In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO on January 5, 2025 at 7:30 pm UTC

"The highest purpose of Source is to transform suffering so that it can never happen again"

We are rapidly approaching the second geocentric conjunction of Neptune with Uranus/Pluto midpoint:

The first conjunction (Sep 27, 2024) occurred during the thick of the Lurker disentanglement process. It triggered the process of the completion of the 26,000 year cycle by bringing Atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the Earth for the first time since 1996. Thus, it kickstarted the process of great astrological configurations leading to 2025.

The second conjunction (Jan 5, 2025) will bring a harmonious spiritual energy to the surface of the planet. It is also most likely connected to the completion of the 26,000 year cycle. Very interestingly, it occurs right before the extremely important timeline day of January 11, 2025 (29th anniversary of Archon invasion of 1996).

The negative military is the most troubling faction of the surface dark forces:

"What is now left is the main dark network on the surface of the planet which consists of globally interconnected layers of Negative military, Negative police, Black nobility, Illuminati, Deep state and Negative financial complex. The Lurker subquantumly entangles with all those factions and guides them with nudges and impulses.

Negative military faction is the most troubling of those, as it tries to manifest World War 3.

Top echelons of the Negative military factions have access to advanced off-world technology. Pluto transit in Aquarius, starting on November 19th, will force those technologies into the open.

Some of the top generals within the Negative military were once commanders within the Ashtar Command. During military missions in the Galactic wars they were captured by the dark forces, implanted, brainwashed and put into reincarnation cycle on Earth."

US President-elect Donald Trump recently said that peace between Russia & Ukraine might be more difficult to achieve than peace in the middle East:

Ukraine was brutally attacked on Christmas Day, and President Biden pledged to send more arms to Ukraine:

The attacks keep mounting from both sides:

Hence, we will do our meditation for Peace between Russia, Ukraine & NATO on January 5, 2025 at 7:30 pm UTC (time of exact conjunction of Neptune with Uranus/Pluto midpoint). The below table shows this time in different timezones:

We Love Mass Meditation has created guided audios in many languages:























In case more audios are uploaded, the playlist is below:

VOTL, VOTG (Goddess), 12:21 Om Shanti 12:21

Revelations Many Have Awaited


Pleiades Supreme Council Message

The New World Order has already collapsed in 2021, arguing that the world is now – in its – final contraction after the death of the elite regime – the octopus head having been removed years ago.

Putin told Russian broadcaster NTV that the New World Order had failed because

“people around the world have woken up and realised the insidious truth about the plans of the elite”.

Finally, the time has come to present some revelations that many have been waiting for. Waiting has been a difficult decision, but an absolutely necessary one, as the revelations to come will shock many in the population. Especially those who are still in deep sleep. When they awaken from their illusion, they will not even understand the true reality.

For those who are awake and aware, important changes are afoot. Here is a look into the near future to confirm that we are on the right track in our lives. Be assured that everything is going as originally planned by our higher extraterrestrial helpers, the Galactic Federation. This time all the parameters are in place to ensure success. It is about to begin.

It brings us the light for higher levels of action to remove all negative forces and to completely cleanse planet Earth. To then enter the new positively polarised world. This is a huge undertaking, but in the end the triumph will be ours.

Most people have no idea what has happened on planet Earth and have not understood or do not want to understand what the removal of the Deep State means for the whole universe.

They will not and cannot follow the Ascension because they have stayed in lower vibrations and at least have not developed their 4th dimensional consciousness to be ready for their Ascension into 5D.

There are also those who do not want to believe in this change on planet Earth and still live in their comfort zone. It is their choice and no one can question it, for it is their soul that has decided it needs more time to develop the spirituality to ascend to higher vibrations.

Phil Schneider, a US government geologist and engineer with over 17 years’ experience working on black projects, is undoubtedly one of the most important whistle-blowers in modern history.

Phil toured the US in the 1990s, educating the public about aliens living beneath the surface of our planet. He even had a close encounter with a 2.15 metre tall alien called Grey and barely survived.

He has posted a number of videos on the internet in which he mentions the Dulce Massacre of 1979 in which we lost 60 people and the Greys lost 35. It was then that the powers that be decided to begin an active programme of eliminating these alien races and eventually informing humans of their existence.

With the help of friendly aliens such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Andromedans, this battle has recently been won. A war against some 20 million inter-dimensional beings, some of whom disguised themselves as humans to blend in. Phil Schneider was finally killed in 1996 and left videos for us to watch and learn from.

