Cult of Ba’al stages mass sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians in doomed attempt to get money
(Second Part of the Above Article)
October 9, 2023
... The reason the attack was staged at this time is because the KM money laundering via Ukraine has been cut off. The KM were hoping to use this Gaza show to get sympathy money to buy time until 2025 when they are planning to stage some sort of horrific atrocity, MI6 sources say.
Another reason Netanyahu rushed the attack was because Iranian intelligence scored a major coup. Iranian intelligence sources inform us “The confidential information of Netanyahu’s office is in the hands of Iranians,” As a part of their intelligence hoard they obtained a “list of personal information and pictures of Netanyahu’s opponents that he kept with him, including Ehud Barak, Benny Gantz and Ehud Olmert,” the sources said. “We have also obtained special information from the list of foreign journalists who received bribes from Netanyahu’s office; This list includes European, American and Israeli journalists, and all the special information and amounts they have received are stated in it. All personal pictures and confidential files were removed from Netanyahu’s office through an electronic memory and are now with Iran’s security institutions and will be published,” they add.
So in other words, Netanyahu needed to fake an emergency in order to anoint himself as God king of Israel before this embarrassing information leak became widely known.
The real question, of course, is why that mass murderer Netanyahu is in charge of Israel instead of in jail or hell where he belongs.
Another bit of embarrassing information is that Hamas is claiming Ukraine sold them the weapons (US-funded) that they used in the attack against Israel.
Then for some reason, they are putting out a story about $6 billion that went to Iran and was then used to fund the attacks in Israel.
Since the fake coup in Russia by Yevgeny Prigozhin was also a $6 billion show, it is a good bet to predict there will be one more $6 billion show in the near future to complete the Satanic 666 number the KM like so much.
Regardless, now that the big Hamas performance has ended in failure, there has been a lot of backpedaling by the Israelis. Just as this report was about to go live, for example, we were sent this video of an attack being staged like a movie.
We also got contacted by an Israeli whistleblower who told us their entire Iron Dome anti-missile defense was a fraud. Israeli scientist and award-winning security expert Dr Motty Scheffer says “Today, there is no missile which can intercept other missiles or rocket-propelled grenades, and the Iron Dome is a light audio system which blocks Israeli public opinion and, of course, itself. In fact, all the explosions that we have seen in the atmosphere are self-destruction. The Iron Dome did not launch any rocket that could intercept at least one missile fired from Gaza.”
So the Israelis are trying to say it was all fake. Unfortunately, their track record shows they do real mass murder along with the theatrics.
Next, the corporate propaganda press in the West started coming out with crocodile-tear “feel sorry for the Palestinian stories” coupled with calls for a two-state solution.
The map below of ever-shrinking Palestinian land shows you this has always been lip service meant to buy time.
The real motive for this call is to try to derail the deal Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia are reaching to fund the US military in exchange for protection. This deal involves Israel absorbing the Palestinians into the Israeli state. Doing so would cut off the big money laundry of “aid for Palestine” that the KM has been using for years.
Speaking about money laundering, Ukrainian officials are now starting to release exact bribe numbers received by US officials as kickbacks for Ukrainian aid. The list is below:
There is another Ukraine angle that is starting to emerge: cocaine. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin says the FSB [Federal Security Service] found five kilograms of cocaine along with ten billion rubles during an investigation into a plane crash that killed top Wagner commanders.
Recall that Wagner Chief Prigozhins’ Chabad death cult partner Vladimir Zelensky is famous for his cocaine use. Then recall that another supporter of the Ukraine genocide, Justin Castrudeau of Canada, was also found with large amounts of cocaine in his plane at a recent G20 meeting in India.
Cocaine from South America has been one of the main sources of income for the Nazis since the end of World War II. The former head of MI6 told us the KM Nazis bought 1000 miles of coastline in Patagonia where they plan to hide out after they destroy the Northern Hemisphere in an all-out nuclear war. That war is now planned for 2025, multiple sources agree.
That is why cutting off the money laundering via the Ukraine and shutting down the US Corporation before then is so important.
The Ukraine has definitely been cut off. The US Congress has ended all new funding for Ukraine.
Then the UK government followed by announcing it would no longer send either arms or money to the Zelensky regime.
Next in line came Poland with their government also cutting the criminal state of the Ukraine off from all support.
Another Ukrainian neighbor, Slovakia, joined the club by putting pro-Russia Prime Minister Robert Fico’s populist party back into power vowing to stop sending weapons to Ukraine
Finally, the Nazi EU was also forced to admit it could no longer support the crime regime that is the Ukraine.
This prompted Putin to declare that Ukraine will “only last a week,” without foreign help.
The last place to support the mass murdering criminal Zelensky is his fellow mass murderer Justin Castrudeau of Canada.
He is not expected to last long either. The man is so hated he cannot appear in public in Canada without being attacked.
He is also flaunting his corruption. Look at him wink at the new Speaker of the House at the Canadian Parliament to see what a creep he is.
Video Player
Even the ladies in his regime appear to know better. Look at the faces of his Nazi handler Christia Freeland and Zelensky’s wife Olena in the video below.
By the way, Olena recently spent $1.1 million in a single shopping spree at Cartier according to Polish intelligence. So, this is apparently where at least some of the aid money went. This information was leaked after she had a Cartier employee fired for “having a bad attitude,” the sources say.
