A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting American global financial services giant S&P Global Ratings lowered Ukraine’s credit rating to “selective default” after Kiev missed an international bond payment earlier this week, says this joined the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announcing: “Ukraine’s losses totaled up to 60,630 servicemen in July...The enemy’s daily losses average about 2,000 people”—and was an announcement that followed Major General Apty Alaudinov, the deputy head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces, revealing: “The irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the beginning of 2024 probably exceeded 600 thousand people, but now, most likely, they have risen above 700 thousand...This is unprecedented”.
With the warmongering socialist Western colonial powers making good on their demonic vow “to fight to the last Ukrainian”, this report notes, the Ministry of Defense released a new recruitment video for the Russian Armed Forces yesterday, wherein Russian soldiers of all religious faiths proclaimed: “We are Russians...God is with us...Prayer is not just words, it is a powerful force...Be with the strong, be with us, join your comrades”.
In the days just prior to the Ministry of Defense releasing its “God is with us” new recruitment video, this report continues, Brazilian citizen Zona Desconhecida posted a video he took on 21 July described by millions around the world as “the clearest UFO video in history”—is a video showing a transparent UFO on the sides that appears to slightly change its shape while flying, and Desconhecida declared: “I never believed in UFO until this...When I filmed this unidentified object at first I thought it was a drone, but it did not have propellers...Then I thought it was a balloon but the trajectory was in a straight line and something similar to a landing gear appeared”.
The transparent shape shifting UFO seen in “the clearest UFO video in history”, this report details, appeared in the sky over Curitiba-Brazil, the location of the Federal University of Paraná, whose Department of Physics is the only known researcher in the world into what was first described in the 4 April 1959 article “ARGUS ATOM TESTS SCORED IN BRAZIL; Press Reports Say Fall-Out 'Poisons' Some and May Cause 'Birth Monsters'” released by the New York Times, which reported: “RIO DE JANEIRO, April 3 -- A campaign of resentful reaction against the United States' Argus atomic bomb experiment in the South Atlantic mounted here today”—and on 30 April 1959, the New York Times released its article “DETAILS ON ARGUS REVEALED BY U. S.; Academy of Sciences Told Similar Blasts Could Be Peril to Space Travel”, wherein it reported: “Project Argus has shown that atomic explosions in space of megaton size can create radiation shells perilous to space travelers, according to the man who proposed the experiment”.
Following the two New York Times articles in April-1959, this report notes, all news about the United States secretly exploding atomic bombs over Brazil was blacklisted, that is until September 2021, which was when the American military organization Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) released its document “Fact Sheet: Operation ARGUS”, wherein it revealed:
Operation ARGUS was the designation given to the three high-altitude nuclear test shots conducted by the United States in the South Atlantic Ocean from August 27 to September 10, 1958.
The ARGUS shots were conducted to test the Christofilos theory, which argued that high-altitude nuclear detonations would create a radiation belt in the upper regions of the Earth’s atmosphere.
It was theorized that the radiation belt would have military implications, including degradation of radio and radar transmissions, damage or destruction of the arming and fuzing mechanisms of ICBM warheads, and endangering the crews of orbiting space vehicles that might enter the belt.
Historical Background
The tests were conducted in complete secrecy and were not announced until the following year.
The organization conducting these tests was Task Force 88, a naval organization consisting of 9 ships and approximately 4,500 men. A few specialists from the other services and the Atomic Energy Commission and their contractors were with the fleet. Coordinated measurement programs using satellite, rocket, aircraft, and surface stations were carried out by the services and other government agencies and contractors throughout the world.
The ships of Task Force 88 were the antisubmarine warfare support aircraft carrier USS TARAWA (CVS 40), the destroyers USS BEARSS (DD 654) and USS WARRINGTON (DD 843), the destroyer escorts USS COURTNEY (DE 1021) and USS HAMMERBERG (DE 1015), the fleet oilers USS NEOSHO (AO 143) and USS SALAMONIE (AO 26), the missile trials ship USS NORTON SOUND (AVM 1), and the seaplane tender USS ALBEMARLE (AV 5).
