In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The War on Humanity – ‘A Deliberate Restriction of Consciousness’

Almost everything that’s wrong in the world starts from an implacable resistance to the existence of a state of consciousness.

Denial of the fact that every new human life born into this world is a divine spark, a fecund manifestation of limitless potential.

A denial of the fact that higher consciousness is actually the default position of humanity – not a distant goal only attainable by a dedicated minority.

So many remain in a state of resistance to their innate connection with the source of life, thus sealing themselves in a well constructed prison.

Something greatly encouraged via the dumbing down priorities enforced by the architects of global control.

Religious institutions created within this control system teach that only some outside saviour can rescue humanity from the ubiquitous spread of evil – of which they themselves are the prime perpetrators.

It is the inability to throw-off a long existing fixation with this form of irrational dogma that has brought the world so perilously close to the brink today.

The dictionary definition of dogma is “a set of principles intended to be accepted without question”.

Religious dogma starts by making its captors believe that they are powerless, and that their only hope in gaining a little power is by devoting themselves to praying for forgiveness for the fact that they were born sinners.

Being born ‘a sinner’, one is informed by Christian institutions, is due to the fact that Adam and Eve broke away from the command to obey a rule put in place by some strongly authoritarian master of the universe. He who oversaw events taking place in the Garden of Eden.

And if it was not for this reason that one is born a sinner, then it is because one is somehow implicated as being responsible for having Jesus nailed to an execution pole – the cross – in Jerusalem some 2,000 years ago.

This, it is claimed, is due to one’s being part of a collective unconscious which links all humanity. Thus the crucifixion crime, perpetrated by a small segment of this humanity, becomes one’s crime also.

Either one of these events is enough to mark one for life, according to the religious teachings that have dominated the Western world for far too long.

Put together, they ensure the locking and bolting of the prison door on the development of the gift of conscious awareness. The unfortunate fate of all who fail to see beyond the Veil of Maya.

And then in the afterlife, one is informed, the same prison guards are in attendance awaiting one’s arrival – to direct one to the properly stoked furnace or to their rather exotically decorated playground known as heaven.

Either way, one remains in the trap; and Life goes on somewhere else. A place/dimension one is warned against attempting to engage with.

This kind of top-down subversion leads to unquestioned acceptance of grand ulterior motives like the ‘Great Reset’ and is taken-up by all who suffer a fundamental fear of freedom.

However, all ‘victims’ of this great hoax carry a high level of personal responsibility for allowing themselves to be fooled.

Taking an overtly trusting view of those who one has no basis to trust stems from a failure ‘to know one’s self’. Such self deception comes from a failure to adopt a proper commitment to follow the road of truth in one’s daily life.

While I concentrate on the leading role played by the perpetration of authoritarian control in diverting humanity from its true path, one must not forget that each one of us is responsible for the choices we make in this life.

One may get caught, but there is always a way of overcoming one’s shortcomings and breaking out of jail.

The Vatican, which has its headquarters in Rome, produces its own expression of dogma via the cardinal rule book known as the Catechisms. Here it states that the cross painted onto the forehead of infants at the first baptism ceremony is an exorcism.

It is needed, says the Vatican’s Holy See, because every little baby arrives on this earth as a sinner and therefore must be exorcised of the demon possessing them and then placed in ‘the safe hands of the church’.

The church, according to the Catechisms, is inseparable from God. What the church says is ‘God’s law’ according to this doctrine.

Such teachings have the opposite effect from that which they proclaim to be their goal. They reinforce an implacable resistance to the independent search for truth and the meaning of life which is the true birthright of all human beings.

This grand deception, sold to we the people under the monica ‘the one truth’, leads to senior representatives of leading religious institutions averting their eyes, as millions are murdered due to fearsome divisions created by the mass indoctrination of mankind to a grossly distorted interpretation of the road to salvation.

Religious institutions feign shock, but do nothing to expose and put an end to the slaughter of the innocents in Gaza; the pedophilia and prostitution laid on for their own priests; the crass power-play of politicians; the gross materialistic indulgence of profit obsessed corporations; the cowardly posturing of their own brotherhood and the anti-life politics of control of the deep state.

The hypocrisy is complete, since – while turning away from reality – they present their saviours as supreme actors in defence of life, justice and truth.

Religious institutions are subservient to the authority of the State, just as they are subservient to their very own gods – each of which is proclaimed as ‘the one and only true saviour of mankind’ and therefore permanently at war with other challengers for that title.

So deeply has this idealogical dogma infested the minds, bodies and spirits of humanity that, over the centuries, it has provoked a thoughtless submission to authority figures as well as a plague of passivity and the denial of the basic responsibility that comes with being a trustee of the health and welfare of planet earth.

The protagonists of this disease have rolled our world onto its back – while simultaneously pleading ‘not guilty’ to reducing divine sparks to lifeless expressions of fear, obedience and cowardice.

But then how else could it be, if indoctrinated mortals fail to reject the accusation of guilt that comes with accepting that one is born a sinner?

