In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, February 10, 2025

Influence of high vibrational energies

How people on Earth are affected by new high vibrational energies

As you already know, your planet is unique in that it is home to a large number of different creatures at the same time. This is what distinguishes Earth from other planets and civilisations, which are mostly homogeneous.

As far as Earth is concerned, even in its parallel worlds there is a huge diversity of life.

A striking example of this is Agartha, which lies in the interior of Earth and is home to representatives of many of the civilisations that once inhabited your planet.

Now, we will be discussing the influence of the new energies on the low-vibrational beings who live on the surface of planet Earth. And begin with the Draco reptiles who, as you already know, live on the subtle and partly on the physical plane.

These creatures are unique in that some of them have learned to incarnate in human bodies. This ability was given to them because planet Earth was for a long time encased in a complex energy structure that is called, a three-dimensional matrix.

This blocked the access of the Divine high vibrational energies to the Earth, necessary for the spiritual growth of pure human souls, but dangerous to the Draco reptiles whose natural habitat is the lower vibrational energies.

It is only now, in the last few decades, as the combined efforts of the forces of Light on the subtle and physical planes have succeeded in partially destroying this powerful energy structure that holds human souls captive to duality, that the high vibrational Divine energies have poured forth in a mighty stream upon our beautiful planet.

And the first to suffer were the Draco reptiles, for whom these energies are like death.

Those of them who were embodied in physical bodies found it difficult to maintain their human appearance in the rays of these pure and bright energies, and some people with a subtle perception of reality began to see the true appearance of these beings even within their physical vision.

For this reason many of them have already disembodied, and those you see in the information field are their clones, called to complete the plans of their powerful masters who live on the subtle plane of Earth.

The New Energies

How do the new high vibrational energies affect the reptilians, of which there are many on Earth, unlike the Draco reptiles? These creatures are already firmly ‘rooted’ in human bodies, occupying all or part of them, as explained in detail in previous messages on the reptilians.

Things are a little more complicated with them than with their owners, the Draco reptiles. As they continue to incarnate on Earth, they have long since acquired the characteristics and traits of pure human souls.

Many of them are quite decent and respectable citizens who try to be useful to others.

Most importantly, they do not even suspect that they are not human. You already know what distinguishes them from humans, and now focus on how the new energies affect them.

Pure Reptilians have a different subtle-material structure: they lack the upper chakras of humans, and even the fourth chakra is only in its infancy, and not in all of them. Because of this characteristic of theirs, the consciousness of reptiles and their physical bodies are not able to perceive energies of high vibration. These energies pass through these beings without affecting them in any way in the third dimensional space.

Now this situation has changed. As most of the subtle bodies of the Earth have already moved into fifth dimensional space, the high vibrational energies that reach the surface of the Earth have a very different effect on its inhabitants.

These energies are much more concentrated, so their effect on lower vibrational beings has changed significantly. They do not pass through the physical bodies of the reptilians as if washing them, as they did before, but come into interaction with their own energies.

They begin to thin out these dense energies, which is very dangerous for the reptilians, because in the absence of chakras and subtle bodies capable of receiving energies of such high vibration, they literally become physically and mentally ill.

Physically, because their bodies are not ready for these energies, and mentally, because their consciousness is not ready for them.

You can see this for yourself if you have purebred reptilians around you. Many of them feel completely disoriented at this time: their bodies are weakening and their consciousness is unable to ‘digest’ the rapidly changing reality.

This is especially true for those who have also been ‘inoculated’ during the recent ‘pandemic’, which has further weakened their bodies. Therefore, the higher the vibrations of the Earth become, the sooner the purebred reptilians, deprived of their usual habitat, will begin to leave the physical plane.

As there are many of them on Earth, their departure from the physical plane will be gradual so as not to cause unnecessary panic and fear among the population.

Everyone will die differently: some from chronic illnesses and seasonal diseases, others from natural disasters or accidents and it is very important for every awakened soul to handle this with understanding.

For many of you, the most difficult thing may be to restructure your consciousness to accept physical death wisely and with the understanding that even it usually happens in accordance with divine purpose.

