In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Friday, September 27, 2019

The Cosmos is Alive and Existing Through Human Consciousness

Their book, You Are The Universe: What if this everyday fact of life turns out to be the key to the cosmos?, Deepak Chopra and Chapman University physicist Menas Kafatos have concluded that the Universe helped to shape consciousness in humans, and now in turn our being allows the Universe to evolve.

• Chopra and Kafatos believe consciousness is the Universe living through us, and without humanity, the Universe would cease to exist. The cosmos and consciousness co-exist on a sub-atomic level, and one without the other would be impossible. The two realms have become so entwined that they are now one and the same.

• “Human beings might be a bright idea the Universe had, and once the idea occurred to it, cosmic mind decided to run with it.” But what is so special about human beings? Human beings allowed the Universe to be aware of itself in the dimension of time and space. We live in a participatory Universe. “The cosmos is thinking through you. Whatever you happen to be doing is a cosmic activity.”

• Stanford University physicist Andrei Linde agrees with Chopra’s and Kafatos’ sentiment, and believes it is only a matter of time until science can prove that consciousness and the cosmos are inseparably linked. Says Linde, “The Universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the Universe that ignores consciousness.”

• Consciousness, ie: the ability to perceive and be aware of our surroundings, has confounded scientists for centuries. Scientists know more about the Universe than they do the human brain. They do not yet understand what in our brain gives us this power of consciousness.

• Davinia Fernández-Espejo, a senior lecturer for the School of Psychology and Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham, UK, is part of a team that is studying the human brain through MRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging. Said Fernández-Espejo, “We found two main patterns of communication across regions” of the brain. “One simply reflected physical connections of the brain.” The second pattern represented very complex brain-wide dynamic interactions across a set of 42 brain regions that belong to six brain networks with important roles in cognition.” “This complex pattern was almost only present in people with some level of consciousness.”

• [Editor’s Note] These guys are on the right track. But in order for scientists to be taken seriously in the compromised scientific community, they are forced to adhere to the Deep State’s dictum that humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe. This earth-centric view of science is one of the major things holding back our development as a species. But yes, consciousness is what it is all about. Our individual consciousness is part of the collective consciousness that pervades the universe, which we call “God”. The higher the density of consciousness, the closer one gets to “God”. Although humanity’s third density consciousness is at the bottom of the consciousness barrel, we will very soon have the opportunity to ascend into the lower levels of fourth density consciousness, stimulated by an imminent solar flash at a cosmic level. However, those who are not prepared or who desire to remain in the third density will do so. Just not on this planet.

Scientists are still baffled by consciousness and questions about why and how we have it are constantly arising, but so far remain largely unanswered. Now, two physicists believe consciousness is the Universe living through us, and without humanity, the Universe will cease to exist. Deepak Chopra, MD, and Chapman University physicist Menas Kafatos have said that the cosmos and consciousness co-exist on a sub-atomic level, and one without the other would be impossible.

The pair argue that the Universe helped to shape consciousness in humans, and now in turn our being allows the Universe to evolve.

As a result, consciousness and the cosmos have become so intwined that they are now one and the same, the pair said.

The physicists wrote in their book ‘You Are The Universe’: “What if this everyday fact of life turns out to be the key to the cosmos?

“Human beings might be a bright idea the Universe had, and once the idea occurred to it, cosmic mind decided to run with it.

“Why? What’s so enticing about human beings, troublesome and pained as we are? Only one thing. We allowed the Universe to be aware of itself in the dimension of time and space.

“The cosmos is thinking through you. Whatever you happen to be doing is a cosmic activity. Take away any stage in the evolution of the Universe, and this very moment vanishes into thin air.

“As astounding as such a claim may be, this book has been building up to it all along. Quantum physics makes it undeniable that we live in a participatory Universe.


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Greta Thunberg: Fake as the Climate Change Hoax

Recall the Kuwaiti incubator baby hoax. It was foisted on a gullible public as part of a huge propaganda push prior to the first Bush invasion of Iraq. A Kuwaiti girl, supposedly a volunteer at the al-Addan hospital in Kuwait during Saddam Hussein’s invasion in 1990, tearfully told the Congressional Human Rights Caucus Iraqi soldiers had stolen baby incubators, leaving premature infants on the hospital floor to die.

“Of all the accusations made against the dictator,” author John MacArthur observed, “none had more impact on American public opinion than the one about Iraqi soldiers removing 312 babies from their incubators and leaving them to die on the cold hospital floors of Kuwait City.”

The incident never occurred. It was fake news, war propaganda designed to manipulate the emotions of the public and drum up support Bush the Elder’s illegal war against Iraq.

