Earth Changes, Psychic Prediction and Electromagnetic (EM) Warfare - Using the disciplines of catastrophic geology, seismology, vulcanology, parapsychology, and public interest policy analysis, Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre develops a new field theory explaining how millennial prophecies of cataclysm might be fulfilled – not by earth system mechanics, but by the deployment of a new generation of EM weapons.
Earth Sciences and Psychic Prediction
Catastrophic geology, seismology, vulcanology, and astronomy do not forecast cataclysmic scale earth events (massive tectonic shifts, subsidence or rising of new land masses from the ocean, turning of the earth on its axis). Yet high psychics , with confirmed records of accuracy, predict these very cataclysmic events. Assuming these psychics were accessing accurate precognitive information, what might be an alternative mechanism that could cause cataclysmic earth events?
Electromagnetic (EM) weapons
Electromagnetic (EM) weapons are a possible trigger of cataclysmic earth events. EM fields can superheat the ionosphere, devastating magnetic bands around the earth, and in turn causing massive disruption of the earth’s Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan may have been triggered by clandestine deployment of EM weapons. EM strategic warfare includes weather, climate and earth event warfare. Researchers have reported the use of EM weapons in anti-population mind-control operations over major cities.
Prophetic Traditions
Human prophets such as Michel de Notredame (1503-1566), known as Nostradamus, and prophetic traditions, ranging from the Mayan calendar, to indigenous First Nations prophecy converges on cataclysmic earth changes accompanying a transition of earth into a millennial society. Analysis of Nostradamus prophecy reveals that "terrible new weapons," with characteristics similar to EM weapons, caused the cataclysmic earth changes he foresaw.
Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The threat of cataclysmic earth changes caused by secret EM warfare is not occurring in a vacuum. Extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI for short) may be signaling a positive initiative to integrate us into interplanetary society. However, a clandestine command and control network and mentality on our planet appears to be waging clandestine mass psychological warfare (psywar) against the ETI initiative. EM weapons, developed for use against ETI overflights, may also be part of this war to block humanity from participating in the ETI initiative.
How to Avoid Coming Earth Changes
A key to human success is deconstruction of the clandestine network promoting warfare against the human population. EM weapons and the anti-ETI war require deception and secrecy.
EARTH CHANGES proposes a public, mobilized, decade-long human effort to curb EM weapons, as well as our open community participation with ETI in our integration into organized universe society.
EARTH CHANGES identifies deployment of electromagnetic (EM) weapons as a possible cause of cataclysmic millennial earth changes predicted by psychics and prophetic tradition. No near term cataclysmic earth activity is forecast by the earth sciences. However, EM weapons can devastate the ionosphere and magnetic bands around the earth, causing cataclysmic upheaval in the earth’s tectonic plates. EARTH CHANGES explores a dramatic new approach to avoid prophesized cataclysm by curbing the development of EM warfare.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Earth Changes, Prophecy and Environmental Weapons
Chapter One - Earth Changes
Here I share with you a radical vision about Gaia, the living being Earth. Massive Earth changes have been prophesized for our generations by modern psychics and the prophets of tradition since time immemorial. The predicted Earth changes include cataclysmic earthquakes around the world, emergence of new land masses, and the subsidence of existing land masses – including entire nations – under deep waters of the seas.
Cataclysmic Earth changes may or may not come to pass, we do not know enough about the future to say with certainty. The density and vulnerability of modern human society make it likely that future earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, weather events and climate shifts may cause vast trauma and damage to stricken towns, cities, settlements, economies.
Yet the predictive capabilities of the Earth sciences (catastrophic geology; seismology; vulcanology; climatology) give little indication that Earth changes of cataclysmic proportions are about to occur on Earth.
Earth science analysis reveals no trend, evidence, or sign that cataclysmic Earth changes are about to occur. A trend analysis of the full database of the United States Geological Service and the National Earthquake Information Service does not reveal that large scale Earth changes are at hand.
There may be higher casualty tolls and property damage in earthquakes of the last two decades of the century, yes. That may be because of higher population density, vulnerability of infrastructure, and substandard construction. As a January 1999 Richter 6.0 earthquake in Colombia taught us, it is the human factors – social chaos and rebellion; mass looting; failures of government planning and organization – that cause the consequential damages in modern earthquakes.
So just how, where and when are prophesized cataclysmic Earth changes supposed to occur?
Let me state the possibility – succinctly. Earth changes of cataclysmic scale could occur with the reversal or distortion of the Sun’s magnetic field at the end of a 26,000-year cycle predicted by the Mayan calendar for a time window around December 22, 2012.
Human environmental weapons – based on electromagnetic (EM) energy – could significantly help trigger these prophesized earth changes.
Along with earth changes, the Mayan prophecies foresee an era of cosmic consciousness, accompanying our solar system’s entering into synchrony with electromagnetic beam-waves emanating from the core (“Sun”) of our Galaxy. The 26,000-year cycle of galactic electromagnetic beams is both the physical agency of prophesied Earth changes, and the psychic vehicle for humanity’s conscious evolution.
Cataclysmic Earth changes could occur if the gigantic tectonic plates that form a constantly moving jigsaw puzzle on the surface of the Earth were suddenly to shift. If the tectonic shifts were massive enough, new landmasses could appear on the surface of the Earth; other landmasses could subside into the oceans; massive volcanism could happen.
Most Earth scientists would say that cataclysmic Earth changes could never happen in our modern era, although they may have happened in the past. One theory is that the K-T event of 65 millions years ago occurred because of a collision by a meteorite with Earth. Under this theory, the K-T collision created a global dust screen that ultimately killed most large life forms, including the dinosaurs. Other theorists claim the K-T event was caused by gigantic volcanism, with the same evolutionary result - extinction.
Whether the K-T event was utter coincidence or the product of a living, intelligent universe, the result remains the same. Massive Earth changes were an evolutionary intervention, an extinction-level event for the dinosaurs and other life, drastically changing the course of evolution on Earth.
The Age of Cataclysm, (New York: GP Putnam’s Sons 1974);