In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)
A series of arrests, executions and resignations worldwide signal that a
major offensive against the Khazarian mafia is underway, multiple
sources confirm. The head of Germany’s central bank, the Dalai Lama,
Klaus Schwab and many others are among those being removed, the sources
say. In addition, the secret governments of England, Germany, Ireland
and Japan have been replaced.
Here is intel received from multiple sources, including some at the
top of the G7 Western political structure: “The militaries worldwide
have been given the green light to move. They will be active in every
country. It’s the good guys taking out the last of the bad guys. It
started this weekend and will roll out for the next 2-3 weeks…there may
be intermittent outages in power, water, internet and phones –be ready.”
Simon Parkes, who has his own sources, says EU hotels are booked with
soldiers. He also says New Zealand citizens have been told to stay
indoors and expect to hear “explosions, shooting and children
Before we go into the evidence of changed governments in other
countries, let us look at the evidence that the Satanic “Biden” regime
is about to be taken down. Remember the Qanon post about “Red October?”
Well CIA sources are telling us the widely publicized shooting by
movie director Alex Baldwin of Halyna Hutchins with a “prop gun,” is a
signal. Let us connect some dots:
Alec Baldwin starred in the film, The Hunt for Red October, wherein
he helps hunt down a Russian nuclear submarine that was originally
docked in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle. Hutchins grew
up in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle “surrounded by
nuclear submarines.”
She was a Ukrainian spy whose husband is a lawyer defending the Clintons.
The set where she was shot is about 30 minutes from Epstein’s 33k sq
ft Zorro ranch in New Mexico — the same one that had computer rooms the
‘size of houses’ to spy on guests including Prince Andrew, when he
allegedly stayed for a week there.
Dave Halls, the assistant director who handed the gun to Baldwin, was
the second unit’s first assistant director on The Crow: Salvation, the
sequel to the film in which Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Lee was killed in an
on-set firearms mishap in 1993. Just a coincidence?
In what may also be related, a Pentagon source says Grant Woods -an
attorney general for the state of Arizona was removed from office by the
feds- who was a fixer for the traitor John McCain, was found dead today
cause unknown. “This was a really bad guy,” he notes.
For those of you who prefer more concrete evidence, let us point to a
recent Pew opinion poll that shows 85% of Americans “believe their
political system needs major changes or needs to be completely
reformed.” Similar numbers were seen in countries like Belgium, France,
Greece, Italy, Japan, Spain and South Korea. You can be sure the
military/intelligence community is paying attention.
This is how British MI6 intelligence sees the situation: “The Federal
Reserve families are absolutely bankrupt but bankruptcy has not been
declared. All the governments have to go because of stealth state
capture by [satanic] fifth columnists. There is no way in the world that
the standing governments can remain.”
If so, the big question is what is going to happen to the Chinese Communist Party. “The CCP would be the trigger that would bring down the global financial system. China’s debt is
now 270% of GDP. Hidden local State Chinese government debt is more than
$4 Trillion. They live from ‘off the books borrowing’. It could be
double this amount. Nobody outside the inner circle of the CCP has
knowledge,” CIA sources in Asia say.
While this could be wishful thinking, the official CCP Xinhua News
Agency makes it clear CCP figurehead Xi Jinping works for the federal
reserve families that own the UN:
“In the world, there is only one international system,..There is only
one international order…and there is only one set of rules…the United
Nations…” Xi stressed.
Just as this report was about to go live, we got told the owners of
the federal reserve, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to
survive, are now trying to cash historical German bonds from the Weimar
republic. They have also promised a fancy new set of dollar bills,
although it is not clear at this point if they are backed by the
countries of the world or just the bankrupt US Corporation.
No matter what, Asian secret society for their part, promise the
Rothschilds etc. who give orders to Xi will lose power and control of
world finance.
“When the dust settles China will once again become an independent
country and will peacefully reunify with Taiwan,” the sources promise.
CIA sources for their part add that Doug Emhoff, the husband of US
Corporate Vice President Kamala Harris, is a member of the Chabad “kill
90% of humanity, enslave the rest,” cult. He is also an agent of the CCP
with extensive financial investments in China, they say.
In what may be a related move, Asian secret society sources say the
Dalai Lama “may have died.” Despite having cultivated an image as a
living saint, the Dalai Lama was a friend of the Nazis who presided over
one of the most horrific slave regimes in history. He also ordered the
murder of my 5-month unborn child, according to witnesses in Nepal. He
also probably ordered the murder of Matuzaki Tomomi, the mother of that
child (she has vanished without a trace).
Regardless, a fight over his successor is already underway as this news item shows:
"China Has No Role In Choosing Next Dalai Lama": Arunachal Monastery Head
Gyangbung Rinpoche, Abbot of the monastery near India's border with China, said it is important to counter Beijing's policy of expansionism
If there is any justice in the universe the Dalai Lama will suffer soul death and not be reincarnated.