“At the Human Rights Caucus… Hill & Knowlton [a public relations firm] and Congressman [Tom] Lantos had failed to reveal that Nayirah [the 15-year old girl testifying] was a member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family. Her father, in fact, was Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Ambassador to the US, who sat listening in the hearing room during her testimony. The Caucus also failed to reveal that H&K vice-president Lauri Fitz-Pegado had coached Nayirah in what even the Kuwaitis’ own investigators later confirmed was false testimony.”

16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s emotional accusations about climate change went viral on the internet and social media. The event was as staged and choreographed in a similar fashion to Nayirah’s testimony. Instead of tears, young Greta played the victim.

Naturally, the corporate propaganda media turned the teenage actress into a hero.

That’s right. This girl is an actress, so she has experience reading from scripts and pretending to be something she is not.

Greta’s globalist-sponsored act was a hit at Davos, where she lectured the elite on their carbon footprint earlier this year.

Wolter Berends, writing for the Dutch news site Novini, puts the wholly fake and pre-arranged Greta act into perspective. Misconceptions about the young Swede, Berends writes, began before she took to the world stage.

The misconception starts earlier. Namely with the assumption that the Fridays for Future movement was created by the young Swede. That’s wrong, the plan is a few years older. While the media hype around Greta Thunberg erupted in 2018, the Plant for the Planet Foundation held a global youth summit three years earlier in Bonn. An outcome of this meeting can be found on the website, where it is called: “At the Global Youth Summit in May 2015 we came up with the idea of a global school strike for climate protection.” It then took three years [to establish] Greta Thunberg as the appropriate spokeswoman, then attributing her the authorship of the idea for the school strikes.
 Plant-for-the-Planet is a globalist effort to brainwash highly susceptible children and mold them into intolerant activists, not unlike the character portrayed by little Greta Thunberg, method-acting angry at adults for destroying her future.

Here’s the backstory on Plant-for-the-Planet. It is “partnered” with the Avina Foundation, the Club of Rome, and the Global Marshall Plan. Avina is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, while the Club of Rome, a cabal of the global elite and corporatists, published The Limits to Growth in 1972.

The report, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, argues in favor of population control and rolling back civilization to save the planet. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 “during a meeting at Rockefeller’s private house in Bellagio, Italy. The meeting was organized by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist who had close relations to the Olivetti Corporation and Fiat. He claimed to have solutions for world peace and prosperity, which could be accomplished through a New World Order,” writes Derek Willis.

The Club of Rome was established with 75 prominent industrialists, economists and scientists members from 25 nations. The Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome are the most important foreign policy arms of the Round table, which is led by the Committee of 300… Many of the Club of Rome members were drawn from NATO.”
More recently, the organization published The Club of Rome: Climate Emergency Plan, based on dubious climate science produced by the UN’s IPCC. It calls for population reduction and the impoverishment of billions—the organization argues economic growth shouldn’t exceed 1%—an effort led by “governments, business leaders, the science community, NGOs and citizens” to dismantle civilization.

The German Marshall Fund is a “transatlantic” organization established in 1972 on the 25th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. It is also pushing hard on the climate change scheme to force draconian measures on the civilized world. Much of Europe has agreed western civilization must be rolled back if the planet is to be saved.

Christina Elvers writes for the EUObserver:

As the German Marshall Fund’s Transatlantic Trends finds, only six percent of Americans list fighting climate change as a top priority for their country, while 20 percent of Europeans think it should be on the top of the list for their leaders. According to the Pew Global Attitudes survey, 52 percent of Germans consider climate change a serious problem, but only 46 percent of the French, 40 percent of the British, and 37 percent of Americans agree. 
The global elite and its cronies are now pulling out all stops to force the climate agenda down our throats—and there is no better way to do that than to exploit children. The “save the children” mantra is recycled continually, most recently in regard to “gun violence,” that is to say the effort to fully demonize and eradicate the Second Amendment.

For many, it is difficult to argue with a child, especially when that child claims our supposedly selfish behavior endangers her future. 

China’s Secret Plan to Subvert US Hegemony to become Top Space Power

September 21, 2019

China is painstakingly implementing a 100-year strategic plan aimed at overtaking the United States as the world’s dominant superpower or hegemon by 2049 according to Michael Pillsbury’s authoritative 2015 national best seller, The Hundred Year Marathon. Pillsbury’s keen insights not only provide a foundation for understanding how China plans to supplant the US, but how it is covertly responding to the existence of secret space programs developed by the US military industrial complex, and what China plans to do in response in order to achieve dominance both on Earth and in space.

Pillsbury is a China expert who has worked with the US Department of Defense, State Department, and Congress for over four decades, since 1975. A fluent Mandarin speaker, he has had unrivaled access to top Chinese military and political leaders during his professional career and is very familiar with the policies and plans of China’s ruling Communist Party elite, especially the military hawks who exert great influence behind the scenes. Currently, Pillsbury is a top advisor to President Donald Trump on US-China relations.

