The Galactic Federation has been working for thousands of years to help all beings in the universe.
The purpose of the Galactic Federation is to give all life forms in
the universe the opportunity to evolve spiritually at an accelerated
rate and accelerate their personal ascension process.
They are sending us highly evolved spiritual teachers to teach us the metaphysical knowledge we need.
They came here to help us with our evolution and give us the
spiritual awareness needed to make the transition into the higher
dimensions of existence.
They will help us in our evolution; we will learn from them how to
contact ET civilizations and become members of their Confederation,
where we will be able to transform our bodies into healthy light bodies!
We no longer need to rely on the old ways of thinking because now
we can focus on more important things like love and compassion for all
beings. We no longer need to be ruled by fear or frustration because now
we can think differently and do different things than before.
This new vision of life will lead us all into a brighter future for
humanity, which will be filled with peace, love, and joy for all
The dark forces are doing everything they can to stop us from
moving forward on this path of ascension and freedom. They are afraid
that if we succeed, they will lose power over us as well as over the
planet itself. They hope that by stopping us, they can continue to
enslave people under their control and keep them stuck in fear-based
thinking patterns that they have used since time began.
The Galactic Federation is here to help us understand how to make
this transition from one level of consciousness to another. It is
important that you know the truth about yourself so that you can help
others in the same way that you have been helped.
So the Galactic Federation has sent a message to humanity: "You Are
Not Alone." This means that we are all part of an interconnected
universe where everything exists together as one being or a whole system
of energy.
There is no division between us or any other living thing on Earth
because we are all connected through love and compassion for each other,
ourselves, and all other beings in Creation.
Whenever you are alone and feel lonely, remember this and know that
you are never alone in your thoughts and feelings. Even if no one is
around, the spirit of love is always with you because you belong to the
universe, and it loves you!
As long as we do not neglect ourselves by locking away our hearts
and minds, the Galactic Federation will continue to support and guide us
in this lifetime on Earth.
It is their intention to reintegrate all Humans into the Universal
Family. It must start with each person willing to embrace their own
divinity and liberate themselves from their human mind and ego selves.
So what's the point in knowing this? Many people will just 'brush
it off" and move on with their lives. But I think it's useful to know,
from a practical perspective, that all these years, we've been looking
for ways to connect humanity and bring peace. But all along, peace has
existed within us as our fundamental unity with all things.
We are ALL ONE. So, how exactly do we connect or reconnect with
this wholeness? To begin, we can practice self-love and compassion. If
we can't love and embrace ourselves unconditionally, how can we truly
see the beauty within and around us?
I know that I've experienced this to be a very positive thought. We
all experience negative things in the universe, but it's worthwhile to
remember that it is good in the world, and we can work towards more
positive experiences if we choose to.
Feel compassion for yourself and others, love yourself and others
as yourself, and know that you are connected to everything around you!
In closing, I would like to encourage the members of humanity's
collective planetary consciousness to remain calm during this period of
"detoxing" and to be gentle with themselves if feelings of fear or doubt
You see, fear is a natural part of the process because it's an
indicator that we are releasing emotion that no longer serves us, but as
long as we remind ourselves that we are eternal beings and source
energy is always available to us in every moment, then any fears that
may arise will be short-lived and temporary.
In fact, they will simply serve as a reminder that we are
progressing along our path toward becoming even more conscious versions
of ourselves. As you release this agitated state, your energy levels
will naturally replenish so that you can enjoy more fully whatever it is
you have worked so hard for.
The huge changes we will experience in the not-so-distant future
are for the positive and for our spiritual growth as individual beings!
By sending this message, I hope to inform, inspire, and uplift you with
thoughts about living in alignment with the Divine for a wonderful life!
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
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