No matter what though, the fall of the CCP/UN/Rothschild controlled
US Corporate regime is happening in real-time. In addition to the widely
reported economic collapse, we are now seeing a loss of control of the
border with Mexico. Here is some raw intel about the situation there:
Cartels have entered northern Maverick county and
southern Kinney county are already engaged in firefights with private
citizens and have taken over a small town on US soil tonight, in what is
thought to be preparation for the invasion. All law enforcement and US
Border Patrol have left the area.
Expectations: 380,000+ illegals are hitting the southern Texas border
in less than 72 hours from 2300 22-10-21…150,000 (half) will hit
northern Texas entrance (Del Rio) to overwhelm and breach entrance,
causing Border Patrol and National Guard to be sent…150.000 (half) will
hit southern Texas entrance (Laredo) to overwhelm and breach entrance
causing more Border Patrol and National Guard to be sent…80,000 armed
Haitians will hit the middle absent of protection, and proceed with an
invasion…Heavy fighting is expected starting Monday (10-25-21) and is
expected to grow in intensity throughout the week.
When asked about this Pentagon sources say “This is confirmed. It’s
being blamed on the cartels. Violence is way up. Not only are illegal
aliens entering the country, but the drug traffic is also through the
roof. Lots of Chinese fentanyl. Lots of Mexican manufactured
methamphetamine, very high purity. Drug overdoses in the Phoenix area
are very high. Dead found on bus stops every day.”
The headlines below with the satanic 666 code word make it clear who is behind this:
“Border Patrol agents apprehended a total of 1,666,167 illegal
immigrants along the southwest border in fiscal 2021…Federal officials
‘have lost complete control’ of the southwest border under President Joe
In any case, the EU is collapsing now that their Fuehrer Angela
Hitler has been removed from power. The latest domino to fall is
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, who “asked Federal President
Frank-Walter Steinmeier to dismiss him from office on 31 December 2021.”
Weidmann hinted at the return of the Deutschemark in his resignation
letter by writing “The reorganization of banking supervision in Europe
has not only led to completely new supervisory structures at the ECB,
but also a strengthened role for the Bundesbank.”
The exit of Poland from the EU is also now looking more likely.
Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says: “Were we to agree to
the central principle it would mean that the EU ceases to be an
association of sovereign states and by fait accompli, the EU is
transferred into a centrally governed European state where European
institutions can force the so-called provinces to do as the central
power wants. This is not what we agreed to in the treaties,”
The EU is threatening to cut off the supply of Euros to Poland which
makes it increasingly likely the Polish Zloty will also be making a
In yet another sign the secret EU government is falling, police
simultaneously raided 46 residential and commercial buildings on October
20th as part of a probe into the Italian “Ndrangheta,” mafia. This is a
group that P3 Freemason sources say claim to have ruled the world for
the past 26,000 years.
This may just be a myth but the ongoing fake pandemic and vaccine
campaign is very real evidence of an evil secret government. “We were
sent videos of beautiful children being decapitated and the federal
reserve family having sex orgies with the blood of the decapitated
children. They are unbelievably satanic. It’s like a rabid dog, you have
to shoot them,” an MI6 source says.
The fake pandemic is “High Treason contrary to The Ten Nuremberg
Codes by the international medical industrial complex. In retaliation we
will hang parliament and if needed every general we have. Make that
statement known around the world,” MI6 says.
This writer is also taking personal action as can be seen in this letter I sent to the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan:
Lawsuit against the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan
This is to let the FCCJ know that I will be suing them for 10 million
yen for slander, loss of reputation and for preventing me from
attending press conferences. The FCCJ board did so by trying to force me
to wear a mask without providing scientific justification for the need
to do so.
If you wish to prevent a lawsuit -which the club will lose- you must
make a public apology to me for trying to force me to wear masks and end
the mask policy and other “pandemic” related measures.
Since you are supposed to be a press club, I recommend that one of
your members call (as I did) the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare
to ask them if they have scientific proof the COVID 19 (Certificate Of
Vaccine ID 2019) virus that is the justification for the mask-wearing
policy exists. You will find out they do not.
Also, FYI, the reason “COVID” mysteriously vanished in Japan is
because I filed criminal charges with the Marunouchi Police Department
against the hedge fund KKR. The police were provided with evidence that
all the “COVID positive” test results were fraudulently created by them.
In addition, they were shown evidence that all the COVID patients and
deaths occurred at hospitals they own. They were also provided evidence
that a certain Robert Rothschild filed a patent in 2016 (three years
before the supposed pandemic started) for a method to detect COVID 19.
Subsequent law enforcement activity has forced them and their complacent
government stooges to stop manufacturing a fake pandemic to force
vaccines on the Japanese people.
We will also be filing criminal charges against the Japanese
government because carrying out medical treatment (vaccination) based on
lies is a war crime according to the Nuremberg code.
