In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)
There is a “deafening” media silence on protests around the world
protesting against the elites, according to Webster University Assistant
Professor Ralph Schoellhammer.
“They are significant protests – we’re talking about 30,000 people in The Netherlands,” Prof Schoellhammer said.
Schoellhammer said the media and political campaign across the west
against “disinformation” is part of a broader attempt to “undermine”
organised protests against the agenda of the elites.
“That the
best way to prevent the pushback from large numbers of people is if they
don’t know that anything is going on,” he said.
“Think about the
situation of the truckers in Canada when they pulled their bank accounts
… so this is undermining the possibility of those people to organise.
what interest groups, what these players do – they see there is
something coming that could be a threat to their power so they try to do
something to undermine it.”
Money creation through debt issuance must remain in balance with
economic growth. As debt increases, more growth is needed, and if this
growth falters, so does the entire money system unless the excess debt
is removed.
other words, the debt is now over-designed so that the global financial
fiat money system is going under. Eventually this system will be
replaced by the QFS.
The question now is; Will the collapse of the US dollar come before
this happens, because the Deep State is trying to force this by all
means to replace the system on their own terms?
History shows that it will be a narrow escape. Since 2008, the money
system appears to have been predestined on this course. But, it will
soon go under, in the same way that every other fiat currency money
system in history has fallen by self-destruction.
The criminal government officials think they can hiding underground
in hidden shelters, which have now been destroyed. The result is; that
worldwide the financial cabal money system is eliminated and replaced,
but now by the people controlled QFS system- instead of the cabal
planned SDR fiat currency money system, managed by the IMF.
The world is now still in the cabal’s usual
‘Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS)’ phase of crises and disasters that
allows them to increase their control over us.
In this scenario, the existing infrastructure of funding from top to
bottom is completely destroyed through manipulation by the media,
academia, and the local public school system. They have been working
intensively for years to realise this plan. After it turned out that a
WW3 was not possible, the COVID pandemic was launched earlier as a
substitute, to be completed in a Hillary Clinton administration.
Regardless of what people think about the creation of Agenda 2030, it is wise to take the time to read the Protocols of Zion. Don’t just read them, study them. They explain exactly what is happening in the world now and why.
Only once there is a chance to totally destroy the Deep State.
Studying the protocols reveals that each agenda item has been skilfully
executed over many generations and comes from the top of the cabal
pyramid. Their knowledge of human weaknesses and the power of lies and
deception seems to be unrivalled. Thus, their plan for the destruction
of humanity and all control infrastructure systems offers them the
opportunity to start again.
Do not worry, the Patriots and Lightworkers are now firmly in control of the situation.
Collapse of the dollar reserve currency
The collapse of the dollar reserve currency has been expected for
many years since the 2007/8 crisis and was planned to tighten the Deep
State grip over the masses, without major loss of infrastructure.
once all Central Banks are eliminated, physical gold-backed QFS
currencies will be implemented locally, via people controlled QFS
system, replacing all existing Rothschild Central Banks money systems.
After, elimination of all central banks (CB), the TBTF – Too Big To
Fail banks are dismantled and converted into smaller local bank
locations to serve the public only. Crypto holders who think they have
made a good investment will be disappointed!
Meanwhile, many lives are being destroyed by unnecessary Covid
injections and by fraud at all levels. It is the last breath of the
cabal in the dying fiat currency system.
Crypto Mania
The world is subject to a new “Mass Madness” or madness of the crowd.
The current “Mass Madness” of our world, in the 21st century, is –
without a doubt – its fascination with Bitcoin and fellow
It is utterly pointless to argue with those who are subject to the delusion because it is an impenetrable delusion.
large part of our world, especially in “more developed countries”, is
under the spell of this madness, due to the publicity it has received
via the Internet.
Bitcoin and others are true technological wonders, there is no doubt
about that. Among other things, because of their security,
confidentiality, ubiquity at any time, wherever the Internet is
Bitcoin c.s. have caused mind-boggling phenomena never before
manifested among mankind. This stems from the fact that Bitcoin c.s. is
not related to anything tangible, yet it is instantly accessible in the
world on the Internet. Bitcoin c.s. is psychologically related to magic,
which gained a large following in bygone times.
While belief in Bitcoin is a positive hope for the safe possession of
personal wealth, associated with excessive growth, belief in witchcraft
supports fear and repulsion. But in essence, these are “popular
Bitcoin raises hopes of monetary security and the desire for rapid
growth in personal monetary fortune. While witchcraft inspires fear of
evil spirits. Both Bitcoin and Witchcraft have no relationship to
personal merit or personal failings; by which is meant that with Bitcoin
you can imagine yourself rich without having done a single bit of
productive work or created a productive idea. Whereas with fear of
witchcraft you can harbour unfounded fears without any reality.
However what Crypto investors don’t understand; these currencies are
initiated by central banks as an overflow outlet for their excess of
necessary money printing, similar to the asset and real estate markets.
The increase in paper value is fantom imagination.
put Bitcoin c.s. in the context of “Popular Delusions” and “mass
idiocy”, the whole madness is based on greed, or money mania. Some
historical examples support this thesis. Such as; the South Sea Bubble, Tulip Mania, Soothsaying, Influence of politics and religion, Crusades, etc.
During the tulip mania in the 17th century, one bulb could buy a mansion on the Keijzergracht in Amsterdam!
In today’s 21st Century, humanity has been subjected to the greatest
“Folk Madness” ever recorded in thousands of years of cultural history.
Bitcoin c.s. have placed a monetary value on the possession of
electronic digits – so that possession protects the owner of a Bitcoin,
or a tiny fraction of a Bitcoin, from theft.
A Bitcoin worth $50,000 is yours, yours alone, and cannot be stolen
from you. And your Bitcoin could be worth a lot more in the near future.
What is against that?
The big question, which is never talked about; is “What is Bitcoin worth?”
Let’s say a Bitcoin is quoted at US$50,000. A large sum.
But objectivity demands, “Define a US dollar, or any other currency that currently exists in the world.”
