In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Sunday, December 15, 2024

How To Pray Effectively Against Forces of Great Evil

The children of the Most High have been robbed of their power and authority, by the forces of evil. People of light and truth have been told they have to be on the defense and never on the offense. Hiding in a corner and praying to be safe, instead of marching forward with great power and taking out the demonic giants from the land.

There has been great infiltration of the Church worldwide, in an attempt to spread demonic mindsets that cripple and disempower those who have the true power and authority.

In this message I want to send out a declaration of truth that will restore the true warriors back to their God given place of authority, so we can take out the forces of darkness. This will offend some and shock others, but it needs to be revealed.

In the Scriptures we read abundantly how the ancient prophets and apostles struck people with death, because they committed grave sins against the Creator. Several passages describe even the sudden death of entire armies of the wicked. Or vast numbers of soldiers being struck with blindness. Or earthquakes happening, opening chasms in the earth that swallowed large masses of people.

There are many historic accounts of severe judgment coming upon those, who chose evil and darkness, and experienced the immediate result of their choice: destruction.

The result was always that great fear and trembling came upon the people, who knew they’d better not play games with the Almighty. 

In modern times the Church has been “pussy catted”, by which I mean we have been mind controlled to believe God is a soft sissy, a silly sucker, a giant fool, one who never does anything terrifying. The One who strikes fear in the hearts of the demons, has been reduced to a fluffy teddy bear, by the modern day believers. We have lost the terror of the One who can destroy both body and soul. 

Why? Because we have become professional people pleasers. We value popularity over God's power, the praise of men over the pursuit of God's glory. As a result the knights have put down their armor, and the dragons cheered. The fire was extinguished and the light was dimmed. The heat of the fury of God was reduced and a comfortable climate control was put in place.

The ones who are called to execute judgment on the forces of evil who terrorize humanity, have rejected their calling and fell asleep at the feet of the Dragon.

For years I have heard and felt the call to change this. I had experiences where sudden and fierce judgement came upon people, who stubbornly chose darkness and evil, in the face of good… and they lost their life. Not by the hand of man. I won’t go too deep into this right now, but I want to lift the tip of the veil...

Several years ago I was in deep prayer and the power of the Almighty began to work in me. When we truly surrender in whole hearted worship, we can encounter the One who made the heavens and the earth, and the power that created all things starts to work in us. It is then that mighty wonders take place and great shifts happen, as a result of our prayer. It’s not just words anymore, but the engagement of the greatest forces in the universe, that change everything.

At that moment I felt a great surge of power inside of me and as I lifted my hands, I felt inclined to declare judgment on the satanic family of the Rothschilds, who are behind most of the worst evils in this world (see this post). 

In that supernatural moment of intense prayer I did something I had never done before: I released the angel of death upon the Rothschilds. The scriptures mention this angel to be among the mighty ones who are in the presence of the Almighty. Not all angels are pudding babies with fluffy wings. Many are terrifying beings that strike intense terror in the hearts of men, when we even look upon them. They are unspeakably powerful warriors.

As I prayed to release the angel of death over the satanic family that has been inflicting indescribable horrors on humanity, I felt an unusual rush of supernatural energy of the Creator throughout my entire body. I knew something significant had just happened. A few days later the news headlines stated that the head of the Rothschilds banking dynasty had suddenly died, at the age of 56.

Was that the result of what I had prayed? There is no way to prove this. But I know something happened, that is of a dimension the church has lost long ago. Something described in abundance in the Scriptures. A reality of the divine authority of the children of God, who are not called to be cowards and traitors, losers and wimps, suckers and whiners.

When faced with demons that destroy mankind, we are not to withdraw, hide and cry. There is a sword given into the hands of the righteous to execute divine judgment over evil. It is the sword of prayer and declaration in the spirit. When the Almighty agrees with what we pray, the unthinkable will happen and deliverance comes to the people.

When I see what is happening, for example in Romania, that the demons in the government, the serpents in the courts, the liars in the media, and the wolves in law enforcement are all joining in canceling an election that would have turned the tide for the Romanian people, I don’t sit down and sigh. I don’t shake my head in frustration. I don’t turn my back and bend down a little more.

No. I rise up in prayer. I declare judgment of the Most High. I release fire on them. I cry for war, of heaven against hell. I am not here to be an idiot who allows demons to have their way. I am here to raise a banner of justice and deliverance for the people who suffer under the cruel and merciless claws of Satanists.

No, I won’t give the religious ones fifty verses from the Bible to prove this point. We all have eyes to read and Bibles to open. Nobody needs to take our baby hand and show us where the milk is. We are mature enough to read what is in plain sight all throughout the Scriptures.

There is one verse I want to quote though. It is the following:

“Don’t you know that we will judge angels and powers of this world?” (1 Corinthians 6:3)

Don’t you know this?

The author was amazed they didn’t know.

How can they not know this?

I want to call all true people of faith, all those who know what it is to lay down our pride and self suffiency, our arrogance and ignorance, and who know the glorious sensation of humbling ourselves to the core of our being before the Eternal One, in sincere surrender and worship… to learn this basic principle of spirituality:

The sons of the Almighty are the ones who carry his sword. The children of the Most High are called to execute his judgments. Psalms 149 is clear:

“May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands,

to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,

to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,

to carry out the sentence written against them—
this is the glory of all his faithful people.”

Our prayers should strike fear in the hearts of the dark realm. Our worship should send shockwaves of destruction throughout the dimensions of evil. Our declarations should take out the rulers of wickedness.

I extend this ancient truth to all those who have a heart that can comprehend it.

We don’t do this in our own name. We don’t stand in our own authority, for we have none. We don’t exalt ourselves. We humble our hearts and are lifted up in the great name of the one who has all the authority in heaven and on earth, he who gave his life to save the human race from the powers of darkness. He who rose from the depths of hades to be seated on the throne of eternal victory: Jesus the Christ.

If you understand this, then take this message into your inner room and ask for guidance and wisdom on how to use this authority, so the children will be delivered, the wicked will be cast down, and the world will be healed.

Use your authority. Release the fire. Execute judgment. Establish righteousness. Let the heavens and the earth hear the shouts of deliverance all around the world.

No longer will the sons of God be cowards and idiots who allow evil to roam free.

The battle cry is hereby released, to those who have the ability to hear and understand.

In Jesus’ name,

David Sorensen

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