The Galactic Federation, also called Galactic Federation of Light, the Confederation (of Planets), Interstellar Alliance, Sphere Being Alliance or the Galactic Federation of Worlds, is a cooperation of space traveling civilizations in our Milky Way Galaxy. The Federation consists of hundreds of thousands of members and was founded millions of years ago, after a series of wars in the Lyra constellation. The destruction that happened on that occasion led to the survivors trying from then on to solve galactic conflicts in a peaceful way.
Every inhabited galaxy in our universe has a federation, but ours is one of the eldest.
The Galactic Federation has an enormous fleet of space ships at its disposal that mediate, or if needed, intervene in any place where conflicts impend. The interdimensional technologies that they can use are of such a high level that we can hardly imagine them. Their control of energy is almost perfect, so things like dematerializing, becoming invisible or the creation of small orbs of energy that can be released with an assignment (for example to create crop circles) is no problem at all.
Their ships are often created of living material. Some are as large as planets and are totally self-sufficient with woods, fields and rivers. The Federation's fleet consists of ships of the participating nations and several singly operating fleets. Some of these fleets are headed by commanders who have become somewhat renown on Earth and are sometimes channeled, like Ashtar and Hatonn. These channelings started some 50 years ago (1) and lately more and more self-declared mediums claim to be doing so, but most of them don't seem to be very pure.
The bigger ships of the Galactic Federation are self-contained worlds (the picture is an impression)
The Galactic Federation is controlled by a large council, made up of smaller councils, that themselves consist of even smaller councils, each of which has representation from all of the separate members. This way this enormous organization stays manageable. The hierarchy between members is usually determined by their spiritual development. The most highly evolved members are beautiful light beings who voice the Will of God.
At this moment a considerable part of the Galactic Federation is present around the Earth to bring the tumultuous end of our cycle of duality to a happy conclusion. Although our whole universe ascends the Ascension of the Earth is a different story. The millions of ships that are currently hovering around the Earth are roughly split into three layers, of which the outer layer contains the biggest ships (2). This is no static unity but a continuous arrival and departure of all kinds of ships that use the hyperspace and stargates like the sun (3) to travel to their home planets or other places in the universe.
The three layers of space ships of the Galactic Federation (which of course have to be interpreted three-dimensionally). They constantly monitor the Earth and make sure that not a single species with less than friendly intentions can visit the Earth anymore
Since the population on Earth is human, the human civilizations within the Galactic Federation play an important role in the assistance with our ascension process. To this group belong, for example, the Pleiadians and the Sirians. About 40% of the Galactic Federation is human, the rest consists of other species and light beings. Many of them share a genetic link with us but are more highly developed than we are.
They have visited our planet for millions of years and left behind many souvenirs such as buildings and art objects, although many of them have been made by negative alien visitors who are no part of the Galactic Federation.
This link with extraterrestrials is hidden as much as possible by mainstream science, which is under the control of the illuminati.
Picture of an underwater pyramid complex resembling the constellation of the Pleiades (4). If you enter these coordinates (41 13' 30"N, 72 41'W) in Google Earth, you arrive at the Long Island Sound, a 20 to 100 meters deep bay near New York. The picture is part of "The Orion Conspiracy"
To obey the Universal Law of Non-Interference as much as possible, the contact with earthlings has been kept to a minimum by the Galactic Federation until now. People that they contact directly, like Billy Meier of Switzerland, Carlos Diaz of Mexico (5) and Howard Menger of the US (6), often have a genetic link with a certain galactic civilization. They live a life on Earth on behalf of them so that their experiences can be shared later. As this usually happens in a higher dimension, the others can literally tap into the energy of a certain experience and relive it (7).
Only by exception do friendships between friendly aliens and earthlings arise when this was not originally planned to happen (8). Generally they stay in the background as much as possible. However, they are the guarantee that the Ascension process goes as planned and that the actions of the illuminati, who are trying everything to disturb this process, are not too effective. They're keeping the oxygen level in our air up to the mark, preventing nuclear attacks and wars (9), cleaning up radioactive fallout, eliminating (chemical) pollution, chemtrails and diseases and minimizing the effects from natural disasters, man-made or not, etc.
