September 11, 2023
Desperate KM try to seduce Bharat with ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister, US President
(Second Part of the Above Article)
If the US CORP does implode, we shall all know by mid-October. With its collapse will come the end of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the WHO, the UN Security Council, etc.
As mentioned in previous newsletters, the plan to use the emergency broadcast system on October 4th to broadcast a message to all TVs, radios and portable devices in the US is a sign some sort of black swan event is likely then. The question is will it be the white hats or the KM who control any emergency that is declared?
There are many signs a vicious battle over just this is taking place behind the scenes. As a part of it, the head of MI6 says that James Bond 007 types have been sent out to deal with three high-level KM honchos. For operational security reasons, we are not allowed to publish their names.
The KM for its part is also desperately trying to kill independent journalists, disobedient politicians, etc. One prominent victim may be the journalist Jim Stone who posted the following before his site stopped renewing:
“I am obviously in deep trouble…So I am going to post my ‘fuckit page’ that I have been thinking about doing, ALL OF US are done for if “they” pulled the shit they just pulled, it won’t just be me.” Recently postings have reappeared on his page, but judging from the content, it looks like typical KM identity theft. I hope I am wrong.
Another example is the Mossad-linked site DEBKA shutting down after its founder and chief editor Giora Shamis “passed away.”
This writer has also been warned by various sources to take extra caution because attacks on truth-based journalists are intensifying.
This is part of a campaign to replace truth activists with hopium pushers.
One example we checked out is Michael Baxter of Real Raw News. He always writes about the Judge Advocate General at Guantanamo Bay having people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi hung. Overall his feel good reports say: “The good guys are winning so, relax and go back to drinking beer and watching porn.”
After failed attempts to contact him, we called the JAG Public Affairs Officer in DC to ask about Baxter. They pointed us to the site CYF is a for-profit subsidiary wholly owned by The Daily Caller, Inc. This is funded by META. We know who that is… Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller et al.
The rabbit hole runs deep.
What all this means is the time between now and mid-October will be especially dangerous.
In addition to assassinations, the KM, like vicious cornered beasts, are using every other weapon in their arsenal: weather weapons, DEWs, propaganda lies, bribery, blackmail etc. in a desperate bid to stay in power and avoid war crimes trials.
They are also intensifying efforts to take guns away from the people. Governor Gavin Newsom is trying to push through amendments to the U.S. Constitution, one of which would severely neuter the Second Amendment or the right to bear arms.
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is trying to ban guns while saying the US Constitution is “not absolute.” A CIA source says “I know her, she is a total KM-WEF-controlled minion.”
The KM are trying to take guns away because their puppet leaders Macron, Trudeau, Biden etc, cannot appear in public without being booed and attacked. They know it is only a matter of time before someone tries to shoot them.
This is especially true now that one of the KMs’ most successful weapons so far, -the bio-warfare pandemic and vaccine mass murder attempt- has failed.
The WHO has been trying to start up a new COVID fear campaign but only one out of 10 (20 out of 194) member countries is bothering to provide COVID hospitalization data to them this time. In other words, the boy who cried pandemic wolf is now being ignored.
As a result, the KM is being forced to use mannequins to portray people dying of Covid in hospitals again – More fear porn.
Their lies are also becoming increasingly obvious and ridiculous. For example, they just announced Jill Biden “tested positive for Covid.” Then right after, they announced new Covid booster shots are set to be rolled out.
In another example, the Bill Gates-funded WHO is now saying mass vaccinations will be necessary to address the effects of “climate change,”
People are now finally resisting in meaningful ways. South Carolina, for example, is the latest state to say it will not comply with the COVID mandates.
Also, the 5th Circuit Court has ruled that the Biden administration, the FBI & the CDC all violated the First Amendment by colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans. (45 seconds).
To help, please show this photograph to anybody you know who is brainwashed enough to start putting a face diaper on again. During slavery, slaves were forced to wear masks as to symbolically mark them as not having a voice and to be owned and under the control of another person.
As things stand, Africans appear to have more rights vis a vis the pharmacidical companies than Americans. For example, Pfizer is now compensating victims of its drug tests in Nigeria.