The correct answer is: “A US Dollar is an electronic figure, created
in the USA, by an institution called the “Federal Reserve Bank of the
USA.” – All other currencies are created in the same way, by Central
Banks of the respective country.
All the “money” in the world today, is nothing more than electronic digits!
This looks like fraud!
The fact that millions of others do value an electronic cipher and
are willing to give up Dollars – which are themselves only electronic
ciphers – does not inspire one to “own” such an impertinence as a
Digital Crypto currency.
What happens to the thousands of dollars that one Bitcoin is supposed
to be worth the day the Federal Reserve “goes bankrupt” and ceases to
Furthermore, if the dollar collapses, which it certainly will, all
the other currencies in the world that are denominated in Bitcoin will
also be worth nothing, because the dollar is the reserve currency for
all the other currencies except the now gold-backed Russian Ruble and
the Chinese Yuan.
One day, a book will be published on this subject; titled The Crypto Mania in analogy to the Tulip Mania!
FWC does not want to profit from the ignorance of the masses and
therefore gives the most valuable advice to all crypto owners for free;
Sell your cryptos NOW, enjoy your profit or limit your loss to buy gold and silver coins or bars to live happily ever after.
You are invited to become a member of the FWC, click this LINK
Stay informed and subscribe for free, with no hidden commercial interest, it is at our cost that you will be kept informed.
How does one know when one is or has engaged a Manchurian candidate?
There are several things to watch out for. One, do they come from a
military, alphabet agency or illuminati family?
Did they marry into one of the above at a young age? Do they have
missing time and memories? Has there been ritual abuse, cult activity
or secret meetings in the family? Are they very persuasive, put on an
image of being a victim to draw people in when in fact they are
predators? Some are handled by entities seen and unseen of ill intent?
Many are chipped, some have implants, some are aware of the chips and
implants, others have no knowledge of them or what happens after they
are activated. Victims are often those with agendas that did not get
what they wanted. If they don’t get what they want they play the Amber
Turd card until the real truth surfaces and karma comes back and bites
them in the butt.
I have had so many people come to me for validation yet if you
question any part of their story that does not fit within Universal Law
all hell breaks loose. They go on the attack making all kinds of false
accusations rather than healing, taking the path of discernment and
personal observation with humility. They are the stalkers who accuse
others of stalking. Sexual predators accusing others of sexual
predation. They are incapable of love, only manipulation and false
promises. They are the crazy makers and it is by design.
No matter how much love, compassion , teaching and healing in the
past it all goes out the door when they hit the wall of their wounds and
traumas they are not ready or have the courage to face. When their
handlers step in they are not in control some don’t even remember what
transpired. A good indicator something is off in their story is when
they become extremely defensive with the need to attack anyone that
disagrees with them or questions the intent and integrity of their
Many speak of abductions, chips, other influences that do not honor
free will and cannot fully remember what happened? They often speak of
off world relationships that bind them not allowing free expression in
this life which can be either a form of avoidance or a sign they have
given their power away to an external force or entity. Empowering the
individual to make their own personal connection to God/Great
Spirit/Creator upon which contact comes naturally is the path. It is not
an external process this creates a dependency and is disempowering. I
have always said my goal is to make myself unnecessary, empower people
to make their own contact, their own connection with Source. That is the
Another question one might ask if one suspects a Manchurian candidate
is there a history of one mess after another with whoever they get
involved with? Are there conflicting actions to their words and do they
weave webs of entrapment using their outer appearances, sexual energies,
promises of future love or sexual engagements that never seem to
“Are they deceptive concerning events that unfolded even to themselves?” Always check their story.
The next trap to avoid is flattery. There are three kinds of people
that fall victim to flattery, men, women and children. Manipulators will
use flattery, statements like I love you beyond all human
understanding, we are the perfect match etc. yet when you open your
heart the knife is inserted, twisted followed by a myriad of cold
hearted cruel words and actions designed to take you down. Not my first
rodeo on this one. Luckily, I gained the wisdom from previous
experiences, learned to shield up and the drama becomes a one sided
event. Unfortunately when you do this they will run to everyone else to
bring them into the drama. You don’t have to be chipped or implanted to
allow unseen negative entities in some are just too sensitive, not
strong enough to keep them out or have too many doors open, unhealed
wounds and traumas. Always remember trust is earned and it is often
earned over time. Nothing wrong with keeping that guard up in the
It is hard to determine if it is just past life trauma, childhood
trauma, projections and victim patterns being worked out yet if one has
experienced some or many of the above aforementioned questions or
patterns chances are that person has a handler whether it is seen or
There are many forms of chips, implants, influences and possessions.
The ones influenced in most cases don’t even know it is happening, they
have split personalities or just are not strong enough to clear
themselves. The higher more famous one becomes the greater they are
targeted, influenced and controlled if they cannot clear their space.
The honey pots used to entrap leaders, politicians, people in power
later to be blackmailed into doing the bidding of whoever controls the
honey is a classic example of Manchurian candidate behavior. This all is
replete throughout the political, business, religious, movie and music
industries. It is also within the UFO community designed to take down
those who speak of spiritually and technologically advanced off
worlders. Especially those who have the evidence to back up their claims
of contact and a long history of helping and healing people. There are
even those talking about Masters and Spiritually advanced ETs as a
façade yet watch how they behave off the stage.
Again there are claims to be working with these highly evolved beings
not knowing they are being influenced by those who are not who they
profess to be. We call them faker spirits or regenerate ETs. They often
leave a wake of chaos and confusion where ever they go and with whoever
allows them in. Gossip and rumors are their tools preying on those who
are empathetic, saviors, people without the wisdom to realize there is
always two sides to a story or lack the spiritual tools of discernment.
This, along with others of ill intent controlling the narrative is why
spiritually and technologically advanced off world contact cannot come
through the UFO community. “It is divided by design.” This however does
not mean there are not contacts of a lessor nature occurring within the
UFO community and contacts of a higher nature outside the community.