The low-yield (1 to 2 kiloton) devices were lifted to about a 300-mile altitude by rockets fired from the ship, USS NORTON SOUND. The detonations occurred at such distances above the Earth that there was no possibility of exposure of task force personnel to ionizing radiation.
The results of the ARGUS operation proved the validity of the Christofilos theory. The establishment of an electron shell derived from neutron and beta decay of fission products and ionization of device materials in the upper fringe of the atmosphere was demonstrated. The operation not only provided data on military considerations but also produced a great mass of geophysical data, pure scientific material of great value.
Radiation Doses at Operation ARGUS
Records indicate that 4,000 film badges were procured and stowed on board task force ships, as were alpha radiation sensors. Only 264 of the film badges were actually used. They were mounted on the ships’ superstructures, worn by the pilots of the four observer planes, and used by the individuals who handled the warhead on USS NORTON SOUND.
The actual film badges and dose records were lost (along with many of the other records of this secret operation), but a summary was found in a post-operation report.
Of the 264 film badges distributed to the task force, the highest reading was 0.010 rem, which was below the detection limit for the film type used. The highest recorded film reading, 0.025 rem, was by a control film packet placed in a radiation-free area within one of the ships. The dosimetry program confirmed that ARGUS personnel did not receive radiation doses from their participation in the operation.
The release of the American military document “Fact Sheet: Operation ARGUS” in September-2021, this report continues, was ordered by President Donald Trump upon the urging of his close personal friend and ally Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, both of whom were thereafter ousted from power in elections rigged by demonic socialist forces—and both of whom rightly feared the demonic legacy of American physicist Nicholas Christofilos, the creator of the “Christofilos Effect” theory who worked with the CIA on “Project Stargate” to harness psychic energy, and about whom the Newsweek article “New History of DARPA Reveals Wacky, Terrifying Schemes” revealed in 2017: “A physicist named Nicholas Christofilos wanted to build a planetary force field to protect America from nuclear weapons...When that didn't prove feasible, he came up with "Project Seesaw",which involved drilling tunnels under the continent through which particle beams could be accelerated and aimed at incoming missiles...He solved the problem of the colossal expense of drilling such tunnels by proposing to nuke the holes..."Think of it like a suppository," Christofilos told skeptical fellow scientists..."As it goes through the rock, it creates a perfect tube"...An effective particle beam would also drain the entire U.S. electrical grid, so he proposed nuking another vast hole next to the Great Lakes and draining them in just 15 minutes to power vast generators...A scientist who was there for that presentation said it went over well...The scientists in the room all nodded their head and said, "My God, Nick, that may work"...Project Seesaw was never funded at the requested $300 million, but it was the longest-lasting project the agency ever planned, still on the table the mid-1970s”.
As to why President Bolsonaro wanted all the information he could obtain about “Operation ARGUS”, this report details, is because of the strong belief among Brazilians that the exploding of American atomic bombs above them was done to create an interdimensional portal—a belief held by messianic Brazil cult leader Aladino Félix, who wrote a book called “My Contact with Flying Saucers” and led a terrorist campaign lasting between December 1967 to August 1968—and today, mysterious groups abound in Brazil like “Stargate Brazil”, which says about itself: “Stargate Brazil was literally born from “NOTHING”, a space where everything is possible...Unconformed with the status quo, our boldness allows us to overcome the limits of our own minds, becoming meta-humans in real life...We believe in the true value of each human being and enable the recognition of this preciousness...We are transformers of consciousness and we challenge the current paradigm by providing our entire community with a unique experience of what we believe to be the most important thing when becoming a remote viewer, RECOGNIZING YOURSELF, AND WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF using your own intrinsic power in your “biomind” structure”.
Fully supporting the Brazilians strong belief in interdimensional portals, otherwise known as star gates, this report concludes, is world-renowned French computer scientist Jacques Vallée, the original inventor of the internet whose over six decades of investigating UFO’s led to his supporting the “Interdimensional UFO hypothesis”, about which he documented in his book “Dimensions: A Casebook Of Alien Contact”—and Brazilians are also fully supported by world-renowned American religious scholar Professor-Doctor Diana Pasulka, who, in her book “American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology”, meticulously documents that entities known as angels, demons and UFO’s have been using star gate interdimensional portals since the most ancient times to interact with and influence humanity.
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