For it is often better for a person to leave the physical plane in order to save their soul than to destroy it in one way or another. This is exactly what is happening now.

This is especially true for those pure human souls who, for one reason or another, have been subjected to the so-called “inoculation”, which ultimately not only destroys a person’s physical body, but also “invades” their soul.

As you already know, this “vaccine” contains, among other things, nanoparticles with the help of which representatives of the Deep State have the ability to control human consciousness.

And this is already a direct intervention in the divine plan of the soul. In order to prevent such blasphemy, the soul of a person sometimes decides to leave the physical plane as early as possible and asks the forces of light to assist.

Therefore, be prepared for the fact that along with the low vibration inhabitants on our planet, pure human souls can and do leave quite quickly.

At this time the state of any human being, especially an awakened one, is being closely monitored by all their celestial helpers, from the Guardian Angels to their Spiritual Guides and even their Mother Soul.

The current incarnation is too important and significant for any of those who have dared to come to Earth at such a crucial time.

Among these people there are many very old and bright souls who have come to Earth from very high dimensions, they are especially strongly protected so that they do not lose all their achievements over many incarnations.

When it becomes clear to the Higher Powers that they are not able to withstand the tests they have been given on Earth and are not able to fulfil the mission for which they have incarnated, then the decision is made to send them back home – to the level from which they came.

In this case, one can only be happy for them, because despite all the mistakes they made on Earth, their souls were not allowed to fall victim, which would have significantly lowered their already existing “heavenly status”.

Everything has its causes and consequences, and what appears to be a tragedy and irreparable loss to an ordinary person in the three-dimensional world, is often a great blessing and salvation to the soul leaving the earthly plane prematurely.

This is the Divine Purpose in relation to individual human souls now incarnated on your planet. It is important that you learn not so much to understand this, but to feel it. This will protect you from the strong emotional shocks and bitter experiences that humans often experience when they lose family, loved ones and friends.

The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, has spoken to you.

Received from Marta on 21 January 2025 and edited by Peter B. Meyer

Final summery and conclusion

When a new disease appears, the immune system eventually learns to recognise its signature and deals with it. Ironically, and not coincidentally, the vaccines that are supposed to speed up this process actually undermine the body’s defences by overwhelming the immune system with these life-threatening toxic chemicals, DNA from animal tissues, aborted foetuses and foreign proteins such as live or dead viruses and bacteria.

These toxic cocktails, called vaccines, disrupt the brain’s genetic decoding system, just as they do in the case of administered pharmaceutical drugs that cause so-called side effects. These are not side effects at all, but deliberately created effects. The satanic bloodline families are coldly targeting the immune system to destabilise the human body from the earliest possible age and this is the primary motivation behind compulsory vaccination.

If people stay healthy, they cannot sell them drugs and treatments, they can only sell them when people are sick. Homeopathic remedies are relatively cheap and were available over the counter before the cabal moved in to replace them with prescription drugs. This system is a virtual monopoly for doctors and Big Pharma, also known as the medical mafia.

Bottom line The medical mafia undermines your immune system to kill you!

Is Child Trafficking related to Psionic Abilities and Draco food supply?