There are those breaking out of these scenarios, whistleblowers that
need to be heard yet we still need to be on guard, things just may not
be what they seem, the stories told are from one side, from one
perspective. Before jumping in to be the savior it is always good to
hear both sides with loving detachment. Something to ponder. It is the
only way to get off the victim/savior/persecutor hamster wheel. The
crusades can be a trap. The regenerates are feeding off the division.
In the words of Socrates, he was stopped by an acquaintance who said
“I have something to tell you, it’s about your “friend. That’s very kind
of you Socrates said but don’t tell me yet I run all information
through three filters to ascertain if I want to know it. First filter of
truth: have you witnessed this first hand? Second is the filter of
goodness: Is that a good statement you want to make about my friend? The
last filter: is that going to be useful to me? If the statement has no
personal witness, cannot be verified it is not necessarily true just a
perception of another through their filters, it is not necessarily
true. It is not good, it is of ill intent so it is of no use to me.
“Paraphrasing a bit.” There are also three kinds of business, your
business, other people’s business and God’s business. Other people’s
business is God’s business. Karma will rectify the situation and no one
knows what another needs in their soul for completion. These are tools
to survive the insanity surfacing within the UFO community staying
centered undistracted, rising to the occasion making your own contact.
We have chosen to step out of the dramas in the UFO community due to
getting entangled in them trying to help and bring healing and clarity
to the field. It will just have to work itself out healing, ending the
division, competition, cooperating for the higher good and staying on
track is not a welcomed presence in the UFO community. ECETI will
continue to do our own thing assisting in the awakening and healing of
humanity and the Earth yet it will continue outside of the community.
A question we have always pondered is why masters, spiritually and
technologically advanced off worlders, inner earth beings, and higher
dimensional beings continue to appear at ECETI are witnessed,
photographed, and video taped. Base logic would dictate we are doing
something right. Those who have no evidence, generators of rumor and
slander, those creating division or have clear ties with very
unscrupulous people are the ones getting the most attention or the ones
most threatened by those who are authentic. They are never questioned,
especially if they play the victim card? Their true motives and
intentions are covered by the card. Time to flip the card.
The victim now is the greatest tool to sew seeds of division and
deception. Time to remind them about personal responsibility and
sovereignty with their energies. A victim is usually one that did not
get what they wanted so they try to force or manipulate others to fill
their void. It is a backward way of getting notoriety, financial or
emotional support. They actually believe it is the rise to the top card
even though it is on the backs of others. It is a short trip. This will
trigger some people, if so there is something to look at. If it is not
your coat don’t wear it.
There is very little love today in society in general. Each
individual needs to fill their own void, not feed off others. It is
natural and human to desire love, compassion, support, and intimacy. To
the unhealed and victims this seems to be a crime. Seems like on present
day earth it is like looking for art in a trash can. Possible, but not
likely considering the whole world is in process. Cave is really looking
good right now.
Our inner circle at ECETI is awesome, all earned their position
through service to others, compassion and loyalty. We all love and
support one another, help each other in their process. Something the UFO
and Spiritual communities could learn from when the time is right. It
is a prerequisite for contact with Spiritually and Technologically
advanced beings. We have to rise to the occasion, create and maintain a
sacred space. That was and is the goal of ECETI holding space since
1986. It is why the highly evolved beings are making their presence
known and why we have a mountain of evidence. Are we perfect? No, we
just don’t sweat and blow out of proportion the small stuff, take
personal responsibility for our attitudes and emotions, each committed
and doing the best they can in a profoundly unhealed society.
In the days to come we are going to see just how unhealed this
society is. We are going to have to choose how much we want to engage in
the dysfunction and learn to set boundaries. It seems the words for the
day are discernment, respect, gratitude, and boundaries. Time to set
boundaries with those who are disrespectful, ungrateful and in denial
projecting and blaming others often for actions they themselves are
doing and their present predicament. Seems the UFO community is no
different than most democrats. If you want to know what they are doing,
watch what they blame others for doing. There are three fingers pointing
back to every one finger pointing forward. How many are going to have
the honesty and integrity or spiritual advancement to own that? We will
see. Not holding my breath on that one. If I did I would be one of those
blue beings everyone is seeing.
(Notice to readers: The next three reports will be pre-written so that
I may take my annual digital detox and fast in Canada. Barring some
unexpected black swan event regular reports will resume on August 22nd.
Your understanding and support is appreciated.)
it is important to step back from the day to day struggle for the planet
earth and look at the big picture. Here the evidence is clear.
planet earth is headed for some sort of Cambrian explosion type event
and dark forces are trying to prevent this from happening. In other
words, we are dealing with something far more important than just a 21st
century political struggle.
To understand what is at stake, let
us look again at the Cambrian explosion. For about 3.5 billion years,
life on earth was microscopic in scale. What we would have been able to
see with the naked eye would have been brown scum or maybe mats of
algae. Then suddenly, about 530 million years ago, macro-life exploded
into being. The oceans were filled with a dazzling variety of life forms
that were trillions of times larger than anything that existed before.
It was the evolutionary equivalent of a big bang.
are now facing a similar type of evolutionary big bang. The reason is
that humans have learned how to control and channel the life force. We
now have the technology to use the basic genetic building blocks of life
to create new forms of life. We are also close to attaining immortality
and super powers.
For example, we can now take an ordinary
chicken and turn it into a T Rex like creature weighing many tons with
just a few genetic tweaks. Whether or not we want to create hunting
reserves filled with mutant T rex chickens is another question; the
point is we now have the power to do such things.
can also alter our own genes so that we could have the strength of an
ant, the eyes of an eagle, radar like bats, sonar like dolphins,
electro-senses from eels etc. We can also become virtually immortal. So,
we could all become immortal super-beings. This is not science fiction,
it is now actually possible. This means we need an open debate on what
to do about this new found god like power that we have. At the very
least, I believe most of us would rather live a lot longer than we do
The standard argument that we hear against immortality is
that “the planet would become overcrowded. That is a lie. First of all,
at present, if we gave each person a Chinese style subsistence farm, we
could fit the entire population of the earth in the State of Texas.
