In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)
Above: Zodiacal Lights photographed by Petr Horálek and Juan Carlos Casado. Look up for the Zodiacal Light, the season for both hemispheres (evening visibility at north, morning visibility at the south) begins! Moon is moving away from the night sky by 2nd March, which is one of the upcoming New Moons dates close to the equinox date, when the visibility of Zodiacal Light is basically best all around the world.
Here is inspiration from 2016/2020 project. Two photographers, two hemispheres, one sky. The view to the night sky is limited by our Earth, meaning in one time at one place we can only see a half of the starry spheric view, the second one is below the horizon. But what if – apart from travelling away from Earth – there is a way to complete the whole view. Then it could look like this. Of course, some (better precise) planning is needed to make it happen. You have to think about what follows what and when is the time of view following the other view from the other hemisphere. Me and my friend, great TWAN photographer Juan Carlos Casado, focused on specific part of the year, when from two major observatories of almost same latitude, but opposite ways from equator, the column of the zodiacal light appears almost upright over the horizon. While mine view from ESO La Silla Observatory was taken in April (2016), Juan made it happen to capture the northern part from IAC La Palma Observatory on February (2020). Both views, sitched together in one, finally reveal the whole night sky scene around, using Earth’s horizon to block the bright sun from the view. More info here: Photographer's website:
BE ALERT FOR ZODIACAL LIGHT: The season for Zodiacal Light has begun. In dark sky sites around the world, people are noticing a pale triangle of light lancing into the night sky. After centuries of wondering, astronomers have only recently learned that it comes from Mars. Next week will bring of the best displays of the year. Find out more on today's edition of
Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.
On March 19, 2003, two months after I wrote my first research paper on “The Need for Exopolitics,”
the US led a multinational coalition into Iraq. I quickly learned that
the real reason for the invasion was very different from the declared
public rationale—to stop Iraq from developing weapons of mass
destruction. The US sought to take control of a ‘stargate’ and ancient cuneiform texts filled with information about extraterrestrial technologies found in the remains of buried Sumerian cities.
Today we are being told that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine
is all about it protecting Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine from
rabid Ukrainian ultra-nationalists being encouraged by the US. The real
reason, once again, is more about exopolitics than either of the two
narratives coming from both sides in the rapidly worsening conflict. It
has been claimed that an ancient space ark has been found in Ukraine,
and Russia wants to assert control. What are the space arks, and why are
they suddenly being found now all over our solar system and on Earth,
after millennia of lying dormant?
We are on the cusp of an exopolitics revolution, where
information concerning extraterrestrial life is going mainstream. The
James Webb Space Telescope has just deployed and, by July 2022, will
start relaying data about exoplanets. It’s expected to detect
biosignatures, which will wake up the long-sleeping academic community
that intelligent extraterrestrial life can be found throughout our
galaxy. Also, the US military and intelligence community are creating a
joint office for investigating UAPs (aka UFOs) in response to
Congressional legislation passed in December 2021. These UAPs are
officially depicted as a national security threat, thereby laying the
groundwork for a military response and increased spending. Could this
lead to a hoaxed alien invasion—something that has been predicted since
the mid-1990s?
Today, the Artemis Accords and increasing cooperation between
the Space Commands of a bloc of US-led nations is taking us into a Star
Trek future. One where humanity’s open expansion into space will take
place in a way that is predicated on US dominance and western values,
thereby preventing China from becoming the preeminent space power. Deals
have been struck with extraterrestrial organizations to recognize US
leadership as humanity takes responsibility for our solar system. How
and why was the US chosen to play this role?
At the same time as these agreements were being made, large
fleets of ancient extraterrestrial visitors arrived to watch humanity’s
‘graduation’ into the galactic community. Their arrival has triggered
the activation of ancient space arks, which carry the secrets of
long-forgotten civilizations and technologies stretching back tens of
thousands, if not millions of years. The visitors are closely watching
humanity’s collective response to the discovery of the ancient arks.
Will discoveries of the arks and the race to control them lead to a new
major global war or increased international cooperation predicated on
disclosing what is being found? Is the discovery of an ancient ark
really driving the conflict in Ukraine?
Join me this Saturday as I tackle these and many other
questions about what is coming in 2022 and beyond, and the coming
exopolitics paradigm shift in my first webinar for 2022.
The successful deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope and its scheduled start of astronomical observations in July 2022 heralds a major ‘exopolitical’ shift about to happen in the mainstream scientific community with regard to the ‘Fermi Paradox’. The earlier Kepler Space Telescope’s discovery of exoplanets in other solar systems led to a paradigm shift in scientific thinking about the existence of habitable planets in our galaxy. This is about to repeat with the looming discovery of biosignatures on exoplanets that will confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life, and provide a definitive answer to Enrico Fermi’s famous question of where are the extraterrestrials?