As soon as the heads of Government of the countries on Earth, who mostly know of their existence, exercise transparency, this will change. According to the channelings (10) which are the way that the members of the Galactic Federation communicate with us until now, they will then show themselves in public more and their superior technology will partially become available for us.
"Normally we would refrain from direct contact, as it is essential to allow developing civilizations to find their own path to understanding and experience as they choose. It would be quite incorrect if in desiring to assist you we altered your course of evolution, and that is why we often explain to you that we cannot be seen to interfere. It is different when the Lords of Creation give us the authorization to do so, as it is they who plan your cycles." - SaLuSa, channeled by Mike Quinsey, December 22, 2010.
(1) The Origins of L/L Research - Extraterrestrial Communication. [back up]
(2) New~Motherships Caught On Amateur Telescope. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(3) Nassim Haramein 'Earth-sized space-ships crash into Sun [2011 ©] - YouTube.flv. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(4) APOD: 2006 January 9 - M45: The Pleiades Star Cluster. [back up]
(5) 1/4 El caso Carlos Díaz: Las naves de luz. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(6) Space Brother Contactees Part 1 of 5 - Howard Menger, of Tassel & Dan Fry. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(7) Nanci Danison's Extraordinary Near-Death Experience (excerpt at 35:13). Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(8) The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ). Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(9) Disclosure Conference, National Press Club, 27 September 2010 (extended version, English subtitles). Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(10) Galactic Channelings [back up]
(11) Wanderer of the Skies - October 15, 2011
Other interesting links:
Channel of sphericalwjr08800. With his videocamera on 'night vision' contactee William Roehling scans the night sky looking for ships of the Galactic Federation flying over (not to be confused with satellites). Almost every time they grant his telepathic request to give him a signal of light.
2012 Equation Solved - Part 1/8. People who have mastered themselves at astral traveling, can after some initial resistance get out of our Earth's atmosphere and see the ships of the Galactic Federation and watch their activities. Through channelings the Galactic Federation have let us know that they can detect when they are being 'spied on' and they can lead away or block such a spirit if this doesn't happen with the right intentions (11).
The Galactic Federation, also called Galactic Federation of Light, the Confederation (of Planets), Interstellar Alliance, Sphere Being Alliance or the Galactic Federation of Worlds, is a cooperation of space traveling civilizations in our Milky Way Galaxy. The Federation consists of hundreds of thousands of members and was founded millions of years ago, after a series of wars in the Lyra constellation. The destruction that happened on that occasion led to the survivors trying from then on to solve galactic conflicts in a peaceful way.
Every inhabited galaxy in our universe has a federation, but ours is one of the eldest.
The Galactic Federation has an enormous fleet of space ships at its disposal that mediate, or if needed, intervene in any place where conflicts impend. The interdimensional technologies that they can use are of such a high level that we can hardly imagine them. Their control of energy is almost perfect, so things like dematerializing, becoming invisible or the creation of small orbs of energy that can be released with an assignment (for example to create crop circles) is no problem at all.
Their ships are often created of living material. Some are as large as planets and are totally self-sufficient with woods, fields and rivers. The Federation's fleet consists of ships of the participating nations and several singly operating fleets. Some of these fleets are headed by commanders who have become somewhat renown on Earth and are sometimes channeled, like Ashtar and Hatonn. These channelings started some 50 years ago (1) and lately more and more self-declared mediums claim to be doing so, but most of them don't seem to be very pure.
The bigger ships of the Galactic Federation are self-contained worlds (the picture is an impression)
The Galactic Federation is controlled by a large council, made up of smaller councils, that themselves consist of even smaller councils, each of which has representation from all of the separate members. This way this enormous organization stays manageable. The hierarchy between members is usually determined by their spiritual development. The most highly evolved members are beautiful light beings who voice the Will of God.
At this moment a considerable part of the Galactic Federation is present around the Earth to bring the tumultuous end of our cycle of duality to a happy conclusion. Although our whole universe ascends the Ascension of the Earth is a different story. The millions of ships that are currently hovering around the Earth are roughly split into three layers, of which the outer layer contains the biggest ships (2). This is no static unity but a continuous arrival and departure of all kinds of ships that use the hyperspace and stargates like the sun (3) to travel to their home planets or other places in the universe.
