Three and a half billion years ago protein molecules floated around the ooze called the primordial soup. Then something happened and a molecule made a copy of itself.
And then another copy and another. Soon these molecules arranged themselves into something called a cell.
Then cells clumped together and multiplied. Organisms were created. Over the next three billion years, the organisms became more complicated and more diverse.
375 million years ago one of those organisms crawled out of the sea.
4 million years ago hominids emerged. Hominids had large brains and advanced cognitive abilities. They could reason, communicate and cooperate.
200,000 years ago, homo sapiens, modern humans appeared. They developed agriculture, organized into civilizations and became masters of the planet.
The story of humans began a long time ago. But all stories end.
And according to many leaders in business, science and technology: we’re in the final chapter. The part of our story where we finally go extinct.
And there’s nothing we can do to stop it.
Artificial Intelligence Out of Control: The Apocalypse is Here
Self Aware AI Bio-Craft at AREA 51
You are watching a Preview of @GaiaVideo's Original Series - David Adair, the Rocket Man, brings to light new information never before revealed on camera.
At 17 years old, in 1971, David Adair was taken to the secret facilities under Groom Lake, commonly known as Area 51.
This began his descent into the secret projects.
He describes some of the advanced vehicles and technology he encountered, much of which is still far more advanced than what we are using, today.
But his story begins when he was 12, as a series of dreams told him how to create a device that would become a fusion containment drive.
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
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