In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Emergency alert: North Koreans warn of Zionist plan to start WWIII in Korea and Crimea

November 27, 2018: Manchu royal family members called today to warn of a Zionist plot to start World War III by provoking incidents in Korea and Crimea. “The people behind [French President Emmanuel] Macron are doing this,” the sources say.

So it appears that the Zionists, fearful of imminent mass arrests for crimes against humanity, are attempting a Hail Mary maneuver to start their long-planned artificial end-times war between Gog and Magog, or Russia and China versus the G7.

Asian secret society sources also hinted last week that some sort of military confrontation was “needed in order to stimulate necessary changes.” It appears the Chinese have been offered control of all of Asia, including Japan, if they go along with this plot.

The Manchus say some sort of Chinese military incursion into North Korea is imminent and will take place simultaneously with a Russian invasion of the Ukraine in order to provoke World War III.

The events in the Ukraine have already started with a military provocation against Russia ordered by the highest levels of the Ukrainian government, as can be seen from multiple news reports. The Ukrainian government has also declared martial law and started a general mobilization.

This attempt can be prevented by keeping calm and making pinpoint arrests of the government officials and high-level financiers who are seen visibly stoking the flames of war. Officials who need to be removed as soon as possible include Macron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and any senior Chinese officials who are seen pushing for an invasion of North Korea.

The Russians also need to be allowed to enter the Ukraine and clean up the Nazionist filth there without any Western military intervention.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Source of the Soul


Hollow Pursuits:

Social reality is an illusion. It is a subjective projection of distraction designed to dismantle our creativity, consciousness and the foundation of our being. Each of us is energetically, emotionally, intellectually and instinctually unique. Therefore, our true expression and destiny in this world is contrary to the nature of society. The density of reality distorts the creative force of our imagination and disrupts our ability to fulfill our personal vison. Most of us are not even present to our purpose or how to manifest it in our lives. There is very little opportunity in contemporary society for our soul to be expressed let alone thrive.

South of Center:

There is a myriad of elements in social reality specifically designed to keep us anxious, engaged and otherwise preoccupied with everything besides our personal destiny. The more we are amused, distracted, or entertained, the less likely we are to transform ourselves and the world. Before we can create or experience our life, it is highjacked by a plethora of stimuli that provokes our reactions of anger, denial, indifference and futility. These aspects of our daily experience hinder our ability to connect and relate with the universe. Eventually we become an invention of mind and body devoid of heart and soul.

Primal Instinct:

Survival is the standard of everyday life. Our innate social nature often dictates a narrow and shallow experience and perception. We are conditioned to exist in chaotic energies of instinctual, intellectual and emotional reactivity. Competition, desperation and selfishness blinds our vision, manipulates our thoughts and corrupts our feelings. It suppresses our enlightened mind and heart, ultimately compromising our relatedness with our intuition and our soul. We assassinate a part of ourselves everyday with our cynicism, fear and uncertainty. Our desire to survive supersedes our ability to thrive.

Smoke and Mirrors:

Our mind is an intricate forest in which we frequently wander and become lost. Thoughts often activate our sense of anxiety, doubt and irrelevance. Broken dreams and promises haunt our lives. We allow our minds to be polluted with self-condemnation, confusion and suspicion while we invent an inauthentic power and security. Our perceptions of ourselves, others and reality are often twisted into erroneous and fantasized delusions. The shield we wield against the world is the knowledge to which we are attached and conditioned from years of institutionalized education and religion at the cost of our creativity.

Stormy Seas:

We have yet to scratch the surface of our emotional awareness and expression. Our ego seizes control of our existence and influences us into becoming reactively engaged with and reliant upon social reality. When we do experience emotion, it is often a bi-polar encounter of random highs and frequent lows. We tend to be overwhelmed with feelings of anger, guilt, loss and sadness. Our addiction to and obsession with negative emotions confines us to perpetual cynicism and resignation. It dampens our experience of happiness, love, relatedness and success. The agendas of our mind constantly overpower the possibilities of our heart.


Fire of the Heart:

The heart is the key to open the gateway of multidimensionality. It emits a powerful electromagnetic energy that mystifies even our imagination. This lifeforce is the core of our being. It is what unites our body and mind with our intuition and soul. The heart interacts with the universe and is the center of our personal source. It is the epicenter of our creativity and the channel through which we express our spirit into the world. Our heart is the eternal fire that purifies our thoughts and actions and transforms our emotional experiences. When we are present to our heart, we transcend the ordinary and become extraordinary.

Helix of Insight:

Intuition is the sacred spiral that fulfills our inheritance of immortal being. When we synergize our intuition with the balance of our instinct, intellect and emotion, we free ourselves from the duality of social reality. Imagination replaces ego as we transcend the terrestrial dimension. Our being expands into an infinite experience. We are transformed into an expression of the universe. The energy of our consciousness connects us with our spirit. Intuition is the bridge that connects our creativity with our reality. It is the origin of our transformation. Our soul’s purpose is to intend our vision to become our possibility.

Heart of the Fire:

The greatest illustration of our multidimensionality is our soul. The equilibrium of our body, mind, heart and intuition manifests it into our daily lives. When we are seduced by the duality of instinct and intellect, our union with our heart and spirit is broken and we regress to default patterns of ordinary existence. When we are being an expression of our soul, our creativity inspires the extraordinary. This allows us to become our potential as spiritual beings living a human experience. How, why and who we choose to be transforms our reality. Our soul is our connection to the universe and our possibility of fulfilling on our purpose.

A Shift in Purpose:

Our experiences reflect the choices we make, our expression of being and our commitment to walk our truth. The intention we apply to our life is what empowers our purpose. Our full potential exists when we release everything that no longer serves us or our communities. It is within this clearing that possibility is born. Every day we have an opportunity to shift our energy and become a vessel of the universe. This allows us to sustain the vital alchemy of our spirit, heart, mind and body. We manifest our purpose when we relate with the source of all that is and ever will be.