Pillsbury begins his highly detailed book by describing how top Chinese leaders cunningly use the historical period of the Warring States (475-221 BC) to develop their strategic planning for engaging with the US. In short, the Warring States period was a time when up to seven ethnic Chinese kingdoms competed amongst themselves for hegemony and dominance over their rivals.

Pillsbury explains how a ruling hegemon (the US in contemporary times) would be undermined by an aspiring hegemon (China), by means of stealth, cunning, and deception as practiced by different kingdoms during the Warring States period. He cogently explains how such goals require long term thinking by China as the aspiring hegemon that lacks the political and military power to directly confront the ruling US hegemon until it has been sufficiently weakened by internal and external strife.

Chinese military and political leaders began their 100-year marathon in 1949, Pillsbury explains, after the victory of the Communist Party and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Initially, China relied on the Soviet Union to help it industrialize and to modernize its vast military. After their political falling out in the 1960’s and military clashes along their shared borders, China’s Communist Party began secret overtures to the West.

It was Chairman Mao who covertly reached out to President Nixon, Pillsbury points out, and not the other way around as many erroneously believe. Initial relations between China and the US were genuinely positive since both had much to fear from the Soviet Union. All that changed with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Chinese school textbooks changed dramatically. Previously positive descriptions of US history and democratic ideals, which had been extensively cited by Chinese students at the Tiananmen protests, were now overwhelmingly negative. Future generations of Chinese students were indoctrinated to believe that the US has been humiliating and abusing China since the mid-1800s.

Previously positive descriptions of President Lincoln (1861-1865), for example, were now overwhelmingly negative. Pillsbury explained how Chinese students came to be taught the ridiculous proposition that Lincoln was busy undermining China’s sovereignty, during the US Civil War. Essentially, China’s Communist Party was ensuring that there would be no repeat of the Tiananmen Square protest were the youth were citing positive US democratic ideals and personalities, which had been deeply embarrassing to Party elders.

Pillsbury then explains how China opened its doors to western industries and economic innovation as part of its modernization effort. Using strategies taken directly from the Warring States period, the Communist Party feigned openness to democratic political ideals, while ruthlessly clamping down on ethnic minorities and political dissidents, and blocking genuine democratic reforms.

The goal was to lure Western nations into a false sense of complacency where the common assumption was that China would inevitably change in the future as its huge economy opened to Western influence. Pillsbury emphasized that such future democratic changes were a chimera since the Chinese military and political elite were driven not by Western ideals, but by their understanding of what history revealed about how an aspiring hegemon needed first to undermine and then supplant a ruling hegemon.

He points out that China had no intention of helping the US and its allies establish a stable world order, but instead aimed at undermining it so as to usher in a world order where China would be the dominant power.

Pillsbury provides many examples of how China has assisted various rogue states and groups around the world, such as Afghanistan’s Taliban. Just as the U.S. secretly used extremist groups to weaken the Soviet Union during the Cold War, now China was covertly doing the same through economic development and arms supplies to nations that challenged US policies.

As far as economic development is concerned, Pillsbury explains how China is at the forefront of industrial espionage, counterfeiting efforts, theft of intellectual property, hacking and other unscrupulous practices. The goal is to help China’s state-owned enterprises (which numbered over 140,000 companies in 2011), cheat, steal, manipulate, and outmaneuver Western companies that establish a commercial presence in mainland China.

When it comes to outer space, Pillsbury explains how China has been using these unscrupulous practices to develop its own conventional space program, with the goal of projecting a military presence into space. While the Trump administration is in the midst of creating of Space Force as the sixth branch of the US military, China has had an “Aerospace Force” up and running since 2014.

China’s Aerospace Force was created as the fifth branch of Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) as explained in an article titled “China’s Military Creates New Space Force” published in The Diplomat by Zachary Keck on September 10, 2014. A speech by President Xi was summarized by a Chinese space expert cited by Keck as a clear endorsement of Chinese militarization of space in response to US and other nations already having done so:

The United States has paid considerable attention and resources to the integration of capabilities in both air and space, and other powers have also moved progressively toward space militarization… Though China has stated that it sticks to the peaceful use of space, we must make sure that we have the ability to cope with others’ operations in space.

The problem is that Pillsbury, and the US public more generally, is largely unaware of the extent of the US military’s true presence in outer space, and mistakenly assume that Space Force will be the official start of US militarization of space. However, as I have extensively documented in my Secret Space Program Book series, both the US Air Force and the US Navy have independent secret space programs that have projected their respective military power deep into space.

These two parallel US military-run space programs have been in operation since the 1970s, while the general public was hoodwinked into believing that the only US presence in space was through NASA’s civilian-run space program.