In 2021, the Pentagon confirmed that UFOs are real and are in our skies today. Soon, the proven discovery of alien life will lead to an even more profound change as the scientific community and general public are forced to reconcile the mountain of historical evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. The dam of secrecy held in place for decades is about to collapse. Contactee reports, whistleblower and insider testimonies, leaked Majestic documents, and more, will all be newly evaluated and take on great significance as humanity moves into the Exopolitical Era.
In this two-hour webinar, Dr. Michael Salla will use the latest whistleblower, scientific and military data to make predictions spanning the coming year and decade. He will discuss the exopolitical implications of the Webb telescope confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life; examine recent developments in space such as the Artemis Accords; the formation of Combined Military Space Commands; manned missions to the Moon and Mars, covert multinational missions to ancient space arks; the collapse of the Deep State and its wall of secrecy; and the return of the Seeder/Guardian races to our solar system to witness our planetary graduation.
Join Dr. Salla in this exciting and uplifting look at behind-the-scenes developments and coming announcements that will catapult our world from its current state of darkness into a Star Trek future.
It doesn’t have to be more than casually cruel, the ridicule that is demanded of you now, but you must do it.
We have come to the time where the remaining sleeping normies need a not so gentle nudge to come out of it.
and events move humanity at a seeming increasing rate toward our common
humanity destiny of confrontation & contention with the ‘power
elites’. The normies will miss it all if they stay asleep. It will be
better for them, and all of us, if they witness it, rather than us have
to clue them in afterwards.
“What?” says normie friend, “when the
fuck did this happen? What do you mean they are all in jail waiting for
trials? What’s this about Space Aliens? What is going on here?!?”
would just be too awkward. They won’t believe you, not at first, and
you will have to go find videos of it happening to take them through it
such that they can grasp the changes in their life. Their minds will
rebel. “WHAT do you mean there’s no Democrat party any more? WTF?”
terrible burden will be placed on you, trying to back fill the trenches
in their knowledge if they shake off their slumber too slowly, missing
the drama, the action of the Great War for Humanity. It will be all so
tedious for you; better to prod their sleeping egos now. They need the
push. If Turdo in Canada, or all the other shit has not gotten their
attention, they are deeply under the spell.
They will need an emotional slap across the face. No need to be brutal, just casually cruel will do…
“Dude?!? Seriously? You actually believe that?”
“Listen cousin, if I want to be lied at, I’ll watch CNN!”
“Man, that shit you’re spouting is just WAY too normie for me!”
“Yo! A funny thing happened to the rest of us on the way to WW3! We got wise to their shit!”
“What do you do if a public figure you know of as a nice old lady has
chopped a child’s head off, drunken their blood and eaten their heart?”
responded a top MI6 figure when asked why Queen Elizabeth II had
“tested positive for Covid” i.e. been arrested.
We heard before from a cousin of the Queen that the British Royals
(until recently) had annual human sacrifices at Balmoral Castle. Now we
know the details because video evidence of this has been given to MI6.
The reason this is coming out now is that the Rothschild family and
other top Khazarian mafia bosses like the Rockefellers have gone
bankrupt. They have been pulling out all their blackmail cards, such as
the one they had against the Queen, in a desperate bid to stay in power.
“It is a compromise and control mechanism and it exists worldwide,”
says MI6. “Every painting in every government office has a camera in
it,” MI6 continues, explaining why it is so hard to “drain the swamp.”
“A lot of people are forced to do it with a gun to their head” the
source continued while noting that “A lot of the worlds’ military has
also taken part in human sacrifice.”
This explains why I saw a look of sheer horror on the faces of George
Soros and Paul Wolfowitz when I asked them about the families that own
the Federal Reserve Board. They must have been recalling their own
bloody initiations into the top ranks of power.
It also probably explains why the speaker of the Canadian House of
Parliament was too scared to answer a question from an MP about who in
the government worked for the Rothschild’s World Economic Forum (see
below later in the report for the answer).
This is all coming out now because a growing number of people, and
not just so-called “conspiracy theorists,” are waking up to the fact our
governments have been hijacked by an ancient Satanic cult.
The question is, what are we going to do about it? Since the Queen
and many other top leaders were born into this cult and either had to go
along or else be sacrificed themselves, this may be a case for a truth
and reconciliation process. Time, and public opinion, will tell.
In any case, the issue now is to prevent these Satanic leaders from starting World War III as a get out of jail card.