The three layers of space ships of the Galactic Federation (which of course have to be interpreted three-dimensionally). They constantly monitor the Earth and make sure that not a single species with less than friendly intentions can visit the Earth anymore
Since the population on Earth is human, the human civilizations within the Galactic Federation play an important role in the assistance with our ascension process. To this group belong, for example, the Pleiadians and the Sirians. About 40% of the Galactic Federation is human, the rest consists of other species and light beings. Many of them share a genetic link with us but are more highly developed than we are.
They have visited our planet for millions of years and left behind many souvenirs such as buildings and art objects, although many of them have been made by negative alien visitors who are no part of the Galactic Federation.
This link with extraterrestrials is hidden as much as possible by mainstream science, which is under the control of the illuminati.
Picture of an underwater pyramid complex resembling the constellation of the Pleiades (4). If you enter these coordinates (41 13' 30"N, 72 41'W) in Google Earth, you arrive at the Long Island Sound, a 20 to 100 meters deep bay near New York. The picture is part of "The Orion Conspiracy"
To obey the Universal Law of Non-Interference as much as possible, the contact with earthlings has been kept to a minimum by the Galactic Federation until now. People that they contact directly, like Billy Meier of Switzerland, Carlos Diaz of Mexico (5) and Howard Menger of the US (6), often have a genetic link with a certain galactic civilization. They live a life on Earth on behalf of them so that their experiences can be shared later. As this usually happens in a higher dimension, the others can literally tap into the energy of a certain experience and relive it (7).
Only by exception do friendships between friendly aliens and earthlings arise when this was not originally planned to happen (8). Generally they stay in the background as much as possible. However, they are the guarantee that the Ascension process goes as planned and that the actions of the illuminati, who are trying everything to disturb this process, are not too effective. They're keeping the oxygen level in our air up to the mark, preventing nuclear attacks and wars (9), cleaning up radioactive fallout, eliminating (chemical) pollution, chemtrails and diseases and minimizing the effects from natural disasters, man-made or not, etc.
As soon as the heads of Government of the countries on Earth, who mostly know of their existence, exercise transparency, this will change. According to the channelings (10) which are the way that the members of the Galactic Federation communicate with us until now, they will then show themselves in public more and their superior technology will partially become available for us.
"Normally we would refrain from direct contact, as it is essential to allow developing civilizations to find their own path to understanding and experience as they choose. It would be quite incorrect if in desiring to assist you we altered your course of evolution, and that is why we often explain to you that we cannot be seen to interfere. It is different when the Lords of Creation give us the authorization to do so, as it is they who plan your cycles." - SaLuSa, channeled by Mike Quinsey, December 22, 2010.
(1) The Origins of L/L Research - Extraterrestrial Communication. [back up]
(2) New~Motherships Caught On Amateur Telescope. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(3) Nassim Haramein 'Earth-sized space-ships crash into Sun [2011 ©] - YouTube.flv. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(4) APOD: 2006 January 9 - M45: The Pleiades Star Cluster. [back up]
(5) 1/4 El caso Carlos Díaz: Las naves de luz. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(6) Space Brother Contactees Part 1 of 5 - Howard Menger, of Tassel & Dan Fry. Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(7) Nanci Danison's Extraordinary Near-Death Experience (excerpt at 35:13). Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(8) The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ). Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(9) Disclosure Conference, National Press Club, 27 September 2010 (extended version, English subtitles). Link no longer working? Maybe it's still somewhere else on YouTube. [back up]
(10) Galactic Channelings [back up]
(11) Wanderer of the Skies - October 15, 2011
Other interesting links:
Channel of sphericalwjr08800. With his videocamera on 'night vision' contactee William Roehling scans the night sky looking for ships of the Galactic Federation flying over (not to be confused with satellites). Almost every time they grant his telepathic request to give him a signal of light.
2012 Equation Solved - Part 1/8. People who have mastered themselves at astral traveling, can after some initial resistance get out of our Earth's atmosphere and see the ships of the Galactic Federation and watch their activities. Through channelings the Galactic Federation have let us know that they can detect when they are being 'spied on' and they can lead away or block such a spirit if this doesn't happen with the right intentions (11).
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