China, however, is well aware of the truth behind covert US military space operations once it began sending satellites into Earth orbit in the 1970s. China’s growing space surveillance capacities allowed it to track US military space operations, especially the construction of secret military space stations operated by the USAF and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

In Book Four of my series, the USAF Secret Space Program, I discuss 825 declassified NRO documents that show how the USAF and NRO used the allegedly discontinued Manned Orbiting Laboratory project as the cover for sending laboratory modules into space that could be configured to establish Von Braun type space stations, i.e., modules assembled into a circular configuration.

These secret USAF/NRO space stations provide ideal weapons platforms capable of extending US military force all over the planet from the high ground of space. China, like other major nations with satellite surveillance capacities, is well aware of the USAF/NRO space stations and their potential military capabilities.

China insists that it is only attempting to match the US militarization of space, but given the gap between the development of the US military’s presence in space, and China’s more recent efforts, it will take China many years to catch up. This is why Pillsbury’s book is important since it outlines the unscrupulous practices China is willing to adopt in order to bridge the gap in space technologies.

For example, the real scandal behind the hacking of the Hillary Clinton email servers during her tenure as Secretary of State (2009-2013), is the role played by China, and the likelihood that it was all part of an elaborate pay-to-play scheme to leak classified space technologies. As I have written previously, Clinton had security access to Talent Keyhole space technologies classified within Special Access Programs (SAPs) and discussed these in emails stored on her servers.

This was corroborated by no less than the Inspector General for the US Intelligence Community who identified the various security levels of emails stored on Clinton’s hacked servers:

To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.

According to the anonymous military intelligence group QAnon, Clinton was indeed involved in a pay-to-play scheme with China to leak advanced technology secrets.


Pillsbury’s conclusions dictate the different steps the US needs to take to stop China from achieving its goals and appear very sensible given what he has outlined. His influence can be seen in President Trump’s increasingly tough policies on China, which have ushered in a new era in US-China relations.

Despite the incisive analysis provided by Pillsbury, there are a number of deficiencies in his book which largely reflect a conventional world view that nation-state behaviors are driven by public officials nominally in charge of major political, military and economic institutions.

Pillsbury shows no understanding or recognition of the existence of a Deep State and how it manipulates public officials to pass policies that promote a hidden agenda. A good example is how President Trump’s first two years in office were hamstrung by Russia collusion claims that poisoned prospects of Trump and Putin collaborating to solve major world problems. The Deep State had no intention of the US and Russia collaborating on the world scene and used compromised public officials to promote a false narrative that was aided and abetted by the mainstream media.

Most disturbing is growing evidence that the Deep State is actively assisting China in its covert efforts to lie, steal and cheat its way to technological parity with the US both on Earth and in outer space. It’s no accident that Clinton and other leading US politicians such as Joe Biden and Diane Feinstein have been accused of helping China gain access to sensitive technologies, which is precisely what the Deep State wants as QAnon has been revealing for well over a year.

China steals US military technology: Derek Scissors

Is it a good or bad thing if China continues to use unscrupulous practices to catch up to what the US military has secretly developed and deployed in space? From a Chinese national security perspective, it is entirely understandable why China is doing whatever it can to bridge a technological gap in outer space since this gap makes China vulnerable to US political and military pressure.

From the US national security perspective, China is a totalitarian communist state that is profiting from the West’s naivety in opening their economies in the forlorn hope that China will usher in democratic reforms. The danger is that as China grows into the world’s largest economy, it will use its economic clout to prop up repressive political systems that will be natural allies to its one-party totalitarian system.

China’s totalitarian system is something that the Deep State desperately wants to expand onto the world stage since a concentration of political power will be far easier to infiltrate and take over than democratic political systems with their complex system of checks and balances, as exemplified in the US.

That is why the Deep State is currently helping China bridge the technology gap with the US, and helping them develop a secret space program that rivals what the US Air Force and Navy have secretly developed. Space is where the real battle between the ruling hegemon (US) and the aspiring hegemon (China) will be determined, and where China’s plans to supplant the US as the ruling hegemony will be ultimately resolved.

Further Reading

Shocker: Comparing Deaths From Medical Treatment, Vitamins and all US Wars

September 23, 2019

Why do I keep writing on this subject?

Hmm, let’s see—because extraordinary numbers of people are dying, and are severely maimed. That’s a pretty good reason.

Because medical and government and press authorities are lying through their teeth and covering up the numbers.

Because some of the people who are dying could be people you know and love, in your family, in your circle of friends.

Because the facts are clear—no speculation or opinion required.

Because this is not a one-time occurrence. It is ongoing.

Because you might send this article to people who will learn about this shocking subject for the first time.

Because, no matter which country you live in, medical destruction parallels what has been happening in the US.

People want to believe medical science gives us, at any given moment, the best of all possible worlds.

And of course, the best of all possible worlds must have its enemies: the quacks who sell unproven snake oil.

So let’s look at some facts.

As I’ve been documenting for years, the medical cartel has been engaged in massive criminal fraud, presenting their drugs as safe and effective across the board—when, in fact, these drugs have been killing and maiming huge numbers of people, like clockwork.