This brings us to the subject of Ukraine. High-level Rothschild and
Rockefeller servants gathered in Berlin last weekend to beat the drums
of war there as their response to bankruptcy. These servants include US
Vice President Kamala Harris, UN chief Antonio Guterres, EU Commission
head Ursula von der Leyen, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov notes that Albania, Kosovo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina are sending “mercenaries” to fight in Ukraine,
The reason the Rothschilds and Rockefellers need to hire Albanian
mercenaries, however, is because regular US troops will not start a war
with Russia to save the FRB from bankruptcy.
A CIA source comments that “While the United States and the Britons
are convincing the whole world about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…the
Minister of Defense of that same Russia left for Syria to inspect the
exercises of the Pacific, Northern and Black Sea fleets in the
Mediterranean Sea.” “Russia will use its strategic facilities in Syria
in the event of military confrontation with NATO” confirms the official
Tass News agency.
This means the Russians are saying they will destroy the head of the
Octopus in Israel instead of just dealing with their men in black in
Ukraine. In other words, checkmate.
However, in what they hope will be a total game-changer, the US secret space force is about to “put a holographic ‘shell’ over some areas. That means that SOME of the
world will live in ONE reality — a fake ‘sphere’,” according to a NASA
source. The video below from England appears to show exactly that.
The source adds that “some of the world will live with nature, the real world. HOW FRICKING CRAZY will that be?”
This move to try to put people into an alternative reality is
probably linked to massive crypto-currency mining operations and
facilities in Ukraine. The Ukraine government has also just legalized
crypto-currency. This prompted Serhiy Tron, founder of White Rock
Management to say that “By creating a high-tech, innovative
cryptocurrency market that plays by clear rules, the country expects the
speedy arrival of crypto investors from all over the world,”
In other words, the delusional Rothschilds are hoping to escape from
reality by moving into the “metaverse” and using digital currency.
MI6 notes that if the Russians take over the nexus of money
laundering and cryptocurrency trading in the Ukraine “they will have all
the information on all the worlds’ spies.” That is why most spies are
now locking themselves in their houses, they note.
Of course, the KM is also trying to stave off bankruptcy in the real
world by raising prices of commodities like oil and copper, but it is
not enough, says MI6.
What has to happen now in the real world is that we have to
permanently remove these people from power. This brings us back to
Canada where people in reality-based businesses like trucking and
farming have successfully overthrown the Satanic Rothschild government
of Justin Castro.
Castro is now under house arrest. Also, here is the answer from the
Canadian Secret Intelligence Service to the Canadian MP’s question about
who in the government works for the Rothschild World Economic Forum:
-Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister
-Chrystia Freeland – CA Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance
-Katrina Gould – Minister of Families, Children and Social Dev., Empl
and Social Dev -Francois-Philippe Champagne – Minister of Innovation,
Science and Industry, Innovation, Science and Economic Dev. CA
-Ailish Campbell – Canada’s Ambassador to the EU
-Elissa Golberg – Asst. Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy, Global
Affairs Canada -Renee Maria Tremblay – Senior Counsel Supreme Court of
-Jagmeet Singh – Leader, New Democratic Party – in lock step policy-wise with J. Trudeau throughout the pandemic.
A CSIS source adds “Brother, according to ELECTIONS CANADA, the
number of lost/missing ballots was greater than the margin of Justin
Trudeau’s election win in 2021. His share of registered voters was
20.3%. He is not a valid PM, based on the math of Elections Canada!!!!”
That is why he has been arrested, MI6 confirms. “We have placed the
Canadian Premier under house arrest and banned his travel, the press and
public. His passport has been canceled as Her Majesty’s Subject,” they
Australia and New Zealand are also being liberated. Take a look at
these Maori warriors reading the riot act to the criminal New Zealand
We even have a Rupert Murdoch news agency confirming the whole pandemic was a big lie noting formal confirmation from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that not only did so-called “Covid deaths” account for just one per cent of fatalities during
the pandemic, but 92 percent of that one percent were people with
pre-existing health problems ranging from pneumonia to heart disease.
We all need to take direct personal action if we are to win this. In
my case, I will be filing criminal and civil charges against the board
of the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan. They have actively
participated in a cover-up of the Fukushima mass murder event of March
11, 2011. For this reason, I will file war crimes charges –punishable by
death- against them. I will also charge them with violating my human
rights by trying to force me to wear a mask and yet refusing to provide
scientific evidence on why this is necessary. They violate all
principles of journalism by refusing to debate based on facts and
evidence as they drive the club to bankruptcy because of a fake
I will also file civil charges against them for financial losses
caused by their refusal to let me attend press events, which is my right
as a member of the club and a member of the working press.
The Japanese police have already told me they are willing to
investigate these charges. The Japanese self-defense forces also promise
their support.
I have also informed the club that the charges will not go ahead if
they agree to hold an official press conference to discuss the Fukushima
mass murder as well as the fake pandemic.
