The fake Maui wildfires were orchestrated by the globalist elite to poison our air, water, and soil, and redistribute property into the hands of the elite, according to a World Economic Forum insider who warns that “Build back better” literally means destroying things first and then rebuilding according to New World Order plans.
The World Economic Forum is using Maui as Ground Zero to launch a devastating attack on the people, which has laid the groundwork for the rapid reconstruction of the island into 15 minute cities designed to lock down ordinary people in vast outdoor prisons from which there will be no escape.
This evil plan has been in the works for years, and now we are seeing it play out in all its grisly details before our very eyes.
Why Are There So Many Fires? Dr. David Martin Unveils What He Thinks Is Behind It
What The Media Won't Tell You About the Maui Fires (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons Decode link in description
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