Fail to reject ‘guilt by association’ with an act of treachery performed by a tiny band of ancient ancestors revolting against their once hallowed master.

While the tribes of Abraham may not have constituted or consolidated a formal religion, their scholars and esoteric priests concocted a thoroughly indigestible diet of messianic indulgence.

An indulgence centred around a conviction in the unique superiority of the God of Abraham and the manipulation of this Old Testament warring deity into representing the absolute voice of authority concerning the destiny of his chosen people.

In this way they invented the ultimate despot, any criticism of whom is treated as an act of outright heresy.

Divide and conquer, fragmentation and division – are used as ways of splintering the primal condition of wholeness which is our common inheritance. Rendering its oneness into a jarring compilation of antagonistic parts.

But there is only One God – and everything comes from Him – and everything returns to Him. The emanation of Supreme Consciousness.

Truth is indivisible. Oneness with our Creator is our primal condition and will remain that way.

The refusal to open one’s self to such a fundamental form of consciousness is to live in a state of great impoverishment. Yet it is just such a state of impoverishment that is generally accepted as the norm of everyday life – leading to the persecution of those who manifest the noble art of standing for truth.

There are those who enter into religious teachings and ceremonies in a genuine search for spiritual guidance – and who find this within the credo of their particular faith. An environment in which to find a guiding hand onto the path of devotion.

There are prophets at the foundational level of all the main religions of the world, and their teachings have a central commonality of conviction concerning the greatness of God and the supremacy of love, wisdom and compassion.

The tragedy is that this common recognition of the beatitude of the Divine is so rarely, if ever, admitted by different faiths, and is instead claimed as the unique provenance of each one separately.

This lack of magnanimity becomes the touchstone for divisions and rivalries that are openly promoted by the high priests of political sabotage. Those who seek to gain complete control over the lives of others, turning institutes of worship into bastions of political power and greed.

Control is maintained through rules, regulations and promises of salvation for the obedient blinded followers of authority.

Strip away this carefully constructed facade and underneath one will find the small but potent seed of original spirituality that is the actual direct link to the Divine.

It is past time that this original spirituality be set free.

Its suffocation under the various cloaks that have disguised it, has pulled humanity down into a dull and shackled version of its true power.

This hobbled state of humanity is played upon by the deep state globalist architects of control, who work hand in hand with the most influential church authorities in a Faustian pact to maintain domination over the true aspirations of open hearted seekers of truth.

Do we see the Pope or archbishops or leading figureheads of other churches and faiths coming boldly forward to decry those working to genetically modify and re-engineer the DNA of the human, animal and natural environment?

Or unitedly rising up to defy overt cold blooded atrocities of mass murder in and around what is called The Holy Land?

No, we don’t, with one or two notable exceptions.

Yet are not these crimes against humanity and nature the very heinous acts that teachers of belief in God are supposed to implacably stand up against?

Their religious proclamations stand in denial of the very existence of the God of whom they profess to be the messengers.

They are cowards, bowing to the authority of the system and turning their heads away in fear of losing their positions on the jealously guarded hierarchical ladder of the religious world order.

Unwilling to come face to face with the anti-life forces of destruction that manifest in every corner of the world – they serve no function other than the perpetration of the lie.

We cannot help but now see how standing fixedly in the constrictive authority of religious dogma has brought the world to the ultimate geopolitical crisis point.

Somebody’s god has been given the role of stating its absolute supremacy of judgement over all/any other belief systems – and so dogmatic and inflexible is this proclamation that its supporters are willing to provoke a Third World War, rather than see and admit the error of their ways.

Real spirituality is about demolishing ego, not re-enforcing it. Real spirituality recognises the oneness of all nations, peoples, colours and creeds, not their division and mutual attrition. Real spirituality upholds and seeks the supreme guidance of the creator of the universe – of all humanity, animal and insect populations and of the full biological diversity of nature.

There is just one such indivisible Supreme Nucleus. One God. And the division of that God into a hundred warring, despotic claimants to the throne is the single greatest obstruction to the collective spiritual evolution of mankind.

Enforced fanaticism, under the guise of religious belief has brought us to the brink of a collective act of suicide. There can be absolutely no excuse for its continuation.

We who are aware of this and who respond to that great gift called ‘love of life’ represent the majority of the sentient and genuinely human population of planet earth.

We are going to step forward now and put an end to the supposed impregnability of the fanatical clique that holds the whole world hostage to its undisguised megalomania.

We will show the power of spirituality in its true light, freed forever from being chained to institutions of deception that have sought to ‘own the word of God’ and use it to lead mankind into the abyss of an ego fuelled world of chaos.

Rise up, all good people of the world, our unstoppable affirmation of life is fast gaining the upper hand; one can feel its dancing prisms of source-delivered energy multiplying day on day, week on week.

Let them infect our appetite for going determinedly onto the front foot and acting to dispel any last lingering doubts and fears that hold us back from bringing about the full and lasting emancipation of mankind.

Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of the acclaimed title ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ and other works.


Do visit his website

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