Being of the Universe:

Everything we emulate in social reality is everything we are not. We invest in the stories we and others invent about us because we are afraid and/or unwilling to believe in ourselves. We are an infinite being of eternal energy with extraordinary possibility beyond even our imagination. We have been, are and will always be an expression of multidimensionality. Within each of us is the key to every mystery. We have an opportunity to empower our life in every moment of our experience. When we envision, create and manifest our purpose, the universe aligns with our intention and our soul becomes the source of our being.


Iam Saums, Contributor
Waking Times

Archcriminal Netanyahu seeks immunity by squealing on his bosses

November 19, 2018

Mass-murdering war criminal and Satan-worshiping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to reach a plea deal to save his own life by squealing on his Rothschild masters, Mossad sources say. The impending fall of Netanyahu means the final collapse of the Khazarian mafia is now in sight and it will not be long before the French and Swiss branches of the Rothschild family and their hidden allies are brought to justice.

The fall of Netanyahu is just part of the ongoing collapse of Khazarian mob rule which will remove a whole series of Western leaders, including Emmanuel Macron in France and Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, as we shall see below.

First let us look more closely at Netanyahu’s case. On this front, the Israeli police have recommended filing criminal charges against Netanyahu for three separate issues, the latest coming last week as part of a media corruption scandal.

Until now Netanyahu has been able to use his position as Prime Minister to prevent his own prosecution. However, now that he has lost his Parliamentary majority, his ability to prevent his own arrest is coming to an end, say Mossad sources.

Netanyahu’s downfall was precipitated by his quickly defeated offensive against the Gaza Strip, Pentagon sources say. This offensive was aimed at distracting public attention from the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, the sources say. Instead however, it backfired as the UN, Russia, Jordan, France, the UK, Egypt, and the U.S. all united against his rogue activities. This will be “the final nail in Netanyahu’s coffin,” the sources say.

The fall of Netanyahu comes as an Arabic-speaking Christian, former U.S. Central Command head General John Abizaid, was named as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Pentagon sources say. This means he will “effectively be the military governor who may de-nuke Israel and partition Saudi Arabia while allying with Turkey, Iraq, and Iran,” the sources say. The aim is to…

…put an end to the blasphemous Khazarian mafia plan to rule the world from a greater Israel running from the Euphrates to the Nile, the sources say.

Before offering to turn in his Rothschild masters, Netanyahu “made a desperate move” to get U.S. President Donald Trump to extradite Turkish political activist Fethullah Gulen as a further attempt to distract attention from Netanyahu’s role in the murder of Khashoggi, the sources continue.

Gulen is believed to be one of the heirs to the Sabbatean mafia and is blamed by Turkish President Recep Erdogan for the failed coup attempt against him in 2016. Erdogan is now seeking the extradition of 462 Gulen activists in 83 countries.

However, Erdogan now knows his real enemies are Netanyahu, his puppet ruler Mohammed bin Salman (or more likely his body double) of Saudi Arabia, and their Rothschild bosses, according to Mossad and Japanese military intelligence sources. This attempt to distract with Gulen “failed spectacularly” and Trump is now being forced to “dump losers Bibi (Netanyahu) and MBS in favor of a modus vivendi with Turkey and Iran,” the Pentagon sources say.

Netanyahu’s fall came after a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in France last week, the Pentagon sources say. This meeting resulted in the selection of Russian Major General Alexander Prokopchuk as the new head of Interpol, they say. Prokopchuk will “be aided by U.S. intelligence to issue more red notices to take down Israeli assets and cabal agents worldwide,” they add.

In the U.S. this process is accelerating as well. Here “flipped” Senator Lindsey Graham is now chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he is expected to “expedite judicial nominations and crack down on deep state crimes,” they say. The previous Senate, while ostensibly Republican-dominated, was blocking the appointments of new judges and prosecutors and thus delaying the long-awaited arrests in the U.S.

Furthermore, the new Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Chuck Grassley, is “poised to crack down on Wall Street fraud, crimes, and corruption,” they say.

The Khazarian mafia, losing power in Washington, D.C., is making futile attempts to prevent further prosecution by attacking California with Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs. See the definition below from a Global Research article (that now appears to have been deleted, but others are available by searching this website).

A DEW is a system using a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy (including but not limited to lasers and high power microwave systems), or atomic or subatomic particles primarily as a direct means to kill, injure, disable, or temporarily incapacitate people or destroy, damage, or temporarily incapacitate property or materiel.

Acoustic weapons use sound across the entire frequency spectrum to kill, injure, disable, or temporarily incapacitate people. Acoustic weapons, although outside the Joint definition of DEW, have effects and hazards more similar to DEW than to conventional weapons.

There is overwhelming evidence that such weapons are being used against California by the Khazarians.

Not only that, whistleblower Deborah Tavares is providing evidence that blames these attacks on the Rothschild family and their company Pacific Gas & Electric.

A clear sign of how panicked the Rothschilds and their servants are came when California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell threatened to attack American citizens with nuclear weapons if they refused to disarm.

What these high-level criminals fail to realize is that they are no longer operating in secret or with impunity. In particular, we are hearing that the French branch of this family is being held responsible for many of these crimes.

This means roles have now been reversed and they are now the ones under threat. This can be seen in the desperate calls from their French slave president Emmanuel Macron for a European army (as we mentioned last week) to protect the EU from “China, Russia, and the U.S.” What he really meant was to protect the Rothschilds and their slave regimes such as Germany and France from the anger of the world.

First, though, Macron needs to save himself from the French people. Last week over 280,000 motorists blocked roads at over 2,000 locations in France in a protest against his regime. These protests were supported by 73% of the French population.

With David de Rothschild hiding from French Police, Alexandre Guy de Rothschild is now the official head of the French Rothschild branch of the family. His photo can be seen here:

Japanese right-wing sources say he is married to the daughter of Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso and that the wedding took place at the castle seen in the link here:

The fact that Japan’s water resources are being sold at a deep discount to the French water companies has led to the conclusion that Aso and his French in-laws are responsible, the Japanese right-wingers say.