Other journalists need to take similar action to ensure the Khazarian
mafia is removed from control of their corporate media apparatus
including the New York Times, the Associated Press, etc. Only then will
the last of the sleeping sheeple wake up.
Police and intelligence agencies also need to take more action. For
example, we have reliable eyewitness testimony from a member of Japan’s
foreign ministry that Bill Gates was in Pakistan recently pushing
vaccines. For years people have been sending me information that Gates
had been executed or was dead. It seems Gates was trying to prevent us
from sending military police to arrest him for mass murder by pretending
to be dead. Take a look at this video to see what sort of monster he
Tedros Adhanom, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, BlackRock, Pfizer & Christian Drosten. Drosten is
the German virologist who heads the EU’s Covid 19 campaign and is the
person who first recommended the use of fraudulent PCR tests.
These proceedings are being monitored and acted upon by the worlds’ intelligence agencies, CIA and MI6 sources confirm.
Chinese Khazarian mafia puppet leader Xi Jinping is also being
targeted for his role in the fake pandemic, according to Asian secret
societies. A 40,000-word article listing mistakes Xi has made in
politics, economy, and diplomacy has been allowed by them to go viral in
mainland China.
The East-West alliance to liberate the planet earth will keep up the
fight until humanity is finally free from this ancient Satanic curse,
Asian and Western secret society sources promise.
The Asian elders who are helping to bankrupt the KM now need to step in to support the white hats in the West and in the East.
We promise a multi-polar world with competent governments who work as
servants of the people and other living creatures on this planet. They
have been presented with detailed plans about exactly how this can be
done. We all breathe the same air, use the same oceans and depend on the
same biosphere. It is time we take good care of it.
Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for restoring peace to Ukraine, every 4 hours. Instructions are here:
Protection of Ukrainian nuclear plants and biolabs from any damage that would cause radioactive or biohazard fallout was included in our meditation, and the meditation instructions were updated to reflect the new situation.
This article may be updated or changed as the situation unfolds, so check for updates.
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
P.S. Now meditations for both Ljubljana and Los Angeles vortexes are active, and you can participate if you feel so guided:
Tantra says there are two kinds of people in this world. There are two types of people: those who live in darkness and those who live in the light.
The world has many seekers but only a few finders. Because those who seek are always concerned with the past, they cannot be free from the past; those who seek can never find because seeking means going to a future that is not yet here--so how can you find it? You have to stop seeking, let go of the past, and allow things to happen by themselves--then you will be surprised that great doors are waiting for you to enter into them.
In the last talk, I used the word "enlightenment" in two senses. First as a state of no-mind, and then as the ultimate flowering of consciousness, which is an end in itself.
The word "enlightenment" means being awake, aware, and alert with open eyes—and not only with your eyes but with all your senses. It also means having a sensitivity to beauty—to every kind of beauty that exists in this world: natural beauty as well as man-made ones; to music, dance, poetry, and all art forms that exist in the world.
Enlightenment is the realization of our true nature. This true nature is often referred to as "Buddha nature" or "our original face," and it has nothing to do with age, race, gender, or body type. When we recognize our own original mind, we become as capable of compassion, patience, and wisdom as the most revered Buddhist teachers.
How does one become enlightened? One way is through study and practice. The Buddha said that there are three gates to Enlightenment: ethics (following the precepts), samadhi (contemplating the teachings), and wisdom (understanding reality). These paths lead to liberation from our confusion and suffering, a state of radical freedom in which we can live in harmony with others while still being ourselves.
Enlightenment is a state of consciousness. It's only a word, but it's an important one because it has become synonymous with the highest religious experience possible.
Truly being enlightened means living each day in a state of Enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something that happens only once, and then you're done. Rather, it's a constant experience of being aware of everything happening around you and within you, with compassion and without judgment.
Consider this: what is a spirit, what is a soul, and what is a body? And are these concepts really separate, or are they all interdependent? Is there an actual difference, or is the idea of a difference just a perception?
The truth is that we are all one single consciousness. There is no separation between anything. Everything is connected. The illusion that we are separate and independent beings is just that—an illusion—and Enlightenment means breaking through that illusion so you can recognize your real connection to everything else in the universe and know that your actions have meaning beyond themselves.
The Fourth Way school of thought teaches us that our true essence is a spark of divinity from God (also known as the "Supreme Being" or "Great Architect"). We've fallen from that status into physical matter, and by doing things like focusing on worldly pleasures, we perpetuate our separation from God. In order for us to return to him, we must undergo a process of self-purification and tap into our innate connection to him.
Enlightenment doesn't come through a formula. It comes only when there is nothing to do. When you are no longer seeking, then you can be enlightened.
There are many people who read all kinds of books about Enlightenment, and yet they never become enlightened because they are seeking in the wrong direction.
