Central Banks totally in charge without competition
Simply put, the bankers control government in almost every country. This has been the case ever since the formation of the Federal Reserve Central Bank in 1913, and in Europe centuries before. Their grip was further solidified with the removal of the gold standard in 1971. For the most part, the public believes that governments receive money via the taxes collected from its citizens. This money in turn, so it is believed, is what pays for all of the services and programs needed to keep a country functioning. But, this is not the case at all. Instead, not one penny paid to the government by the people actually pays for any service or program.
The money collected from citizens goes directly to the privately owned Central Banks. This is the way central banks actually work; The Central Bank loans money to, and buys the debts of the government. But, the banks do not really have the money they borrow, so when they need it, they just print more. The money that they print is not worth anything because there is nothing backing it. In the past the United States Dollar was backed through the so-called “Gold Standard” and that was what determined the value of the currency.
The business model of Central Banksters is control. They put governments into debt to control them by creating fake currency and loaning it to the government who then have to listen to what the banksters say. Otherwise they go after the real assets and that is the reason why governments and the populace are put into debt on a massive scale.
The central banks don’t want to give up this control mechanism, they insist on maintaining their debt-based control system. The entire economic system has been breaking down since 2008. The banks created an illusion to make everyone believe the economy has recovered, but as is now known and seen by many, it did not.
The same central banks are getting ready to bring down the economy, but they first need someone to blame. However, they have started announcing that it may happen as soon as this year.
Pre-programmed for Manipulation and Deception
The average citizen has been programmed to trust the government. It starts with their grade school civics books, and continues through college courses on “political science,” where youngsters are pre-programmed to be perceptible for manipulate and deception. Sure, everyone knows governments make mistakes and are occasionally clumsy. But the average person actually thinks government is their friend.
This is why they’re perfectly willing to give up privacy for convenience. They think their interests are in the hands of competent, good willing, and good-natured people. But that’s not the case at all.
Government is an entity with its own interests. It’s like a parasite or a predator that is living off society at large. This trend will likely continue until there’s a crisis.
The current banking system is very dysfunctional. It’s politicised and distorted, while today’s “too big to fail” institutions are already practically twisted arms of the State. This are horrible practises materialised by paying management mega millions, by socialising the losses.
Banks have historically provided two financial services; the storage and the brokerage of money. Money was a commodity, not just an accounting fiction. It was a floating abstraction. This distinction has already been lost with checking accounts that pay interest, and “fractional reserve” policies with currency created from nothing. But people would truly live in dreamland if the Central Bank truly became everyone’s bank. For now, the Central Bank is totally in charge of interest rates and all lending policies, without any competition.
Mounting Debts and Printing Money
In order to deal with mounting debts and the printing of money to pay for dozens of new social programs, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made in 1933, two extraordinary changes to the financial system. First, he closed banks for four days and forced Americans to turn in and exchange each ounce of gold they owned for $20.67 in paper money. Then the government raised the price of gold, wiping out 69% of the savings of anyone who followed these rules.
But that was only the beginning. Roosevelt also eliminated the “gold clause” in all contracts, including loans, bonds, and other financial instruments. At the time, people became worried the government might inflate away the value of their money. So they added a gold clause, which stated; repayments could be required to be made in gold.
These gold clauses were in federal loans, bank deposits, insurance contracts, and other private agreements. When Roosevelt outlawed the gold clause, he stole billions from investors. In fact, a Harvard paper estimates this rule took $700 million a year in 1933 dollars from private investors who bought government bonds.
Billions more were stolen from people who lost money from the elimination of the gold clause in private contracts, bank accounts, and insurance deals. Eliminating the gold clause was so controversial that investors sued the government. The case went to the Supreme Court. Roosevelt was terrified his Debt Jubilee would be overturned. He even drafted a speech saying he would ignore the court if it ruled against him.
Ultimately, his political pressure worked and the court ruled 5-4 in Roosevelt’s favour. Of course, there were consequences; Tens of millions of people lost massive amounts of their savings. And after booming, the stock market soon fell 50% in a single year. Investor confidence was crushed.
A major financial crisis was brewing. The government and individuals had borrowed exorbitant sums of money and many had a hard time repaying creditors, because at that time every dollar was required to be backed by $0.25 worth of gold. Consequently, the government couldn’t print unlimited amounts of money out of thin air.
