDB-related losses from misappropriation could reach $4 billion. The Luxembourg prosecutor said its case was connected to the investigation in Switzerland.

1MDB was created to invest in local energy and real-estate projects to boost the Malaysian economy. The fund amassed $11 billion in debt which it has struggled to repay.

Last July, The Wall Street Journal reported that almost $700 million was transferred to Mr. Najib’s bank accounts via a web of entities, money which investigators believe originated with 1MDB. 1MDB has denied sending money to Mr. Najib’s accounts and denied wrongdoing and said it is cooperating with probes

The case involving the Rothschild Bank was one of seven enforcement proceedings launched by the FINMA against 1MDB amid suspicions of a serious breach of Swiss banking laws.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who chaired 1MDB’s advisory board, has been charged with abuse of power and breach of trust in a graft probe into the fund. He has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty.

FINMA appointed an audit agent to oversee an internal overhaul of the bank’s business practices, but nonetheless announced that it was closing its probe into Rothschild Bank AG, which is part of Paris-listed Rothschild & Co.

“We constantly strengthen our systems and procedures and are determined to continue to do so to identify and combat the increasingly sophisticated financial crime faced by the industry,” a Rothschild Bank spokesperson said in a statement.

The Free Though Project has previously reported on how instrumental the Rothschild empire has been in assisting the global elite in moving wealth from traditional tax havens like the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands to the United States.

After opening a trust company in Reno, Nevada, Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of traditional tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.

by Jay Syrmopoulos






Sunday, July 22, 2018

Insider Reveals More about Extraterrestrials working in Classified Programs

Emery Smith, a former US Air Force Surgical Assistant, has revealed more about his knowledge and face to face interactions with extraterrestrials he encountered while working on classified programs. He encountered the extraterrestrials at Kirtland Air Force Base, and other classified facilities in New Mexico such as White Sands and Dulce; along with Denver, Colorado and Charlottesville, Virginia, all of which he has previously discussed on Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia TV).

In the July 10 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Smith talked about encyclopedic databases with extensive information on different extraterrestrial races he was shown after he began working on the classified programs in 1992 while stationed at Kirtland AFB:

After a few years in the projects and your clearance gets up and you’re getting briefed on different scenarios and different types of extraterrestrials where they’re saying they’re extraterrestrials or beings from other than Earth origin, and also getting access to the most amazing libraries of encyclopedias that they have there – it’s all on computer mainframes – you get to really understand that we’re just a small, small part of such a wide and vast array of other beings that are spread out through the universe and multiverse.

Smith’s information dovetails with what Corey Goode, another insider discussing classified programs involving extraterrestrial life and technology, says he encountered while working on a U.S. Navy created secret space program. Goode says he was given access to smart glass pads which contained classified encyclopedias on extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

Corey Goode with Smart Glass Pad

Similarly, Clifford Stone, another whistleblower/insider says that he was given access to a First Aid manual with extensive medical data on 57 extraterrestrial races while working on a classified crash retrieval programs, Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly, during his U.S. Army service from 1969 to 1990.

Importantly, Smith says that it was a corporation that was running the classified extraterrestrial and advanced technology programs at Kirtland. While he had a regular USAF assignment at Kirtland from 1990 to 1995, the classified work he did began in 1992, and was under the authority of a corporation.

Smith’s information is consistent with the revelation of an anonymous archivist who described being employed in the mid-1980’s for a six month period to professionally catalogue files about extraterrestrial life and technology possessed by a major aerospace company (later revealed to be Rockwell International).

In an interview with Project Camelot in May 2006, Mr X described his main purpose in cataloguing all kinds of records concerning extraterrestrial life and technology:

I just gathered and organized information. I think my purpose was to aid those in speculating and understanding the material gathered and to give those specialists an opportunity to learn from the material I gathered because it was organized. I helped our government to research by organizing the material to be gone through.

Two years after his initial interview, Mr X died in mysterious circumstances, and his identity was never publicly disclosed.

Mr X helps us understand the role of corporations in developing encyclopedia-like databases used by those working inside classified programs such as Smith, Goode and Stone. It’s worth emphasizing that Rockwell’s aerospace business was taken over by the Boeing Corporation in 1996.