How about victims of its vaccine drug tests on hundreds of millions of people in the G7 etc.?
The situation has reached the point where even US President Donald “warp speed” Trump is calling for vaccine safety tests. Better late than never.
That is not enough. As Jewish liberation activist Dr. Henry Makow notes “reality show actor” Trump admits he was “not allowed to fire” Anthony Fauci.
Trump does not say who did “not allow him” to fire Fauci. However, if he was really Commander in Chief of the US military then surely he could have sent special forces to execute the mass murderer Fauci. While they were at it, they could have also gone after other mass murderers like Bill Gates, the WHOs’ Tedros and Klaus Schwab of the WEF. Trump promises this time it will be different. If he is serious, he needs to go after him and other mass murderers like him.
If you think that is too much, Dr. David Martin uses the criminal’s own words to expose the medical genocide for everyone to see.
If you still don’t think Schwab Rothschild is a menace, watch him order government leaders to cooperate with the WEF or face losing power and influence. Schwab boasts that under his system, corporate elites will craft policies for sovereign countries
The attempt to revive the pandemic is coming because the KM climate change fear campaign is blowing up in their faces.
This is especially true in Maui. Almost nobody believes the fires there were natural. Now the military has moved in and begun making arrests.
The weather warfare is now apparently being directed elsewhere. In the past week, catastrophic and seemingly unnatural floods have hit Greece, Turkey, Hong Kong, China, etc.
This appears to be part of a failing campaign to use “climate change” as the new fear porn to terrorize the people into submission.
This is failing because scientists are coming out to expose how they either follow the narrative or are erased. A good example can be found in the article below by a scientist who says he managed to get published in Nature only by hiding the truth. That’s not the way science should work.
An angry German reaction to climate protesters illustrates how this campaign is going.
Germans are fed up with climate protesters
There is also evidence of earthquake weapons being used around the world although the epicenters make it seem it is white hat operations against KM DUMBS.
The one that just hit Morocco had its epicenter in a remote area of the High Atlas Mountains. This is near Marrakesh, which is due to host the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in early October.
Other earthquakes in the same 24 period hit New Zealand, Northern California and Indonesia.
The one in Indonesia may be related to reports Indonesia is buying nuclear weapons from Israel.
CIA sources say all the earthquakes have epicenters 10 kilometers below the surface, indicating DUMBS were being destroyed.
The other thing that is being destroyed at last is the Anti-Defamation League.
See how Elon Musk blows their leader Alan Greenblatt away.
By the way, even though Musk appears to be a cabal white hat these days, his business model is doomed. As evidence, take a look at this invoice to replace the battery on a low-end electric car after only 70,000 miles: 30,000 dollars!
Musk problems aside, a Mossad source points out “Everyone knows the ADL is a corrupt mafioso type of nonprofit that hides behind ‘anti-Semitism’ to literally control the language people use, also to control political narratives.
A Clip from the 90s surfaces detailing how the ADL was caught red-handed creating fake Nazi groups to justify their existence & raise money.
CIA sources say the outing of the ADL is one of many signs some sort of fundamental power shift has already taken place in the US.
This brings us back to Kamala Harris. She told the Asians last week that an important part of her job is the fact that she “may have to take over” if President Biden is unable to complete his term in office — and that she’s ready to do so if required.
Harris also said “We will win the election. There’s too much at stake and the American people know it.” This is because they know Biden is toast.
However, as mentioned above, putting Harris on as US Presidential actor is not going to be enough to pacify either the world or the American people.
The North Koreans and Asian secret societies are saying that if the US is not returned to the American people, and Japan to the Japanese people in October, they will take very serious action in East Asia.
The North Koreans have traded large amounts of artillery shells for a state-of-the-art Russian submarine equipped with 10 intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, North Korean sources say. They say they will disperse their population underground and into the countryside and prepare to annihilate Washington DC. New York and Silicon Valley unless the Americans end their occupation of Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.
This will be accompanied by a mobilization of the Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese and Korean underworld, police, military and the non-compromised bureaucracy, the sources say.
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