Also, with energy technology that has been suppressed, we could create
entire new eco-systems in the deserts, the frozen wastelands and
underground. We do not even have to invoke “free energy.” This can be
done with hydrogen taken from water using solar power, for example. This
means we could support many times more people –living in harmony with
nature- than we have now, even if we are prevented from colonizing space
something, or someone, is trying to prevent this from happening. When
we look at what has happened to us, especially in the West, over the
past two years, we can see that a powerful group has been trying to
alter our genes with vaccines designed to turn us into domesticated
animals. As Henry Kissinger once famously boasted: “In the future it
will be as impossible for the ordinary people to rebel against us as it
is for a sheep to rebel against a farmer.” We are fighting against a
tribal group that wants to monopolize the ability to become superhuman.
They want the rest of us to have short, ignorant lives of inescapable
and permanent slavery.
In other words, humanity is at a cross roads. Either we go
down the path of permanent enslavement or we rise to a whole new level
of existence. Nobody I know wants to become a farm animal living in
inhuman conditions so, we have a fight on our hands.
In order to
defeat the high level psychopaths who control us, let us look at what a
forensic, fact-based investigation can tell us about who, or what, is
trying to prevent the new Cambrian explosion.
That is why I want
share my own direct experiences (for the benefit of many new readers who
may not have heard the story) with this malevolent entity that is
trying to keep humanity from developing.
My entry into the secret
battle for the planet earth started when I read UN reports from the
1990’s that said poverty and environmental destruction could be stopped
by the year 2000. All that was needed was $200 billion a year to end
poverty and $400 billion a year to stop environmental destruction, the
reports said.
I realized this could be accomplished by convincing
the Japanese to act. Japan was sitting on $ 7 trillion it had earned
from exporting cars, TVs etc. to the rest of the world since then end of
World War II. That meant they could end poverty, stop environmental
destruction and still have $6.4 trillion in change to spend on
colonizing the universe or whatever.
This was why I began trying
to convince the Japanese people to spend their money for this purpose.
As Asia Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes magazine, I used to be a regular
on prime time Japanese TV. However, when I started talking about Japan
deciding to spend its own money to save the planet, I was put on a
blacklist. TV producers told me they wanted me on but that they had been
ordered not to.
In Japan, the blacklist was created by the
government of Junichiro Koizumi, his henchmen Isao Iijima of Japanese
intelligence and Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. As I started exposing
these high level criminals in the Japanese government, many Japanese
journalists told me that if a Japanese person had reported the sort of
things I did, I would have been killed long ago. It is well documented
that the occupiers of Japan since world war II used Japanese organized
crime gangs to murder dissident journalists, politicians etc.
this point to try to understand what was really happening, I had
cultivated sources in Japanese ninkyo organizations (they are typically
called yakuza but that is a derogative). They, told they were only
allowed to kill Japanese and that they sub-contracted for the CIA and
In any case, the real trip into the rabbit hole began
after I started reporting that Takenaka had handed over control of all
of Japan’s listed companies to foreign “vulture funds.” A forensic
investigation showed these funds were controlled -via foundations- by
people like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. At the time, time
(around 2004-6) there was literally not a single word about the real
power of these controllers on the entire internet. The closest thing I
could find was a single sentence on an Israeli chat board saying “there
was a rumour the Rothschilds contributed to the creation of Israel.”
I got a chance to interview Takenaka (he thought it was to promote his
book), I confronted him with the fact he had handed over control of all
of Japan’s listed corporations to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
is when I opened a Pandora’s box. Takenaka (who recently was at Davos)
later sent a self-described Ninja assassin to meet me. He told me I
would be given the job of Finance Minister of Japan but, only if I
agreed to a plan to kill 90% of the worlds’ population. He explained
this was necessary to “protect the environment” and that since war did
not kill enough people, this time they were going to use disease and
starvation (I have it on tape). If I did not go along, I would be
killed, he added. This self-described assassin later -at great personal
risk- handed me a tape recording that said the people behind this plot
to kill 90% of humanity were “the elders of Zion.”
At around this
time Kaoru Nakamura, a cousin of the Emperor Hirohito, also approached
me and gave me a video tape showing evidence 911 was an inside job. At
the time, I thought “this is the ‘anti-semitic’ conspiracy theory I had
read about in the New York Times.”
However, when I was finally
convinced to look at the evidence, it became obvious that 911 was an
inside job. As a trained journalist I began to follow the evidence trail
to its source.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, the
investigation led me via Heizo Takenaka and his handler Henry Kissinger
straight to David Rockefeller. When Rockefeller came to Japan to promote
a Japanese language translation of his auto-biography, I was able to
get an interview. He apparently thought it was arranged by his people to
publicize his book.
After interviewing Rockefeller, a whole
parade of secret societies and groups popped out of the woodwork. The
Gnostic Illuminati sent Sasha Zarik aka Alexander Romanov to meet me.
Zarik said he had been recruited by the former chess champion Bobby
Fischer. This group recruits 6,000 influential people form each
generation who are not part of the ancient ruling bloodline elite. He
said their group was responsible for the American, French and Russian
revolutions. What these revolutions had in common was an attack on the
bloodline aristocracy. They are especially influential in meritocratic
organizations like the US military and among self-made billionaires.
That is why it is good guess people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are
members. The gnostic illuminati told me they were going to stage a world
revolution this time.
Then I was approached by the P2 Freemasons
via Leo Zagami. They told me they had been ruling the planet for the
past 26,000 years based on a plot given to them by extra-terrestrial
beings. The plot was calibrated according to the motions of the moon and
the planets, he said. Zagami said the plot ran out in 2012 but the
controllers decided to ad lib on their own after that date in order to
cling to power. This group claims to control the Vatican, the mafia and
world communism. They told me they would get rid of Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi and Pope Ratzinger and they did.
The P2 also
made a deal with Asian secret societies. They promised to put a black
communist in power in the United States in 2008 in exchange for
continued funding from Asia. This led to a deal to use 700 tons of Asian
gold to create 750,000 tons worth of gold backed bonds. This led to the
creation of $23 trillion that kept the US Corporate government afloat
until 2020 when the funds ran out.