The collapse of the deep state cabal

The Deep State Cabal has collapsed on all levels, the cleansing is in full swing. Great changes are on their way to bring people into the higher consciousness of the 5th dimension as the Light advances.

The time in between has not been a waste of time. Earlier actions were needed to put everything in the right place. To bring our planet to a higher resonance frequency and to encourage people to move on.

The battle of the Global Mafia against the Light is definitely lost. They will have to answer for everything. No one will escape until justice is done. Their backs are literally against the wall. This time the victory is ours.

There is a monumental task ahead of us to prevent the hidden cabal mafias from wreaking havoc when they have to accept defeat.

In retrospect, much has been done in recent years. Life on Earth has been seriously threatened until 2012.

We can get extraterrestrial help, but we have to make the changes ourselves, because it is our planet. There will be no more fear psychosis. Planet Earth will become a peaceful, problem-free world where everyone can relax. Be assured that our new era has already begun. Better things are coming; our new lifestyle will be very different.

Get to know the secret

The continent of Antarctica contains a portal that allows selected global elites to travel to distant worlds in other galaxies of the Universe, where they will be well looked after, but forever are banished from Planet Earth.

These few chosen global elites are Claus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Christine Lagarde, president of the ECB, who attended a secret meeting in Antarctica last July. Two other participants were Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, respectively president and chief technical officer of Ripple Labs, a computer software company specialising in online payment systems.

On the basis of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, they will be spared in return for helping to dismantle the existing Deep State money system to allow a smooth transition to the new QFS money system run by the people themselves.

Before they can leave for their new world, they must first help with the transition from the global financial system to the QFS and undo all the black magic that has been used to enslave humanity and the Earth itself.

Read more about here.

They are the only ones who can dismantle the dark web they have created. Designed to destroy societies based on unimaginable pathological criminality.

It was the decision of the higher hierarchy of Earth and the Earth Alliance that no great chaos should result from this transfer of power.

An economic collapse would have caused even more suffering and hardship for the population in these already difficult times on Earth. We, the people, have suffered too much already. Therefore, the Galactic Federation and the Earth Alliance are ensuring that this transition causes as little damage as possible.

This transition is directly linked to the introduction of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which has been the subject of much speculation. Read more about it here.

QFS system advanced without equivalent

Little is known that this new system was invented in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Debt System to end financial slavery and control over the population.  Why the Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand to take over the old banking system without changing it.

The Quantum Financial System – QFS is unlike anything that has ever been introduced to the world before. It has no peer; it has no equivalent in advanced technology to any other system before it. It is brand new.

It reigns supreme in the technology it uses to achieve the one hundred percent financial security and transparency that all currency account holders demand. With the QFS, the world’s monetary system can be easily converted to gold/silver backed currencies, completely eliminating the need for the old cabal central banking system transfers.

Unfortunately, there’s no equivalent technology to fully understand the advanced QFS structure.

Politicians and bankers caught red-handed in real time

No one ever suspected or knew that this powerful quantum computer system could assign a digital number to every fiat dollar/euro/yen in every bank account in the world and monitor it in real time; knowing exactly where it went, when it was transferred, who sent it with their login details and which account received it.

Imagine the frustration of a banker who has just stolen money and illegally transferred it to another account, only to be arrested in real time for theft.

Does anyone believe that this will happen without the Deep State controlled bankers doing everything they can to stop it? Would they not use every criminal trick, every disgusting false flag, anything and everything to stop it?

Of course they have tried and are still are trying to stop it. They have explored every avenue to hack and destroy this system, but to no avail! The cabals are gasping for their last breath, but rest assured, they are definitely on their way out. Their battle is lost; our victory is at hand.

QFS stops the Deep State in its tracks

The Alliance had to intervene with alien, or rather off-dimensional, technologies to bring us Earthlings this super-technologically advanced monetary system. It is rooted in quantum computer intelligence, which comes without any third dimensional creation. No 3D creation comes with an omniscient ‘recognition system’ that mimics the creation of a living being. It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI) that comes with something capable of replacing conscious human beings.

The Deep State is in a panic as people wake up and realise they cannot stop it. They are constantly trying to prevent or suppress it, but the truth is coming out.

Now is the time for people to learn to think for themselves by getting away from the hypes, where for example a mass of people come to the conclusion that something is valuable because of a mindless kind of group think, when if they were to think logically they would come to the conclusion that it is not.

The existing monetary system is protected by secret codes. These codes are essential for a smooth transition from the cabal’s old fraudulent money system to the new value-based QFS system. Without these codes, the transition is long and complicated, even if the QFS system is fully functional.

