We live in dark times. Many pro-abortionists have become demonic vessels of occult hostile forces. They talk about “a woman’s right to choose” but can’t even define what a woman is these days because of Woke "political correctness."
Planned Parenthood and the whole abortion industry is also a billion-dollar industry for organ and fetus harvesting. On an occult level, they are child sacrifice rituals to the “gods” going back to ancient Babylon times.
There is a lot of emotional loosh being triggered on all sides regarding the abortion topic and the recent Supreme Court ruling in the US. However, it is a far deeper issue than just "my body my choice" and goes way beyond left vs. right on a political level and beyond any Constitutional rights or any dogmatic religious views.
It's a feeding ground for occult hostile forces right now. Watch your triggers, and emotional reactions, and stay grounded. It’s a good opportunity to do shadow work if one has the self-awareness to do it and understands how to do it.
The real issue in this dark age of materialism [and obsession with the physical body] is the distortion and misuse/abuse of sexual energy which is also one of the underlying mechanisms of the Matrix Control System to keep humanity enslaved [out of their own free will choice.]
It is based on the normalization and promotion of “casual sex” and just following “sexual desires” [without questioning where they come from] and lower desires [lust] in the tinder hookup culture, OnlyFans girls, porn, the sexualization of children, etc., and a complete lack of holistic sexual education [and I don't mean the demonic Woke-type groomer education].
Our entire western culture has become extremely sexualized.
Sex sells!
It's the lowest common dominator and the vast majority of humans are easily manipulated by tagging into their unconscious [and conscious] base-line sexual urges.
It’s also based on the denial of the spiritual world and at some point, it’s not just a “woman’s body” anymore when she is pregnant with a child. It’s two living beings and It’s not just dead flesh until birth after 9 months.
Before any libs or pro-choice folks jump on me, know that I’m against any form of government control when it comes to pro-abortion or pro-life. Just like I don’t want anyone telling me to get the vaxx. You do whatever you want to do, but as for anything in life, there are consequences based on the immutable universal law of cause and effect.
The pro-choice vs. pro-life issue goes way deeper than any state or federal ruling. It’s about questioning our entire attitude towards and beliefs about, love, sex, and relationships and bringing back the sacredness when it comes to sex.
On a most basic level, it is about responsibility. True freedom of choice requires a level of self-responsibility most people are not able to embrace or even capable of.
Here are some challenging (or even triggering) suggestions:
-Only have sex with someone you could imagine spending your life with and the other person with you.
-Get to know someone very well before even having sex. And I mean a few months, not just days or a couple of weeks.
-Only have sex if you are in a committed relationship based on love.
-Only have sex for pleasure when the woman is not ovulating which is only a few days a month. No pill, no condom needed. And yes men, pull out in time and/or learn non-ejaculatory orgasms.
-Definitely don’t have sex under the influence of drugs and alcohol otherwise you’ll potentially bring in other entities and "something else" takes over your body.
-Most of all, control your sexual urges. I don’t mean suppressing them [bad idea] but sexual energy is creative energy. It can be expressed in many other ways way beyond the physical act of sex.
-Stop watching porn
-Work on your traumas and childhood wounds. Most hyper-sexual women and men have been sexually abused as children.
-Be mindful of what media you consume and how your lower nature and sexual desires get triggered and how easy it is to manipulate you by occult forces you are not aware of.
-For example, as a man, how easily are you distracted by a “hot chick” who sexualizes herself on social media to feed off of the attention…and the next thing you know, you end up on PornHub, releasing your sexual urge and giving your vital energy away to forces you are not aware of.
Or as a woman, do you tend to use your sexual energy, body, and physical appearance to gain more attention or even a "provider"?
Both questions can be substituted for the other gender. [Note: There are still only two genders: male and female]
My intention is not to shame or judge anyone. These are just some questions for self-reflection in light of deeper Spiritual and Psychological Work.
All this misuse of sexual energy and media programming in an over-sexualized culture contributes to “unwanted” pregnancies and abortions. Young men and women are being programmed with sexual desires and body images that are pathological and don't resemble reality. It also starts right at home with the parents.
The sexual pathologies of the Woke are also contributing to that misery and normalizing of sexual pathologies. It's by design for they have been taken over by Wetiko.
The “free love” hippy movement with the advent of the pill and contraception pushed sexuality to the other extreme where anything goes anytime with anyone.
There is a direct link between contraception and the rise of abortions over the past 50 years. As William Newton wrote:
"The most fundamental reason why contraception fosters abortion is that contraception changes the meaning of sex, and not just in this or that act of sexual intercourse, but in the consciousness of whole cultures…in a word, it trivializes sex. Trivial sex, in turn, leads inevitably to unwanted pregnancies, which inexorably leads to abortion."
I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with contraception. Again, it's your and anyone's free will choice. But it has an effect on the "sexual consciousness" of the culture in detrimental ways when looking at it from occult, spiritual, and psychological perspectives and rendering sex down to just recreational pleasure.
The New Age and neo-Tantra movement along with polyamory have also distorted the true meaning and practice of Tantra which is way beyond sex, achieving “orgasmic bliss” and is just most often "spiritualizing" sex addiction....and on and on it goes.
These are just my 2 cents and food for thought on a very big topic. There is way more to it all...and we have a long way to go.
The pro-life vs pro-choice issue is just a superficial surface symptom of a much bigger issue going all the way back of having lost our connection to the Divine and what it means to be a soul-embodied human being.
Regarding love, relationships, and sex, here are some articles for your consideration:
Much love,
Bernhard Guenther
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