Also, I will be publishing this letter on my website (which has over
30 million page views per month) to make sure you do not try to sweep
this affair under the carpet.
Benjamin Fulford
Editor and Publisher
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
MI6 and Japanese right-wingers close to the Emperor confirmed, following forensic examination, that the above is true.
You can also confirm that KKR founders Kravis and Roberts resigned recently.
Finally this week, we had contact from the secret space program via
Willis Byrd, the nephew of Admiral Byrd. They say that the Atlantic
Island of La Palma is under a haarp attack but it has been neutralized
so there is no need to worry about a tsunami.
They also say “The Starlink system will use the military’s Odin
program to take down the Mossad satellites that operate the MSM. This is
what took down Facebook earlier as a test.”
As usual with such information, seeing is believing. However, we can
confirm the good guys are on the offensive and the liberation of
humanity is close.
According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic
Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic
behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities
scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest
update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on
coordinated military campaigns conducted by special forces belonging to
an Earth Alliance working alongside their peers from the Galactic
Federation aiming to remove the last remnants of a Deep State
extraterrestrial alliance ensconced in multiple underground facilities.
On October 14, Megan relayed the following update from Val Nek [VN]:
VN: The end of the war is near. The Federation and the Earth
Alliance have made ample preparation for the communications systems on
Terra to be completely secure. The radio frequencies, which were hacked
by the Orion greys, three letter agencies and the Dark Fleet, are now in
the hands of the Earth Alliance. As I spoke previously, the Earth
Alliance has been fighting alongside the Federation to take back the
planet. The last part of this war, the final countdown, is the war
underground. The war underground is one of the bloodiest and most
horrific wars we have ever fought. I am sure that the Terran military
can also say the same.
What Val Nek describes here is not unlike the final months of
World War II when Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan fought to the bitter
end. This served a dual purpose. To spite the Allied powers by
destroying vital civilian infrastructure necessary for national
rebuilding, and also to give time for personnel and resources to be
diverted to underground bases in Antarctica and South America for the
creation of a secret space program ‘Dark Fleet’ (aka ‘Nacht Waffen’)
that was formally allied with the Draconian Empire.
Today we are witnessing similar ferocious battles this time
taking place in the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in the US
and elsewhere around the planet as the Earth Alliance moves against the
Deep State and their Orion Gray allies, after succeeding in a similar
cleanup effort in Antarctica as described in previous articles.
Val Nek’s reference to a ‘Final Countdown’ indicates that time is short
for the Deep State and its alien allies, as their strategic situation
collapses in the underground war.
While the war’s outcome may be clear, it can be predicted that
the Deep State, like the Nazis before them, is prolonging the war to
destroy lives and infrastructure in an act of malice, while taking the
opportunity to relocate whatever personnel and resources it can away
from the battlefields to remaining ‘safe locations’ whether on Earth,
our solar system, or elsewhere in the galaxy.
Val Nek continued his update by describing how Earth Alliance
soldiers wounded in the ferocious underground battles are being healed:
In previous reports, I have said that these soldiers are
finding refuge in healing technologies available on Lunar Operations
Command, soon to be expanded into a fully functional, state of the art
facility with higher density technology, as outlined in the Jupiter
Agreements. While I cannot speak for the Earth Alliance, I can report
that the Federation’s duties in regards to cleaning and clearing
underground bases is now complete. This is excellent news.
In a previous report, Val Nek reported how Lunar Operations Command was being repurposed
as a medical facility where Galactic Federation healing science and
technologies were being introduced to the Earth Alliance. Major
companies were involved in mass production of these advanced healing
technologies for eventual release to humanity.
Importantly, in a previous article,
I cited JP, a serving member of the US Army who I have known since
2008, who revealed that he and army colleagues were being sent to the
Moon to build new facilities for a multinational alliance working with
‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials. This was important corroboration for what
Val Nek has previously asserted, and makes it plausible that wounded
special forces personnel are being taken to the Moon for healing.
Val Nek’s update next discussed two important US bases where underground fighting was occurring:
There are two bases that were the last of our concerns: the
Dulce Base and Area 51. As Commander Ereydon previously reported, Orion
greys were captured and we were able to identify their energy frequency,
their genetic encoding that connected their consciousness. I can
confirm that this code indeed was hacked and soon all communication
systems in Terra will be secure. There are no more extraterrestrial
threats to Terra, in that respect at this time. The Alliance has the job
of recovering the servers, changing the frequency of the servers, and
replacing the satellite communications. They have everything they need,
they have the technology. We moved forward with the liberation of Planet
Val Nek was here referring to a previous report from Thor Han
Eredyon, another Galactic Federation Commander, that was relayed by
Elena Danaan, which discussed the capture of nine Orion Gray extraterrestrials.
Again, there was independent corroboration for such a claim, which came
from another contactee, Alex Collier, who described what he had learned
from the Andromeda Council about the capture of a group of Orion Grays.
