There can be no denying the fact that there is a world wide ‘awakening’ happening on Planet Earth and this appears to fall in line perfectly with the ET’s! UFO are sightings are at a maximum high across the planet, with MUFON now confirming that the figures have trebled, and this is only the ones reported by individuals. It appears that the Elite are now being pushed into a corner by the ET’s and Alien disclosure is now a 100% inevitable – but when and at what price for humanity?
There was a time, not so long ago, that the mere mention of the word ‘Extraterrestrial’ was either referred to as something sinister in the movies, or you were completely crazy for ever even considering that there was any other lifeforms in the Universe! Now though Aliens, ET’s, UFO’s and the many theories of life beyond planet earth, is headline news and probably one of the most talked about subject matters on social media. But this is completely the opposite of what the controlling Elite want!
It is almost as if the planet is slowly but surely waking up to the fact that the universe is a place that we all belong to. Perhaps this is also to do with the fact that the human race is getting sick and tired of what is currently going on in this planet, what with wars and divisions between the people, spreading across the planet like a disease – people are now starting to look from the outside in and excited about the potential possibilities of what other advanced alien beings could offer us all.
It has been suggested that since the days of Roswell, certain world leaders and governments came to some kind of an agreement with the ET’s. Whether this is true or not, nobody has officially yet confirmed, but one thing for sure is that the ET’s are growing impatient and now beginning to help assist with the drip feeding of disclosure – must to the Elites displeasure!
So what is the evidence, confirming that the ET’s are winning the battle of ‘TRUTH’ against the greedy Elite?
CLEAR UFO sightings are on the RISE – The People are AWAKENING!
The ET’s, whoever they are, are no longer shy, in fact UFO sightings are becoming clearer and clearer! It also helps the fact that most people have cameras on them, due to this being a key feature on smart phones nowadays, making it incredibly easy for world to share their UFO sightings through social media.
The only issue with UFO sightings trebling across the planet, hoaxes are now increasing too, making it harder than ever for the general public to decipher what is real and what is not real. It has been suggested that CIA and other world agencies are helping the spread of hoaxes across social media, in order to weaken the case for ET disclosure. However, some UFO sightings are far too random/un-explainable to be anything but REAL!
The ET’s are no longer hiding and want to be seen by the masses on Planet earth. It is critically important to keep your eyes to the sky as much as you, and to record whatever wonders you may witness out there (and report them to us guys here at U.I.P!).........READ MORE.
The Elites last resort DEADLY tactics
We all know that the elite like to manipulate and control the masses by means of creating divisions amongst us. But, how do they deal with those that know too much and could help bring about the ET’s disclosure? Well, as we have seen MANY times before over the years, the elite will literally ‘take out’ those that either have gained too much inside knowledge or have pushed too hard for the truth (see Max Spiers as a recent example R.I.P – Click HERE for more on this).
Due to the progressive ‘awakening’ of the human race, there is more and more pressure now for the truth to be publicly disclosed, this is where people who have worked within the government who have knowledge of whats really going on, pose a risk to the Elite! Unfortunately for those in the know and perhaps may have shown signs of empathy towards the growing truth seekers, they immediately will have a target on their forehead.
This is no longer a conspiracy theory (please see our article below on this which confirms the deaths) and the body counts are growing, another sure sign that the Elite are losing the disclosure war and now using desperate tactics to contain the situation.
Full disclosure still may not happen anytime soon, however over the last few years there has been a dramatic change in how things are heading. It appears that the ET’s are indeed now forcing their very own disclosure and they are doing this by simply showing their crafts in the skies above us far more frequently – forcing people to awaken from their previous false reality.
Those in the know are now living in fear, realising that the masses on this planet are no longer accepting their lies and deceit. With full ET disclosure comes the eventual destruction of elite, but the ET’s know that with this will come conflicts from those that will not accept our ET friends with open arms – and this is why the aliens are not just landing above London, New York etc and saying “Hi” to the world, they aren’t stupid and realise that the immediate repercussions of this could be disastrous for Planet Earth.
The ET’s are here and no matter what the elite know or have agreed, it will be the men in posh suits who decide whether or not we know the TRUTH about what is really going on.
One thing is for sure, our self-proclaimed world leaders had better not pick a fight against the ET’s, as this would end up being a war that could see the direct removal of elite and their military machines!

Lets hope the Elite do not drag us into this with a force that can not be beaten.
(30 July 2017)
UFO International Project
Discovering the truth about UFO Sightings and Alien contact
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