I’ve cited the groundbreaking review, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”, by Dr. Barbara Starfied (Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000), in which Starfield reveals the American medical system kills 225,000 people per year—106,000 as a direct result of pharmaceutical drugs.

I’ve now found another study, published in the same Journal, two years earlier: April 15, 1998; “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.” It, too, is mind-boggling.

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: “…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and and administered.”

So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as consequence of the drugs, without being admitted to hospitals.

I found the link to this study at the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, in the middle of a very interesting article by Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki: “Commentary on the Safety of Vitamins.”

Here are two key quotes from her article:

“In 2010, not one single person [in the US] died as a result of taking vitamins (Bronstein, et al, (2011) Clinical Toxical, 49 (10), 910-941).”

“In 2004, the deaths of 3 people [in the US] were attributed to the intake of vitamins. Of these, 2 persons were said to have died as a result of megadoses of vitamins D and E, and one person as a result of an overdose of iron and fluoride. Data from: ‘Toxic Exposure Surveillance System 2004, Annual Report, Am. Assoc. of Poison Control Centers.’”

Summing up:

No deaths from vitamins (2011), and three deaths (2004) from vitamins/iron/fluoride.

106,000 deaths every year from pharmaceutical drugs. (Starfield).

Between 76,000 and 137,000 deaths from pharmaceutical drugs every year in hospitalized patients. (Lazerou).

The FDA and its “quack-buster” allies go after vitamins, demean “unproven remedies,” and generally take every possible opportunity to warn people about “alternatives,” on the basis that they aren’t scientifically supported.

Meanwhile, the very drugs these mobsters are promoting, and certifying as safe and effective, are killing and maiming people at a staggering rate.

The masses are treated to non-stop PR on the glories of the US medical system.

In the Wikipedia entry, “US military casualties of war,” the grand total of all military deaths in the history of this country, starting with the Revolutionary War, is 1,312,612.

In any given 10 years of modern medical treatment? 2,250,000 deaths (Starfield).

Consider how much suppression is necessary to keep the latter number under wraps.

And oh yes, one more thing: none of the studies cited above examine the destruction wrought by vaccines. That’s forbidden.

Jon Rappoport, Guest
Waking Times

About the Author

Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29thDistrict of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

145000 Tonnes Of Indian Oil At Risk After US Blacklists Chinese Shipping Companies

September 27, 2019

The US has put sanctions on several Chinese companies and their top officials for allegedly shipping Iranian oil, putting dozens of supertankers off limits to western energy traders. As a direct impact of the blacklisting of Chinese shipping company Cosco, 145,000 tonnes of Indian Oil is at risk.

The US Treasury department on Wednesday blacklisted two oil tanker subsidiaries of Cosco, a leading Chinese shipping and logistics company, although the parent company remains unaffected.

China Concord Petroleum, Pegasus 88 Limited, Kunlun Shipping Company and Kunlun Holding Company were also sanctioned.

The sanctions against Cosco subsidiaries alone could affect 40-50 tankers, about half of which are very large crude carriers — the giant supertankers used by international oil traders for long-haul voyages, said Erik Broekhuizen, head of tanker research and consulting at Poten & Partners, an energy broker in New York.

The Financial Times reported in August that the Trump administration was tracking the movement of tankers linked to Bank of Kunlun, a subsidiary of China’s biggest state-run oil company China National Petroleum Corporation, amid signs that the vessels are helping to transport Iranian crude to China in defiance of US sanctions against Tehran. In August at least three Kunlun-linked tankers had been spotted interacting with Iranian vessels since May through Planet Labs satellite imagery, which was provided to the Financial Times by TankerTrackers alongside maritime data from MarineTraffic.

US oil refineries that are unable to sell dirty fuel waste product at home are exporting vast quantities of it to India. In 2016 US sent more than 8 million metric tons of dirty petcoke to India enough to fill the Empire State Building eight times. — GreatGameIndia (@GreatGameIndia) September 22, 2019

Indian Oil Corp is also examining the impact of U.S. sanctions on its chartering of a crude carrier owned by a subsidiary of China’s Cosco Shipping Corporation.

“The matter is being examined,” IOC said in response to a Reuters email seeking comment after the U.S. Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed sanctions on five Chinese nationals and six entities it said had violated Washington’s unilateral curbs on Tehran.

IOC has chartered Da Yuan Hu, owned by Cosco Shipping Tanker Dalian, for the lifting of 145,000 tonnes of Mexican Isthumus oil. The vessel is expected to start its voyage to Paradip port in eastern India on Oct. 10, Refinitiv Eikon data shows.

More than two months and 20,000 kilometers (12,000 miles) ago, the tanker Da Yuan Hu left Singapore and headed to Mexico to pick up a shipment of crude oil. On Thursday, with less than two weeks to go until it reaches its destination, its long quest could be in jeopardy. The ship, along with dozens of others, is now ensnared in the standoff between the U.S. and Iran.

