In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Monday, May 6, 2024

Inside Khan Younis Mass Grave Bodies Beheaded and with Signs of Organ Removed. For the Israeli awful Black Market

«Ashraf al-Qudra, the spokesman for the Health Ministry, said on Monday that dozens of bodies unearthed from the mass graves were decapitated and had their organs and skins removed».

IRNA (Iran Republic News Agency), a press body of Teheran government, reported a chilling detail on the terrible war crimes made by Israeli Defense Forces.
Leaders from the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) have called for an independent investigation into the mass graves that were discovered in Palestine. Volker Türk, the UN Human Rights Chief, said on Tuesday that an independent investigation into the mass graves – not an Israeli one – is needed “given the prevailing climate of impunity.”

“We feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly there have been multiple bodies discovered,” said Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman for Türk.

Instead, Israel will not investigate the mass graves found at Gaza hospitals, as it has already dealt with the matter and found no wrongdoing by its troops, a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has told Politico, spreading a flood of lies endorsed by the Democrat- and Zionist-supporting New York newspaper

IDF spokesperson Nadav Shoshani told Politico on Friday that reports of Israeli troops having anything to do with the mass burials were “fake news.” When asked whether that meant that Israel would not investigate the matter, he replied: “Investigate what?”

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said On Wednesday that Washington wanted to see the circumstances surrounding the hundreds of deaths “thoroughly and transparently investigated.”
Il Terribile Traffico di Organi Umani di Israele

«Medical and rescue workers who were involved in removing the bodies of civilians from a mass grave discovered at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis town in the Gaza Strip have reported the discovery of signs indicating the removal of internal organs from the deceased. This information was provided by the Palestinian agency WAFA» Russia Islamic World added.

This disturbing news was almost ignored by Western media despite its importance. Because has confirmed the suspicions that the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu since many years use the war against Gaza Strip not only to conquer it through a systematic depopulation for aiming the foul project of “Great Israel” and for seizing the Marine Gaza rich gas deposit but even for supplying the Western Black Market of human organs.

Some months ago we published on Gospa News a detailed investigation on this awful business in the Israeli military operations against Hamas. Now comes the confirmation.

Israelis Harvest Human Organs from Massacred Palestinians! Under the ICC Prosecutor’s Nose

«According to WAFA, some bodies were found with their hands tied and their abdominal cavities sewn up, raising suspicions of organ theft. The bodies were wrapped in black and blue shrouds made of plastic and nylon, which differ in color from the shrouds typically used in Gaza. Emergency officials believe this may have been done to raise the temperature of the bodies, speeding up the decomposition process and concealing evidence. The agency also notes that some of the bodies showed signs of gunshot wounds to the head» Russia Islamic World detailed.

The discovery of mass graves on Saturday, and continuing into Sunday and Monday, came weeks after the Israeli military pulled out from Khan Younis on April 7. Much of the southern Gaza city is now in ruins following months of relentless Israeli shelling.

A body nake and handcuffed inside the Khan Younis mass grave

Following the Israeli withdrawal, Palestinian emergency services recovered the bodies of 392 individuals from their graves. Buried more than three meters deep, the bodies were stacked on top of each other. Videos and photographs published later showed signs of torture on some of the bodies. Additionally, some of those buried were found handcuffed with plastic restraints.
Another mass grave near al-Shifa hospital

Last week, a new mass grave was discovered at al-Shifa Hospital following a two-week siege by Israeli forces. Several other mass graves had earlier been found at the hospital, the largest medical complex in Gaza.