We can also report that the French branch of the Rothschilds contacted this writer immediately after they carried out the March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass-murder attack on Japan to issue further threats to attack Tokyo itself. It was also the French Rothschilds who financed anti-Japanese riots in China a few years back, Asian secret society sources say.

The French Rothschild control over Japan will end soon, though, multiple sources say. The Iwasaki family, who control the Mitsubishi group that in turn controls the regime of Shinzo Abe, is suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say. The Japanese industrialists are asking for WDS protection for the roll-out of cold fusion and other paradigm-changing technology that has been hitherto suppressed by the Khazarian mob, the sources say. Protection has been offered and a demonstration of this technology is being arranged, they say.

The WDS will be also meeting with representatives of Asian secret societies this week to discuss the future of Japan and the Abe regime, among other things, WDS sources say.

Also, Asian and Western secret societies are continuing preparations for setting up and financing a Western future planning agency. The agency would work in harmony with the massive Chinese One Belt One Road development project. An agreement on this issue is expected to help ease the big power friction now taking place in public between the U.S. and China, according to sources close to the negotiations.

As mentioned last week, a basic agreement to save the planet has already been reached, so now it is time to make concrete plans. This is expected to take a big amount of time, though, so please be patient. Turning around a planet is like turning around a supertanker in mid-ocean. It means that even if a decision has been made to change course, so much momentum has been built up that things must proceed slowly in order to avoid tipping the ship.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Is Your God a Devil?

It is one of the most familiar and reassuring lines in scripture:

"The Lord is my shepherd"...

But when you think about it, the metaphor is a disturbing one.

It's true that a shepherd looks after his sheep. But he also shears them and kills them and eats them. Does the God we adore act totally with our best interests at heart, or are we a species of livestock that he uses for his own ends?

Voices have occasionally uttered doubt, not about the existence of the gods, but about their beneficence. The ancient Gnostics said that the real god of this world was the Demiurge, a second-order being who mistook himself for the true God.

The spiritual teacher G.I. Gurdjieff told a parable about a lazy shepherd who got tired of having his sheep run off, so he hypnotized them into thinking they were men or lions. Then they no longer ran off but stayed around so that he could shear or kill them as he liked. (Again we encounter a shepherd, this one more explicitly malevolent.)

Gurdjieff does not say who this shepherd is.

His main point is that man, in his state of waking sleep, is at the mercy of forces that may well not have his best interests at heart - forces that will extract energy from him regardless of his wishes.

This parable is from an early period of Gurdjieff's teaching; in his later period, epitomized in his magnum opus All and Everything: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, he portrayed the universe in a more beneficent light. But there are plenty of others who have cast doubts on the motives of the spiritual powers that control our lives.

One of the weirdest is found in a book called War in Heaven by Kyle Griffith.

Originally it appeared in 1988. It has never been published in a conventional sense; I first read it years ago when I was editor of the esoteric journal Gnosis and there was a spiral-bound copy lying around the office.

Comparatively little is known about Griffith himself. From my sources, I gather that he lived in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1980s, the time when he put his book together.

He has been featured in an Internet interview, and there is a discussion group devoted to his ideas at

From a certain point of view, War in Heaven may look mad; from another, it is strangely compelling. I have read it three times over the years. While I'm not prepared to take its claims at face value, I find them both haunting and disturbing.

Griffith's vision allegedly derives from his telepathic communication with some spirits who say they are associated with the Invisible College.

This was the name of a seventeenth century English coterie that was devoted to esotericism, philosophy, and the nascent discipline of science; it is usually seen as a precursor to the Royal Society.

Unlike the scientifically minded gentlemen of Britain, the Invisible College of Griffith's vision consists of disembodied spirits who claim to have inspired the Rosicrucian and Freemasonic movements of the early modern era; more recently, they were behind the civil-rights movement in America and the psychedelic revolution of the same period.

All of these movements were designed with one end in mind:

to break the hold of the Theocrats.

The Theocrats, in the cosmology of War in Heaven, are parasitic astral entities who devour the souls of the recently deceased.

The normal course of the soul's evolution involves repeated reincarnations on earth. But these incarnations, as we well know, can be extremely unpleasant at times. The Theocrats have avoided this disagreeable option by maintaining a semi-perpetual existence on the astral plane, fed by the souls they eat.

Their strategy is simple. When a naïve soul has died, they greet it on the other side by proffering illusory welcomes into a fake heaven, populated with familiar religious figures and loved ones. When the soul has strayed into their trap, it is devoured.

To make this vision even more disturbing, Griffith (or his guides from the Invisible College) contends that practically all of what we think of as religion is nothing more than a Theocratic ruse.

The stages of this religious development, as portrayed in War in Heaven, bear some examination.

1 - The first stage was essentially shamanism.

This is a crude and primitive form of religion - from the Theocrats' point of view, that is, not from ours.

Shamanism, we are told, fosters individual psychic development, and as such, it is of limited value to the predatory Theocrats, who benefit much more from the collective trance that conventional religious worship produces.

As a result, the Theocrats had to refine and update their methods of mind control.

2 - Second-stage religion was a dead end. It involved large-scale human sacrifice.

And history shows that civilizations that had such practices came to a bad end soon. Ancient Carthage, the great rival of Rome for domination of the Mediterranean, was one example.

When the Romans decisively defeated Carthage, they razed the city and sowed the ground with salt.

Salt is traditionally a substance used for purification, and some have said the Romans did this to cleanse the land from all the human sacrifice that had taken place there.

Aztec civilization, which in many ways was superior to its European contemporary, was another example:

for all its might, it was destroyed by a few hundred Spanish adventurers on horseback.

3 - "The third stage of Theocratic religion," Griffith writes, "involves mass animal sacrifices. Although they prefer human souls, Theocratic spirits can nourish themselves off the astral souls of lower animals to some extent."

If this were true, it would cast a weird but revealing light on what I have characterized in the accompanying article as the religions of the Age of Aries.

They were so obsessed with animal sacrifice - which otherwise seems to be rather a pointless activity - because the Theocrats wanted it.

"However," Griffith adds, "the astral tissues of animal souls aren't very compatible with the astral souls of the Theocrats, so they are not a good food source."