12,000 mile journey of Da Yuan Hu uncertain after Chinese shipping companies were blacklisted by US. Courtesy of Bloomberg

The announcements by the U.S. Treasury and State departments left shipbrokers and charterers scrambling to cancel bookings with sanctioned companies and letting provisional charters lapse. Uncertainty still remains on whether cargoes that have already been loaded onto the vessels of sanctioned firms would be allowed to deliver, or whether they would have to transfer their loads to unsanctioned tankers, reported Bloomberg.

US sanctions come amid a new escalation of tensions in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia’ Aramco Oil facilities were attacked by drones on 14th September. In April, Washington had announced countries including India and China, which are currently important Iranian crude oil, will either have to end their imports completely or be subjected to American sanctions. China and India were the largest importer of Iranian oil.

While the Chinese are resisting what the call their sovereign right to a free and fair maritime trading, India has drastically cutoff its import of Oil from Iran and meanwhile have signed billion dollar deals with Saudi Aramco and American Tellurian Inc.

GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations Join us on Telegram for more intel and updates

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Many signs point to imminent, bigger than Lehman financial tsunami

September 23, 2019

Veteran financial market observers will tell you that anomalies in the financial markets last week point to some sort of black swan event on the horizon. This could be—cross your fingers and knock on wood—the signs of the long-awaited implosion of the U.S. Corporate government. It could also be the signal for a new Bretton Woods-style reboot of the world’s financial system.

To understand, take a look at these two graphs from September 19th. The first is the Repo market, and the second is SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate)—the replacement for Libor.

The Repo market is basically a market where banks etc. use long-term high-quality financial instruments like U.S. government bonds as collateral to borrow here/now cash. The second is the rate at which banks lend to each other. The jump from 2% to 10% in the Repo market in a single day either means insiders think U.S. bonds are about to become worthless, or else some huge bank is about to go bust and so nobody wants to hand any cash over to them.

The second, SOFR, moved 282 basis points, in a market where people typically freak out over a move of even 20 basis points. The SOFR move, at the very least, indicates that a mega-bank or several mega-banks could not get money from other banks. This sort of move was last seen at the time of the Lehman shock.

The privately owned Fed has been trying to calm things down by offering to dish out $75 billion per day between now and October 10th. That’s interesting timing, because the U.S. Corporate government has a payment deadline on September 30th and would be given until around October 10th (or the 17th at the latest) to come up with the money if it failed to pay up on September 30th.

A British Royal family member explained, “The financial industry has been bankrupted by a decision by the U.S. judiciary to allow class action suits against them. The volatility is just an aftershock of that,” he explains.

The links below show that many banks, including J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Bank of New York Mellon, Societe Generale, Commerzbank, and others are now being treated as organized crime gangs and being hit with RICO and other anti-gang laws.

Needless to say, these criminal cases will lead to bank-busting lawsuits by the victims of these financial misdeeds.

These legal moves are not the only sign the financial system is collapsing. A look at U.S. loan markets reveals that a complete disaster has already begun. There are now $3,128 trillion worth of high-risk loans or bonds to either sub-prime real estate or iffy corporations.

That’s almost double the amount seen just before the Lehman shock. Also, U.S. private sector financial assets are now 5.6 times U.S. GDP, meaning they would have to fall close to 80% to be equal to GDP.

Remember, this does not include the over $200 trillion dollars (10 times GDP) in unfunded liabilities the U.S. government has.

One more shocker: The U.S. government-owned housing finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have a total of $6 billion ($3 billion each) as a capital buffer, but own or guarantee almost $5 trillion in mortgage securities. That means they are leveraged over 1,000 to one. In other words, if housing prices fall even 0.01%, they are bust. And guess what, folks; there are signs housing prices have in fact started falling.

No wonder finance guru Jim Rogers predicts the entire financial system will collapse within 2 or 3 years. He is probably an optimist.

It may well be that the at the very least, wildly overvalued, if not outright fraudulent “real estate” company WeWork may be the immediate trigger for the collapse.

Take a look at this chart of their bond price:

This is very interesting, because it brings us to Saudi Arabia and Japanese investor Masayoshi Son’s $100 billion dollar “Vision” fund. The collapse of WeWork may ultimately bankrupt Son, and this in turn could lead to genuine regime change in Japan (Son owns Musashi Engineering, the company that helps steal Japanese elections in order to keep the criminal regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in power).

Son’s main backer, Saudi Crown Prince actor Mohammed bin Salman (the real MBS is dead), last week tried to approach the above-mentioned British Royal to seek financial support. “MBS (or whatever/whoever it is)… made a request for direct contact, but since the request came from ‘an unscreened source,’ it was declined,” he says.

