“In the supramental creation, there will no longer be any religions.
The whole life will be the expression, the flowering into forms of the divine Unity manifesting in the world.” – The Mother
Let All The Religions Perish.
Let It All Go.
All the dogma, institutions, and organizations with their hierarchies, titles, silly hats, turbans, and costumes.
All the churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues.
All the mechanical rituals, ceremonies, holidays, and superstitions that are based on a nostalgic, outdated past, corruption of spiritual truths, and distortions of scripture.
Religion has been used for social control for thousands of years via projecting human morality and characteristics on a judging external God. The biggest deception of all.
Even now, we see the resurrection (pardon the pun) of an exoteric dogmatic medieval wetiko-infused fundamentalist Christianity [trad movement] that is far removed from the deeper esoteric Christian teachings.
It will all perish anyway, and no one can stop it as we enter a new cycle in this cosmic unfolding and descent of the supra-mental divine consciousness—beyond the mind’s grasp.
It’s the end of the age of Pisces, the end of all belief systems, and the end of religion.
Once you stop calling yourself a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or whatever Faith, Scripture, or Religion you identify yourself with, then the path to the Divine of full embodied Self-Realization is completely open without external man-made distortions, mental images, ideas, and savior projections.
Divine Truth cannot be organized or compiled in a “written word by God.” Scriptures can serve as a guide to an extent, but distortions and dogma are inevitable, especially if one is very identified with a certain teaching and Faith.
Whenever there is an attempt to organize it, the anti-divine forces succeed in manipulating humans through a grain of Truth and vector them to seek salvation outside themselves, like the Jesus savior program – the most cunning traps of all distorted spiritual truths.
Remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street when they saw ahead of them a man bend down, pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket?
The friend said to the devil, “What did that man pick up?”
“He picked up a piece of Truth,” said the devil.
“That is a very bad business for you, then,” said his friend.
“Oh, not at all,” the devil replied, “I am going to let him organize it.”
Or, as Satprem noted:
“The real mischief of the devil is not to sow falsehood and hatred in the world, such as Attila or the Nazis have done – he is far too clever for that – but to lay hands on a grain of Truth and then to twist it ever so slightly. Nothing is more intractable than a perverted truth because the falsehood is made that much stronger by the power of Truth it contains.”
Yet, we still have a long way to go, for humans are very attached to their beliefs and identification, and we are still like kindergarten children regarding the evolution of consciousness.
We are still distracted by external progress and technological gadgets. We look for god in letters in a book but never sincerely go deep within ourselves.
We neglect our inner lives while identifying with the outer superficial ego-personality, the false persona with all its identifications and attachments.
Nor do we need a one-world religion, a “unification” of all the core ideas of all religions. That is still limited, distorted, and is already being hijacked by the anti-divine forces who bring forth falsehood as “Truth” to introduce a new world [New Age] religion, just as dogmatic Christianity has been hijacked to sell the “savior” program and divert people from Truth.
Atheism, along with Communism, neo-Marxism, and the Religion of Transhumanism, will also eventually perish. Materialistic Science and Darwinism will be an archaic relic of a kindergarten past. None of them can stand in the presence of the Divine Truth and Divine Will.
We don’t need merely a shift in consciousness but a complete transmutation – the divinization of matter and life. It’s not about escaping life, being raptured in “heaven,” escaping “Maya,” or entering “paradise” in the afterlife. All these ideas are religious distortions of the old world.
The supramental Divine Truth outshining all religions is not a teaching, not moral conduct of rules and principles; it’s not an idea or idealogy, a system, a dogma, or an -ism.
It can’t be organized, controlled, imposed, or taught.
It is nothing the mind can even begin to comprehend. It’s the end of the mind [hence supra-mental] and the beginning of the Divine Gnostic Being [not to be mistaken for Gnosticism], embodying the supramental consciousness – the aim of the evolutionary process of humans embodying God’s Will, fully and integral.
It can only be realized.
This is what this Time of Transition is about.
All the dark shadows, errors, imperfections, pathologies, ignorance, secrets, evil, and lies in the world, AND WITHIN YOU, need to come to light and be purified and transmuted in the fire of Agni.
As long as you see only dark, imperfections, and evil in the world and others but don’t face yourself, the anti-divine matrix forces have you in their hidden hands while you “dream of being awake,” but you are still asleep.
This process requires tremendous humility and courage at the same time.