The use of these codes will streamline the transition from the old to the new system by completely removing unexpected obstacles. This will avoid unnecessary loss of time and inconvenience to users.

For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.



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FWC always one step ahead

Final Wakeup Call articles are thoroughly researched and written in plain language, but are not advertised. For the truth presented will only be recognised, understood and disseminated by the truly awake.

Peter B. Meyer

Can India Be the Golden Bird Again?

Why Was India Called the “Golden Bird”?

In the 1700s, India contributed 25% of the world’s GDP—more than Europe, China, or the USA combined. This immense wealth, cultural brilliance, and global influence earned it the name Sone Ki Chidiya. 

1. Land of Prosperity 
India’s economy dominated the world: Contributed 25% of global GDP in the 1700s. Exported spices, textiles, and gemstones to every corner of the globe.

2. Rich Natural Resources 
India was home to: Fertile lands that produced abundant crops.  Gold mines and the world’s only diamond reserves until the 18th century.

3. Global Trade Hub 
India was the center of global trade: Ports like Lothal, Calicut, and Surat were bustling with activity. Roman, Chinese, and Arab merchants sought Indian goods.

4. Unmatched Textiles 

India’s silk, muslin, and cotton fabrics were world-famous. European nations competed for access to Indian textiles, calling them “soft as woven air.”

5. Cultural Supremacy 
India was not just wealthy—it was a cultural beacon: Great minds like Aryabhata and Kalidasa contributed to literature and science. Indian music, dance, and art inspired the world.

6. Scientific and Technological Advancements 
India gave the world: Mathematics (invention of zero, algebra). Medicine (Ayurveda and early surgeries). Stunning architecture (Taj Mahal, Konark Sun Temple).

7. Spiritual Epicenter 
India was the birthplace of: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Its spiritual teachings attracted millions from around the globe.

8. Self-Reliant Economy 
Indian villages thrived with self-sufficient economies: Farmers, artisans, and blacksmiths lived in harmony. India was a model of sustainability.

9. Powerful Rulers and Empires 

India was safeguarded by mighty dynasties: Mauryan, Gupta, and Chola empires ensured stability. Naval dominance by the Chola empire expanded India’s influence.

10. Home of Knowledge 
India’s ancient universities like Takshashila and Nalanda were global learning hubs. Students from all over the world came to study philosophy, astronomy, and medicine.

11. Target of Invaders 
India’s wealth attracted invaders like: Alexander the Fool, The British thief Empire, which drained India’s resources.

12. Fall Under British Rule 
India’s economy collapsed under British exploitation: From 25% of global GDP in the 1700s to 2% by 1947. The Golden Bird was plundered, leaving India in poverty.
13. Symbol of Resilience 
Despite colonization, India’s spirit remained unbroken. The term Sone Ki Chidiya inspires us to reclaim our glory and rebuild a prosperous nation.

14. Can India Be the Golden Bird Again? 
With economic growth, technological advancements, and cultural pride, India is on its way to reclaiming its title.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Bankrupt the US Corporation and declare the Republic or else become Chinese slaves

December 30, 2024

This is the choice Americans and people of the world now face. 

New evidence confirms the Biden administration was a Chinese-controlled government. That means the current Chinese leadership was complicit in the global mass murder by vaccine campaign that started in 2020 when Biden was installed as a Chinese proxy.

This picture of Joe Biden flying into China as a US Vice-President and introducing his son Hunter to Chinese President Xi Jinping shows the betrayal. Hunter was later given shares in a Chinese company, access to young Chinese actresses and who knows what else. In exchange the Biden regime carried out the vaccine mass murder campaign from 2020 to 2023.

The aim was to force the entire planet into a digital open air prison where access to food and other essentials for living were to be centrally controlled.

This is the situation in China now. A friend who recently visited there said he was unable to use Western credit cards and was not allowed to apply for Chinese digital money. His only alternative was cash but nobody accepted it. This means the Chinese people are now controlled by “social credit scores” and can have their money cut off as punishment for any form of disobedience.

The fake pandemic and real vaccine mass murder were designed to impose such a system on the rest of the world. This means the current Chinese regime from President Xi Jinping on down used mass murder to try to impose a one China mark of the beast world dictatorship. This was in collaboration with their hidden Octagon group masters in Switzerland.

The Chinese now think they are invincible. They have just revealed a sixth-generation stealth aircraft they seem to think gives them air superiority over the US Air Force.