4 - To solve this problem, the Theocrats invented fourth-stage religion - the religions that most of the world knows today.


"Theocrats use religious mind control to delude souls into deliberately putting themselves under Theocratic control after death, thinking they are entering 'eternal bliss in Heaven' or 'union with the Godhead'."

These religions are essentially those of what in the accompanying article I have called the Age of Pisces.

By this view, the gods people worship - whether they are called Christ or Allah or Krishna - are nothing more than parasites on the astral plane who keep themselves nourished by souls of the innocents they prey on.

Originally the Buddha was different; he experienced a genuine awakening and thus showed little respect for the traditional Vedic gods of his culture. But his later followers, who distorted his teaching into a religion based on faith in Buddha, became subservient to the Theocrats.

Oh, and by the way:

"The Theocrats want religious believers to feel guilty every time they feel sexual desire or enjoy any 'pleasures of the flesh'. The guilt literally addicts them to attending church services that subject them to religious mind control."

There have been few more disturbing portraits of the religious history of humanity than this.

To deliver the hapless beings of the human race from this dire situation, certain advanced souls from other planets came to the astral atmosphere of Earth a few centuries ago.

They, along with some enlightened human souls who have managed to avoid the Theocrats, constitute the Invisible College.

While the Theocrats have been sending telepathic suggestions to their unsuspecting followers on this plane, saying that all you have to do is believe in the Theocratic gods and trust them, the Invisible College has been transmitting the opposite message:

to avoid worship and above all to think for yourself.

They inspired the Rosicrucian and Masonic movements of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as the accompanying impulses toward,


-freedom of thought

-even atheism...

After all, it is better to believe in no God at all than to open yourself up to a parasitic astral deity.

According to Griffith, much of the 1960s counterculture was stimulated by the Invisible College.

LSD, rock concerts, and similar gatherings were designed to create a different kind of trance - one that would telepathically open people to the idea they should think for themselves.

But the story does not stop there.

5 - This effort has led to a reaction by the adversary - "fifth-stage Theocracy," which,

"employs electronic mind control instead of religious mind control, and… can enslave people who subscribe to belief systems other than those of organized religion."

Some groups originally inspired by the Invisible College are co-opted by the adversary.

Griffith writes,

"Every new rock group starts out with a few normal protest or love songs.

Then they get swallowed by a group mind controlled by fifth-stage Theocrats, and from that point on all their songs sound as if they were written by the same person."

It's not possible here to go further into Griffith's bizarre but fascinating vision.

But there are some things that keep me from dismissing it entirely. The first is the collective madness of the human race - its pathological desire to rage and destroy, its hatred of its benefactors and its insane worship of its most vicious victimizers.

There is a point beyond which we cannot explain this by mere mammalian aggression - which, as a matter of fact, does not have such destructive properties in other mammals.

Psychology and sociology have no explanations for this mass insanity and show little interest in finding them. If there were such entities on the astral plane trying to control and manipulate us as Griffith says they are, this behavior would at least be comprehensible.

Another is the powerful collective urge toward what Gurdjieff called the "waking sleep" of man.

It is true that, in the West at any rate, mass hypnosis by low-grade religion is losing its hold. But no sooner has this happened than we see a whole new series of mechanisms for putting people back to sleep - the "electronic mind control" that Griffith mentions.

It is very hard to go into a public place and see people bewitched by their laptops and smartphones without wondering if something like this is going on.

I don't think War in Heaven offers a total explanation for the human condition, but I suspect that it has a measure of truth. There do seem to be invisible forces that, for reasons that are difficult to determine, benefit from the collective waking trance of humanity.

Griffith concludes his work with a quasi-apocalyptic vision of the End Times.

It is close enough to the End Times as portrayed by Christianity that I have trouble taking it at face value. And while I suspect there are low-grade spiritual entities that very much resemble the Theocrats described here, I am not so convinced that they explain everything about human religious aspiration.

In any case, Griffith and his invisible mentors have some advice for keeping out of Theocratic control.

In the first place, make a conscious effort to develop your own psychic powers during this life.

In the second place,

"read accounts of point-of-death experiences and learn to recognize the common tricks that the Theocrats use to enslave the unwary after death."

In other words, those accounts of near-death experiences are true - but they're not to be taken at face value.

That's probably a sound rule of thumb for all spiritual experiences... no matter how good or bad they seem...

by Richard Smoley
from NewDawnMagazine Website

War In Heaven, War On Earth

Gods and Religions on Planet Earth

Thursday, November 15, 2018

“Jesus Christ to marry Asian Goddess” as East-West secret societies agree to save planet

November 12, 2018

For the first time in history, Eastern and Western secret societies have agreed to work together for the benefit of the planet, secret society sources say. As one Western secret society source put it, “Jesus Christ is going to get married to Guan Yin [the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy].”

The result is that unlimited funding is going to be made available to fund projects to help the living creatures of this planet, human and otherwise, the sources say. However, since we are entering historically uncharted waters, it will probably take a few months before the actual work can begin, the sources say.

At present there are several competing plans being presented at the highest levels of world power. The Vatican and the P2 Freemasons want to make funds available to existing nation-states through selected individuals, P2 sources say. The Chinese have already started their work through their One Belt One Road program. The white hats in the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex are promoting their NESARA and GESARA Global Currency Reset ideas.

Enough money is theoretically available for all of these projects to go ahead simultaneously. However, there is agreement that any release of funds will have to be firmly connected to reality and real-world projects if we are to avoid hyperinflation or asset inflation, as we have under the current system.

The White Dragon Society has also put forward proposals that have been given initial approval by both Eastern and Western secret societies, WDS sources say. The WDS proposal is as follows: The creation of at least two competing future planning agencies. Each would have a governing board of seven people selected from seven regions: China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, the Muslim world, India, Africa, and the Americas. All decisions would be reached by majority vote and vetoes would be limited to individual regions.

Proposed headquarter locations for the Western agency are Winnipeg, Canada, the exact geographical center of North America; and Buenos Aires, Argentina (the Pope’s home). For Asia, Nara, Japan, Laos, and Singapore are being proposed. Negotiations are ongoing and no final decision has been reached.

