In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, May 30, 2016

The Power of Will

The last post "Human Will - The Forgotten Freedom Faculty ( May 21, 2016)" talked about that least-remembered talent we human beings possess:

the power of will.

I equated it with "choice" and "determination," but will deserves some closer examination.

After all, how can we draw on its power if it's only a shadowy concept, something we've mentally assigned to the realm of boring philosophers and 19th Century preachers?

Yet will is the force that moves everything in the universe.

It is the magnetic energy behind thought, that draws to itself whatever it dreams of. Will stirs the pot of creation, and adds new colors to the mix. It is the creative power behind thought, behind everything.

By learning to use it, we can deflect any aggression, defeat any predator, and create whatever in life we wish to experience.

We need to really get this, intuitively, or it's only an empty theory. It needs to become a deep understanding that we live from. Only then can will empower us.

So let's think deeply for a few moments, reason things out, and consider our own experience.

-What evidence is there that will exists and that it is the power that moves the universe?

-Well, what does the universe consist of? Stuff. Matter. Things.

-Where did it all come from? Unless it existed eternally, matter had a beginning: there was a time before it appeared on the scene.

-Is it reasonable to think matter has always been there? That would mean matter is God, the end-all and be-all.

-Does that make sense? That rocks, fish, air, planets, stars have existed forever, without any beginning? It's more reasonable to think that they came from something, something more basic than themselves.

-Scientists speak of a Big Bang, from which all matter appeared. What did the Big Bang come from? What was it that was exploding?

-If nothing existed yet, then what exploded in the Big Bang was something immaterial, something that pre-dated matter. What could that possibly be except energy or thought?

In fact, it had to be both:

energetic thought, because thought is naturally energetic and energy is naturally intelligent.

Think about it... Think how energy moves in an intelligent direction.

In its solid form as matter (people, animals, objects), energy moves in response to desires and intentions:

a dog gets thirsty, it moves toward the water; you miss your mom, you call her on the phone.

Energy moves with purpose directing it, not randomly and meaninglessly.

That's why we know energy is by nature intelligent. We see this even on the finest levels of creation, where subatomic particles display attraction and move in response to the attention of the observer.

So energy is intelligent. Is the reverse true: is intelligence energetic?

If so, then energy and intelligence are one and the same thing. Energy and thought are one and the same thing. I'm using "intelligence" to mean "thought," because thought is the active expression of intelligence.

Stay with me here.

This is what I mean by thinking long thoughts. This is the kind of deep thinking we need to do to understand what we are and what we're made of and how the universe works. Once we deeply grasp that, we grow in power.

Perceiving our deeper nature, we start to operate from there. And that means finding our way out of the fix we and the rest of mankind are in.

So let's get back to the drawing board…

Is thought energetic? Obviously it is. Thoughts are what drive us to do things (to expend energy).

A powerful thought (one with great energy) attracts other minds to it (examples: reading a book, buying a popular item, joining a cause). Even the random mental chatter that flows through our minds when we're idle has a level of energy (enough to keep us awake at night if too much of it is going on).

We've seen for ourselves that energy is intelligent and that intelligence (thought) is energetic. So thought and energy are essentially one and the same. We also saw that energy/thought, being immaterial, must have preceded the creation of the universe.

In fact, it is what the universe had to be born of, because there was nothing else.

Since energetic thought is the parent of the universe, it is also what the universe is made of. Matter (the universe) is simply congealed thought, congealed intelligent energy. And matter (creation) moves in response to our energetic thought.

This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction, the reason thoughts are magnetic.

There's very little difference between a thought of something and that thought congealed in the form of a thing. Our thoughts are creative and destructive, depending on the direction of their energy. Thinking bad things will happen, attracts energy to the thought that encourages the bad thing to occur. Intending and expecting good things to happen has the opposite effect.

So where does will come in?

Will is all of it.

-Will is the force behind the thought (it's the energy)

-Will is the intention directing the energy (it's the intelligence)

-Will is the energetic thought, the directed energy, that is the source of the universe

-It is the oven from which the Big Bang exploded

-It is the force that moves everything in the universe

-In fact, it is the only thing that ever makes anything happen

Without will, without energetic thought, everything would be static. There would be no life...

Whenever something happens, someone's will has caused that event. Someone had an intention, a desire, strong enough (energetic enough) to move the soup of creation around in some way, or to add something new to the soup.