Phantom Works Logo

The classified Rockwell extraterrestrial archives were very likely incorporated into Boeing’s advanced technology division, Phantom Works, which was acquired after Boeings’ merger with McDonnell Douglas aircraft company in 1997.

This means that the Boeing company, either through Phantom Works or another highly classified division, prepares the encyclopedia-like databases describing different extraterrestrial races that Smith, Goode and Stone had previously witnessed.

One of the races that Smith discussed at length in his July 10 interview with David Wilcock on Cosmic Disclosure are Reptilians who he says he encountered while working at classified facilities:

David: I find it very interesting: when we look at Indian history in the Mahabharata and the Vedas that we have what appears to be an evil Reptilian race called Rakshasas, but that there also was a benevolent Reptilian race called Nagas that they actually ended up making temples out of.

Emery: Right.

David: And you actually see lots and lots of stone inscriptions of what looks like humans, but then they have like a Reptilian tail like a snake. So do you think that these benevolent Reptilian ETs that you were talking about could have been there at the time of the Indian civilization where those texts were written?

Emery: Yeah, I 100% believe that. I know all the texts you’re talking about. I know of the statues that you’re talking about. I know of the amulets they made of them and some of the carvings down there.

So I agree that these Reptilians I’m associated with that I know are this . . . a little bit more docile, hybrid-type, human-type figures, and they were looked up [to] as gods.

David: Now, it’s also interesting because Pete Peterson did say that there was a benevolent Reptilian race as well. And he had told me that they were very keenly interested in our religious development, our spiritual development, that they were very wise, very advanced, and they really seemed to want us to become ethical and to learn how to all get along with each other.

Emery: Yea, I can concur with that. They do have a religious background that I don’t know everything about. But they’re very strong about it and they do carry amulets and jewelry that show their belief in this system.

They also have sometimes special clothing for certain holiday-type things that they may wear, such as a scarf or a ribbon on their arm. And these things celebrate this religion that you speak of, which is the unity of all and one that they believe in.

And they believe even though they’re of different genetic DNA, they also believe that everyone HAS their DNA. And they believe in the system that they were kind of the first ones in the solar system and universe that actually seeded it. And over billions of years, other formations of their genetic lineage has mixed around and is actually where WE come from.

And that’s why you see sometimes in the medical society of people saying, “Well, we have the reptile part of the brain and this because we’re associated with an iguana or something.

So it’s very funny that this is all coming out in the questions that you ask because I do believe there’s a correlation with this race, and we might have a little bit of that DNA in us to some extent….

Illustration of Reptilian witnessed by Emery Smith

The existence of an indigenous race of highly intelligent Reptilian beings that is involved in classified military/corporate programs has been discussed by many others.

My own research into the existence of an intelligent indigenous Reptilian race began with reports of human rights abuses occurring at the classified Dulce base facility, in New Mexico. In The Dulce Report (2003), I discussed how an indigenous Reptilian helped an alleged security guard, Thomas Castello, escape and tell the world about what was happening there.

Veteran Cryptozoology researcher, John Rhodes, has written extensively about Reptilians/Reptoids and his website has many articles that will help inform readers about what people all over the world have experienced in hundreds/thousands of encounters with intelligent Reptilian beings.

It’s important to point out that Smith had no knowledge of an aggressive off world Reptilian race called the Draconians (likely the “Rakshasas” depicted in Vedic Indian texts). In contrast, both Corey Goode and William Tompkins have discussed Draconians as an imperialist extraterrestrial race that formed an alliance with Nazi Germany to establish a base in Antarctica using advanced antigravity technologies.

In my Dulce Report, I discussed how the Draconians, according to Castello, were in charge of the base there, and were using indigenous Earth Reptilians (the “Nagas” in Vedic Indian texts), to run the facility, where many abuses were occurring.

After discussing his knowledge of the Reptilians and his interactions with them at classified military/corporate facilities, Smith next talked about highly intelligent aquatic races that are extraterrestrial origin:

I think maybe I should talk about the more liquid-state planets that are associated with ETs. You know, everyone thinks ETs are all just of the 3D in this Earth-air atmosphere, and it’s not the case.

