I ask your attention and prayers for two brave heroes of humanity, who are playing a critical role in the deliverance of our world from the grip of the satanic elites.
The first man is our good friend Calin Georgescu, who won the presidential elections in Romania, last month. As we reported earlier, the criminal regime unlawfully canceled those legitime elections, in an attempt to maintain control over Romania and the surrounding region. The reason for this coup is that NATO is building the largest European Air Force base in Romania.
From this military base they plan to launch a nuclear attack on Russia, which would undoubtedly result in a worldwide nuclear catastrophe.
The global cabal has been pushing for war with Russia, since this powerful nation managed to break free from their control approximately 10 years ago. Initially the cabal had infiltrated Russia, installed communism and was using this nation to further their plans of world domination. But Russia was liberated from their influence, and their only option now is to destroy it, so it would not become an obstacle in their agenda for a one world government.
Causing a nuclear World War III is a priority for the elites, because it would serve as an excuse to install a one world government, in order to 'prevent' such wars in the future. It is the core of their strategy: create worldwide disasters, and then call for world tyranny to prevent them from happening again.
Calin Georgescu is a massive obstacle in their way, as he wants to cncel the plans for nuclear war, and end the reign of terror of the elites in Romania and Europe. We are working very closely with Calin, bringing international attention to the situation, and personally encouraging and advising him. It is a tremendous privilege to be so closely involved with this man who can literally save the entire world from nuclear disaster. Once Calin is in office, it will have a snowball effect for all of Europe and the world.
The past days hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting in the streets of Romania, demanding the resignation of the sitting corrupt president, and the acknowledgment of their new leader Calin Georgescu.
I am asking all people of faith to fervently pray for Calin Georgescu.
Exposing The Satanic Elites, And Restoring Justice On Earth
The second hero of humanity I am asking your prayers for, is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. This world renowned trial lawyer has been one of the main leaders of the worldwide movement for truth and justice, since the beginning of the 2020 pandemic.
Dr. Fuellmich has revealed more evidence than anybody else in the world, to expose the satanic networks worldwide, who are behind all evil in the world.
Reiner interviewed about 450 experts from all fields of science, and has uncovered the child abuse system of the elites, as well as all their other atrocities.
Last year he was kidnapped by the German authorities, and has been locked up in solitary confinement, where he has experienced torture and attempts to kill him. Documents leaked from the German intelligence agency stating they have to prevent Fuellmich from obtaining a political position.
But that hasn’t stopped Reiner, on the contrary. From within the high security prison he has launched his candidacy for chancellor in Germany, a historically unprecedented action!
I am also intimately involved with him, even though he is in a high-security prison in Germany. I support and encourage Reiner as a friend, and am preparing to support his candidacy in Germany. It is my belief that Reiner Fuellmich will play a key role in the deliverance of Europe and the world. Nobody did so much for the exposing of the elites, the last years, as this man, and he has all the evidence to conduct a Nuremberg 2.0.
Please also pray fervently for this man, who has not lost his fire and determination, even though he has experienced tremendous suffering in isolated confinement. God is his comforter and strength.
Evil Is Being Judged And A New Day Is Dawning
We are seeing a new day dawning for humanity, as the forces of extreme evil are failing and judgment is coming from heaven, on all who have collaborated with Satan.
True heroes of humanity are rising up, in the face of tremendous opposition, to evict the servants of darkness and turn the tide for their nations and the world. I believe we will see many more candidates emerge in the highest office of their nations. This is a time of divine transition.
But the spiritual battle is intense. Your prayers can have massive impact. If you are a person with experience in spiritual warfare and intense prayer, I encourage you to use your God given spiritual authority to declare judgment and destruction over the plans, structures, networks, resources and authorities of the satanic elites and declare that justice, truth, deliverance, healing and total breakthrough will come to mankind.
Not many people have knowledge of this kind of prayer, although it is exampled abundantly throughout the Scriptures. The apostle Paul wrote in the New Testament:
'Don't you know that you will judge angels and powers of the world?' (1 Corinthians 6:3)
The same apostle explained:
'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.' (Ephesians 6:12)
Prayer is not merely asking, it is also rising up in the royal and divine authority you have in Christ, aligning with the will of the Almighty, and making powerful declarations in the spirit, that have transformational impact on Earth. That's why Christ said:
'The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.' (Revelation 3:21)
This speaks about having the ultimate authority, to execute judgment over evil and release deliverance over the people.
I encourage you to discover this divine calling, and start using your authority.
A massive misunderstanding in the Christian church is that the world will be saved by a fairytale-style event, where Jesus will come back on a white horse and turn the world into paradise in a split second. This utterly unrealistic - and extremely unbiblical - belief has been powerfully promoted by the Satanists, the past century. They know that the worldwide Christian community - which consists of billions of people! - will be rendered ineffective, if they fall for this dream scenario. Because, if Christ comes and fixes everything in the blink of a eye, why would we have to do anything? It is an alluring psychological trap, to disempower billions of people worldwide.
The truth is that Christ lives in us and uses us to be His vessels of healing and deliverance for humanity. We are all called to rise up and be heroes of heaven, who ride with the King of kings to bring transformation. We are called to be KINGS NOT COWARDS.
Thank you!
David Sorensen
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