Groundbreaking scientific research from Korea has revealed the Big Pharma-Global elite nexus has even tighter grip on the human race than previously understood.
The research out of Korea has revealed that bodies of vaccinated people contain billions of mRNA vaccine nanorobots that can be switched on and off to control a host of bodily functions including the chemicals that control emotions, sex drive, and appetite.
According to Korean scientists, the mRNA nanotechnology appears to even have the capacity to switch off maternal instincts and even “program death” for the vaccinated host.
It sounds like a plot from a science fiction horror film. An evil overlord injecting humans with nanoparticles that form a microscopic army, taking over minds and bodies, all controlled remotely by hidden “smart devices.”
Now that’s a terrifying scenario, but thankfully, it’s just a movie plot. Or is it?
Leading Korean scientists have made a shocking discovery. Through extensive lab research, they found that Moderna and Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine vials contain millions of magnetic graphene nanoparticles.
These particles can self-assemble into white fibrous clots. Some of these clots grow up to three feet long. And they move, like snakes.
If you’re skeptical about whether “nanoparticles” can be controlled electronically, think again.
Researchers at MIT have already demonstrated this with three different electronic devices. These devices use multiple steps to achieve superconductivity—allowing electricity to flow without resistance through a unique mechanism.
Their findings, published in the May issue of Nature Nanotechnology, reveal that a specific “magic-angled graphene” is among the most versatile superconducting materials.
This special angle is made up of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in hexagons. Research into this type of nanoparticle began back in 2004 and has advanced to the point where it can now conduct both heat and electricity.
This takes us back to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine nanotech and all the strange fibrous clots embalmers across the globe are finding in Covid-vaccinated corpses that died from “sudden and unexplained” causes, including heart failure, strokes and autoimmune blistering disease.
Korean scientists found that mRNA vaccine vials belonging to Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech contain these self-assembling nanoparticles
Using long-range and large volume switches that manipulate magnetic fields, researchers at South Korea’s Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have proven that scientists can use Nano-MIND (Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics) technology to control the appetite, maternal instincts and emotions of mice remotely.
Is it just another coincidence? Vaccines, according to the mainstream media, are the world’s leading cause of coincidences.
Well, the scientists don’t think so.
This means entire populations of vaxxed individuals can be controlled remotely, without the need for invasive brain surgery.
If you’re not impressed yet, realize now that scientists connected to Big Pharma giant Moderna have been boasting behind closed doors about this nanotechnology for at least ten years.
Let’s take a look at a 2013 presentation delivered by Israeli scientist Dr. Ido Bachelet from Bar-Ilan University boasting about the development of programmable nanorobots thanks to funding from Pfizer.
This is not science fiction.
Let that sink in for a minute when thinking about the strange behavior and weird things happening to the Covid-jabbed sheeple all over the world.
Ask yourself: was the entire Covid plandemic the beginning of the biggest mind control psy-op ever carried out in the history of humanity?
Will mRNA-vaxxed humans agree to eat ze bugs and lab-grown meat because they are surprised to find they are simply not very hungry suddenly?
Could it be that billions of NPCs who received the COVID gene therapy injections might suddenly lose what is left of their minds, perhaps when Trump wins in November, and start attacking each other like zombies?
Or, will the 5G towers around the globe send signals to the spike proteins injected into these people, causing them to clump together and form clots, leading to a mass die-off of humans—just as Bill Gates predicted at an infamous TED conference two decades ago?
The global elite’s agenda has been hiding in plain sight for decades, giving us the chance to expose and dismantle their plans before they come to fruition.
As Klaus Schwab’s mentor Henry Kissinger said, if you control the food supply you control the people.
Farmers in the Netherlands were the first to feel the effects of the global elite’s icy grip and now we are experiencing the same terror in the US and the rest of the Western world.
This is the plan. They want to replace debt slavery with virtue slavery and new generation mRNA vaccines, Digital IDs and global psy-ops are at the heart of the agenda to enslave humanity.
As renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough explains, Covid mRNA shots alter the DNA of recipients… and the DNA of their offspring.
In other words, for those who were not awake during the plandemic, it may be too late to extricate themselves from the control matrix.
McCullough reveals that an explosive study has been almost totally censored across social media platforms, despite the dramatic impact that its findings could have on public health.
The study documents how mRNA gene therapy vaccines such as the Covid shots permanently alter the genetics of the vaccinated. Children born to vaccinated individuals are also affected via the insertion of mRNA into the human DNA.
As McCollough explained to an audience this week, “As we sit here today we have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.”
The elite have no respect for medical consent.
Reckless isn’t the best adjective. Genocidal is closer to the truth.
In their relentless drive to crush the human soul and create an enslaved race of transhumanist hybrids, the elite are prepared to play god because, as this channel exposed last year, they literally believe they are gods.
But the blasphemy doesn’t stop there.
The World Economic Forum are working with Pope Francis on a fact-checked version of the Bible which is set to contain updated versions of classical Biblical tales, including Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood.
Except in their twisted, Satanic version, the global “elite” will escape an upcoming global mass-extinction event courtesy of a “technological Noah’s Ark.”
According to Harari, so-called “elites” will shield themselves from planetary catastrophes while the vast majority of humanity is condemned the death.
These are critical times and here at TPV we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before its too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the channel on Rumble and joining the People’s Voice Locals community to be part of our amazing team. I hope to see you there.
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