Foreign creditors who owned U.S. government bonds were allowed to collect repayments in gold bullion, instead of dollars, so gold reserves were quickly disappearing. From 1958 to 1968, 52% of America’s gold reserves left the country in the form of repayments for US-debts. The government was scared. It knew there was only one way out; another Debt Jubilee. First they eliminated the 25% gold-backing of every dollar. Then, in 1971, President Richard Nixon completely defaulted on the US promise to pay gold for dollars to foreign creditors.
It was the Central Bank who put the post-1971 fake dollar in place when Nixon cut the dollar’s final connection to gold. And it was this fake dollar that turned America from the world’s biggest creditor to the world’s biggest debtor; and turned it from having the world’s biggest trade surplus to the world’s biggest trade deficit.
This turnaround destroyed breadwinner jobs, leaving the baby boomer generation with declining real income, part-time jobs, and no surpluses to save money. Finally, it was the Fed, with its ultra-low interest rates below inflation, that made saving money uncool, unprofitable, and unnecessary.
The question arises; how will bigger deficits reduce federal debt? How will the spending of real resources on phony wars make people safer or better off? Clearly this is going to end in chaos, if nothing is undertaken to stop this.
The Central Banks kept the system running longer for the purpose of bringing the world into the one world government. For the same reason, all countries have to be brought down equally to the lowest standard of living in order to create a equal level playing field for integration into the NWO system. Fortunately, the cabal became interrupted in their obscure plans through the election of Trump. Their plans began to fall apart when Hillary was not elected.
Figure Way Out of Own Trap
Now, Central banks are working hard to implode the economy in order to blame it on someone else, because, they need control over the narrative. That is why the economy is pushed to the edge.
However, the patriots have a different plan, to make it seem as though the President is allowing the economy to get back on track, and is doing better than ever. They just had to raise interest rates again, which puts even more pressure on the banks. Things are heating up while the wheels are falling off. They are trying to figure a way out of this trap, even though it has become very difficult, as they have been raising interest rates to keep their system afloat!
The public are becoming aware that the cabal economic model has caused more mistakes than ever before. It encouraged people to spend and borrow money that they didn’t have. Every time the market tried to make a correction, central bankers came in with more freshly printed money and even easier credit facilities.
Companies that should have gone bankrupt long ago were kept alive to push themselves deeper into debt. Homeowners, also continued to take on more debt. And speculators made bigger and bigger gambles. The bubble in the financial sector – including subprime debt, and real estate grew larger every day. Bonuses, and derivatives exploded in 2007/8 and thereafter again.
“The strength of a correction is equal and opposite to the deception that preceded it.”
The fallacies and absurdities of the 2008 bubble era were monstrous and repeated again. Accordingly, corrections become more intrusive. International equity markets almost halved in value after 2008 and multiplied again. Real estate prices went down almost universally and multiplied again. The total loss of nominal assets was estimated at $50 trillion in 2008 US dollars; that will now be multiple times higher!
Could these losses have been avoided? Certainly, many of them could have been avoided, if financial authorities had never disrupted the mortgage markets as they did.
If the Federal Reserve and Central Banks had not been created, they could never have provided so much money to speculators and borrowers.
Once credit bubbles are pushed to the limit, – as is happening nowadays – they will always burst and deflate – called deflation – resulting in a sudden tightening of money supply (credit), as huge amounts of debt are written off and financial assets plummet as markets crash, which is happening nowadays; that effectively is Schumpeter’s, “creative destruction”.
For more than two centuries, no one could figure out the truly honest value of anything. Criminal Central Banksters, Crooks and Robber Barons manipulated absolutely everything for their purposes.
How can the true value of something be ascertained? The answer is simple: “what the market will bear”, or “supply and demand”, which is the underlying principle of free market value. Free markets determine the value of everything.
To be clear: the people’s greatest enemy has destroyed itself, the current debt is too high, so globally the financial fiat money system is going down, to be replaced by the QFS.
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Money has everyone’s interest; be helpful by spreading this article widely. Everyone needs to know how and why they are being enslaved and robbed of their hard-earned money by the system.
The more people understand this fraud and injustice, the sooner the Deep State Cabal is defeated. Our freedom must be fought from below.
Prepare Yourself for 5-Digit Silver Price and a Gold price over 50.000 per ounce
Advice: Store your precious metals in own possession, and refrain from Crypto currencies.
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