So that is the background for sudden oil refinery fires last week in Saudi Arabia, Italy, India, China, Mexico, etc. It seems the owners of the imploding petrodollar system are saying, “Keep us going, or we cut off your oil.”

Also, several Japanese sources tell us multiple threats (earthquakes, nuclear bombs, etc.) are being made against Japan in order to force them to fork over more money to the U.S. Corporation.

Then we have the Rockefeller-controlled World Bank and World Health Organization indirectly threatening to kill 80 million people.

In fact, Pentagon sources tell us, “The death of longtime Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe, sanctions on Iran’s central bank, Saudi oil disruption, and the China trade war may speed up the timetable for [U.S. President Donald] Trump to announce a return to the gold standard.”

If you are interested in details about the Trump plans for a gold standard, you can read this essay by Judy Shelton, whom Trump recently nominated as a Fed governor.

The U.S. military, meanwhile, is strengthening its hand in the Middle East in preparation for coming world changes. Our Pentagon source reports, “Former Israeli Defense Force Chief Benny Gantz may well be the next Prime Minister of Israel, whose party includes two other former IDF chiefs.” This means, “Pentagon influence now officially extends from Saudi Arabia and Egypt to Israel,” he adds.

This will be good for Middle East peace, the source explains, because “Gantz needs the support of Joint List Arab parties, and a paper tiger IDF [Israel Defence Forces] is afraid of casualties against superior Russian and Iranian weapons, so this should deter any future aggression.”

“With Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu) deposed, anti-Sisi protests in Egypt, and U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia to ‘protect’ MBS, Trump is reining in his three dictators to accept a new Mideast under Russia, China, Iran, and Turkey,” the source further notes.

The other thing the Pentagon source reported this week was that “The three military-industrial complex corporations were against the ropes with Lockheed F-35 dysfunctions, Boeing 737, 787, 777 troubles, and Raytheon Patriot missile defense crap.” This is bad news for the Zionists and the Deep State, but good for peace in a multipolar world,” he says.

We also got a very interesting, if bizarre report this week from a U.S.-based CIA source that I decided to include verbatim below because I have independently heard a lot of similar stuff from multiple high-level insiders:

“This comes from a source at the MJ level and I consider it completely accurate. For Killery to be prosecuted, the whole CIA would have to be dethroned and the whole fake national security system (which was set up to provide cover for crimes used for raising black ops money, cover for many covert ops and sanctions, as well as personal enrichment of the top controllers) would have to be declared criminal and then be restricted by about 95%.

“The Klintons were CIA, their case officer, GHWB; Killery conceived in an ‘eyes wide shut’ occult breeding ceremony supposedly by a top Rothschild, and Bill the illegitimate son of Nelson Rockefeller conceived the same way; thus their great power.

“The CIA filed national security waivers to the US DOJ so that all evidence against Killery and Bill and the Klinton Foundation was protected under national security and could not be used to prosecute anyone. Killery’s emails were a covert op against the Chinese, giving up emails and agents’ names (willing to get rid of them) in order to gain trust and to seed some incorrect misinformation to mislead the Chinese. Killery was playing a double agent role to deceive the Chinese while helping to build them up, to later be parasitized by City of London private banksters.

“Right now there is an internecine war among different groups at the top.

“Trump was drafted by the USN admirals (?)

“Killery represents the satanic/pedophile network, and is a satanic Moloch witch of a coven in California where she usually attends monthly occult ceremonies. The Pizzagate stories are all true, and are connected to Epstein, NXIVM, and many more human-compromised child sex trafficking, and the child sacrifice occult system worldwide.

“The Bush/Scherf cabal is part of the Nazi Fourth Reich (worshipers of the Black Sun and run by the COL Zios, related to the various occult circles from the days of John Dee and Aleister Crowley, which merged British Intel with entities from the dark side).

“The reason child sex trafficking and sacrifice is so important is that these criminals believe they must use this to compromise and control all major officials and corporate heads while feeding the negative life force energy needs of Baal/Moloch, in order to be suitably empowered to run the world and stay very wealthy. Some are addicted to the victims’ blood and hormones.

“I believe that soon this whole ZCabal bunch will be pushed aside by the Chabad using the Sanhedrin rabbis, and they will institute the Noahide Laws (they are already supposedly “law” in the USA; Ronald Reagan supposedly spearheaded it, perhaps a PDD [Presidential Decision Directive]. All visible existing economic and power structures, especially “Mystery Babylon”—the Baby—which is the Vatican/COL/DC system based on the U.S. petrodollar—will be pushed out of power.

“Here is what the top Circle of Nine controllers (some say they aren’t human, or are “hybrids”) have as their agenda right now. Manipulate Russia and America to destroy each other while the Zios/Israel and Islamics in the Mideast destroy each other, and then China will become the world’s premier power and will take over the Mideast after they complete the Belt and Road system, which will be the biggest economic development since WW2 in America.”

