The path that leads to the 5D world
Your consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it or fail! In that moment you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when you have truly succeeded. It is the end of an era! And the beginning of another.
Be careful! There are Fake Truth sellers all over the Internet, supported by channels of the so-called popular media used as mouthpieces, who themselves believe that they are receiving information from the Light and are privileged to pass it on.
In reality, they are being operatively manipulated by the cabal. They often tell people that they have an exclusive informant and that they have been chosen to be their voice in our society. They pass on information that is partly true, but in reality is designed to sow doubt, lies and deception.
The Third Dimension is the world of lies, deception, competition, destructive criticism, selfishness, theft, fraud, fame and greed. Control and power is the goal. Betrayal, malice and the cultivation of low frequency for persuasion and control. These are actions that firmly block the portal to the Fifth Dimension.
Whereas in the Fifth Dimension, cooperation, help and dedication are always focused on good, pure intentions, with empathy and care for others. This is the path that leads to the 5D world.
Nothing and no one has the power to influence individual choice. The freedom of free will and choice still exists for each individual. There cannot be a soul that can say they did not have a chance.
Ascension is imminent and by definition the path of those who consciously choose to move to a higher level of Light. This path can only be found when the consciousness is truly expanded sufficiently by understanding each lesson presented during successive incarnations. Remember that nothing and no one will decide for you.
The soul vibrating at a high frequency is generally focused on the intention of good. It takes into account the outcome of every action taken. It always goes to the other side to feel if any decision is really best for both. It is always cooperative and never competes for personal gain. It is loving, compassionate and respectful.
The moment the monetary system collapses and/or the majority of inoculated people discover that they have been deceived by their government; global liberation becomes a reality. Our freedom has to be fought from below.
Awareness expresses the identity of the soul
The soul of every human being is expressed through consciousness. When talked about the soul, it means consciousness. It is in constant vibration and produces a frequency that varies according to that vibration. There are no two souls on the same frequency. Just as there are no two radio transmitters overlapping on the same band.
Intention determines the frequency of each soul. It determines thought and action. And it is actions that count and determine frequency. Actions create reactions, also called the law of cause and effect. Even inaction can be called action. It is the action of inaction.
What is consciousness?
It is a store of information that contains the accumulated experience of the soul in all its incarnations – both past and present.
Think of this ‘store’ as a ball or a vessel – whatever your imagination tells you. And this ‘storage’ is not in a person’s head, but in their energy space, and for each person it is in the area of the chakra that currently corresponds to their vibrational level.
The consciousness of any living being is a flexible and mobile substance.That is why it is so easy to control it by influencing the thoughts and emotions that make up its consciousness. Remember the humorous expression
“What are you thinking?
But it reflects the level of a person’s consciousness.
- Those who ‘think’ with the first chakra live in constant fear for their lives,
- those with the second – with sexual desires,
- those with the third – with control and self-affirmation,
- those with the fourth – with emotional experiences,
- those with the fifth – with self-expression in all its forms,
- those with the sixth – with wisdom and a deep understanding of cause-and-effect relationships,
- those with the seventh – with a divine vision of any situation.
Of course, these are the most superficial characteristics of the different levels of consciousness, and only so that you can feel the difference between them.
Now it is very important that you help the new energies to move the ‘storage’ of your soul to a higher level of vibration. But to do this you will have to work hard and catch up in the shortest possible time what your soul has not had time to do in its previous incarnations and especially in this one.
Without your help the new energies will not be able to cope. They may, of course, ‘pull you up’ a little to the next level of vibration, but if you approach this consciously, you will have much greater success.
To begin with, assess your current level of consciousness objectively, which you can do using a chakra meter. But to get the correct result, it is not enough to ‘diagnose’ your condition once. It is necessary to derive its stable average component.
Try tracking your vibration levels throughout the day, or better still, throughout the week. Most likely they will be in the range of two or even three chakras.
Keep track of which chakra you vibrate in the most. This is the indicator you need to use as a basis for further work on yourself.