The seeker has to be dropped. Then Enlightenment comes. But if you go on seeking in mind, you will keep postponing your Enlightenment, and it will never come because the mind is a seeker. The mind wants to attain something—it wants to create something that does not exist and hence goes on postponing it indefinitely.
Enlightenment is not a mysterious thing; it is very ordinary. Just watch your own life to see whether you live in the world or beyond the world.
If you live in the world, if you live with the memory, past experiences, then you are living in the "samsara"; and if you can live without any memory, live each moment of your life as if it were your first and last moment, that state is called Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is a state of being. When you are in a state of being, you are not in a state of doing. You have simply dropped the doing and become a witness. The body will continue to function, but it will not be you who makes it function. It just moves of its own accord. Your breathing continues, but it is not you who makes it happen; it happens on its own accord because the body has to breathe.
The same with the heart beating--it goes on beating because that is its nature; if it stops beating, the body becomes dead. The brain functions in such a way that you can think or not think--if you don't think, then there is no problem: even for twenty-four hours, you can remain without thinking at all, and there would be no problem. Even for years, you can remain without thinking at all--and there would be no problem.
It is only when the brain starts functioning that problems arise. A man thinks day and night, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year; his mind never stops functioning.
As a state of no-mind, its very nature is not to be created by you. You cannot create a state of no-mind because it is already there—you have simply forgotten it. It is your natural state, your original face before you were born.
To be enlightened means being in the light. It is not a question of being aware of some light; it is a question of becoming light.
As Buddha said, "To be enlightened does not mean to be aware of light; it means to become light."
Awareness is secondary, and even if you are aware, it is not going to bring you Enlightenment. Awareness is only a step toward Enlightenment. You have to move beyond awareness, and then you will become enlightened. Awareness cannot do anything; awareness is just a step toward Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is the end of delusion. It is completely natural and something you can achieve by yourself. The Enlightenment is not a new religion or a new belief system; it has nothing to do with them. The Enlightened state is a state of total freedom, and this freedom can be achieved without any effort on your part. You need only to be aware of the way things are and stop interfering with their natural course. That's all.
If all goes well, the satanic parasitical entity known as the UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA Corporation will go bankrupt and implode this week. If
that happens, then a domino effect will result in the removal of the
blackmailed, bribed and brainwashed fools posing as leaders in other G7
countries. The US Corporation missed an external payments deadline on
January 31st. They were given until this week to come up with the money
or be cut off from the borrowed money they need to stay in business.
We are asking the mostly Asian creditors to please not extend them
any more funds and let this main source of the worlds’ evil die. The
White Hats are promising to move in after the implosion to restore
democracy, freedom of the press and competent
economic/social/environmental stewardship.
Of course the Khazarian mafia and their political slaves are
hysterically trying to prevent this by starting World War III in
Ukraine. It’s like a schoolboy trying to blow up his school in order to
avoid an exam he knows he is going to fail.
Ok, let us start by looking at the signs the US Corporate government
is imploding. The biggest signals are coming from the financial markets
where insiders are rushing for the exits.
The chart below shows by far the biggest stock market sell-off in at least a decade.
The same thing is happening in the US Treasury market where prices have imploded by the most since 1973 and probably ever.
Any long-time market watcher knows that usually when stocks rise
bonds fall and vice versa, when both collapse, it is a black swan event.
The whining by the fake Biden administration that “China didn’t buy
the $200 billion a year from us they promised,” is a feeble excuse. The
Chinese answer there was nothing to buy because US economy has been
hollowed out and has nothing to sell except weapons (which they refuse
to sell to China) and corn (the feedstock of their sheeple).
Even if the US Corporation once again pulls a dirty trick to kick the
bankruptcy can down the road, the people are in open rebellion against
their corrupt and incompetent rulers.
We note, for example, a growing rebellion by the rank and file Canadian military against their compromised top commanders.
We were sent this quote about the situation regarding Trudeau by a
Mossad source and even though we do not know who said this, it is worth
passing on:
It is not Trudeau’s choice to step down or to attempt to stay. It
is the decision of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is a critical
decision that will affect the entire world. This is not a battle for
just Canada, it is a battle for the World. This is the first domino of
corruption and if it falls, the entire plan of the WEF fails because all
the corrupt dominos will fall if they are forced out of power. Leaving
them in power is simply a short respite for the People.
Frankly, the WEF cannot afford for Trudeau to step down. If he
falls, Biden falls, Australia falls, New Zealand falls and all of Europe
falls. Then the rest of the world joins in.
The sane world is crazy not to make Ottawa the hill they will die
on and not give in. It is an opportunity unexpected. Probably an
opportunity that will not come again.