Meanwhile, a CIA source in East Asia sent the following:

“I was told last night by one of my very good contacts that a major false flag Event has been planned for some time now. And yes, Australia is involved, as the Event is scheduled to take place near Australia. PM Scott Morrison went to see Trump for much more than a nice State Dinner. He is there until 27 September. Could this be when the Event occurs—while the PM is out of Australia? Australia was the first ‘test bed,’ so to speak, for NWO laws and various social engineering projects.”

This is raw intel, folks, so take it with a grain of salt, but the sources are real and there can be no doubt something big is coming our way.

The U.S. military needs to arrest the 120,000 people named in sealed indictments ASAP and take them to the FEMA camps they built for us.

Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
by Benjamin Fulford

Russo American Alliance against Deep State

The US and Russia has blocked a UN Security Council effort to call for a ceasefire in Libya — this as air power has recently been used during increasingly intense fighting in Tripoli. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fighting between the LNA and GNA has resulted in 205 deaths and 900 wounded, with about 20 civilians among the dead.

Given Trump’s praise of Haftar for “securing Libya’s oil resources” it appears that the renegade Libyan general has indeed been “the CIA’s man in Libya” this whole time, interesting now supported by the Russians.

It is not just in Libya that the Russo American Alliance has emerged. One of their major achievements was the successful takedown of the Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile kingpin who was actually an Israeli Intelligence agent – part of an 18th century British secret high-society elite club using perverted sexual desires as a cover to corrupt and infiltrate higher echelons of power in Govt (including India). The source of political sex-scandals.

In a major policy shift against the Deep State’s call for “Assad Must Go”, the Trump led American government defeated the ISIS terrorists and their backers in Syria in active collaboration with the Russians. This is the reason why those terrorists had to be relocated by the Deep State to protect and utilize them for future strategy. The place where they were relocated is Baluchistan and ironically now being trained under the umbrella of the Baloch Freedom Fighters, soon to be unleashed upon India. For a detailed understanding on this aspect refer to our book, India in Cognitive Dissonance.


When India Almost Broke The United Nations

Cabal Tried WWIII One More Time Before Equinox. Now It’s Our Turn!

18 September 2019

The Cabal blew up a Saudi oil refinery & blamed it on Iran, in yet another desperate effort to start WWIII - to thus save themselves.

Although Fulford is probably right about Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini being a Cabal asset, his accusation about Trump being the same, is still unproven …

… given that - if he was a Cabal agent, he would’ve followed the basic & widely known Cabal Modus Operandi of:

-receiving word (before each time he went bankrupt) that the Cabal was about to jack-up interest rates (or whatever market move the Cabal were about to make)

-selling all his real-estate or stock market assets, just like the rest of the Cabal always does
watching the market crash as the middle class lost their shirts

-taking advantage and buying everything on-the-cheap

This is the BASIC modus-operando of the Cabal … other than just receiving free money from the Cabal’s money printing Xerox machine....

There are reasons to get excited & look forward to this one, because FM144 has CONFIRMED:

-we need to ‘be prepared’

-the shut-down of major Archon tech & infrastructure … primarily used against Starseeds in the Northern Hemisphere has just occurred

-recent back-up has arrived from other galaxies to help us clear the non-physical planes

-resources like the ICB now exist & can be proliferated – to resolve the big issue of key Lightworkers being held hostage...not to mention the De-Hypnosis Audio

-Light Forces have set up safety zones for more & more Starseeds in urban & rural areas, where the grid has ‘less bite’ than most other areas. This is also a part of ‘the building, strengthening & fully activating" the Army of Light’.

-Alison Coe confirms the time/space event known as The Event … is well-&-truly alive & well
visions of The Event … rising chaos & vitriol on the surface … and increased processes/shifts at the galactic center – all confirm we’re now close to The Event – so we better keep getting better to be prepared

The Archon operation to set people against each other will be dealt with soon – and that’s all I can say about that for now.

The tentacle entities that FM144 referred to that are trying to infect or replace souls in the 3D Avatars of Starseeds, causing people to act either very aggressively… or to act aggressively "helpful" (in order to do harm) … to other Starseeds.

The protocols recommended by FM144 are well worth applying. And if all-else fails, your back-up (and for many, the new mainstay) is the ICB.

Per FM144’s reference to the occult forces (black magic/ritual sacrifice groups) being a big problem in the past which the Pleiadians couldn’t do much about …

… this is because....

It all comes down to

WHO controls the ENERGIES!

… and unlike the past … now that WE have:

-ROBUST Mass Meditations

-ROBUST support from Beyond The Multiverse
& brilliant, talented remote energy workers & gridworkers

… all of whom were not really active or present here in our realm.

But now:

the tables have turned

… thanks to what the 144k have brought into play!