January 16, 2023
McCarthy to replace Biden as US “president” while the UN prepares to move to Laos
(Second Part of the Above Article)
... The new M1 (head of the committee of 300 and controller of the world financial system) says the main obstacle to a jubilee and the establishment of a meritocratic future planning agency is a “stalemate comes from the fifth column inside MI6.” This group is connected to the Illuminati and is upset, among other things, about the public use of King Charles III as the face of the British Monarchy because of his alleged involvement in the murder of Princess Diana.
Charles is putting out the following story:
“Iranian military intelligence ( probable cause Pakistan ISI) killing (assassinated is in law murdered) of [Dodi Fayed] the son of the then owner of Harrod’s shop in London…Diana died not as a killing but as a secondary consequence of the assassinated primary because of money laundering linked to arms trading…neither Her Majesty The Queen, Her Majesty’s Consort Prince Philip nor I would now add have any hand, act, or part in this.”
The source admits “MI6 did, in fact, provide a military-grade optical device which was of sufficient disablement to cause a road traffic accident” and that the head of MI6 Sir John Scarlett “is now known to us to have been within a one-mile radius of this crime scene.” However, the former head of MI6, Dr. Michael Van de Meer said Diana’s death was an honor killing that took place because she was pregnant with Fayed’s twins and was going to convert to Islam.
In any case, assuming MI6 acted on its own without the knowledge of any British royal family member, if a dispute over this is what is preventing the start of a new financial system and a new age, then some sort of workaround is needed. Apparently, Prince William does not want to assume the throne in the place of his father so, maybe England can have a King Harold for the first time since 1066 while the mysterious M1 remains the real power behind the throne. This is something for the Privy Council to decide and the rest of the ruling class will have to go along with their decision.
There is also a very real possibility of a general revolt against the bloodline ruling class in the West. The ongoing economic collapse and fallout from the vaccine and pandemic scam make a bloody revolution increasingly likely.
The gnostic Illuminati are definitely on the warpath. The new MI says “David de Rothschild tells me this so-called Illuminati have in fact attempted to contact me…My Instagram account is being inundated with various references to very famous people and this is all happening only in the last day or so despite a very strict press ban about cameras or any other attempt to contact me through a back channel so I immediately called in MI6 and the SAS as my bodyguards.”
Here is a message we received from the Illuminati:
In what is probably a related development we note a large fire has destroyed a Masonic center in Sydney’s southwest recently.
They are also instigating riots and social unrest throughout the Western hemisphere.
The Non-KM Jews too are revolting as this statement by Jewish freedom fighter Henry Makow makes clear:
Pope Francis is a fraud–a crypto-Jew [KM] planted by the WEF conveniently in time for the “Great Reset” facade begun in 2020 with the Covid-19 scam. He joins his brothers Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern (yes, a brother and not a sister), Barack Obama and Michele Obama (same as Jacinda), Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Tedros Ghebreyesus, and other homosexuals and faux leaders easily susceptible to blackmail and put in power by the Jews [KM] to destroy Christianity and the European cultures.
The economic collapse in the US and other Western countries is going to lead to more unrest unless the new system is initiated ASAP. Hyperinflation, rising interest rates and collapsing markets are all happening simultaneously.
As this chart shows, the real estate bubble in the US is so huge, only a complete reboot of the financial system can deal with it.

Furthermore, the next chart shows real wages are declining very, very quickly. This chart also underestimates the real drop in wages because it uses official inflation numbers that are about half the real inflation level.

The huge rise in crime is also leading to an overall collapse of the social order, especially in the United States. The situation has reached the point where even food in supermarkets has to be put under lock and key.
This sort of situation is not just happening in the US. In Poland old people are being forced to steal food from stores in order to survive while their government is still pushing vaccines in an attempt to murder their way out of their trouble, Polish intelligence sources say.
They note Polish military units revolted last week and disobeyed government orders to go fight Russians in Ukraine.
In Hungary, 97% of citizens who took part in the national consultations spoke out against EU sanctions against Russia, said Alexandra Sentkiraji, a spokeswoman for the Hungarian government.
(For reasons of space we are not going to look in greater detail at the situation in Ukraine this week but recommend this site:
It has been under severe attack because it reports true news about Ukraine etc. I had to get a virtual private network to access it and then even that was blocked. It is back now so please check it out).
In any case, the KM ruling class is losing control in Ukraine and on all other fronts. While this collapse is happening, the ruling class is frozen in a Mexican standoff of mutual blackmail. As M1 notes:
“There is a repository buried in some mountain near Zug in Switzerland no doubt with a file on anyone anywhere in any position of power. Above the world’s richest and most powerful sit the cults into which they are all incultated and through various gatherings and practices compromised into total control. Above the cults and behind the curtains the KM is doing what they have done for now over a thousand years.”
The attempt by the KM to stay in power by killing everyone with either a pandemic or a vaccine is now blowing up in their faces. The vaccine damage is so extensive now that even official agencies like the CDC are being forced to admit it. The US Congress exempted themselves and their families and their Staff members and their families from all the mandates and demands they made upon their Employers, the American people. They also exempted CDC Employees and pharmaceutical company officers and employees complicit in the scheme. The corruption behind this entire campaign is so extensive that most ruling governments in the West are involved in it up to their eyeballs.
The only way out of this deadlock is to announce a jubilee and a truth and reconciliation process followed by a general amnesty. However, it is probably too late for an amnesty for vaccine crimes.
It is also too late to try to save the current financial system with reforms. We note Republicans in the House of Representatives plan to deal with the situation by abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), eliminating the national income tax and replacing it with a national consumption tax.
However, with a jubilee and government-issued money (as opposed to debt to the KM) even a consumption tax would not be needed.
In any case, talking about tax reform is like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic because the US corporation has been running on vapor for years now. It going to run out of money once again this week and will go to China with its’ begging cup to offer more family heirlooms in exchange for a quick fix. Since US total debt and unfunded liabilities is approaching the $300 trillion mark, the only answer is a total reboot.
The situation is urgent because unless the West gets behind the new M1, the Russians, Chinese, BRICS etc, are going to take over with or without Western cooperation.
White Dragon Society sources in Laos say the non-Western world has begun building a new United Nations headquarters there and will proceed to set up its own international architecture. They are also preparing their own international financial system.
Speaking for this group, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev says the American state is only a “cover for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to dominate the world.” He adds “transnational corporations treat even US presidents as mere figureheads that can be silenced, as it happened with [Donald] Trump. Republicans and the Democrats are merely two actors in one staging that has nothing to do with democracy.”
Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, said if peace with the West cannot be achieved through negotiations “then our tasks will be achieved by military means.”
The only possible hope for the West to stay relevant is if somehow their Secret Space Force finally reveals itself. This might happen as this press release by the US Space Force hints:
Seven Nations Meet to Address Space Security
The Department of Defense participated in the annual Combined Space Operations (CSpO) Initiative Principals Board… counterparts from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with a focus on advancing collaboration and information sharing on space security topics.
On that note, here are the latest space related visuals
1. multi colored lights UFO. looped to play over and over
2. UAP over Florida coast, USA
3. Some will call them lenticular clouds, others will smile in silence. Cloaked UFO over Flagstaff, Arizona USA
4. A press release by the US National Geographic Survey showing shows an earthquake with an epicenter with a negative depth of 0.6 kilometers, apparently meaning there was some sort of explosion in space above silicon valley (please correct us if we are wrong about this).
Source: benjaminfulford.net
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