«Al-Qudra confirmed that similar atrocities have taken place in other hospitals across Gaza, including at Kamal Adwan, al-Quds, and al-Amal hospitals, which were “invaded and destroyed” by the Israeli occupation»IRNA highlighted

Human Organs’ Traffic in Syria ignored by UN: Sana and CBS videos on White Helmets, Al Qaeda & Turkey Crimes

The Israeli regime has frequently targeted civilian buildings like hospitals in Gaza to cripple the enclave’s ability to provide life-saving services to its besieged population. More than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed since early October when the war began.
The Human Organ Market in other NATO Wars

Already during the Syrian Civil War the White Helmets (Syria Civil Defence) have been accused by Russia before UN of the same human organs’ traffic. White Helmets were financed by UK-US and trained by a former British military intelligence officer who later mysteriously died in Istanbul after the invasion of the Turkish army in Rojava, the Syrian north-east controlled by the Kurds).

”Ukraine ready to pay West in People’s Organs for Military Assistance”. Russian diplomat said

Spokeswoman of Russia Foreign Ministry Marija Zacharova blamed Ukraine, another NATO protectorate, of the same chilling business. Russian Army’s soldiers found have found am horrific factory to raise children for prostitution and organ harvesting.

These are the Western countries where, with the excuse of exporting democracy, the not-so-occult powers are installing the dictatorships of the New World Order of Masonic and Nazi-Zionist origin.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Israeli organ-trafficking network busted in Turkiye


Police in the Turkish city of Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking, the Daily Sabah reported on 5 May.

The Provincial Directorate of Security’s Anti-Smuggling and Border Gates Branch began investigating after examining the passports of seven individuals who arrived in Adana from Israel about a month ago by plane for the purpose of health tourism. The two Syrian nationals, ages 20 and 21, were found to have fake passports.

Further investigation revealed that Syrian nationals had each agreed to sell one of their own kidneys to two of the Israeli nationals, ages 68 and 28, for kidney transplants in Adana.

During searches at the suspects’ residences, $65,000 and numerous fake passports were seized.

Israel has long been at the center of what Bloomberg described in 2011 as a “sprawling global black market in organs  where brokers use deception, violence, and coercion to buy kidneys from impoverished people, mainly in underdeveloped countries, and then sell them to critically ill patients in more-affluent nations.”

The financial newspaper added, “Many of the black-market kidneys harvested by these gangs are destined for people who live in Israel.”

The organ-trafficking network extends from former Soviet Republics such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova to Brazil, the Philippines, South Africa, and beyond, the Bloomberg investigation showed.

Accusations of Israeli involvement in organ trafficking also apply to the occupied Palestinian territories.

In 2009, Sweden’s largest daily newspaper, Aftonbladetreported testimony that the Israeli army was kidnapping and murdering Palestinians to harvest their organs.

The report quotes Palestinian claims that young men from the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli army, and their bodies returned to the families with missing organs.

“‘Our sons are used as involuntary organ donors,’ relatives of Khaled from Nablus said to me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin as well as the uncles of Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, who all had disappeared for a few days and returned by night, dead and autopsied,” wrote Donald Bostrom, the author of the report.

Bostrom also cites an incident of alleged organ theft during the the first Palestinian intifada in 1992. He says that the Israeli army abducted a young man known for throwing stones at Israeli troops in the Nablus area. The young man was shot in the chest, both legs, and the stomach before being taken to a military helicopter, which transported him to an unknown location.

Five nights later, Bostrom said, the young man’s body was returned, wrapped in green hospital sheets.

Israel’s Channel 2 TV reported that in the 1990s, specialists at Abu Kabir Forensic Medicine Institute harvested skin, corneas, heart valves, and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians, and foreign workers without permission from relatives.

The Israeli military confirmed that the practice took place, but claimed, “This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer.”

Israel’s assault on Gaza since 7 October has provided further opportunities for the theft and harvesting of Palestinians’ organs.

On 30 January, WAFA news agency reported that the Israeli army returned the bodies of 100 Palestinian civilians it had stolen from hospitals and cemeteries in various areas in Gaza.

According to medical sources, inspection of some of the bodies showed that organs were missing from some of them.

On 18 January, the Times of Israel reported that the Israeli army confirmed reports that its soldiers dug up graves in a Gaza cemetery, claiming its soldiers were trying to “confirm that the bodies of hostages were not buried there.”


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