I asked Val Nek a series of questions about his update which Megan kindly relayed to him and I received the following answers:
Q1. You describe the battles at these underground bases as
being particularly ferocious. Can you share any details about these
battles in terms of weapons used, personnel and their locations?
VN: Yes, I can speak on behalf of federation personnel who
fought alongside the Earth Alliance. It is important to note that it is
the Federation’s duty to remove extraterrestrial presence in these
areas. In the interest of training the Terran military, human soldiers
also fought alongside to eliminate some of the areas with the
Federation. These human soldiers have never seen such horrors, most of
them, and they deserve our greatest respect. The weapons that were used
to dismantle the malevolent extraterrestrial presence in these areas are
common to the Federation and will be manufactured for the Earth
Alliance to use in the future. They are best described to you as laser
guns. They emit a high frequency “laser” that de-magnetizes the atomic
bonds of a structure or person, inflicting trauma and death. These
devices are relatively simple and are effective in 4th and 5th density,
where most of these beings reside. Most of these human soldiers are
unable to see at 4D or 5D effectively with the naked eye. They have
special super suits with helmets for viewing.
This is not technology from the Federation, rather something
that was previously developed in their space programs, but nonetheless
effective. Our military strategy was this: isolate a section of the base
and attack. This was done in a manner to preserve the most life, as
these beings and corrupt military officials hold hostage humans and
other beings for experimentation.
I first heard of supersoldier suits worn by secret space program personnel back in 2014 from Randy Cramer,
who says that he served in a 20 and back program from 1987 to 2007. He
described how he was trained to battle against indigenous
extraterrestrial species on Mars on behalf of a corporate run secret
space program that US marines were secretly recruited to protect.
Cramer’s testimony was backed by a former US Marine Corps
serviceman and Washington State Trooper, Michael Gerloff, who provided
extensive documentation of his claims that US marines were being recruited during boot camp
for a secret space program. Ironically, the Galactic Federation
secretly armed the indigenous Martians to fight against the Dark Fleet
and corporate alliance thereby liberating their planet.
Later, Val Nek gave additional information in response to Q1.
Q1: VN: I would like to add that the Dulce base and Area 51
were the last to be cleared due to high ranking grey residents from the
Orion group. These beings carried a master frequency that was necessary
to hack their consciousness and the internet systems of Terra. Area 51,
for a long time, has been used as a base by the Killy Tokurt, or Tall
Whites, specifically, and officials of the corrupt Terran government.
These beings, I can report, a small number of them, were also captured
for a similar purpose. The Killy Tokurt have connections to the Terran
government. The Killy Tokurt, for a very long time, have offered certain
services to Terran governments, which I will not disclose, but is part
of the extraterrestrial infiltration. I can report that this information
is recovered and we are working diligently alongside the alliance.
We have extensive information about the Tall Whites (aka Killy Tokurt) thanks to the insider revelations of Dr. Charles Hall,
who served for nearly three years as a weatherman for the USAF at
Nellis Air Force Base in the mid-1960s. He wrote a five-volume series of
books titled Millennial Hospitality where he described the
agreements between the USAF and the Tall Whites dating back to the
1950s, and how each provided services to the other including an
underground facility at Indian Springs out of which the Tall Whites
could operate.
Significantly, corroboration for Hall’s remarkable claim came in the form of a Nevada news story
describing funds earmarked for the construction of a large underground
facility at Indian Springs at the time of the agreements, which has
never been officially disclosed. Val Nek’s claim that several Tall
Whites were captured as a result of underground battles at Area 51, is
consistent with Dr. Hall’s information about them having a major base
From Las Vegas Review Journal January 1, 1951
I next asked Val Nek about a secret base in my home country of Australia:
Q2. Was Pine Gap Australia among the underground facilities
where battles were fought? If so, what can you share about this facility
and any battles that took place there.
VN: I am not at liberty to disclose operations in Australia,
although I can confirm that the war underground has been won and
extraterrestrials have either fled or been removed by force from the
This is indeed good news since Pine Gap has long been regarded,
alongside Dulce New Mexico, as a place where some of the most egregious
human rights abuses were taking place against captive civilians used in
genetic experiments.
I next asked Val Nek about the infamous 1979 Dulce incident:
Q3. You describe Dulce base as being among the last to be
cleared, how does the ongoing battle there compare to a reported 1979
firefight incident between US Army Delta forces and Orion Grays?
VN: The Dulce base was the hub of the Orion Grey network. The
underground facility there is many miles deep with access to tunnels all
over the country of the United States. I am not aware of the specific
incident you are referring to. However I can report that this species of
Greys die quickly and very easily. This was not our goal however. Our
goal was first to capture them and find the key to their hive
consciousness. This was successfully done by the Federation. The rest of
the base and the beings inhabiting it were eliminated by the Federation
using our weapons as described above.