You have beings that have to live in water or come from a water planet. You have these types of beings that come from the Pleiades system, and we call them Aquafarians – some of the first of these extraterrestrials that live in water. They don’t need to, but their planet is 98% water.

He said that the “Aquafarians” originate from Pleiades and Sirius star systems:

The Aquafarians started in the Pleiades and then migrated, I know, to Sirius section. I don’t know where in there, but I’m only telling you what I’ve read from the history of being in that library.

And I was fascinated, of course, with dolphins and whales. I have a really good connection with them. I’ve done a lot of underwater photography and have a great bond with these fish and the mammals.

Smith went on to assert that there are aquatic races that are indigenous to Earth who he also worked with at Kirtland and other classified facilities. He said that many legends about Mermaids are based on people accidently interacting with them, as the following dialogue with Wilcock illustrates:

Emery: Well, there are many types of water-type extraterrestrials. There are some that look like manatees, there are some that look like dolphins, and there are even some that do have a shape from the waist down that’s kind of scaly and has fins on the outer edges of these beings. But from the chest up, they actually look pretty human.

David: Now, just to be clear, these are extraterrestrial live coworkers that you’re seeing on these bases, correct?

Emery: Yes…. And I think this is maybe where the mermaids come from. You know, I think this mythological background of the history of these sailors seeing these beings could possibly have had a base here on the planet.

And there’s a lot of cities that people are discovering, but the Cabal does not let people know this, that are underground, and it wasn’t because they were flooded. It’s because that’s where they really were – these cities – under the ocean. I’m sorry, under the ocean.

And that also proves the fact that these extraterrestrials lived here and they flourished here at some point in time. And I know you know a lot about the history of the mermaids and some of the extraterrestrials over in Asia.

In the July 10, Cosmic Disclosure interview, Smith went on to give detailed descriptions of the different types of Aquafarian races he encountered, and even of the underwater autopsies he participated in.

Dolphin Man encountered by Emery Smith

Smith’s revelations of him working with different types of extraterrestrials at classified facilities reveals the extent of diplomatic agreements that these races have secretly reached with the U.S. and other major nations. In an earlier article, I explained how these agreements may have legal standing under international law, despite never being ratified by the U.S. Senate.

Extraterrestrials have been secretly working with different elements of the military industrial complex in classified facilities for decades. The fact that many of these advanced extraterrestrial related projects are under the control of major aerospace companies who operate in strict secrecy with little to no government oversight is a major cause for concern.

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Written by Michael Salla, Ph.D. on 14 July 2018

Further Reading

Extraterrestrials Working with Humans in USAF Classified Programs

Security Protocols in Classified Extraterrestrial Projects

Insiders Reveal Secrets of Underground Military & Corporate Bases with Futuristic Technologies

Astropolitics and the Exopolitics of Unacknowledged Space Activities

UFO Crash Retrievals & Extraterrestrial Communications – Clifford Stone Interviews

Whistleblowers, National Security and Unauthorized Disclosure of ETV/EBE Classified Projects

Friday, July 20, 2018

Will the Jews finally be freed from Khazarian mafia slavery as Israel is liberated?

July 16, 2018

The world is headed for a new age, not a New World Order. As a part of this, the Jewish people—high-level slaves of satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters—are about to be freed from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery. That is why the rogue state of Israel is now under full martial law as the Khazarian-controlled government there faces an ultimatum to surrender and free their Jewish and Arab hostages, according to Russian FSB and Pentagon sources.

A clear sign that the Jewish people are finally waking up came last week when Jewish human rights groups petitioned their government to stop arming neo-Nazis. Many are waking up now to the fact that Nazism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin. These are really the people whom Revelation 2:9 in the Bible refers to as “those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.”

Pentagon sources are also saying the British monarchy has formally surrendered to the U.S. military on behalf of the Khazarian-bloodline aristocratic families of Europe. During U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK, “When Melania refused to curtsy, it appeared that the Queen has surrendered the British Empire and cabal to Trump, and to save face, Princes Charles and William did not show up to avoid the indignity,” a Pentagon source explains.

We can now say that it was the Europeans, including the British branch of the Rothschild family, who were behind the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan. This is likely to come out once the arrests of European Khazarian cabalists start in earnest, according to White Dragon Society (WDS) sources.

