May 23, 2022
Top-level negotiations between Asian and Western elders to start a new golden age for humanity are proceeding well, according to sources involved. The basic agreement calls for the complete write-off of all debts, public and private, a one-time redistribution of assets and a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe with earth life. This plan is supported by –among others- the Western committee of 300, the Russian government, the Indian government and the Asian secret societies that control China, ASEAN, Korea and Japan. There are some concrete moves involving massive amounts of off ledger gold and dollars taking place. The details cannot yet be publicly disclosed for security reasons, the sources involved in the negotiations say.
Of course, we have heard this talk before so believe it when you see it.
For now, the task is to make sure the existing Western ruling structure collapses without destroying the planet. Already, the Western ruling class has fallen into what can only be described as collective insanity as their control grid collapses. The latest sign is a massive campaign of monkeypox fear porn. The fear porn appears to be a desperate attempt to justify a massive power grab by the WHO and the Davos World Economic Forum.
Both are holding massive meetings in Switzerland this week where they are actively seeking totalitarian control over the entire planet.
From May 22 to May 28, representatives of the WHO’s 194 member states (which represent 98% of all the “countries” in the world) are attending the World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva. Here they will vote on International Health Regulations (IHR) that will be legally binding under international law.
The amendments being pushed by the Khazarian mafia will give WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency in any nation based on whatever evidence he chooses. This will create a de facto world totalitarian regime far more repressive than any yet seen on this planet.
This power grab has been planned at least since 1975 when a World Bank paper first suggested using a pandemic as a tool to install a fascist world government.
“We are predicting when the next ‘pandemic’ hits, western governments will suspend all elections based on the WHO’s recommendations. This is how the WEF will maintain control,” MI6 sources say.
That plan is now fully underway with an obviously fake “monkeypox” fear campaign. In a world with nearly 8 billion people headlines appear all over the world about 100 or so “cases.” Notice in the article below that most of the “cases” are “suspected” not confirmed. This is pure Fear porn. The KM WHO is trying to whip up a new scamdemic it seems.
Remember these lab monkeys “escaping” after that “accidental” crash at the site where the film 12 monkeys (about a pandemic) was filmed.
Several countries are stockpiling smallpox vaccine as a precaution against the possible use of vaccinia virus as a bioweapon.
Below you can see fake news at its best. In each of these articles, there are only old photos. It seems that the monkeypox can travel in time. Incredible.
Notice how media in the Western world are all using old pictures for this new fear porn campaign.
“Same ROLL-OUT as CONvid. Same culprits,” a CIA medical doctor notes.
The fact lots of people actually believe this is what comes after decades of dumbing down the Western populace by the KM.
“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news,” said top globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski
And -to show how this control grid is inter-generational- now his daughter says: “The Media’s Job is to control exactly what people think,” says Mika Brzezinski Cohost of (Rockefeller controlled) MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
Here she says it on YouTube.
The fear porn campaign is happening as the fake US President Joe Biden arrives in Japan on a campaign to try to seduce India, Japanese Foreign Ministry sources say.
The Japanese government believes the real power behind the fake Biden regime is ... ... ...
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