A worldwide network of prayer warriors and churches that stand against spiritual forces of world tyranny
As we all know, ultimately the forces that assault humanity are spiritual.
You will learn for example:
✔︎ How the heads of media and entertainment regularly attend gatherings where they receive direct instructions from spiritual entities, that are being channeled by mediums. These demonic spirits directly instruct Hollywood, and the media industry. You will hear this straight from top Hollywood insiders!
✔︎ How the United Nations openly promotes the Lucis Trust, which was originally called the Lucifer Trust. This is a satanic organization that channels spiritual "Masters" to provide spiritual mantras and prayers to world leaders. These prayers are meant to create the right spiritual atmosphere on earth for the manifestation of a World Teacher.
✔︎ How several insiders of the satanic elites wrote me personal letters, or told me in personal conversations, that the highest level of the world rulers are not human, but are beings from other dimensions. They are called "The Absolute Rulers", gather three times a year in Davos, and are the ones who truly control the WEF, UN, WHO, BIS, IMF, etc. This is confirmed by several insiders who don't know each other, and all related the exact same information to me.
✔︎ How a religion called "Luciferianism" is the preferred spiritual practice of those who operate at the top levels of the cabal. It is this dark spirituality that inspires them to commit the horrendous acts of organizing wars, pandemics, famines, poisoning of air, soil, and water, child trafficking, transgenderism, force injecting humanity with toxic substances, and much more.
✔︎ How the ancient horrors of human sacrifice (especially children) are still daily practice of these elites. The demonic entities are dependent on human sacrifice because without it, they lose their energy. That's why they demand it. When humanity would put a permanent on any and all child trafficking, these demons would simply crumble.
✔︎ And so much more.
Among the thousands of organizations who oppose world tyranny there is only a handful who have the courage to talk about this.
I have been contacted by several insiders from the cabal, who all told me that nobody wants to hear their story. That is why I have decided to take a stand, and tell it all, not hiding anything, because humanity has to wake up for real. Not just be aware of the superficial symptoms like vaccines, planned pandemics, and rigged elections, but we must understand what the root of these crimes against humanity are. It is far more than just money and control...
The push for genetic editing of humanity, and the agenda to replace living humans with lifeless cyborgs, A.I. and digital fake realities has a dark spiritual origin, that we must uncover, and deal with.
This is truly a battle between the forces of darkness, and the Kingdom of light.
The earth is a battlefield, and humanity is the prize.
WORLD FREEDOM PRAYER will teach prayer warriors how to exert their divine, royal authority, given by the King of kings, to take down the illegitimate rulers, who are nothing but a thug of thieves, without any authority.
WORLD FREEDOM PRAYER is for mature believers who have a solid relationship with the Almighty, live clean lives, with pure hands, and hearts.
You will also learn why the doctrine that we are in the “last days” and “evil is destined to rule the earth” is a strategic deception of the dark realm, injected into the Church to disarm the warriors of the Most High. When we believe that the agenda for world tyranny is the fulfillment of “Bible prophecy” and therefore “inevitable”, we will not rise to prevent it.
This religious mind control needs to be dismantled, before we can rise up in our full authority and power, as children of the Most High. Only when we are freed in our mind from every stronghold that blinds us, can we fully enter our position of royal authority with the King of kings, and be maximum effective in this battle.
We are not cowards who betray humanity, we are kings who defend humanity.
If you feel called to engage in spiritual warfare, through intense prayer, prophetic declaration, passionate worship, and obedience to the King, then sign up below.
Connect your Church or group
WORLD FREEDOM PRAYER is also an international directory for churches and groups who are aware of what is going on, and who want to join the battle for deliverance, and restoration of humanity. This directory will allow lonely warriors to connect with others to form a strong front against the forces of evil.
Sign up now for WORLD FREEDOM PRAYER, and learn how to become a blazing flame of fire, that will burn the forces of evil, through intense worship, prophetic declaration, persistent prayer, and a lifestyle of obedience to the One who reigns.
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