Everything will be “forced” to come to light in the presence of the Divine Truth. Nothing can stop it in the long run. This process manifests “externally” in the world and within you, for all is ONE.
But the process will take many more lifetimes and cycles, and it takes conscious Alignment and Work.
It requires the descent into the proverbial “underworld,” battling demons within and without including your “dark persona,” the shadow that you project externally on others—all of which are your teachers, for all is the play of the Divine. Nothing can exist outside the Mind of God.
But be careful now. The higher Truth of “All is One” can be easily abused for spiritual bypassing, as it’s common in New Age circles.
We didn’t come here for vacation, mindless indulgence, and just manifestations of our “desires.” Your ego may want certain things and experiences – tempted by the matrix forces, but your soul has a different plan, trajectory, and purpose.
For some people, the soul is already ripe enough to engage in this Work consciously, no longer driven by conditioned desires; for others, it may take a few more lifetimes to “grow the soul” until it “comes to the front” and takes charge and answers the call of the Divine.
Yet, you signed up to be here right now, and it’s your call to embrace this adventure of consciousness into the unknown and the Great Work we are called to participate in. The outcome still depends on YOU, even though it is guaranteed.
Welcome to the paradox of it all, which the mind won’t be able to reconcile.
“When the time comes that man no longer wishes to remain a child but wants to grow up and become an adult, then he must understand and neither deceive himself nor others.
Then he will see that God is to be found not in any particular form but in all forms, not in any particular place, but everywhere, not through any single vehicle, faith, cult, religion, building, or man, but in the Infinite.
You will never find God anywhere else but in those conditions; the rest is merely your idea of God, your mental picture. These are purely intellectual things, they are not God or Reality.
So if man wishes to awaken, if he wants to understand himself, he must face the fact that the real avenue to contact with God is not outside himself but within, directly inside. He must find his own way to God through and within himself.
That is, if he seeks God there is no other way, but if he is looking for ideas, concepts, or mental images, then he can take what orthodox religions and cults offer him.
And because most people have been content to let others do their thinking and their questing for them, they have been satisfied with those conditions.”
– Paul Brunton, The Inner Reality
Places of Worship and Occult Forces Feeding on Humans
Growing up in Europe, I visited several famous churches and cathedrals in France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Despite their amazing architecture, art, and esoteric symbolism, I’ve always felt something off in those places of worship. Perhaps it was a different energy and intention when they were first built.
However, I couldn’t ignore a very dark life-force-sucking energy in virtually all of those places. It became even more apparent a few years ago when I revisited some of those old churches and cathedrals.
Tuning into the energy of these places was truly disturbing and icky; literally made me physically nauseous in some instances. Very heavy and depleting. I couldn’t stay inside for long.
While I’m not a clairvoyant, I felt the same dark energy that Mirra Alfassa (The Mother) described in her experience, and what she describes helped me understand my visceral experience visiting these places of worship:
“I saw in one of the most beautiful cathedrals of France, which, from the artistic point of view, is one of the most magnificent monuments imaginable – in the most sacred spot I saw an enormous [non-physical] black, vital spider [occult hostile force] which had made its web and spread it over the whole place, and was catching in it and then absorbing all the forces emanating from people’s devotion, their prayers and all that.
It was not a very cheering sight; the people who were there and were praying, felt a divine touch, they received all kinds of boons from their prayers, and yet what was there was this, this thing. So, truly, if I had gone and told them “Do you think you are praying to God? It is an enormous vital spider that’s feeding upon all your forces!”, that would really not have been very charitable.
And that’s how it is most of the time, almost everywhere; it is a vital force that is there, for these [hyperdimensional] vital entities feed upon the vibration of human emotions. The majority of people [visit these places] only because of superstition, egoism, and self-interest and create an atmosphere of this kind, and that is what you breathe in when you go to a church or temple. And all these people believe this is something holy! But it is a web of the hostile vital forces which use all this to feed upon.
Besides, in the invisible world hardly any beings love to be worshipped, except those of the vital [lower astral world]. These, as I said, are quite pleased by it. And then, it gives them importance. They are puffed up with pride and feel very happy, and when they can get a herd of people to worship them, they are quite satisfied.
I know them, those entities. I know them very well, but they are vital beings, vital forms which, so to say, are given a form by human thought, and what forms! And to think that men worship such terrible and monstrous things.