The Truckers are truly the People’s Army. Where else could you
quickly assemble such a strong, younger Army to possibly confront the
Globalist Tyranny Army? It is an Army everyone else can join and get
behind. Half the Globalist Tyranny Army will desert them and join the
Truckers if they appear to succeed in Ottawa.
Truckers can win this, but it will take support from everyone.
There is a window of opportunity that will not stay open forever. Time
is not on our side.
The WEF is not going to go without a fight or without having
great fear that they will be smashed by this worldwide movement. Even
then the WEF members will be sorely afraid of ending up like Mussolini
hanging in the Milan Square and will fight to avoid that.
I think people greatly underestimate the overall importance of
Ottawa and underestimate the difficulty of overcoming Trudeau. He and
the WEF simply cannot afford to lose. I fear also that the People of the
world cannot afford to lose in Ottawa. It will likely be the People’s
last battle if they lose Ottawa.
I do not agree that this is only about a non-violent
confrontation. I don’t think the WEF will fold because of a lengthy
non-violent protest of a few thousand truckers. They have been working
on this tyranny plan for a 100 years. I think they will fold only if
they are clearly weaker in strength than the People’s Army. Whether it
is non-violent or violent confrontation, for either way to succeed
requires great power standing behind the Truckers with obvious reserve
waiting behind them. This means the WEF must act now before the People’s
Army grows too large with strong reserves. I expect action by the WEF
soon to squash this uprising. This is not about Trudeau, this is the WEF
plan in place around the world. Everyone must be ready to heavily
support the Truckers and step into the battle if they are attacked.
What these Canadian patriots need to do is demand the top brass and
Canadian government provide proof that Covid -the excuse they are using
to force toxic vaccinations- even exists. We have previously asked
Health Canada, the WHO and the CDC among many other places to provide
even a single specimen of Covid (Certiticate Of Vaccination ID) virus
and they have not been able to. Instead, we have the Vaccinator in chief
Pfizer CEO Albert Israel Abraham Borla saying they are basing their
vaccines on a fake virus: “We didn’t study the ‘real’ virus, but a virus
that we built in the lab.”
The real reason for the vaccine is the mark of the beast social
control, not pandemic fighting. As evidence, the P3 Freemasons sent us
this picture of a prototype ATM machine that will not less you access
money unless you have proven you have been vaccinated.
So, the military throughout the West needs to remember, forcing
medical treatments on the people based on lies is a War Crime under the
Nuremberg laws. It is punishable by death.
Already the Pharmacidical company CEOs are on the run. This news item for example notes:
Days after Pfizer admitted a safety audit could wipe
billions off their stock market valuation, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
was dumped hundreds of millions of dollars in stock and deleted his
Twitter account.
CIA sources say he has been arrested. The other CEOs have also been arrested or are on the run, the sources say.
There have also been a lot of top world leaders arrested in the past week. For example, Prince Charles has been “arrested for…
…the murder of his wife. Charles murdered Diana which is common
knowledge in Europe and around the world. Charles is a creep…his wife is
a common bully according to her staff,” according to the real head of
MI6. In the corporate news, we are being told “Charles tested positive
for Covid and has gone into isolation.”
We also note that President Recep Erdogan of Turkey remains missing
and we are hearing he will not be returning to Turkey. This news item
reflects this:
The leaders of six opposition parties in Turkey said Turkey was
experiencing “the deepest political and economic crisis” of its history
and blamed it on the executive presidential system. They said their
joint goal was to transform Turkey’s governance to a “strengthened
parliamentary system.”
The Turkish president was detained by the white hat alliance because
he was trying to start a war with Russia in Ukraine, WDS sources say.
Other leaders beating the drums of war will also be removed, the sources
Russian FSB sources, for their part, say there will be no war in Ukraine.
The Russians just want to sit back and do nothing. Biden and his
handlers are saying ‘war is coming, war is coming!’ but nothing will
happen, just nothing. There won’t be any war for sure. You need to
understand that Ukraine and Russia are the same people. We are like
husbands and wives, the same family, the same education, the same
institutions, the same military program the same mentality. The
President of Ukraine is happy to get weapons and other stuff from the US
but he is going to do nothing, is how a senior FSB source describes the situation.
The FSB believes when the war doesn’t happen, the “widely ridiculed” Biden regime will collapse.
Of course, we must never underestimate the Khazarian Mafia. For one
thing, they are still able to replace many world leaders with
lookalikes. For example, the fake Biden regime is trying to maintain the
illusion they still control the CIA by putting a fake Mike Pompeo into
their corporate media feeds. Take a look at the mask at the neck of the
fake Pompeo below and compare it with the photo of the real Pompeo, who
is working with the alliance.
We also hear but cannot confirm that Justin Trudeau, Emmanuelle
Macron and many other leaders have been arrested only to be replaced
with body doubles who still control levers of power.
