In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Friday, June 21, 2024

Democracy Never Lasts Long

First Came Brexit, Then Came Trump — And Now It’s Happening Again 

My Dearest Friends:

With today, 20 June, being the first day of summer, my attention was drawn this morning to the Washington Post article “Summer Solstice 2024: Season To Have Its Earliest Start Since 1796”, most particularly because I wondered how many Americans know that the year 1796 was the most important year in the founding of the United States.

The history of the United States most commonly known is that the American Revolutionary War began on 19 April 1775 with the “shot heard round the world”, which was when British colonists in North America began an open armed rebellion against Great Britain—on 4 July 1776, the United States Declaration of Independence was issued to Great Britain by its in open rebellion North American colonists—and on 3 September 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris-France by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States, that officially ended the American Revolutionary War and recognized the Thirteen Colonies, which had been part of colonial British America, to be free, sovereign and independent states.

Among the multitude of issues left unknown after the Treaty of Paris was what type of government the United States would establish to deal with its remaining outstanding issues with Great Britain, but after nearly four years of intense negotiations among themselves, the Americans began their Constitutional Convention to form a government on 25 May 1787—a convention to form a government that followed American Founding Father John Adams warning: “Remember, democracy never lasts long...It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself...There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide”—was a warning heeded by the Constitution of the United States adopted on 17 September 1787, that created a republic instead of a monarchy or democracy—and upon leaving the Constitutional Convention, popular legend states Elizabeth Powel asked American Founding Father Benjamin FranklinWell, Doctor what have we got—a republic or a monarchy?”, and Franklin’s eloquent response was “A republic, if you can keep it”.

Following the United States creating its constitutional republic government in 1787, it saw Great Britain refusing to join in negotiations to settle remaining issues with the Americans over fears its new government could collapse—and were fears realized in 1791, which was when the Whiskey Rebellion began, but whose forces were ruthlessly fought against by President George Washington, who ended the rebellion by 1794.

Immediately following President Washington proving the strength of the American constitutional republic government in 1794, Great Britain opened negotiations to resolve all remaining issues not addressed in the Treaty of Paris, which led to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, that went into effect on 29 February 1796—is also known as the “Jay Treaty” because its main negotiator was American Founding Father John Jay, who established the current boundaries of the United States, and urged all Americans: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their ruler, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers”.

With 1796 being the year the United States conclusively proved to the world that its constitutional republic government based on Christian principals was both powerful and a reliable international trading partner, it was very distressing to see the article “Newest Insanity From CNN – It’s a Conspiracy Theory to Say That America is a Republic and Not a Democracy” this week, wherein it shockingly revealed: “The United States of America is a constitutional republic, but don’t say that to anyone at CNN or they might label you a conspiracy theorist...The far left network recently did an entire segment about the fact that Trump supporters and other people on the right insist (correctly) that we are not a democracy....The left has repeated their canned line about ‘our democracy’ so many times that CNN is now trying to rewrite history to suit the Democrat party”.

The earliest start to summer since 1796, when the American constitutional republic first stepped upon the global stage in full force, was joined today by the Politico article “Scorched-Earth Summer: Biden, Sunak And Macron Go Negative”, wherein it observed: “Biden’s team is on the attack...And they’re not alone...Embattled leaders on both sides of the Atlantic are resorting to slashing attacks against their opponents, telling voters in dystopian terms about how bad things could get if their challengers win...In France, President Emmanuel Macron has warned that far-right and far-left candidates would inflict “an impoverishment of the country”...Across the channel in Britain, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has mounted a nearly all-negative campaign against the ascendant Labour Party...The three leaders represent different ideologies, cultures and generations...But they have one thing in common: all three are unpopular...Their caustic campaigns match a political atmosphere defined by frustration and fear”.

While Biden will wage his scorched-Earth of fear campaign until the 5 November election in America, and Macron will wage his until the 7 July election in France, Sunak is facing his demise in the 4 July election in Britain, as revealed this morning: “The UK Conservative Party is on course for a historic defeat in July’s general election, ending their 14-year run in government, according to three major polls released on Wednesday

Historically upending the British establishment is Nigel Farage, .the leader of the Reform UK populist party, that was formally known as the Brexit Party which drove Britain out of the European Union in 2016—today articles have appeared like “Nigel Farage's Right-Wing Populist Party Overtakes Conservatives In More Bad News For UK Prime Minister”, “Poll Predicts Historic Victory Sending Nigel Farage To UK Parliament In July Election”, “Trump Ally Nigel Farage’s Return Could Be An ‘Extinction Event’ For The Conservatives Ahead Of UK Election”—and the just released New York Post article “Farage Yanks UK Conservatives Toward Populism, Giving The GOP A Peek At Its Future” explains exactly what is happening: “First came Brexit, then came Trump — and now it’s happening again”.