However, MI6 sources say that while the Rothschilds were indeed involved in Fukushima (along with the P2 Agnelli family, a portion of the U.S. space command, and others), the situation is not so simple. They say the Fukushima attack was a failed attempt to keep the owners of the G7 group in power.

So, they say, what is now really going on is that Western leaders are trying to come up with a united front in negotiations with Asian secret societies over the formation of a world government. For that reason, the European royalty-dominated Committee of 300 (headed by Queen Elizabeth) is willing to cede the day-to-day management of the negotiations to the U.S. military government represented by Trump, the sources say.

In any case, the trouble at the NATO summit meeting last week between Trump and other NATO leaders was another sign that the Khazarian-controlled post-war order is collapsing. Basically, Trump told the other leaders to pay more protection money, and they told him to buzz off.

Perhaps the most interesting thing to come out of this summit was the photograph at the link below.

This photo shows all the NATO leaders looking one way while Trump looks the other. This was almost certainly posed to send a message and shows that these “leaders,” including Trump, actually take orders from elsewhere.

It is obvious to any rational observer that NATO serves no useful function except to lobby for arms companies. The whole structure of propaganda and lies portraying Russia as an aggressor and a threat to Europe is Khazarian double-speak, with no basis in fact. The European countries, acting rationally, would rather spend their money on something other than military-industrial instruments of mass murder. That is why a recent opinion poll showed that only 37% of Germans want the U.S. military to remain in their country.

What is really going on here is that an agreement has already been reached between the U.S. and Russia over NATO, the Ukraine, Syria, and Israel, according to Pentagon and FSB sources. As this newsletter goes online, Trump will be meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss this, Pentagon sources confirm.

Regardless of what public announcements are made after the meeting, FSB and Pentagon sources say the U.S./Russian deal involves U.S. recognition of the Russian annexation of the ethnic Russian-dominated Eastern Ukrainian provinces and a removal of the Khazarian Nazi regime in there. In addition, the Russians and Iranians (with implicit support from China and the U.S. military) will force the rogue state of Israel to comply with international norms and agreements.

As we have mentioned before in this newsletter, a deal has already been reached between the White Dragon Society and the Gnostic Illuminati that allows for Russia to take over from the U.S. the guarantee of security for Western Europe, except for England.

In addition, a Russian FSB agent will arrive in Asia this autumn to discuss a new financial system with the WDS, the Japanese government, the U.S. military, and Asian secret societies, WDS sources say. The details of the new financial system have yet to be settled, but there is general agreement that it will involve a combination of cryptocurrency and gold. There is also an agreement that India will be given a much bigger role than it now has, they say. The U.S. will get more financing in exchange for sharing some of its secret high technology with the rest of the world, they add.

However, for now, despite this agreement, Trump has been asking Europeans to buy more American weapons (“Raise NATO spending to 4% of GDP”) and oil (“Don’t buy from the Russians—buy from us because we protect you from the Russians”) since the United States is still de facto bankrupt. That is also why Trump is imposing import duties on Chinese goods. The U.S. needs money to keep itself in business.

When the U.S. was controlled by Khazarian oligarchs (and it should be spelled “oilgarchs”), it did not matter to them that the U.S. as a country was being impoverished by its trade deficit. That is because the Chinese were using the dollars they earned with their U.S. trade surplus to buy Middle Eastern oil from the oilgarchs. The oilgarchs in turn used this money to finance the enslavement of humanity and the creation of a Khazarian-controlled world government.

That is one of the reasons why after the NATO meeting, Trump told CBS he thought of the Khazarian mob construct known as the EU to be a “foe.” What he means is that they have been draining the U.S. economy through trade, while making the Americans pay for their protection even as they worked against U.S. interests.

A new piece of evidence for the Khazarian plan to enslave humanity emerged last week when a senior member of an Asian secret society told this writer that they had received a proposal from the Khazarians to use every Japanese person as collateral for bonds. That is why the Japanese government has been trying to impose a “My Number” system on its citizenry. The Asians, knowing this would extend the system of Babylonian debt slavery from the West to Japan, turned the offer down.

