The global “Schumann Resonance” (SR) — Earth’s vibrational frequency and amplitude — is a whopping “64” with the SR chart from Tomsk, Russia showing wide white splotches and long white lines indicative of tremendous activations to the planet from cosmic events. Earlier the SR was “60”.
Thus, there has been an escalation of energetics.
Any time that the SR is in the upper double digits and certainly in the triple digits, Earth’s oscillation or cycles of movement and the depth and strength of the activations to our planet causing the movements, is very vigorous.
Planetary magnetite particles and tectonic plates are stirred-up as well as the energies within the human collective.
Some people may feel anxious and restless. Others may feel very tired and sleepy. Symptoms will come in waves. One moment people can feel heightened energy, and then suddenly, like a battery being quickly drained, there can be a feeling of fatigue.
This is because there is a constant push and pull upon the cells and all that they contain as more carbon density is released to make room for greater crystallization to occur which will create increased spiritual capabilities.
The planetary magnetosphere is surrounded in particle plasma that is dense but not yet showing any pressing into the planetary fields.
This could change if solar flares increase in strength that are pushed along by increasing solar winds .Along with the flares naturally come coronal mass ejections (CMEs) because they are clouds of particle plasma, and our Sun is filled with plasma.
Thus, as a CME blasts off, it comes via the flaring activity. As has been discussed before, sometimes the CMEs have a short reach out into the solar system and do not have much affect upon our planet. These are when they tend to be in the low “A-Class” and “B-Class” categories.
However, when they are in the “C-Class”, “M-Class”, and “X-Class” ranges, the plasma clouds are huge and have a long reach out into the solar system and do certainly affect our planet and human physiology, mind, and emotions.
With our Moon reaching the height of “Her” fullness tomorrow, humanity can be even more affected as the lunar energy “pulls” upon the waters of our planet and upon human emotive responses to various situations — national, global, or personal.
The Full Moon will be in Tropical fiery Sagittarius but in Sidereal watery Scorpio. Emotions can be deep and fierce. Some people may act out inappropriately, and some will just seethe inside and be moody. Others who are aware of cosmic events and their messages will be calm but cautious in their words and actions realizing the intensity that is in the atmosphere.
Lots of planetary changes are also playing a part in the escalation of planetary energy.
For example, expansive Jupiter is making its last degrees to earth element Tropical Taurus before moving into air element Tropical Gemini on May 25th. This adds to the activations of our planet. Jupiter is also the ancient ruler of Pisces, and thus, major aspects of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE can happen for those who are anchored to SOURCE.
Intuition can be quite powerful.
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