Most critical for you to know about the “Jay Treaty” between the United States and Great Britain, that went into effect in 1796, is that it was based on the British fear and loathing of their neighbors on the European continent they were in near constant war with and have never considered as reliable trading partners—a fear and loathing displayed again in the Brexit vote to leave the European Union, whose regulations and taxes kept strangling the British economy—and during his keynote speech at a recent populist event in Brussels, Brexit champion Nigel Farage said that while he doesn’t like to repeat what Donald Trump says to him in private, “there are times when he makes me look like a Europhile”.

So profound is President Donald Trump’s hatred of the European Union, he entered office with the threat to pull the United States out of NATO—when Britain became legally able to independently negotiate trade agreements when it left the European Union from 1 January 2020, it saw President Trump opening negotiations for the United Kingdom–United States Free Trade Agreement in May-2020—though the British government has long coveted a trade agreement with the United States as a significant post-Brexit prize, it saw President Joe Biden quietly shelving the trade pact—but President Trump has made it known that when he’s reelected, a US-British trade deal will be his “top priority”.

To fully understand everything I've factually revealed to you so far, you must place it in the context of the just released Zerohedge article “"We're Currently Watching The Collapse" Of The Daily Beast As 70% Of Unionized Staffers 'Gutted'”, wherein it reveals: “The journalism industry is in a severe downturn, with over 8,000 job cuts reported across the US, UK, and Canada last year alone...The first half of this year has already seen more than 1,000 layoffs from traditional newspapers, online media outlets, and even leftist nonprofit watchdog journalism organizations”.

Context for understanding is added by the recent Washington Post article “Brits Are Dominating American Journalism — And British Journalism, Too”, wherein it reveals: “As noted just about everywhere in recent weeks, U.S. journalism has seen a fresh influx of British editors and executives, following in a tradition that famously includes New York magazine titans Tina Brown and Anna Wintour...There’s Lewis at The Post; Mark Thompson, formerly of the BBC and the New York Times, at CNN (chairman and CEO); Emma Tucker, former editor of the Sunday Times, at the Wall Street Journal (editor in chief); John Micklethwait, former editor in chief of the Economist, at Bloomberg (editor in chief); Keith Poole, a veteran of the Sun and the Daily Mail, at the New York Post (editor in chief of the New York Post Group); Joanna Coles, a British magazine executive, at the Daily Beast (chief creative and content officer)”.

And the most critical context for understanding is contained in the recent New York Times article “The British Aren’t Coming. They’re Here”, wherein it reveals: “The news business is in upheaval...A presidential election is barreling down the pike...Facing financial challenges and political division, several of America’s largest news organizations have turned over the reins to editors who prize relentless reporting on a budget...And they all happen to be British”.

As to the power of the British takeover of the American media establishment prior to the 5 November election, the British owned and controlled Fox News just released article “Fox News Digital Crushes CNN, NYT In Key Metrics During News-Packed May 2024” revealed: “Fox News Digital triumphed in key metrics against top news brands like CNN and The New York Times during the news-packed month of May, according to Comscore...Fox News Digital reached nearly a whopping 1.7 billion total multi-platform views, surpassing the Times' 1.6 billion views and CNN's 1.2 billion”.

Now based on everything I've revealed to you, both historically and what’s now occurring, you can be assured that the British takeover the American media establishment is designed to place President Trump back into office to complete a US-British trade deal—a trade deal that would crush the European Union into international trade irrelevancy because it insanely cut itself off from all of the Russian energy and natural resources needed by its businesses—this was foreseen the last time President Trump took office, as documented in the 2017 article “Trump Takes Allies Back To 19th Century Global Order”—and for what the future could hold, it’s best documented in the recent article “Donald Trump Could Destroy US Hegemony On The World Stage”.

Though my Dear Sisters can provide you with truthful information about the global designs and schemes the great powers are employing to achieve their goals, only God knows what the future holds—but is a future you can protect by aiding those very few of us left still keeping you informed, and which you can do right now by going below and giving what you can today.

For those of you knowing these true things, I urgently plead for your support in our desperate hour of need, and is why I’ve always strongly reminded my Dearest Friends, if you prefer being lied to and deceived then, by all means, turn away from us, but, for those of you still wanting the truth, never forget that in aiding us, or others like us, our Dear Lord gave you this solemn promise: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

With God,

Sister Ciara, Dublin, Ireland, 20 June 2024


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