In the U.S., meanwhile, the liberation of that country is accelerating under the leadership of the U.S. military and agencies. On this front, a Pentagon source who told us last week that Brett Kavanaugh was not going to be selected for the Supreme Court had the following explanation for why he was: “Things are not what they seem, as Trump may have picked Brett Kavanaugh (BK) at the last minute despite his heavy Bush baggage and cover-up of the Vince Foster murder so the Democrats can expend their political capital and lose the midterms if they Bork him.” In other words, BK is another Trojan horse who will allow the good guys to control the Supreme Court in the autumn, even as the bad guys think he is still their man.

The Pentagon sources are also now saying there could be over 80,000 arrests in the U.S. once the legal machinery is in place to process all the Khazarian mobsters who are going to be put away. Only after that is finished will they start dealing in earnest with the Europeans and with the criminal slave government in Japan, the sources say.

The clean-up in Japan will begin in earnest next year after April, when the new Emperor formally ascends the throne, according to Asian secret society sources. They say that is also when Korean unification, and the possible unification of Korea with Japan, will also begin. Japan will also open its doors to large-scale immigration starting next year, the sources add.

Meanwhile in Mexico, hugely popular President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Amlo) has begun a clean-up of the Khazarian mob in his country as well. Pentagon sources say they will not interfere in the Mexican clean-up, but add that he “has been warned not to allow Mexico to host foreign missiles or bases, join BRICS, cooperate with drug cartels, or mess with gringos.” That should work except for the part about the drug cartels, who will be incorporated into Mexico’s legal economy whether the Americans like it or not, say Vatican sources connected to Amlo. That is because legalizing and regulating drugs produces better results than have decades of the failed “war on drugs,” they note. The U.S. will eventually figure this out.

Operation Omega Phoenix ~ Resistance Movement


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

“Trump Calls Off Cold War II”

The Vlad and Donald Show – A Glorious Blow for Peace!

The Vlad and Donald show in Helsinki Monday was simply brilliant and breathtaking – we’d say even a beautiful thing to behold.

Between them, they left CNN’s nattering nabobs of neocon nonsense sounding like the shrieking monkeys they actually are. And that’s to say nothing of the fools they made out of the newly minted liberal and progressive warmongers on the Dem side of the aisle in Washington or the so-called journalists who fill 90% of the space in the so-called mainstream media with endless pro-war propaganda.

But most of all it was the single greatest blow to the War Party since it turned Imperial Washington into a colossal menace bent on global hegemony when the Soviet Union slithered off the pages of history in 1991.

We have said all along that Putin and Russia have been demonized because the Warfare State desperately needs an "enemy" to justify its $800 billion annual mugging of America’s taxpayers. Yet today’s spontaneous chorus by the two leaders in behalf of détente, dialogue and diplomacy puts the kibosh on that Big Lie more completely than could 100 Ted Talks or a year’s worth of pro-peace op eds in the Washington Post.

So Flyover America will have no trouble seeing the good of the Helsinki Summit. Trump and Putin just killed it on every topic where the War Party and its shills in the press wanted to drive a wedge.

That is to say, cooperation on Syria, arms control, terrorism, North Korea, Ukraine; friendly competition on supplying natural gas to Europe; an invitation to Mueller to send his legal sleuths to Russia to participate in the interrogation of the 12 GRU ham sandwiches named in the indictment; and best of all, a reciprocal notion that Russian prosecutors come here to question Deep State operatives about how they helped one of the greatest scoundrels of modern times, Bill Browder, abscond from Russia with almost $1.5 billion skimmed from its people and on which he and his posse paid zero taxes either there or here.

Indeed, the debunking of the false mainstream narrative about Russia’s nefarious intentions and doings was so complete that the Deep State apparatchiks were reduced to sputtering hysterically. For instance, here is the bile issued by the central architect of the Russian collusion lie, former CIA director John Brennan:

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

Then again, when you actually read the transcript of the joint press conference, you will find the very words, phrases and tonalities that harken back to the courageous efforts of liberal democrats like Senators George McGovern and Frank Church and even President Jimmy Carter to promote diplomacy and détente during the height of the Cold War confrontation when each side had 9,000 nuclear warheads on hair-trigger alert.