From this point of view, it is good that for some time, men get out of this religious atmosphere, so full of fear and this sort of blind, superstitious submission of which the hostile forces have taken a dreadful advantage.
It is only when one comes out of that and the abject submission to monstrous vital forces that one can rise to truly spiritual heights, and there become the collaborator and true instrument of the forces of Truth, the real Consciousness, the true Power. One must leave all this far behind before one can climb higher.” – The Mother Mirra Alfassa, The Hidden Forces of Life
You don’t need any man-made building nor any dogmatic religion (with a hierarchy of priests, bishops, and popes) to connect to God, the Divine, or whatever you may want to call it. It’s nothing outside of yourself, either.
Do you know what the most magnificent and powerful “cathedral” that I visited brought me “closer to God” within me, seeing the Divine in all and everything? It was sitting at the edge of the Grand Canyon in silence. It was pure nature, nothing man-made. There were no crosses, deities, images, or any forms of symbols to worship and pray to.
It’s also fairly obvious that all dogmatic monotheistic religions have been created and used for social control and suppression for centuries. Organized dogmatic religion is an archonic creation designed to suck your life force, harness your energy, and give away your power out of your own “free will,” feeding on guilt and shame for the “sinner” you are based on the lie that God is outside yourself – some being in the sky and judging your every step.
The Birth of A New World and A New Spirituality
“The old spirituality was an escape from life into the divine Reality, leaving the world just where it was, as it was, whereas our new vision, on the contrary, is a divinization of life, a transformation of the material world into a divine world.
It is not the old one transforming itself; it is a new world that is born. And we are right in the midst of this period of transition where the two are entangled — where the other still persists all-powerful and entirely dominating the ordinary consciousness, but where the new one is quietly slipping in, still very modest, unnoticed — unnoticed to the extent that outwardly it doesn’t disturb anything very much, for the time being, and that in the consciousness of most people, it is even altogether imperceptible. And yet it is working, growing — until it is strong enough to assert itself visibly
In any case, to simplify things, it could be said that characteristically, the old world, the creation of what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind, was an age of the gods and, consequently, the age of religions.
As I said, the flower of human effort towards what is above it gave rise to innumerable religious forms, to a religious relationship between the best souls and the invisible world.
And at the very summit of all that, as an effort towards a higher realization, there has arisen the idea of the unity of religions, of this “one single thing” which is behind all these manifestations, and this idea has truly been, so to speak, the extreme limit of human aspiration.
Well, that is at the frontier; it is something that still belongs completely to the Overmind world, the Overmind creation, and which from there seems to be looking towards this “other thing,” which is a new creation it cannot grasp — which it tries to reach, feels coming, but cannot grasp. To grasp it, a reversal is needed. It is necessary to leave the Overmind creation. It was necessary that the new creation, the supramental creation, should take place.
And now, all these old things seem so old, so out-of-date, so arbitrary — such a travesty of the real truth.
In the supramental creation, there will no longer be any religions. The whole life will be the expression, the flowering into forms of the divine Unity manifesting in the world.
When the physical substance is supramentalised, to incarnate on earth will no longer be a cause of inferiority; quite the contrary. It will give a plenitude which cannot be obtained otherwise.
But all this is in the future; it is a future… which has begun but which will take some time to be realized integrally. Meanwhile, we are in a very special situation, extremely special, without precedent.
We are now witnessing the birth of a new world; it is very young, very weak — not in its essence but in its outer manifestation — not yet recognized, not even felt, denied by the majority. But it is here. It is here, making an effort to grow, absolutely sure of the result.
But the road to it is a completely new road which has never before been traced out — nobody has gone there, nobody has done that! It is a beginning, a universal beginning. So, it is an absolutely unexpected and unpredictable adventure.
There are people who love adventure. It is these I call, and I tell them this: “I invite you to the great adventure.”
It is not a question of repeating spiritually what others have done before us, for our adventure begins beyond that.
It is a question of a new creation, entirely new, with all the unforeseen events, the risks, the hazards it entails — a real adventure whose goal is certain victory, but the road to which is unknown and must be traced out step by step in the unexplored.
Something that has never been in this present universe and that will never be again in the same way. If that interests you… well, let us embark. What will happen to you tomorrow — I have no idea.
One must put aside all that has been foreseen, all that has been devised, all that has been constructed, and then… set off walking into the unknown. And — come what may! There.” – The Mother Mirra Alfassa
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