Here you can watch Lord Blackheath talk about port of this in the British Parliament.
P2 also took credit for the Fukushima attack against Japan on March 11,
2011. This was used to force Japan to hand over the $7 trillion it had
earned since WWII.
Over the years there was a whole long list of
other groups that appeared including: the Dragon Family, the Japanese
three legged crow society. Mossad, the CIA, the NSA, the Russian FSB,
MI6 the Red Swastika, various Chinese secret societies, the Red Dragon
(communist China), the Blue Dragon (the ancient Middle Easter guild of
assassins) the US secret space force etc.
In each case I actually met in person with representatives of these groups who provided clear proof they were real and powerful.
groups have now formed an alliance to liberate the planet earth and
initiate the new Cambrian explosion. The group known as the Khazarian
mafia that wants to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest is now
fighting for its survival.
So now the KM is desperately trying to
carry out its agenda to kill 90% of humanity with events like the
pandemic, the vaccine campaign, the engineered food crisis, the war in
the Ukraine etc.
The alliance is fighting back by hunting down KM
operatives and staging an international boycott of the United States and
other countries still under KM rule. .
Next week we will take a deep dive into the x-files aspect of this war.
The opposite of tyranny is not democracy, but rather liberty and
individual rights. Is it not startling, then, that Western leaders extol
democracy, yet pay such little homage to personal freedoms?
Yet freedom, liberty, and individual rights are rarely mentioned. In
their stead, political leaders cherish the “virtues” of democracy and
little else. It is as if a linguistic sleight of hand has robbed Western
citizens of their most valuable heritage.
Is it not strange that Western leaders laud democracy over
authoritarianism while simultaneously diminishing the power of their
voters and strengthening the authority of foreign institutions [such as
the EU, the UN, and the WHO]? Shouldn’t “democratic” nations decide
their own fates?
Why should bigger, broader forms of international government,
however, be seen as more virtuous and less corrupt than their national
forms?…. For that matter, had Hitler’s Nazi Party succeeded in
conquering all of Europe, would his “European Union” have deserved
greater legitimacy than the national governments of Poland, Belgium, or
When national populations are denied self-determination and personal
liberties are treated as privileges, not rights, then tyranny is never
far from taking hold.
Political language manipulates political debate. Abortion opponents
who define themselves as “pro-life” semantically render abortion
proponents as “pro-death.” Abortion supporters who define themselves as
“pro-choice” semantically render any opposition as “anti-choice.” Who
wants to be “pro-death” or “anti-choice,” after all? Such is the nature
of politics. Words are weapons: when wielded deftly, they shape the
battlespace for our minds.
what does it mean when Western leaders these days speak so much of
democracy but so little of individual rights? Or that they preach the
virtues of international institutions, while demonizing nationalism as
xenophobic and dangerous? It means that national sovereignty and
natural, inviolable rights are under direct attack throughout the West.
It has become rather common for European and American politicians to
divide the world between “democratic” and “authoritarian” nations, the
former described as possessing inherent goodness and the latter
declaimed as threatening the planet’s very existence. Of course, after
two-plus years of COVID-19-related mask, vaccine and travel mandates,
often imposed in the West through unilateral executive or administrative
action — and not through legislative will or public referendum — it is
somewhat difficult to assert that democratic nations are free from
authoritarian impulse.
When presidents and prime ministers make and enforce their own laws
under the pretext of “emergency powers,” then citizens should not be
surprised when their leaders discover an endless supply of “emergencies”
requiring urgent action. Should that truth be in any doubt, one need
only look to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s iron-fisted decision to
quell truckers’ peaceful Freedom Convoy protests against experimental
vaccine mandates earlier this year by confiscating bank accounts and
effecting forceful arrests with little regard for due process or respect
for Canadians’ free speech. Trudeau’s declared “emergency” trumped
Canadian citizens’ personal rights.
It is also true that democracy in and of itself is no guarantee for a
noble and just society. In a properly functioning democracy of one
hundred citizens, fifty-one can vote to deny the other forty-nine
property, liberty, and even life. Should a member of the minority find
himself enslaved to the state or slated for execution simply because the
majority wish it so, he will not be singing the praises of democracy
while his neck is squeezed within the noose.
Principles of federalism (where sovereign government jurisdiction is
divided between a central authority and its local, constituent parts)
and separation of powers (where the judicial, legislative, and executive
functions of government are divided among distinct and independent
branches) provide strong checks against the concentration and abuse of
too much power.
However, it is the West’s traditional embrace of natural rights that
exist apart from and superior to constitutional authority that create
the greatest protection against unjust government power (democratic or
not). When natural rights are viewed as inviolable, as they are in the
U.S. Declaration of Independence, free speech cannot be censored simply
because it is speech with which the government disagrees. When private
property ownership is understood as an inherent right possessed by
individuals, Trudeau could not so easily go after private bank accounts
whenever he might choose to declare an “emergency.” When individual
natural rights are seen as mere “gifts” from the government, though,
they quickly disappear whenever government actors find it expedient.
It is increasingly common to see individual rights attacked as
“selfish” and contrary to the “common good.” Should government leaders
convince citizens that personal rights do not exist, or that they should not exist, then authoritarian governments embracing various shades of communism or fascism will come knocking on the door.
The rule of law does not excuse tyranny simply because what is unjust
was democratically enacted. If any voting minority is vulnerable to the
whims of the majority, then to that minority a democratic government
feels exceedingly authoritarian, too. And should your life, liberty, or
property be on the line, you might very well prefer the judgment of a
benevolent dictator to the demands of a vengeful, yet “democratic,” mob.