And exactly what was John Brennan doing circa 1976?

Why, he voted for the communist candidate for President, Gus Hall, because he thought Jimmy Carter was too much of a cold warrior!

In other words, the guy is a demented partisan hack who arose to power during a 25 year career in the CIA that began in 1980, and during which he sold his soul to the Warfare State in pursuit of position, power and pelf.

But beyond our joy in hearing the gaskets popping all over the Imperial City we can say this: In the course of that press conference the Donald threw down the gauntlet to the Deep State in a manner so explicit and unequivocal that there is now no turning back.

Either he will rally the undoubtedly dazed GOP troops on Capitol Hill and his base in behalf of rapprochement with Russia and an end Washington’s arrogant Imperial hegemony – or they will indeed put him on the Dick Nixon Memorial Helicopter for a final ride to Gonesville.

At the point we are at a loss – 50 years of studying the Imperial City notwithstanding – to know which way it will go.

But we have no doubt that the Deep State and its shills, assigns and nomenklatura throughout the Imperial City will now escalate their war against the Donald to red hot intensity. The signal for that was in the very first words that came off Anderson Cooper’s viperous tongue the instant the press conference was finished:

“You have been watching perhaps one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president at a summit in front of a Russian leader, that I have ever seen”.

But just call it fever pitch on steroids. That’s the condition that CNN had already worked itself into after a full weekend of near-hysterical gumming about Robert Mueller’s latest gambit.

We are referring, of course, to his Friday indictment of 12 alleged election meddlers slathered in Russian dressing.

But wasn’t that just another Deep State "insurance policy"?

Wasn’t that a desperate, bald-faced effort to sabotage today’s summit in Helsinki?

After all, why did these indictments come down on Friday afternoon July 13?

Did Mueller and Rosenstein need to hurry-up their indictments and make lightening perp-walk style arrests so that their targets wouldn’t flee the country in the dead of night?

Not at all. The 12 indictees were already long gone. In fact, these particular Russians were never here, if they actually exist at all.

So let’s call a spade a spade. Friday afternoon’s action by his own Justice Department was a brazen shot across Donald Trump’s bow by the Deep State the likes of which we have never before seen; and which after today’s rebuke of its entire false RussiaGate narrative will undoubtedly prove to be a mere token of the pounding attacks yet to come.

Even then, Friday’s bald-faced attempt to sabotage the summit in itself raises deeply troubling questions about whether even the veneer of democratic self-government has much shelf-life left in America.

That’s because Friday’s theatrics amounted to a frontal attempt to nullify the 2016 election. If the Donald said anything about his agenda during the 2016 campaign that was remotely coherent (besides building the Mexican Wall) it was that he would seek a rapprochement deal with Putin.

Needless to say, the War Party is dead set against constructive engagement with Russia because the Fake Enemy represented by its risible demonization of Putin is literally its authorization to continue squandering $800 billion per year on "national security"; and that, in turn, is the very lifeblood of Imperial Washington’s malodorous prosperity.

So what happened even before today’s press conference demarche was a profoundly anti-democratic and unconstitutional attempt by the permanent government to thwart Trump’s effort to pursue his self-evident mandate from the US electorate.

But for crying out loud. Friday’s indictment of 12 ham sandwiches from the GRU (Russian military security agency) had nothing to do with justice or Mueller’s mandate; and even less so with genuine national security.

As to the former, there will never be any arrests, let alone a trial or conviction. That’s because the source of the purported "evidence", memorialized in the indictment’s 29 pages of spurious exactitude, is presumably classified and would never be presented in open court.

Indeed, the CNN bobbleheads are always remonstrating about the sanctity of the rule of law, but exactly what do they think Mueller’s grandstanding stunt was other than an insult to exactly that?

They surely can’t claim that Mueller’s hired political assassins were faithfully administering regular-way justice when the guilt or innocence of the charged cannot possibly ever be adjudicated. How could it be when there can never be a legitimate trial with empty defendants’ chairs and no admissible evidence that the government is willing to present in a public proceeding?

