What is happening to my friend?
A brief introduction to the awakening phenomenon for family, friends and colleagues of the awakened
As an Ascension Guide, I hear many stories of the frustration and heartbreak of the awakening phenomenon. Its affect on relationships can be difficult, especially with family or friends.
When two people see reality in completely different ways, it is hard to bridge the gap between them. It is even more awkward when those people used to share many things in common.
This is a very brief introduction to a complex subject.
It is intended for friends and family members of the awakened and gives a quick and neutral overview on the awakening process. By sharing some basic information, I hope to facilitate understanding of this unique and challenging phenomenon.
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English: What is happening to my friend?
German: Was geschieht mit meinem Freund?
Spanish: Que es lo que le esta pasando a mi amigo?
FRANCAIS / French: Qu’est-ce qui arrive à mon ami?
Chinese: 我的朋友怎麼了?
Romanian: Ce se întâmplă cu prietenul meu?
Hebrew: ? מה קורה לחבר\ה שלי
Portuguese: O que esta acontecer com o meu amigo?
Russian: Что творится с моим другом?
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