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Feb 8, 2025


  • The relationship between psionics and UAP contact does bear a strong resemblance to the Siddhis practiced in Ancient India.
  • Whistleblower Testimonies Rock UFO World – Exopolitics Monthly Live Briefing
  • Draconian ETs only eat live humans and have a preference for children, thousands of which go missing each year to feed the Dracos.
  • Dr Eric Davis gives a nuanced breakdown on history and operations of Majestic 12 Group.
  • No NASA mission to Mars involving robotic rovers and landers, with the exception of the 1976 Viking mission, investigated possible artificial structures or life on Mars.
  • US military has Antigravity Spacecraft with an Organic Consciousness that pairs with Pilots – JP Update 42
  • Video of my recent interview by Emilio Ortiz: Antarctica’s Hidden Alien Bases?
  • Official launch of Galactic Encounters 3 being held on August 2&3 and 5&6 in two separate and identical sessions at a lovely French resort in Valsoyo.
  • Article on what’s coming in the Healthcare industry as suppressed healing technologies used in secret space programs are released to the general public.
  • UAP investigations are a bipartisan issue in the US Congress/FBI, but FBI agents participated in the J6 witchhunts, which was definitely a highly partisan endeavor.
  • Two Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection Conferences this year discussing ET contact. One in Eastbourne UK (May 10-11) and the second in Charlotte, NC (Sept 19-21).
  • In a new interview, JP discussed intergenerational element in his ET contacts, childhood experiences, and how the MIB knew he was contacted by ETs, and tried to debrief him upon his return from Brazil in 2008.
  • Humanity’s Future Regarding ET Disclosure, AI, and a Micronova Event: Interview with Miriam Delicado
  • Dr Steven Greer is 100% certain that Luis Elizondo is a paid disinformation agent.
  • Steven Greer’s intel on both the JFK and RFK assassinations is accurate. Both were killed due to their pro-disclosure positions on the UFO issue.
  • Why did USAID and partner NGOs use up to 800 million of US funds to kidnap almost 200,000 children from Guatemala in secret human trafficking into the US?
  • Announcement: Dilemma of a Star Trek Future and Challenge to Human Sovereignty



X Feed:

It’s the US Space Force versus ISIS as Trump’s avatar assassinated

February 10, 2025

The U.S. Civil War is reaching some sort of climax as the U.S. Space Force begins taking revenge on ISIS (Israeli Satanic Intelligence Service) for assassinating Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump’s main avatar, senior U.S. Space Force sources say.

The assassination took place on January 29th after ISIS remotely hijacked the Trump avatar’s helicopter and crashed it into an airplane after it left the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Trump was then temporarily replaced with an avatar who promoted genocide and bowed and scraped to war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu. This is what the Space Force sources had to say about the situation:

The real Donald Trump was not on the helicopter. One of his doubles may have been on board. There are conflicting stories about this. The important point is that the real Trump was not on board. As for the Black Hawk remote-controlled crash into the American Airlines plane on January 29, here are a few facts: There was a Trump double (avatar) on board the helicopter. The Black Hawk had a PAT designation, meaning VIP on board. It took off from a CIA-controlled area. It was taken over by remote control and flown into the American Airlines plane. The Trump double was the one used by the White Hat Alliance. Another double under the control of the Deep State Cabal is on the scene now. This is the reason Trump has taken a full U-turn. The real CIC, Donald J. Trump, is safe and protected at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Base in Colorado Springs. His family is aware of what has transpired. His top aides are also in the loop. Nobody is talking, as a gag order is in place. He is calculating his next move to bring down the Deep State Cabal. That was a Netanyahu body double visiting D.C. Watch the Super Bowl in New Orleans. The avatar Trump is expected to be there. Anything can happen. This may be the Trump double from Mar-a-Lago. You will know from his looks—the shorter, chubby one.

This is the Trump who appeared at the Super Bowl with Ivanka but not Melania. It is probably an actor in a rubber mask.

In case you don’t realize how sophisticated rubber mask technology has become, please check out this 30-second video:

The important thing is that—because warnings were issued—the ISIS plan to assassinate “Trump” in front of a world audience to trigger World War III with Iran was foiled.

These videos indicate the plan was for “Trump” to say he supports Christianity. Then, “Trump” says Iran will be “obliterated.” He is assassinated. Mossad sources say the plan was to manipulate U.S. public opinion into a frenzy against Islamic Iran for murdering “Christian martyr” Trump.

Fortunately, people are no longer being fooled by 9/11-type events, and this plan was stopped. The Super Bowl proved Americans have woken up and are no longer being manipulated by fake events and “celebrities.”

For example, casino execs across Las Vegas are baffled and rattled by Super Bowl weekend falling off a cliff. Some are reporting losing days (expenses exceed revenue) multiple days this week.

Also, ticket prices plunged to a 15-year low.

