In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Kamala Harris’ Pizzagate Crimes Exposed As Her Dad Reveals Shameful History

Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has wasted no time attempting to divide the nation for the benefit of the Democrat party by campaigning on race lines.

But as her own family line up to expose her lies and reveal the truth about her sordid history, it is worth asking who Harris is really serving and why the elite have been so desperate to select her as their new puppet president.

Could it have anything to do with the fact she is deeply implicated in the pizzagate conspiracy against the children of our country, along with Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, the Podesta brothers, and some of the most depraved pederasts and creeps in America?

The Democrats are pulling the race card again in a calculated plot to seize power by dividing the nation and CNN and the mainstream media have been tasked with the role of propagandizing the nation and building hype for Harris.

In a bid to support Democrat attacks against Trump for mocking Kamala’s shifting racial identity, CNN asked black people at a barbershop their thoughts on the subject — and as usual when CNN actually speak to real people, they didn’t get the answers they wanted.

As Glenn Greenwald pointed out, “Among the many hilarious parts of this CNN video is that, after the Black men explain their views on Kamala and race, the White Man of Authority calls them stupid, and says that’s not how the majority of black people think, which he knows because his black friends told him so.”

Some things don’t change. Democrats are determined to keep black people on the plantation.

The mainstream media has been in a frenzy since Trump mocked Harris’s shifting racial identity during a black journalist conference last week.

Trump later elaborated on his comments, saying “I respect either one but she obviously doesn’t, because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person.”

Welcome to the modern Democrat party where you can be whatever you decide you want to be on any given day.

Young boys can be girls, blonde-haired and blue-eyed white women can be native Americans, Olympic boxers with male chromosomes and hormones can beat the living daylights out of women, and Kamala Harris can decide she’s black because it boosts her election chances.

Trump suggested somebody should look into Kamala Harris’ family history.

With the help of Kamala’s own father, we have done just that.

According to her father who hails from Jamaica and doesn’t get to speak to his daughter very often since she hit the big time, Kamala is not much better than Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who passed as black and served as president of her local N.A.A.C.P. chapter before she was exposed as a fraud.

Just as Rachel Dolezal’s parents called her out, Kamala Harris’s father Donald has admitted the truth about her family history.

Donald met Kamala’s mother Shyamala Gopalan while they were students at the University of California, Berkeley.

They had grown up on opposite sides of the world — Donald in Jamaica and Shyamala in India — but crossed paths because of their shared interest in civil rights.

While Kamala’s family history on her mother’s side is easy to decipher, it’s her father’s side in Jamaica that is less understood.

As he explains in an essay published in Jamaica, the Harris family tree on the Jamaican side is mostly white and descended from the UK and Ireland.

As though that wasn’t damaging enough to the credibility of Kamala’s shifting identity, we have managed to retrieve her family tree from genealogical investigators determined to get to the bottom of her real identity.

Out of her 16 paternal ancestors, 11 were from the UK and Ireland and the ethnicity of 5 are not confirmed.

However, looking at photos it appears that Christiana Brown (Kamala’s great grandmother) is of mixed descent.

And looking at photos of Orah Irish Allen, Kamala’s other great grandmother, is also of mixed decent.

This means that Kamala is 50% Indian, 37.5% white European, and no more than 12.5% black at the most.

Usually I would suggest that we drop it there and ignore the race card pulled by the Democrats in the knowledge that it is just another case of a liberal deciding they can be whatever they want to be on any given day.

But it gets worse for Kamala because guess what those white Harris folk were doing in Jamaica with all of those black people?

You guessed correctly – Kamala Harris’s ancestors from Jamaica were not only white, they were white slave traders. And they were not only white slave traders, they were the most brutal and feared slave owners in the country.

Genealogical research carried out by Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken reveals Kamala’s four-times-paternal-great-grandfather Hamilton Brown was born in County Antrim in 1776, the year of the US Declaration of Independence.

Brown emigrated to Jamaica, then a British colony, and became an brutal and feared slave owner on the sugar plantations that were the mainstay of the island’s economy.

He was a vocal opponent of the abolition of slavery across the British Empire in 1832. He was proudly pro-slavery and hated the British abolitionist William Wilberforce who brought in a Slave Registry Bill to stop the trading of slaves.

When slavery was finally outlawed, Brown received approximately $11 million in today’s money in compensation from the British government to free his slaves, according to records held by University College London.

Some things don’t change and in 2024 Kamala and the Democrats are determined to keep the black people on the plantation.

They are also determined to keep their links to the Pizzagate conspiracy under lock and key.

Unfortunately for the creeps and pederasts at the heart of the Democrat party, the people are not going to let that happen.

Kamala Harris’s sister, Maya is connected to Tony Podesta and James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong.

Maya was a senior policy adviser for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and she hosted a “pizza” themed fundraiser for Hillary’s campaign with Tony Podesta, John Podesta and James Alefantis.

Tony Podesta who is best known for his pedophilic and Satanic art including a gold statue depicting one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s decapitated victims, ordering pizza for “an hour”, and for having, in his own words, a “torture chamber” in his house.

Tony has also bragged about remaining close with former speaker of the house Dennis Hastert – after he was exposed as a serial child rapist.

Meanwhile, John Podesta is best known for the cannibal art in his Hillary campaign office, his dream of having a “hotdog stand in Hawaii”, and his evil alter-ego who goes by the name “Skippy”.

You don’t want to know about the “Father” video; however, if you have the stomach for it, here is a small portion of the disturbing recording in which he demands his victim call him Skippy.

James Alefantis is best known for running Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant that holds events with bands that promote child rape and child sacrifice.

Before it was exposed, his entire Instagram page featured many posts sexually exploiting children using well-known pedophile terms such as “chicken lovers”.

Tony may have his “torture chamber” but James posted a photo of what his pals called a “kill room”.

Since Pizzagate broke in 2016, the mainstream media has gone to great lengths to convince you that Comet does not have a basement

However, in an interview with Metro Weekly in 2015, Alefantis said they store their tomatoes for Comet “in the basement.”

Sorry guys, the internet is forever and we the people will not forgive and forget your crimes.

Marco Polo released an e-mail about the “pizza” fundraiser Maya hosted from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Note from the e-mail how proud they were to incorporate pizza into an H logo for Hillary’s event.

Wikileaks also released an e-mail about the event where Tony wrote to John that Maya will be there.

These people are sick and it’s time for the world to wake up.

The details sound like fiction from a horror movie but they are not. As you have seen, we have the receipts to back all of it up.

This is important information that exposes the dark heart of the Harris political family that has been rapidly rising in DC circles in recent years.

The Harris’s involvement with Pizzagate is precisely why Kamala is vice president and has been selected by the elite to replace their last reprobate-in-chief.

Pizzagate explains why Hillary Clinton made it as far as she did.

It also explains why Obama was selected to be POTUS.

And Biden and his disgraced son Hunter have their own scandals to rival Pizzagate – which is why he was selected in his dotage to serve as the most obvious puppet president in the history of the global elite.

It’s an exclusive “club”. All of them need to be exposed and punished accordingly.


These are critical times and here at TPV we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before its too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the channel and joining the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team. I hope to see you there.

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