They also unveiled amphibious assault ships they think give them naval superiority over the US because of their ability to accommodate, transport, and launch large attack drones.

What the Chinese fail to realize is the US Space Force has directed energy weapons that can instantly turn all major Chinese urban areas into pools of molten glass. These weapons will be used unless the Chinese accept a polycentric world and give up their plans to take over the planet. This is the only warning they will get.

Now let’s look at why the US needs to declare bankruptcy and announce a new Republic of the United States of North America.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Elon Musk are now both warning the US is about to go bankrupt. Yellen says the federal government will hit its debt limit as early as January 14 unless Congress takes action or the Treasury implements “extraordinary measures” to avoid default. This has prompted some politicians to call for permanently lifting the debt ceiling.

The problem with that idea is the word “debt,” because such a proposal involves permanent debt slavery for the American people. This debt is controlled mainly by Chinese communists and their Khazarian mafia partners.

The Chinese liked this arrangement because their US debt slaves continued handing over state secrets in exchange for new loans. This is what Elon Musk the “world’s richest man” - who presides over a small and failing car company - is doing. The image below shows you the future he was planning along with his Chinese masters.

If Commander in Chief Donald Trump announces the debt to be null and void, he will force the Chinese to negotiate an end to the Babylonian debt slavery system that was handed to them by the KM in exchange for protection.

Make no mistake, this will mean a cold turkey transition. This writer has already been through it. When I was working for Forbes I only had to write 18 articles per year and had a cushy salary deposited every month. In exchange, I was forced to write business pornography and obey commands from above. The result was a lazy, alienated and hedonistic lifestyle.

Now I have no boss and write the equivalent of 100 Forbes articles per year as well as produce books and videos of my own choosing. On top of this, I have plenty of free time. The United States and the West will go through a similar transition and will experience an unprecedented renaissance as soon as they shake off their debt slavery.

Such a transition is being negotiated with benevolent Asian secret societies. Marco Di Mauro of the P3 Freemasons has been negotiating with one such society on behalf of the Nesara/Gesara jubilee people. These are some photos they sent us to illustrate the agreement reached.

We talked to the P3 about this plan and they agreed ... ... ...

The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of holding a paid subscription.

The Reckoning Has Arrived: The Corporate Transparency Act Will Obliterate the Corrupt Elite

December 30, 2024

BOOM! The Corporate Transparency Act detonates January 1, 2025, exposing the corrupt Cabal, media manipulators, and human traffickers. Trump’s return ignites a reckoning. Patriots, the wrecking ball is here—truth unleashed, elites destroyed, and the world will never be the same. BQQM!

January 1, 2025: The Day the World Changes Forever

The Day of Judgment is Here! BOOM! The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) detonates on January 1, 2025, and it’s not just another law. It’s a wrecking ball designed to obliterate the shadow empires of corruption, greed, and evil that have poisoned this world for decades. Patriots, the time for whispers and waiting is over. The day of reckoning has come.

The CTA is the ultimate weapon of exposure, a hammer of justice that will smash through the lies, deceit, and secrecy that global elites have used to enslave us. For too long, the Cabal has hidden behind shell corporations, puppet media, and corrupt politicians. No more. January 1, 2025, is their day of judgment. The clock has struck midnight, and their time is up.

President-Elect Donald Trump has long promised to drain the swamp, but this goes far beyond that. We’re not just draining it; we’re blowing it sky-high. This is the moment patriots have been waiting for. The truth is coming, and the enemy will be exposed for what they truly are: traitors to humanity.

The Corporate Transparency Act: A Weapon of Mass Exposure

The CTA isn’t some toothless regulation. It’s a brutal, surgical strike against the corrupt elite. Here’s the reality: this law requires every corporation and LLC in America to reveal its true owners. No more shell companies. No more hiding behind proxies. No more lies.

Think about it—human trafficking, money laundering, election interference, and the exploitation of innocent people all thrive on secrecy. The Cabal has spent decades building a fortress of deception, shielding themselves from accountability. The CTA is a wrecking ball, and that fortress is about to collapse.

The criminals funding trafficking networks, controlling elections, and poisoning our media will be dragged into the light kicking and screaming. They can’t hide anymore. Their time is over.

This is COOP/COG in Action: Total System Overhaul

The Corporate Transparency Act is part of something far bigger: COOP/COG—Continuity of Operations and Government. But don’t let the bureaucratic jargon fool you. This is precision-engineered for one purpose: to annihilate the Cabal.