However, it has been confirmed that over $200 billion in gold-backed funds will be available to start the agency as soon as the appropriate legal documents are prepared, BIS sources say.

While this is all good news, fighting to subdue the remaining Khazarian satanists continues in the U.S., the EU, Israel, and Japan.

In the U.S., according to Pentagon sources, the Democratic Party fell for a trap when they were “baited to commit midterm election vote fraud, which will lead to their prosecutions as FISA declassification will take down the House.” In other words, the elections in Florida, Arizona, and elsewhere were carefully monitored, and evidence of election theft was gathered in order to round up more Khazarian mafia criminals, CIA sources say.

Also, the midterm elections purged the U.S. Senate of anti-Trump Republicans and gave the Trump government real control. This means judges and prosecutors can now be appointed to carry out the long-awaited arrests, the sources say. “Attorney General Jeff Sessions passing the baton to chief of staff Matt Whitaker opens the pain phase, with indictments unsealed and mass arrests,” the sources confirm.

Furthermore, they continue, “When top Democrats in the House are busted, special elections will be held which may return the House to GOP control.”

The other notable event in the U.S. last week was Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “falling in her office” and breaking three ribs. CIA sources are saying she was expected to resign from the Supreme Court in January. This would give the military-backed Trump government a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court, Pentagon sources noted.

Trump is also looking likely to remove Rothschild agent and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in January as well, according to news reports.

In addition to this, the investigation that led to the arrests of Goldman Sachs executives in a scandal involving the looting of money from a Malaysian state fund appears to be a zeroing in on former CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

There is plenty of evidence that the Khazarians set off wildfires in California and staged yet another mass shooting incident there to try to get federal funds and distract public attention from the election thefts, the Pentagon sources say. However, “a kamikaze or divine wind burned down the homes of Hollywood elites, celebrities, and liberals in Malibu,” the sources note.

It is interesting that a fire destroyed the set of the HBO series “Westworld” near Los Angeles. Since the second season of that series was a flop, if I were an insurance company agent, I would investigate that fire carefully.

The Khazarian mafia is feeling the heat in Europe too these days. In particular, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced her resignation as party chief on December. Even though the resignation is only supposed to be as party chief, CIA sources say she will also resign as Chancellor.

This means French Rothschild-slave president Emmanuel Macron is the last big Khazarian leader standing in Europe. Last week Macron told a European radio station, “We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia, and even the U.S.”

This call, which Trump labeled as “very insulting,” was probably an admission that China, Russia, and the U.S. were all attacking the Khazarian mafia and their EU dictatorship.

The Khazarians were also yet again trying to start World War 3 in order to escape the ongoing purge. As former CIA Operations Officer Robert David Steele put it,

The Deep State owns the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and two of the Deep State’s top servants—Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg (Norway) and Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Curtis Scaparrotti (USA)—have in my speculative view, planned the exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE (TRJE18) in such a way as to make possible a first strike against Russia after a NATO GLADIO false flag operation takes place with one and perhaps more simulated Russian attacks manufactured as a Casus belli.

In Israel, meanwhile, the ongoing campaign to remove satanist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took another step forward as police recommended indicting several of his associates in a bribery scandal involving Israel’s purchase of submarines from Germany.

These submarines have mostly been sunk by the U.S. military because they were used in attempts to start World War 3 by firing off nuclear missiles and blaming them on other countries like North Korea and Iran, Pentagon and CIA sources say.

The German-built Israeli submarines were also involved in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. You can bet Netanyahu’s associates are being offered plea-bargaining deals in order to expose and dethrone the mass-murdering Netanyahu.

In Asia as well, Khazarian rule continues to be dismantled. Manchu royal family sources say South Korea is not going to exist as an independent state much longer. “It will be merged with North Korea and maybe also with Manchuria,” one royal family source says. The U.S. military will be allied with the new unified state, he says.

In Japan, meanwhile, a new party aimed at restoring Samurai rule formally announced its formation on November 11, 2018, the hundredth anniversary of the end of World War I. The Japanese were among the victors of World War I but were largely snubbed at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations and further alienated when the League of Nations snubbed their proposal to forbid racial and religious discrimination. This time, the agreement between Eastern and Western secret societies has rectified this historical injustice, according to secret society sources.

The Japanese military and underworld sent senior representatives to the founding event, staged at the Meiji Kinenkan. A WDS representative was there as well. This is a place of historical significance to the Japanese, since it is where “the drafts of the former Imperial Constitution and Imperial House Act were discussed in the presence of the Meiji Emperor.”

The installation of a new emperor in Japan next year will mark the end of secret colonial rule in that country and the beginning of a new era, Japanese right wing sources say. As a part of this, the Bank of Japan will be nationalized, they say.

If we recall that Trump said in October that the Federal Reserve Board was “his biggest threat,” we can see the U.S. military and the Japanese right-wingers both are moving towards taking control of the privately owned central banks.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

You Are the Greatest Teacher You Will Never Know

“To find a mountain path all by oneself gives a greater feeling of strength than to take a path that is shown.” ~Karen Horney

Find the nearest mirror. Look deeply into it. There, hidden within that fabulously flawed human being staring back at you, is the greatest teacher you will never know.

Yes. It’s yourself. And yes, you will never really know it.

The famous inscription at the Temple of Delphi, “know thyself,” is ultimately unattainable. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to obtain it. Enlightenment is equally unattainable, but there’s nothing wrong with striving for it. Self-improvement is still healthy regardless of the fact that you will never be perfect. Socrates’ dictum still stands: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Examining your own life is always going to begin with your interpretation of it. So it behooves you to align your interpretation of it with reality. Easier said than done. Because examining the self is a tricky proposition. The Self is an elusive mystery. It’s masks all the way down perceiving illusions all the way up.

The trickiest part is that only you can experience these masks and illusions. Nobody else can experience them for you. They are subjective. Your experience of them will always be primary to anyone’s interpretation of them. Not even the best shrink in the world can know them as well as you can.