That is because people have figured out the games have been consistently rigged year after year so that whatever team the most people bet on loses. Remember, the Super Bowl is registered as entertainment, not sports, meaning it can be legally rigged.

Furthermore, in a sign people are waking up to brainwashing using celebrities, Taylor Swift was booed as she appeared on the big screen during Sunday’s game at Caesars Superdome. In the end, the “Donald Trump” left Super Bowl LIX early as the Kansas City Chiefs headed for a “shock” defeat.

This was a defeat for the Khazarian Mafia, but the war will not end until the people who temporarily replaced Trump with a fake are removed.

This is happening with Elon Musk’s exposure of exactly how corrupt the U.S. government has become. However, going after USAID was the easy part. The hard part is now beginning as he takes on the Pentagon and the CIA.

This is going to involve the deployment of U.S. troops to places like Mar-a-Lago and Area 51 and is expected to lead to serious firefights over the coming days. The coming audit of the Pentagon by the real Trump will almost certainly trigger actual combat on U.S. soil. Remember Donald Rumsfeld announcing they cannot account for over $2.3 trillion one day before 9/11?

In its most recent audit, the Pentagon could account for 50% of its $3.8 trillion, leaving $1.9 trillion unaccounted for.

Overall, well more than $20 trillion has disappeared into a Pentagon black budget hole. No wonder Musk says, “I guess I had better maximize my security.”

We will dig deeper below, but before we get to that, people have been so distracted by the Trump drama in the U.S. that they failed to notice Russia has just made its biggest move since the fall of the Soviet Union. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov just basically declared war against Western Europe when he announced:

... ... ...

The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of holding a paid subscription. 



Donald Trump Holding Up a Donald Trump Mask Is Like the End of an Episode of Scooby-Doo You Didn’t Ask For

Friday, February 7, 2025

Moscow Rejects Trump’s Gaza Plan

5 Feb, 2025

Russia insists on a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict, the Kremlin has said

Russia has rejected US President Donald Trump’s plan to “take over Gaza.” A two-state solution is the only way to settle the Middle East conflict, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has reiterated.

Speaking on Tuesday following a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, Trump reiterated his view that the two million Palestinians who live in Gaza should be permanently resettled to countries such as Egypt and Jordan. The US would “take over” the territory and lead efforts to clear the destruction left by 15 months of war between Israel and Hamas, he added.

According to the UN, approximately 92% of homes in Gaza have been destroyed or severely damaged.

Moscow's position is that the only way to resolve the Middle East conflict is to create a Palestinian state to exist side-by-side with Israel, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated during a press briefing on Wednesday.

”This is the thesis that is enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council resolution, this is the thesis that is shared by the overwhelming majority of countries involved in this problem. We proceed from it, we support it and believe that this is the only possible option,” he told reporters.

Trump's resettlement idea has also been rejected by major Arab nations, including Egypt and Jordan, noted Peskov. Moscow holds the same position, he added.

Asked to clarify what exactly he meant by a “takeover,” the Trump said he envisions a “long-term ownership position” that would supposedly bring “great stability” to the entire Middle East.

Netanyahu praised Trump’s plan, saying that it “could change history.”

The proposal has faced significant international criticism. Palestinian authorities have denounced the plan, asserting that it violates international law. Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, as well as Türkiye, Germany, and China, have also condemned it.

Russia has consistently called for de-escalation of the conflict and a return to negotiations. Moscow has also engaged in diplomatic efforts, including hosting talks between Palestinian factions and advocating for international mediation.

A ceasefire, in which the US played a significant role, was established between Hamas and Israel in Gaza on January 19, after 15 months of hostilities.

Authorities in the enclave updated the death toll earlier this week to nearly 62,000, having added those who are missing and now presumed dead.