The opposite of tyranny is not democracy, but rather liberty and
individual rights. Is it not startling, then, that Western leaders extol
democracy, yet pay such little homage to personal freedoms? Surely
Western Civilization should honor hard-fought victories for freedom of
speech, freedom of religion, and free will. Surely the advancement of
human liberty should be celebrated as a triumph of reason and
rationality over feudal systems of power and their imperious forms of
control. Surely any “free” society distinguishes itself from
authoritarian regimes through its steadfast protection of inviolable
human rights that exist irrespective of statutory law. Yet freedom,
liberty, and individual rights are rarely mentioned. In their stead,
political leaders cherish the “virtues” of democracy and little else. It
is as if a linguistic sleight of hand has robbed Western citizens of
their most valuable heritage.
If Western political leaders have used rhetorical voodoo to replace
“individual liberty” with vague notions of “democracy,” they have relied
upon a similar witchcraft to replace national sovereignty with
international forms of government. What are the European Union, the
United Nations, and the World Health Organization if not institutional
structures for weakening the individual voting power of a nation’s
citizens by handing once sovereign national powers to non-citizens?
Is it not strange that Western leaders laud democracy over
authoritarianism while simultaneously diminishing the power of their
voters and strengthening the authority of foreign institutions?
Shouldn’t “democratic” nations decide their own fates? If not, if they
must yield to the authority of the EU, UN or WHO, can individual nations
still claim to be governed democratically?
“Nationalism” these days has been reduced to a disparaging word, as
if anything done in the interests of one particular nation is inherently
suspect. Citizens who express patriotic pride in their culture and
national history are often rebuked as parochial or downright bigoted.
Political movements that champion national self-determination (such as
President Trump’s MAGA coalition in the U.S. and Brexit in
the U.K.) are routinely ridiculed as “fascist” or “neo-Nazi.” Even when
they achieve victory in democratic elections, they are nonetheless
labeled “threats” to democracy.
Why should bigger, broader forms of international government,
however, be seen as more virtuous and less corrupt than their national
forms? When the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire, did its
international institutions become inherently more trustworthy? When the
Holy Roman Empire united much of Europe, did its emperors seem less
authoritarian? For that matter, had Hitler’s Nazi Party succeeded in
conquering all of Europe, would his “European Union” have deserved
greater legitimacy than the national governments of Poland, Belgium, or
Surely it is just as absurd to praise international institutions over
national governments without regard to the forms they take, as it is to
praise democracy without regard for personal freedoms and individual
rights. Surely it is easier to keep an eye on the actions of a local
politician than it is to hold accountable a government official far away
in Washington, D.C., New York City, Brussels, or Geneva. Yet
international bodies are accorded tremendous respect today, while
national bodies are frequently treated with disdain. It is as if
national sovereignty has been demolished because the votes of democratic
nations cannot be trusted to serve international interests. When
Western leaders are all parroting the language of
the World Economic Forum, it does not seem as if they are taking their
marching orders from their own voters. Deferring to unelected,
untransparent, unaccountable organizations seems a rather odd way to
fight authoritarianism.
When national populations are denied self-determination and personal
liberties are treated as privileges, not rights, then tyranny is never
far from taking hold. Hiding that reality behind manipulations of
language does not change its potent truth. It just forestalls
contentious political battles for a later, more explosive day.
The World Economic Forum envisions a
food system that doesn’t include animal foods or require a large land
footprint. In fact, for several years now, the WEF has promoted the idea
that we should get used to eating bugs and drinking reclaimed sewage.
Both are now being rolled out
In a July 2022 article, The New York
Times took the WEF’s dystopian projections to a whole new level,
announcing that the time to consider cannibalism is now upon us
Interpretation: The WEF and its
allies are manufacturing food shortages, which in some areas may
progress into actual famine, and they want you to know that when that
time comes, it’s OK for you to eat your neighbor
In addition to a recent rash of books
and TV shows that glorify cannibalism, there’s lab-grown human steak
“art,” and vegan meat designed to taste like human flesh. In 2019, a
Swedish professor also argued for cannibalism as a more sustainable
alternative to eating bugs
Much of the supposed “inspiration”
behind the promotion of unnatural diets is said to come from a desire to
save the planet. While that’s admirable, it’s important to realize that
the “green” agenda — as it is currently promoted — is nothing but a
scare tactic to bring people to the point of accepting living conditions
that would otherwise be unacceptable, such as eating a diet of bugs,
drinking reclaimed sewage water and even, apparently, cannibalism
Time and again, the World
Economic Forum (WEF) and its global collaborators have "predicted" the
future with stunning accuracy, sometimes years in advance, and then when
the predictions come true they pretend as though they had nothing to do
with it.
It's worth remembering, then, that WEF founder Klaus Schwab, during
the May 2022 meeting in Davos, clearly stated that the future doesn't
just happen, it is "BUILT — by us," referring to himself and the other
attendees in the room. So, make no mistake, they truly believe they have
the right to decide the fate of the world, and that you and I have no
say in the matter.
That fate was in June 2020 formally announced under the banner of "The Great Reset," by Schwab himself.1
This "build back better" scheme involves the complete reorganization
and restructuring of all parts of society, including finance, industry,
education, "social contracts," the energy sector and the food system.
As far as the food system is concerned, the WEF envisions a food
system that doesn't include animal foods or require a large land
footprint. In fact, for several years now, the WEF has promoted the idea
that we should get used to eating bugs2,3,4 and drinking reclaimed sewage. As just one example, in mid-October 2018, the WEF posted on Twitter:5
"Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon."
Bugs, Sewage and Cannibalism — The Cabal's Plans for You
The WEF's many predictions are now rapidly turning into reality, and
its selfish agendas are, of course, hailed as brilliant and necessary by
its media allies. For example, in February 2021, Time magazine6
insisted we really ought to eat more bugs to save the planet, and in
May 2021, Bloomberg announced that "The Future of Water Is Recycled
Sewage, and We'll All Be Drinking It."7
Indeed, California has already started its toilet-to-tap transition.8 July 23, 2022, The New York Times9,10
then took the WEF's dystopian projections to a whole new level,
announcing that the time to consider cannibalism is now upon us:
"An image came to Chelsea G. Summers: a boyfriend,
accidentally on purpose hit by a car, some quick work with a corkscrew
and his liver served Tuscan style, on toast. That figment of her twisted
imagination is what prompted Ms. Summers to write her novel, 'A Certain
Hunger,' about a restaurant critic with a taste for (male) human flesh.