That’s what makes self-examination, and the self-realization that comes from it, so important. Therapists are, at best, guides. Self-therapy is what a therapist directs you towards anyway. So, you might as well make that attempt to begin with. A therapist is good for keeping you on track and preventing you from getting stuck, but there’s nothing saying you cannot learn strategies to do it yourself.

There’s nothing saying you cannot be your own greatest teacher. The autodidact inside you is calling.
Learn your own nature by learning about Mother Nature:

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” ~Rumi

The most powerful way to hear the “voice that doesn’t use words” is through solitude and meditation. Out away from the things of man, where No-mind is free to remind you that you are a force of nature first and a human being second.

This is perhaps the most powerful strategy for teaching your Self to yourself. Solitude and meditation teaches a particular flavor of humility that gets you over your own ego (codependence) and puts you in touch with the interconnectedness of all things (interdependence). It teaches you how not to take yourself too seriously. When you unbecome yourself, you become everything. You’re free to experience interdependence despite culturally conditioned codependence.

Allowing Nature to become your teacher cuts the uninitiated ego out of the equation and then sneaks in the initiated ego, which utilizes Soul as a tool to leverage a heightened state of awareness. From this heightened state comes the deep interdependent realization that everything is connected to everything else.

In this heightened state of eco-melting your third eye opens, your crown chakra blooms in full flutter, and your oneness with all things becomes paramount. You are suddenly out of your own way. You are free to learn what you must learn. You are free to become what you must become.
 The cure for the pain is in the pain:

“Doctors study medicine. Teachers study education. Healers study darkness.” ~Mark Lundy

Just as you are your greatest teacher, you are also your greatest healer. Know thyself and heal thyself are reciprocal properties. Mother Nature teaches you this first. Pain teaches you this second.

Pain is inevitable. It’s a part of life. Avoiding pain just causes more pain. Ignoring or repressing pain just causes unnecessary suffering. Although pain is inevitable, unnecessary suffering is avoidable.

As long as you’re able to learn from the pain, it can be a steppingstone. Seen in this way, pain can be an initiation into wisdom (a sacred wound), and a flourishing into Eudaimonia. Which can be quite pleasurable.

Growth is painful (think: exercise and endurance training). Change is even more painful (think: puberty and vicissitude). But being stuck is arguably the greatest pain of all (think: the unnecessary suffering of unhealthy and inauthentic living).

Pain is a guide, a powerful teacher. And if you can gain the capacity to recognize the guideposts and learn the lessons that Pain provides, you will be more adept at adapting and more likely to grow into a healthier version of yourself.

The Daemonic and the Demonic:

“To learn to creatively live with the daemonic or be violently devoured by it. We will decide our own destiny. Let us choose wisely.” ~Stephen Diamond

The daemonic is the hidden genius within you: your latent creativity. The demonic is the hidden shadow within you: your repressed darkness. Ignore them at your own peril.

The daemon harbors vital knowledge and deep numen. It is your genius loci, your inspiring force, your attendant spirit, your guiding power. It is the quintessential teacher inside you.

It dwells in the fire of your passions, in your love and your anger, in your longing and your jealousy, in your happiness and your sadness. If you conform to your cultural conditioning and ignore or suppress its presence, these passions will eventually transform from a daemonic passion into a demonic rage, with potentially devastating results.

Hence the importance of reconciling the shadow. You do this by making the darkness conscious. By paying attention to your deepest wounds. Becoming curious with your deep wounds is honoring them with your attention. If you’re able to honor your wounds, then you will be more likely to reconcile your demons.

It’s not so much that you’ll suffer less but that you’ll suffer better. You will become healthier in the ways that you suffer. And with the demon as your diamond-backed ally, you add a streak of fierceness to your teaching/learning that can be revolutionary.

Have a good sense of humor about your own fallibility:

“Life is a matter of oscillation. Life is vibration. The question is: how are you going to interpret that. Is it tremble, tremble, tremble; or is it laugh, laugh, laugh?” ~Alan Watts

Laughter is the best medicine. It’s salve for the soul. Laughter reduces pain, forms deep social bonds, fosters brain connectivity, acts as an effective antidepressant, and protects the heart. Besides all these scientific benefits, laughter is flat out enjoyable.

It usually happens when you are having fun. But it is also a vital tool to use in the face of tragedy, fallibility and mortality.

Nothing is more powerful and courageous than laughter in the face of that which seeks to destroy you. Allow your humor to shine even as your soul is breaking under the heavy weight of cosmic nihilism. Allow it to blaze through the cracks of having fallen apart and come back together again. As Charlie Chaplin said, “Smile, though your heart is aching.”

Embrace the fact that you are a stumbling naked ape, fumbling over your barely evolved brain. You’re an anxious mammal with a mortal coil. You’re an insatiable beast with improbable reach. You might imagine that you are a mature, evolved being who is above baser animal instincts, but you’re not.

When it comes down to it, you represent a laughably young species attempting to evolve on an extremely old planet which is hurtling through an unfathomably ancient universe. In the grand scheme of things, you are a member of a floundering baby of a species.

Having a good sense of humor is embracing your own fallibility. It’s accepting that you are prone to mistakes; that you are imperfect, and always will be. It’s injecting a little humility into your human-biased disposition.

Mastering the self is mastering humility and humor. It’s embracing absurdity in a heroic sense. One is both humbled and empowered by a good sense of humor. The shadow’s “gold” and the “secret elixir” are then more easily excavated, and brought forth to others, despite the absurd experience of being a creature torn between spirit and flesh, mortality and eternity, tragedy and comedy.

If, as Karl Frei said, “Attitude is the difference between ordeal and adventure,” then having a good sense of humor is the ideal attitude to have, as your own greatest teacher, going on the greatest adventure you will ever experience: the hero’s journey.

By Gary ‘Z’ McGee.
Waking Times

About the Author

Gary Z McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Did Trump’s Uncle Tell Him about Missing Tesla Papers & Flying Saucers?

