Death is an illusion - What Happens After Death - Life After Death - Is Death Real
This video explains that Death is an illusion and we never die. The video also answers some questions like what is Death, does the consciousness travel to higher dimensions when we die and What happens after Death. The video also covers Near Death Experience of Peter Sellers- an actor. Are you afraid of death? If yes, then I have a great news for you. According to latest researches in the field of quantum physics, death is just an illusion. Which means we are immortal, we never die. In this video I will try to answer, some of the deepest questions related to death.
You will get answers of all these questions here. So first I will discuss, what is death? Death is a universal process that eventually occurs in all living organisms and is inevitable. Brain death is sometimes used as the legal definition of death.
Actually death is the permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. The dead body starts to decompose shortly after the death.
Now I will discuss, does death really exist and does the consciousness travel to higher dimensions or parallel universe, when we die?
According to University of Arizona's Stuart Hameroff and British physicist sir Roger Penrose, consciousness is nothing but the information stored at a Quantum level.
Sir Roger Penrose and his team have found evidence, that this Quantum information is carried by a structural component of human cells. These Structural components are "protein-based microtubules". This Quantum information is stored at the subatomic level.
When a person temporarily dies, this Quantum information is released into the universe from the microtubules. If he or she revives from this unconsciousness or apparent death, the quantum information is channeled back into the microtubules. And this experience is; what we call as "near death experience".
But if the person is not revived and dies, it is possible that this Quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul ! says Roger Penrose.
This idea of Roger Penrose is also supported by the researchers from the renowned Max-Planck-institute for Physics in Munich.
Now I will discuss different theories that explain what happens after death- According to parallel universe theory, there are infinite number of universes and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe.
It means in some universes your death may have caused because of some circumstances, decisions taken by you or others but in many other parallel universes you may be alive. As every possibility is becoming reality in one of the universes.
So in this scenario death actually makes no sense. You are always dead and alive simultaneously in infinite number of universes.
Death is not the terminal event we think.
According to Robert Lanza, we are immortal and exist outside of time.
According to cosmic theory, our consciousness belongs to the universe. It does not belong to our individual bodies. Therefore When we die, our consciousness returns to the cosmos.
Those who believe in the paranormal activities, claim that when someone dies, their souls do not go anywhere. It wanders with the living on Earth.
Both Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation after death.
According to theory of dimensions, after death consciousness moves into higher dimensions. It means we live in the same world after death but those who are still alive can not interact with us as they are the beings of lower dimensions as we, with our body are limited to 3 dimensional world.
Let's now talk about Near Death Experiences.
So, What is Near death experience? Near death experience is, what a person experiences when he is about to die or revives from the apparent death. It is typically an out-of-body experience or a vision of a tunnel of light.
A study shows, during near-death experiences, your life really does flash before your eyes. It's been reported that a person may even hear his death being announced by doctors as his brain still works although his heart stops beating temporarily.
People who have survived cardiac arrest later accurately described what was happening around them after their hearts stopped beating. They were able to recall the full conversation between the doctors and scenes around them that would otherwise not be known to them.
Peter Sellers, the brilliant actor, also underwent an near death
experience. Shirley MacLaine recounts Sellers’ experience in her book
named 'Out on a Limb':
Here is his experience- “Well, I felt myself leave my body. I just
floated out of my physical form and I saw them cart my body away to the
hospital. I went with it… I wasn’t frightened or anything like that
because I was fine; and it was my body that was in trouble.” The doctor
saw that Sellers was dead and massaged his heart vigorously, meanwhile:
“I looked around myself and I saw an incredibly beautiful bright loving
white light above me. I wanted to go to that white light more than
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