Turns out, cannibalism has a time and a place. In the
pages of some recent stomach-churning books, and on television and film
screens, Ms. Summers and others suggest that that time is now ... Can
you stomach it?"
"The show's tension is in the knowledge that you know cannibalism is
coming, but when? And why?" Beggs writes. The show, no doubt, mirrors a
tension the elitists of the world actually want to emerge in real life.
"What in the world are you talking about?" you may ask. Let me put it
bluntly and not beat around the bush: The WEF and its allies are
manufacturing food shortages, which in some areas may progress into
actual famine, and they want you to know that when that time comes, it's
OK for you to eat your neighbor.
You'll be saving the planet, and yourself. Cannibalism is a "win" for
the world, so don't be squeamish. Heck, you might even enjoy it, and
there's no need to be riddled with useless guilt. You're still a good
That's the subliminal message being broadcast through these articles,
books and TV shows that normalize cannibalism, and it's not by
accident. Need I remind you that the NYT deputy managing editor, Rebecca
Blumenstein, is a WEF member?11 She knows what's coming.
And then, of course, there's the fact checkers insisting The NYT "did not publish an article that normalizes cannibalism,"12
which is basically proof that it did just that. Those of us who read it
did not misunderstand its unstated purpose. The New York Times has also
written glowing tributes to Marina Abramovic, whose “art” involves
graphic references to cannibalism.13
Lab-Grown Human Steak
In addition to books and TV shows that glorify cannibalism, there's
lab-grown human steak, and vegan meat designed to taste like human meat.
Starting with the former, in December 2020, steak grown from human
cells was featured as "art" at the Design Museum in London, U.K.14
The creator of the "Ouroboros Steak" — a reference to the ancient
alchemical symbol of the snake that devours its tail and is reborn from
itself — claimed the installation was a critique against the meat
industry, and arose from spending a year "imagining how climate change
might impact the future of food consumption."15
He was reportedly upset about the fact that "the focus quickly became
centered on accusations that we were promoting cannibalism." At the
time, The New York Times reported:16
"'Ouroboros Steak' examines, but does not promote,
auto-cannibalism as a satirical take on the increasing demand for meat
products around the world, which scientists have warned will likely
contribute to carbon emissions and reduced biodiversity.
The designers hoped that shocking audiences with the
suggestion would trigger an examination of environmental responsibility
and the clean-meat industry, which has promoted itself as producing
'kill-free' food, although most companies heavily rely on fetal bovine
serum harvested during the slaughter of pregnant cows for cell
While the designers may have had pure intentions, the end result is
still something that benefits the depraved agenda of the global elite.
It's also worth noting that livestock — raised in a regenerative
fashion, and not in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) —
actually have a very positive impact on the climate.
Are They Trying to Normalize Cannibalism? Absolutely
Taking the human steak idea a step further, a company called BiteLabs
claims to be selling artisanal salami made from lab-grown celebrity
According to their website, they intend to collect biopsy samples from
celebrities, isolate the muscle cells, and then grow the celebrity meat
using a proprietary bioreactor.
The lab-grown flesh is then cured, dried, aged and spiced according
to Italian tradition. It’s unclear whether any celebrities have signed
up to become salami, but the company does appear to be real. New York
Grub Street wrote an article about the startup in 2014.18 IFL Science19 followed up in January 2022, noting that “It’s perfectly possible” to create salami from cloned celebrity meat.
Other examples of an ongoing effort to normalize cannibalism include a
2018 article discussing the benefits of teenage blood plasma,20
said to have rejuvenating effects. A 2.5-liter order was said to cost
about $8,000 at the time. In a bit of predictive programming, the film
“Soylent Green” — in which the protagonist realizes the government food
being handed out is made from humans — was set in the year 2022.21 And then, there’s Katy Perry (below).
Vegan Burger Made to Taste Like Human Flesh
Continuing the parade of cannibalism-normalizing trends, in June
2022, a vegan burger said to “taste like human meat” won a silver award
at the annual Cannes Lions festival of Creativity.22,23
The human meat burger, made from soy, mushrooms, wheat protein,
plant-based fats and a secret spice mix, debuted during a 2021 Halloween
festival in Stockholm, Sweden.
The video above was the ad for that event. While they state that "no
humans were injured in the development of this product," one obviously
wonders how they came up with the taste profile for human meat in the
first place.
Perhaps they invented it, and it actually doesn't taste anything like
human flesh. Who'd be able to tell the difference? Either way, this is
yet another example where the idea of cannibalism is embraced and
'Cannibals Against Climate Change'
Coincidentally, another Swede, professor Magnus Soderlund, made
headlines in 2019 by suggesting "humans should become cannibals to fight
climate change, because eating human flesh is more 'sustainable' than
the meat industry."24
He even insisted cannibalism was a more sustainable option than a diet
of insects. While his concept didn't grow legs right then and there, it
seems someone, somewhere, took note of his insane ideas.
While cannibalism has indeed featured on and off throughout human
history, it was typically — although with some notable exceptions — a
measure of last resort. People ate family members and neighbors to
survive famine.25
To suggest that the most advanced human civilization in known memory
start eating each other "to save the environment" is unreasonable in the
extreme. We have regenerative farming methods that would ease most of
our environmental concerns. There's absolutely no reason to jump from
industrial farming all the way to cannibalism.
Green Agenda Seeks to Normalize Lowered Standard of Living
Much of the supposed "inspiration" behind the promotion of unnatural
diets is said to come from a desire to save the planet. While that's
admirable, it's important to realize that the entire "green" agenda — as
it is currently promoted — is nothing but a ruse, a scare tactic, to
bring people to the point of accepting living conditions that would
otherwise be unacceptable, such as eating a diet of bugs, drinking
reclaimed sewage water and even, apparently, cannibalism.