In fact, the despicable Rod Rosenstein made absolutely clear that the indictment is going directly into the dead letter file, with nary a passing swipe by Robert Mueller’s vaunted prosecutors:

“The special counsel’s investigation is ongoing and there will be no comments by the special counsel at this time … we intend to transition responsibility for this indictment to the Justice Department’s National Security Division (NSD) while we await the apprehension of the defendants.”


Either the DOJ is fixing to send Seal Team Six into Moscow to snatch the 12 GRU operatives or it expects the Kremlin to dispatch them to Washington handcuffed to their seats on a Russian air force jet at the very next opportunity.

As it happened at the press conference, both the Donald and Vlad put the fork in even that absurdly improbable prospect.

That is, Putin referenced a 1999 cooperation agreement between the two countries on criminal matters and welcomed Mueller’s grand inquisitors to come to Moscow to participate in an interrogation of the defendants; and the Donald welcomed it as a creative approach on the matter.

Likewise, the timing of Friday’s action had no national security purpose whatsoever. If the Deep State apparatchiks really wanted Putin confronted on the matter – then in any rational universe they would have armed the Donald with the indictment’s particulars and sent him into the meeting to confront Putin before it became public.

Either that, or the Donald was briefed but un-persuaded and therefore refused to do their bidding. So Mueller and the DOJ simply "leaked" the charges via the clownish device of an un-implementable indictment in order to blowup the summit.

That is, their purpose was to countermand the decision of the US president to pursue the very objectives he promised the American electorate. And since Brennan and his Deep State ilk have brought up the "treason" word, we leave it to Justin Raimondo to appropriately turn the tables:

Yet the brazenness of this borderline treason is what makes it so ineffective. The American people aren’t stupid: to the extent that they’re paying attention to this Beltway comic opera they can figure out the motives and meaning of Mueller’s accusations without too much difficulty.

The indictment reads like a fourth-rate spy thriller: we are treated to alleged “real time” transcripts of Boris and Natasha in action, draining the DNC’s email system as well as our precious bodily fluids. This material, perhaps supplied by the National Security Agency, contains no evidence that links either Russia or the named individuals to the actions depicted in the transcripts. We just have to take Mueller’s word for it.

After today’s post-press conference hail of calumny at the Donald by a endless line of Dem pols it is perfectly clear that the alleged Russian election meddling is a sideshow. In fact, the Dems are so distraught and un-reconciled to their loss to surely the weakest presidential candidate ever fielded by the GOP (including Alf Landon and Barry Goldwater) that they have subordinated rationality itself to their pursuit of vendetta.

So doing, they have made the Democratic party the new handmaids of the Warfare State, as Justin Raimondo further aptly observed:

The disgusting – and depressing – response of the Democrats to the Helsinki summit has been a concerted campaign to … cancel it. Yes, that’s how myopic and in thrall to the Deep State these flunkies are: world peace, who cares? Never mind that we’re still on hair-trigger alert, with our nukes aimed at their cities and their nukes targeting ours. The slightest anomaly could spark a nuclear exchange – the end of the world, the extinction of human life, and probably of most life, for quite some time to come.

And yet – what does the survival of the human race matter next to the question of how and why Hillary Clinton was denied her rightful place in history? I mean, really!

After the announcement on Friday, John Podesta smirked "they caught the witches". But as George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley observed,

In other words, if there were a real hunt for election witches, we (the US and its intelligence apparatus) would find ourselves at the head of the line to the pillory.

At the end of the day, this is not about a national security threat at all because Russia isn’t one. Let us again observe that even in its current state of alleged disrepair and under-spending that the NATO-29 (including the US) have a combined GDP of $36 trillion and military budget of $1 trillion.

Those figures are 24X Russia’s GDP of $1.4 trillion and 16X its military budget of $61 billion. Accordingly, there us not a snow balls’ chance in the hot place that the perfectly rational leader of what is actually a pint-sized nation who stood alongside the Donald at today’s press conference has any illusions whatsoever about military aggression.

But now that he has thrown the gauntlet at the Deep State, we can hope that the Donald will reclaim his powers as the dully elected President of the United States and order an examination of the DNC computer that has been AWOL during this entire witch hunt; and, even more to the point, declassify every single NSA intercept on which Mueller’s comic book indictment was based.