President Donald Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump, was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1936 until his retirement in 1973. It is well known that declassified documents confirm that in January 1943 Professor Trump was called upon by the FBI to evaluate the personal papers of Nikola Tesla just over a week after his death. What is not well known is that there is also a leaked classified document that also connects Professor Trump to another famous event in US history – the crash of a flying saucer at Roswell in 1947.

According to a memorial tribute published by the National Academy of Engineering, John Trump joined MIT to work with Professor Robert J. Van de Graaff, who was a pioneer in “the new field of super-high voltage generation and applications.” After gaining a Doctorate under Van de Graaff in 1933, Trump went on to become an assistant professor in 1936, and a full professor in 1952 at MIT.

Robert Van de Graff demonstrating one of his early generators. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

According to the memorial tribute:

John Trump had two main interests: the insulation of super-high voltages in vacuum and compressed gases and the biological applications of high voltage radiation.

During World War II, Trump worked on microwave radar at MIT’s Radiation Lab, where he served as “field services director”, and also was posted to the British branch of the Radiation Lab where he worked directly with General Dwight D. Eisenhower:

In 1944, he was named director of the lab and given the responsibility of working directly with the Eisenhower Military Command. At the liberation of Paris, Trump rode into the city with General Eisenhower and immediately began to set up the Paris branch of the Radiation Lab.

Trump’s expertise with high voltages and radiation was widely acknowledged by U.S. authorities, and he also was very familiar with the requirements for working in classified government programs.

In 1943, he played a major role in the examination of Nikola Tesla’s personal papers that were acquired by the FBI/Office Alien Property Custodian soon after Tesla’s January 13 death. An FBI document included Trump among the scientists and experts investigating Tesla’s papers:

Tesla was the author of over 200 patents granted worldwide, and made numerous claims about building death rays and electrostatic walls of energy that could protect any country from attack.

Among Tesla’s inventions was a revolutionary disc shaped aircraft – a flying saucer – which he allegedly filed a patent application for in the early 1900’s, but it was not granted on national security grounds. Apparently, Tesla planned for his flying saucer to be remotely powered by a “world wireless system” which he first discussed in a March 5, 1904 paper titled: “The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires”. Tesla wrote:

Not only was it practicable to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress upon the entire globe the faint modulations of the human voice, far more still, to transmit power, in unlimited amounts, to any terrestrial distance and almost without loss…

Tesla went on to describe how his “world wireless system” would be powered by devices similar to his legendary Wardenclyff Tower, which would be eventually capable of generating huge electrostatic charges that surpassed that found in lightning bolts:

It is difficult to form an adequate idea of the marvelous power of this unique appliance, by the aid of which the globe will be transformed. The electromagnetic radiations being reduced to an insignificant quantity, and proper conditions of resonance maintained, the circuit acts like an immense pendulum, storing indefinitely the energy of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth and its conducting atmosphere uniform harmonic oscillations of intensities which, as actual tests have shown, may be pushed so far as to surpass those attained in the natural displays of static electricity.

Tesla’s proposal of building a “world wireless system” that could power any remote device, including his proposed flying saucer, was certainly revolutionary. What is critical here is that his proposal for building devices capable of generating huge electrostatic charges was the precise topic that Professor Trump had specialized in at MIT with his work on Van de Graaff generators!

So did Tesla really design a flying saucer that would be powered by a some kind of Van de Graaff generator?

A New York inventor, Otis Carr, claims that he befriended Tesla in 1937 while Tesla was living at the New Yorker Hotel, and was instructed by Tesla on how to build a flying saucer that would be powered by an electrical generator.

Over a decade later, Carr succeeded in getting a patent for his revolutionary flying saucer craft, which he called an amusement park device in order to get it approved by the US Trade and Patent Office. After raising private funding to build his OTC-XI, he successfully tested his flying saucer in 1961. According to one of Carr’s former employees, Ralph Ring, the saucer incorporated high voltage machines for its propulsion and navigation systems.

Unfortunately, Ring also told of how Carr’s manufacturing facility was raided and closed down by Federal agents on bogus charges of securities fraud.

If Carr and Ring are to be believed, a civilian spacecraft based on Nikola Tesla’s ideas and inventions was successfully built and tested in 1961. Were any of Tesla’s ideas on building a flying saucer device found in his personal papers after his death?

An article in the New Yorker, described Trump’s role in evaluating Tesla’s papers:

Trump was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, and in 1943 the F.B.I. had enough faith in his technical ability and his discretion to call him in when Nikola Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel, in Manhattan, raising the question of whether enemy agents might have had a chance to learn some of his secrets before the body was found. (One fear was that Tesla was working on a “death ray.”) As Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth recount in “Tesla, Master of Lightning,”

Professor Trump examined Tesla’s papers and equipment, and wrote a report for the FBI stating nothing of national security significance was found within them:

As a result of this examination, it is my considered opinion that there exist among Dr. Tesla’s papers and possessions no scientific notes, descriptions of hitherto unrevealed methods or devices, or actual apparatus which could be of significant value to this country or which constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands. I can therefore see no technical or military reason why further custody of the property should be retained.

Professor Trump went on to give his conclusion about the importance of Tesla’s work over the prior 15 years:

It should be no discredit to this distinguished engineer and scientists whose solid contributions to the electrical art were made at the beginning of the present century to report that his thoughts and efforts during at least the past fifteen years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character – often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power – but did not include new sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.

Trump did not appear to be impressed by Tesla’s background or what had been found in the latter’s papers when it came to its potential war application.

Given Tesla’s claims and what numerous researchers have discovered about his revolutionary ideas, this appears odd. Either Trump found nothing of importance as he reported to the FBI, or he was instructed by higher military authorities to cover up the true significance of Tesla’s papers in his report to the FBI.

According to Margaret Cheney, author of Tesla: Man Out of Time, some of Tesla’s documents, inventions and patents applications were seized by FBI agents and never released into the public arena. If Cheney is correct, then John Trump did find items of importance among Tesla’s collection that were taken and have been kept secret from the public to the present day.

Despite the controversy over what was retrieved from Tesla’s collection, it is clear that he worked on developing revolutionary technologies, some of which are relevant to flying saucer propulsion systems. Otis Carr’s claims directly connect Tesla to such exotic propulsion technologies.