The other thing we are seeing from the KM is a huge blast of fear
porn. They are saying everybody is going to die of Aids, of Heart
Attacks, from spike proteins etc. This is just not going to happen
because they have been saying similar stuff for decades and yet people
aren’t dying off.
To understand the real reason for their fear take a look at these
demonstrations in Canada, Australia, Israel etc. and you can see a
people’s revolution is well underway.
Australian sources note for example “The revolution in Canberra will
not be televised on the worthless Shit MSM. There are hundreds of
thousands attending.”
The KM are not going to murder their way out of long-awaited justice
this time around. That does not mean they won’t try though, as this CIA
message makes clear:
The corrupt police force in Australia’s capital, ACT Canberra, is
deploying a signal interrupter to disturb any transmission of live
footage of the protests. These can also be used as frequency weapons,
producing the Havana effect and if kept on too long will make people
very ill and cause permanent brain damage. It is very real and needs to
be smashed down.
Message to Canberra police: you will be shot down by Australian
special forces snipers if you deploy those weapons against the
Australian people.
The same is true elsewhere. The police and military must not attack their people or they will face instant justice.
We know the US military does not support the fake Biden regime and
will not go to war on their behalf. Other military forces need to take
note of this or face terminal consequences.
Speaking about terminal consequences; the Japanese have begun to
attack the KM. A Japanese right-wing source close to the Emperor says a
big secret move was made last week against the French branch of the
Rothschild family. In essence, they are being kicked out of Japan and
much of Asia, the source says. This was why a fire broke out last week
at the money printing factory of the Bank of France. It is also why a
senior member of the Japanese imperial police was arrested last week.
Japan is about to become an independent country again for the first time
in 80 years.
Finally, we will conclude our report this week by looking at the
latest developments in project blue beam and space wars. On this front,
the biggest development was someone shot down 49 of Elon Musk’s Starlink
They were taken out by a DEW earth-based beam owned by the KM cabal,
according to the CIA. “They do not want Musk taking control away from
their hold on global communication. Musk is currently under the
protection of the Alliance. He is being watched carefully (as he likes
riding the fence). The DEW hit came from Europe, not from the US,” the
CIA says. They hinted the attack came from around the Vatican or Lake
We were also sent these latest blue beam-related images. For sure the world is entering uncharted territory.
The majority of the population is unaware that the government is in
the service of the people to run the country or state. The reality is
that ultimately the power lies with the people, for they have a
constitutional right to determine what should and should not be done. In
case of non-compliance,
the government can be sent home. So, in the case of failure to act in
the interest of the country and/or the people, the people take back
their trust and dismiss the government and take control themselves. As
is happening now through the initiative of the Truckers and many others.
We have a right to resist and we have an obligation and the duty to
do so! For ourselves and children’. Wat this short video to understand
how we peacefully can free ourselves. Take an example from this lady freedom fighter.
Consciousness and Unity break the power of the Deep State and its
followers. In reality, the mandates and measures against the fake Covid
pandemic are eroding the social consciousness of the people. Some
understanding is required to identify the social engineering programmes
of the global elite and how not to fall victim to them.
The global elite want 90% depopulation. They want total control and
surveillance of every aspect of your life. They want socialism, with the
power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.
Consciousness and Oneness are the immediate obstacle to these plans.
Now, they want to take away everything of value and lock up the
remaining population in camps. They do this in the name of preserving
planet Earth and improving the climate, which arguments are lies.
If everyone is quarantined and driven around in electric vehicles
with limited range, they can be better controlled. Be assured that all
climate and other new regulations are designed to confine the rest of us
to restricted areas, such as FEMA camps, among others.
What people should really be afraid of is not the fear of dying from a
non-existent virus or Covid infection, but of the tyrants who rule the
world. They scare people until they submit to their goal of total
tyrannical control in a once free World. On no planet out of the many
millions in the Universe has the population ever been so oppressed as is
the case on planet Earth!
What has happened to us is outrageous and absolutely unacceptable,
why we are receiving solid help from our extraterrestrial brothers and
sisters. Be grateful for that from your heart.
false Covid-19 or Corona virus has changed the world, although it is
nothing but Science Fiction. It is a manipulation of the Deep State that
uses Corona as a pretext to change the world in the penultimate phase
before the final implementation of the New World Order. They have
discovered, for the purposes of their despotism and deceit, that health
statistics have a greater impact than all economic indicators combined.
Another route to be followed is the destruction of the population
from within, as is now happening with the mRNA vaccines, which
inactivate the human immune system to stimulate the growth of cancer
cells. Modus RNA effectively hacks the human life software.