People who live mostly on random thoughts, on their own repetitive mind chatter, have very little influence on the direction of creation, let alone the direction of their own life. Because they think from a level of low energy, not from focused intention.

The people we call 'the movers and shakers of the world' live mostly on focused thoughts.

They control what they allow in their minds, and think thoughts purposefully. Their minds are filled with plans, with intentions. The energy behind their focused thought is powerful, because focus gathers energy.

Such people are the architects of the world, of "reality."

The reality that the rest of us mostly just react to and experience, because we, floating in the soup of our own random thoughts, allow others to determine our direction.

The movers and shakers are swimmers. The rest of us are floaters. And the swimmers of the world, having the game down as they do, right now are having fun pushing the floaters around the pond.

Their scheme is to shove all the floaters into one little corner of the pool and keep us there, while they splash and play and enjoy all the rest of the place by themselves.

It's called the Great Conspiracy. And they're pulling it off because we cry and moan about how mean they are, how clever they are, and how powerful they are, when in fact, the only difference between us and them is that they know how to think!

They know how to think with purpose, with will. They think with intention. They think with bad intention, but this is partly our own fault. We earn and deserve their scorn for being floaters, always reacting to life, never grabbing life with our hands and shaping it to our purpose.

Our passiveness, our lack of will, has let the willful assume control of the playing field. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity and would like to see most of us exterminated (although they'll keep a few around to do their bidding).

We have been weak and stupid, but not because the bullies are by nature stronger or smarter than we. Everyone came from the same Big Bang, the same intelligent energy. Some of us just learned the power of will while others forget that faculty existed. Those who did learn the secret conspired to keep the rest of us in forgetfulness.

But the power is there within our own thoughts to take back control of our destiny. To take back our lives, personally and collectively.

It is only a matter of changing our minds, of thinking with new purpose, of determining not to self-destruct over the machinations of the bullies who are having a great laugh at our expense, as we float every which way they think to push us. It's a matter of learning to swim.

It doesn't matter how advanced they are in implementing their plans. When the floaters wake up and start swimming, they will create a force in the water that pushes back those trying to herd them. The bullies know that, and it is why they want to get rid of us, to destroy most of the world's population before we get wise to the game.

A cornered animal is likely to get wild, to discover its will, to assert its power. The bullies want to eliminate most of mankind before we reach that point.

The trick is for us to wake up soon enough.

Not wake up in the sense the Truthers have already awakened:

to knowledge of the conspiracy.

We must wake up much more profoundly, to our power of will. We must decide NEVER to allow what they are orchestrating, that it will NOT happen, that we draw the line right here.

We mustn't say,

"I'll let them shoot me before I'll go to a FEMA camp,"

...because then we create being shot.

Then we enter the next world as a victim, still vulnerable to bullying, still pursued, still the plaything of the strong and malicious.

-When will it stop?

-When will we have enough and DECIDE it ends here?

-How much must we get pushed around before we catch on that when it ends depends entirely on us?

It's our lack of will that allows their will to determine everything. It's our lack of assertion.

By remaining passive, mentally and physically, we allow them to do to us whatever they will. We are victims by choice. By default. Our will, operating in passive mode, has allowed it.

All we have to do to reverse the situation is to summon that will, to summon our passion, to understand the difference between us and them is only in the level of determination.

"Victory belongs to the most committed," goes the saying.

They are more committed. They scheme, plan, and act.

We bitch, moan, and hide under the bed. Not all of us, but so many of us aware of the conspiracy. So many of us feel hopeless. And it is that very hopeless attitude that will be our downfall, unless we take the bull by the horns and correct that.

It's time to grab hold of our attitude and will ourselves to grow powerful.

-First by addressing everything in our personal lives that we let hold us back, every lame excuse for why we haven't succeeded, for why we suffer, for why we cannot have what we desire.

-Then by addressing the Great Conspiracy itself.

All there is in the world is one essential element:

-thoughtful energy

-energetic thought

That's all there is.

Everything material is a distillation of that, a result of that. Each of us is essentially a thought thinking itself, a thought made of energy. Energy that is eternal and infinite.

By thinking with focus, with passion, with determination, we access our unlimited energy to create or experience anything we want. There are no victims when all are infinitely powerful at their core.

There is only forgetfulness of our nature, failure to access will, and a choice to let the bullies make all the decisions...

From Chapter 13

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