“It’s already game over for Zelensky. Where will he go and hide? There is about a 98% chance he will have an accident. He has already been tossed under the bus,” the Mossad source says.
There is a similar chance the US Corporation itself will get tossed under the bus. The numbers say it all.
The chart below shows total US Debt hit a record $33.442 Trillion, up $275 Billion in ONE DAY.
Financial institutions are also mathematically doomed. US Treasury bonds with maturities of 10 and 30 years have fallen respectively by 46 and 53% since March 2020.
That sort of loss explains why just four banks: JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup’s Citibank accounted for $4.185 trillion of uninsured deposits, or 59 percent of all uninsured deposits at all 4,645 federally insured institutions.
Citibank, after getting the largest bailout in US history in 2008 now has $1.34 trillion in uninsured deposits.
Since these banks own the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury, this might explain why their headquarters are now covered up in white plastic.
Add this for thought. 😎
I don't know if this means anything at all, but putting it out there. I bike ride often in DC and noticed both the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury building, next to the White House, look like this:— Quantum (@QuantumQlink) September 28, 2023
The financial crisis is also affecting Main Street. US commercial Chapter 11 bankruptcies have gone up 61% in the first nine months of 2023, according to Epiq Bankruptcy, which provides U.S. bankruptcy filing data.
No wonder the fake Joe Biden is no longer even pretending to be president as you can see from the exchange below:
Journalist: “What’s your advice to the next house speaker.”
Joe Biden: “That’s above my pay grade.”
He’s telling you he is an actor without telling you.
Note his eyes and the line of the mask.
Of course, going bankrupt is the least of the worries for the families that own the US Corporation. Getting hanged is their real worry.
For example, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Klaus Schwab Rothschild is a “globalist terrorist” who is holding humanity hostage. During a speech in Sochi, he warned that the days of this elite are numbered.
Vladimir Putin has given Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, a thorough warning. 👏👏👏
According to Putin, Schwab is a "globalist terrorist" who is holding humanity hostage. During a speech in Sochi, he warned that the days of this elite are numbered. 🎯🎯🎯…
— 🍁Antonio Tweets (@AntonioTweets2) October 8, 2023
In the US, Senator Rand Paul says Anthony Fauci should be in prison for being a traitor.
That is too kind. The corpses of thousands of children killed by Dr. Anthony Fauci in illegal medical experiments have been uncovered in Hawthorne, New York, strengthening the case to have the former NIH director charged with crimes against humanity and crimes against children.
The details are in the video linked below.
It is not just Fauci.
A Russian government spokeswoman says Coca Coca-Cola company is implicated in the purchase of children from Ukraine. They also claim black market organ harvesting has taken place on a large scale there.
All Deep-State minions will be publicly exposed and prosecuted. Mass murder by vaccine will the crime will most likely get them executed. Here is a fraction of the evidence for this.
Official data released by Canada’s government shows that 74% of triple-vaxxed Canadians now have Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). Yes, that’s AIDS caused by the vaccine.
Compared to the natural immune system of their unvaccinated counterparts, the data reveals that the double-vaccinated population across Canada has now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability.
The triple-vaccinated population across Canada has now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability.
So much damage has now been done that the figures show the double vaccinated population are on average 3.8 times more likely to be infected with COVID-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than the unvaccinated population, The Exposé reports.
In the UK as well, 92% of deaths were due to COVID-19 in 2022 was among the triple vaccinated, government data shows.
The data is available on the ONS website.
Russia is also involved. Sputnik V vaccines with a substance other than the one tested were delivered to Slovakia “The Russian Fund is of the opinion that Slovaks had no right to test the vaccine in laboratories that are not part of official European Union facilities.”
Now it turns out the elite themselves were not taking the vaccine they were forcing on everyone else. This has been proven in New Zealand and elsewhere.
Here you can watch WHO Terrorist boss Tedros (who says he did not take the vaccine) congratulate the Nobel Prize winners whose mRNA tech has enabled “safe and effective” injections against COVID.
He is going to regret these words and the Nobel Committee will be held responsible for rewarding mass murder.
Many are already trying to weasel their way out of responsibility.
“The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of COVID. Today, the head of OSHA claimed “We didn’t demand that anyone be fired” despite issuing a worker vaccine mandate for 84 million Americans that was struck down by the Supreme Court."
You can be sure the KM will try some more horrific stunts to try to avoid justice. One stunt is sure to involve all those military-aged men they have smuggled into the US and Europe.
In the video below an Uber driver says a middle-aged male migrant told him he is a soldier whose salary is paid by the UN. He was given a credit card, ID and told to live in the US and wait for further instructions.
Next, look closely at all the invaders found in Europe recently. They all have the same clothes and shoes. None of them paid for their ‘boat trip’ passage to Europe. It’s all financed directly by the U.N via the NGO’s.
The other thing the KM is doing is threatening the world with their weather and earthquake weapons.
We have been informed a high-energy neutrino device in Antarctica caused three major earthquakes on October 6 and 7, 2023.
Maybe someone should remind the KM that nuclear weapons can reach Antarctica.
There is much that we cannot report yet but, keep an eye out for public arrests and resignations of very senior people. If you see the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab being paraded in handcuffs in front of the cameras you will know justice is finally being done.
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