It ends the body’s healing process. These injections are the most
reckless acts of medical treason ever committed against humanity.
mRNA vaccines are not only full of toxins, but they also alter the
natural immune system in such a way that it greatly over-reacts when
victims are exposed to almost any pathogen, including the common flu.
They will be attacked by their own immune system, a process known as autoimmune disease. These attacks are more deadly than any disease.
In this 10-minute video,
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi discusses the fundamental reason for the current
wave of “breakthrough infections:” the failure of the COVID vaccines was
to be expected because fundamental immunological principles were
ignored in their design.
After reading this information, be convinced that we the people have
the final say, use it now, to secure the future for our children.
Our returning extraterrestrial guest author Vital Frosi gives us the
guidelines to prepare for our ascension to the new 5D-World.
The Gates of Ascension
Talking about portals is becoming more and more fashionable. A few
years ago it was certainly not a common topic, and the few times it was
heard of, it was only in so-called fiction films. The idea that people
had about portals was simply an imagination of something outside
Imagine entering a gateway and immediately appearing in another dimension!
Humanity’s consciousness is limited to the Third Dimension and only just by 1 – 2% of the total population.
It is part of the Divine Plan in the evolution of the worlds.
However, there was an aggravation with the invasion of Archons some
460,000 years ago. Earthly humanity, then very limited in number and
consciousness, underwent Archon-imposed mental reprogramming to gain
remote control over them regarding their activities and actions.
Many call this primary implantation. But it is nothing physical,
because the human mind itself responds according to this kind of
programming. Over the millennia, the beliefs and repetitions of
paradigms have made the people collectively hostage to this Dominant
As I have said many times before, the predator will not run after
you; it merely implants a System that only works in the collective,
making all incarnates hostages to this programming.
implant is placed in the pineal gland, also called the third eye. There
is also the Frontal Chakra, which is the Multi-Dimensional Portal that
connects every incarnated human being to Source, and also to the higher
versions of themselves. It is through the Third Eye that we expand our
consciousness and connect with other Divine Beings who support and guide
Once this Portal is controlled by the Archons, our connection to
Source is severed and control is naturally established through the
reduced consciousness within 3D reality.
Some believe that these implants can be removed with a technique. I
can tell you that this is impossible. What the implant can solve is the
expansion of consciousness. Only you can do this, and it takes a lot of
willpower and determination.
The reversal of the primary implant of thought control also requires
help from outside the Planet, which comes through the increased strength
of Photon Light. Which is already underway.
This will make it easier for those who are determined to pursue their
ascension and achieve their liberation from under the yoke of reptilian
When the Archons arrived on planet Earth, they also promoted an
inclination of the Earth’s magnetic axis to partially suppress the
Light. At this time the Positive Galactic Forces are moving the magnetic
axis of the Earth back to its original position. And with the arrival
and increase of stronger Photon Light, there is a greater chance of
removing primary implants.
This fact has been proven by the gradual increase of awakening souls
here on this Planet. Nevertheless, the dissolution of these implants
will depend on the will of each one. The first step is to break down all
belief systems.
Lies and fear are the main tools used by the Archon rulers. This is how they control the entire sheeple population.
As the millennia pass, the flock no longer remembers or believes that a world of freedom exists and is possible.
The increase of the Photon Lightand
the resetting of the earth’s axis to its original position brings a
natural restlessness to every consciousness, and this creates a
favourable condition for seeking something more. This condition is
sufficient for all living souls who seek their freedom to take the first
steps towards ascension.
With a little willpower and determination, the implants remove themselves and nothing and no one can ever trap you again.
As consciousness expands, the Archons lose control and the dominion
over your soul. This is also their greatest fear. No power used so far,
can undo the ascension of an awakened soul.
When we say that the Earth is freed from darkness, we mean that
nothing can stop what is coming. Since 2012 the light is getting more
intense every day. It will reach its peak with the arrival of the Great
Solar Flash, which will break through the last veils that cover the
controlled consciousness. It is certain that only 1/3 of humanity is
ready for the ascension, but nevertheless the reign of darkness on this
planet will end. Even those who must continue their education on the
worlds of the third dimension will have a planetary home free of these
hideous oppressive shadows.
a large part of humanity, the gateway to Heaven comes closer every day.
You have already passed through many smaller portals, and as you pass
through them, you are approaching the last portal, which is the very
last one. Remember, the Portals are not fiction as people used to think!
They are real, just like everything we thought was fiction.
Conversely, everything we thought was real will soon turn out to be just an illusion.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!
Feel encouraged to share this insightful article with everyone you
know. The greater the number of awakened people, the better it is for us
digital warriors. Although the battle against our oppressors has
already been won, it is necessary for the majority of the population to
see their enemy before they are removed. Namely, if they do not see who
their enemy is, they will not believe who they are!