George Kavassilas claims that he has been contacted by a highly advanced extraterrestrial organization called the “Universal Space Council” that was instrumental in the spiritual and technological transformation of a fleet of three US Navy Secret Space Program vessels that departed in the 1990s for interstellar exploration.
During their nearly three-decades-long mission, the Navy SSP craft and the three admirals met many extraterrestrial civilizations. Due to their highly ethical approach, they met like-minded groups who introduced the Navy commanders to advanced technologies and philosophies.
After meeting the Universal Space Council, which is connected to Galactic and Intergalactic Intelligences, the Navy SSP fleet underwent a radical ethical and spiritual transformation. The admirals and their staffs became Jedi-like spiritual warriors.
After decades of exploration, technological development, and spiritual transformation, the Jedi Admirals have returned to our solar system and are accompanied by the Universal Space Council. The Jedi Admirals are now interacting with the rest of the US Navy’s SSP (aka Solar Warden) and with global military and government authorities.
Finally, Kavassails received notification that he would soon be returned to active duty with the Navy SSP and would work directly with the Jedi Admirals and the USC to bring out full disclosure on Earth.
Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael Salla
George Kavassilas website is:
By Michael Salla, Ph.D.
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The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and the Return of Jedi Admirals
Written by Dr Michael Salla on October 5, 2024
The US Navy began developing a Secret Space Program in the 1950s with the assistance of human-looking extraterrestrials embedded within top aerospace companies such as Douglas Aircraft, Rockwell, and TRW. After two decades of R & D on antigravity, nuclear fusion, and torsion field propulsion systems, the first prototype spacecraft were deployed in the late 1970s using retrofitted nuclear attack submarines. In the 1980s, up to eight operational fleets comprising space carriers, cruisers, and destroyers were deployed in the Solar Warden SSP.
In the 1990s, three of the US Navy SSP craft left for interstellar diplomatic mission involving exploration and contact with advanced extraterrestrials civilizations. Three exceptional Navy admirals were allegedly part of this special diplomatic mission. The interstellar fleet first encountered a positive extraterrestrial group, which assisted the Navy SSP in meeting other benevolent extraterrestrials societies leading to upgraded technologies and knowledge for the small space fleet. Later, as the consciousness of the crew expanded, they were introduced to a highly advanced extraterrestrial group called the Universal Space Council.
The final result of these decades long interactions led to the admirals and crews of the Navy SSP becoming enlightened Jedi warriors. According to two sources, George Kavassilas and Alex Collier, the Navy’s interstellar fleet has recently returned to help humanity overcome the last vestiges of Deep State control. Their return has upended the planetary control system and is leading to profound changes in the way SSPs operates from Earth and its secret colonies. JP, a recently retired US Army serviceman, has direct first- hand experiences of off-world missions impacted by these dramatic new developments.
This 5-hour webinar includes: Presentation by Dr. Michael Salla on the origins & history of the US Navy’s SSP. (2hr)
Panel featuring contactees George Kavassilas, Alex Collier & JP (2hr)
Q and A (45min)
Webinar Date: October 19, 2024 at 3 pm EDT/ 12 noon PDT
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