The humans hostages were removed and cared for by the Earth
Alliance, in facilities they have set up for medical purposes. The
human-hybrid or hostage extraterrestrial species were cared for by the
Federation as they contain genomes that are unknown to medical personnel
of the Alliance. However, you may find interesting, that your Terran
military will be trained in the genetics of these species, should it
become necessary in the future.
Back in 2003, I wrote an extensive report
on multiple insider testimonies about events at Dulce and the infamous
firefight that occurred there. The report is available on my website.
Q4. There are rumors that the Deep State is making its last stand in Australia and Hawaii, is there any truth to such rumors?
VN: I cannot comment, in the interest of Megan’s safety, on this question.
This is a very telling response. Australia is adopting some of the most ‘Draconian’ police actions
in the Western world against protestors to enforce official government
health policies. As far as Hawaii is concerned, at the time of writing,
my wife and I are leaving the Big Island after 17 years residence since
the signs are very foreboding for those that choose not to comply with
increasingly ‘Draconian’ health policies.
It’s very plausible that the Deep State and its extraterrestrial allies
is indeed making its last stand in these two idyllic Pacific locations.
My next question concerned weapons of mass destruction possessed by the Deep State:
Q5. There have been claims that the Deep State threatened to
use portable nuclear weapons and other exotic weapons such as scalar,
torsion, ‘toplet’, and ‘strangelet’ bombs if its existence were
threatened. Have such weapons systems been located and neutralized?
VN: Oh yes, I am happy to report on this. Nuclear weapons are
easily dismantled using technology from the Federation. This technology
was offered to governments of your people, in the 1950’s, but declined. I
can now report that this technology is in the hands of the Earth
Alliance, and they have graciously accepted our viewpoint of nuclear
weapons. Our viewpoint is this: these are weapons of mass destruction,
for all involved, and will not be beneficial for planet Terra. This
technology, to dismantle nuclear weapons, uses magnetic frequency. The
magnetic force is made from elements that are not known to planet Terra.
It is rather simple when you think of a bomb as a simple chemical
reaction, how to reverse a chemical reaction using elements, is simple
It’s very true that nuclear weapons technology has long been a
great concern to the Galactic Federation, which has raised the
proliferation of these weapons systems as an important feature of their
historical diplomatic contacts with different US and Soviet
administrations. Elena Danaan’s latest book, We Will Never Let You Down, which I highly recommend, discusses these historical negotiations in great detail.
In addition, I recommend viewing a recent Press Conference
involving former USAF officers revealing how UFOs interfered with
nuclear missiles, effectively neutralizing them for unspecified periods.
This directly corroborates Val Nek’s comments about Federation
technologies that can neutralize such dangerous weapons systems.
Q6. You mention the Earth Alliance is replacing compromised
satellite communications systems, is Elon Musk’s Starlink the chief
means for a new uncompromised system?
VN: Yes, the satellites I am referring to are satellites on the
ground. These satellites will be replaced with satellites in the orbit
of Terra, in the sky. Starlink is not the correct name for this system,
it is something else. I will not disclose, but you are welcome to
speculate. It uses similar technology to the satellite system you call
([Megan]: Val Nek says, very close, but no cigar….to above)
Val Nek’s response is again very telling. Something like
Starlink has been prepared and is about to officially launch. My
speculation is that Val Nek is alluding to the Space Fence
which is formally under the control of US Space Command. This new
communication system, will certainly be run by US Space Command and the
multinational space alliance it has formed as a result of the Jupiter
Accords which have been discussed in previous articles. Importantly,
General James Dickinson, the head of Space Command, confirmed in August
that over 100 agreements have been reached with different national
space agencies, military commands, and aerospace corporations making it
feasible that such a satellite communications system has been secretly
prepared, and is close to being launched.
My final question to Val Nek was the following:
Q7. If hacked radio frequencies and communications system
previously used to stifle dissent and public awakening are now in the
hands of the Earth Alliance, how long do we have to wait before we see
signs of social media and mass media putting out genuine information on
what is happening around our planet?
VN: I cannot completely answer this question because it
involves private Terran companies and is out of the hands of the
Federation. I can disclose that the Earth Alliance has been given the
technology and the tools to create an internet system that is
beneficial. The time frame, I cannot disclose, but will not take long.
It is an active operation, please understand.
It is significant that Val Nek has relayed this just after
President Donald Trump announced the launch of a new social media
company, Truth Social.
As I’ve discussed previously, according to Professor Haim Eshed, the
father of Israel’s space program, Trump has been working with the
Galactic Federation to disclose its existence to humanity. Therefore, it
would not be a great surprise that Trump is playing a crucial behind
the scenes role in creating a new internet system.
In conclusion, there is much to welcome in Val Nek’s most
recent report. His revelation that humanity has entered the Final
Countdown to the impending defeat of the Deep State, Orion Gray,
Draconian and Dark Fleet alliance is most welcome news. While more
ferocious battles lie ahead, the secret underground war has entered a
decisive phase and we may not have to wait too long to see the results,
and the unveiling of a Star Trek future.