The green agenda is based on cherry-picked flawed ideas, such as the
idea that nitrogen fertilizer is a pollutant that must be reined in by
eliminating farming. Without farmers, what will we eat? The
technocratic, transhumanist-loving cabal's answer: Weeds, bugs and,
possibly, each other.
It sounds wild and crazy, but they really do want to get rid of as
many people as possible, and no strategy is ethically off-limits, be it
the promotion of abortion, the elimination of fossil fuels without
having a workable replacement, the mandating of experimental gene
transfer injections, insect diets, reclaimed sewage water or
By the way, a number of U.S. states have also adopted alkaline hydrolysis26
as an alternative to cremation, where dead bodies are dissolved and the
water from the process is flushed down the sewer. What could possibly
go wrong by combining the flushing of water used to dissolve human
remains into the sewer and then repurposing that same water into
drinking water? Even if mostly symbolic, this too is a form of
Why Are the Elitists' 'Answers' so Gross?
If you're like most, you're probably wondering why everything the
technocratic cabal presents as "the answer" to our global woes is so
darn gross and dehumanizing. The simple answer is that we're not human
to them. We're a commodity, like cattle, that exist for their benefit
and exploitation. They're "above" the rest of us. We may not have a
caste system, officially, but there are two classes in this world.
Before farmers realized that mad cow was created by the feeding of
bovine parts back to cattle, this practice was commonplace. And, frankly
speaking, the technocratic elitists see us the same way. Why not feed
useless eaters back to the ones that still have some worker-bee value?
To them, that's just plain rational.
It's efficient, and technocracy is based in large part on the
efficiency of any given system. Robots are more efficient than humans,
hence robots are the better choice. Artificial intelligence is more
efficient than the human intellect, and hence they want to merge with
it. What to do with useless humans, is the question. And the answer is
to get rid of them, in whatever way works, without raising the ire of
too many peasants.
Celebrities Embrace Bug Diet
For now, the normalization of cannibalism is still in its infancy.
But the fact that bugs are on the menu — now, today — is undeniable.
Celebrities, of course, have a role to play in any successful social
engineering project, and in the video above, the actress Nicole Kidman
takes one for the team.
"Three million people in the world eat bugs, and I'm one of them,"
she says, wolfing down a number of different insects, some live and
others fried for a crispy crunch. You can bet your bottom dollar that
the fried ones were fried in seed oils. My skepticism of her genuineness
aside, research has concluded that celebrities can indeed "persuade
people to eat insects." As reported by
"Using celebrity endorsements in adverts for
insect-based foods can increase people's willingness to include insects
in their diet, finds new research from BI Norwegian Business School
(BI), Chuo University, Miyagi University, and Oxford University.
To combat and prevent a global food crisis, we need
to explore alternative protein sources. The UN has urged people to
consider the consumption of insects as they are nutritious, sustainable,
and readily available worldwide. However, many struggles with the
concept of eating insects ...
The findings showed that celebrities' perceived
trustworthiness, knowledge about insect-based foods, and appropriateness
are crucial factors in increasing people's willingness to eat insects.
However, different genders responded differently: For
men, ads featuring actors or athletes were most effective, while only
actors effectively influenced women. In comparison, musicians did not
appear to be as influential. Using musicians in ads made women less
willing to consume insect-based foods ...
'Our findings demonstrate that celebrity endorsement
can be a very effective strategy to increase consumer interest in eating
more insects, as long as the right celebrity is targeted at the right
Obviously, this research is not languishing in a hidden drawer. The
technocratic Great Reset adherents are putting the findings to work.
Examples of celebrities espousing the deliciousness and healthiness of
bugs include Drew Barrymore, Robert Downey Jr., celebrity chef Gordon
Ramsay, Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie, just to name a few.28
Other Types of 'Cannibalism'
While cannibalism is now being approached in a more head-on manner,
humans have been ingesting and taking in other humans in other ways for
many years. For example, human aborted fetal cells are frequently used
in the development of vaccines.
And, while human cells are not present in the final product, DNA
fragments and cell proteins can still be present. To learn more about
this process, see this article. A short excerpt reads as follows:29
"Apart from any moral conflict one might have over
the use of aborted fetuses for vaccine production, we need to remember
that DNA from the aborted fetuses actually ends up in vaccines as a contaminant ...
Independent research30
has found that vaccines manufactured in human fetal cell lines contain
'unacceptably high levels of fetal DNA fragment contaminants,' These
fragments, while in trace amounts, are still biologically active once
injected into the body of another individual via vaccine.
Vaccines elicit systemic immune activation and
inflammatory responses, which increases the likelihood of foreign DNA
uptake into the host's genome. And in fact, it has been found that fetal
cell DNA can spontaneously integrate into the genome of the vaccinated
Other products that use aborted fetus parts in their development
include cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs and flavor enhancers found in
many foods and beverages.31 Is the use of aborted fetal cells in these kinds of products justifiable?
When Ends Justify the Means, Bad Things Happen
Surprisingly, according to Human Life International (HLI),32
a supposedly pro-life, Catholic organization, it is justifiable if it's
"in the service of humanity." HLI believes vaccines are in the service
of humanity, so therefore the use of aborted fetal cells in the
development of vaccines is acceptable. Cosmetics, however, cannot save
lives, so therefore, the "disgusting practice" of using fetuses in the
creation of cosmetics should be opposed.
It seems to me that this is really splitting hairs. HLI is basically
saying that the ends justify the means, even if otherwise deemed
abhorrent and potentially unhealthy (as injecting another person's DNA
fragments can be). By that rationale, cannibalism could be justified in
the name of environmental protection (as some people insist), and I
really don't think we ought to go there.
As mentioned earlier, we have good, solid solutions for our
environmental concerns. Regenerative agriculture — which includes and
indeed requires livestock — is the way to go if we really want to clean
up the globe, reduce water consumption and normalize weather.
The notion that our only way out is a diet of insects and cannibalism
is foolishly ignorant in the extreme, and needs to be opposed at every
turn. Those are not foundational solutions in the least. They are tools
to enslave, denigrate and dehumanize humanity, invented by people who
see every steak on your plate as something that has been stolen from