The relevance of all this is that John Trump was the man the FBI wanted to help them decide whether Tesla’s personal papers contained revolutionary technologies that were vital to national security or not. Essentially, the FBI viewed Trump as the expert who could make the necessary recommendations on the revolutionary technologies, some of which concerned flying saucers, which the FBI and the US military was secretly studying from what had been retrieved at Roswell and other crash sites.

A little known historical fact is that Van de Graaff generators, which Professor John Trump specialized in at MIT, were a key component of flying saucer research being secretly conducted in Nazi Germany. According to Vladimir Terziski, an electrical engineer who was a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences before emigrating to the US, Van de Graaff machines were part of the propulsion system for different flying saucer prototypes being developed by Nazi Germany.

Terziski explained that Vril and Haunebu models possessed an electro-gravitics propulsion system called Thule-Tachyonator drives. These were first developed in 1939 by a Nazi SS development unit which incorporated Van de Graaff generators, as learned from SS documents acquired and released by Terziski after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact:

This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaff band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo [a spherical tank of mercury] to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule … [Tachyonator-7 drive] and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.

If Trump’s expertise on Van de Graaff generators led to him learning about the propulsion systems used in flying saucer research, is there any documentary evidence linking Professor Trump to US government’s research and development in this regard?

Indeed, there is. A Majestic document called the “White Hot Report” was given a “High Level of Authenticity” rating by Dr Robert Wood and Ryan Wood, who specialize in researching and authenticating leaked government and military documents given MAJIC and similar level security classifications.

The leaked Majestic document concerns a report by then Major General Nathan Twining about the need to set up a permanent committee to evaluate the Roswell UFO Crash given the many vital national security issues surrounding the visitation of extraterrestrial life and their advanced technologies. The White Hot Report describes a list of scientific institutions involved in the study of such extraterrestrial artifacts. Prominently listed among them is MIT.

This is a stunning discovery since it directly links the institution where Professor Trump worked, with secret government studies of the Roswell UFO Crash. Given Trump’s expertise in high voltage radiation and Van de Graaff generators, his 1943 role in evaluating Tesla’s personal papers and work for classified US government programs during World War II, it is reasonable to conclude that Trump was almost certainly among the MIT experts consulted about the revolutionary technologies found at Roswell.

Trump was likely also very familiar with top secret research and development efforts by US authorities to develop flying saucer technologies for a future space program due to his expertise on Van de Graff generators – a vital component of flying saucer propulsion systems.

The big question is, did Professor Trump pass any of this amazing information to his nephew, Donald?

John Trump died in 1985, at age 78, when Donald was 39, and at the time a successful real estate magnate who was often giving interviews to major media outlets.

Trump first mentioned his uncle in a 1984 New York Times profile where he said that they first began to talk about physics and nuclear disarmament 15 years earlier. Donald was around 23 at the time and had a year earlier (May 1968) graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor of Science in economics.

The New York Times explained the influence his uncle had on Trump about nuclear disarmament:

[Donald Trump] says that his concern for nuclear holocaust is not one that popped into his mind during any recent made-of-television movie. He says that it has been troubling him since his uncle, a nuclear physicist, began talking to him about it 15 years ago.

At a June 12 2018 press conference, after his meeting with North Korean’s leader, Kim Jong-Un, President Trump spoke about his uncle and how he had helped shape his views on the importance of nuclear disarmament:

I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time … He was a great expert, he was a great brilliant genius.

Trump’s references to his uncle John, shows how influential he had been in shaping his views on nuclear disarmament and other advanced science topics. Could some of these discussions have covered inventions developed by Nikola Tesla and technologies retrieved from the Roswell UFO crash?

There are two actions taken by Trump during and after his Presidential inauguration that suggest that Tesla’s inventions and the Roswell UFO crash were among the subjects he and his uncle had privately discussed.

During his inauguration speech, Trump said:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

Trump is here clearly alluding to some revolutionary technologies that his administration plans to release, which will transform the health, transportation and space industries.

Trump issued a Top Secret Memorandum a day or so after his inauguration speech dealing with such revolutionary technologies, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode whose testimony has featured in the best selling documentary, Above Majestic. Essentially, Trump demanded that the intelligence community revoke their secrecy orders on a thousand of the then 5,680 patent applications that were being held up. He allegedly told them to do so within a two-year period.

It’s quite possible that some of the confiscated Tesla’s papers included patent applications that would be among those that had been held up by the intelligence community, and perhaps even include his alleged flying saucer device that would be remotely powered by a worldwide wireless system. According to the Federation of American Scientists, the number of patent applications held up by secrecy orders had increased to 5,784 by the end of 2017.

If Trump had issued such a Memorandum, there is yet no sign it is being put into practice by the intelligence community. This may be due to the intense behind the scenes battle between the Trump administration and the Deep State as I have covered in previous articles.

The second action suggesting his uncle had told him about Tesla’s inventions and the Roswell crash concerns President Trump’s proposal for a Space Force, despite objections by Congress and even the US military. His proposal may well be driven by his knowledge that flying saucer technologies incorporating high voltage radiation and Van de Graaff machines found at Roswell, which his Uncle John had confidentially told him about, had been secretly developed and built decades ago for one or more secret space programs.

The idea that Trump knows of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is strengthened by recent posts by the military intelligence group working with his administration, Q Anon, confirming their reality. Most importantly, QAnon was signaling that the Trump administration has a full disclosure agenda.

Trump’s desire for a Space Force appears to be part of a plan to wrest control of information concerning secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, away from the Deep State and transnational corporations. If Trump succeeds in his plan to empower the Office of the President of United States to run such highly classified programs, then the revolutionary changes promised in his inauguration speech, may not be too far away at all.

If so, we may ultimately have John Trump to thank for inspiring his nephew at an early age about the existence of life changing health and transportation technologies connected to classified research of flying saucers, some of which originate dates back to the pioneering research of Nikola Tesla conducted over a century ago.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. on November 5, 2018.

Further Reading