For a complete list of articles and interviews concerning the Galactic Federation and/or featuring Megan Rose and Elena Danaan click here.
Finally, if you want to learn more about different Galactic
Federations and Councils and how these work with multiple national space
programs, I recommend my latest webinar which is now available on
A series of arrests, executions
and resignations worldwide signal that a major offensive against the
Khazarian mafia is underway, multiple sources confirm.
The head of
Germany’s central bank, the Dalai Lama, Klaus Schwab and many others are
among those being removed, the sources say.
In addition, the secret
governments of England, Germany, Ireland and Japan have been replaced.
Here is intel received from
multiple sources, including some at the top of the G7 Western political
“The militaries worldwide have been given the green light to
move. They will be active in every country. It’s the good guys taking
out the last of the bad guys. It started this weekend and will roll out
for the next 2-3 weeks…there may be intermittent outages in power,
water, internet and phones –be ready.”
Simon Parkes, who has his own
sources, says EU hotels are booked with soldiers. He also says New
Zealand citizens have been told to stay indoors and expect to hear
“explosions, shooting and children screaming.”
Before we go into the evidence of
changed governments in other countries, let us look at the evidence that
the Satanic “Biden” regime is about to be taken down. Remember the
Qanon post about “Red October?”
Well CIA sources are telling us
the widely publicized shooting by movie director Alex Baldwin of Halyna
Hutchins with a “prop gun,” is a signal. Let us connect some dots:
Alec Baldwin starred in the film,
The Hunt for Red October, wherein he helps hunt down a Russian nuclear
submarine that was originally docked in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the
Arctic Circle. Hutchins grew up in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the
Arctic Circle “surrounded by nuclear submarines.”
She was a Ukrainian spy whose husband is a lawyer defending the Clintons.
The set where she was shot is
about 30 minutes from Epstein’s 33k sq ft Zorro ranch in New Mexico —
the same one that had computer rooms the ‘size of houses’ to spy on
guests including Prince Andrew, when he allegedly stayed for a week
Dave Halls, the assistant director who handed the gun to Baldwin, was the second unit’s first assistant director on The Crow: Salvation, the sequel to the film in which Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Lee was killed in an on-set firearms mishap in 1993. Just a coincidence?
In what may also be related, a
Pentagon source says Grant Woods -an attorney general for the state of
Arizona was removed from office by the feds- who was a fixer for the
traitor John McCain, was found dead today cause unknown. “This was a
really bad guy,” he notes.
For those of you who prefer more
concrete evidence, let us point to a recent Pew opinion poll that shows
85% of Americans “believe their political system needs major changes or
needs to be completely reformed.” Similar numbers were seen in countries
like Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Spain and South Korea. You
can be sure the military/intelligence community is paying attention.
This is how British MI6
intelligence sees the situation:
“The Federal Reserve families are
absolutely bankrupt but bankruptcy has not been declared. All the
governments have to go because of stealth state capture by [satanic]
fifth columnists. There is no way in the world that the standing
governments can remain.”
If so, the big question is what is going to happen to the Chinese Communist Party. “The CCP would be the trigger ...
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Calling on Congress for public hearings, several former USAF officers say they witnessed UFOs during incidents at nuclear bases.
On March 24, 1967, ten intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
went offline at an underground launch control facility at Malmstrom Air
Force Base, Montana.
Robert Salas, a former USAF captain who had been the nuclear missile
crew commander at the time, was on site when the ICBMs became
inoperable, coinciding with calls from security personnel aboveground
who said they observed an unidentified flying object hovering near the
facility’s gate.
Just eight days earlier, a similar incident had occurred where
several ICBMs went offline at another of Malmstrom’s launch control
facilities. Within months of the incidents, an almost identical series
of events would transpire at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, where
ICBMs were again disabled coinciding with sightings of unidentified
aerial phenomena.
These incidents, and others like them, were the subject of a press
conference held at the National Press Club in Washington on Tuesday,
where a panel of former United States Air Force officers related
harrowing experiences involving UFOs at nuclear missile launch
facilities during the Cold War.
“One of the objectives here is to inform the public at large,” Salas told The Debrief prior to the event. “UFOs have been seen over nuclear weapons facilities, and in some cases disabled those nuclear weapons.”
In addition to the reality of UFO incidents that have occurred at
nuclear sites, Salas expressed concern about official secrecy by the
United States government, which he accuses of suppressing such
information from the public. However, Salas thinks a report on UAP
delivered to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
earlier this year may represent a shift in the government’s attitude
toward the subject.
“The fact that this phenomenon is real has actually been acknowledged in that ODNI report of June 25,” Salas told The Debrief. “And that’s a first. I’ve never heard that acknowledged by a government agency before.”
“And now the question is, will the government tell us the truth about
what they’ve known now for decades, almost 70 years or more?”