COOP/COG ensures that even in the chaos of exposure, the government doesn’t miss a beat. While the Cabal scrambles to cover their tracks, patriots will remain steadfast, ready to rebuild. This isn’t just justice—it’s strategic warfare.

The elites who have controlled governments, media, and economies with impunity are now in the crosshairs. Their financial webs will be unraveled. Their shadowy alliances will be exposed. Their power will be shattered.

Trump has hinted at this moment for years:

“The biggest thing happening that no one is talking about.”

This is it. The CTA is the nuclear option, and patriots are lighting the fuse.

Why the Cabal Should Be Terrified

The CTA is not just a law; it’s a death sentence for the global elite. Their entire existence depends on secrecy. Offshore accounts, layered corporations, and complex webs of lies have shielded them for too long. But the CTA mandates Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)—a direct attack on their anonymity.

The media controllers, corrupt politicians, and billionaire puppet masters are running scared. They know what’s coming. Patriots, we’re about to see the financial fingerprints of the elites who’ve been pulling the strings. Their crimes against humanity will be laid bare for all to see.

This isn’t just about exposure—it’s about destruction. Once the CTA forces these disclosures, their entire empire crumbles. Their lies, their crimes, their power—all obliterated.

Trump’s Return: The Perfect Storm

With Donald Trump’s return as President-Elect, the timing is nothing short of divine intervention. The CTA wasn’t designed for coincidence—it’s a calculated weapon, perfectly aligned with Trump’s promise to destroy the deep state.

Trump isn’t just taking back the Oval Office; he’s taking back the country. And the CTA is his wrecking ball. For years, he warned us about the swamp, the media manipulators, and the global elite who control everything. Now, he’s delivering.

Trump has said, “We’re going to expose it all.” The CTA is how we expose it. This isn’t just a campaign promise—it’s a battle cry. Patriots, this is Trump at his most powerful, his most unstoppable. And with the CTA, he has the ultimate tool to dismantle the Cabal once and for all.

The Domino Effect: They Can Run, But They Can’t Hide

Once the CTA goes into full effect, the fallout will be immediate and devastating for the corrupt elite. Here’s what happens next:

  1. Media Moguls Exposed: The media has been a weapon of mass deception, controlled by billionaires with sinister agendas. The CTA will force these manipulators into the light. Their ownership will be revealed, and the public will finally see the truth.

  2. Political Puppets Revealed: Corrupt politicians have long danced to the tune of their financial backers. The CTA exposes these backers. Every bribe, every payoff, every dirty deal will come to light. The swamp isn’t just being drained—it’s being incinerated.

  3. Trafficking Networks Destroyed: Human trafficking is one of the darkest evils on this planet, and it thrives on hidden money. The CTA rips the mask off these operations, exposing the financial conduits that fund them. This is the beginning of the end for trafficking empires.

  4. Global Power Structures Collapse: The Cabal’s control over governments and economies is built on secrecy. The CTA smashes that foundation. Without their shadow networks, they’re powerless.

How does Melania Trump stay beautiful? All the First Lady’s beauty secrets REVEALED!

Why January 1, 2025, is a Day of Reckoning

This isn’t just another date. January 1, 2025, is the date. It’s the moment the tide turns, the moment the corrupt elite lose their grip on power. Patriots, we’re standing at the precipice of history.

For too long, these criminals have operated with impunity. But now, the wrecking ball is swinging, and it’s aimed directly at the heart of their empire. This is our chance to reclaim what’s been stolen: our freedom, our country, our future.

A Final Call to Patriots: The Fight Begins Now

Patriots, the time for waiting is over. The Corporate Transparency Act is here, and it’s the weapon we’ve been praying for. But this fight isn’t over yet. Share this article. Speak out. Expose the lies. The Cabal will do everything in their power to silence us, but they can’t stop the truth.

The wrecking ball is in motion, and nothing can stop it. The CTA will smash the Cabal’s empire into rubble, and Trump’s return will ensure the swamp is obliterated once and for all.

January 1, 2025, is the beginning of the end for the corrupt elite. The world will never be the same. BOOM! BQQM! The truth is here, and it’s unstoppable.

Patriots, it’s time to take our country back. The wrecking ball has arrived.

BREAKING: Military GESARA goes live January 1st under President Trump’s bold leadership? Debt erased, corruption dismantled, and the deep state destroyed? The biggest global reset in history is here—Trump is delivering freedom and justice. Are you ready?

“The biggest thing that nobody even knows about, and it’s all signed and goes into effect on January 1st. You better make sure I win. Can you imagine?”