We are perfectly willing to believe that operatives in the GRU went spearfishing at the DNCC and DNC, and that like millions of everyday folks who fall for these gambits everyday on the global internet that some naïve or stupid DNC staffers, as the case may be, opened their digital kimono’s to the intruders.

But so what?

None of the shenanigans and skullduggery inside the Dem apparatus that were revealed to the American electorate were untrue. So how did the truth of the matter undermine America’s democratic process of selecting a leader?

The only thing the indictment proves – even if it is accurate to the chapter and verse cited – is that if you live in a glass house, don’t start throwing stones.

The US spends $75 billion per year on a colossal globe-spanning surveillance, hacking and Internet intruding operation that makes the indictment’s alleged GRU tom foolery look trite by comparison.

The recently renamed TAO (tailored access operations) alone consists of a dozen sprawling buildings in Maryland, Texas, Hawaii, Georgia and Colorado chock-a-block with a veritable army of military and civilian computer hackers, intelligence analysts, targeting specialists, computer hardware and software designers, and electrical engineers. And there job is to do a thousand times over to foreign governments, elections and political processes exactly what the Mueller indictment charges against the GRU.

Indeed, TAO is the Typhoid Mary of the global Internet, infecting systems of friend and foe alike with a continuous tsunami of implanted malware. While originally chartered as an eavesdropping agency, the N.S.A. has embraced hacking as an especially nifty way to spy on foreign targets.

The intelligence collection is often automated, with malware implants – computer code designed to find material of interest – left sitting on the targeted system for months or even years, sending files back to the N.S.A.

According to the diligent 2013 investigation published by a leading German news site, Hamburg based Spiegel ONLINE, and based on leaked NASA documents, the US engages in massive malware implanting activities which are far more menacing than the primitive "phishing" operations described by Mueller’s latest comic book:

One of the hackers’ key tasks is the offensive infiltration of target computers with so-called implants or with large numbers of Trojans. They’ve bestowed their spying tools with illustrious monikers like "ANGRY NEIGHBOR," "HOWLERMONKEY" or "WATERWITCH." These names may sound cute, but the tools they describe are both aggressive and effective.

According to details in Washington’s current budget plan for the US intelligence services, around 85,000 computers worldwide are projected to be infiltrated by the NSA specialists by the end of this year. By far the majority of these "implants" are conducted by TAO teams via the Internet.

Nevertheless, TAO has dramatically improved the tools at its disposal. It maintains a sophisticated toolbox known internally by the name "QUANTUMTHEORY." "Certain QUANTUM missions have a success rate of as high as 80%, where spam is less than 1%," one internal NSA presentation states.

A comprehensive internal presentation titled "QUANTUM CAPABILITIES," which SPIEGEL has viewed, lists virtually every popular Internet service provider as a target, including Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and YouTube.

Finally, why do we think this was an utterly desperate move by Mueller?

Because the indictments go out of their way to preclude any Americans having any involvement in these ‘hacking events’ at all.

As Tom Luongo cogently observed:

Now with Trump prepared to sit down with Putin and potentially hammer out a major agreement on many outstanding issues like Syria, arms control, NATO’s purpose, energy policy and terrorism the Deep State/Globalist/Davos Crowd needed something to saddle him with to prevent this from happening.

The reasoning will be (if not already out there as I write this) that Trump would be a traitor for sitting down with Putin after these indictments.

By David Stockman Posted on July 17, 2018

David Stockman was a two-term Congressman from Michigan. He was also the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White House, Stockman had a 20-year career on Wall Street. He’s the author of three books, The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America and TRUMPED! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin… And How to Bring It Back. He also is founder of David Stockman’s Contra Corner and David Stockman’s Bubble Finance Trader.

Read more by David Stockman

Time for a Mercy Killing at NATO – July 11th, 2018

America First, Helsinki and Trump’s Existential Threat to the Empire – July 2nd, 2018

It Didn’t Take a Village of Deep Staters – Just The Donald – June 14th, 2018

Why the Empire Never Sleeps: War Finance Made Easy, Part 3 – May 17th, 2018

Why the Empire Never Sleeps: The Indispensable Nation Folly, Part 2 – May 16th, 2018