Government Officials Go On the Record About UFOs
At Tuesday’s event, Salas and the three other servicemen who joined
him presented evidence that ranged from official documentation obtained
through the Freedom of Information Act, to personal testimony about
their own firsthand experiences.
“We’re not trying to prove anything,” Salas expressed early in the
conference, noting that he and his company hoped instead merely to
present “the truth as we know it.”
The owners of the US Corporation and stage managers of the fake Biden
presidency appear doomed after their $150 trillion plan to stave off
bankruptcy was rejected by Asian secret societies. The West now faces a
period of extreme turbulence as the Khazarian mafia fights to survive
before their bankruptcy becomes official in early December, MI6 and
Asian secret society sources say.
What happened was, when the KM met with Chinese government
representatives at a Zurich Airport hotel on October 7th,(see last
week’s report for details), the KM used a combination of threats and
promises to be “good from now on” to buy a few weeks more time. The
Chinese side then took back to their bosses a $5 trillion per year,
30-year, $150 trillion proposal “to fight global warming.”
The Asians were warned by MI6 that “Climate change is a
money-laundering operation, it is the collapse of the US sovereign
debt…it is yet another guise to hide the fact the Federal Reserve Board
families are bankrupt.” Of course, the Asians already knew that and the
proposal has been rejected.
This can be seen in multiple news reports such as the following from the South China Morning Post:
Leaders of the world’s most powerful nations will meet in Rome for the Group of 20 Summit, then head to Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to cement climate commitments with other countries.
But with reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping will not
travel to Europe for either event, Western observers are downgrading
their expectations…
The Asians are interested in preserving nature but are also aware
there is no scientific proof that Carbon causes global warming, an Asian
secret society source says. “We will not base global environmental
protection policy on lies,” the source explained.
“We need to solve the problems brought by industrial civilization,
keep human activities within the limits of the ecology and environment,
and carry out holistic conservation and systematic governance of
mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts,”
Chinese President Xi Jinping explains.
Without Asian financing for the COP26 boondoggle, there is expected
to be a serious crisis in the West -especially the US- over the coming
months. However, MI6 and P3 freemason sources agree that -according to
their motto of Ordo Ab Chao- (translation “order from chaos “) the West
must decline further into chaos and mayhem before it will be possible to
finally remove the last vestiges of Satanic Khazarian mafia rule.
Already, close to 40% of US households have faced serious financial
hardship and have been unable to afford food and healthcare, according
to a recent survey.
These comments posted on Zero Hedge show this is just a foretaste: I distribute very basic apparel, ie tees, socks, underwear, etc.
Every manufacturer from Hanes to Gildan are out of goods and won’t
manufacture anything until at least next year because all their supplies
are sitting somewhere out on the ocean…I own Electronic stores in
Portland Oregon…Every company I deal with is doing some type of rapid
price increase.
Despite stories about a lack of truck drivers etc, the real reason
Westerners, especially Americans, are running out of stuff is because
their KM slave drivers are bankrupt.
However, Asian and Western secret societies have already agreed in
principle to a plan for what happens after the KM is removed. The plan
presented to the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth, the Asian Elders
and the Russians is as follows:
Plan for USA version 2.0
The United States Corporation is bankrupt. The Federal Reserve
Board of St. Louis and others say it has over $200 trillion in debt and
unfunded liabilities. The debt has risen exponentially over the past
several years. Attempts to kick the can down the road are mathematically
doomed. The only choice is a formal declaration of bankruptcy. When a
corporation goes bankrupt, even a big corporation, new management is
brought in to take over the still viable parts of the bankrupt entity.
However, in this case, we are dealing not only with the
bankruptcy of the USA. We are dealing with the bankruptcy of mostly
European aristocratic families who own the UN, the BIS, the IMF, the
World Bank etc. This means a viable alternative needs to be put in place to take over the top management of all of these entities
Let us consider the UN. The
five permanent members of the UN Security Council are the USA, Russia,
The UK, France and China. Only one of these nations is not Western.
Therefore, we propose creating a new security council comprised of
representatives from each of the following seven regions: Africa, the
Americas (North and South), Asia and Australasia excluding China, China,
Europe including Russia, India and the Islamic world.
Decisions would be made by
majority vote and vetoes would only apply to the regions vetoing. A
special veto-holding role for first nations and elders is also
This body would only take on
issues affecting the planet as a whole. Existing nation-states would
continue more or less as at present.
The seven-member world council
would also preside over a world future planning organization (with
seven regional offices) that would take on world-improving projects too
large for individual nation-states to carry out. These would include
such things as ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction,
replenishing the oceans, increasing total world biomass and colonizing
the universe.
The functioning and viable parts of existing global and regional organizations would be incorporated into this new structure.
As far as the United States is
concerned, a new entity, based outside of Washington DC (perhaps Idaho,
the geographic center of North America) would take on a caretaker role
to keep the vital parts of the current US regime (police, air traffic
control, the military. hospitals etc.) running.