Pivotal, turning point
This year is in many ways a pivotal, turning point and a significant year for you. But not everyone understands what is really behind these words. The most accurate definition of this year is the word ‘watershed’, and here’s why.
During this year humanity will finally be able to turn the ‘ship’ that has been carrying it into the abyss in the other direction. This will be facilitated to a large extent by the high vibrational energies that are flowing towards the Earth at an increasing rate.
However, the main role in this process will be played by the ‘helmsmen’ embodied in human bodies. Fortunately, such leaders are becoming increasingly popular with people who sense the strength of their spirit and the purity of their intentions.
The representatives of the Deep State have already lost and are only trying to deal the final blow to humanity by committing monstrous acts.
What has made it possible to turn the situation towards the light?
First of all, it is the educational work of hundreds of thousands of pure human souls.
They have used their professional and purely human experience in a wide variety of fields of knowledge to bring the Truth to people, risking not only their reputations but sometimes their lives.
This is also energy work, which was carried out purposefully, persistently and methodically by representatives of “star seeding” to cleanse the Earth of negative energies and alien programmes.
But much was happening ‘behind the scenes’ on both the subtle and physical planes. In order for the long awaited turning point, or to be more precise, the turning to the Light, to take place. Also, representatives of the Galactic Federation, serving day and night in near-Earth orbit, they have also been working hard for this glory.
It is their ships that are present in the places of greatest danger: such as nuclear power plants, nuclear facilities, biological laboratories, military bases, hadron colliders and many others.
Many crimes and provocations planned by the Deep State have already been prevented by your Galactic brothers. But their intervention was measured – so as not to violate Divine expediency, which consisted in some of the crimes still coming to light.
Only in this way could millions of people wake up and see who is really running their countries and what the goals of these criminals in power are.
One such example is the non-interference of the Galactic Federation of Light in what is happening now in Los Angeles, where a massive fire continues to destroy vast areas.
The turn towards the Light
How else can we show people the true deeds of the representatives of the Deep State, who deliberately and selectively burn down entire neighbourhoods to please the transnational corporations?
Only such “demonstrative” crimes can open people’s eyes, especially as there is more than enough evidence of these atrocities.
For the same reasons, the Galactic Federation has not actively intervened in many of the military and political conflicts on your planet.
Yet, through the combined efforts of Luminous Souls in human bodies and the Heavenly Host, it has been possible to turn the situation on Earth towards the Light, and this year is called to strengthen and develop the results already achieved.
About the interaction of your consciousness with the new energies.
The third stage of your work is to finally re-tune your consciousness to the wave of the fourth dimension. What you need to do?
First of all, free your consciousness from outside influence, no matter who it comes from. For example, any reaction from other people to current events, be it politicians, journalists, bloggers, your friends and acquaintances, should pass through your consciousness in transit without leaving a noticeable trace.
Imagine, for example, you are driving to a place that is very important and dear to you.
Along the way you see forests and rivers, villages and towns, people and animals. But when you are behind the wheel, you see all this only in your peripheral vision, not concentrating on the details as you carefully and intently drive the car to your destination – your cherished goal.
Be aware, such a destination for you is the world of the Fifth Dimension. The road there is difficult, winding and sometimes unpredictable. But in order to overcome it as quickly as possible, it is better not to stop and look with curiosity at what you encounter along the way.
Instead, focus on your inner state: the anticipation of seeing what you have dreamed of for so long – the world of the Fifth Dimension in all its glory. You know that you will definitely reach your cherished goal, for everything is already predetermined, and no obstacles along the way can prevent you from reaching your destination.
All the ‘landscapes’ flashing outside your window, the events that are happening on Earth now, are only harbingers of the main event – the transition of your planet and all of humanity into the Fifth Dimension.
Many times is spoken about how it always is darkest before the dawn. Therefore your consciousness should not be tuned to the darkness with all its attendant sorrow and loss, but to the light that already is on the horizon.
Try, my dears, to find a point of support in your lives that will not allow you to fall back into the vanity of the three-dimensional world, and that will keep you above the situation, no matter how difficult it may be for you at the moment.
The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you.
Accepted by Marta and edited by Peter B. Meyer
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