Thursday, February 6, 2025


"Can we learn to think in 4-dimensions? This, and negative time, involve dreaming of the wildest sort, with no support whatsoever as yet from anything we see or record on our delicate instruments.” (Vannevar Bush, March 2, 1967)

In this paper we follow the thread leading from Tesla’s spinning "Egg of Columbus"
demonstration, through his proposal of a large rectangular helix disposed about the hull of a ship for U-boat detection, to Arnold Sommerfeld’s discussion of magnetically biased ferrite’s creating electromagnetic stealth for WW-II submarines. By calculation, the required magnetic field to reduce a ship's radar reflection to less dm 1%, at L-Band (1.5) GHz, is in excess of 15,000 A/m.

Fields of this order of magnitude would appear to fulfill the requirements of a "Philadelphia Experiment". Such intense fields would create a green mist and cavities in salt water, and magnetophosphenes and Purkinje patterns in humans, particularly if driven at frequencies in the range of 10 - 125 Hz, as was available from the synchronous generators on WW-II electric drive ships. It can be concluded that with the knowledge available, the DSRB (under Vannevar Bush)
would have been derelict not to have conducted such an experiment.

Finally, we present speculation on temporal bifurcation’s. Assuming Hehl's hypothesis that localized Cartan Torsion tensors are generated by ferromagnetic spin, we propose two physical experiments, which distinguish temporal anisotropy arising from anholonomity (the Sagnac effect) from that arising in the torsion of the 1929 version of the unified field (Eddington’s "crinkled manifold").


US Global Patent 060606 To Create Digital ID For All Of Humanity

US Global Patent 060606 to create Digital ID for all of humanity.

Not a joke.




Extraterrestrial mummy found in Peru, substantially belongs to reptilian type

Is the following an actual reptilian mummy or a hoax?

When did the dinosaurs become extinct? 

Here is a photo taken in 1893 in the United States, Colorado. It’s a picture of people and… a pterodactyl! On the one hand, you might think it’s Photoshopped, but what is Photoshopped in the 19th century? 

And the picture is not the only one. 

In America, a live pterodactyl was shot down during the Civil War, there are countless pieces of evidence that have been seized and covered up by official history.


The Masonic Bible

In case you haven’t seen this, it is for your information on how the Masons felt at the time. 

Or was it just propaganda?

Meet the Masonic Bible of the past century, which claims that the Earth is a flat disk with hundreds of other continents:

 Point 1: The Earth is the entire universe. All other bodies-the sun, moon, and sky- are auxiliary artificial objects. (page 17)

 Point 2: The heavens consist of three parts: the atmosphere, the firmament, and the abode of the Gods and angels. The abode of the Gods and its attendants keep the celestial ocean from coming into contact with the firmament. (page 66)

 Point 3: There are 27 continents on earth. Until 1579, there was a strong alliance and trade between them. Subsequently, all mention of this was destroyed (page 79)

According to this Bible recognized as official in 1955, but later confiscated from all official sources – there is no way out into space, but there are vast territories unknown to our generation.

The full content of the Bible in pdf-format is published here:


Humanity’s Future Regarding ET Disclosure, AI, and a Micronova Event

Interview with Miriam Delicado

In 1988, Miriam Delicado had a contact experience with Tall Blonde extraterrestrials who told her they were involved in the creation of humanity and rescuing large numbers of humans at the end of different historical ages. She said the Tall Blondes intervened in huge spacecraft (aka space arks), to take large numbers of humans off the surface to the safety of outer space, the bottom of oceans, or Inner Earth, to wait out the cataclysmic surface events.

After her profound contact experience, Delicado was approached by Men in Black and other organizations who wanted to recruit her to different official government programs so they could better understand alien technologies. She said that the contact enhanced her psychic abilities, and she was invited by a secret Russian organization to join a psychic community, where she would be trained and be among “her kind”.

In this interview, Delicado discusses recent developments concerning UFO sightings involving NHI craft, how mystery drones are being used to distract the public, the Trump Administration’s likelihood to promote ET disclosure, the use of Psionics to summon and shoot down ET spacecraft, new whistleblowers promoting a limited hangout, and the Stargate AI Project. Finally, she believes that in mid-2025, a global event will occur that will forever change life on the planet, this will be followed by ET disclosure, and that a Micronova event is still a distinct possibility that will happen later in humanity’s future.


Miriam Delicado’s website is:

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