In this scenario, the US and
Canadian militaries would use the emergency broadcasting system and
existing media networks to inform the population about the bankruptcy of
the USA corporation. They would explain that both the bankruptcy and
the fact civilian governments in Canada and the USA had been taken over
by gangsters were the reasons for the emergency declaration. An interim
regime would be run by the military and selected personnel from existing
government and corporate entities to preside over the re-establishment
of viable democracy, free press and meritocracy. Everything would be
done in a completely transparent manner with constant feedback from the
The interim regime would not be liable for the debts of the bankrupt corporation.
At a later date, a union with Latin America would also be negotiated.
As for Europe, the 47 nation
Council of Europe would be used as the basis for a new sort of regional
union to be negotiated by the nations involved. Russia and NATO would
provide military guarantees.
The other regions mentioned above would make their own decisions about how to proceed.
This proposal has been accepted as
a basis for detailed negotiations to be worked out by world leaders
over the coming months according to MI6, P3 Freemason and Asian secret
society sources.
During that time, the world faces
extreme danger and chaos as the KM fights tooth and nail for survival.
The signs of chaos, of course, are multiplying exponentially in most
Western countries as the KM tries to stay in power by imposing their
beyond totalitarian mark of the beast Certificate Of Vaccination IDs
Needless to say leaks by KM
whistleblowers, worker strikes, mass arrests etc. make it certain this
plan to impose perpetual, universal slavery on humanity is doomed.
The news report linked below is an example:
Boxes of COVID-19 Vaccine from
AstraZeneca show a Manufacture Date of July 15, 2018 . . . But
“COVID-19” wasn’t discovered until 2019 and wasn’t NAMED until February
11, 2020.
The following images show some more of the information that is coming out.
All this means there has been a
“sea change within the military-industrial complex,” MI6 sources say.
“All of the worlds’ police and all of the worlds’ intelligence agencies
are fed up with this, we have had enough. We are getting to the point
where we are saying ‘blow the whole lot of them up.’ The vast majority
of the celebrity world are rapists. We have proof on all of them and
they know that. Most of them are dead, what we are seeing are body
doubles. When we release our information they will all be gone. We will
continue to fight very hard.”
Video Player
This fight is also once again
getting personal for your correspondent. Munakata Hisao a 73-year-old
medical doctor who makes speeches for the same people who arrange events
for me died in mysterious circumstances. In his lectures, he explained
in detail why the vaccines were dangerous and the pandemic suspicious.
In late August he fell sick after a public engagement. He was told to
get a PCR test but he refused. Later he was found unconscious in his
home and taken to a hospital. There he still refused to take a PCR test
and used a Chinese herb called Ara. Then he got better. Just as he was
about to leave the hospital his condition suddenly got worse and he died
on September 29th. Also, six people who attended his August lecture
also got sick and died. Even though the doctor refused to take a PCR
test, his death was listed as due to COVID 19.
Another colleague of mine who
lectured with Dr. Munakata says he came down with severe diarrhea at the
same time. He claims he cured himself by fasting. This is exactly what I
did when I came down with diarrhea after eating an omelet on my Air
Canada flight when I returned from Canada in late August. Someone later
rang my doorbell claiming to be checking for COVID symptoms and seemed
surprised to find me alive.
On October 14th, I was warned that
gangsters in a Rolls Royce with the Shinagawa license plate 311x Tsu 11
(品川311xつ11) were waiting in ambush for me outside a public speaking
event I held.
the financial overseer of Japan’s
largest gang, the Yamaguchi Gumi (who was killed in 1997) insisted with
great urgency that I see her. When I met her she told me she had been
instructed to set the alarm on my phone so that it would ring at 11 am
on March 11, the day of the tsunami. I was also wrapped with a cloth
around my waist “containing herbal medicine” and told to keep it on for
24 hours. I was pretty sure it contained poison and took it off as soon
as I got home. So what do you think, is it a coincidence that a car with
the number 311x tsu 11 was waiting for me?
When I ran this incident by
various gangsters and right-wingers close to the Emperor they said these
people were sub-contracting for the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. “They
are angry because [former Finance Minister Heizo] Takenaka has lost the
ability to loot the Japanese pension fund for them,” one right-winger
explained. A counter-attack is now underway. Most of the Japanese
underworld is not on the KM payroll and are fighting the gangsters that
still sub-contract for them.
On a final note this week, we are
getting lots of reports about the secret space force destroying
underground bases around the planet in preparation for “planetary
liberation.” As a matter of principle, I stick to the here/now visible
world. On that level, we can certainly see that there have been lots of
earthquakes around the world taking place at the same 10 kilometers
below ground level epicenter and that they run in straight lines.
Perhaps it really is true that
underground tunnel networks are being destroyed. We shall see. In the
meantime, the battle for the planet earth will continue until humanity
is finally freed from millennia of slavery.